Music year 7 curriculum

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Year 7

Skills, students will…

• • Each individual class will develop their own • beatboxing performance with an opening call and response, a main polyrhythm, 4 beat breaks • • and a finale • This could then move on to homemade

Beatboxing / Stomp

Move and vocalise in time with the pulse Respond to directions within a performance Perform with energy and enthusiasm Create their own breaks to be integrated into the class performance Choreograph their performances learn to loosely control their voices (dynamics & pitch)


Autumn 1&2

Singing Each individual class will form a choir. They will be taught as a self contained vocal group and will learn 3 songs, one of which will contribute to a whole year performance in the concert

Les Miserables / Opera

• Learn to sing in time and in tune • Put two different songs together at the same time whilst maintaining independence • Respond to directions within a performance • Perform with energy and enthusiasm • Have the opportunity to sing as a soloist • Choreograph their performances

• Learn to perform as part of the chorus in an opera or Les Mis Each individual class will become a chorus. They will perform in character, they will learn • Learn a sequence of songs from the given style taught in an authentic about a major piece of repertoire through active way engagement with the material • Learn to use their voices so as to help convey the meaning of the story.

Music Production Spring 1&2

Each student will learn to use the basic functions of Logic Pro. They will learn a piece on the keyboards, they will write their own 4 bar melodies and record them. They will learn to perform Rhythm Karate.

• Learn to use logic pro/garage band (mac/iPad) • learn to identify the notes on the keyboard • learn Rhythm Karate (crotchet, quaver, minim, semibreve & corresponding rests) • Develop Keyboard skills through MGMT Kids • Write their own 4 bar melody using paper folding and Rhythm Karate

Rhythm Carousel

Summer 1&2

Instead of the Les Mis topic, students will experience two contrasting styles of collective musicking: Dhol drumming and djembe drumming. Half a term will be spent on each and, far from drawing parallels, it is important that students actively live out the contextual, pedagogic and musical differences between the two styles. At the end of this topic, students will vote as a class for which topic they would like to carry on studying in the first half term of Y8.

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Learn to play Dha, Na & Ge Learn to put together their own 4 or 8 beat Bol Learn to perform the simple chaal Learn to perform the chaal Learn to play the break: Dha, Ge-Na, Na, Dha, Ge-Na, Na, Dha, Create a four bar break in small groups Learn to play Big Band Bhangra on dhol and Big Band instruments.

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