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INA Primary Newsletter

29April 2016


Dear Parents and Carers, Firstly, apologies for not getting the newsletter online last Friday. We had a few technical glitches, but I really appreciated having a number of parents letting me know, as it shows me that you are all so keen to read the weekly updates. We also have a few hard copies available in the reception area each week if you are unable to access the newsletters online, but since we are a school that tries to keep printing and paper waste to a minimum, we encourage you to read the online versions. Tam Broadway

Message from the Reception Teachers Please continue to upload and share any great learning moments with your child at home. It is important that your child’s work includes learning steps from home and school to demonstrate their understanding and development. We are especially trying to capture quality independent writing pieces this half term; it would be great if you could upload any great examples on Tapestry and then send the writing piece into school so that we can celebrate the work in our class writing galleries. We will also be introducing our Superheroes Writing Fortnight, where we hope to encourage and celebrate our fantastic writing. Watch this space! We will continue to send home handwriting practice as part of home learning along with a parent guide for support. To gain a better understanding of the Early Learning Goals, they are available for you to view on the school website under the Community Tab and Parents Resources. 2  INA Newsletter


>>> News PE Lessons in Reception

As part of your child’s learning and demonstrating a ‘good level of development’ for their age, they must be able to dress and undress themselves. This will also help them as they move up to Year 1 in September. This term, on Mondays, the children are expected to come to school in their normal school uniform and will need to bring their PE kit with them to change into for their afternoon lesson. They will remain in their PE kit for the rest of the day, bringing their school uniform home in their bag. Can you please ensure that every item of clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name. There is now a lost property box in the main reception area for any items found around the school, or for you to drop off any items that your child may have taken home by mistake. Composer of the Fortnight

For the next two weeks we will be listening to and learning about Dizzy Gillespie as our Composer of the Fortnight. As a suggested activity to support at home, you could gather some facts about Gillespie in preparation for the coming weeks. Information can also be found on the following links.

Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. INA Newsletter 3

Exciting Learning

The Reception children enjoyed making cards and having a role-play Tea Party to help celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday last week. We also sang Happy Birthday to the Queen during our Friday Awards and Recognition assembly.

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Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week!

Primary Praise and Recognition

very week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate E in assembly, one in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week.

Curie Class: Maya Kimborowicz – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for being a good role model during choosing time, showing other children how to make a certain craft.) Ryan Abraham – Scholar of the Week (for wonderful independent writing describing his favourite superhero toy.) Maxwell Class: Safwan Khan – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for trying his best to focus and keep his magnet eyes on the carpet.) Sohana Hoque – Scholar of the Week (for writing a fantastic comic about Super Ted.) Newton Class: Ahmer Ahmer – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for concentrating and including finger spaces to produce lovely writing.) Jeevan Hunjan – Scholar of the Week (for the fantastic effort she made in her letter formation in literacy.) Britten Class: Eesa Anwar – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for showing self-discipline when listening carefully to others.) Zaynul Bhagwan – Scholar of the Week (for maintaining great concentration whilst on the carpet.) Fitzgerald Class: Kaysha Reid – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for trying to concentrate and not get distracted on the carpet.) Emaan Hassan – Scholar of the Week (for having great discussions about seasonal change.) Glennie Class: Nandini Sharma – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for always showing her motivation and enthusiasm when it comes to her learning.) Aayan Hussain – Scholar of the Week (for working incredibly hard during maths this week to find 1 more/fewer and 10 more/fewer.)

The following pupil has received 75 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘gold’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Nicholas Fertrina Jardiel


The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Yusuf Mahmud Asiyah Ali Tanmanjot Sandhu

Maxwell Curie Newton

Headteacher’s Lunch

Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch next week on Thursday 5th May. An invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly: Kuljit Aytan Britten Aisha Bashir Glennie Raina Islam Fitzgerald Riya Patel Curie Tanmanjot Sandhu Newton Srisakthi Velumurgan Maxwell Maya Kimborowicz Curie

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At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance at the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly. Curie Maxwell

96.3% 97.4%









Overall Attendance: 94.9 Congratulations to Maxwell class, who are the winners for this week! Our overall attendance is still lower than the expected National Average and we all have to work hard if we are to meet and exceed this – let’s hope we can do better next week. National average attendance for primary schools is 96.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100% 6  INA Newsletter


Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential.

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a well-rounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel above

Week commencing 2nd May – Bravery Bravery comprises five dispositions: Leadership, Optimism, Risk-taking, Courage, Experimentation At School: • • • •

We encourage the children to try new things and experiment every day, whether it is a food that they have not tried before or new activities that they may not normally choose during the afternoon sessions. We always encourage the children to have courage when they fall over and hurt themselves and to remain as calm as possible while we help them. We aim for all pupils to demonstrate their leadership skills by helping others and being great role models. We encourage some of the quieter pupils to have the courage to share their ideas in class and to work with optimism, developing a ‘can do’ attitude.

At Home: Encourage your child to try as many different things as possible – whether it is food, different enrichment clubs etc. It is important that the pupils are able to try things without worrying about getting it wrong. Remind your child at home about being smart in their appearance and role-modelling good behaviour through their leadership skills. Tam Broadway, Head of Primary INA Newsletter 7

Key Dates for the Spring Term 2016: Primary Future Key Dates for Summer Term Maxwell Class Assembly (Maxwell Class Parents Invited) – Friday 13th May 3.00pm Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May Coffee Morning with the Head of Primary – Friday 20th May 9.00-10.00am Half Term Break – Friday 27th May Back to School – Monday 6th June Newton Class Assembly (Newton Class Parents Invited) – Friday 17th June 3.00pm Staff Inset Days – School Closed Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June Staff Inset Day – Friday 8th July Coffee Morning with the Head of Primary – Tuesday 12th July 9.00-10.00am Reports Sent Home – Friday 15th July Parent Progress Meetings – Tuesday 19th July Celebration and Awards Assembly – Wednesday20th July – Times TBC Last Day of Term – Wednesday 20th July – 12.15pm Finish Selling of School Uniform – Friday 22nd July

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