INA Secondary Newsletter
1 July 2016
A Warm Invite to INA’s Awards Assemblies Wednesday 20th July 2016 On Wednesday 20th July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies. This is an important opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the times as follows: 11.15- 12.00
Y7 assembly
Dining Hall
Y8 assembly
KS3 Hall
Y10 assembly
Dining Hall
At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group and would like to invite one parent to attend on behalf of the family. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect a ticket for the awards assembly from his/ her form tutor. Please request your ticket by Monday 11th July. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like a second place, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. I look forward to seeing you on 20th July. Jo Spencer Vice Principal
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Dear Parents and Carers
Yesterday we welcomed all our new Year 6 students for a taster day. They had a busy day of tests and familiarisation activities and were presented with a book each to read over the summer and a book mark with a personal message from a year 7 INA student. We look forward to seeing them again on 21st July for uniform collection.
Congratulations to all our students who represented INA this week in the borough athletics and performed so well. Congratulations too to our Teen Tech Finalists. Read all about these events later in the newsletter. On Tuesday 5th July the National Union of Teachers (NUT) have called members out on strike. School will be closed to all secondary students (please note that the primary pupils have school as usual). Many families will be celebrating Eid at the start of next week. If Eid falls on Tuesday 5th July it will therefore not be necessary for families to request a leave of absence. If Eid falls on Wednesday 6th July, parents are entitled to request leave of absence for one school day only by completing the INA Leave of Absence form (available from the school office) and returning it IN ADVANCE. We are currently not expecting Eid to fall on Thursday and so expect all students to be in school on Thursday 7th July. On Friday 8th July the school is closed for staff training. With best wishes
achel Macfarlane, rincipal
INA Newsletter 3
Year 9 End of Key Stage 3 Awards Ceremony Tuesday 19th July 6pm - 7pm We are holding a special awards ceremony for Year 9s to mark the end of Key Stage 3. Students will go home at the end of the school day and return to school at 5.45pm, dressed formally in their finest outfits, to meet with their tutors, co tutors and tutor groups in preparation for the ceremony. The awards ceremony will commence at 6pm. We would like every student to be represented by a parent/carer at the ceremony. Due to seating restrictions, we are only able to accommodate 2 adults per family and no guests under the age of 16 years. Tickets will be distributed on 4th July. Parents must bring their ticket to gain entry – one ticket per person. Parents/carers and students are invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the ceremony. Year 9 students will work from home on 20th July, the last day of term. Please note that awards assemblies for Year 7, 8 and 10 students will take place on Tuesday 20th July and all Year 7, 8 and 10 students are expected to attend school on this day. Ms Spencer Vice Principal
INA 6th Form Launch Thursday July 7th 2016 6pm-7pm
Y10 students and parents are warmly invited to the launch evening of our 6th form! This evening will be an opportunity for you to hear more about: • • • •
Overall entry requirements for entry into the 6th form in 2017 The subjects we will offer in our founding year and their entry requirements The Extended Project Qualification Wider opportunities available to support students in applying to university
At the event you will receive a copy of our 6th form prospectus and our course guide. We look forward to welcoming you then! Ms Alibhai Assistant Principal 4 INA Newsletter
INA’s End of Term Awards Assemblies for Years 7, 8 and 10 Wednesday 20th July 2016 On Wednesday 20th July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies for years 7, 8 and 10. This is an opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. Look out for next week’s newsletter when we will publish the times of each awards assembly. Jo Spencer Vice Principal.
Costumes needed! We are in the process of getting all the costumes together for the end of year production. If anyone has any of the following items that they are willing to lend us we would be very grateful:Wigs – any colour Flat cap A feminine apron (frills, pink etc) Whistle Messenger bag Graduation Mortar Leather jacket Tweed jacket Matching tracksuit / shell suit Judo outfit If students could bring any items to S01 it would be most appreciated Many thanks Ms Hinds, Ms Chamberlain the costume team INA Newsletter 5
The TeenTech Awards 2016 On Monday 20th June, three of our Year 9 students visited The Royal Society in London, the UK's national academy for Science, to attend the final of the TeenTech Awards 2016, an event sponsored by HRH The Duke of York, and supported by the likes of Professor Brian Cox, BBC Technology Correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones, and Jo Johnson MP.
The Maniyar, TeenTech Ayesha Avni Dhanjal, and Jiya Shahzad in Year 9 formed one of only 50 teams to have been selected out of a total of 1400 teams that entered the competition back in April this year, after we challenged them, and nine other students, to use technology to solve one or more real-world problems The 12 students came up with scientific and technological solutions to real problems across a range of categories including energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and wearable technology. The girls' product – a smart glove that would allow you to send and receive information to and from your phone without the risk or inconvenience of having to take your phone out of your pocket – caught the eyes of the judges, who were full of praise for their imagination and their artwork.
After finding out that they were through to the final, however, the girls were forced to confront the fact that they still had a lot of scientific and technological research to do. With support, they simplified their design, and learnt about vibrating motors, Bluetooth chips, microprocessors, solar power, magnetic batteries, flexible OLED screens, GPS sensors and much, much more! I couldn't have been prouder of them as I watched them presenting to the judges in their category in the face of fierce competition from the other students there. Sadly, they didn't take the trophy in the end, but they did themselves and INA proud, not least because they've already bounced back from their defeat, declaring that they fully intend to reapply next year!
Miss Rudd
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Who else participated in the project this year? The students who completed the TeenTech project and gained Silver awards for the quality of their STEM knowledge were as follows: Amber Khandwalla and Noshin Samiya: Their project, a toothpaste dispenser which they called EazyPaste, was praised by the judges for the quality of research it contained, including their use of industry experts.
Tahsin Naher and Cherice Chana: Their product, a self-heating hat, was praised as being something that there is a market for already, but they were advised to consider how they might make their product different from those currently available online.
Hamza Shaukat, Taner Mustafa, and Aasif Rahman: Their product, a toothbrush with built-in mouthwash, was praised by the judges as a good concept that they had presented well in terms of design and communication skills.
Why are the TeenTech Awards so important?
According to a recent survey, almost 50% of young people make career decisions based on the advice they get from their parents. Another 30% are influenced by their teachers or their friends. But how informed are any of these people about the careers of tomorrow? Consider the facts below: •
Statistics suggest that 47% of jobs will disappear over the next two decades because of technology. But for every job lost, two will be created.
The ICT workforce is likely to increase by 39% by 2030.
By 2020 the EU could face a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT professionals.
In the next five years, there will be as many as 132,000 job opportunities in big data.
The UK's GDP could increase by 10% by 2030 if STEM companies hired as many women as they do men, making this a golden opportunity for girls to consider now.
During this year's competition, our students made links with leading academics and scientists at five major universities and companies which could prove invaluable to them in the future.
INA Newsletter 7
Year 7 students represent INA in Ark Super Science Challenge On Thursday 16th June, two of the highest attaining Year 7 Science students represented INA at the Ark Super Science Challenge at the Institute of Education, London. Izzah Abid (7E) and Abdulhamid Miah (7W) took part in Biology-, Chemistry- and Physics-themed challenges that tested their Science knowledge against other young scientists from across the Ark network. They were then treated to a spectacular science show run by the Royal Society. Izzah and Abdulhamid represented the Academy admirably and Ms Leavis, who accompanied them on the day, praised their efforts in the challenges. “I really enjoyed the ARK Super Science Day because I could use my scientific knowledge of chemistry, physics and biology and apply it to all the different challenges that they gave us. Personally, I think the best part of the day was the Super Science Show at the end. I enjoyed it because we got to see a professional do some wacky experiments and we even got to take part in some.” Izzah Abid 7E “I really liked this experience as it was testing my skills in a fun way. It helped everyone work with different people like real scientists would do.” Abdulhamid Miah 7W Well done to both Izzah and Abdulhamid. Dr Mounsey Science Teacher
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Year 7 students face their fears as The Bug Man returns to INA On Wednesday 22nd June, Year 7 students were treated to a visit from Martin the Bug Man. He brought in his assorted collection of insects and reptiles to give students (and teachers!) the opportunity to face their creepy-crawly fears. Students were given fascinating facts about these exotic creatures and got the chance to hold and stroke a snake, scorpion, lizard, stick insects, a tree frog and a chameleon.
There was no shortage of students willing to show off their Bravery dispositions, with Zahra (7I) building up the courage to overcome her phobia of snakes. There was no holding back so many of the students though, as can be seen in these photos from the day. Other highlights included seeing the lightning-quick spring attack of a chameleon’s tongue and the walking-up-wall (and leg!) abilities of a tree frog.
Thanks to all of Year 7 for their enthusiasm and making it such a fantastic day and of course to Martin, for his fourth annual visit to INA. We look forward to seeing him again next year. Dr Mounsey, Science Teacher
INA Newsletter 9
MONDAY 4TH JULY 6-7PM The following awards will be presented: o o o o o o o o o
Elite performer award Team of the year Most improved team Most improved performer Male player of the year Female player of the year Leader of the year Sports personality of the year Star of the term (curriculum and extra-curricular)
TICKETS AVAILABLE SOON…………. Please note: No ticket no entry (children of all ages must have a ticket), photography not allowed, students are expected to sit with parents (if parents attend), dress code is smart (no jeans or trainers), no entry after 6pm
Girls Can...
This is a brand new initiative for Isaac Newton Academy looking to raise participation levels of females in sport. This will run every Tuesday at the start of lunch and we will have special guest teachers from around the school each week to help raise awareness also acting as positive role models. A different sport each week aimed at having fun and increasing numbers of girls in sport, come and try something different with your friends. 10 INA Newsletter
DEMY After school
Lunch time
Girls Can!
Judo Club
Yr 8 S+C
Yr 10 Football Table Tennis
Resistance Sliding Table Tennis
External provider CD
External provider External provider EC, DH, BB
Badminton club Bike Club
Girls Running RM Club
1st Lunch (Year 10)
2nd Lunch (Year 7,8 &9)
Badminton Boys and Girls
Badminton (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls
Girls Can! (Year 7,8 & 9 Girls) Basketball Basketball (Year club Boys and 8 & 9) Boys & Girls Girls Handball (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls
Sports Hall Astro Sports Hall Sports Hall Astro Activity Studio KS3 Hall Activity Studio Astro
Wed Thur
KS3 Hall Sports Hall MUGA South Park
Basketball (Year 7) Boys and Girls
Fixtures coming up..... Monday 4th July - Sports Awards Wednesday 6th July - Year 9 & 10 Redbridge District Athletics Thursday 7th July - Ark Athletics Championships
Improve your skills! Try something new! Keep fit! Make new friends! Unleash your energy! Increase your chances of getting into a team! INA Newsletter 11
Hannah Beharry Sky Sports Ambassador Visit The top 20 students who had logged the most hours participating in physical activity got the reward of a practical session with Hannah and a further chat about character and what it takes to excel in any walk of life. The 20 students selected represented INA in an outstanding manner and Hannah had nothing but positive comments to make about both the students and the school.
Year 7 and 8 District Athletics INA competed at the Redbridge District Athletics. For many in Year 7 it was their first time at the tournament. Many of the students excelled in their event, Glory Mondua, Jahiem Chambers, Shakurra Wellington and Lucas Overton all reaching the finals of the 100 metre sprint meaning they are in the top 6 of Redbridge. Abdi Omar won for the second time the Male 800 metres in an outstanding time of 2 minutes 27 seconds. Ramel Shakespeare finished 3rd in Redbridge for the Triple Jump. The day was topped off by both Ramel Shakespeare and Glory Mondua being selected to represent Essex at the regionals next week. Every student showed a great desire and determination in all the races; well done team.
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Year 9 Rounders On Monday 27th June the Year 9 Rounders team took on Trinity away. The girls all showed tremendous spirit and took a lot of risks in order to get points on the board. Fantastic runs from Aniqa Ahmed secured INA well deserved pints and fantastic strikes from all the girls set the foundation well to challenge the home team. Our 2 Year 8 girls, Manisha and Mya, did an amazing job both batting and fielding and proved that they can play above their year group no question. Unfortunately a strong Trinity fielding team made it difficult for us to score and the game ended with INA missing out by just 1 rounder. A massive thank you to all the girls who committed to the team and stepped up their performance for a great match!
Year 7 Cricket V Cannon Palmer
The Year 7 team got their first win of the season in their second match. Playing at home, the team bowled well again, with consistent bowling from Zain Islam, Sudais Khan and Jay Amin. They managed to reduce Cannon Palmer to a very low run rate and took control of the game when they came in to bat. All the team batted well, gaining the team a number of boundaries. It resulted in Hammad Khan’s team gaining their first victory by 96 runs.
Y9 Options Update We’re delighted to announce that all students have been allocated to at least three of their top four GCSE course choices! Students received their option allocations today and should be bringing home two letters. Please ask your child for these letters and read carefully. On the basis of student choices, subjects have been put into the following timetabling blocks. Subjects in the same block are taught at the same time. Students must study one subject from each block. Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
French Geography (2 classes) History Spanish Triple Science (2 classes) Pre-learning
Art Computer Science French History PE (3 classes) Spanish
Art Computer Science Drama Geography History Music Religious Studies
Drama Geography History Music Religious Studies Triple Science (2 classes)
Given the careful and considered options process and our success rate in allocating students to so many of their top choices, we are not anticipating many students will be requesting a change options. The process for making requests is outlined in the letter. An electronic copy of the “Request to change Options form June 2016” is available on the website under Community > Resources for Parents. The deadline for requests to be handed in is Thursday 7th July 2016. Please note: requests for changes to options are not guaranteed to be agreed. Many thanks for your on-going support and we look forward to this cohort beginning their GCSE courses in September. Ms E McEvoy, Assistant Principal
INA Newsletter 13
Well done to the following students who are this week’s Mathematicians of the Moment. Please collect a merit from Mr Dukes
Here are the scores so far
Answers to be written on a Maths postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) no later than 4.10pm on Thursday.
Each Form will get 10 points for a correct solu7on with clear explana7ons. Write your solu,on here. You must include your workings out with a clear explana,on showing how you got your answer.
14 INA Newsletter
The ‘Mathematician of the Moment’ will be awarded a certificate in assembly and will appear in the INA newsletter.
The Mathematics department would like to encourage all students to enter next week’s Mathematician of the Moment competition. Look out for the new problem next term.
YEAR 7 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May
Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!
YEAR 8 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May
Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!
YEAR 9 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May
This is a famous puzzle based on the show "Let's make a deal". The host, Monty Hall, offers you a choice of three doors. Behind one is a sports car, but behind the other two are goats. After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car). Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door. You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize. Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter? Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!
INA Newsletter 15
Concen Roberto Casula is a pioneer in robotic-enhanced and minimal access heart surgery at Imperial College. Casula is the only practicing robotic cardiac surgeon in the UK. He graduated at Padova University Medical School, Italy, and then trained in the UK in Cardiothoracic Surgery and Thoracic Organs Transplantation. Casula has operated on several thousand heart patients and peformed the first corony heart bypass without opening the chest. Robotic-enhanced surgery requires total and sustained concentration. During surgery, the surgeon sits at a robotic console and is able to see inside the chest through a tiny 3D camera. The camera images are magnified 15 times. The surgeon operates 2 joy-sticks and his/her movements are then reproduced with the highest level of accuracy by the instruments previously inserted into the chest. ‘Robotic-enhanced and minimal access cardiac surgery provides a huge number of benefits for the patient including just a small amount of scaring, less pain and use of pain killers, a reduced chance of post-operative infection and blood transfusion, and importantly, quicker mobilisation speeding along a good physical and emotional recovery.’ Roberto Casula
Try to clear you mind before you start a task that requires a high level of concentration. Practise this technique so you can use it when required to overcome a difficult problem. Try to avoid distractions by sitting away from people you find it difficult to
PARENTS Encourage your child to participate in an activity that requires them to empty their mind and concentrate really hard on something for an extended period of time. Play strategic card or board games as a family. 16  INA Newsletter
tration Students who have shown Concentration at INA .
Daveena Williams Morrison & Haider Rafiq have concentrated really hard on memorising the slide positions for the whole of the Pitch Range Challenge on trombone. They have made really strong progress and moved all the way through to stage 7 as a result of this concentration and practice.
Revising and Practising Being able to direct one’s thinking and attention on the matter at hand.
BEHAVIOURS Being able to concentrate, despite distraction, boredom or fatigue and completely focus on a task to make progress in your learning, to master knowledge or skills that at first were difficult, to perform well throughout an assessment, to complete I/L that sufficiently challenges you, to learn to play an instrument, to play strategic games i.e. chess, sports. INA Newsletter 17
BRIDGES we build learning power and developcharacter characteratatIsaac Isaac Newton Newton Academy HowHow we build learning power and develop Academy “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are
The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a student's character and learning power habits ofenable mind them or learning thatindividuals develop a student's character and to growcharacteristics into well rounded and resilient learners.and learning power and enable them to grow into well rounded individuals and resilient learners.
On a two weekly cycle throughout the year, Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to one or two of cycle mind throughout or learning characteristics will8permeate the curriculum. On anew twohabits weekly the year, Yearthat 7 and students throughout are introduced to one or two This will take place through a range of interactive activities. In addition, the students will new habits of mind or learning characteristics that will permeate throughout the curriculum. This experience BRIDGES learning objectives in each and every lesson throughout Isaac Newton will take place Year through a range lessons of interactive activities. In addition, theBRIDGES students will experience Academy. 9 BRIDGES will focus on strengthening certain learning BRIDGES learningthrough objectives in each of and every lesson characteristics exploration PHSE topics andthroughout themes. Isaac Newton Academy.
Year 9 BRIDGES lessons will focus on strengthening certain BRIDGES learning characteristics Eachexploration fortnight you findtopics top tips in themes. the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to through ofwill PHSE and develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.
Each fortnight you will find top tips in the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.
ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is a 7C crucial factor in students’ educational development 7W and ability to achieve their 7A full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary.
Well done to 8N and for 100% attendance last week! Year 8 97.6% A huge well done to all year groups, for achieving above 97% attendance, with the top spot going to Year 9 this week with 97.7%.
Ms. Abbott-Jones Lead Pastoral Leader 18 INA Newsletter
Year 7 97.9% Year 9 96.5%
Praise & Recognition
Year 7 T C N S W E I A
Year 8 1623 1419 1248 1212 1084 960 826 793
Year 9 1453 1344 1266 1184 1153 1088 1074 902
Year 10 1308 880 691 654 585 575 492 343
383 315 297 283 279 231 207
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Jasmine Joseph in 7E Year 8: Subhaan Dar 8T Year 9: Jiya Shahzad 9W Year 10: Misbah Hashmi, 10S. Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition
INA Newsletter 19
Key Dates for the Summer Term 2015: Secondary Summer Term Monday 11th April - Wednesday 20th July Half Term 30th May - 3rd June INSET days: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June, Friday 8th July Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th July Wednesday 6th July Friday 8th July Wed 13th & Thursday 14th July Monday 18th July Tuesday 19th July 20th July
Year 7 English Trip Sports Awards INSET Day: no school for students School Production Secondary Sports Day KS3 Graduation Awards Assemblies. End of Term. Early close.
Good Deed Feed Miss Hinds: Adam Ahmed 7E – Extremely helpful in Art, helping sort out and tidy the room with enthusiasm! Miss Field: Daveena Williams-Morrison 7C- has been really helpful in rehearsals for the school show in teaching and showing other students routines. Mr Dukes: Jeshurun Jeyason 9A - donated to a homeless person on the way home from school
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