Newsletter 74

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INA Secondary Newsletter

8 July 2016

A Warm Invite to INA’s Awards Assemblies Wednesday 20th July 2016 On Wednesday 20th July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies. This is an important opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the times as follows: 11.15- 12.00

Y7 assembly

Dining Hall


Y8 assembly

KS3 Hall


Y10 assembly

Dining Hall

At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group and would like to invite one parent to attend on behalf of the family. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect a ticket for the awards assembly from his/ her form tutor. Please request your ticket by Monday 11th July. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like a second place, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. I look forward to seeing you on 20th July. Jo Spencer Vice Principal

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Dear Parents and Carers

I t seems unbelievable that we are nearly at the end of our fourth year at INA. But

between now and the end of term we have lots of exciting events! On Monday some of our sports leaders are supporting with the primary sports day. The following Monday (18th July) the secondary students have their own sports day at Cricklefield Stadium. On Tuesday evening 40 highly committed Big Band players get to perform at the Barbican concert hall in central London in the Ark Gala. It promises to be a spectacular event! On Wednesday and Thursday evenings we have our school production, a take on the Hercules story called ‘From Zero to Hero’. Tickets are still available from the INA main reception. The rehearsals indicate that it will be a great show! And then in the last week of term we have the KS3 Graduation Ceremony on the evening of Tuesday 19th July. We will be joined by the CEO of Ark schools, Lucy Heller. This event marks the end of term for the Year 9s. And the following day, the last day of term for Years 7, 8 and 10, we have our usual Awards Assemblies (see further details in this edition of the newsletter). Last night we welcomed the parents of Year 10 students to our Sixth Form evening at which we launched the prospectus and course guide for KS5 2017-19. These are very exciting times as we share our KS5 plans! In the coming days Year 9 and 10 students will be issued with summer learning packs by their class teachers. It is really important that they use the 6 week break to consolidate the last 12 months’ learning and pre-learn for the year ahead. With best wishes


achel Macfarlane, rincipal

INA Newsletter 3

Year 9 End of Key Stage 3 Awards Ceremony Tuesday 19th July 6pm - 7pm We are holding a special awards ceremony for Year 9s to mark the end of Key Stage 3. Students will go home at the end of the school day and return to school at 5.45pm, dressed formally in their finest outfits, to meet with their tutors, co tutors and tutor groups in preparation for the ceremony. The awards ceremony will commence at 6pm. We would like every student to be represented by a parent/carer at the ceremony. Due to seating restrictions, we are only able to accommodate 2 adults per family and no guests under the age of 16 years. Tickets will be distributed on 4th July. Parents must bring their ticket to gain entry – one ticket per person. Parents/carers and students are invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the ceremony. Year 9 students will work from home on 20th July, the last day of term. Please note that awards assemblies for Year 7, 8 and 10 students will take place on Tuesday 20th July and all Year 7, 8 and 10 students are expected to attend school on this day. Ms Spencer Vice Principal

Mock GCSE results day On Friday 15th July our year 10 students will experience a Mock GCSE result day in preparation for next year. They will collect an envelope of their working at grade for each subject and have an assembly by Ms Macfarlane. Y10 students will also receive their EOY reports. Mr Crowther-Green 4  INA Newsletter

Year 8 Cushions

Students in year 8 have been working very hard in the last term to produce some amazing cushions based on the Mexican celebra<on of day of the dead. Students have used fabric paint to add decora<on on their cushions which needs to be heat fixed to ensure that the paint does not rub off or run when washed. Please make sure all students with cushions iron their cushion before use. To do this you need to place some scrap paper / fabric on top of the decora<on (this is to protect the iron). The iron should be on a medium heat and will need approximately 1 minute of heat applied to ensure that the paint is fixed into the fabric. If any students need assistance with this there is an iron available in school and they must see Ms Hinds to help them. If you are looking for a cushion inner to fill the cushion they are available on Wilkinson online.

Purchasing of school uniform for existing students.

Khalsa Schoolwear will be in school on Thursday 21 July selling uniform. Existing students are welcome to purchase their uniform from 4:30pm to 6pm. A 5% discount will be offered on this day only. Khalsa strongly recommend that you bring cash to pay for your items as this will reduce delays.

INA Newsletter 5

We would like to share an achievement of Donté's. Donté Da Costa 10C is part of a U16 football team called Shield Academy. Throughout the season Donté has been a great team player, assisting and scoring goals, he has been 'man of the match' 4 times, took part in half term programmes and also ran a few training sessions for Shields younger players. On Friday 1st July at the end of season presentation he won 3 trophies. One was for being the 'Supporters player', another for the 'Players Player' and a team trophy. Donté was very pleased that both his team mates and their parents had recognised his dedication and effort that he had shown throughout the season. I'm also sure they love seeing his goal celebration of a back flip too. He is now looking forward to another successful year at Shield academy.

6  INA Newsletter


When: 13th &14th July 2016 Time: Art Exhibition from 6:15pm Audience Members expected by 6:45pm for a 7pm start

Price: άϭ ;ĂĚƵůƚƐͿ ϱϬƉ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ

Tickets AVAILABLE NOW can be bought from the Main School Reception or from the KS3 reception (students only) during break times. There will also be an Art Exhibition for you to enjoy before the show starts. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Staff Vacancy – we are looking to appoint to the following roles: Ø Before School Supervisor - to provide supervision at the beginning of each school day, ensuring that students arrive safely to school and are in agreed areas. Ø After School Supervisor - to provide supervision at the end of each school day, ensuring that students are in agreed areas and safely leave the premises. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit our vacancies section on the school website or contact Gina Webb on 0208 911 6656. Helen Chamberlain Finance and Resource Director INA Newsletter 7

Saturday Strech - St George's University of London On Saturday 2nd July INA hosted the final Saturday Stretch session of the year when we welcomed Ellen Harrison, a Medical student from St George’s University of London. Ellen began the session by introducing herself and telling us a little bit about her course. Ellen explained that the path to becoming a doctor normally takes 5 years. She highlighted that although the road is a long and tough one, there is a guaranteed job at the end. Unlike other professions where you have to interview for a job, Ellen told us that the interview happens before you even begin your studies, then your only task (which is no mean feat) is to pass your exams and placements; you are then qualified to work in an hospital that needs you. Ellen talked to us about which grades are needed in order to qualify for the interview but stressed that these grades change annually. You currently need 3 A grade A Levels (to include Chemistry and Biology) to study Medicine at St George’s. Ellen then told us about other examinations called UKCATs which you also need to pass in order to go through to the interview stage. You must also have no criminal convictions, relevant work experience with proof and demonstrate a love for passions outside of Medicine to be put through to the interview stage. Ellen really stressed the importance of the interview and reiterated that this is the most important part of your application. She told us that she was asked 25 questions and only one was directly related to Medicine and Science. This shows how crucial it is to develop character alongside knowledge, and really emphasised the relevance of the BRIDGES programme we have here at INA. Ellen told us about something called an intercalated year, which is where you study a degree in a year! She has just finished her intercalated year in Neuroscience and felt that it was a really positive experience. She said that it was an opportunity to study parts of Medicine that interest you in further depth. It also increases your chances of getting into your hospital of choice after graduating.

8  INA Newsletter

On a more personal note, Ellen shared the peaks and pits of her training so far. She explained that taking part in her first surgical experience was a golden one and it really brought home the importance and magnitude of the professions. Her pit was having to experience the emotional trauma that unfortunately comes with being a doctor. She described an elderly patient that she had become close with and the difficulty in continuing work in such a fast-paced environment after he had sadly passed away. We then got the opportunity to look at some cadavers which is the medical term for deceased bodies donated to science. We watched a clip of a dissection of an arm, and by ‘we’ I mean everybody but Ms Rayner who had her eyes closed wishing she was anywhere else!

The session then concluded with the very useful practical activities where we taught what to do in the event of somebody choking. We also had a go at putting each other into the recovery position which was actually rather comfortable! It was fascinating to learn the intricacies of the exercises and was also a valuable lesson for all involved. Hamzah Akram summed up the whole activity nicely with a very pertinent and thought-provoking question; “Ms, why don’t we learn this in school?”

When asked the question ‘Do you think the session was helpful?’ some students said: “Yes, the session gave us a chance to learn more about Medicine, and lots of things we didn’t know!” “Yes because now I have a really clear understanding of what I need to do in order to become a doctor”. When asked if the session had prompted them to consider studying this subject at university some students said: “Yes, even though the subject is clearly very hard I know that I have the determination to succeed” “Yes the session was so interesting and I am really passionate about Science”.

INA Newsletter 9

Year 8 Bags for Life trip In associa)on with St Josephs Hospice and the London College of Fashion

Student report by Dilpreet Kaur 8S

Day 1 – Monday 27th June We Travelled from Seven Kinds to Hackney Central on the train and headed straight to St. Josephs Hospice. Staff at the hospice gave us a tour around and we learnt a few facts. ANer the tour we stopped for lunch. We walked down the road to the London College of Fashion which was less than 5 minutes away. In the university we made an example bag but before that we had to learn how to use the industrial sewing machines. Day 2 – Tuesday 28th June We went straight to the university and started to pick which material / clothing we wanted to use to make our bags. There were lots of products to chose from such as leather, coUon etc. ANer choosing the clothes we wanted to use for the material we unpicked the sCtches so we could turn it into a bag. Carole who works at the university took lots of photo’s of us working hard and cuWng out the shapes for our bags. Most of us nearly finished our bags by the end of day 2. Day 3 – Wednesday 29th June We spent the first part of the day finishing off our bags and having lots of fun, we had a catwalk with our bags and lots of photos were taken. We filled in feedback forms for the university and showed our appreciaCon to all the staff. On our bags we had to write liUle messages on the swing Cckets to go on the bag, we wrote how thankful we were and that we had a great Cme working with them all.

All bags made by students will be on sale on in the KS3 hall during the ADT exhibi*on on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th July from 6:15pm – 7:00pm. UnCl then they will be displayed in the main recepCon. Make sure you turn up early to avoid disappointment! 10  INA Newsletter

Top Scientists visit the Royal Society Twenty-five Year 8 and 9 students were rewarded last week for their fantastic effort in Science lessons by being taken to visit the Royal Society Summer Exhibition. Students were nominated by their Science teachers to attend the annual event in central London. To begin the day, the students heard a talk from a top researcher about her research into a possible cure for epilepsy. They then explored the 22 exhibits from a diverse range of providers including the Rosetta team that landed a probe on a comet, scientists who stimulate stem cells to grow new bone by giving them tiny vibrations and a team finding new ways to rid our seas of plastic waste. Students were able to take part in interactive demonstrations, including building their own galaxy and using a remote control car to hoover up “space junk”. The students showed great levels of enthusiasm and represented the Academy fantastically.

Some thoughts of the students ‘The trip was beneficial and fun. We had a lot of good talks in the exhibition and we all learnt something new’. Yasmin (9E) ‘The trip was fun. We learnt so many new things and visited some of the exhibits. We all had a great time’. Mumina (9N) ‘There were many different stations which had scientists from different organisations and companies, and we were able to look into and talk to them about what they do for a living’. Amber (9T) ‘The trip was very educational and exciting. We were able to talk to different scientists and we got to learn a lot of new things’. Anushri (9T) ‘I found the trip very different to other school trips I have been on, as it gave us more of an eyeopening experience when it comes to how Science plays a big role in our future’ – Cherice (9T) Well done to all attendees for their great work in Science this year and thanks to Ms Laevis for supporting the visit. Dr Mounsey Science Teacher INA Newsletter 11

PE AT ISAAC NEWTON ACAD News & Results London Youth Games- Girls Football On Sunday 3rd July 11 of our Year 8 and 9 girls represented Redbridge at the London Youth Games at Crystal Palace. They played 4 games and showed incredible team spirit and support for one another both on and off the pitch considering this was their first tournament as a team. The girls conceded early in the tournament but remained resilient and determined to improve and that they did! Aniqa showed tremendous grit by taking on and staying in goal for the remainder of the tournament and proved to be absolutely fearless in the face of some very strong shots. Amandeep showed her skill set well on the day and Isra and Mya proved yet again how determined they are to succeed by not letting any attack go unchallenged. A well composed and fantastic strike from Simran in the final game led to her leaving the tournament as our top scorer! It was a great day and the girls should be extremely proud of their commitment, attitude and performance. Well done girls!

Year 8 2nd team vs Seven Kings The Year 8 2nd football team reached their first ever victory against a strong Seven Kings side which featured a few of their first team. They game started very tight and neither team were given a second to breathe. Finally the deadlock was broken with an excellent break away run by Ikram who coolly slotted home the first goal of the game. INA went from strength to strength, scoring another to take the lead to 2 nil. INA defence were looking solid together and only due to rotating a few players did Seven Kings finally get their break through. With confidence booming, Seven Kings then nicked their second to make it a very tense finish. INA’s striker Ikram proved to be the difference between the teams, slotting home the winner and securing his hat trick. Well done to all the team with stand out performances from Ikram, Annan, Musa and Rohan. 12  INA Newsletter

DEMY After school

Lunch time






Girls Can!



Judo Club



Yr 8 S+C


Yr 10 Football Table Tennis


Resistance Sliding Table Tennis

External provider CD




External provider External provider EC, DH, BB



Badminton club Bike Club


Girls Running RM Club


1st Lunch (Year 10)

2nd Lunch (Year 7,8 &9)


Badminton Boys and Girls

Badminton (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls


Girls Can! (Year 7,8 & 9 Girls) Basketball Basketball (Year club Boys and 8 & 9) Boys & Girls Girls Handball (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls

Sports Hall Astro Sports Hall Sports Hall Astro Activity Studio KS3 Hall Activity Studio Astro

Wed Thur

KS3 Hall Sports Hall MUGA South Park


Basketball (Year 7) Boys and Girls

Fixtures coming up..... Monday 11th July- Year 7 rounders rally @ Oaks Park Wednesday 13th July- Year 10 mixed rounders rally Thursday 14th July- BOCCIA vs Seven Kings

Improve your skills! Try something new! Keep fit! Make new friends! Unleash your energy! Increase your chances of getting into a team! INA Newsletter 13

Well done to the following students who are this week’s Mathematicians of the Moment. Please collect a merit from Mr Dukes

Here are the scores so far

Answers to be written on a Maths postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) no later than 4.10pm on Thursday.

Each Form will get 10 points for a correct solu7on with clear explana7ons. Write your solu,on here. You must include your workings out with a clear explana,on showing how you got your answer.

14  INA Newsletter

The ‘Mathematician of the Moment’ will be awarded a certificate in assembly and will appear in the INA newsletter.

The Mathematics department would like to encourage all students to enter next week’s Mathematician of the Moment competition. Look out for the new problem next term.

INA Newsletter 15

Imita Barack Obama is one of the most powerful people in the modern world. Although he used the iconic tagline of ‘change’ to symbolise his campaign, Obama did in fact use the age old art of imitation to win over doubtful voters. Obama modelled himself on previous well-loved presidents such as Abraham Lincoln who made slavery illegal and Lyndon Johnson who helped end segregation between black and white people. Obama imitated popular previous presidents like John F. Kennedy by holding outdoor speeches in the exact places that the previous president had done. Obama also imitated many inspirational speeches of Martin Luther King and even created a campaign symbol which imitated the USA official coat of arms in a bid to appear presidential. Obama used the skill of imitation effectively to win the 2008 election.

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ating TOP TIPS STUDENTS Imitate a positive aspect of a role model for the day and analyse the effect. Support other students by acting as a positive role model for them. Reflect on what you have learned about effective ways to learn from working collaboratively with others.

PARENTS Picking up others’ ways of thinking, learning, working and evaluating. Absorbing and mimicking the mental strategies and habits of good role models.

Imitation Picking up others’ ways of thinking, learning, working and evaluating. Absorbing and mimicking the mental strategies and habits of good role models.

BEHAVIOURS Making sure that you imitate positive behaviours and learn how to improve your own. Recognising that copying without understanding or making your own changes is negative. Not losing sight of what makes you unique but trying to use other people and ideas to enhance your personality and attitude to life. Demonstrating understanding and learning from others. Recognising the achievements of others and trying to emulate that success. Displaying positive attributes to become a rolemodel for others. INA Newsletter 17

BRIDGES we build learning power and developcharacter characteratatIsaac Isaac Newton Newton Academy HowHow we build learning power and develop Academy “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are

The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a student's character and learning power habits ofenable mind them or learning thatindividuals develop a student's character and to growcharacteristics into well rounded and resilient learners.and learning power and enable them to grow into well rounded individuals and resilient learners.

On a two weekly cycle throughout the year, Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to one or two of cycle mind throughout or learning characteristics will8permeate the curriculum. On anew twohabits weekly the year, Yearthat 7 and students throughout are introduced to one or two This will take place through a range of interactive activities. In addition, the students will new habits of mind or learning characteristics that will permeate throughout the curriculum. This experience BRIDGES learning objectives in each and every lesson throughout Isaac Newton will take place Year through a range lessons of interactive activities. In addition, theBRIDGES students will experience Academy. 9 BRIDGES will focus on strengthening certain learning BRIDGES learningthrough objectives in each of and every lesson characteristics exploration PHSE topics andthroughout themes. Isaac Newton Academy.

Year 9 BRIDGES lessons will focus on strengthening certain BRIDGES learning characteristics Eachexploration fortnight you findtopics top tips in themes. the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to through ofwill PHSE and develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

Each fortnight you will find top tips in the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is a 7E crucial factor in students’ educational development 7W and ability to achieve their 7T full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary.






























































Well done to 8C and 9S for 100% attendance last week! Year 8 95.6% With 2 weeks left until the end of term awards assemblies, it really is important that you are here every day to be in with a chance of picking up the shield for your tutor group.

Ms. Abbott-Jones Lead Pastoral Leader 18  INA Newsletter

Year 7 97.2% Year 9 95.2%

Praise & Recognition



Year 7 T C N S W E I A

Year 8 1660 1419 1279 1212 1084 976 842 796


Year 9 1453 1369 1278 1266 1184 1088 1101 902


Year 10 1376 880 715 669 576 575 502 350



405 315 297 283 279 231 207

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Salma Parwane 7E Year 8: Subhaan Dar 8T Year 9: Jiya Shahzad 9W Year 10: Misbah Hashmi, 10S. Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition

INA Newsletter 19

Key Dates for the Summer Term 2015: Secondary Summer Term Monday 11th April - Wednesday 20th July Half Term 30th May - 3rd June INSET days: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June, Friday 8th July Wed 13th & Thursday 14th July Monday 18th July Tuesday 19th July 20th July

School Production Secondary Sports Day KS3 Graduation Awards Assemblies. End of Term. Early close.

2016/17 Academic Year Autumn Term Thursday 1st September – Friday 16th December 2016 Year 7 start term on Tuesday 6th September 12.45pm Years 8-11 start term on Wednesday 7th September 1.30pm Half Term: 24-28 October 2016 INSET days: 1st, 2nd, 5th September, 23rd November, 9th December Spring Tuesday 3rd January – Friday 31st March 2017 Half Term: 13-17 February 2017 INSET days: 3rd January, 17th March Summer Tuesday 18th April – Friday 21st July 2017 Half Term: 29th May – 2nd June 2017 INSET days: 30th June, 7th July

Good Deed Feed Miss Field: Yewande Oyebola 9E for being completely awesome at production rehearsals and taking the lead in brilliantly running dance rehearsals without teacher support, and despite her injuries. Miss McEvoy: Haile Richards 9W – Haile has provided me with timely reminders in maths re IL due and exercise books to be collected in recent lessons. Miss Brett: Jay Gohil 10S helped cleaned my classroom and organise some of the displays. Mrs Franklin: Monique Toor 8W helped clean up dishes in the dining room after they were accidently dropped by a lunchtime supervisor today. Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition 20  INA Newsletter

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