30 June 2017 Secondary Newlsetter

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30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter 30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.


The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Gareth Marshall-Jones Primary Deputy Headteacher Patrick Ball Pastoral Leader

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.

2 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

Dear Parents and Carers, Over the past few months we have been busy recruiting teachers for our ever-expanding student body. In the next few editions of the newsletter I shall introduce you to the 26 new staff who we have joining us in September across the primary and secondary phases and in the sixth form. Sadly, however, despite months of searching and interviewing we have been unable to recruit sufficient quality teachers in two important curriculum areas to cover all the classes that we would like to run: Computing and Art, Design and Technology (ADT). This means that we have had to prioritise which year groups will get teaching in these curriculum areas during next academic year. The priority has been the current Year 10 Computing and Art GCSE groups, which will have specialist teaching next year. We are also able to run Year 10 Art GCSE, but not Year 10 Computing GCSE. For next year only, we will not run ADT in KS3. In place of the usual one hour a week of Art and one hour per week of Design Technology, the Year 7, 8 and 9 students will have two new lessons – a Harkness Skills lesson and a Skills for Life lesson. More details about these two courses will be shared with you by Ms Abbott-Jones and Ms Spencer respectively. We remain committed to getting ADT and Computing back up on the curriculum for all year groups and will continue our search for inspiring teachers and leaders of these curriculum areas in September. And lastly, may I remind you that there is no school for students this Friday, 30th June, or next Friday 7th July, due to staff training. With all best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane 30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter



Year 9 - End of Key Stage 3 Awards Ceremony Thursday 20th July 6.00-7.00pm We are holding a special awards ceremony for Year 9 to mark the end of Key Stage 3. Students will go home at the end of the school day and return to school at 5.45pm, dressed formally in their finest outfits, to meet with their tutors, co tutors and tutor groups in preparation for the ceremony. The awards ceremony will commence at 6.00pm. We would like every student to be represented by a parent/carer at the ceremony. Tickets will be distributed to students in the week beginning 6th July. Parents/carers and students are invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the ceremony. Please note that Year 9 students will have an Independent Learning Day on the last day of term. Ms Spencer, Vice Principal

Year 10 Work Experience 3-7th July 2017 The Year 10 students are now all ready to complete their work experience. Parents have spent time discussing this with students and reading through the pre-work experience section of their booklet. Remember if a student is not able to attend a day of work experience, then students/parents are expected to ring both the placement and INA. Thanks and good luck to all Year 10s. Mr Crowther-Green

4 Secondary Newsletter

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KS4 Options Update

Option allocations and Change Requests Monday 3rd July 2017 to Monday 10th July 2017 Dear all By the time you read this, I will have spoken to Year 9 at Thursday’s assembly. We regret that we have had to withdraw two option subjects for the current Year 9: GCSE Computer Science and GCSE Textiles. With our commitment to high quality teaching and learning and the difficulty we had in finding appropriate specialist teachers, we have made the hard decision to withdraw these course for the new Year 10 cohort to safeguard outcomes for our students. Our existing GCSE Computer Science classes are unaffected and will continue into Year 11. We expect to return to offering these GCSE courses next year. If you would like to discuss this further, please come and meet with myself and Ms Macfarlane in G42 on Tuesday 4th July from 5.30pm to 6.00pm. We are pleased that over 95% of students received at least three of their top four option choices. Students received information, time and advice about options over an extended period that started in November/ December and extended to February half term. As a result, we expect small numbers of requests for changes. Option allocation letters will go out on Monday 3rd July through form time. Students will have until 4pm on Monday 10th July to submit any request for option changes to Main Reception or Student Reception using the Change Request form. Students can access this form on both Fronter and the S drive. Kind regards Ms McEvoy, Assistant Principal

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


English Department Book Amnesty

The English Department would like to ask all students and parents to have a good look at home to see if you have any books that need returning to the department so that we have enough copies for all students to be able to enjoy them during the next academic year. Books to look for: From year 7: Framed by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

From year 8: The Declaration by Gemma Malley The Tempest by William Shakespeare From year 9: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Macbeth by William Shakespeare Because this is a book amnesty there will be no consequences for the late return for any text, just our thanks for taking the effort to help us replace some of our missing books.

Dear Parents/Carers, As it comes to the end of the school year, we would like to make a plea! We keep a small supply of uniform in school as a spare in case we need to provide this for a student without an item of uniform. If you are replacing your child’s uniform in September because it no longer fits them, and you would be happy to donate any items of uniform that you are no longer using to the school, we would be very grateful for your support! Many thanks Ms Abbott-Jones, Assistant Principal 6 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

A Warm Invite to

INA’s Awards Assemblies Friday 21st July 2017

On Friday 21st July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies. This is an important opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the times as follows: 11.05-12.00 Year 7 assembly

Dining Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 8 assembly

KS3 Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 10 assembly

Dining Hall

At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect tickets for the awards assembly from his/her form tutor. Please request your tickets by Monday 10th July. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like additional places, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. I look forward to seeing you on 21st July. MS Spencer, Vice Principal

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards on offer.


We are now in the final half term of the inter-form competition, and it is very tight so far. Well done to all the students who have achieved 25/50/100 merits so far this year. The totals below are how many merits your form has achieved so far in this term. Keep working hard so that you can achieve your personal bronze/silver/gold/platinum merit award, and help your form climb up the merit league towards the top! YEAR 7









412 291 265 242 213 221 41


234 213 166 121 98 96 95 92


228 220 204 129 102 89 75 70


100 86 60 53 38 21 3

8 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption. The idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.

Year 7: Tasbir Rahaman 7C Year 8: Jahiem Chambers 8W Year 9: Yaaseen Taher 9T Year 10: Mohsin Khan 10T

Good Deed Feed Mr Clarke: Arjan Taghgar 9T - Constantly supportive with other students in Year 9 football enrichment. He is a great representative of the group and always relays information well that myself and Mr Hall pass on. Ms Coates: Simonida Hajredini 9A, Jainna Bhalla 9A, Ariharan Ponniah 9C. They gave up part of their break time to help me put all the tables and chairs back after a class Harkness – it was much appreciated!

Mr Ayerh

Year 10 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise & Recognition

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Leade “The people are looking to me for leadership - and if I stand before them without strength and courage, they too will falter.

Martin Luther King, Jr [1929-1968]

M����� L����� K���, J�. was an American activist and humanitarian who became the leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Similar to Mahatma Gandhi, King became known for advancing civil rights through nonviolent civil disobedience. As a Baptist minister, King took part in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Protest, a political and social campaign against the racially segregated public transit system in Montgomery, Alabama. King went on to help organise the 1963 March on Washington, where he famously delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Before his death, in 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for leading the fight against racial inequality through non-violence.

L��������� Being a positive influence on others to achieve a goal.

B��������� Great leaders guide, direct and inspire others. They communicate their ideas well. They manage the actions of others. They are the person in the group that possesses the combination of knowledge, character and learning power that others respect and follow.

10 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

ership S������� ��� ���� ����� L��������� Through his role as Prefect M���� A��� 10E has demonstrated excellent leadership. This includes setting an example to younger students by his conduct throughout the school, as well as performing various additional responsibilities, such as his role as a peer-mentor.

Z����� R����� 7W and S������ Z����� 7A have been part of the Student Council Steering Group this year. Despite being the youngest in the team, they have shown very strong leadership by setting the pace during meetings and always listening and taking on-board the views of others.


T�� ����


• Develop your CV by listing all of the leadership roles you have had. Then write a list of the leadership opportunities you would like to take on next year to widen your experience. • Volunteer to lead an enrichment activity or take on a leadership role within your tutor group.

• Talk to your son/daughter about the times when you have had to take the lead and the skills/qualities required. • Discuss great leaders of the past and present and why they are great role models.

• During group work ensure everyone has a voice and completes their task. • Explore the leadership opportunities for young people in your local community. • Lead by example by always following the INA rules and acting as a role model for others.

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


This week in P.E.

The Year 9 girls rounders team put in a sterling performance on Thursday at the borough rally. After narrowly losing out to Chadwell and Seven Kings, INA had improved enough to pull off a draw against Woodford county High School, which is no easy task! Credit to all the girls for their hard work and team work throughout the games, their resilience really did pay off! Ms Hutson

12 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017


Important information:

• Students should come to school in their P.E. kit • Students who need epipens or inhalers need to have them to participate • Students are allowed to wear their school blazer/a plain black jacket to keep warm • Students should have water bottles, sun cream and a hat • Tickets will be available for parents to watch the Athletics (you must have a ticket for each Athletics session you attend (yr 7, 8 and 9), no photography, you will be in a certain area of the stadium and won’t be able to walk around) – If the Athletics is cancelled due to bad weather then a text message will be sent to those who have got tickets • Students will go to normal lessons if the weather is bad • Boys are not allowed to wear Football boots for the inter-form Football tournament

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 11 NEWS Graduation Ball

Year 11 are invited to attend The Year 11 Graduation Ball to celebrate the end of the exams and also their time at INA.

10th July 2017, 7.00-11.00pm Woolston Manor Country Club, Chigwell, Essex Tickets price: ÂŁ25 We would love every Year 11 student to get involved. Tickets can be purchased using WisePay.

Future First is a national education charity that helps state schools and colleges to build alumni communities. At the core of their work is the drive to ensure that no young person’s future is limited by their background. We are excited that we will be joining the Future First network. We hope that this will support us in maintaining relationships with our former students, and our alumni will have access to opportunities through being part of the programme. We will be registering our Year 11 students on to the Future First and ask that students complete the sign up process once prompted by email. For further information please visit: http://futurefirst.org.uk If you have any further questions please get in touch with Ms Alibhai Ms Alibhai, Vice Principal

14 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

Thursday 6th July is the final of the Year 9 Battle of the Bands

competition. It is running from 6-8pm and all year 9 students are expected to attend to support their fellow musicians and vote on the eventual winner. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate family members or friends from other schools or year groups so only Year 9 students will be able to attend. We are expecting all students to make their own way home after the event finishes at 8pm. There are a few rules that need to be followed to make sure the night runs as smoothly as possible. Guests and performers may of course wear their own casual clothes, however any revealing clothes will not be allowed. The usual rules around food/drink and chewing gum still apply and also no bags will be allowed as we will not have the space to store them. Phones do not have to be handed in however they must not be out at any time during the evening. We cannot let you film the performance or take any photos; however we will be filming the entire performance so you can get some pictures of your favourite band to get signed and keep forever. The bands have been sounding great and I’m really looking forward to hearing the final performances on the night! Mr Robinson

30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Attendance Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary. Year 8 are the top year group for the week with 97.2% 7A




























































Ms Abbott-Jones

Assistant Principal

16 Secondary Newsletter

30 June 2017

Barbican Performance coming up We are very excited to announce that this Friday, 30th June, a band of 43 students will be performing in the 2000-seater Barbican Concert Hall as part the 2017 Ark Gala. We are playing our own unique mash-up of 3 songs, which also includes a rap written by Year 8s and Year 10s as part of their Protest Music Compositions. Every single student in Key Stage 3 auditioned for a place in the band and we have spent this half term memorising parts and intricate choreography. Some of our most accomplished Dhol drummers are also performing along with our vocalist and Big Band performers. The students have put in a huge amount of work and time. We’ll let you know how they get on - good luck everyone!

Y7: Day - Monday 17th July Time – P6

Better get practising… …to bee the best that you can bee! 30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


18 Secondary Newsletter

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30 June 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Summer Term 2017 Tuesday 18th April – Friday 21st July Monday 3rd July Friday 7th July Tuesday 4th July Wednesday 5th July Thursday 6th July Friday 7th July Monday 10th July Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th July Friday 14th July Wednesday 19th July Thursday 20th July Friday 21st July Monday 24th July

Year 10 work experience week Summer Science Exhibition Trip for Years 8/9 Sixth Form Transition Day Bug Man Visit for Year 7 KS3 Sports Day Year 9 Battle of the Bands & Year 8 Music Event Inset Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Dress rehearsal for School Production & Sports Awards Year 11 Graduation Ball Summer Production Year 10 Mock Results Day Year 9 Reports sent home End of KS3 Graduation End of Term & Awards Assemblies Uniform Sales

Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017

Wednesday 6th September – Wednesday 20th December

Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 6th September Thursday 7th September

Inset Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Year 7 - First day of new school year Years 8 -12 First day of new school year

20 Secondary Newsletter

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