7 July 2017 Secondary Newsletter

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7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter 7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.


The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Gareth Marshall-Jones Primary Deputy Headteacher Patrick Ball Pastoral Leader

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.

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Dear Parents and Carers, This week the Year 10s are out on Work Experience in a wide range of professions and businesses scattered across London and beyond. From our visits to them and from talking to the employers who have kindly offered them placements, we know that they are being stretched and inspired and that their BRIDGES learning dispositions and character traits are being put to the test. Meanwhile on Tuesday we welcomed back most of our Year 11s and quite a few of their peers from other schools in the area for our KS5 Transition Day. They experienced life on the top floor, ate at The Terrace Cafe and took part in sample lessons. They also engaged in ice breaker/team building activities. It was a great day and only heightens our excitement about the sixth form opening in September! On Wednesday the sun shone on our KS3 Sport Day. A great time was had by everyone. Many thanks go to Team PE for organising the day, to all the staff who supported the event, and to those parent and family members who came along to watch.

Timings for the start of term are as follows: Year 7 in from 1.30pm on Wednesday 6th September Years 7 & 12 in from 8.25am on Thursday 7th September Years 8-11 in from 1.30pm on Thursday 7th September Everyone in from 8.25am on Friday 8th September

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Secondary Newsletter


And finally, I would like to introduce you to some of the new staff joining us in September.

Vinay Babla, Teacher of Science I am excited about working at Isaac Newton Academy and I am really hoping to develop here as a teacher. I was attracted to INA by the vision of the school and the ‘growth mindset’ that underpins it. I am very interested in Carol Dweck’s work, as well as the work of psychologists before and after her. My passions include science, teaching, cricket and reading. I hope to have a great time at INA.

Oli Marecar, Teacher of PE Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to the school for appointing me for the teacher of PE role. I have just finished my teacher training at the University of East London and I am convinced that Isaac Newton Academy is the best place to start my teaching journey. My first impressions of the school have been fabulous and the staff and pupils have been very welcoming. I relate to the school ethos and core values and I am very impressed with the direction the Principal and her team is taking the school in. Some information about myself: I have been academically connected to PE since secondary school and have completed various qualifications in the subject, up to Masters level. My love of sharing and developing knowledge, combined with my love of sports, have led to me pursuing a career in this field. I am a keen advocate of healthy lifestyles and I know how big an impact exercise and diet can have on an individual. I know how important it is for educators to help pupils create sustainable physical activity habits. I am a keen traveler and have been to countries such as Morocco, Turkey, Dubai, Singapore and India. I want to hopefully hit South America soon. Also, in my spare time, I fire up the Playstation and play FIFA! I cannot wait to get started properly at INA in September and I look forward to developing my teaching and delivering excellent lessons to the pupils. Best foot forward!

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Susan Skyers, Pastoral Leader & Teacher of Humanities I am counting down the days until I actually begin working at INA. The staff residential has left me wanting more. I am really excited by the prospect of teaching the Year 12 Religious Study lessons, as well as working with and leading the Year 9 Pastoral Team. I really look forward to joining the inclusive and challenging environment that enriches the pupils’ pastoral and academic lives outside and inside of the classroom. I will strive to build positive relationships with all students and staff while working in an harmonious environment. I am a big believer in applying sheer hard work, focus and determination to achieve whatever goals we set together. About me: I grew up in Kingston, Jamaica and then made my way to the University of East London where I completed my BA in Sociology. I have been teaching for eleven years, ten of which were done in an inner city school in London. In my current role I am in charge of 240 students within a vertical House system. I monitor and track their attainment, progress and attendance. I hope to bring some of my experience and expertise to my role at INA. I eagerly look forward to working with staff and students at INA.

Phil Chapman, Teacher of Music My name is Phil Chapman and I will be working in the Music department at Isaac Newton Academy from September. I am excited to collaborate with both teachers and students to create engaging and informative lessons that get students excited about the wonderful opportunity that the academy has created to really get involved with music. The opportunities presented for students at the Isaac Newton Academy are incredible. Students are given the chance to not only learn the curriculum but also develop themselves through a wide range of Enrichment groups. Additionally, I have been overwhelmed by the environment that I have observed in my time at INA so far, where students want to learn and teachers want to help them achieve this in any way possible. I have lived in Chadwell Heath for my whole life, and remember when INA 7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


used to be the old swimming pool rather than the Academy that it is today. I then studied in Southampton for three years to complete a degree in Music, and then worked at another school in Redbridge as a Learning Support Assistant, to develop my teaching ability. This past year, I have completed a teaching qualification to prepare myself for giving the best education possible to the students at INA. I am really looking forward to starting at INA. I hope to contribute towards the school’s continuing success and development, and am excited to work alongside both students and staff to create the best opportunities possible for students at the Isaac Newton Academy.

Stacey Epler, Teacher of Mathematics I am very much looking forward to starting my next chapter of teaching at Isaac Newton Academy this upcoming autumn. As I continue to develop my teaching skills and pedagogy, I am honoured to be surrounded by such a strong group of staff members who have the same visions I do for the education system. I was born and raised in America, within the state of Pennsylvania, and then established my teaching career in New York City. After two years in Brooklyn, I made my way to England and am currently teaching secondary maths on the coast in Felixstowe. I have enjoyed living in a small town throughout this school year, but am looking forward to being part of a big city once more. I have always wanted to be a teacher, and have been searching for a school that will be the best fit for me. Without a doubt, I know INA is the school I have been looking for and I am so glad to be a part of such a great learning community.

With all best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane 6 Secondary Newsletter

7 July 2017

A Warm Invite to

INA’s Awards Assemblies Friday 21st July 2017

On Friday 21st July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies. This is an important opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the times as follows: 11.05-12.00 Year 7 assembly

Dining Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 8 assembly

KS3 Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 10 assembly

Dining Hall

At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect tickets for the awards assembly from his/her form tutor. Please request your tickets by Monday 10th July. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like additional places, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. I look forward to seeing you on 21st July. MS Spencer, Vice Principal

7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Year 9 teach Year 2 Fibonacci

On Wednesday 21st June 9 León had the opportunity to teach the class 2 Fibonnaci at INA Primary School. Our year 9 students thought of inventive, creative and engaging ways to teach the younger students the colours in Spanish. All students made their own resources and could deliver their sessions effectively to the younger children. The primary students enjoyed their learning and by the end of the session they were able to say at least 5 colours in Spanish! This was such an achievement after only 20 minutes of learning. The year 9 students also enjoyed themselves as they were in charge of how they taught to their small group. All students were engaged and confident and displaying their BRIDGES dispositions of making connections, persevering and empathy. (Quotes from students) “We were awesome teachers!” “I enjoyed it a lot as it was nice to see how quickly the younger children picked up what we taught them.” “We taught students colours in Spanish really well and we were the best teachers.” Thank you 9 León for your fantastic teaching! Ms Brett, Teacher of MFL

8 Secondary Newsletter

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VACANCY Part Time (3 hours per week, evenings or Saturday morning) Teacher of Computer Science Required for September 2017 We are looking to appoint an inspirational teacher who shares our belief in the highest standards of academic attainment in a comprehensive setting. This is a rare opportunity to be centrally involved in establishing an outstanding school from its early stages. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to: • play a strategic role in the evolution of Isaac Newton Academy • join the ARK Schools network, with comprehensive CPD provision. The successful candidate will: • have an unswerving belief in the unlimited potential of all students • have a proven track record of achieving outstanding student attainment outcomes • possess the skills and determination to make a significant difference to the lives of Ilford residents. If you are seeking a challenging and highly rewarding position, enriching the lives of the students who attend Isaac Newton Academy and members of the local community, then we are keen to hear from you. If you have any technical issues with the application form please contact our technical team on 0203 116 6345 or for further information or an informal, confidential discussion please contact Adeel Hussain, HR Officer, on 020 8911 6656 or g.webb@isaacnewtonacademy.org. To apply please go to http://www.isaacnewtonacademy.org/staffvacancies. Please complete your application by midday on Monday 17th July 2017. Location: Start date: Deadline: Salary:

Ilford, Redbridge September 2017 Midday Monday 17th July 2017 Negotiable

Ark is committed to safeguarding children; successful candidates will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. 7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


English Department Book Amnesty

The English Department would like to ask all students and parents to have a good look at home to see if you have any books that need returning to the department so that we have enough copies for all students to be able to enjoy them during the next academic year. Books to look for: From year 7: Framed by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

From year 8: The Declaration by Gemma Malley The Tempest by William Shakespeare From year 9: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Macbeth by William Shakespeare Because this is a book amnesty there will be no consequences for the late return for any text, just our thanks for taking the effort to help us replace some of our missing books.

Y7: Day - Monday 17th July Time – P6

Better get practising… …to bee the best that you can bee! 10 Secondary Newsletter

7 July 2017

KS4 Options Update Deadline for Option Change Requests Monday 10th July 2017 A reminder to Year 9 students and parents that Monday is the deadline to submit any requests for option changes. Students can access the form from Fronter or from the Student drive in school. All requests for option changes must be signed by both student and parent/ carer. Requests for changes to options are not guaranteed to be agreed. Changes that would make a class too small or too big, with the consequent negative impact on teaching and learning for the students in that class, will not be agreed. All students must study at least one of Geography, History, French or Spanish and are encouraged to work towards the full Ebacc. Kind regards Ms McEvoy, Assistant Principal

7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Transf J���� M�������

James Morrison is a multiinstrumental Australian jazz musician. Widely known for his trumpet playing, Morrison has also performed on soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, clarinet, flugelhorn, bass trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, double bass, guitar and piano. Morrison transferred his trumpet-playing skills to other instruments when he took on the challenge of learning to play all of the big band instruments. Through learning all of the big band instruments, he is able to understand range in the big band, the technical challenges, how a big band works and what to expect from his musicians. In 2013 he conducted the World’s Largest Orchestra in Brisbane, comprising 7,224 musicians. In 2015 Morrison opened the James Morrison Academy of Music, a dedicated jazz school offering a degree in Jazz performance, thus transferring to others his skills, experience and knowledge. Morrison also composed and performed the fanfare at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.


Using the skill and knowledge learnt in one subject/situation and applying to another.


Being able to transfer skills and information across subjects, making links between subjects, skill sets and experiences.

12 Secondary Newsletter

7 July 2017

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J����� B�����, N����� ��� A���� K��������� all transferred the knowledge they gained from their fitness lessons into their 800m run today – pacing themselves to ensure they could last the whole race. 1st – Amaal, 2nd Nehaal, 3rd – Jainna.

L��� D���� whilst doing the score in netball tournament used her maths quickly and efficiently with little support


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• Be aware of and transfer the skills you • Discuss your transferable skills e.g. use in one subject to another e.g. literacy collaboration, problem solving, working to skills, such as logically structuring a piece deadlines, making decisions, research skills of writing applies to all subjects where you with your son/daughter. Explain when and use extended writing; using and applying how you use them and why I’s important the knowledge of graphs you gained in to be able to do this. maths to geography. • Talk about the skills you learned in school • In your BRIDGES journal, record and reflect and explain how they transferred to on the different transferable skills you workplace practice/your role as a citizen. have used during the week. • Discuss how you have learnt from your • Over the summer, use your prior learning, knowledge and skills to help with your prelearning for next year, whether that is A level, GCSE or KS3.

7 July 2017

mistakes and how you transfer the lessons you have learned to other situations.

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards on offer.


We are in the final few weeks of the inter-form merit competition, and it is very tight so far. Well done to all the students who have achieved 25/50/100/150 merits so far this year. The totals below are how many merits your form has achieved in this term so far. So keep working hard so that you can achieve your personal bronze/silver/gold/platinum merit award, and to also help your form climb up the merit league towards the top! YEAR 7









412 339 291 242 232 221 41


249 213 166 121 98 96 95 92


228 220 204 129 102 89 75 70


100 86 60 53 38 21 3

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Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption. The idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.

Year 7: Tasbir Rahaman 7C Year 8: Jahiem Chambers 8W Year 9: Aman Jagdev 9W Year 10: Mohsin Khan 10T

Good Deed Feed Ms Verhasselt: Many thanks to Giulia Cozma 10N whom willingly translated information over the phone to parents at KS3 reception. Your help was extremely valuable! Ms Brett: Tasnim Towfa 8W always collects in gluesticks and offers her spare equipment to another student in the form who may need it. Very kind!

Mr Ayerh

Year 10 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise & Recognition

7 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Humanities Games 2017 Brush up on your geographical and historical knowledge ready for the annual Humanities Quiz, taking place in Humanities lessons all of next week. Which form will be victorious? 7 ISAC

Monday P5


Monday P6


Wednesday P3


Wednesday P5


Wednesday P4


Tuesday P5

HOUR OF CODE You are invited ! Please join us in S28 and S30 on Monday 17th July to spend an hour creating fun games from 4:15PM - 5:15PM You will receive a Certificate

No prior knowledge

You may bring



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Wednesday 12th July 2017 6:30pm

ADULTS: £1.50 CONCESSIONS: £1 INA STUDENTS: 50P INA students can purchase tickets during break time at the KS3 reception. Adult and external guest tickets are available to purchase at the main reception. 7 July 2017

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7 July 2017

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Key Dates for the Summer Term 2017 Tuesday 18th April – Friday 21st July Monday 10th July Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th July Friday 14th July Wednesday 19th July Thursday 20th July Friday 21st July Monday 24th July

Dress rehearsal for School Production & Sports Awards Year 11 Graduation Ball Summer Production Year 10 Mock Results Day Year 9 Reports sent home End of KS3 Graduation End of Term & Awards Assemblies Uniform Sales

Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 Wednesday 6th September – Wednesday 20th December Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 6th September Thursday 7th September Friday 8th September

Inset Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS First day of new school year 1.30pm Year 7 8.25am Year 7 & Year 12 1.30pm Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 Normal School Day 8.25am All Year groups

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