14 July 2017 Secondary Newsletter

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14 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter 14 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.


The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Gareth Marshall-Jones Primary Deputy Headteacher Patrick Ball Pastoral Leader

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.

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Dear Parents and Carers, It has been a great week at INA! On Monday the Year 11s donned their glitter and glamour or the Graduation Ball. They arrived in true celebrity style in an array of wonderful limousines and had a fantastic evening –as you will see from the pictures that follow! Last night we entered, for the first time, a Year 7, Year 9 and Year 10 team in the Redbridge Language Awards at Seven Kings School All six of our competitors were great: our Year 9 team came second and our Year 10 team were overall winners! Congratulations to Kaiya Green, Sumayyah Ali, Amani Hafez, Ammarah Ahmed, Yeyint Koko and Ahnaf Ibne Anis and thanks to Ms Davies and the MFL department. Meanwhile we were being treated to a wonderful evening of music, drama and dance at the school in “The Show Must Go On”. It was a pacey and varied review, with comedy, modern dance, song compilations and serious drama. It was great to see such versatility from students in Years 7-10. Many thanks go to all the students and staff who have worked so hard on this venture. And lastly, here are some more introductions to new staff members who have recently joined us or will arrive in September:

Bharti Vadher, Pastoral Administrator It has been such a pleasure being part of the INA team as Pastoral Administrator since February 2017! Prior to my employment at INA, I worked as a recruitment consultant where I had the privilege of providing HR, PA and administrative candidates across schools in North, East and West London. Above all, I was always drawn towards the core values that INA has harnessed and, for me, this is personal investment. There’s an outstanding school in my community that makes it their fundamental responsibility to equip every student to their full potential. The student body of

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Secondary Newsletter


INA receive attention and learning as if they attend a private school, the result of which has been imbedded into their capable minds. ‘We build too many walls and not enough bridges.’ I chose to excel in the education field, particularly at INA because I want to give back and make a difference to our younger generation! My role is extremely versatile and very interactive with students, parents, carers and staff across all departments. I take pride in my stance to be approachable at all times and to ensure the functioning at KS3 administration is smooth and efficient. A little bit about me; I’ve lived in East London most of my life and adore the London culture and its diversity. I studied Anatomy and Physiology. I found a love for English as a subject and felt this was the bridge I needed to be able to tap into my creative ability! I am currently working on a novel of my own! During lunch breaks at INA students will approach me about pieces they are working on or books they are reading; this is so refreshing and inspirational to me. My experience so far has truly been rewarding and as a member of the INA family, I look forward growing with such a visionary institution.

Thaïs Verhasselt, Student Receptionist I joined INA in April 2017 as a temporary member of staff and I am absolutely delighted I applied and was appointed to the role of Student Receptionist. I am honoured to be part of INA community, where students and staff made me feel welcomed from day one. A bit about myself… Originally from France, I moved to London in 2010 in the hope to improve my English. My stay was supposed to last 6 months, but I fell in love with the city liveliness and its diversity. I grew up in a valley in the middle of the French Alps, so let’s say I was amazed by the size of London. I previously worked as a Prince’s Trust Team Leader, delivering self-development programmes to young people aged 16 to 25. As long as I can remember, I have always shown passion and commitment in working with young people. My role as a Student Receptionist consists of dealing with first aid, detentions and any other queries from students at KS3 Reception. I am looking forward to developing strong and positive relationship with staff, students and carers at INA.

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Genevieve Testler, Design Technology/ Graphics Teacher I am looking forward to embarking on my journey within the INA team from September as an NQT. I have recently completed my training year through School Direct as a teacher of Design Technology where I was able to teach and gain knowledge in all specialism areas. I am looking forward to helping grow the DT department and leading the new KS4 students on their journey towards gaining their GCSEs. I am a career changer and hope that my experience of working within the creative industry for many years will be a positive and inspiring influence to the students of INA in helping them achieve their full potential. I have lived in Redbridge all my life so have experienced the positive learning environment that the borough provides. I originally attended Seven Kings High School and Sixth Form. Following this I attended the world renowned Cordwainers College within London College of Fashion where I studied both footwear and accessory and obtained 2 degrees. I then spent over a decade working within the footwear industry within some high end well known brands. I have held Product Development roles, management roles and more recently focusing on strategic business planning. During my time within the industry, I worked with factories and suppliers all over the world so provide the benefit of life experience and have been exposed to many cultures (as well as being from a very multicultural family myself!). I have 2 young children, and decided I needed a new challenge in my life which brought me into teaching. I have had a whirlwind of a training year but I am looking forward to this exciting journey ahead, and something I am really hoping I can get my teeth into it. I will be able to offer the department and students a real insight into the world of the creative industries to help them achieve their targets and dreams within the INA community.

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Secondary Newsletter


Rob Lennox, Lead Teacher of Politics and Teacher of Humanities My interest in politics, which began at college, led me to studying Politics and International Relations at the University of Manchester. Since then, I have worked at several sixth form colleges teaching both politics and sociology. Outside of work, I have a range of interests. I am currently studying for a Masters in Education with Manchester Metropolitan University, which I am enjoying very much. I like to read in my spare time, with a particular interest in both political thrillers and dystopian novels- my recent favourite is Margaret Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale”. As a bit of a movie fan, I love going to the cinema several times a month, and can’t go for too long without listening to Bruce Springsteen.

Bertie Simpson, Head of Maths Ever since I was asked what I wanted to be, I have always said I wanted to be a maths teacher or a plastic surgeon! As I got older my strange fascination with plastic surgery dissipated, with some relief from my parents, but my interest in understanding maths and why it wasn’t shared by everyone grew. Ever since I became a maths teacher I have asked myself the question “What I would do if I was head of department?” I am very proud to say that Isaac Newton Academy have given me the privilege to put into action 9 years’ worth of answers to that question. I join an already strong and successful department with a passion for maths but I will add my own energy and ways of looking at things. I will bring a passion for continually challenging ourselves as teachers with mathematical problems, so that we as a department keep improving our problem solving skills and can pass this on to students. I look forward to working with students of Isaac Newton Academy who impressed me so much during my visit. We as a maths department will strive to answer the question so many young people ask of maths, “Why do we have to learn this?” Not by stating a list of jobs which require maths, although there are many, but by showing them the power and fun of logical thinking and problem solving. I will also bring my experience of teaching 6th form and will work to instil an ethos of high expectations of academic excellence into our 6th form students and the desire to study maths in higher education. I know that in this way the beliefs and ethos

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of Isaac Newton Academy and myself are closely entwined and I will continue to create an environment in which every child can succeed no matter their starting point.

Yusuf Mohammed, Teacher of Science I am Yusuf Mohammed and I will be joining INA in September 2017. I am a science teacher who specialises in chemistry, and I have a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry. I became a teacher because I wanted to help to make a change by giving students as many opportunities as possible and be able to help mould and shape future generations. I grew up in the local community of Ilford and can therefore relate to some of the struggles that our youth are facing today. I am looking forward to working with the students at INA and hope to inspire, motivate and encourage them to reach their full potential.

Monica Watkins - Teacher of Drama I am absolutely thrilled to introduce myself as Isaac Newton Academy’s new Drama Teacher. Having the opportunity to work at an outstanding School does not often present itself, so I feel privileged to have found this role and been appointed to it. I have professionally worked within the Performing Arts sector for the last eight years as a Singer, Dancer, Actress and Vocal Coach and, having completed my PGCE, I am excited to share the skills and knowledge I have acquired with the students of Isaac Newton Academy. I have always had a burning passion for Drama as it is a subject that challenges, engages and inspires our younger generations to be innovative and creative. These skills are widely sought after within many professions across the world and I am proud to be a part of a school that encourages their nourishment. I am very much looking forward to starting my teaching journey at Isaac Newton Academy and working with all of the school’s staff, students and parents in order to help students achieve their dreams and aspirations.

With best wishes, 14 July 2017

Rachel Macfarlane

Secondary Newsletter


A Warm Invite to

INA’s Awards Assemblies Friday 21st July 2017

On Friday 21st July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies. This is an important opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the times as follows: 11.05-12.00 Year 7 assembly

Dining Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 8 assembly

KS3 Hall

12.00-12.55 Year 10 assembly

Dining Hall

At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect tickets for the awards assembly from his/her form tutor. Please request your tickets by Monday 10th July. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like additional places, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. I look forward to seeing you on 21st July. MS Spencer, Vice Principal

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Year 9 - End of Key Stage 3 Awards Ceremony Thursday 20th July 6.00-7.00pm We are holding a special awards ceremony for Year 9 to mark the end of Key Stage 3. Students will go home at the end of the school day and return to school at 5.45pm, dressed formally in their finest outfits, to meet with their tutors, co tutors and tutor groups in preparation for the ceremony. The awards ceremony will commence at 6.00pm. We would like every student to be represented by a parent/carer at the ceremony. Tickets have been distributed to students, so If you haven’t got your ticket yet, please contact the Academy. Parents/carers and students are invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the ceremony. Please note that there will be no enrichment on 20th July. YEAR 9 STUDENTS WILL HAVE AN INDEPENDENT LEARNING DAY ON THE LAST DAY OF TERM. Ms Spencer, Vice Principal

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Secondary Newsletter



Enrichment will be cancelled on Thursday 20th July due to the Year 9 Key Stage Graduation.

Y7: Day - Monday 17th July Time – P6

Better get practising… …to bee the best that you can bee! 10 Secondary Newsletter

14 July 2017

VACANCY Part Time (3 hours per week, evenings or Saturday morning) Teacher of Computer Science Required for September 2017 We are looking to appoint an inspirational teacher who shares our belief in the highest standards of academic attainment in a comprehensive setting. This is a rare opportunity to be centrally involved in establishing an outstanding school from its early stages. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to: • play a strategic role in the evolution of Isaac Newton Academy • join the ARK Schools network, with comprehensive CPD provision. The successful candidate will: • have an unswerving belief in the unlimited potential of all students • have a proven track record of achieving outstanding student attainment outcomes • possess the skills and determination to make a significant difference to the lives of Ilford residents. If you are seeking a challenging and highly rewarding position, enriching the lives of the students who attend Isaac Newton Academy and members of the local community, then we are keen to hear from you. If you have any technical issues with the application form please contact our technical team on 0203 116 6345 or for further information or an informal, confidential discussion please contact Adeel Hussain, HR Officer, on 020 8911 6656 or g.webb@isaacnewtonacademy.org. To apply please go to http://www.isaacnewtonacademy.org/staffvacancies. Please complete your application by midday on Monday 17th July 2017. Location: Start date: Deadline: Salary:

Ilford, Redbridge September 2017 Midday Monday 17th July 2017 Negotiable

Ark is committed to safeguarding children; successful candidates will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. 14 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Transf J���� M�������

James Morrison is a multiinstrumental Australian jazz musician. Widely known for his trumpet playing, Morrison has also performed on soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, clarinet, flugelhorn, bass trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, double bass, guitar and piano. Morrison transferred his trumpet-playing skills to other instruments when he took on the challenge of learning to play all of the big band instruments. Through learning all of the big band instruments, he is able to understand range in the big band, the technical challenges, how a big band works and what to expect from his musicians. In 2013 he conducted the World’s Largest Orchestra in Brisbane, comprising 7,224 musicians. In 2015 Morrison opened the James Morrison Academy of Music, a dedicated jazz school offering a degree in Jazz performance, thus transferring to others his skills, experience and knowledge. Morrison also composed and performed the fanfare at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.


Using the skill and knowledge learnt in one subject/situation and applying to another.


Being able to transfer skills and information across subjects, making links between subjects, skill sets and experiences.

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J����� B�����, N����� ��� A���� K��������� all transferred the knowledge they gained from their fitness lessons into their 800m run today – pacing themselves to ensure they could last the whole race. 1st – Amaal, 2nd Nehaal, 3rd – Jainna.

L��� D���� whilst doing the score in netball tournament used her maths quickly and efficiently with little support


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• Be aware of and transfer the skills you • Discuss your transferable skills e.g. use in one subject to another e.g. literacy collaboration, problem solving, working to skills, such as logically structuring a piece deadlines, making decisions, research skills of writing applies to all subjects where you with your son/daughter. Explain when and use extended writing; using and applying how you use them and why I’s important the knowledge of graphs you gained in to be able to do this. maths to geography. • Talk about the skills you learned in school • In your BRIDGES journal, record and reflect and explain how they transferred to on the different transferable skills you workplace practice/your role as a citizen. have used during the week. • Discuss how you have learnt from your • Over the summer, use your prior learning, knowledge and skills to help with your prelearning for next year, whether that is A level, GCSE or KS3.

14 July 2017

mistakes and how you transfer the lessons you have learned to other situations.

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards on offer.


We are in the final few weeks of the inter-form merit competition, and it is very tight so far. Well done to all the students who have achieved 25/50/100/150 merits so far this year. The totals below are how many merits your form has achieved in this term so far. So keep working hard so that you can achieve your personal bronze/silver/gold/platinum merit award, and to also help your form climb up the merit league towards the top! YEAR 7









516 387 304 270 258 229 93


263 213 166 151 109 107 98 95


232 224 220 196 113 90 75 70


105 83 70 56 53 48 18

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Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption. The idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.

Year 7: Imane Ale 7W Year 8: Jahiem Chambers 8W Year 9: Rachel Pearce 9E Year 10: Humayra Mushtaq 10A

Good Deed Feed Ms Hon-Ng: Annan Ibne-Anis 9E, Annan used his Italian language skills to translate information to Mahfuz during Art, enabling Mahfuz to take part fully in the lesson. Ms Field: Sumayyah Ali 9E has gone to the trouble of organising a Thank You card from all of the students in the production so that Ms Rayner is given a lovely send-off as she moves away to her new school. Aiesha Bhalla 7I and Sakinah Choudhury 7C for being very helpful doing jobs and running errands for the Drama department Glory Mondua for being a brilliant leader and choreographer in her contributions to the dance team for the school production. Mr Ball: Wasia Malik 7W was prepared to selflessly give the last yoghurt in the dining hall to a fellow Year 7 student. The students soon realised that there was indeed another tray of yoghurts, but Wasia’s selfless intentions were still noted by all the students present.

Mr Ayerh, Year 10 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise & Recognition 14 July 2017

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 11 NEWS Graduation Ball

The Year 11 Graduation Ball took place on Monday at Woolston Manor Country Club, Chigwell, Essex.

A good time was had by all!

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Year 7 and Year 8 Sports Journalism Competition Over the summer term a sport journalism competition was offered to all Year 7 and Year 8 students. There have been huge amounts of entries and after much discussion the following results have been decided:

Runners Up

Rayyan Mehmood (8C) Commended for an interesting choice of event with detailed knowledge. Ranjit Singh (8S) Commended for creative links between sport at INA and professional sport.


Aarez Khan (7A) Commended for professional writing style and effectively building tension. Younus Taher (8W) Commended for being well-researched and including thorough analysis of tactics and transfer strategies. Well done to all students involved and keep an eye out for the next competition!

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Secondary Newsletter


Year 8 Students Get Hooked On Walking Tour

On Tuesday 11th July, twenty-five Year 8 students, in reward of their hard work and effort all year in Science lessons, dusted off their walking shoes for a tour on foot of the City of London. The aim was to find out about the scientific and historical significance of many of the famous and not-so-famous landmarks of the City. Mr Golinski was the official tour guide, providing lots of interesting stories including the feud between rival scientists Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton, how a building could melt a car and how the opening of coffee shops changed science. Students visited the Millennium Bridge, the Bank of England Museum and ably ascended the 311 steps of The Monument. Not even the rain could dampen the spirits of these intrepid wanderers! “This year I have been on multiple trips, but this was truly unique. It opened my eyes to the history of science. I learnt that there are many sites around our busy London involving science. I love history and science and this trip was a great combination of both. My favourite part was climbing The Monument, even though it was tiring, as I got a lot of satisfaction out of it. It was a great opportunity to learn lots of different facts and statistics” Shama, 8I “I really enjoyed the trip as we went to many amazing landmarks. Exploring the science behind how things work was incredibly interesting.” Zahra, 8I

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“I really enjoyed the trip – it was a phenomenal experience. Although the rain made us wet, I still managed to have a great time. The thing I enjoyed most was climbing The Monument. Despite the 311 steps, the view was worth it!” Jameelah, 8I Well done to all the students involved! Dr Mounsey

Social club outing to Southend-On-Sea Wish you were here!

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Secondary Newsletter


Year 10 Work Experience Congratulations to the Year 10’s returning from another year of successful work experience placements. A big thank you to all the companies that supported INA. If you would like to get involved next year by offering a placement please email info@ isaacnewtonacademy.org Mr Crowther-Green

HOUR OF CODE You are invited ! Please join us in S28 and S30 on Monday 17th July to spend an hour creating fun games from 4:15PM - 5:15PM You will receive a Certificate

No prior knowledge

You may bring



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On Wednesday 12th July 8 year 9 students took part in a local maths relay event held at Seven Kings high school. The students took part in a relay event which meant working together as two pairs in a team of 4. The students decided to split themselves into team ISAC and team NEWT which meant there was already some internal pressure to see which team would come out on top. They were competing against 4 other schools all of which included great mathematicians so it was up to team ISAC and NEWT to show them who was the best. In order to succeed students had to answer questions in a timely but concise manner. Answering too many questions quickly could lead to silly mistakes, however answering too slowly meant they wouldn’t see as many questions, so each team had to think about the different tactics they could use. The relay lasted one hour before the scores were added up. In the end team ISAC came 2nd place overall with team NEWT coming 3 points behind in joint 4th position. A great achievement for all who took part and hopefully next year we can win the whole thing. Well done! Team ISAC Nathan Afsar, Noah Hawthorne, Sinthuran Seethamohan, Nehaal Khandwalla Team NEWT Aman Jagdev, Amaal Khandwalla, Hrunday Kinhikar, Adbur Miah Mr Dukes

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Key Dates for the Summer Term 2017 Tuesday 18th April – Friday 21st July Wednesday 19th July Thursday 20th July Friday 21st July Monday 24th July

Year 9 Reports sent home End of KS3 Graduation End of Term & Awards Assemblies Uniform Sales

Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 Wednesday 6th September – Wednesday 20th December Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 6th September Thursday 7th September Friday 8th September

Inset Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS First day of new school year 1.30pm Year 7 8.25am Year 7 & Year 12 1.30pm Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 Normal School Day 8.25am All Year groups

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