21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter 21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Gareth Marshall-Jones Primary Deputy Headteacher Patrick Ball Pastoral Leader
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
2 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
Dear Parents and Carers, By the time that you read this we will have broken up for the year: I know how hard all the staff and students have worked his year and I think that everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved rest! This week has been full of exciting learning opportunities. Year 7s had a visit from the Bug Man and his menagerie of reptiles and insects on Thursday. The Year 8s took park in a Speaking Challenge organised by Mr Taylor on Wednesday. Year 10s experienced a simulation of GCSE results day on Wednesday afternoon. Meanwhile a wide range of secondary students have been involved in the very successful Summer Fayre at the primary site on Wednesday and entertaining the primary pupils with an end of Year concert on Thursday. We say goodbye to a number of colleagues at the end of term: Ms Duraku, Ms Hines, Mr James, Ms Hong-Ng, Ms Brett, Ms Gallagher, Ms Hermolle, Ms Franklin, Mr Turner, Mr Neville, Ms Raynor, Mr Knowles, Ms Balsdon, Ms Coates, Ms Kristiansen and Ms Elliot. They are heading off to a range of new and exciting adventures and we wish them all well and thank them for all that they have contributed to INA. In their place we welcome a fantastic team of new INA teachers, many of whom have introduced themselves to you in recent editions of the newsletter. Here are a few more biographies:
Nabeela Sabir, KS4 Co-ordinator for English I officially become a member of Isaac Newton Academy this September and I cannot be more excited. As a teenager I attended Walthamstow School for Girls, an Outstanding School where Rachel Macfarlane was the head teacher, so it comes as no surprise that she has once again created an incredible establishment where each and every child is excelling. I visited Isaac Newton Academy a number of times in its early infancy and knew that it was only a matter of time before I made my move, as each and every time I was
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
beguiled by what I saw. I always had aspirations to become an English teacher at some point of my life and began working at a supplementary school in Enfield at the age of 19 while studying Law at university. Law appealed to me because I wanted a profession with a strong moral purpose and one where I was able to be service to a wide range of people from all walks of life. However, I enjoyed working with young people so much, teaching a subject I am passionate about, that it dawned to me; what could be a better career than one that gives our youth a well-grounded foundation and kick-start to life? I decided to pursue a teaching sooner rather than later and have never looked back! INA’s philosophy of learning and teaching is very much aligned with my own, particularly the ideology of growth mindset and lifelong learning, so much sothat I have decided to delve deeper in the theory and practice of pedagogy. I will be studying for a Masters in Effective Learning and Teaching at Oxford University and I am looking forward to using the myriad skills, research and knowledge I gain to enhance the learning and future of young people. Isaac Newton Academy is a wonderful place for young people to grow and develop, not only academically but personally, emotionally and morally. The balance of head, heart and hand is truly inspiring and will allow our youth to flourish in all types of environments. I cannot wait to embark on this wonderful journey at INA!
Adeel Hussain, HR Officer I was absolutely delighted when I heard I received the role at Isaac Newton Academy. I haven’t even been here a month and already feel part of the INA family. A little about myself:, I was born in East Ham, I shortly after moved to Ilford and have been here ever since. I love learning languages and I’m currently studying my third with hopes of reaching 6-9 languages! I also enjoy maths and snooker. Isaac Newton Academy has made its mark in the community which is one of the reasons why I applied. Its visions and values deeply resonate with what I think education should be all about and being part of the HR team means that I can be a positive contributor towards the school reaching its targets.
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My time so far at INA has been a challenging yet rewarding one and I hope that I can continue to grow professionally and personally with the school.
Abigail Hine, Teacher of English & Drama I am very excited about the prospect of starting work at Isaac Newton Academy in September. I love teaching, working with young people, and really getting involved in the community of a school. Growing up, I lived in many different countries, including Indonesia, Ethiopia and the United States. This was because of my father’s work as a transport economist. I’ll admit that when I was young I hated having to change location and often missed my home and friends in England. I now realise that this nomadic way of life instilled in me a love for different cultures, and helped me to realise that I should focus on people for who they really are, and not appearance or first impressions. Living in Ethiopia was an amazing experience. We were able to go camping in the mountains, observe wildlife, explore ancient places, swim in volcanic lakes and enjoy incredible food! While living abroad, I attended international schools which meant that I met students and teachers from all over the world. Because I changed school nearly every two years, I became interested in education and knew from a young age that I wanted to be a teacher. When we were in Washington DC, I was able to study at the Folger Shakespeare Library, which is the centre for Shakespearean studies in America. Studying there gave me a love for Shakespeare, theatre and film, and I went on to study English and Drama at university. After university, I moved to Barcelona to teach English, and then later I worked in Hong Kong. From there I was also able to visit China, Japan and Australia. Aside from travelling, literature and theatre, I also love art and music. I can’t wait to get involved in the extracurricular opportunities at Isaac Newton Academy, and I look forward to getting to the staff and students in September.
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Rapinder Kaur, Head of Business BTEC I am looking forward to joining the INA family in September as Head of Business BTEC. I am thrilled and honoured to be given a unique opportunity to help shape the vocational pathway in the new sixth form. I came into teaching after a long career in the city and decided that I wanted to use my skills in a way where I can truly make a difference to the Redbridge community within which I live. I have now been in teaching since 2010 and enjoy every minute of it. My first impressions of the school during interview were amazing and the aspect that struck me the most was the use of BRIDGES along with strong core values and an ethos which I relate to. I am really excited to start this new journey and join an already strong, hardworking and committed team of staff and students.
Mourad Nady, Teacher of MFL I am a French native and graduate from University College London (UCL) and the Institute of Education (IOE. I have been working in education for five years. I was born and bred in France, particularly in Corsica. This island between Italy and France provided a peaceful and stress-free environment for my childhood and early education. I then undertook studies of Management and Marketing in Montpellier before moving to London during the Olympic Games. I am pleased to be appointed as a Modern Foreign Languages Teacher and hope to contribute positively to the development of Isaac Newton Academy.
Hisland La Touche - Academy Administrator/ Receptionist I am ECSTATIC to be joining the INA family. My main reasons are it will give me an opportunity to give back something positive to my local community and secondly, during my interview process, I got the sense and feeling while liaising and watching the staff that there was an ethos of learning and community within the school which really impressed me. As a result, I wanted to become a part of it.
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I attended the INA Staff Away Day which was fantastic. During the morning session a member of the Leadership Team came and sat beside and spoke with me throughout the whole session. This gesture made me feel really special. Throughout the day I was able to interact with lots of friendly staff who made all my anxieties disappear. It is quite evident why the Academy is outstanding. I believe my transition will be seamless and I am looking forward to walking through those glass doors at INA in the new school year. About me: - I am a local resident of Redbridge. Two of my greatest loves are gardening & crocheting. I have been married for the past 29 years and I am mum of two daughters; my eldest is 25 years old and has been a teacher at a Redbridge School for the past 3 years. My baby is 18 years old and has just finished her first year at university. They have both been educated at local Redbridge schools. I have worked in an office environment all of my working life. My latest two roles include being Senior Administrator at University of East London for eleven years and currently Administration Officer at Gainsborough Primary School for the past six year. All my years of working within this field have given me to skills and qualities needed to be an excellent representative for INA. I model exceptional attitudes to learning such as accepting responsibility for my own behaviour and learning. I graduated from Birkbeck University in November 2016 with BSc in Social Sciences with an honour in Psychosocial Study. My aim is to help inspire your students and to be a positive influence to them. I am looking forward to getting to know them, the staff & parents. I am looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Awards Assemblies at the end of this week but if I don’t get to talk to you, have a fantastic summer break and thank you for all of your support over the past year. With all best wishes, With best wishes,
21 July 2017
Rachel Macfarlane
Secondary Newsletter
Isaac Newton Academy End of Summer Term Awards Assemblies On Thursday 19th July we held our end of Key Stage 3 Graduation. Year 9 students and their parents/carers joined staff to celebrate and mark a fantastic first three years at INA. Students dressed in their finest outfits, Mr Griffin, Chair of Governors, made a congratulatory speech and tutors spoke about the achievements of their tutor groups. We also were treated to the Gala performance and to inspiring speeches from two Year 9 students, Kaiya Greenidge and Subaan Dar. It was a very special occasion. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended.
On Friday 20th July our final awards assemblies of the year for Years 7, 8 and 10 took place. The assemblies were wonderful events, enabling staff, students and parents/carers to come together to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. At the assemblies we presented awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality was also celebrated. Congratulations to all of the award winners and to all students at INA for another very successful year!
8 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
Special Award Winners YEAR 7
Reading Ersin Yesim
Cultural Passport Diya Rajput
Community Spirit Maya Imran
Performance award Musa Amin & Amani Hafez
Enrichment Filsan Ali
Attitude to Learning award Serena Sandhu
Reading Jameelah Choudhary
Cultural Passport Shama Daula
Community Spirit Simra Kazi
Attitude to Learning award Keshan Beckett-Edwards, Eleanor Brant, Salma Parwane
Enrichment Glory Mondua
Performance award Eleanor Brant
YEAR 9 Reading Hruday Kinhikar
Cultural Passport Kaiya Greenidge
Community Spirit Jodie King
Attitude to Learning award Simran Sanghera
Enrichment Arjan Tathgar
Performance award Fatima Jilani
YEAR 10 Reading Mumina Begum Community Spirit Mariam Parwane Enrichment Anushri Menon 21 July 2017
Cultural Passport Amber Khandwalla Attitude to Learning award Mary Brant Performance award Amber Khandwalla
Secondary Newsletter
Pritom Borhan Uddin
Ilsa Dar
Junayed Ahmed
Talha Mohamed
Hassan Khan
Adriana Chiturlas
Ayaan Ali
Hussein Umerji
Aarez Khan
Mohammad Zahoor
Sara Rahman
Kabeer Jaswal
Nabil Islam
Taqi Aziz
Tasbir Rahaman
Imani Ale
Rafi Marziakhall
Samara Anwar
Saihan Rahman
Shifa Raje
Luca Tancau
Ammarah Ahmed
Musa Amin
Ram Solanky
Bismah Mir
Huseyin Derya
Abid Chowdhury Savanna D Imran Miah
Rahaman Moorthy
Daniel Ekwueme
Hanifah Jalil
Samie Daykin
Saarah Chaudhry
Nusrat Chowdhury
Maryam Ali
Ramy Mills
Maheen Mahfuz
Sakina Awadh
Musa Mahmood
Aniqa Rahman
Aracely Barbu
Miguel Paisley
Zahir Uddin
Saarah Ali
Anisha Ahmed
Haider Hussain
Adam Kothia
Nada Aweis
Zain Islam
Haider Rafiq
Tayyab Khan
Anamaika Pathak
Taybah Patel
Samiul Hoque
Jahiem Chambers
Zidan Rahman
Glory Mondua
Hammad Patel
Safa Hassan
Tuhfah Begum
10 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
ward Winners
ar 7
ria Vacula
Qasim Waqar
Tonima Rahman
Abdul-Baari Dirie
na Khankara
Alif Ahamed
Saif Ali
Ayaan Ali
mmad Zahoor
Nourine Hashim
Kaif Hossain
Mohammad Zahoor
Iqra Javed
Sakinah Choudhury
Armani Narr
Mohammed Shakib Hussain
Leah Deane
Farhan Javed
Anam Hussain
Mahrunnasa Nasir
Samreen Saif
ea Mahil
Aymen Mami
Ersin Yesim
Wasia Malik
mran Virk
ndeep Kaur
ar 8 GRIT
Hafsah Suleman
Harkirat Singh
Rafi Ullah
Kasim Maniyar
Hammad Khan
Rhea Virdee
Ranjit Singh
Maham Tahir
Jahvine Chambers
Laiba Chowdhry
Roopam Bopari
Hishaam Ali
Anish Mistry
Balpreet Maan
Maria-Iulia Hurmuz
Sarah Warishaully
Aathavan Kandeepan
Khadija Khan
Shakim Samie Martin
Ikram Aden
Adam Ali
Elycia Chana
Dean Mamun
Abdulkadir Abdulle
Simra Kazi
Vivek Kampurath
Shania Da Costa
Ali Hassan
Berfin Colak
Ahmed Syed Ali
Ajwad Hadi Mauthoor
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Sanaan Hafeez
Jody King
Nehaal Khandwalla
Hasan Islam
Faruq Sultan
Manraj Singh
Kaiya Greenidge
Ekam Sehmbi
Hannah Kadir
Fatima Jilani
Jeskiran Rai
Daanyal Khan
Omeir Khan
Iman Ali
Amaan Hassan
Hajara Rafiq
Jasleen Kaur
Arslan Dar
Samera Yusuf
Amaal Khandwalla
Rachel Pearce
Iman Yusuf
Rabail Rahim
Regobert Gomez
Anamika Aytan
Aman Jagdev
Kriti Thava
Sisay Shah
Matthew Afsar
Ayman Oulad-Lafkuih
Qashrina Collier
Subhaan Dar
Juma Gomez
Esha Patel
Denada Balaj
Zahra Khan
Zeeshan Ahmed
Umar Shaikh
Haaris Waseem
Kunal Rathod
Jasmin Johnson
Sim Sehmi
Khalees Sakkaf
Sabir Mohammed
Laila Sufi
Hadeeqah Raja
Bilal Mehmood
Hamza Shaukat
Zainab Ale
Awais Malik
Paramveer Singh
Noshin Samiya
Denice Jaquilmac
Tahsin Naher
Jiya Shazad
Nahimul Hussain
Inaya Hussain
Ayesha Hussain
Tahmid Uddin
Nisha Mistry
Jo Spencer Vice Principal
Congratulations to all o
12 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
ward Winners
ar 9 GRIT
Omar Al Khouli
Aasiyah Jilani
Manraj Rai
Munawarah NoorI
David Paltan Pilicita
Zara Rafiq
Alvydas Beniusis
Kinza Mir
Noah Hawthorne
Simonida Hajredini
Fardina Heron
Hudhaifa Abdur-Rahman
Sanwar Hussein
Nathan Afsar
Aden Dirie
Lailaa Malik
Aman Amin
Aemy Rehman
Maliha Ahmed
Sadaf Noori
Mya Sehmi
Annan Ibne-Anis
Hruday Kinhinkar
Sanaa Rasool
Thomas Cater
Dovidas Snioka
Avinash Desai
Mutjaba Amir
Remeez Saleem
Saira Musab
Lima Uddin
Umer Ahmed
ar10 GRIT
ett Butler
Aisha Jatta
Omar Gill
Natalia Badenko
fan Javed
Ishani Punj
Zayn Munshi
Mary Brant
Jeshurun Jeyason
Mariam Parwane
Amman Kiani
Tasnim Begum
Israel Vallejo Jimenez
Yaaseen Hussain
nder Kalher
Romessa Javed
Anil Rattu
Neel Barnasee
ha Mahmood
Simran Chahal
Husna Umerji
Kyle Baldwin
er Khandwala
Harry Atwal
Harveer Channa
Sumayyah Hosenee
ayra Mushtaq
hard Turcan
of the award winners!
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Year 8 Awards Assembly – Summer Term So this is a very special end of year assembly for us as a year team. Many of you will now be aware that we are sadly saying goodbye to some of our tutors who will be moving on to new and exciting challenges in other schools and roles next year. Firstly, thank you to Ms Duraku for your support and guidance of 8A, all the best in your new school. Mr James you have been absolutely fantastic with 8E, myself and all of 8E have been immensely grateful for the care and attention you have provided the form over the year. It’s been a real pleasure working with you. I would like to extend an extra special thank you to three of the year team that have been with us from the start. Mr Davoll, Ms Gallagher and Ms Brett you have helped me and the rest of the year team deliver outstanding pastoral care to all the students in the year group and you will be greatly missed. I thank you massively for your unwavering dedication to the year team vision, you are all legendary. Ms Brett and Ms Gallagher, good luck in your new schools and Mr Davoll good luck in your role as Head of English at INA. I would like to finish by saying that over the last 2 years as your pastoral leader I have loved working with all of you, the students. You have been a pleasure to support and guide throughout the 2 years. I have loved laughing with you, teaching you and being taught by you, supporting you and guiding you. I have loved watching you perform on stage, in assembly, on the sports field and in competitions and events. You have honestly made me feel like a proud parent everyday through all of your achievements. Next year I will be taking on a new role at INA as Lead Pastoral Leader, which sadly means I won’t get to be your pastoral leader for year 9 and beyond but I cannot wait to continue to support you closely in my new role in school as you continue to strive and achieve excellence in life. Thanks for being absolutely fantastic over the last 2 years and continue to make me proud for the rest of your time at INA, I wish you all the best of holidays. Ms Lapish Year 8 Pastoral Leader
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21 July 2017
Year 7 and 8 Social Club Summer term trip to Southend On Wednesday 12th July, Mr Davoll and Miss Kristiansen took eight Year 7 and 8 students to Southend for the Social Club Summer term trip. The students had already excelled by fundraising in advance of their trip, raising ÂŁ45 by asking staff members to guess how many skittles were in a jar (well done to Miss Bridge who got the closest answer!). The trip started by visiting Adventure Island, a theme park close to Southend pier; the most popular rides were the Big Wheel and the Helter Skelter, both of which tested the BRIDGES skills of bravery and risk-taking. The group then moved on to Southend pier. A train took us along the length of the pier (the longest in the world) and by the time we were eating our ice creams we were of 1.5 miles out to sea. The day ended with beach games and shell-collecting. Each member of the group has made so much progress this year and they should be extremely proud of their achievements. I look forward to working with them again next year.
Social Club members 2016-17
Keshan Beckett-Edwards Rafi Ullah Wasia Malik Inayah Shah Sara Rahman Jawad Rashid Kaif Hossain Haider Hussain Ayaan Ali Ram Solanky Jason Turcan Imran Miah Jamie Jackman
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Humanities Games! The results…. KS3 INA students showed their competitive side last week as they participated in the annual Humanities Games. Students worked together in form groups to solve a series of challenges and puzzles in an attempt to claim the prestigious Humanities Games Trophies. Well done to everyone who took part – all students displayed excellent collaboration, reasoning and concentration skills.
Congratulations to the winners: Year 7 - 7A Year 8 - 8C Year 9 – 9E
Year 7 Spelling Bee Results This week saw Spelling Bees take place for the Year 7s and the students were buzzing with excitement! Year 7 completed a series of obstacles in order to take on spelling challenges that included the 100 most misspelled words. Sixteen students competed in the head-to-head round, spelling some of the 250 most challenging words we could come up with in front of all of their peers, and every single student did exceptionally well. But, in the end, we did find our top spellers in Year 7 for 2017, and it gives me great pleasure to congratulate Ryan Claire (7I) and Anna Jamal (7N) on being crowned this year’s spelling champions; and 7N for coming top of the Spelling Bee league this year! A big well done to all involved, including the runners up! The energy and enthusiasm shown was amazing.
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21 July 2017
Year 8
Year 7
8 Parks – Mohammad Zaid Rehan Gulafreed
7 Parks – Soham Shahjahan 7 Tutu – Zuhan Shahria
8 Tutu – Riha Islam
7 Gandhi –Sakimaj Choudhury
8 Gandhi – Balpreet Mann
7 Attenborough – Rafaela Vemba Vieira 7 Scott – Shanzay Dar 7 Seacole – Farjana Akther 7 Pankhurst – Alif Ahmed
Year 9
8 Attenborough- Neha Duggal Congratulations to the Humanities Heroes! Every term teachers in the Humanities Department nominate someone from each class who deserves to be the Humanities Hero.
8 Scott – Areesha Bano 8 Seacole – Tayyab Khan 8 Pankhurst – Harkirat Singh 8 Earhart – Nihaz Hossain Jamal
The following students proved themselves to be excellent Historians, Geographers or Theologians this term!
9 Parks - Lima Uddin 9 Tutu – Cian Clinton 9 Gandhi – Fahim Islam 9 Attenborough – Rahul Kalra 9 Scott – Imaan Yusuf 9 Seacole and Jibil – Sanaa Rasoul 9 Pankhurst – Ariharan Ponniah 9 Malcolm - Mina Imran
Humanities Heroes consistently demonstrate one or more of the following key Humanities skills: -
Developing Evaluating Leadership Critiquing Creating Problem solving Predicting
Well done to the following students:
9 Nanak – Iman Ali
Year 10 10 Pasteur – Tasneem Akhtar 10 Nightingale – Gurveen Johal 10 Vesalius – Denice Jaquilmac 10 Galen – Aliya Vahora 10 Pacific: Hazna Haleem 10 Everest: Amman Kiani
9 Magdalene – Saira Musab
10 Nile: Daina Williams Morrison
9 Gyatso – Simona Islam
10 Amazon: Sumayyah Hosenee
9 Sara – Janki Ranavaya
10 Galilee: Serina Singh
9 Earhart and King- Aasiya Jilani
10 Al-Aqsa : Arjun Shah
9 Eve - Sumayyah Ali
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Production 2017
Last week, students of KS3 and KS4 at Isaac Newton Academy shared our annual whole-school production with two phenomenal audiences. On Monday 10th July, we were delighted to welcome Year 5 students from South Park Primary School and Year 1 students from Isaac Newton Primary Academy to be our guests and form an audience for our full dress rehearsal. All of our audience were attentive, polite and supportive, and showed lots of enthusiasm for the plays, songs and dances that we performed for them. On Wednesday 12th July, we held a non-uniform day in the Secondary school to raise funds to pay for the sets, props and costumes for the show, and to get the whole school excited for the evening performance of the show. At 6.30pm, a lively and enthusiastic audience of parents, carers, friends and students arrived to attend our evening performance. They were treated to a wide selection of different acts prepared by different students and teachers, introduced by our student compères, Jainna Bhalla and Daanyal Khan from Year 9. Mr Morgan and the show band gave a rousing start to the evening, playing
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Light It Up, as the dancers (choreographed by Year 8 student, Glory Mondua) showed us their well-rehearsed and stylish dance routine. The band also played a challenging and varied medley of songs celebrating and paying tribute to some of the amazing singers, songwriters and musicians that have passed away in the past year. Ms Arrowsmith’s acting group presented their own re-telling of Willy Russell’s classic play, Blood Brothers, demonstrating strong characterisation and fantastic storytelling through their performance. The Musical Theatre group gave an enthusiastic and engaging performance of songs and story extracts from Roald Dahl’s magical and inspirational book, Matilda, accompanied by their Musical Director, Mr Knowles on piano. This extract included four different actors playing the role of Matilda, demonstrating a skilful use of the technique of split-role. Ms Rayner’s acting group had devised their own original and highly entertaining piece of theatre, challenging our perception of gender roles in society. The students used the ideas of Bertolt Brecht, a highly influential theatre practitioner, to inform and shape their drama, which left the audience questioning and thinking about some of the important questions raised. The final song, Can’t Stop The Feeling, was an uplifting and joyful conclusion to the evening, presented brilliantly by the show band, and featuring some really great vocalists.
Thank you so much for joining us, and we hope to see you all at the next INA event! 21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards on offer.
We are at the end of another exciting interform merit race. Congratulations to all the students who received their bronze/silver/gold/platinum award. The table below shows the winner of the summer term interform competition. Well done to the winners in each year group! YEAR 7
570 444 336 315 310 237 131
263 255 166 162 151 109 107 101
232 224 260 230 128 120 113 75
105 93 88 85 56 53 18
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption. The idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.
Year 7: Imani Ale 7C Year 8: Sudais Khan 8A Year 9: Rachel Pearce 9E Year 10: Humayra Mushtaq 10A 20 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
Good Deed Feed Ms Robertson: Alif Ahamed 7S, always holds the door open for his form after line-up almost every single day. He has been doing this the whole summer term but he may have been doing it the whole year! Ms Arrowsmith: Ram Solanky for tidying my room for me. Mr Ayerh: Mustafiz Ahmed 7S who kindly opened the door for the 7IS PE class when they entered the changing rooms. Ramel Shakespeare: who kindly helped Mr Ayerh to organize resources for the year 10 student portfolios. Your help was much appreciated!
Mr Ayerh, Year 10 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise & Recognition
YEAR 11 NEWS Results Day
Thursday 24 August 2017 Year11 Students can arrive to collect grades from 8am - 10am via reception Students MUST bring their school ID card or a passport/birth certificate to collect their results Mr Crowther-Green
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
VIPs@INA On Monday morning, Mike Gapes, our local MP paid us a visit to talk about his job and what it is like to work in Parliament. His talk took place in the KS4 Hall with Student Council representatives, the Year 10 Prefects and students nominated by teacher. At the beginning of his assembly he talked about the role of an MP and what it is like to be in government and in opposition. He mentioned the debate on the future of King George Hospital (which took place on Monday 10th July), how passionate he was to keep the A&E department open and make sure it wasn’t shut down. After the talk I, Kabeer and Shanzay as members of the VIPA@INA Enrichment gave him a tour of the school and Sixth Form. We hope that Mike Gapes will pay us a visit in the near future and I, along with the other members of the enrichment thank him for finding some time in his busy schedule to visit us. Kisanth Ravi 8I Yesterday, Mike Gapes MP came to our school. He first did a talk about what he does. He also spoke about Crossrail, and students asked questions at the end. After the talk we gave him a tour of our school and showed him the different subject areas. We hope to have him visit the school again! Kabeer Jaswal 7A On Monday I had a great day because the local Mo, Mike Gapes came in and talked about his job and experiences as an MP. Many thanks to Mike Gapes for taking time out to come in. the VIPS@INA Enrichment really appreciate it! Shanzay Dar 7W
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21 July 2017
"Speak To Me" Redbridge Language Competition
During the Summer term all of our students at INA have been working towards the Redbridge ‘Speak To Me’ competition. All students were given a French or Spanish dialogue in pairs. They then had to extend their dialogues, learn them off by heart, add props and a bit of drama and compete against the rest of their year group to be the one pair put forward for the Redbridge finals held on the 12th July at Seven Kings. Isaac Newton Academy took part in the Redbridge Finals for the first time this year taking two representatives from Year 7, 9 and 10.
We are incredibly proud of our students! Our two year 9 representatives came 2nd in the Year 9 Spanish category (Kaiya Green and Sumayyah Ali) and the Year 10 boys (Yeyint Koko and Ahnaf Ibne Anis) came 1st in the Year 10 French category. I would also like to mention our Year 7 representatives Amani Hafez and Ammarah Ahmed who were incredibly brave and did themselves very proud in taking part. I would also like to especially thank Ms. Girard and Ms. Brett for accompanying the students to the finals and supporting their preparation and rehearsals. We are very much looking forward to taking part again next year. Ms. Davies, Head of Languages 21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Year 8 Public Speaking Competition On Wednesday afternoon, eight Year 8 learners battled it out in front of their peers and a panel of judges to become the champion of the annual Public Speaking competition, as the final part of the ‘Voices’ unit that they have been studying in English. The finalists, each chosen to represent their English class in the finals, were Shama, Harkirat, Aaliyah, Ramzi, Eleanor, Taseen, Taybah, and Erblin. The competition was fierce, as Shama Daula writes below: “The Public Speaking competition bought out a completely different side of Year 8. All eight speakers had fantastic speeches, and judging by the quality of the eight that were performed, I can only imagine what the quality of the other speeches that have been performed in class must have been like. It was a great opportunity to allow members of Year 8 to write a meaningful speech and then deliver it with so much passion and energy. Some of the speeches were more funny where others more serious in tone, but in the end the final messages were extremely thought provoking. I really enjoyed this experience, and it opened my eyes to a great opportunity that I would love to be a part of in year 10, called the ‘Jack Petchey Speak Out competition’. It gave me the opportunity to express my thoughts and feelings about uniform. On the whole it was an enjoyable experience and we should definitely hold more competitions like it.” There were two prizes on offer, one decided by the audience and one by the panel of judges. Both were equally close. After a recount, and with only two votes in it, the student’s choice was Taseen, with his thoughtful speech on the importance of choosing friends wisely. This meant there was only one thing left to work out. After much tricky deliberation between Mr Singh, Ms Lapish and Mr Hanson, they decided that the person to take the crown should be Aaliyah, with an incredibly moving speech on the importance of charity. Each and every one of the competitors did themselves proud and the standard that they set was fantastic: a huge well done to all involved! Mr Taylor
24 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
The last couple of weeks have seen the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Sports day taking place. This involved students taking part in a variety of activities in sports such as Athletics, Boccia, Football and Netball. It was great to see all students in Years 7 – 10 participating in sport and representing their forms. A big thank you to all staff who helped out on the day, and parents who came to watch.
Football Champions – 7N Netball Champions – 7I Boccia Champions – 7E Boys Athletics Champions – 7E Girls Athletics Champions – 7I 7TH = A 6TH = W 5TH = C 4TH = S 3RD = N 2ND = I 1ST = E 21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Football Champions – 8E Netball Champions – 8S Boccia Champions – 8S Boys Athletics Champions – 8A Girls Athletics Champions – 8A 8TH = 8I 7TH = 8E 6TH = 8T 5TH = 8S 4TH = 8W 3RD = 8N 2ND = 8A 1ST = 8C
Football Champions – 9E Netball Champions – 9E Boccia Champions – 9T Boys Athletics Champions – 9A Girls Athletics Champions – 9E 8TH = C 7TH = W 6TH = I 5TH = N 4TH = A 3RD = S 2ND = T 1ST = E
26 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017
Football Champions – 10E Boys Athletics Champions – 10S Girls Athletics Champions – 10I 7TH = 10N 6TH = 10W 5TH = 10T 4TH = 10A 3RD = 10E 2ND = 10I 1ST = 10S
21 July 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 Wednesday 6th September – Wednesday 20th December Monday 24th July Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 6th September Thursday 7th September Friday 8th September
Uniform Sales Inset Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS First day of new school year 1.30pm Year 7 8.25am Year 7 & Year 12 1.30pm Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 Normal School Day 8.25am All Year groups
28 Secondary Newsletter
21 July 2017