15 September 2017 Secondary Newsletter

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15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter 15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish

Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

15 September 2017

Dear Parents and Carers, Firstly, a really warm welcome back (and welcome to the Year 7 families). Over the summer holidays our Year 11 received their GCSE results and we were delighted with their achievements (top of all the Ark schools on every attainment measure)! They join the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils in producing some truly impressive outcomes in their exams: Reception reaching Good Level of Development (GLD): INA Ark average Redbridge Average National average

86% 81% 73% 71%

Year 1 passing the Phonics screening test: INA Ark average Redbridge Average National average

97% 93% 83% 81%

Year 2 reaching Age Related Expectations in Reading, Writing & Maths combined: INA Ark average Redbridge Average National average

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82% 66% 68% 64%

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Year 11 GCSE results: Attainment 8 score: 5.6 (national average in 2016 4.8) 4+ in English and Maths: 85% (highest of all Redbridge non-selective schools) 5 or more 9-4/A-C grades including English & Maths: 80% Percentage of all entries that were A*-A/9-7: 31% Last week our secondary student population tipped over 1000 as we inducted over 100 sixth formers to INA! It is fantastic to have a ‘nearly adult’ presence on the top floor of the building and the Year 12s are already significantly enriching the school. On Monday we have the Official Opening of the Sixth Form, with VIP guests including Paul Dreschler CBE, President of the CBI. Year 12s will come to school at the usual time but our Year 7-11s will start at the later time of 10.50am. In our staff training last week we induced our new colleagues, many of whom I introduced you to in the newsletters of the summer term. Below are a few more introductions:

Steven Beasley, Music Teacher I am proud to be a new member of the INA community. The teachers and students are exceptional and my first impression has been very positive. Joining the Music Department, I am excited to contribute and help build upon our outstanding GCSE results and academic excellence at KS3. The Big Band project is what drew me to INA and is an example of an outstanding Music Department at a National Level. I am originally from Canada but have lived in the UK for more than 10 years teaching Music at secondary and primary level. I studied Instrumental Music Education at the University of Victoria and am currently completing my Masters in Philosophy of Education at the University of Central London. As a Canadian, my heritage is a mixture of English, Hungarian and Spanish and I am proud that our school community is a mixture of more than 50 different languages. I am passionate about developing students’ resilience, ambition and confidence and believe that Music is the perfect medium to teach these skills. I have many

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friends who studied engineering, law and medicine yet learnt about passion and perseverance towards long-term goals through their love of Music. It is my intention to hold these same standards for my pupils at Isaac Newton Academy.

Laura Vidal Julià , Teacher of MFL I have moved from Spain to London to experience and learn from a different schooling system in an excellent educational institution. I have felt very welcomed by both the staff and the students. I am interested in furthering my experience as a teacher of Spanish and French and I am sure that working at INA is going to be a very enriching opportunity. A bit about myself: I was born in Majorca (Spain) and I grew up in Puigpunyent, a tiny village in the mountain range. This is why I love outdoor activities such as rock climbing, hiking and cycling. As living on an island made it harder to move around, I have always been curious about other cultures and passionate about traveling. That pushed me to study my degree in Translation and Interpreting in Barcelona for four years. Afterwards, I also lived and studied in Nancy (France) and Edinburgh (Scotland) to improve my knowledge of both French and English. After my experiences abroad, I have taught Modern Foreign Languages for two years in two secondary schools in Majorca. Last year I moved to London and, although it was hard to adapt to the city’s rush at the beginning, I love the diversity and possibilities that London offers.

Joy Hooi-Narimas, Sixth Form Study Centre Supervisor A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (known as Singapore), my life as a global nomad began. My family immigrated to the UK two years later, and after attending schools in Norfolk and Essex and studying at Leeds University, I began my teaching career in Bradford. In 1987, I applied to join Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) working in the Sudan; the Caribbean (St Lucia); and Namibia. Having fallen in love with the country, I returned to Namibia as a teacher trainer, and remained there for several more years during which time I married a 15 September 2017

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Namibian. My husband and I subsequently moved to Brunei, where I spent over 13 years, the last five being particularly wonderful, though challenging, teaching A Level Literature in English , AS English Language and Literature and General Paper. INA is clearly an extraordinary school and joining the staff here as we accept the first intake of Form 6 students is both exciting and challenging. The opportunity to help establish a great ethos for our sixth form students; to ensure the study spaces for them are well-used, well-resourced and conducive to learning; and to be available to provide a range of support to our students where appropriate; promises to make this role equally fascinating and fulfilling. May I take this opportunity to ask that parents do not drive down Cricklefield Place if it can be avoided at the start and end of the school day. The entrance to our site is not spacious enough to accommodate lots of vehicular traffic and every car increases the risk of a serious accident or injury to a child. The purple parking bays belong to the Academy and are used by staff; parents are not entitled to use them and risk being issued with a parking fine if they do so. Similarly, the space under the sports hall beam is not public property but part of the school site and parents are not permitted to drive through this area, park or wait here in cars. We do really appreciate your support in making the start and end of the day safe and congestion-free for the benefit of your child and others. And finally, please see the list of key dates for the autumn term at the end of this newsletter and commit them to your diaries. It is a busy term ahead and we hope to see you at our parent workshops, information evenings, awards assemblies and concerts/productions. With all best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane


Secondary Newsletter

15 September 2017

Important Information Dear Parents and Carers, An incident which appears to have been an attempted acid attack occurred on Tuesday afternoon this week on Ilford High Road, close to the entrance to Isaac Newton Academy Primary. This was during the afternoon when school was in session and all students were safely in the building. The incident did not involve any members of the school community. The police attended the scene very quickly and cordoned off the affected area of pavement. As usual, there was a significant senior staff presence on the High Road at the end of the school day and we were able to ensure that everyone was reassured and got home safely. However, given its proximity to the Academy, the incident is a disconcerting reminder that we must all remain vigilant at all times to the possibility of attacks of this nature. It is extremely sad that these types of incidents are becoming more frequent in and around London. All staff at Isaac Newton Academy have been trained on emergency planning (with a refresh just last week) and have received guidance on the action to take in the event of a chemical attack. Our staff and students’ safety is paramount and we undergo whole staff training on a regular basis in line with modern threats. Our staff are trained so that they have the confidence in knowing what to do if they were to be exposed to such an incident in their working or personal lives. We take safeguarding matters very serious at INA and any situation that poses a risk, harm or danger to the students and staff receives the upmost priority by referring to the appropriate agency or service. Rachel Macfarlane

15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter


The time has come to open the stage doors and welcome you to another annual School Production! We would like to invite students to participate—particularly those in Years 7, 8 and 9! No prior experience is required!!

Auditions!! - Wednesday 20th September We are looking for SINGERS! ACTORS! DANCERS! Please meet in the Dining hall at 4.10pm on Wednesday 20th September if you would like to take part. We will be finishing at approximately 5.45pm, so please make sure you have permission from a parent or carer to attend. Audition scripts are available from the Drama Department and singing resources will soon be available online. 8

Secondary Newsletter

15 September 2017

Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.

Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will report on each form's attendance for the week prior and each year group will run their own year team competition. Year group and form attendance for week of 4th September. Tutor




























































































Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader

15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter



What is Co

Being able to face a

Behaviours Being able to step

• taking a school to • presenting to you • performing in the Band or competi • contacting emplo internment


Inês Alves Inês Alves, 16, is a Grenfell Tower survivor who fled her home with just her phone and GCSE chemistry revision notes and sat the exam in the clothes she fled her home in. This summer she celebrated gaining an A grade in chemistry, having sat her exam just hours after the fire destroyed her home. Inês demonstrated a range of BRIDGES characteristics in the hours and days following the tragedy, not least great courage in the face of such adversity. She said ‘I had just two hours of sleep and had witnessed my house burning down’. Inês also gained A*s and As grades in several other subjects, including a grade 9 in maths. Inês lived on the 13th floor of the Grenfell Tower with her parents and her older brother. Her family lost everything they owned and have been living in a hotel since the fire. Inês said ‘It just goes to show that if you really want something you can get it.’

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• Volunteer to repr • Actively seek to c discussions, even view or the subje • Volunteer to lead assembly. • Stand up for a ca

Students who

15 September 2017



a difficult situation out of your comfort zone without fear.

s out of your comfort zone, for example:

our or meeting and talking to INA visitors ur class, in assembly or at a parent event e school production, a music group, Big ting in front of spectators oyers to arrange your work experience or

• actively seeking to get to know students outside of your social group • standing up for what is morally right when others may not agree.


resent the school at a public event. contribute to Harkness and other n when you feel unsure of your point of ect. d or take charge of your next tutor group

ase or individual because it is right.

• Encourage your child to participate in an activity that he/ she lack confidence in. • Discuss with your son/daughter times when family members have shown courage. • Watch the news with your son/daughter and discuss the qualities that people who have shown courage display.

have shown great courage in their learning: Over the Summer Holidays six students had the fantastic opportunity to attend the Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School, in Exeter New Hampshire. To take part in this educational experience took a huge amount of courage, from the interview process (which included a panel interview with Ms Macfarlane and Mr Griffin the Chair of Governors) to getting on the plane, knowing that they would be away from their families for 5 weeks. The students all lived in separate dormitories which meant that they quickly had to meet new people and be independent. The learned around the Harkness table with students from all over the world, demonstrating courage and leading to an enriched life experience.

15 September 2017


Secondary Newsletter


Workshop for parents and carers of Higher Attainers Thursday 21st September 2017 6:00-6:30pm I am happy to announce an informative meeting for parents and carers of Higher Attaining students on how you can get your children to extend their learning further outside of the classroom, what constitutes a high attaining student and how we can support your children to get the best opportunities to broaden their horizon in and outside of school. Mr Dewal Mathematics Teacher/ Ambassador for Higher Attainers

Barclays Capital Year 11 Careers Day Wednesday 27th September 2017 We are delighted to inform parents and carers of Year 11 students that on Wednesday 27th September we will be hosting approximately 40 professionals from Barclays Capital. They have generously given up their time to support our students with • • • •

Interview skills Mock interviews CV writing Presenting yourself effectively.

In preparation of this, all Year 11 students are expected to produce a high quality CV on which they will receive feedback. They are to hand this in to form tutors on Friday 22rd September at the very latest. Year 11 Students will also be permitted to wear business dress on Wednesday 27th September to support the experience of taking part in a mock interview. Expectations around business dress include: • • • •

Shoes as footwear; trainers are not permitted. Trousers should be smart; jeans and leggings are not appropriate. A shirt and tie for male students. Any skirts or dresses must be of an appropriate, modest length.

I hope that the day is a useful and engaging experience for all of Y11!

Sugra Alibhai Vice Principal

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On Tuesday 26th September, INA will be celebrating European Languages Day! The MFL department is arranging a series of events and competitions to celebrate the day. It is a wonderful opportunity to express our cultural awareness as a community. Our chefs will be serving up some European delights for lunch. Y7,Y8 and Y9 students will take part in a big quiz competition and there will be prizes for the winners! Key Stage 4 students will have the opportunity to take part in a little competition throughout the week during form time. We are looking forward to seeing our students entering the spirit of the day, competing and celebrating being part of a diverse community.

Merci beaucoup, The MFL Department

15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.

Merits It is the start of another year, so we are re- starting the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7







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15 September 2017

Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Mr Ball: Ali Mami (Yr 10) – Overheard me giving directions to some Year 7 students and without hesitating offered to show them the way. This really reassured the students and made them feel very welcome. Ms Rudd: Ayesha Maniyar (11N), who helped out in a care home in East Ham two or three days a week during the summer holidays, and spoke really impressively about it on her return. Mrs Gurm: Zainab Ahmed, year 9 for helping another student in the class in their learning without being asked to do so. Mr Crowther-Green: The following year 11s supported with INA/Unifrog publicity after curriculum time: Lamys Mills, Elanah Summers, Aminah Umerji, Simran Chahal, Mumina Begum, Kyle Baldwin, Sanjay, Isra Jabeen In addition, the following Y11 are currently have the most progress on Unifrog in Y11: Lamys Mills, Elanah Summers, Aminah Umerji. Ms McEvoy: Natasha Mahmood 11W - Saw me battling the elements on the KS3 gate and insisted on lending me her umbrella to protect me. Always prepared, always thinking of others, always cheerful. Thank you Natasha! Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition

15 September 2017

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First Day of Te

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erm for Year 7

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15 September 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Half Term: Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October Monday 18th September Thursday 21st September Monday 25th September Monday 25th September Monday 25th September – Friday 29th of September Wednesday 27th September Wednesday 3rd October Thursday 4th October Monday 9th October Tuesday 10th October Wednesday 11th October Wednesday 11th October Wednesday 11th October Thursday 12th October Friday 13th October Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October Thursday 19th October Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October Wednesday 1st November Tuesday 7th November Monday 13th – Friday 17th November Tuesday 14th November

Sixth Form Official Opening (Late start for Years 7 -11 at 10.50am) Higher Attainers parent workshop 6pm Splendid Theatre visit 2 – 5pm Enrichment begins Week of Year 10 Geography Field Trip Year 11 Barclays Day Open evening 5:45 – 8:30 pm Late start at 09:25am for Years 7 -11 Thursday 12th - Open Mornings Sixth Form Open Evening 5:45 – 08:30pm Late Start at 9:25am for Years 7 – 11 Settling in Evening for Year 7 Sixth Form Applications Open Year 11 Geography Field Trip Year 11 Geography Field Trip Week of Year 7 Spelling Bee KS4/5 Music Recital

Half Term BRIDGES parent workshop 6pm Senior Maths Challenge Family Week, no after school events or enrichment Independent Learning Day Year 11 in for Next Steps Interviews

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