22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter 22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish
Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
2 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017
Dear Parents and Carers, The week started with a very special occasion – the official opening of the sixth form by Paul Drechsler CBE, President of the CBI and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Teach First. The ceremony was attended by all the staff, the founding sixth form students and friends and members of our Ark and Redbridge communities. Paul Drechsler said at the event “It was such a fantastic day. What a wonderful opportunity it is to open a new Sixth Form. I met with some students this morning and each and every one of them was inspirational. It is the best start to the week I have had in a long time, and I have every confidence that the students are going to do brilliantly. I was reading the newspaper at the end of August and I read about INA’s fantastic GCSE results and the progress that the school has made - what a fantastic set of achievements.” The Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Linda Huggett, attended the event and said “Redbridge always prides itself on its education and we have residents move to the area especially for that. Isaac Newton Academy has got excellent results and it has been a pleasure attending the Sixth Form opening ceremony. This is an exciting challenge for new students, and it is an opportunity for their growth and development. It is obvious from what I have seen today that they are going to be inspired by, and gain confidence from, their excellent teachers and I wish them every success in the future.”
22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Our students in Years 7-11 have been busy choosing their enrichment options for the autumn term. They should by now have been informed of their allocations. Enrichments start on Monday 25th September. Please ensure that you check with your son/daughter on which nights they will be staying late. And lastly, here is another introduction to a new member of staff who joined us in September:
Sanjana Cunniah, Pastoral Leader for Year 7 I am very excited to join Isaac Newton Academy as Pastoral Leader for Year 7, and am looking forward to working with parents and staff, to nurture independent and resilient young citizens of our future.  I am a firm believer in the growth mindset ethos that Isaac Newton promotes, and that every child has the potential for, and deserves success. I feel privileged to be able to work in a school that provides such inspiration and opportunity for students. As a teenager I went to Connaught School for Girls in Leytonstone and one of my most memorable experiences was on my leavers day in Year 11, when my form tutor wrote a caring and inspirational message to me that I have not forgotten until this day. It is these same supportive relationships with students that are at the heart of my practice as a Pastoral Leader. This passion quickly developed in my previous roles at Seven Kings School over the past six years, as Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator for English, then Deputy Year Leader for all years in secondary and finally Acting Pastoral Leader for Year 8. With all best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane 4 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017
Sixth Form Opening Ceremony 18 September 2017
22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
On Tuesday 26th September, INA will be celebrating European Languages Day! The MFL department is arranging a series of events and competitions to celebrate the day. It is a wonderful opportunity to express our cultural awareness as a community. Our chefs will be serving up some European delights for lunch. Y7,Y8 and Y9 students will take part in a big quiz competition and there will be prizes for the winners! Key Stage 4 students will have the opportunity to take part in a little competition throughout the week during form time. We are looking forward to seeing our students entering the spirit of the day, competing and celebrating being part of a diverse community.
Merci beaucoup, The MFL Department
6 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017
GCSE PE controlled assessments Monday 16th October — Ms Hutson’s and Mr Healey’s group Wednesday 18th October — Mr Ayerh’s group GCSE PE lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays leading up to this are very important and attendance is essential. PE Department
Barclays Capital - Year 11 Careers Day Wednesday 27th September 2017 We are delighted to inform parents and carers of Year 11 students that on Wednesday 27th September we will be hosting approximately 40 professionals from Barclays Capital. They have generously given up their time to support our students with • • • •
Interview skills Mock interviews CV writing Presenting themselves effectively.
In preparation of this, all Year 11 students are expected to produce a high quality CV on which they will receive feedback. They are to hand this in to form tutors on Friday 22nd September at the very latest. Year 11 Students will also be permitted to wear business dress on Wednesday 27th September to support the experience of taking part in a mock interview. Expectations around business dress include: • • • •
Shoes as footwear; trainers are not permitted. Trousers should be smart; jeans and leggings are not appropriate. A shirt and tie for male students. Any skirts or dresses must be of an appropriate, modest length.
I hope that the day is a useful and engaging experience for all of Y11!
Ms Alibhai Vice Principal 22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
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Homo Sapiens Our species of humans, known by scientists and genealogists as Homo Sapiens, first began to evolve around 200,000 years ago. During that time, they have had to adapt physically and mentally to their changing environment, for example: • Mutations in the structure of our spine and pelvis, stronger thigh muscles allowed us to walk more upright and peer over the long grass to spot predators. • Mutations causing our thumbs to be attached the other way around allowing unprecedented ability to grip and manipulate tools. This subsequently lead to the evolution of bigger brains driving more complex tool use.
• Changing the w particular situati to successful ma • Being willing to other people’s i • Being willing to order to make y
Student who h
• Mutations in the structure of the larynx and our vocal chords allowed us to communicate with a wider range of sounds than the majority of the animal kingdom spurring the development of language.
Some of these adaptations were biological, but many were the result of being flexible and willing to think or behave differently to deal with the different situations that they faced. This process isn’t static, and continues to this day, resulting not only in the evolution of the species, but also of the technologies we use to survive and enjoy life on Earth.
Secondary Newsletter
Shaiza Moham 22 September 2017
ange, being able to use your knowledge or character to change o an environment or opportunity.
change, adapting or selecting es to make the best of a situation.
way that you behave in a tion or environment in order anage it revise your opinion based on ideas and argument change your behaviour in your learning more successful.
Students • Talk to people you know who are at university and ask them how they have adapted to life at university and any tips they can offer you. • Identify people you think demonstrate adaptability and flexibility. Research/ask them questions about how they manage change. Make changes to your own behaviours based on what you have learned from them. • Reflect on events that cause you to have negative feelings, and how you could adapt your behaviour to make them more positive. • Reflect on feedback and adapt your approach to learning to increase your learning power.
Parents • Discuss the ways you are adaptable and flexible and the benefits these dispositions have bought you. • Talk about times when you have had to adapt to changes in your life and what you’ve learned from it • Share a time when you have revised your opinions based on other people’s arguments.
has shown great adaptability & flexibility in her learning: Shaiza in 12 Manchester started at INA’s Sixth Form just two weeks ago. Shaiza has made a fantastic transition from KS4 to KS5. Shaiza has adapted to INA’s systems and processes so well that she was commended by a guest at the Sixth Form Opening for giving an excellent tour of the sixth form. Shaiza’s teachers and form tutor have also praised her for her smooth transition to INA. Her attitude to learning reflects a student determined to succeed and her contributions in lessons reflect a clear passion and interest in her chosen subjects. She has also made a big impression on her peers, who have welcomed her into the INA student community.
Congratulations Shaiza on role modelling great Adaptability & Flexibility!
22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits It is the start of another year, so we are re- starting the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7
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10 Secondary Newsletter
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22 September 2017
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.
Year 7: Kareem Beckett Edward 7S Year 8: Hassan Umerji 8E Year 9: Rayyan Ahmed 9IÂ Year 10: Avinash Desai 10A Year 11: Denada Balraj 11I
Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Ms Rudd: Abdur-Rahman Ibrahim, Awais Seyyad, Aneesah Hakim, and Naym Muhammad all helped me on Friday evening setting up an INA cinema for Y12, complete with comfy seats, soft-drinks and popcorn. Without them I couldn’t have done it in time! Ms Bisaccia: Joy Idowu 7W has been helping students with finding their way around the school. Also if anybody is struggling during the lesson, Joy happily helps them out and provides explanations. Ms Lapish: Lucas Overton 10T has made a very positive start to his GCSE theory learning. He has spent extra time for part of his IL learning a mnemonic around the skeleton that he will be teaching to the rest of the class. 22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Musa Bukhari 10N has also been very helpful in PE theory and practical– he went ahead of the class during his first practical lesson to get equipment out of the cupboard and onto the astro turf ready for the lesson. He is always willing to support the teacher with handing out sheets in lessons and has approached learning with a very positive attitude. Ms Nakedar: Zakir Ikram is really helpful to his peers, in terms of settling in to secondary school, e.g. finding classrooms, what to do at lunch. Demi Currie-Ward for making sure everyone in her form has someone to spend lunch and break times with. Iraj Khan for really helpful to her peers in and outside the classroom. Ms Hussain: Jainna Bhalla 10A is such a delight to have in form she is constantly looking for ways to be helpful, she loves taking charge and loves making things easier for everyone. You can always rely on Jainna. Mr Ball: Bradley Lard 10A – I had a clumsy moment and dropped everything I was carrying in a very busy corridor. Before I even realised I dropped it Bradley was on the floor collecting the papers for me. Thanks Bradley.
Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition
12 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017
Year 8 visit to
Across the 12th and 14th October all Year 8 students attended a school trip to the University of Buckingham. This was an opportunity for students to experience university life and start to consider their options for their continued learning beyond INA. The visit was extremely successful and was reviewed by Zainab Rashid (8W): Last week year 8 were given an amazing opportunity to visit the University of Buckingham. We were able to have a taster experience of what a day of University would be like. We learnt about one of the first ever techniques for coding, which I found rather fascinating. We attended a session about business and more specifically about how people are able to sell their products to people successfully. To sum up, I would say that I experienced many new things at the university; however, my favourite bit of the day was the scavenger hunt around the campus. The weather was wonderful and the campus was beautiful. It was massive! Finally, the day was a remarkable experience and was definitely very inspiring for me and my peers. Zainab Rashid, 8W
22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
14 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017
22 September 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Half Term: Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October Monday 25th September Monday 25th September Monday 25th September – Friday 29th of September Wednesday 27th September Wednesday 3rd October Thursday 4th October Monday 9th October Tuesday 10th October Wednesday 11th October Wednesday 11th October Wednesday 11th October Thursday 12th October Friday 13th October Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October Thursday 19th October Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October Wednesday 1st November Tuesday 7th November Monday 13th – Friday 17th November Tuesday 14th November
Splendid Theatre visit 2 – 5pm Enrichment begins Week of Year 10 Geography Field Trip
BRIDGES parent workshop 6pm Senior Maths Challenge Family Week, no after school events or enrichment Independent Learning Day
Wednesday 22nd November
Year 11 in for Next Steps Interviews INSET DAY: Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day
Year 11 Barclays Day Open evening 5:45 – 8:30 pm Late start at 09:25am for Years 7 -11 Thursday 12th - Open Mornings Sixth Form Open Evening 5:45 – 08:30pm Late Start at 9:25am for Years 7 – 11 Settling in Evening for Year 7 Sixth Form Applications Open Year 11 Geography Field Trip Year 11 Geography Field Trip Week of Year 7 Spelling Bee KS4/5 Music Recital
Half Term
No school for students
16 Secondary Newsletter
22 September 2017