3 November Secondary Newsletter

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3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the

school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection.

Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish

Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

Dear Parents and Carers, The new half term got off to a great start with an assembly for Year 7s and 8 delivered by Mita Desai. You can read more about Mita later in the newsletter but she gave an inspiring talk about pursuing one’s dreams and aiming high whilst making time for a wide range of interests and preserving one’s wellbeing. On Tuesday 14th November, we have our first Independent Learning Day of the year from secondary students. On this day all students study independently and off-site. Their teachers will have explained their expectations in advance and furnished the student with the learning resources and materials they need to study from. These are also loaded onto Fronter. We hold Independent Learning Days three times a year to guide and support students to become increasingly able to self-regulate and organise their learning without direct adult intervention. For Year 11 and 12 students this is a great opportunity to get some deep and uninterrupted revision for the end of term exams completed. This is great preparation for the nature of A level study and university learning, the majority of which takes place without a teacher being present. On Wednesday 22nd November the school has its annual Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day. For families new to INA, Ahmed was a student in our founding year group who was with us throughout Years 7 to 9 but sadly passed away in July 2014. Ahmed was a great character. His passion and excitement for learning and knowledge was palpable. His sense of curiosity and imagination as a learner was infectious. He was a committed musician who had his own band and loved to play the trombone and the piano, he wrote poetry, he was a keen scientist, a debater, a student with strong social, moral and political views. He loved languages and read and wrote in Arabic. He was a fantastic all-rounder! And he was well loved by his peers and the staff. Ahmed displayed so many of the BRIDGES dispositions and character traits. 3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


In honour of Ahmed, and to keep his memory alive in the school, we take a day out of our routine each year to model the behaviours that Ahmed displayed so powerfully. On this day we encourage everyone in the INA community, staff and students, to get engrossed in learning about something that really excites and engages them. For some this will involve a trip to a museum or a gallery, for others curling up and reading some books related to a course they are studying or watching documentaries or films linked to course material. Some students spend the day making music with friends or practising a sport they are learning. Some staff members visit other schools to see great practice or carry out research or further reading. We all learn off site on this day. For pupils in the primary, it would be great if parents could think about what activity they could undertake with their son/daughter on this day to promote curiosity, a thirst for learning and a sense of excitement about acquiring new knowledge. Once we return to school following the Ahmed Day, every student and member of staff is invited to complete a card reflecting on what they spend the day doing and learning and we display these around the school.

And finally, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate the fact that the government’s unvalidated performance tables for the summer GCSE exams place Isaac Newton Academy 35th out of the 6480 secondary schools in the country for progress made from Year 7 to 11: that is comfortably within the top 1% !! With all best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane

4 Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

Tuesday 14th November is an INDEPENDENT LEARNING DAY This day is the first Independent Learning day of the year when secondary students will complete their learning independently at home. Students in KS3 and KS4 will not attend the Academy on this day. The purpose of the day is for students to consolidate and extend their learning in their various subjects. This will help to develop students’ BRIDGES skills of self-discipline, independence, discovery, organisation and adaptability and other important learning dispositions. The discipline of working independently is also important to develop in preparation for sixth form learning and study at university. Teachers have given careful consideration to the tasks they are setting for the day which can be accessed remotely on Fronter. There will be opportunities to practise key skills, elaborate upon prior learning, explore concepts and knowledge in more depth and to do some pre-learning tasks. Stretch and challenge tasks will be also available. It would be helpful if parents can ensure that the learning set by teachers is completed to a high standard.

Ms Spencer Vice Principal

Increase in price of school meals from January 2018 Having held the price of £2.20 for a school meal since April 2016, we will be increasing the cost to £2.40 with effect from January 2018. We will continue to provide a healthy school meal which includes a main course (halal, non halal and vegetarian option) and salad bar and a desert. Please can you ensure that your child’s account is topped up at the beginning of each week in order to ensure sufficient funds are available for their school meal and any additional snacks. Many thanks Ms H Chamberlain 3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 9 SCIENCE This year the Year 9 students will begin to study the first modules of their AQA Science GCSE course. In order to assess their learning of all the key stage 3 material they have learned since Year 7 the year 9 students will be sitting two 1 hour exam papers. The dates are:

Thursday 16th November – Paper 1 Friday 17th November – Paper 2 The results of these exam papers will form the basis of their Spring 1 report level. The exams will take place during their science lessons therefore; Year 9 students will have their usual lessons and should bring the equipment needed. The only equipment they will need for the exam will be two black pens, a sharp pencil, a 30cm ruler and a calculator. Thank you for your continued support of our students learning. Ms Bihi KS3 Science Coordinator

Year 9 – End of KS3 Exam Topic List

Variables & Fair Tests Biology Cells, Tissues & Organs Puberty & development Photosynthesis and Plants Adaptations & Evolution Digestion & Enzymes Chemistry Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Chemical Reactions The Particle Model

Acids & Bases Polymers and Plastics Physics Light, Reflection & Refraction Sound Circuits, Electricity, Magnets & Compasses Forces Satellites & Our Solar System Energy Transfers

6 Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

YEAR 11 NEWS Year 11 Mock examinations • Mock exams will begin on Monday 4th December 2017 and are designed to support the students in preparing for their final examinations. • Subject teachers will provide specific information to students. • Timetables can be found over the page. Mr Crowther- Green

Year 11 Next Steps Interviews In order to support students with making informed decisions about their post 16 choices each student will have a 1-to-1 interview with a member of SLT or the Pastoral Team. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 14th November during the Independent Learning day. Each meeting will be approximately 20 minutes. Students will be advised of the time of their interviews by letter and parents will be informed that the letter has been issued by text. The interviews will only involve the student and the member of staff. This is to support the students in transitioning into being fully independent learners. Ms Alibhai & Mr Crowther- Green

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter



Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time) PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00

Times unless stated

Science C1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Maths 1 (90 mins)

Music (75 mins)

Geography 1 (90 mins)

English Language 2 (120 mins) Non-fiction

Science B1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Tue 5th Dec

Mon 4th Dec

English Language 1 (105 mins) 19th Century Fiction

Science P1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

History 1 (105 mins)

Wed 6th Dec

Maths 2 (90 mins)

Science B2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Religious studies 1 (105 mins)

Thu 7th Dec

Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017

Printed 01/11/2017

French Listening Foundation (35 mins)

Science C2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Computing 2 (90 mins)

Fri 8th Dec

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


PE Theory 1 (90 mins)

English Literature 2 (135 mins) Poetry and Christmas Carol

Spanish writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)

French Writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)

Maths 3 (90 mins)

English Literature 1 (105 mins) Animal Farm

Science P2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Tue 12th Dec

Mon 11th Dec

Geography 2 (90 mins)

Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) French Reading Foundation (45 mins)

Spanish Reading Higher (60 mins)

Religious Studies 2 (105 mins)

Wed 13th Dec

Spanish Listening Foundation (35 mins)

Spanish Listening Higher (45 mins)

One (unmarked) copy of text per student provided by Drama

Drama (90 mins)

History 2 (75 mins)

Thu 14th Dec

Art exams – Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December in S13 and S26

PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00

AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time)

Times unless stated

Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017

Printed 01/11/2017

Computing 2 (90 mins)

French Reading Higher (60 mins)

French Listening Higher (45 mins)

PE Theory 2 (90 mins)

Fri 15th Dec


On Thursday 19th October, fifteen Year 9 students attended the ‘Explore Your Horizons: Speed Networking and Work Skills Event’ hosted at the famous Lord’s Cricket Ground. Speakers at the event included Matthew Ryder, Deputy Mayor of London and Guy Lavender, CEO & Secretary of Marylebone Cricket Club. The first half of the event involved a ‘Work Skills’ workshop where teams collaborated to create an innovative idea/invention and form a proposal to present to the business volunteers. The task resembled something you may see on the BBC show ‘The Apprentice’ and encouraged students to undertake responsibilities in areas such as project management, presentation skills, logistics, marketing and finance. The second part of the day was ‘Speed Networking’. This gave students the opportunity to gain careers advice in one-on-one, five minute networking sessions with professionals from a range of industries. The INA students all said it was an excellent experience and lots of fun.

10 Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

“We got to meet with major London businesses and speak with professionals and CEO’s. We received lots of useful advice for how to be successful in our GCSE’s and future careers. It was really good.” Izzah, Year 9 INA Assistant Principal, Mark Crowther-Green, arranged the trip to Lord’s and said “It was a great experience for the students. They got to participate in an interactive, team building business task and they were able to meet with industry professionals who offered honest, aspirational guidance. We were also very proud of INA student Hamza who got up on stage at the end of the event to share his feedback on the day. ”

Thank you to Team London, My Kinda Future and the Lord’s Community for hosting such a wonderful event!

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter



What is Hu

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What is Hu

Showing compassio others.

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884- 1962)

‘The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin D .Roosevelt, was a great humanitarian during the Great Depression, a champion of the civil rights movement in the 1930s-40s and a an advocate for women’s rights. As the First Lady of the United States, Eleanor travelled with her husband to understand the plight of Americans and supported the New Deal to improve the lives of millions. Eleanor advocated for expanded roles for women in the workplace, the civil rights of African Americans and Asian Americans, and the rights of World War II refugees. She drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is still used today.

12 Secondary Newsletter


• Making sure you people’s feeling • Demonstrating for other people • Peer teaching an to gain skills and learning, helpin than you e.g. he Christmas dinne

Student wh

Melisa Pilicita 8I

3 November 2017



our achievements and not ke others feel inferior. Accepting erfect.


on and understanding towards


u are respectful of other gs and achievements. compassion or understanding e’s feelings. nd assessment; helping others d understanding in their ng other people less fortunate elping at the Community er.


• Support other students who may need assistance with their learning or friendships. • Create a mind map of role models whom you think encompass these traits. • Compare a time when you failed to show humility and humanity with a time when you showed humility and humanity and how your behaviour made you feel and how it affected others.


• Encourage your son/daughter to discuss their friendships and relationships with others. • Discuss the positive benefits of showing humility and humanity in meaningful ways, both at home and at school. • Encourage your son/daughter to show humanity to someone in the community e.g. an elderly relative or a young child.

ho has shown Humility at INA Melisa has been very successful during her time at INA. She has been awarded certificates for the number of merits she has gained and also won two BRIDGES Awards. Her first BRIDGES Award was for integrity. Melisa is proud of her achievements, but shows real emotional intelligence by not showing off about them. During her BRIDGES mentoring Melisa even explained how she would not want people to feel sad about not winning awards.

a Paltan 3 November 2017


Secondary Newsletter


Big Band Project Dear Parents/Carers, I would like to give you an update on the Big Band project: YEAR 7: Our newest cohort of year 7 students are starting to really get to grips with their instruments. Students are practising hard and soon a group of 30-40 of the most dedicated Year 7 students will be selected to perform in our Winter Concert on their Big Band instruments. This will continue a tradition that extends back to the very first year of INA. YEAR 8: Our students are really developing their skills. The jump up in expectation from Year 7 to Year 8 can be tricky but the vast majority of our students are dealing with this transition well and the quality of playing is really impressive. We can’t wait to hear what these students can do in the upcoming Winter Concert. YEAR 9: As always, it is the final year of the big band project for these year 9s students and they are on target to be the best year group yet. Every year has exceeded the last so far in terms of the level of music being made and this group, with another year of practice under their belt are ready to top the lot! Our students’ success is in no small part down to the support and encouragement they are getting from you at home and for this we are very grateful. For some of you, this is just the beginning of the journey, but we have no doubt that if students continue progressing at the same rate then this project has the potential to change your child’s life for the better. Instrument Contributions: We run a programme of half-termly contributions for those of you who feel willing and able to support this unique venture. Parents and carers can log into wise pay and contribute any amount towards the successful upkeep of this highly innovative and expensive programme. Half-termly contributions of £5 would be enormously helpful. It is worth reminding you that we are very keen for students to keep playing after the project has ended and for that reason we really want students to have the option of buying their instrument off the school

14 Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

at the end of the project. Any donations made towards the loan of your child’s instrument would be taken as a down payment on the instrument and would be subtracted from the overall cost of the instrument were you to purchase it. Thank you once again for the donations that you have so far made towards your child’s instrument. We would also like to say a huge thank you to those of you who have contributed towards the loan of your child’s instrument! It is this generosity that makes me confident that we will be able to provide this fantastic opportunity for INA students for many years to come. We sincerely hope that you will continue to support the Big Band project with half-termly contributions of £5. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter. Yours sincerely, Mr G Coughlin Head of Music

SATURDAY MUSIC COLLEGE 2-day course EXCITING OPPORTUNITY open to Year 9s, 10s and 11s!

We are running a free Music College Course for 2 Saturdays this half term.


Each session is 21/2 hours long. This is a fantastic opportunity to stretch & challenge yourself musically. It is an excellent opportunity to develop your CV. If you have any questions please see Ms Morten.

HAND-IN DEADLINE Wednesday 8th November.

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Saturday 25th November 2017 9.30am – 4.00pm ExCel, London

London’s biggest jobs and careers event is back for 2017! Free entry, free classroom resources and a travel bursary contribution. As well as being FREE TO ATTEND, you will gain access to a range of resources to prepare you for the event. Visiting also offers you a chance to get up-todate career-related information, make useful employer contacts and update your labour market information. We also have a travel bursary available, to help towards the cost of your travel to the event. Ask for details. Students can attend on their own or with friends and family during the day of Saturday 25th November between 9:30am & 4pm, there’s no need to prebook , just turn up. Mr Crowther-Green

16 Secondary Newsletter

3 November 2017

Mita Desai Visit On Monday INA was fortunate enough to have a return visit of Mita Desai. Mita has a vast amount of experience in terms of developing youth leadership, and was herself the Chair of the British Youth Parliament. Mita gave an inspirational assembly to Year 7 and Year 8 about challenging the norm and being yourself. Following this, there was a two hour workshop for our Student Council members with the aim of developing public speaking. This will support the Student Council members that are running for election to the Student Council Steering Group. Sakinah Choudhury from 8C reflects: We did some different activities to develop our public speaking. For example, we introduced ourselves in front of the entire Student Council and had to do an unusual action as we did so. This was quite nerveracking as we were doing this in front of the entire student council from all different year groups. However, this was a good way to start to build our confidence. The entire workshop was very helpful because on Thursday I will be giving a speech to the entire year group about being on the Student Council Steering Group. Mita gave us some useful tips such as audibility, using pauses for impact and the use of rhetorical questions. Overall, I think this was a fantastic workshop and all participants benefited. Sakinah Choudhury 8C

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.

Merits It is the start of another year, so we are re-starting the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7






339 337 335 289 266 261 249


290 179 169 169 166 162 137



176 133 124 119 97 90 63 41

18 Secondary Newsletter


112 80 72 64 57 51 38


100 95 91 66 63 38 5

3 November 2017

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award

(Peer Commendation Award)

Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Darius Sfartz 7N Year 8: Amani Hafez – 8E Year 9: Jack Levin 9C Year 10: Sal Khan 10S Year 11: Alfie Southall 11T

Good Deed Feed

Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Mr Dukes: In the last week of half term, Raghav Dhaliwal 8C picked up a book that fell out of Rameez’s bag whilst in his wheelchair and put it back in his bag. Mr Beattie: Ekam Sehmbi 10S helped the PE department tidy and sort their store cupboards for an hour and a half after school on the last Friday of term. Mr Ball: Jeshurun Jeyason 11A and Dervin Ebuki 11I – we move around a few different rooms for geography and textbooks often need carrying from one place to another. Jeshurun and Dervin sit at the front and are always willing help, no matter how big the pile is. Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Secondary Week: A

week commencing 6th November 2017

Lamb & vegetable tagine with mint & pomegranate yoghurt

Salmon, haddock & prawns topped with potato & cheese gratin

Lamb kofte with Persian spiced humus

Roasted chicken sausages with onion gravy

Lamb & vegetable tagine with mint & pomegranate yoghurt

Salmon, haddock & prawns topped with potato & cheese gratin

Lamb kofte with Persian spiced humus


Roasted red onion & rosemary vegetable sausages with gravy

Root vegetable & Quorn tagine with mint & pomegranate yoghurt

Mediterranean vegetable pie topped with potato & cheese gratin

Vegetable meatballs with Persian spiced humus

Tomato & basil pasta bake

Side orders‌

New potatoes & cauliflower cheese

Coconut rice

Baton carrots &

Flat bread,

& green beans


Kebab shop salad, mayonnaise, sweet chili sauce & sweetcorn

Chips, peas, baked beans & mushy peas

Banana custard pot

Orange jelly

Cheesecake filling topped with chocolate sauce & maltesers

Dried fruit & coconut flapjack

Strawberry ice cream

Pasta, jacket & salad bar

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

Year 10/11 deli bar

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own

Battered cod


Non Halal...

Something sweet...

Roasted chicken sausages with onion gravy

Secondary Week: B

Battered cod Or Breaded cod fish fingers Served with Tartar sauce, ketchup, lemon & chip shop curry sauce

week commencing 30th October 2017

lamb burger with floured bap, tzatziki & chili sauce

Chicken & sweetcorn pie topped with BBQ suet pastry

Baked haddock in tomato sauce topped with pesto & mozzarella crumbs

Chicken dhansak curry with mango chutney

lamb burger with floured bap, tzatziki & chili sauce

Chicken & sweetcorn pie topped with BBQ suet pastry

Baked haddock in tomato sauce topped with pesto & mozzarella crumbs

Chicken dhansak curry with mango curry

vegetable burger with floured bap, tzatziki & chili sauce

Roasted vegetable & mixed bean pie topped with BBQ suet pastry

Baked Quorn fillet in tomato sauce topped with pesto & mozzarella crumbs

Vegetable & chickpea dhansak curry with mango chutney

Mediterranean vegetable lasagne

Herby baked new potatoes &

Lyonnaise potatoes &

Boiled potatoes &

braised rice &

Green vegetables


Cauliflower & aubergine bhaji

Chips, peas, baked beans & mushy peas

Chocolate custard pot

Strawberry jelly

Vanilla rice pudding with rhubarb compote

Chocolate cake with chocolate icing

vanilla ice cream

Pasta, jacket & salad bar

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

A daily changing selection of homemade sauces, toppers & fresh salads

Year 10/11 deli bar

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own

Create your own


Non Halal...


Side orders‌

Baton carrots Something sweet...

20 Secondary Newsletter

Or Breaded cod fish fingers Served with Tartar sauce, ketchup, lemon & chip shop curry sauce

3 November 2017

Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are also working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will report on each forms attendance for the week prior and each year group will run their own year team competition. Year group and form attendance for week of 16th October 2017 Tutor




























































































Year 7 are back on top of the year league table with year 8 only 0.6% behind. Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader

3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


22 Secondary Newsletter

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3 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017

Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Half Term: Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October Tuesday 7th November Monday 13th – Friday 17th November Tuesday 14th November

Senior Maths Challenge Family Week, no after school events or enrichment Independent Learning Day

Saturday 18th November Wednesday 22nd November

Year 11 in for Next Steps Interviews Saturday Music College INSET DAY: Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day

Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December Wednesday 29th November Thursday 30th November Saturday 2nd December Monday 4th December Thursday 7th December Friday 8th December Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Thursday 14th December Friday 15th December Monday 18th December Wednesday 20th December

No school for students Week of Year 9 Trip to British Library and author visit. Literacy Support and SEND Parent Workshop 6pm GCSE Certificate Evening 6pm Saturday Music College Year 10 Geography field trip Year 10 Geography field trip INSET DAY: No school for students Community Party Philips Exeter Academy Meeting for Year 8 & Year 12 Winter Concert Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day Year 7 Awards Assembly Years 8 -11 Awards Assemblies. Term ends 1pm

24 Secondary Newsletter

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