10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the
school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection.
Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish
Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Dear Parents and Carers, Next week is Family Week at Isaac Newton Academy. You will be aware of the very long days that our staff work. Many of them arrive soon after 6am and a significant number are here after 6pm each day. And of course staff take a considerable volume of marking and other work home to complete in evenings and at weekends. As part of our duty of care to look after the well-being of our staff, we have designated one week each term as a Family Week, when we encourage staff to leave school as early as possible after the end of the formal day to spend the evening with family members and friends. In these weeks there are no scheduled after school meetings and no enrichment activities run. The only after school commitments are detentions which operate as normal. Thank you for your support in assisting our staff to have a proper break in the evenings next week. And finally a reminder that next Tuesday, 14th November, is Independent Learning Day when all secondary students learn from home. Your son/ daughter will have been briefed by his/her teachers on the learning that it is expected will be completed on that day and resources are on Fronter. With all best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Friends of Isaac Newton Academy will be holding a
Christmas Fayre on
Saturday 9th December 2017 from 10am till 12pm Would you be interested in hiring a table? Tables cost £12 each No food or drink sellers For further information please contact Melissachergui@sky.com 4 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Tuesday 14th November is an INDEPENDENT LEARNING DAY This day is the first Independent Learning day of the year when secondary students will complete their learning independently at home. Students in KS3 and KS4 will not attend the Academy on this day. The purpose of the day is for students to consolidate and extend their learning in their various subjects. This will help to develop students’ BRIDGES skills of self-discipline, independence, discovery, organisation and adaptability and other important learning dispositions. The discipline of working independently is also important to develop in preparation for sixth form learning and study at university. Teachers have given careful consideration to the tasks they are setting for the day which can be accessed remotely on Fronter. There will be opportunities to practise key skills, elaborate upon prior learning, explore concepts and knowledge in more depth and to do some pre-learning tasks. Stretch and challenge tasks will be also available. It would be helpful if parents can ensure that the learning set by teachers is completed to a high standard.
Ms Spencer Vice Principal
Increase in price of school meals from January 2018 Having held the price of £2.20 for a school meal since April 2016, we will be increasing the cost to £2.40 with effect from January 2018. We will continue to provide a healthy school meal which includes a main course (halal, non halal and vegetarian option) and salad bar and a desert. Please can you ensure that your child’s account is topped up at the beginning of each week in order to ensure sufficient funds are available for their school meal and any additional snacks. Many thanks Ms H Chamberlain 10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
YEAR 11 NEWS Year 11 Mock examinations • Mock exams will begin on Monday 4th December 2017 and are designed to support the students in preparing for their final examinations. • Subject teachers will provide specific information to students. • Timetables can be found over the page. Mr Crowther- Green
Year 11 Next Steps Interviews In order to support students with making informed decisions about their post 16 choices, each student will have a 1-to-1 interview with a member of SLT or the Pastoral Team. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 14th November during the Independent Learning day. Each meeting will be approximately 20 minutes. Students will be advised of the time of their interviews by letter and parents will be informed that the letter has been issued by text. The interviews will only involve the student and the member of staff. This is to support the students in transitioning into being fully independent learners. Ms Alibhai & Mr Crowther- Green
6 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
GCSE French and Spanish Speaking Mock Exam Year 11 students will do their Speaking Mock Exams during the week commencing on Monday 27th November. The exams will finish on Thursday 30th November. This means that any student in Year 11 who is studying Spanish or French GCSE will be required to attend a 1:1 Speaking assessment with their language teacher for about 25 minutes (10 minutes preparation time and a 15 minute recorded exam). The Speaking Assessments will take place in formal exam conditions and students have already been given the time and date of their assessment. Students are preparing for the assessment during their French or Spanish lessons. Students should also spend time as part of their Independent Learning revising and practising key vocabulary and phrases to ensure that they are fully prepared and can approach their assessment with confidence. If you have any questions please contact your son/daughter’s MFL teacher. Ms M Davies 2nd i/c Languages
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time) PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
Times unless stated
Science C1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Maths 1 (90 mins)
Music (75 mins)
Geography 1 (90 mins)
English Language 2 (120 mins) Non-fiction
Science B1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Tue 5th Dec
Mon 4th Dec
English Language 1 (105 mins) 19th Century Fiction
Science P1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
History 1 (105 mins)
Wed 6th Dec
Maths 2 (90 mins)
Science B2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Religious studies 1 (105 mins)
Thu 7th Dec
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
Printed 01/11/2017
French Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Science C2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Computing 2 (90 mins)
Fri 8th Dec
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
PE Theory 1 (90 mins)
English Literature 2 (135 mins) Poetry and Christmas Carol
Spanish writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
French Writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
Maths 3 (90 mins)
English Literature 1 (105 mins) Animal Farm
Science P2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Tue 12th Dec
Mon 11th Dec
Geography 2 (90 mins)
Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) French Reading Foundation (45 mins)
Spanish Reading Higher (60 mins)
Religious Studies 2 (105 mins)
Wed 13th Dec
Spanish Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Spanish Listening Higher (45 mins)
One (unmarked) copy of text per student provided by Drama
Drama (90 mins)
History 2 (75 mins)
Thu 14th Dec
Art exams – Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December in S13 and S26
PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time)
Times unless stated
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
Printed 01/11/2017
Computing 2 (90 mins)
French Reading Higher (60 mins)
French Listening Higher (45 mins)
PE Theory 2 (90 mins)
Fri 15th Dec
YEAR 9 SCIENCE This year the Year 9 students will begin to study the first modules of their AQA Science GCSE course. In order to assess their learning of all the key stage 3 material they have learned since Year 7, the Year 9 students will be sitting two 1 hour exam papers. The dates are:
Thursday 16th November – Paper 1 Friday 17th November – Paper 2 The results of these exam papers will form the basis of their Spring 1 report level. The exams will take place during their science lessons; Year 9 students will have their usual lessons and should bring the equipment needed. The only equipment they will need for the exam will be two black pens, a sharp pencil, a 30cm ruler and a calculator. Thank you for your continued support of our students learning. Ms Bihi KS3 Science Coordinator
Year 9 – End of KS3 Exam Topic List
Variables & Fair Tests Biology Cells, Tissues & Organs Puberty & development Photosynthesis and Plants Adaptations & Evolution Digestion & Enzymes Chemistry Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Chemical Reactions The Particle Model Acids & Bases
Polymers and Plastics Physics Light, Reflection & Refraction Sound Circuits, Electricity, Magnets & Compasses Forces Satellites & Our Solar System Energy Transfers
10 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Year 9 and 10 students are invited to attend
Friday 2nd March 2018 at the Apollo Theatre, London Students will hear talks aimed at GCSE students from these famous, well-renowned scientists. The scientists are carefully chosen for their ability to communicate with students of this age in a direct and exciting way.
Prof Jim Al-Khalili
Prof Andrea Sella
Prof Alice Roberts
Prof Robert Winston
Improve your Science GCSE results with top tips on examination success from an experienced science examiner. Students should register their interest and collect a letter from Dr Mounsey (T14) by Friday 24th November. The event costs ÂŁ17.50, to be uploaded to Wisepay by Friday 1st December. Students are expected to catch up on any learning missed. 10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
What is Pla
Working learning o where you are goin take, the time and obstacles you may to the best strategy down into a sequen
What is Pri
Being able to order
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw is a prominent English architect, particularly noted for several modernist buildings, including London’s Waterloo International railway station and the Eden Project in Cornwall. It doesn’t take an expert to imagine the challenge of erecting the world’s largest plant enclosure, turning 15 hectares of Cornish clay pit into a place that would draw millions of visitors, or maintaining and displaying 5,000 varieties of plant life from all over the world.
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw had to manage all of this when planning and prioritising the finer details of the design, from materials and people to road links and car parks.
12 Secondary Newsletter
• Showing an awa and knowing wh • Thinking into th difficult steps. • Using a mind m end product con • Working to a de complete certai • Learning from y redrafting and m feedback from y
Students w
Rio Rashid 12 N 10 November 2017
out in advance. Thinking about ng, the actions you are going to resources you will need, and the encounter. Giving prior thought y for a situation and breaking it nce of actions.
r things to achieve your goal.
areness of the goal or target hat steps to take to get there. he future to foresee the
TOP TIPS: Students
• Use your organiser to record I/L and other key information such as meetings, rehearsals, reading, instrument practice, notes etc. • Plan significant pieces of IL and class learning before starting them. • Make lists of tasks which need to be done and complete them in a targeted order. • Create and use a revision timetable to ensure that you meet or exceed your targets. • Use a calendar to record key upcoming events such as controlled assessments, tests and mock exams and forward plan your time.
• Continue to check your son/daughter’s organiser every week to ensure I/L and tasks they set themselves are completed. • Explain your own methods of planning and prioritising to your son/daughter. • Encourage your son/daughter to plan an event at home, at school or in the local community.
map and notes to ensure your ntains all the details. eadline, estimating times to in tasks. your experience, constantly modifying learning, acting on yourself and others.
who have shown great Planning & Prioritising skills at INA Rio is studying 4 A Levels and is performing close to her target grade in all. She is managing her time effectively as well as pursuing areas of interest outside of her formal studies; this includes art and building her own computer!
10 November 2017
Manav Katavadia 12 S
Manav has exceptional organisation skills. He makes thorough prelearning notes and arrives to lessons ready to engage in Harkness style learning. His organised approach and hard work is paying dividends; he is working above expectation in all three of his A Levels!
Secondary Newsletter
Sports Report YEAR 8 FOOTBALL V FOREST ACADEMY The Year 8 Football team got a great result in their league game against Forest Academy. Goals from Subhaan Imran, Raghav Dhaliwal and a winning goal from Judeyah Sanderson in the dying moments gave INA the win in a closely fought 3 – 2 match. Big credit also has to go to the defence for a great battling performance. Hamoud Ahmed, Denis Balaj and Taukir Kazam battled like warriors alongside goalkeeper Pritom Uddin to keep Forest at bay. Well done to all the boys!
14 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Next Week’s Fixtures: Monday 13th November – Year 11 Boys' Handball vs ICHS (H) Wednesday 15th November – Year 10 and 11 Basketball v ICHS (H) Year 11 Football v Loxford (A) Thursday 16th November – Year 7 Football v Chadwell (H) Year 11 Basketball v Mayfield (A)
From: Heart of Oak judo club Sent: 06 November 2017 To: Isaac Newton Academy
Subject: The Bukhari Brothers win Silver & Bronze! Congratulations to Dawud and Musa Bukhari for competing in a Judo competition in Harlow last weekend. Dawud won a silver medal and his brother, Musa, a bronze medal. This competition served as the warm up for the London School trials next weekend at UEL. If they can win either silver or gold they will qualify to represent Isaac Newton Academy at the British Schools Judo Championships at Sheffield in March 2018. Since starting Judo two years ago, the boys have rapidly developed in the sport. Their success is due to their hard work and all-round commitment to the sport. Well done boys, we are so proud of you both! Regards, Margaret James Heart of Oak Judo Club 10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits It is the start of another year, so we are re-starting the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7
445 407 403 346 301 300 249
290 204 188 185 179 178 137
176 147 144 133 97 90 66
16 Secondary Newsletter
122 80 80 75 72 51 49
106 104 91 71 68 37 5
10 November 2017
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award
(Peer Commendation Award)
Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Darius Sfartz 7N Year 8: Diya Rajput 8E Year 9: Arjun Bhogal 9T Year 10: Omeir Khan 10C Year 11: Jiya Shahzad 11W
Good Deed Feed
Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Mr Ball: Warren Virk 8A has had a really positive start to Year 8. He is always helpful in and around the corridors and allows anyone who asks to play basketball with him. Importantly, he does everything with a warm smile, and this makes others in Year 8 and across the school feel good. Ms Arrowsmith: Saad Wasim 8W for always offering to tidy my room. Ms Anwar: Adil Tahir 7A for always helping Khaddy to understand the class learning. Mr Ayerh: Sinthuran Seethamohan 10A, Omier Khan 10C and Noah Hawthorne 10A for all voluntarily helping out with the table officiating for a year 9 basketball match. Thanks for giving up your free time and you were great on the day! Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition 10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Year 7 Humanities 'Victorian Protest' workshop On Wednesday 9th November we were visited by senior lecturers Nadia and Vivi from Queen Mary University of London. They came to INA to deliver a workshop for 31 very fortunate Year 7 students. The workshop and the parade were designed to engage children with local heritage. This three hour workshop was split into three parts. The first part was a focused workshop where students questioned what protest is, looked at current examples of it and then historical examples of protest. Then they explored local protest in East-End sweatshops. In addition they got to learn Yiddish songs and chants as well as trying to do this in their own languages! In the second and third part of the session they were using their empathy skills to understand what life was like for different characters, so they then prepared banners for their own protests. They then used their banners and rehearsed the 1889 parade re-enactment of East end sweatshops in the playground to our lovely audience of KS4 students enjoying their lunch. Students were also invited by Nadia and Vivi to the actual re-enactment of East end sweatshops to take place in Tower Hamlets. Please see below a letter from Dr Nadia Valman and Vivi Lachs inviting students and parents to the Great Yiddish Parade (possibly in costume) will take place at 11.00am12.30pm on Sunday 19 November 2017 on Whitechapel Road with music, marching band, singing troupe and historic explanation. A huge thank you to all of the students below involved in the workshop who were very enthusiastic and praised the experience very highly! The students were asked to comment on the workshop and some of the comments have been included on the next page. Also, a heartfelt thank you to Nadia and Vivi who came to INA to run the workshop for us, we really appreciate it. Ms Hussain Humanities Teacher/Humanities Intervention
18 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Dear Parent or Guardian, Your child participated this week in a workshop on ‘Victorian Protest’ run by myself, Dr Nadia Valman from Queen Mary, University of London, and Dr Vivi Lachs. The students learned about the working conditions that led Victorians in east London to protest, and what they did to campaign for better lives. The students discussed how to design an effective protest slogan, and worked brilliantly together to make placards and chants for a Victorian protest march. On Sunday 19 November 2017 we will be leading a re-enactment of a protest parade for better working conditions, held in Whitechapel in 1889 by Jewish immigrants who lived there. We will be dressed as Victorians and the parade will be joyful, with music and songs, including a song the students learned in the workshop this week. We would like to invite you and your child to come to the parade. It starts at 11am at the corner of Goulston Street and Aldgate High Street, and we will be parading down Whitechapel Road singing and hearing some very short speeches from the Victorian period. NB We are not able to supervise children at the parade, so it is essential that they are accompanied by someone who is responsible for them. We hope to welcome you on 19 November. If you would like further information, please contact Nadia at n.d.valman@qmul.ac.uk or Vivi atvivilachs@gmail.com All good wishes, Dr Nadia Valman & Dr Vivi Lachs
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Would you like to buy one? We have quite a few great quality French and Spanish textbooks for students in Year 7, 8 and 9. These books are still a great resource and very up to date. This gives you the opportunity to have them at home to help with your IL, give you some extra practice and support your class learning too.
We are selling them for...
(These books are £12-£15 new.)
All the money raised will go towards MFL resources.
If you are interested, please come and see Ms Davies or Ms Baxter in G43.
20 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will report on each forms attendance for the week prior and each year group will run their own year team competition. Year group and form attendance for week of 30th October 2017 Tutor
Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
22 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017
10 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 & Spring Term 2018 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March Half Term: Monday 12th – Friday 16th February
INSET Days: Wednesday 3rd January, Thursday 4th January, Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Independent Learning Day: Monday 19th February Monday 13th – Friday 17th November Tuesday 14th November Saturday 18th November Wednesday 22nd November Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December Wednesday 29th November Thursday 30th November Saturday 2nd December Monday 4th December Thursday 7th December Friday 8th December Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Thursday 14th December Friday 15th December Monday 18th December Wednesday 20th December
Family Week, no after school events or enrichment Independent Learning Day Year 11 in for Next Steps Interviews Saturday Music College INSET DAY: Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day No school for students Week of Year 9 Trip to British Library and author visit. Literacy Support and SEND Parent Workshop 6pm GCSE Certificate Evening 6pm Saturday Music College Year 10 Geography field trip Year 10 Geography field trip INSET DAY: No school for students Community Party Philips Exeter Academy Meeting for Year 8 & Year 12 Winter Concert Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day Year 7 Awards Assembly Years 8 -11 Awards Assemblies. Term ends 1pm
24 Secondary Newsletter
10 November 2017