17 November Secondary Newsletter

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17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Eleanor Seale Office Manager Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish

Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that Tuesday was a productive day for all the Year 7-12 students as they studied independently on consolidation of learning exercises and pre learning. For Year 11s and 12s the mock exams are only three weeks away and I know that they will have been busy with revision. The Year 11s all came in to school for a Next Steps Interview with a member of the senior team. We were impressed with the preparation that the students had done for these meetings and their plans and aspirations for A levels and beyond. It is clear that they have been talking to our first Sixth Form cohort and have picked up a lot of advice from them. A reminder that next Wednesday is Ahmed Day when school will be shut (for all students) and everyone will get engrossed in an aspect of learning that they are passionate about, in memory of Ahmed Al-Khafaji. With all best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Remembrance Day Throughout assemblies this week, students at INA have been examining the importance of ‘Remembrance Day’ and the features that are associated it. For those who were not aware, on Sunday 12th November men and women across the country (and even the world) met together to commemorate the soldiers who have bravely sacrificed their lives in war and conflicts since the First World War as well as the servicemen/women who are currently undertaking military service. As always, the students at INA were very respectful and greatly appreciated the opportunity to remember those who are no longer here with us. See below the summary of what students discovered:

What is Remembrance Day and how do we remember? Remembrance Day is a time for us to remember the people who gave their lives during times of war and conflict. But, it started life as a day to remember just those from the First World War, or Great War, which was seen as the defining moment of the 20th Century, one that coloured everything that came before and shadowed everything that followed. In this country the main observance is on the Sunday nearest 11th November, Remembrance Sunday, when ceremonies are held at local communities’ War Memorials.

What are the origins of Remembrance Day? On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 the guns of Europe fell silent. After four years of the most bitter and devastating fighting, The War was finally over.

4 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Why the Poppy? In late 1914, the fields of Northern Europe were once again ripped open by the conflict of WWI, causing poppies to bloom in their thousands. The flower represents the immeasurable sacrifice made by those who died in this and later conflicts. A poignant realisation of poppy symbolism can be found in the 1915 poem ‘In Flanders Field.’

Why is it Important to Remember? The First World War ended close to a century ago, but as we move cautiously into the 21st Century, the world still remains wracked by conflict and division. There are many reasons why we should never forget what happened in the mud and carnage of places like The Somme and Ypres. Perhaps the most overriding reasons for remembrance are that we must never take peace for granted and that those generations brought up without the experience of war must be made aware of the deep sacrifices made by those on both sides of conflict who died in horrendous circumstances for their country.

Mr B Smith, Teacher of History/Humanities.

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 11 NEWS GCSE French and Spanish Speaking Mock Exam Year 11 students will do their Speaking Mock Exams during the week commencing Monday 27th November. The exams will finish on Thursday 30th November. This means that any student in Year 11 who is studying Spanish or French GCSE will be required to attend a 1:1 Speaking Assessment with their language teacher for about 25 minutes (10 minutes preparation time and a 15 minute recorded exam). The Speaking Assessments will take place in formal exam conditions and students have already been given the time and date of their assessment. Students are preparing for the assessment during their French or Spanish lessons. Students should also spend time, as part of their Independent Learning, revising and practising key vocabulary and phrases to ensure that they are fully prepared and can approach their assessment with confidence. If you have any questions please contact your son/daughter’s MFL teacher. Ms M Davies 2nd i/c Languages

6 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

SEND & Literacy Support Parent Workshop Wednesday 29th November 2017 18:00 — 19:15 Mr Wilson, Assistant Principal/SENDCO, be launching a new PLP format for all students working with special educational needs and disabilities. All parents whose children have special educational needs are invited to attend and should aim to arrive for a 6pm prompt start. Also, during the literacy workshop, parents will be able to learn about the importance of reading and writing and share some of their own experiences of reading with their children. There will be an opportunity for all parents and children to do some reading together, using reciprocal teaching techniques. There will be time for questions from parents during the evening. Mr D Wilson, Assistant Principal/SENDCO Ms H Begum, Teacher of English/Literacy Intervention

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


8 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time) PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00

Times unless stated

Tue 5th Dec Geography 1 (90 mins)

Science C1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Maths 1 (90 mins)

Mon 4th Dec

English Language 2 (120 mins) Non-fiction

Science B1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Music (75 mins)

English Language 1 (105 mins) 19th Century Fiction

Science P1 (75 mins and 105 mins)

History 1 (105 mins)

Wed 6th Dec

Maths 2 (90 mins)

French Listening Foundation (35 mins)

Science C2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Computing 2 (90 mins)

Religious Studies 1 (105 mins)

Science B2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Fri 8th Dec

Thu 7th Dec

Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


PE Theory 1 (90 mins)

English Literature 2 (135 mins) Poetry and Christmas Carol

Spanish writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)

French Writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)

Maths 3 (90 mins)

English Literature 1 (105 mins) Animal Farm

Science P2 (75 mins and 105 mins)

Tue 12th Dec

Mon 11th Dec

Geography 2 (90 mins)

Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) French Reading Foundation (45 mins)

Spanish Reading Higher (60 mins)

Religious Studies 2 (105 mins)

Wed 13th Dec

Spanish Listening Foundation (35 mins)

Spanish Listening Higher (45 mins)

One (unmarked) copy of text per student provided by Drama

Drama (90 mins)

History 2 (75 mins)

Thu 14th Dec

Art exams – Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December in S13 and S26

PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00

AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time)

Times unless stated

Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017

Printed 01/11/2017

Computing 2 (90 mins)

French Reading Higher (60 mins)

French Listening Higher (45 mins)

PE Theory 2 (90 mins)

Fri 15th Dec

Friends of Isaac Newton Academy will be holding a

Christmas Fayre on

Saturday 9th December 2017 from 10am till 12pm Would you be interested in hiring a table? Tables cost £12 each No food or drink sellers For further information please contact Melissachergui@sky.com 10 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Year 9 and 10 students are invited to attend

Friday 2nd March 2018 at the Apollo Theatre, London Students will hear talks aimed at GCSE students from these famous, well-renowned scientists. The scientists are carefully chosen for their ability to communicate with students of this age in a direct and exciting way.

Prof Jim Al-Khalili

Prof Andrea Sella

Prof Alice Roberts

Prof Robert Winston

Improve your Science GCSE results with top tips on examination success from an experienced science examiner. Students should register their interest and collect a letter from Dr Mounsey (T14) by Friday 24th November. The event costs ÂŁ17.50, to be uploaded to Wisepay by Friday 1st December. Students are expected to catch up on any learning missed. 17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter



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Sir Nicholas Grimshaw

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw is a prominent English architect, particularly noted for several modernist buildings, including London’s Waterloo International railway station and the Eden Project in Cornwall. It doesn’t take an expert to imagine the challenge of erecting the world’s largest plant enclosure, turning 15 hectares of Cornish clay pit into a place that would draw millions of visitors, or maintaining and displaying 5,000 varieties of plant life from all over the world.

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw had to manage all of this when planning and prioritising the finer details of the design, from materials and people to road links and car parks.

12 Secondary Newsletter

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Students w

Rio Rashid 12 N 17 November 2017



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TOP TIPS: Students

• Use your organiser to record I/L and other key information such as meetings, rehearsals, reading, instrument practice, notes etc. • Plan significant pieces of IL and class learning before starting them. • Make lists of tasks which need to be done and complete them in a targeted order. • Create and use a revision timetable to ensure that you meet or exceed your targets. • Use a calendar to record key upcoming events such as controlled assessments, tests and mock exams and forward plan your time.


• Continue to check your son/daughter’s organiser every week to ensure I/L and tasks they set themselves are completed. • Explain your own methods of planning and prioritising to your son/daughter. • Encourage your son/daughter to plan an event at home, at school or in the local community.

map and notes to ensure your ntains all the details. eadline, estimating times to in tasks. your experience, constantly modifying learning, acting on yourself and others.

who have shown great Planning & Prioritising skills at INA Rio is studying 4 A Levels and is performing close to her target grade in all. She is managing her time effectively as well as pursuing areas of interest outside of her formal studies; this includes art and building her own computer!

17 November 2017

Manav Katavadia 12 S

Manav has exceptional organisation skills. He makes thorough prelearning notes and arrives to lessons ready to engage in Harkness style learning. His organised approach and hard work is paying dividends; he is working above expectation in all three of his A Levels!


Secondary Newsletter


Sports Report YEAR 9 NETBALL TEAM The Year 9 Netball team have a number of fixtures coming up in the next few weeks. Please see below for dates. The team travelled to Beal last Wednesday and, although didn’t come away with a win, showed great team spirit and progress across the four quarters. Congratulations to Daveena Williams Morrison who was awarded INA’s player of the match. The girls are showing great commitment to the squad, attending training on Friday lunch times in an effort to come away from fixtures showing great progress week on week. Forthcoming Fixtures: Thursday 23rd November 2017 Home v Valentines Monday 4th December 2017 Away v UIA Wednesday 13th December 2017 - Home v Palmer Monday 15th January 2018 Home v Oaks Park Wednesday 24th January 2018 Home v Wanstead

14 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

YEAR 11 HANDBALL VS ILFORD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL In preparation for the GCSE moderation this was a perfect opportunity for INA to improve their score with ICHS coming to help moderate the students in Handball. INA took this on board and competed in a very professional manner and took the game straight to ICHS. Big performances from Mason Pickton and Hamza Shaukat in the first quarter put us 7-2 up after 10 minutes. With a big change of team, a second quarter impressive display from Ekonkar Deerhe and Rahul Kalhra (Year 10 Goalkeeper) saw us improve this lead to 14-4. With INA maintaining very high standards, and consistently moving the ball well throughout many substitutions, the game finished 24-17. This game saw many of the GCSE students raise their score in Handball making it a very successful afternoon for them.

YEAR 7, 8 AND 9 BOYS BADMINTON TRIALS The Year 7, 8 and 9 Badminton trials take place on Monday 20th November from 7.30am till 8.10am. You only need trainers to participate in this. Please meet Mr Marecar at main reception at 7.25am. Next Week’s Fixtures: Monday – GCSE Netball intervention, Year 8 and 12 Boys Football training Wednesday – GCSE Theory intervention Year 9 and 10 Girls Netball v Valentines (H) Year 9 and 10 Boys Handball training Friday – Year 11 Boys Basketball v Dagenham Thunder 17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.

Merits At the start of each year we restart the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also, if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7







513 464 407 403 385 330 303


359 255 225 219 216 188 137


176 164 156 133 100 100 66



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132 98 98 98 95 75 72


106 104 91 71 68 37 6

17 November 2017

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award

(Peer Commendation Award)

Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Shazaib Shah 7N Year 8: Munaza Azram 8E Year 9: Umar Hotelwala 9A Year 10: Muhammad Amin 10N Year 11: Ayesha Hussain 11T

Good Deed Feed

Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Ms Beled: Tahseena El-Waily 9W for showing excellent citizenship in maths by helping peers . Mr Ball: Adam Anwar 10T; when a Year 8 student was in a difficult situation Adam stepped in and supported him. He showed true kindness and helped his fellow student feel better about the situation. Adam showed outstanding leadership and everyone involved was extremely grateful for his actions. Thank you Adam. Ms Lewis: Keshan Beckett-Edwards 9S. He is always so polite and well-mannered. The way he interacts with both students and staff is with respect and kindness. I don’t personally teach him, but I’ve spoken to him when I’ve been on break duty and during family dining and he seems to be a hardworker and keen learner. Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition 17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Meet the Prefects The Prefects at Isaac Newton Academy are at the heart of our school life. The new cohort of Prefects were selected last week, from a very strong field of applicants. Ms Abbott-Jones, Mr Ball and Aisha Jatta (an existing Year 11 Prefect) observed the students as they took part in a Harkness Discussion based on the necessary qualities of an INA Prefect. It was a very tough process to get the initial list of over 40 applicants down to 22. A huge well done to all the students that applied.

Jaina Bhalla 10A

Noah Hawthorne 10A

Daanyal Khan 10A

Jeskiran Rai 10A

Dev Sharma 10A

Nathan Afsar 10C

Amaan Hassan 10C

Aman Jagdev 10C

Sisay Shah 10C

Das Jasmeet Dhaliwal, 10E

Hruday Kinhikar, 10E

Hasan Islam 10I

18 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Meet the Prefects The Prefects have many important roles to play in the school community. They will all be trained as Peer Mentors to support some of the younger students. Some have lead roles on the Student Council and Charity Council, or support the PE department with primary academy sports leadership. Within the new Prefect team there are also students who have attended Philips Exeter Academy as part of their role as Harkness Champions. All of the Prefect team support the community through contributing to a duty rota, supporting at lunch-times at the primary site, and being ambassadors for the school during various events.

Aasiya Jilani 10I

Nehal Khandwalla, 10I

Amaal Khandwalla, 10N

Karolina Merliunaite, 10N

Samera Yusuf 10N

Kaiya Greenidge 10S

Shaaista Patel 10S

Ekam Sehmbi 10S

Monique Toor 10T

Lima Uddin 10T

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Would you like to buy one? We have quite a few great quality French and Spanish textbooks for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. These books are still a great resource and very up to date. This gives you the opportunity to have them at home to help with your IL, give you some extra practice and support your class learning too.

We are selling them for...


(These books are £12-£15 new.)

All the money raised will go towards MFL resources.

If you are interested, please come and see Ms Davies or Ms Baxter in G43.

20 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

Visiting a trade show or career fair? See below our best networking tips!

When you are networking or attending an event, you need to ensure that you are prepared both physically and mentally. Ask yourself “what do I want to get out of this?”. The steps below will help you to look and feel your best on the day.

‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!’ Before the Show: 1. Bring: • • • 2.

Do your research: • • •


Plenty of copies of your up-to-date CV A notebook and pen A folder to collate any information given to you at the event What companies are attending? What opportunities do they have? What are they looking for? View attendees on LinkedIn - what are their roles (e.g. HR or Accounts Managers?)

Dress to impress: • • •

Smart attire (no jeans or trainers) Remember to polish your shoes Keep hair and nails neat Be aware of bright/excessive make up and perfume/aftershave

During the Show: 4.

Arrival: • • • •


Seminars & Workshops • •


Pick up a floor plan on the day or, if available, view it online and plan your visit in advance Go early – people are more enthusiastic early in the day Practise a good handshake Body language is extremely powerful - maintain eye contact, smile and be friendly Attend them! They are informative and a good way to network. Take notes - jot down helpful information

Network • • • •

Don’t be shy - introduce yourself to company representatives Listen to what they have to say and don’t be afraid to ask questions Find out their next steps in the recruitment process so that you have a clear idea of what you need to do next Collect business cards

After the Show – Next Steps: 7.

Remember to follow up: • •


Remember key dates: •


Email or phone your contact (ideally within 72 hours) to demonstrate your interest in pursuing things further Mention the event that you met them at Be organised! Keep a record of dates and assessment days to remind yourself of deadlines

Don’t feel discouraged: • •

Ensure you are contacting the right person or department If you do not get a response straight away, do not worry! This could be for many reasons, such as holidays or the job is on hold.

10. Utilise your connections: •

Speak with family and friends about your interests and aspirations - they may know of an opportunity available to you.

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


22 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

17 November 2017

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 & Spring Term 2018 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March Half Term: Monday 12th – Friday 16th February

INSET Days: Wednesday 3rd January, Thursday 4th January, Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Independent Learning Day: Monday 19th February Saturday 18th November Wednesday 22nd November Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December Wednesday 29th November Thursday 30th November Saturday 2nd December Monday 4th December Thursday 7th December Friday 8th December Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Thursday 14th December Friday 15th December Monday 18th December Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January Thursday 4th January Monday 8th January Monday 8th January

Saturday Music College INSET DAY: Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day No school for students Week of Year 9 Trip to British Library and author visit. Literacy Support and SEND Parent Workshop 6pm GCSE Certificate Evening 6pm Saturday Music College Year 10 Geography field trip Year 10 Geography field trip INSET DAY: No school for students Community Party Philips Exeter Academy Meeting for Year 8 & Year 12 Winter Concert Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day Year 7 Awards Assembly Years 8 -11 Awards Assemblies. Term ends 1pm Inset day: No school for students Inset day: No school for students Spring term enrichments start Year 9 Girls HPV Vaccination

24 Secondary Newsletter

17 November 2017

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