24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Designated Child Protection Officers Leanne Abbott-Jones Sugra Alibhai Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish
Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh David Wilson
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
2 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
Dear Parents and Carers, On Wednesday, the school closed for Ahmed Al -Khafaji Day. I hope that everyone had a really good day, getting engrossed in an aspect of learning that they are passionate about. I read a thought-provoking book on leadership called ‘High Challenge, Low Threat’ by Mary Myatt. It has given me a lot to think about in terms of my practice. I also made breakfast for Ms Broadway as a thank you for all that she is doing at the primary school. It gave us an opportunity to have a good talk and reflection on how things are progressing. Then I met a colleague who I am coaching in preparation for headship. This is something that I really enjoy doing and see as a responsibility of school leaders. And then, later in the afternoon, I went into London to walk the route that Ms Chamberlain and I will be taking in a week’s time when the London Club does a South Bank walk and treasure hunt, ending up at the Tate Modern for some art spotting. It was a great day! On Tuesday this week we welcomed Katherine Rundell, the author of ‘The Wolf Wilder’, to INA. She gave an assembly to all of the Year 7s and was impressed that they had all read her book over the summer holidays. She then led some creative writing workshops for students who we felt had engaged particularly strongly with the novel. We are very grateful to her for giving up her time to come to meet us and to Ms Atkinson and Mr Butler for organising the visit. With very best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane 24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Save the date! Thursday 4th January 2018—Year 9 Options Evening We are pleased to invite all parents and carers of our Year 9 students, and the students themselves, to our Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 4th January 2018.
Open from 5.45pm to 6.30pm Talk at 6pm
Open from 6.30pm to 7.15pm Talk at 6.45pm
This is an essential opportunity to explore the subjects on offer, understand how the options process will work and reflect on factors to consider when making decisions about option choices. Browse subject stalls, pick up information and ask lots of questions of both our teachers and some of our GCSE students. This evening is your chance to find out about how the options system will work and pick up your options guide and form.
Make sure to catch one of the explanatory talks: 6pm for 9ISAC 6.45pm for 9NEWT Should there be a problem with the slot allocated to your child’s tutor group, contact the school as soon as possible and we will investigate the possibility of joining the other session. Ms McEvoy, Assistant Principal
4 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
SEND & Literacy Support Parent Workshop Wednesday 29th November 2017 18:00 — 19:15 Mr Wilson, Assistant Principal/SENDCO will be launching a new PLP format for all students working with special educational needs and disabilities. All parents whose children have special educational needs are invited to attend and should aim to arrive for a 6pm prompt start. Also, during the literacy workshop, parents will be able to learn about the importance of reading and writing and share some of their own experiences of reading with their children. There will be an opportunity for all parents and children to do some reading together, using reciprocal teaching techniques. There will be time for questions from parents during the evening. Mr D Wilson, Assistant Principal/SENDCO Ms H Begum, Teacher of English/Literacy Intervention
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
YEAR 11 NEWS GCSE French and Spanish Speaking Mock Exam Year 11 students will sit their Speaking Mock Exams during the week commencing Monday 27th November. The exams will finish on Thursday 30th November. This means that any student in Year 11 who is studying Spanish or French GCSE will be required to attend a 1:1 Speaking Assessment with their language teacher for about 25 minutes (10 minutes preparation time and a 15 minute recorded exam). The Speaking Assessments will take place in formal exam conditions and students have already been given the time and date of their assessment. Students are preparing for the assessment during their French or Spanish lessons. Students should also spend time, as part of their Independent Learning, revising and practising key vocabulary and phrases to ensure that they are fully prepared and can approach their assessment with confidence. If you have any questions please contact your son/daughter’s MFL teacher. Ms M Davies 2nd i/c Languages
6 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
Real life apprenticeship success stories Mr Lewis, Premises team Mr Lewis chose an apprenticeship because he was able to earn and learn. He says. “The benefits of an apprenticeship are that I’m earning money while I learn. There are many different routes into employment and an apprenticeship is a very good route to take as you not only learn, but you also get experience which is what pretty much every employer wants.” Mr Lewis’s Advice “Apprenticeships aren’t the easiest things to come by so my advice would be to have a back-up plan, for example qualifications at 6th form or college.” Mr M Crowther-Green, Assistant Principal
Year 11 Mock examinations • Mock exams will begin on Monday 4th December 2017 and are designed to support the students in preparing for their final examinations. • Subject teachers will provide specific information to students. • Timetables can be found over the page. Mr M Crowther- Green
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time) PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
Times unless stated
Science C1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Maths 1 (90 mins)
Music (75 mins)
Geography 1 (90 mins)
English Language 2 (120 mins) Non-fiction
Science B1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Tue 5th Dec
Mon 4th Dec
English Language 1 (105 mins) 19th Century Fiction
Science P1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
History 1 (105 mins)
Wed 6th Dec
Maths 2 (90 mins)
French Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Science C2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Computing 2 (90 mins)
Religious Studies 1 (105 mins)
Science B2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Fri 8th Dec
Thu 7th Dec
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
PE Theory 1 (90 mins)
English Literature 2 (135 mins) Poetry and Christmas Carol
Spanish writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
French Writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
Maths 3 (90 mins)
English Literature 1 (105 mins) Animal Farm
Science P2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Tue 12th Dec
Mon 11th Dec
Geography 2 (90 mins)
Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) French Reading Foundation (45 mins)
Spanish Reading Higher (60 mins)
Religious Studies 2 (105 mins)
Wed 13th Dec
Spanish Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Spanish Listening Higher (45 mins)
One (unmarked) copy of text per student provided by Drama
Drama (90 mins)
History 2 (75 mins)
Thu 14th Dec
Art exams – Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December in S13 and S26
PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time)
Times unless stated
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
Printed 01/11/2017
Computing 2 (90 mins)
French Reading Higher (60 mins)
French Listening Higher (45 mins)
PE Theory 2 (90 mins)
Fri 15th Dec
Year 9 & 10 Oxford University Wadham College Aspiration day
On Thursday 16th November, some Year 9 and Year 10 students experienced a day in the life of an Oxford University student by taking part in an aspiration day. The students enjoyed a sunny day in Oxford, where they chose to take part in a Law or Maths taster session led by graduate students from Oxford. The students soon found themselves utilising Harkness skills in a Maths seminar and got stuck into some real-life applications of statistical analysis involving the spread and prevention of viruses around the world. The students that chose the Law session listened with great skill and they answered questions with the kind of deep thought expected of higher attaining undergraduates.
They then experienced a delightful tour of Wadham College and asked insightful questions about what it takes to be an Oxford student; from hours of study to how social time is spent; the tour guides were inspiring and informative, highlighting that it is the passion for your area of study that really drives you to get into a prestigious institution like Oxford. The main theme regarding questions about Oxford entry was to really absorb yourself and follow your individual passion; be it History, Politics, Music or Maths. They drove home the point that only you can choose what motivates you and if you follow your passion with commitment and grit, you can find yourself in the same position as them; studying what you love and gaining from the experiences of like-minded individuals around you.
10 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
The trip was capped by a visit to the stunning exhibits in the Oxford Natural History Museum, where the students enjoyed some free time around the museum as well as a hands on experience with various exhibits, including a (huge) elephant’s tooth.  The students particularly enjoyed watching Mr. Dewal squirming during a museum demonstration of handling insects and some of the braver students even held large cockroaches in their hands. The students thoroughly enjoyed their day and represented the school with pride and an exemplary attitude. Mr A Dewal Mathematics Teacher/Ambassador for Higher Attainers
Rajan (9S) and Akash (8E) joined the RAF cadets a few weeks ago. They both took part in the Sunday Remembrance Day parade in Ilford and represented INA by wearing their respective school uniforms.
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
What is Self
Being able to under your actions, work o response or course others.
Stopping and thinkin rational, having con actions, doing the ri and values of a com
Hope Powell Hope Powell, CBE, is a former international footballer who was the coach of the England women’s national football team and the Great Britain women’s Olympic football team in 2012. As a player, Powell won 66 caps for England, mainly as an attacking midfielder, scoring 35 goals. She made her England debut at the age of 16, and went on to play in the 1995 FIFA Women’s World Cup, England’s first World Cup appearance.
Kelly Smith, Captain of the England 2012 Olympic Squad said of Powell “As a manager, Hope made us very organised and very disciplined in our play.” Powell talked of the positives which come out of playing all sports. She said “Football improves your self-discipline - you have to be places on time and disciplined in terms of training. When I sit back and look at my career, at the things I went through and the steps I had to take, it makes me realise that the skills that I acquired then are still relevant to me today.”
“With self-discipline almost anything is possible.” —Theodore Roosevelt 12 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
rstand and know yourself, control out what is the most appropriate of action, know your impact on
ng before acting, being ntrol over your emotions and ight thing, following the rules mmunity or society.
TOP TIPS: Students
• Ensure that you follow the established school routines and expectations without being asked to e.g. line up, returning your tray before eating at lunch, using an indoor voice in the corridors. • Research the punishments/sanctions given to people in society who break rules/laws. • Create and stick to a revision timetable. • Ensure that you maintain 100% punctuality.
• Encourage your child to self-regulate, discuss the expectations at home and at INA and routines to achieve these. • Look at examples of people in the news who have not been able to self-regulate their behaviour and the impact of this on their lives and on others.
Student who has shown Self-regulation at INA Daanyal always chooses to do the right thing and exemplifies the values of Isaac Newton Academy. Daanyal Khan 10A 24 November 2017
INA BRIDGES Secondary Newsletter
Katherine Rundell visits Isaac Newton Academy “I had such a lovely day and the school is full of really remarkable students. We did an exercise where we wrote stories with the students. We have been doing this particular exercise for nearly 10 years and some of the ideas the Isaac Newton Academy students came up with were very genuinely some of the best I have heard. I am in awe of the imagination of these children.” Katherine Rundell Our Year 7 students had a very special treat this week when they received a visit from Wolf Wilder author Katherine Rundell! The award-winning author took time out from her busy schedule to deliver an assembly to the year group, sign books and have a look at the stunning Wolf Wilder-inspired projects that had been made over the summer. Katherine then led writing workshops for 30 lucky students, sharing the skills and processes involved in writing successful novels. To round the day off, Katherine met with our 6th form English students to discuss her experiences as an author, screenwriter, journalist and teacher at Oxford University. Mr Butler-Zanetti remarked, “Our students had a brilliant day. I was especially impressed with the advice Katherine gave to our sixth formers. Having studied and worked at Oxford she was able to provide real insight into what life is like studying at a top university.” Katherine then had to hurry off. She had, she told us, a top secret meeting to attend. We got to the bottom of the mystery the next day: Katherine’s new book, The Explorer, had been nominated for the Costa Book Award. We wish her the best of luck! Mr C Bultler-Zanetti, Librarian
14 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits At the start of each year we restart the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also, if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7
540 518 506 474 433 376 349
442 291 248 240 239 231 192
223 175 174 145 100 100 95
16 Secondary Newsletter
132 116 114 108 98 75 72
119 114 104 95 88 37 6
24 November 2017
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award
(Peer Commendation Award)
Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Aftab Khan 7W Year 8: Eashar Rihal 8N Year 9: Balpreet Maan 9C Year 10: Aden Dirie 10C Year 11: Mustafa Mahmood 11T
Good Deed Feed
Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Ms Sabir: Rany Al Migawi 9S for helping Darius in year 7 to carry his bag to his seat when he was struggling with his crutches. Mr Smith: Sumayyah Ali 10E for helping her peers throughout their GCSE history learning to understand key content. Seayona Patel 8E for already coordinating and purchasing the community party gift way before the deadline. Thomas Cater 10E and Cian Clinton 10E for helping me carry history textbooks from the Humanities office to G44 (despite Cian knocking them all on the floor). Miss Cunniah Pastoral Leader for Year 7, i/c Praise and Recognition
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Would you like to buy one? We have quite a few great quality French and Spanish textbooks for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. These books are still a great resource and very up to date. This gives you the opportunity to have them at home to help with your IL, give you some extra practice and support your class learning too.
We are selling them for...
(These books are £12-£15 new.)
All the money raised will go towards MFL resources.
If you are interested, please come and see Ms Davies or Ms Baxter in G43.
18 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will report on each forms attendance for the week prior and each year group will run their own year team competition. Year group and form attendance for week of 13th November 2017 Tutor
Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
#Mylocalculture Tuesday 21 November, 2017 , London. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today launched My Local Culture Filmmaking Competition, in partnership with leading film education charity, Into Film, inviting young Londoners to make a short film celebrating who they are and why they love where they live, as part of the London Borough of Culture initiative. The London Borough of Culture and Into Film filmmaking competition winners will be announced by the Mayor in February 2018 and all entrants to the competition will be eligible for inclusion to the national Into Film Awards in March. The closing date for entries is 31st January 2018. For further information and details of how to enter the competition: Intofilm.org/mylocalculture Mr M Crowther-Green Assistant Principal
20 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
Isaac Newton Academy's
Christmas Party 2017 Tuesday 12 December 3pm - 4:30pm
Every year Isaac Newton Academy hosts a Christmas themed afternoon tea for elderly members of our local community, governors and VIP guests including the Mayor. As part of our charitable endeavours and our commitment to community spirit we ask each form group to donate two Christmas gifts to present to our guests. Ideally the gifts should be suitable for either gender or one suitable for a man and one suitable for a women. These gifts need to be collected and wrapped ready for the party by Monday the 4th of December. Â Suitable gifts could include TTBiscuit tin sets TTShower gel & toiletries sets TTWinter clothing eg scarves, hats & gloves TTScented candles TTDecorative ornaments (not too fragile)
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
22 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017
24 November 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 & Spring Term 2018 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March Half Term: Monday 12th – Friday 16th February
INSET Days: Wednesday 3rd January, Thursday 4th January, Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Independent Learning Day: Monday 19th February Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December Wednesday 29th November Thursday 30th November Saturday 2nd December Monday 4th December Thursday 7th December Friday 8th December Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Thursday 14th December Friday 15th December Monday 18th December Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January Thursday 4th January Monday 8th January Monday 8th January Tuesday 9th January Wednesday 10th January
Week of Year 9 Trip to British Library and author visit. Literacy Support and SEND Parent Workshop 6pm GCSE Certificate Evening 6pm Saturday Music College Year 10 Geography field trip Year 10 Geography field trip INSET DAY: No school for students Community Party Philips Exeter Academy Meeting for Year 8 & Year 12 Winter Concert Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day Year 7 Awards Assembly Years 8 -11 Awards Assemblies. Term ends 1pm Inset day: No school for students Inset day: No school for students Spring term enrichments start Year 9 Girls HPV Vaccination Year 9 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Growth Mindset parent workshop
24 Secondary Newsletter
24 November 2017