8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Designated Child Protection Officers Sugra Alibhai Gabriel Ayerh Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar
Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Dear Parents and Carers, This week we heard the exciting news that one of our Year 11 students, Hamza Shaukut, has gained a scholarship to attend Eton College for his sixth form education. Hamza applied independently to Eton College and was then selected to attend a four day interview process last week. As you can imagine, the competition for the few coveted scholarships was very fierce. He writes below about the experience: “I spent four days at Eton due to being a short-listed candidate for the Sixth Form Scholarship. They had a range of things they tested through a variety of methods. Firstly we sat the tests, straight away on the first day. They were very rigorous and consisted of questions I had previously not come across in both verbal and non-verbal reasoning and Math. For example, one of the essay questions was ‘Should you work to rest or rest to work?’ In addition to this I had a range of interviews in my subjects as well as with the Headmaster of Eton and other relevant bodies. Some of the questions in the interviews were ‘If you were an animal, what would you be?’ and oddly enough ‘What superhero would you want to be?’ At Eton I also got the opportunity to do a society similar to the enrichments at INA and a range of major sports. I was prepared thanks to the opportunities offered at INA such as interviews in BRIDGES and the Philips Exeter summer school trip. It was a great opportunity for me as I got an insight into these unique testing methods. For example my teamwork skills were assessed in a room which had whiteboard walls and tables, with a two way mirror from which I was observed planning an assembly with three people I had not met before. It was a rigorous process, but due to the opportunities offered at INA, I was well prepared.”
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
We are very proud of Hamza and, although our sixth form will be the poorer without him, we congratulate him on this fabulous achievement. I should also like to join Hamza in acknowledging all the staff who have educated, supported and challenged him during his five years at INA. In the next two weeks we have a dazzling array of end of terms events, concerts and functions (read more in this edition of the newsletter). Some of these involve unorthodox school days:
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ On Friday 8th December both sites are closed to students for staff training with other Ark schools.
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ On Tuesday 12th December the secondary students (except for Year 11s who have mock exams) leave school at lunchtime as we are hosting our annual Community Party for OAPs in the local area.
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ Our Winter concert is at 6.30pm on Thursday 14th December: don’t miss it!
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ Friday 15th December is a non-uniform day when everyone is encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper or festive outfit and donate ÂŁ1 to charity for the privilege. It is also Christmas Lunch day!
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ The Year 7 Awards Assembly is on Monday 18th December at 8.55am - we hope to see lots of parents there.
đ&#x;Œ˛đ&#x;Œ˛ On Wednesday 20th December the secondary students are dismissed from 1pm, following Year 8-11 Award Assemblies.
With very best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane Please note that there will be no Primary or Secondary newsletters published on Friday 15th December. The end of term newsletters will be issued on Wednesday 20th December. 4 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School
“If you are a serious student, intellectually curious, creative, eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities, then Phillips Exeter Summer School may be for you.� This week Ms Abbott-Jones spoke to Year 8 and Year 12 students in their tutorial time about a fantastic opportunity for six students to attend the Phillips Exeter Summer School from July 1st to August 3rd 2018. This is a prestigious programme of Harkness lessons, sports and cultural excursions at one of the top independent schools in the USA. Any student wishing to apply to be considered for this amazing opportunity MUST attend a meeting with their parent/carer at the school on Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 6.00pm prompt, where there will be the opportunity to find out much more and to ask questions. Application forms will be live on the Academy website following this meeting, with a deadline of 5th January 2018 for returns. Interviews are being held on 9th January 2018.
Rachel Macfarlane, Principal
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
A Warm Invite to INA’s End of Autumn Term Awards Assemblies Monday 18th December - Year 7 Wednesday 20th December - Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 In the final week of term, we will be holding our first awards assemblies of the year. This is an opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the autumn term. There will be a separate assembly for each year group. Please note the dates and times as follows:
Monday 18th December
8.55-9.45 Year 7 Awards assembly
Wednesday 20th December 11.05am Year 9 Awards Assembly KS3 Hall Year 11 Awards Assembly Dining Hall 12.00pm Year 10 Awards Assembly Dining Hall Year 8 Awards Assembly KS3 Hall 1.00pm Students dismissed At the assemblies we will be presenting awards in recognition of students’ academic progress and attainment, personal progress and the development of their BRIDGES dispositions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will also be celebrated. It is also a great opportunity for you to see some examples of the activities and events your child has been participated in this term. We believe that it is important that every student is represented by a parent at the Awards assembly for their year group and would like to invite one parent to attend on behalf of the family. If you would like to attend, please ask your son/daughter to collect a ticket for the awards assembly from his/her form tutor. Please request your ticket by Monday 11th December. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to accommodate very many additional family members. However, if you would like a second place, please notify the school office and we will do our best to allocate an additional ticket. We look forward to seeing you at the awards assemblies.
Ms J Spencer, Vice Principal
Ms S Cunniah, Year 7 Pastoral Leader
6 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Thursday 14 December 6:30pm [doors open 6:20pm] Every performer is allocated two tickets on a first-come, firstserved basis. Any tickets not allocated are then available from student reception on Tuesday at break on a first-come firstserved basis. Unfortunately we will not be able to admit anyone without a ticket. We have limited seating available and to comply with health and safety regulations, every person in the audience will need a ticket, including young children.
Summer Schools 2018 Applications for the following summer schools will open on 15 January 2018: • Year 9 Engineering Summer School • Year 10 Insights into Science & Engineering Summer School • Year 11 Project STEM Summer School Attending a summer school is a great way to discover what it is like to study at Imperial and what life is like as a student in London. For more information including dates, eligibility criteria (and the application links from 15 January) please see our website. 8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
On Friday last week, thirty Year 10 students spent the day participating in some public speaking, and did so with great enthusiasm. Throughout the day they wrote three different pieces, each one slightly longer than the last, and by the end of the day everyone in the group wowed both Hilary Lyons, a trainer from The Speakers Trust, and myself with a two minute speech on a subject they felt passionately about. The prize was the opportunity to perform their speech in an assembly in the spring term, where we will pick our INA champion and runner up. On hearing about this, and the prize money if they get through, the competitive Year 10 spirit really kicked in, making it almost impossible to narrow it down to six INA students. After much deliberating, we decided that Sumayyah Ali, Maliha Awadh, Noah Hawthorne, Daanyal Khan, Hruday Kinhikar and Sisay Shah would be our finalists battling to represent the school in the Regional Finals. Although they didn’t get through to the finals, we also gave ‘Highly Commended’ awards to recognise the fantastic efforts of Zarah Rafiq and Kaiya Greenidge, who demonstrated courage and emotional intelligence in sensitively tackling difficult topics in their speeches. We hope that every learner recognises the progress they made throughout the day and enjoyed practising public speaking. If you’re interested in pursuing it further, Year 10 Public Speaking will be continuing to run as an enrichment on Monday nights in the spring, so feel free to come along and give it a go! Mr O Taylor
8 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
YEAR 11 NEWS Revision Cracked! Year 11 students received Tim Foot’s Revision Cracked guide to support with upcoming mock exams and their GCSE’s in the summer. Good luck with your exam preparation! Mr M Crowther-Green Assistant Principal
GCSE CERTIFICATE COLLECTION If you did not attend the GCSE Presentation Evening on Thursday 30th November 2017, please collect your GCSE certificates from the main reception. Certificates will only be issued to the named candidate and must be collected with photo ID. Friends/Parents/Carers will not be permitted to collect certificates on behalf of a student. In accordance with JCQ guidence, Isaac Newton Academy will only hold unclaimed certificates for two years. Mr A Rothnie Examinations & Data Officer
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
10 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time) PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
Times unless stated
Tue 5th Dec Geography 1 (90 mins)
Science C1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Maths 1 (90 mins)
Mon 4th Dec
English Language 2 (120 mins) Non-fiction
Science B1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Music (75 mins)
English Language 1 (105 mins) 19th Century Fiction
Science P1 (75 mins and 105 mins)
History 1 (105 mins)
Wed 6th Dec
Maths 2 (90 mins)
French Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Science C2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Computing 2 (90 mins)
Religious Studies 1 (105 mins)
Science B2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Fri 8th Dec
Thu 7th Dec
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
PE Theory 1 (90 mins)
English Literature 2 (135 mins) Poetry and Christmas Carol
Spanish writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
French Writing Foundation (70 mins) Higher (80 mins)
Maths 3 (90 mins)
English Literature 1 (105 mins) Animal Farm
Science P2 (75 mins and 105 mins)
Tue 12th Dec
Mon 11th Dec
Geography 2 (90 mins)
Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) French Reading Foundation (45 mins)
Spanish Reading Higher (60 mins)
Religious Studies 2 (105 mins)
Wed 13th Dec
Spanish Listening Foundation (35 mins)
Spanish Listening Higher (45 mins)
One (unmarked) copy of text per student provided by Drama
Drama (90 mins)
History 2 (75 mins)
Thu 14th Dec
Art exams – Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December in S13 and S26
PM P5 1:45 for 1:50 Start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 Start Released 4:00
AM P1 8:35 for 8:40 Start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 Start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 Start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 Start (varied finish time)
Times unless stated
Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable - December 2017
Printed 01/11/2017
Computing 2 (90 mins)
French Reading Higher (60 mins)
French Listening Higher (45 mins)
PE Theory 2 (90 mins)
Fri 15th Dec
What is Ref
To think deeply and others’ previous ex from them.
Dame Carol Ann Duffy
• Being willing, re strategic about • Using past expe decisions, evalu learn from your act, review your improve your pr
‘You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart.’ Carol Ann Duffy Dame Carol Ann Duffy is a Scottish poet and playwright. She obtained a degree in Philosophy before becoming a full time poet and lecturer. Duffy’s work reflects upon her everyday experiences and explores contemporary culture and events. In her poems she reflects on scenes from her childhood, adolescence, and adult life. Duffy was appointed Britain’s first female Poet Laureate in 2009.
12 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
d carefully about your own and xperiences and how you can learn
eady and able to become more your learning. eriences to guide your uate your actions and learning, r mistakes, to think before you r exam papers, I/L and C/L to ractice.
TOP TIPS: Students
• When your learning has been marked, complete your ‘Actions’ with a reflective mind-set in order to improve your learning. • Use the BRIDGES wheel to reflect upon the dispositions you use regularly and the dispositions that you need to strengthen. • Reflect carefully on your current working at grade compared with your target grade. How can you approach your learning differently in order to get closer to your target grade?
• Encourage your son/daughter to discuss a piece of I/L or the choices they have made that day with you and help them to reflect on the outcome of these choices. • Discuss current affairs with your son/daughter and ask them to reflect on the impact of different policies and issues.
Student who has shown Reflectiveness at INA
Kisanth Ravi 9I 8 December 2017
Kisanth is very reflective, often giving examples of how his own actions can/ may impact on others. Kisanth is also able to build on his learning, based on his own experiences of the past. He is good at responding positively to feedback that helps him to improve.
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits At the start of each year we restart the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also, if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7
661 635 625 562 470 462 359
386 350 294 285 279 271 196
256 214 199 189 187 104 100 91
14 Secondary Newsletter
176 162 144 140 123 108 107
130 123 119 95 88 55 6
8 December 2017
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award
(Peer Commendation Award)
Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Asad Munir 7N Year 8: Rafe Dean 8N Year 9: Rabbi Hossain 9T Year 10: Aemy Rehman 10N Year 11: Noshin Samyia 11E Year 12: Avishaka Ramesh 12M
Good Deed Feed
Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Mr Ball: Suraaka Aways 10E. Even though it was not all his mess, Suraaka had no hesitation in collecting up some stray bits of litter on the geography trip – thanks Suraaka. Miss Cunniah: Zainab Hakim 7S for being so kind and helpful in offering to come and organize my office! I appreciate it a lot. Thank you Zainab! Izza Tanoli 7N for reporting an incident immediately to me and showing care and concern to students who were involved.
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will update you with the year to date attendance figures as seen below. Well done to year 7 and 8 for achieving over 97%. Year group and form attendance for week of 27th November 2017 Tutor
If you have any attendance related concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Pastoral Leader to discuss. Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader
16 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Sports Report U14 GIRLS REDBRIDGE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS INA Girls were triumphant at the football tournament, winning 5 out of 5 games, scoring 9, and only conceding 1! Fantastic team performance from all the girls, well done! Top goal scorer – Lily Southall Player’s Player – Lily Southall Coach’s Player – Tanisha Rahaman Squad – Laiba IB, Lily Southall, Tanisha Rahaman, Meera Mistry, Simra Kazi, Riah Harris, Khushi Pathak, Nikita Odedra (year 8 playing against yr9’s), Fatima Javaad (year 7 playing against year 9’s) Also this week the under 13 boys handball team have been crowned Redbridge Champions! Article to follow next week. Forthcoming Fixtures: Monday – Redbridge Key Stage 3 Boys’ Badminton Championships (Home), Year 7 and 8 Girls’ Netball v Forest Academy (Away) Tuesday – Year 7 Basketball V Woodbridge (Away – Cup) Wednesday – Redbridge Key Stage 4 Boys’ Badminton Championships (Home) Thursday – Year 7 and 8 Netball v Chadwell (Home), Year 7 Boys’ Football V Loxford (Away) 8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
With the Christmas holidays fast-approaching, the English Department thought it would be nice to get into the festive mood with a trip to see Charles Dickens’ classic tale performed live on stage in Central London. The story, which is one of our set texts at KS4, is that of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who hates Christmas and everything it stands for, believing it to be a total waste of money. That is, until he’s visited by several spirits: the ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marley, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. With their help, Scrooge eventually sees the error of his ways. He admits that he’s forgotten all the joy that Christmas brings, and that his bitterness, though understandable, has only added to his misery as well as that of those around him. In the final scenes we see a man transformed, who laughs, and jokes, and buys the biggest turkey to share with London’s poor. The moral is a simple one: that family, friends, and neighbours are priceless, and that it’s never too late for us to change. But although the moral is a serious one, the production that we saw was not. From the moment we entered, it was like we’d gone back in time to a proper Victorian Christmas: the stage was lit with glowing lanterns, and we were greeted with mince pies and satsumas, with singing and bell-ringing. By the end, snow was falling from the rafters, and the audience were throwing Brussel sprouts down from the balcony attached to silken parachutes.
18 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Rhys Ifans, who played Scrooge, was as spectacular as the set and special effects, bringing a great deal of humour to the role. And although the ghosts weren’t quite as Dickens had described them, they were very funny too. Especially the one who asked Scrooge to call her ‘Brenda’ at the end. As a result, every single INA student was on their feet to give the cast and musicians a huge standing ovation when the time came, and I think all of us left a little richer for the experience we’d shared. Ms Rudd (2nd i/c for English)
The INA Prefects are available to support with your IL. We love to help! Where can you find us? Before school and during break in the ICT Room F31 During break at the quite study area on the 2nd floor near the Prefect notice board
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
At Isaac Newton Academy we like to ensure we celebrate the festive season in good spirit. On Friday 15th December we will be having our traditional Christmas lunch for all staff and students. We invite all students in Years 7-10 and students in Year 12 to join in the festive spirit by wearing a Christmas jumper or suitably festive outfit on that day. Year 11 students will still get to enjoy the festive lunch but need to be dressed suitably in full school uniform for their mock examinations on this day (they will get their own non-uniform day later in the year). Please note all students will still need to be wearing their lanyards. There is a suggested donation of £1 which will be made into the buckets at the school gates. The donations will support the school’s charitable endeavours and support events which enrich our school’s curriculum. I thank you for all your support and look forward to welcoming students in a suitably festive fashion on this day. Mr A. Clift-Matthews, Assistant Principal
20 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
Isaac Newton Academy's
Christmas Party 2017 Tuesday 12 December 3pm - 4:30pm
Due to our annual community party on Tuesday 12th of December there will be alterations to the usual school day. Unless a student has a year 11 exam, or is involved in supporting the community party, the school day will end at 13:10pm. No lunch will be provided to students unless they are eligible for free school meals. Year 11 students will have lunch and will complete their exams on that day as per the published timetable. The timings of the day will be as follows: KS3 & KS5
KS4 –Year 10
KS4 – Year 11
Normal school day
Normal school day
Maths Exam
Period 4a Lesson
Period 4b lesson
Period 4B – French/Spanish
Yr.7-10 & Yr.12 dismissal
Yr. 11 Lunch
All year 7-10 & yr 12 students off site 13:15-13:45
Staff lunch
Year 11 Lunch
Preparations for the Community Party
English Literature Exam
Community Party (only students supporting remain on site)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with our charitable endeavours and support and generosity in giving to our community party guests. It is always highly appreciated and gratefully valued by our guests. Mr A.Clift-Matthews, Assistant Principal 8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
22 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017
8 December 2017
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2017 & Spring Term 2018 Thursday 7th September – Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March Half Term: Monday 12th – Friday 16th February
INSET Days: Wednesday 3rd January, Thursday 4th January, Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Independent Learning Day: Monday 19th February Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Thursday 14th December Friday 15th December Monday 18th December Wednesday 20th December Wednesday 3rd January Thursday 4th January Monday 8th January Monday 8th January Tuesday 9th January Wednesday 10th January Wednesday 17th January Thursday 18th January Tuesday 23rd January Wednesday 24th January Thursday 25th January Friday 26th January Friday 26th January Monday 29th January Wednesday 31st January
Community Party Philips Exeter Academy Meeting for Year 8 & Year 12 Winter Concert Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day Year 7 Awards Assembly Years 8 -11 Awards Assemblies Term ends 1pm Inset day: No school for students Inset day: No school for students Spring term enrichments start Year 9 Girls HPV Vaccination Year 9 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Growth Mindset parent workshop BRIDGES Mentoring (pm) Sixth Form Recruitment Event 6pm Year 11 Progress Meetings 2.30 - 6.30 pm Bugsy Malone dress rehearsal Bugsy Malone Bugsy Malone Sixth Form Application Deadline Options Interviews start Year 12 Progress Meetings 4 -7pm
24 Secondary Newsletter
8 December 2017