26 January 2018
Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Designated Child Protection Officers Sugra Alibhai Gabriel Ayerh Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar
Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
2 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
Dear Parents and Carers, It was great to see so many of you at the Year 11 Progress Meeting earlier this week. This is a crucial time for the Year 11 students, as they embark on the last three months of study before their GCSEs. On Monday we gave their mock exam results, working at grades and updated predicted grades to them in a simulation of the actual GCSE results day experience. This is an important rite of passage to reinforce the importance of maximising every grade in order to keep options open and smooth the transition to sixth form and higher education. The good news is that the Year 11s are on track to perform as well as the founding cohort who achieved such an amazing set of results. The current Year 11s are on a par in terms of attainment but a little behind in progress. This suggests that, as a cohort, they need to up the effort and revision. With a better progress score they can exceed the attainment outcomes of the year above them! Many thanks to Ms Rudd for her Romeo and Juliet lecture on Wednesday which had the entire Year 11 cohort spellbound and scribbling notes. And equally, many thanks to Mr Beattie for organising a most informative and useful Careers in PE workshop.
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
I am delighted to introduce you to two more new staff:
Nazneen Anwar, Teacher of Maths I am really pleased to be a member of Isaac Newton Academy. The staff have been very warm and welcoming and it has been a pleasure working with the students here at INA. The maths team are one of the best teams I’ve worked with. Everyone is friendly, approachable, easy going and we all support each other. I’m glad to have met such a fantastic group of teachers. I loved Maths and Science when I was at school and decided to complete a degree in Biomedical Science. I worked in Healthcare before I pursued a career in teaching. I used to assist healthcare professionals carry out minor procedures on patients. I learnt a lot about different types of medical conditions and I was fascinated by all the treatment options that were available on the NHS. Teaching was a career that appealed to me as I knew I would enjoy working with young people and I liked the idea of being in a position where I can make a difference. I’m passionate about teaching Maths and what I love the most about this role is that every day brings a new experience. There are some days when I’ve had a funny or interesting conversation with a student and it brings a smile to my face and makes realise how fulfilling this career can be. This is my fourth year of teaching, and I’ve had an amazing journey so far!
Daniel Holmes, Teacher of Design and Technology I am very pleased to be appointed as the new DT teacher from the beginning of January. The challenge of being the only DT teacher is one that I am looking forward to taking on. From being here just over a week, I have felt that there is a vibrant learning community which enables the needs and potential of all students to be respected and nurtured. I have been impressed with the way in which students line up for registration, conduct themselves around the building
4 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
and the orderly way in which they enter assemblies. One of my goals is to develop the subject of DT further so that it runs at KS3 and KS5. DT is such an incredible subject which I am most passionate about and needs to be celebrated more. There will always be a need for a new generation of engineers, architects and designers which has a varied scope, including graphic, product, interior, furniture, brand and editorial. The career prospects are varied and what better way for students to start their career than by choosing GCSE DT? I hope to instil my passion into the lives of students whom I teach. DT provides life skills that are learnt in a workshop where students can use a range of exciting materials and tools to make realistic 3D prototypes. I studied Graphic Design at university in Kent and worked as a freelance designer on completion of my degree. I commenced my teaching career in 2003 at Brentwood County High School. After 5 years I moved to Central Foundation Girls School in Bow, where I was promoted to Second-in-Charge of the ADT faculty. The area of Design has always appealed to me, as in my opinion it is such a dynamic, vital and engaging part of everyday society. I often visit design exhibitions and galleries, keeping up-to-date with current designers and the latest trends. London is such a vibrant and forward-thinking city where designers and artists have marvellous opportunities to showcase their work, often ahead of other major cities of the world.
With best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY Saturday 27th January 2018 First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Words can make a difference – both for good and evil. - The HMD What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was the mass murder of six million Jews and millions of other people: Homosexuals, Poles, Gypsies and those with a physical or mental disability leading up to, and during, World War II. The killings took place in Europe between 1933 and 1945. They were organised by the German Nazi party which was led by Adolf Hitler.
Why the 27th January every year? Holocaust Memorial Day is always held on the 27th January every year as it signifies the liberation of the largest labour and extermination campAuschwitz, Poland. It is estimated that this camp alone was responsible for killing approximately two million people that the Nazis deemed: inferior and unbeneficial to the growing Nazi regime.
6 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
Stories from this event: Anne Frank is most remembered for being the Jewish girl who had to go into hiding during World War Two to escape from the Nazis. Together with seven others she hides in the secret annex in Amsterdam. After more than two years in hiding they were later discovered and deported to concentration camps. Anne’s father, Otto Frank, is the only one of the eight people to survive. Although Anne sadly lost her life, she became world famous because of the diary she wrote while in hiding which highlighted the terror and dangers of Nazi rule but also the courage she and her family faced. Oskar Schindler, also known as the ‘German angel’ saved countless lives of more than 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. He spent millions to protect and save Jews, by allowing them to be employed in his war ammunition factories. He is also best remembered for buying off the SS officers which eventually involved giving them everything he possessed. Although he died penniless, he has earned the everlasting gratitude of the Schindler-Jews. Today his name is known as a household word for 'courage' in a world of brutality - a hero who saved hundreds of Jews from Hitler’s gas chambers.
What can I do to remember those who are no longer with us? • Visit the Imperial War Museum in London with your parents to examine the Holocaust exhibit! • Research various survivor stories and show them to your English and Humanities teachers! • Watch famous films such as: Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas, Schindler’s List, and the Pianist, to gain a further insight into this historical event! • Write a poem, speech or reflective diary entry like Anne Frank did to show what it was like to live during the Holocaust! Whatever it is, let the power of words be heard! Mr B Smith Teacher of History/Humanities
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
What is Exp
Testing or trialling to of something.
TOP TIPS: Students
Robert H Goddard
• Take on board ot view during discu and oral respons • Experiment with • Challenge yourse within your class • Design your own
(1882 - 1945)
Robert Goddard today is hailed for his research and experimentation with liquid-fuelled rockets but, during his lifetime, his ideas were often rejected and mocked by his scientific peers who thought they were outrageous and impossible. As an undergraduate student, Goddard experimented with a rocket powered by gunpowder in the basement of the physics building. Clouds of smoke caused a lot of commotion but, rather than expel him, his professors took an interest in his work. In 1926, Goddard successfully launched the first liquid-fuelled rocket which reached an altitude of 41 feet, lasted 2 seconds and averaged about 60 miles per hour. Today rockets and space travel don’t seem far-fetched at all, due largely in part to the pioneering and experimental work of Goddard.
Secondary Newsletter
Students wh
Tasnim Suhan 11O’Keefe
26 January 2018
o improve your understanding
Behaviours • Trying out new ideas and ways of doing things that perhaps you have not tried before, • finding out how something works or why something happens in a particular way, • viewing experimentation as an opportunity to learn, • not being afraid to try or test new ideas for fear of failure, relishing the opportunity to learn.
ther people’s ideas and points of • Discuss with your child different revision methods. ussions and use them in your written • Encourage your child to take part in an enrichment ses. activity that they wouldn’t normally choose. different learning partners. • Discuss famous scientists/inventors who only elf by taking on a different role discovered great breakthroughs after hundreds s e.g. lead learner, note-taker. of failed experiments e.g. Thomas Edison who n learning resources. made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” Henry Cavendish was a British natural philosopher, scientist, and an important experimental chemist and physicist. His experiments led him to the law governing electrical attraction and repulsion, and calculations of the density (and hence the weight) of the Earth.
ho have shown great Experimentation in their learning:
Tasnim tried stencilling using acetate and a craft knife, then applying acrylic paint with sponge onto the stencil and transferring the image of leaves to paper, in response to her exam unit theme of ‘Fragments’. She did this of her own accord without the teacher’s assistance, showing bravery, and taking creative risks. By doing this she is meeting Assessment Objective two- ‘refine ideas through experimentation’.
Elanah Summers 11Bacon
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
Elanah experimented with wax paper for IL. She created some really effective marks that resemble cracks in rock or brick. This was in response to her exam unit theme of ‘Fragments’. This was a technique the teacher had not seen before, so it was a very independent, imaginative idea. By doing this she is meeting Assessment Objective two- ‘refine ideas through experimentation’.
Save the Date! INA Sixth Form Interviews Monday 19th February 2018 Please note: Year 11 students that have applied for INA Sixth Form are required to attend the interview with your parent/carer. Look out for further details in next week’s newsletter.
English Lectures Year 11 are currently in the middle of a lecture series designed to enhance their subject knowledge, particularly their understanding of social and historical context, for the key texts that they will be examined on as part of their English Literature GCSE. On Wednesday 24th January, Miss Rudd led a lecture on the contextual background of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, helping students to gain a better grasp of issues to do with family, love, religion and violence during the Elizabethan period. This will be followed on the 7th February by a lecture on ‘Animal Farm’ and its contextual links to the Russian Revolution (led by Mr Davoll), and then later in the term there will be a session on Dickens’ context and London in the 19th Century to support the study of ‘A Christmas Carol’. Mr Short will be filming each of the lectures and these will be uploaded to Fronter to support revision.
10 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
Roman Architecture by Year VII Our Year 7 students have recently studied the Roman civilisation and they were set a task to create some Roman architecture of their own. We are very pleased with all of the efforts the students have put in and the results were amazing! Well done Year 7 from all of the Humanities team!
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will update you with the year to date attendance figures as seen below. Well done to year 7 and 8 for achieving over 97%. Year group and form attendance for week of 19th January 2018 Tutor
If you have any attendance related concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Pastoral Leader to discuss. Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader
12 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
Last term, the Youth Travel Ambassadors celebrated success at achieving the Gold Travel Plan Accreditation. Shama Daula gave a summary of the day:“Four members of the YTA team and I attended a Stars Accreditation Ceremony at Camden Centre on Monday 27th November. There we were able to work with other schools to discuss solutions to problems such as overcrowding and behaviour on buses. The most exciting part of the day was being awarded the Gold Accreditation. This was in recognition of all the hard work of Ms Chamberlain and the Youth Travel Ambassadors over the course of the last 3 years. We are now excited to be tackling other issues in our school, so we can keep creating change in our community” I personally would like to thank all the YTAs for their hard work and commitment. I am excited to be working with some of the existing YTAs and some new students coming through to join from years 7 and 8. We are currently working on a pitch for £250 to continue to reduce congestion on the High Road and down Cricklefield Place. Please support us if you can! Ms Chamberlain and the Youth Travel Ambassadors 26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
14 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018
26 January 2018 Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Spring Term 2018 Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March Half Term: Monday 12th – Friday 16th February INSET Days: Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Independent Learning Day: Monday 19th February Monday 29th January Wednesday 31st January Wednesday 7th February Monday 12th — Friday 16th February Monday 19th February
Friday 23rd February Monday 26th February — Friday 2nd March Thursday 8th March Wednesday 14th March Thursday 15th March Thursday 15th March Monday 19th March Thursday 22nd March Monday 26th March Monday 26th March Tuesday 27th March Wednesday 28th March Thursday 29th March
Options Interviews start Year 12 Progress Meetings 4 -7pm Year 8 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm HALF TERM Independent Learning Day Students study from home Sixth Form Interviews End of Options Interviews Family Week (No events after school) Year 10 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Med Experience Year 9 & 10 BBC News School Report Year 8 Big Band concert Science Challenge Week Year 12 Finance Parent Meeting Year 7 Awards Assembly Year 7 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Year 11 Parent and students meeting re: exams Spring Concert Awards Assemblies for Years 8 -11
16 Secondary Newsletter
26 January 2018