23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Designated Child Protection Officers Sugra Alibhai Gabriel Ayerh Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar
Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
2 Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that you enjoyed a relaxing half term break. Over the holiday, I read a book that I thought was worth mentioning to you as it both chimes with our Growth Mindset philosophy and links to our BRIDGES character and learning dispositions development. It is called “Great Minds and How to Grow Them� and is by Wendy Berliner and Deborah Eyre. The book is aimed at parents of school-aged children and is full of suggestions of ways that parents can support their child to be a high performer. It is brimming with suggestions of activities to do and conversations to have at home and ways to work productively with school to develop the BRIDGES character traits and learning dispositions. It has an optimistic message about the potential for everyone to be a high performer through practice, focus and hard work. Next week is Family Week, when we suspend all after school enrichment activities and meetings to encourage members of staff to get home at a reasonable time in the evening to spend some quality time with their families and friends. We hope that you are able to take advantage of this as well. And lastly a reminder that on Wednesday next week (28th February) there is no school for any pupils/students as staff are completing cross-phase curriculum planning.
With best wishes,
Rachel Macfarlane 23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Year 10 Progress Meeting Thursday 8th March 2018 2:30 – 6:30pm ✧✧ Year 10 Progress Meeting is calendared for Thursday 8th March 2018 from 2:30-6:30pm. ✧✧ All students will complete lessons P1 – 4a (Year 10 and Year 11 students will complete lesson 4a as per KS3 timings). ✧✧ P4a will finish for all students at 1:05pm. ✧✧ Students will return to tutor groups from 1:05-1:15pm. ✧✧ Students who are eligible for Free School Meals who request lunch in advance (via form tutors) can collect a lunch bag from the KS3 desk area as they leave. ✧✧ Tutors will escort students to the KS3 gate at 1:15pm where students are expected to go directly home. ✧✧ Year 10 students will return between 2:30-6:30pm with parents/ carers. ✧✧ Students are expected to attend with an adult family member in full school uniform. ✧✧ The last appointment is 6:25pm for a 6:30pm finish. ✧✧ Staff will set Independent Learning for Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 in advance for P5 and 6. ✧✧ The school will be closed to Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 from 1:15pm. ✧✧ Enrichments and detentions will not take place. Mr M Crowther-Green Assistant Principal
4 Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
Year 8 “The Spelling Bee was a great experience for the whole year group and I know everyone enjoyed it! Everyone was smiling and full of energy. There was not one person in the room less determined than the other. Students were encouraging one another and cheering on their peers as much as they could, this was definitely a highlight. The team work and support the students passed around was remarkable, there was just this positive vibe in the room. The Spelling Bee was a great way to end the term and I can’t wait for the next one!” Zainab Rashid, 8W The end of half term saw each Year 8 form pitted against one another for the honour of being Year 8 Spelling Bee Champions 2018. Every student in the year group had both their individual spelling and group collaboration skills tested in the fast paced event. Teams of students had to take on the role of proof readers, finding and correcting spelling errors in a piece of text and working on a group Boggle challenge. The finale was a traditional, nail biting ‘sudden death’ round for the top spellers in each form, all of whom showed excellent bravery and wowed everyone with their calmness under pressure. The event was compared by INA’s Head of English and Spelling Maestro, Mr Davoll ably supported by members of the English Department.
The eventual champions were 8E – well done to them! Ms Atkinson, Lead Practitioner of English
23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
YEAR 11 NEWS Year 11 Parent and student GCSE exam meeting Tuesday 13th March 5:30-6:30 • All Year 11 students and their parents are required to attend the GCSE exam meeting on Tuesday 13th March 5:30-6:30pm. • The meeting will discuss the GCSE exam rules and GCSE exam timetable. • Parents are required to sign to confirm official GCSE certificate names, date of birth and receipt of the exam handbook. Mr A Rothnie and Mr M Crowther-Green
Religious Studies Revision Guide
is now available to purchase for the Year 11 GCSE exams.
Please see Ms Hussain in G.19 to purchase your copy 6
Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
Year 11 Study Leave - Summer 2018 The exam season starts on Monday 14th May and ends on Friday 15th June. Half term is 28th May – 1st June. Normal lessons for all students will continue until and including Friday 11th May. From Monday 14th May until Friday 25th May all Year 11 students will be in school all day and expected to attend their normal lessons if they are not in a GCSE exam. This will include pm lessons where they have an am exam, am lessons where they have a pm exam and lessons between am and pm exams, where applicable. Morning exams Each morning exam session will start at 8am. A 30 minute revision session (usually based in the dining hall) will occur from 8-8:30. At 8.30am a free breakfast will be provided for all Year 11 students taking the GCSE that morning. Afternoon exams Each afternoon exam session will start at 1pm (following KS4 lunch). A 30 minute revision session (usually based in the KS4 hall) will occur from 1-1:30. If a student has a lesson between a morning and afternoon exam, he/she should go to the lesson but the teacher will allow him/her to study for his/her afternoon exam rather than take part in the lesson. Teachers will continue with their Year 11 lessons right up until the final exam for that subject has been taken. Once the final exam has taken place, the student coming to the lesson will be allowed to get on with independent study for upcoming exams. The teacher will supervise and ensure that there is an atmosphere conducive to private study. From Monday 4th June, there will be study leave for Year 11 students. There will be a programme of revision lessons offered in the subjects where exams have not finished. Students will be expected to attend revision sessions that apply to them (although for some students who are good at revising independently these sessions will be optional and for others an invite will be issued and they will be required to attend.) There will be signing up arrangements so that staff know who they are expecting in advance of the session. Students will sign in and out at reception. At times when they do not have a revision lesson or an exam they will be expected to leave site to go home to revise. The last exam is on Friday 15th June. We are planning to hold a pm Year 11 assembly on that day. Mr Crowther-Green, Assistant Principal 23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
What is Det
Having an unshakab your goal.
Roald Amundsen
Ensuring that you ac though it may requi different approache belief that you can a skill. Concentrating your only goal. Havi what is really impor succeed at this learn
Students w ‘The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.’ The first expedition to reach the geographic South Pole was led by the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. With single-minded determination, Amundsen set his plans and priorities on winning the race to the South Pole. Amundsen and four others arrived at the pole on 14 December 1911, five weeks ahead of a British party led by Robert Falcon Scott. Both Amundsen and Scott’s team were determined to be the first to the South Pole, battling temperatures of -56 °C. Eventually Amundsen party’s mastery of the use of skis and their expertise with sledge dogs ensured more rapid travel and they beat Scott by 34 days. Amundsen and his team returned safely to their base, and later learned that Scott and his four companions had died on their return journey. However, both teams showed exceptional determination to achieve their goal. 8 Secondary Newsletter
Rameez Sale 10T
Rameez has shown great determinatio to improve, espec in practical GCSE P lessons. 23 February 2018
ble belief that you will reach
chieve your goal, even ire a long time and many es to complete. An absolute achieve an understanding or on your learning, making it ing an understanding about rtant to you and ensuring you ning.
• Set yourself a tough yet achievable challenge that you want to accomplish by the end of the year. • Volunteer and stick to your volunteering commitment. • Make a poster that you will display at home to remind you regularly to drive your determination. • Show determination by completing a challenging reading book or practising a difficult sport or instrumental skill. • Consider what you are determined to achieve for your future career/life.
Parents • Discuss the targets your son/daughter has set him/ herself. Refer to it regularly and support him/her in finding strategies to remain determined. • Review your son/daughter’s latest report and discuss how he/she can use determination to meet or exceed the targets in all subjects. • Discuss with your child something you are determined to achieve in the next year/5 years.
who have shown great Determination in their learning:
Rafi Ullah 9I
Pavanprit Bal 7E
n on cially PE
Through sheer hard work, Rafi is determined to improve his attainment in history amongst other subjects.
Pavanprit is determined to always do the right thing.
23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition
At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits It is the start of another year, so we are re- starting the Form Merit competition. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet!
985 700 954 998 735 716 732
762 654 405 420 446 458 372
370 365 297 253 241 211 146
10 Secondary Newsletter
162 288 187 193 186 165 136
183 152 156 112 101 77 26
23 February 2018
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award
(Peer Commendation Award)
Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Ali Ali 7A Year 8: Siddid Saxena 8A Year 9: Dhruvika Divecha 9S Year 10: To be awarded next week Year 11: Simran Chahal 11W
Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Alisha Mahmood 9W – Always supporting the teachers and students with various errands, including nurturing the chilli seeds recently potted by 9W as part of their Skills for Life learning! Thanks Alisha
The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a once-in- a lifetime opportunity for 15 to 17 year olds. NCS takes place after exams in the summer holidays and during autumn half terms. NCS is a great chance to meet new people, develop new skills and boost your CV or UCAS application. You’ll take part in challenging outdoor activities, engage with your local community and create your own social action campaign. Each NCS place is valued at over £1000 but, thanks to government support, we only ask for a £50 administration fee with financial support available, if needed. Sign up at www.ncsthechallenge.org. 23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
WORLD BOOK DAY 1ST MARCH 2018 This year INA staff and students will again be dressing up as book characters to support World Book Day. The money raised will be going back into the school library! You could come as a group theme, someone you’ve studied in English or just your favourite fictional book character. It will be £1 on the day and all students will be provided with a book token to go towards a free or discounted book.
12 Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
UKMT National Maths Challenge Success
Earlier this term, 150 students from Years 9-11 joined over 200,000 others around the country in sitting the prestigious United Kingdom Mathematical Trust (UKMT) Junior paper. Nationally, the top 8% were awarded a gold certificate, the next 13% silver, and the next 25% bronze. Isaac Newton Academy achieved 6 Gold, 19 Silver and 42 Bronze certificates. A special congratulation to Raeis, Ahnaf, Keerthivas, Saleeem and Yaaseen who have been selected to take part in a follow on Olympiad round invitation, extended only to the very highest achievers.
Gold certificate winners: Raeis Dudhia Ahnaf Ibne-Anis Silver certificate winners: Haider Waqar Mary Brant Ayesha Maniyar Ekonkar Deerhe Paramveer Singh Amal Sohail Ellis Currie-Ward Bronze certificate winners: Amman Kiani Aaliyah Adams-Huseyin Gurinder Singh Zainab Ale Yeyint Koko Alisha Khan Mohammed Kothia Mohammed Awadh Lamys Mills Khiran Patel Kunal Rathod Fariha Choudhury Harveer Channa Vikram Ranchan
Keerthivas Venkatesan Saleem Kidiya
Hamzah Shaikh Yaaseen Taher
Elanah Summers Noshin Samiya Amber Khandwalla Akhil Pillai Awais Malik Alfie Southall Sanwar Hussain
Imaan Yusuf Aman Jagdev Amaal Khandwalla Hassan Islam Harkirat Singh
Omar Gill Aasif Rahman Wei Weng Husna Umerhi Hadeeqah Raja Manraj Gill Zayn Munshi Nehaal Khandwalla Qasim Nawaz Sal Khan Sinthuram Seethamohan Janki Ranavaya Aasiya Jilani Hudhaifa Abdur Rahman
Omeir Khan Munuwara Noori Nathan Afsar Rahul Kalra Hibaak Aden Zan Bokhari Noah Hawthorne Waseem Dudhia Aathvan Kandeepan Shomail Abbas Hammad Patel Jay Amin Younus Taher
Sample questions from this year’s paper include: One third of the animals in Jacob’s flock are goats, the rest are sheep. There are twelve more sheep than goats. How many animals are there altogether in Jacob’s flock? A. 12 B. 24 C. 36 D. 48 E. 60 The angles of a quadrilateral taken in order are x0, 5x0, 2x0, 4x0. Which of the following is the quadrilateral? A. Kite B. Parallelogram C. Rhombus D. Arrowhead E. Trapezium 23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
14 Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018
23 February 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Spring Term 2018 Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March INSET Days: Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Monday 26th February — Friday 2nd March Wednesday 28th February Thursday 8th March Tuesday 13th March Wednesday 14th March Thursday 15th March Thursday 15th March Friday 16th March Monday 19th March Thursday 22nd March Friday 23rd March — Sunday 25th March Monday 26th March Monday 26th March Wednesday 28th March Thursday 29th March
Family Week (No events after school) INSET Day - No school for students Year 10 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Year 11 Parent and students meeting re: exams Med Experience Year 9 & 10 BBC News School Report Year 8 Big Band concert INSET Day - No school for students Science Challenge Week Year 12 Finance Parent Meeting Year 12 Geography residential course Year 7 Awards Assembly Year 7 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Spring Concert Awards Assemblies for Years 8 -11
16 Secondary Newsletter
23 February 2018