2 March 2018 Secondary Newsletter

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2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jo Spencer Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Designated Child Protection Officers Sugra Alibhai Gabriel Ayerh Patrick Ball Pardeep Chaggar

Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones Mariam Mayet Jag Singh

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.

2 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

Dear Parents and Carers, I am delighted that we have had four parents express an interest in standing for secondary parent governor for the school. This means that we must now hold a secret ballot. Each candidate has provided a brief statement of why they wish to be a parent governor and these are being sent to you via your child. Your son/daughter will bring home a ballot paper. As indicated on the ballot paper, you should vote by marking an X alongside the name of the parent whom you support. Please do not put any other information on the ballot paper as this may invalidate your vote. There is one ballot paper per child (not one per parent), but if you have several children in the secondary school you are entitled to one vote per child. Once you have marked your ballot paper, please return it to us in the envelope provided. You need to return this envelope to the main secondary reception and place it in the ballot box by 08.25am on Monday 12th of March 2018. Votes will be counted on the first past the post system. The decision will then be reviewed by the Ark Governance Manager prior to confirmation of the appointment.

With best wishes,

Rachel Macfarlane 2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Year 10 Progress Meeting Thursday 8th March 2018 2:30 – 6:30pm ✧✧ Year 10 Progress Meeting is calendared for Thursday 8th March 2018 from 2:30-6:30pm. ✧✧ All students will complete lessons P1 – 4a (Year 10 and Year 11 students will complete lesson 4a as per KS3 timings). ✧✧ P4a will finish for all students at 1:05pm. ✧✧ Students will return to tutor groups from 1:05-1:15pm. ✧✧ Students who are eligible for Free School Meals who request lunch in advance (via form tutors) can collect a lunch bag from the KS3 desk area as they leave. ✧✧ Tutors will escort students to the KS3 gate at 1:15pm where students are expected to go directly home. ✧✧ Year 10 students will return between 2:30-6:30pm with parents/ carers. ✧✧ Students are expected to attend with an adult family member in full school uniform. ✧✧ The last appointment is 6:25pm for a 6:30pm finish. ✧✧ Staff will set Independent Learning for Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 in advance for P5 and 6. ✧✧ The school will be closed to Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 from 1:15pm. ✧✧ Enrichments and detentions will not take place. Mr M Crowther-Green Assistant Principal

4 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

Year 10 Maths Feast On Wednesday 21st February, four Year 10 students went to compete in the “Maths Feast” which was held at Central Foundation Girls’ School in Bow and was run by the Further Maths Support Programme (FMSP). The “Feast” was split into four rounds; starter, main, interlude and dessert. Each round had a particular focus and students had to work together to solve the problem which would then help them in the next round. The team consisted of Nehaal, Maliha, Abdur and Sanwar. There was no overall winner as the main focus was fuelling their interest and engagement in maths, however, the team enjoyed the day and worked collaboratively. They showed good resilience, especially when it came to building/answering questions on a coloured dice! Well done! Mr Dukes

On Thursday 22nd March, two Year 8 and two Year 9 students took part in the regional final of the team maths challenge. Twenty-two teams took part across East London and INA put on a great challenge. A huge well done to: Ibrahim Khurshid 8N

Eashar Rihal 8N

Harkirat Singh 9I

Yumna Saleem 9T

2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 11 NEWS Year 11 Parent and student GCSE exam meeting Tuesday 13th March 5:30-6:30 • All Year 11 students and their parents are required to attend the GCSE exam meeting on Tuesday 13th March 5:30-6:30pm. • The meeting will discuss the GCSE exam rules and GCSE exam timetable. • Parents are required to sign to confirm official GCSE certificate names, date of birth and receipt of the exam handbook. Mr A Rothnie and Mr M Crowther-Green


Religious Studies Revision Guide

is now available to purchase for the Year 11 GCSE exams.

Please see Ms Hussain in G.19 to purchase your copy 6

Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

Year 11 Study Leave - Summer 2018 The exam season starts on Monday 14th May and ends on Friday 15th June. Half term is 28th May – 1st June. Normal lessons for all students will continue until and including Friday 11th May. From Monday 14th May until Friday 25th May all Year 11 students will be in school all day and expected to attend their normal lessons if they are not in a GCSE exam. This will include pm lessons where they have an am exam, am lessons where they have a pm exam and lessons between am and pm exams, where applicable. Morning exams Each morning exam session will start at 8am. A 30 minute revision session (usually based in the dining hall) will occur from 8-8:30. At 8.30am a free breakfast will be provided for all Year 11 students taking the GCSE that morning. Afternoon exams Each afternoon exam session will start at 1pm (following KS4 lunch). A 30 minute revision session (usually based in the KS4 hall) will occur from 1-1:30. If a student has a lesson between a morning and afternoon exam, he/she should go to the lesson but the teacher will allow him/her to study for his/her afternoon exam rather than take part in the lesson. Teachers will continue with their Year 11 lessons right up until the final exam for that subject has been taken. Once the final exam has taken place, the student coming to the lesson will be allowed to get on with independent study for upcoming exams. The teacher will supervise and ensure that there is an atmosphere conducive to private study. From Monday 4th June, there will be study leave for Year 11 students. There will be a programme of revision lessons offered in the subjects where exams have not finished. Students will be expected to attend revision sessions that apply to them (although for some students who are good at revising independently these sessions will be optional and for others an invite will be issued and they will be required to attend.) There will be signing up arrangements so that staff know who they are expecting in advance of the session. Students will sign in and out at reception. At times when they do not have a revision lesson or an exam they will be expected to leave site to go home to revise. The last exam is on Friday 15th June. We are planning to hold a pm Year 11 assembly on that day. Mr Crowther-Green, Assistant Principal 2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter



What is Ima

Allowing your mind possibilities without

What is Cre

Producing original o thinking.


Dame Zaha Hadid (1950-2016)

“I started out trying to create buildings that would sparkle like isolated jewels; now I want them to connect, to form a new kind of landscape, to flow together with contemporary cities and the lives of their peoples.” Zaha Hadid Dame Zaha Hadid (B.1950, Baghdad, Iraq. Died. 2016) was an IraqiBritish architect. She was responsible for creating some of the most expressively sculptural and astonishingly futuristic architecture of the modern age. Hadid has been described as a ‘globally-influential force in architecture’; her architecture pushed boundaries and was incredibly original and inventive. Hadid’s British designs included the London Aquatics Centre for the 2012 Olympics and the Evelyn Grace Academy, Brixton. Hadid was the architect of the football stadium to be used for the 2022 Fifa World Cup in Qatar. She was the first sole female recipient of the Royal Gold Medal for architecture.


Secondary Newsletter

Trying to be inventiv new styles of learnin thoughts using a var crafts, music, writing Visualising the end p and how it will feel.

TOP TIP Students

• Make a scrap boo things that inspir • Plan a visit to a m for some inspirati • Use I/L as an opp learning. • Keep a journal of dreams. • Create an item of • Compose a piece • Imagine how life disability, you live born twenty year 2 March 2018



to wander, considering t restraint.

Students who have shown great Imagining and Creativity in their learning: Daniel shows creativity and imagination across all of his subjects.


outcomes through inventive

ve in your thinking, trying out ng –recording your creative riety of formats e.g. art and g, mind maps and poetry. point – what it will look like


ok with pictures, quotes and other re you. museum, gallery or a famous landmark tion. portunity to be creative with your

f inventions, business ideas and

Daniel Ekuweme 9I Aamina demonstrates

creativity in her learning.

Eesa shows discovery Aamina Umarji in his desire and willingness to be 7N creative.

Eesa Nasiri 8E

Parents • Encourage you son/daughter to take part in a variety of enrichment activities. • Check your son/daughter’s organiser every night to check they have completed their 20 minutes of reading, ask questions about the plot or characters or encourage them to develop parallel stories or extra characters. • Spend time with your child outdoors e.g. hill climbing, walking, bird watching and help him/her to use nature for inspiration for stories, poems, music and art.

f clothing from everyday objects. e of music. would be different if you had a ed on another continent, you were rs ago etc. 2 March 2018 Secondary Newsletter



Saturday Stretch English Literature – February 24th 2018 On Saturday the 24th of February, twenty students across Years 7, 8, and 9 attended a Saturday Stretch class regarding English Literature led by Halle Morton, a third year university student at Anglia Ruskin. The session started off with the question, ‘Why do you think English Literature is important?’. Students shared their ideas and discussed how English Literature helps to develop communication and writing skills and is often influenced by the time period it was created in. After a quick introduction to the 18th century poet William Blake, students annotated two of his poems and reflected on the literary devices found within them. Once the poems were looked at individually, they were then looked at from a paired perspective. When annotations were complete, a Harkness session was carried out by Halle. Her opening question was, ‘What is going on in these two poems?’. Dialogue quickly ensued, with great collaboration among all year groups. Some questions that students discussed collectively were: - Why do you think the poems are so short? - Why do you think William Blake uses repetition? - What was life like in the 18th century and how may that have influenced the poems? - How are the two poems connected? - Did the illustrations that go along with the poems change the way you perceived them? - How are the two illustrations connected?

10 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

The lively discussion developed many ideas and opinions about the poem, which then led to the next activity. A critical commentary was presented to the group regarding William Blake’s writing pieces. Based on what the students determined about the poems they had just focused on, they then had to decide if they thought the critical commentary was valid or not.

Analysing critical commentaries can be quite a challenge, but the students said they really enjoyed experiencing what an English Literature module may consist of at university. Based on the feedback I received, all of the students found this session very useful, even if they aren’t currently considering entering a profession that would require the study of English Literature. w Ms S Epler

2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Attendance and Punctuality At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance. Each form group across each year are competing to ensure they are top of the attendance league table for their year. Please ensure your child catches up with missed learning. Our pastoral and teaching staff are working hard to ensure students are taking responsibility for going to collect missed learning from their classroom teachers. Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.20am. The form with the highest attendance at the end of every term is awarded the attendance trophy. Each week we will update you with the year to date attendance figures as seen below. Year group and form attendance for week of 19th February 2018 Tutor




























































































If you have any attendance related concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Pastoral Leader to discuss. Ms Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal

12 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

Sports Report YEAR 11 INFORMATION This is a very important half term for the Year 11 GCSE PE cohort. Below are important dates that need to be taken note of: Friday 2nd March (to be rescheduled) – GCSE PE Spring mock exam – paper 1 Monday 5th – Friday 9th March – Practical week – this is a week in which students will take part in practice practical sessions in advance of their practical exam (some sessions take place during lessons, some take place after school) Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th March – Practical exam – students will be given final grades for their 3 assessed sports Wednesday 14th March - GCSE PE Spring mock exam – paper 2 Good Luck!

Puzzle Time In celebration of anagrams and all that is logical; consider the following brainteasers: Rearrange the letters below to give two six-letter words. What are they?

EGHHIT Rearrange the letters below to give two eight-letter words. What are they?

DEEERRSV Answers can be communicated to Mr. Dewal in person or by email: a.dewal@isaacnewtonacademy.org 2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


14 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

2 March 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Spring Term 2018 Wednesday 3rd January – Thursday 29th March INSET Days: Wednesday 28th February, Friday 16th March Thursday 8th March Tuesday 13th March Wednesday 14th March Thursday 15th March Thursday 15th March Friday 16th March Monday 19th March Thursday 22nd March Friday 23rd March — Sunday 25th March Monday 26th March Monday 26th March Wednesday 28th March Thursday 29th March

Year 10 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Year 11 Parent and students meeting re: exams Med Experience Year 9 & 10 BBC News School Report Year 8 Big Band concert INSET Day - No school for students Science Challenge Week Year 12 Finance Parent Meeting Year 12 Geography residential course Year 7 Awards Assembly Year 7 Progress Meetings 2.30 – 6.30pm Spring Concert Awards Assemblies for Years 8 -11

16 Secondary Newsletter

2 March 2018

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