28 September 2018 Secondary Newsletter

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28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones

Mariam Mayet Amreen Patel Jag Singh David Wilson

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

Dear Parents and Carers, It’s been an action-packed week at INA! On Wednesday we hosted European Languages Day. Our thanks go to the MFL department and Ms McEvoy for organising a series of fun and educational events to mark this occasion. On Wednesday we held our New to GCSE evening for Year 10 students and their parents/carers. It was fantastic to see so many families there. The presentation from the evening will be put on the website as a reminder of the key messages. On Thursday Year 11 students participated in a Careers, Advice and Guidance event with around 50 staff from Barclays Bank. They were taught how to write an effective CV and took part in 1:1 mock interviews and received individual feedback. Many thanks to Ms Alibhai for organising this really valuable day and the Barclays colleagues for giving up their time to work with our Year 11s. Our enrichment programme started this week and it has been great to see students engaging in a range of activities with members of our teaching and operational staff. Every member of INA staff is involved with enrichment and this says so much about their commitment to the students. Next Tuesday evening we open our doors to prospective parents of Year 7 at our annual Open Evening. It promises to be a busy night. Many thanks in advance to the hundred-plus students who are helping out on the night as tour guides or by supporting departments. As this is a late night for the INA community, school starts at the later time of 9.25am on Wednesday 5th October. Students will need their books and equipment for lessons 2-6 on that day. With all best wishes,

Jo Spencer 28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


YEAR 11 GCSE PE AEP Controlled Assessments Monday 1st October Mr Beattie and Ms Abbott-Jones’ group Tuesday 2nd October and Wednesday 3rd October Ms Lapish’s group This piece of work is worth 10% of students final grades. Attendance on these days and for the lessons building up to it are of utmost importance. Please do not book any appointments at these times.

Student Lanyards Dear Parents/Carers, Please be aware that all students and members of staff at INA are required to wear lanyards at all times. This is a very important safeguarding measure to ensure that we can identify members of the school community. All students are issued with lanyards free of charge. However, if they are lost they are required £3 for a full replacement (or £1 per each lanyard item: string, ID card holder, ID card). If a student has a lanyard but is not wearing it around their neck they will be issued with a same day detention. We appreciate your cooperation with this important issue.


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

Young Citizen: Barkingside teen helping feed homeless and teaching children to read

Isaac Newton Academy student, Jeskiran Rai, has been nominated for the Ilford Recorder Young Citizen Award. The Young Citizen Award celebrates the amazing young people in the London Borough of Redbridge. Jeskiran, Year 11, has been volunteering for the past two years with community group the Sikh Empowerment Voluntary Association (Seva) which distributes food to rough sleepers in Ilford town centre every week. She is also a reading mentor at Isaac Newton Academy, dedicating some of her lunch times to helping primary school pupils improve their literacy.

“I am really happy to have been nominated for the award, it’s a really nice feeling. It was a complete surprise! When I volunteer we start by setting up the tables and then we serve people food. During the winter we give out sleeping bags and other essential supplies to those who need them. It is extremely fulfilling and we have regular visitors that know you so you get to form relationships and speak to them often. It is really rewarding to be recognised for doing charitable work.”

28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Years 10 and 11 Be sure to purchase a GCSE Science revision guide and workbook Contains revision notes, exam practice Qs, glossary of key words and more

Combined Science students - ÂŁ9 Separate Science students - ÂŁ12

(for three books: Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

Collect books from Mr Golinski (T17) on Thursdays/Fridays after school once purchased


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

Victorian Protest workshop at Isaac Newton Academy 18 September 2018 On 18th September 2018 we had the opportunity to have 30 year 7 students get an insight into Victorian Whitechapel. The students learnt about the working conditions that led to protests in the East End in 1889, discussed what protesters might have wanted to achieve, and what strategies and techniques they used. Students then designed their own chants, slogans and placards. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were fabulous in their production. Well done year 7!

Political speech collectively written by the group Today I stand here on behalf of the people who would like to make change for better. Life flashes before your eyes but there is something really important you are missing. Poverty. We have the right not just to be heard but to be listened to. I want, we want, everybody in this crowd wants, a childhood to be remembered, full of joyful times to be treasured. We want our parents to have time for us instead of working too many hours for the sweaters. The power of change is with you.

Their song In the streets and to the masses We support the working classes Sing for equal rights We want frayhayt, we want freedom We want better food, we want better pay And we want it now!

28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter



What is Soc

Being friendly to pe them, regardless of know them.

What is Col

Knowing how to lea work as part of a pa Being willing to sha others courteously. other viewpoints.

How have these BRIDGES dispositions helped this British man see his family for the first time in over 10 years? When you walk past someone at school are you friendly towards them? Do you take an interest in them and ask how their day is going? If you do, you are showing sociability. The man in the picture above is Herman Gordon with his wife Denise. Mr Gordon works as a cleaner at the University of Bristol. Students at the university and Mr Gordon have both shown great sociability, as over the years they have formed a friendly and positive relationship. The students ask how Mr Gordon is doing and they regularly talk about his family in Jamaica.

Behaviours • • • • •

Being a good list being outgoing being friendly being interested Being solution-fo

Students wh

The Year 8 Projects and undertake exciti different aspects (su

Students soon realised that Mr Gordon was missing his family dearly and that he could not afford the expensive flight to Jamaica. So the students used their power of collaboration. 230 students each donated a small amount of money and together raised £1,500 to pay for his holiday. Students said they wanted to do it because “Mr Gordon is the friendliest man we know and always makes us feel happy around university”. On the trip Mr Gordon and his wife were able to see their family for the first time in over a decade. In addition to this, they got to stay in a 5-star resort in the Caribbean Sea. Mr Gordon posted the photo and said: “God bless you all. Everybody will see this and think that I’m a trillionaire.”

Bilkis Ab 8W

Of course, they are not trillionaires, what got them there was the power of sociability and collaboration. Read the letter above:


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018



eople and taking an interest in f who they are and how well you


arn with others, being able to air or team to achieve a goal. are and communicating with . Respecting and recognising


• Sit with someone new at lunch and have a conversation. • Take up a new sport and experience the enjoyment of playing a team game. • Revise together and help each other learn. • Jointly plan a celebration or outing with a friend or a sibling. • Play Jenga or complete a jigsaw puzzle jointly with others.

Parents • Jointly plan a menu with your child and then shop for and cook the meal together. • Play board games as a family. • Plan a day out with your child, sharing the tasks of planning the route, organising lunch, agreeing activities. • Re-design and plant a corner of the garden together as a family.



d in others. ocused.

ho have shown collaboration and sociability

Team is a great example of sociability and collaboration. The team meet regularly ting activities that support the entire year group. Each individual is responsible for uch as being a researcher or a journalist. Some of the team members are below:


Unzish Ishtiaque 8A 28 September 2018

Denis Mirica 8C


Secondary Newsletter


Attention Parents of Year 9s! You should have received a letter earlier this week about the exclusive performance we’ve managed to secure, courtesy of the National Theatre, who are coming into school next Wednesday 3rd October to perform their awardwinning West-End show, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Given that the play centres around two mysteries, the play is perfectly suited to Year 9, who are studying the features of crime fiction in their English lessons this term, and we hope that it will inspire and challenge them to develop their own imaginative writing and wider reading as a result – key skills for GSCE and for life. However, as one of the most technically impressive shows we’ve ever seen – with incredible use of projections, sound, music, set design, and acting techniques as well – we hope that it will inspire students across the board, whether they’re interested in Computing, Science, Design and Technology, Music, Art, or Drama, and know that university admissions tutors look favourably on students who can talk about super-curricular experiences such as this. As one of only eight London schools who were successful in their bids, we’re keen to ensure that no student is excluded, which is why we hope that you can help us meet the costs involved by uploading £5 onto Wisepay by Sunday 30th September. If you any questions/concerns, please feel free to email info@isaacnewtonacademy.org, who will forward these onto me. If not, many thanks in advance. Hopefully you’ll hear all about how great it was next Wednesday! Ms Rudd, 2i/c for English and KS5 Lead


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.

Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.

Reporting of child’s absence In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carers responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.

Year group and form attendance for last week Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total

% Tutor % Tutor 98.1 8A 96.2 9A 93.5 8C 98.4 9C 99.1 8E 95.2 9E 98.1 8I 93.1 9I 98.3 8N 93.3 9N 99.1 8S 100.0 9S 97.1 8W 99.1 9W 97.6 Total 96.4 Total

% Tutor % Tutor 96.2 10A 91.3 11A 96.0 10C 95.4 11C 96.8 10I 93.4 11E 98.4 10N 96.7 11I 94.9 10S 92.8 11N 98.8 10T 93.3 11S 96.5 10W 95.2 11T 96.8 Total 94.0 Total

% 95.3 98.2 94.1 92.3 93.8 94.0 94.7 94.6

Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader – KS4 28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.

Merits The inter-form merit competition is heating up – with more and more merits being given out each week. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet!






7A 7W 7S 7N 7I 7E 7C

155 129 122 120 119 105 102

8N 8I 8C 8A 8E 8E 8S

107 72 71 69 58 57 23

9E 9A 9C 9N 9I 9S 9W



71 40 37 28 23 20 9

Secondary Newsletter

10I 10A 10W 10N 10T 10C 10S

51 18 12 10 9 7 0

11E 11S 11N 11I 11A 11C 11T

26 21 18 17 11 3 3

28 September 2018

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award)

Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Alexander Williams 7A Year 8: Ruhi Latif 8A Year 9: Raymond Charles 9A Year 10: Jahiem Chambers 10W Year 11: Manisha Mahil 11E

Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Sakinah Choudhury 9C supports other students to admit to their mistakes and learn from these moving forwards. - Mr Crowther-Green Jasmine Oputa 8S was very helpful looking after Iqra Javed when she had injured herself on the astro, going to first aid, staying with her when the class had to go and change and supporting the teacher and first aider. Thanks and well done Jasmine. - Ms Lapish Inayah Shah 10I is a student who works hard and also supports other students in the library after school with their Independent Learning. - Ms Ali Mr Athwal Pastoral Leader for Year 11, i/c of Praise and Recognition

28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


HA MENSA Challenge

Answers to Mr Dewal in room G.42


Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

28 September 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2018 Monday 3rd September – Thursday 20th December Half Term: Monday 22nd - Friday 26th October Monday 1st October Tuesday 2nd October Wednesday 3rd October Wednesday 3rd October Thursday 4th October Saturday 6th October Monday 8th October Tuesday 9th October Tuesday 9th October Wednesday 10th October Wednesday 10th October Thursday 18th October Monday 22nd October Friday 26th October Monday 29th October Monday 29th October Friday 2nd November Friday 2nd November Thursday 8th November Friday 23rd November Wednesday 21st November Friday 23rd November Wednesday 28th November


PE GCSE controlled assessments Year 11 Open Evening 5.45 -8.30pm Late start at 9.25am Curious Incident - National Theatre Year 9 PM Music Enrichment Trip PM (Provisional) Othello Trip Year 12/13 Open Morning Open Morning Sixth Form Open Evening 5.45-8.30pm Late start at 9.25am Open Morning Music Recital 5.30-6.30pm

HALF TERM Year 10 Geography field trip to Stratford Family Week - No after school events Year 10 Geography field trip to Stratford Year 11, 12 & 13 Mock examinations Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day No school for students Year 10 Skills LONDON trip GCSE Presentation Evening

Secondary Newsletter

28 September 2018

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