5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones
Mariam Mayet Amreen Patel Jag Singh David Wilson
You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
Dear Parents and Carers, On Monday, Ofsted announced that they would be inspecting INA on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We were pleased to welcome the team of six inspectors who were looking at the quality of provision and outcomes from Reception to Year 13. I would like to thank all of the parents who completed the Parent View questionnaire, our staff who all worked so hard over the two days, our students who made us so very proud, and our governing body and Ark for their support. We will share the outcome of the inspection with you when the report is published in a few weeks’ time. We also hosted out Year 7 Open Evening on Tuesday evening. We welcomed hundreds of families to INA to share our vision with them and what it is like to be a learner at INA. Many thanks to the hundred-plus students who helped with the event on the night. On Wednesday afternoon Year 9 students were treated to a performance of the award winning National Theatre West End Production ‘A Curious Dog in the Night-time’. We were one of only eight schools across the country to see this performance in the school. And, finally, our Sixth form Open evening is being held on Tuesday 9th October for Year 11 students and their parents. This is a really important evening for our Year 11 students as they start to make decisions about the subjects they will study at Key Stage 5. Further details can be found later in this newsletter. With all best wishes,
Jo Spencer
5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Year 9 workshop Responding to terrorism workshop
• • • •
On Monday 1st October an outside charity came in to school to run six workshops with our Year 9 students. The aim of the workshop was to understand how different communities and countries respond to a range of different terror threats. Some of the aims include: Encourage discussion and debate on terrorism as an issue and our collective, societal response Build critical thinking skills which undermine black and white/divisive thinking on pressing issues such as terrorism Build public speaking skills and confidence Encourage understanding and appreciation of Democracy
Sid Saxena 9A has provided a thoughtful reflection on the day: “A workshop upon the 9/11 events was conducted on October 1, 2018. Group leader Matt, informed us about the unfortunate events that took place in US on 9/11/2001. Matt informed us about the situations and impacts of the unfortunate attack. The terrorist attacks were led by Osama Bin Laden. 2,997 innocent souls lost their lives in the event. In the attack, 2 hijacked passenger planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the WTC (New York) that morning. One more hijacked plane subsequently crashed in Washington. Consequently, another hijacked plane crashed in a rural area of Pennsylvania. We also learnt about all the other terror-related deaths around the world that continue to take place. We explored about the difficulties faced by various countries in preventing such a horrifying attack again. It was discussed that it is important for a country to have a strong economy & military forces. We also explored that some countries do not have this, so we need to work together with our allies. It was reiterated that countries with no alliances could find it difficult to stop such attacks. I overall enjoyed the workshop as I got a chance to become a reporter, reporting live on such an event.”
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
Year 10 Work Experience 1st-5th July 2018 Students were tasked in July 2018 to find a work experience placement that will support their future career plans. Students have received two copies of the placement form but can print out additional copies on the website http://isaacnewtonacademy.org/secondary/year-10-work-experience
The deadline for submission of the form is 20th Dec 2018. Mr Crowther-Green
Year 7 students completed their instrument try-outs this week and will now be allocated their own Big Band instrument. The Music department looks forward to working with them and preparing for the Winter Concert! 5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Years 10 and 11 Be sure to purchase a GCSE Science revision guide and workbook Contains revision notes, exam practice Qs, glossary of key words and more
Combined Science students - ÂŁ9 Separate Science students - ÂŁ12
(for three books: Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
Collect books from Mr Golinski (T17) on Thursdays/Fridays after school once purchased
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
Isaac Newton Academy’s
Sixth Form Open Evening Join us for our Sixth Form Open Evening where you can tour the Sixth Form, meet teachers and participate in taster sessions.
9 October 2018 th
Doors will open at 5:45pm and the Principal will speak at 6pm and 7:40pm. Sixth Form applications for September 2019 will open on Wednesday 10th October 2018. For more details, please visit the website.
Isaac Newton Academy, 1 Cricklefield Place, Ilford, IG1 1FY sixthform@isaacnewtonacademy.org | www.isaacnewtonacademy.org | 020 8911 6666
5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
What is Cit
Being responsible positive role in the
Behaviours • • • •
Adopting a key supporting the actively recyclin respecting the grounds, • respecting the • actively seeking engaging in cha
Citizenship in action
At INA we are proud of the citizenship we show. This may be as individuals or as an entire school community. One example of how we role model citizenship is through our student council. The student council makes positive changes for the entire school community. Every student can apply to be on the student council, and the final representatives are elected using DEMOCRACY. This is one of the key
that help us prepare for life in modern Britain.
Students w Citizenship
Below are three m prefects show grea is to model this to The above studen team, have helped and IL support ses conferences with t global citizens.
5 Key British Values 1. Democracy 2. Rule of law 3. Individual liberty 4. Mutual respect 5. Tolerance of others with different faiths and beliefs
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
and playing an active and e community.
y role in society, e learning of others, ng, school community and
wider community, g to improve the community, aritable giving.
who have shown p at INA
members of our prefect team. The at citizenship and part of their role o the rest of the school community. nts, and the rest of the prefect d others through peer-mentoring ssions. They have also attended the theme of being being better
maan Hassan 11C 5 October 2018
• Participate in school leadership activities, such as being on the student council, a Prefect or being on the Year 8 projects team • Take part in activities to improve your community and the environment, for example through projects at the local library, youth club, or places of worship • Be a good neighbour and volunteer to help older members of the community by putting out their rubbish, collecting their newspaper, sweeping their path or weeding their garden • Make a point of talking to any student who is on his/her own at lunch or break time • Always be welcoming to new students and visitors to the school • Aim to engage in at least one charity fund-raising event this year • Take your old books/toys/clothes to a charity shop
• Read the national and local papers with your child and discuss examples of good citizenship • Discuss the British values with your children • Find out about the community groups in your local area (for example, Shelter Redbridge Action group, Friends of the Earth Ilford and Ilford National Trust) and take your child along to one of the meetings.
Karolina Merliunaite 11N
Samera Yusuf 11N
Secondary Newsletter
Black History Month has been marked in the UK for more than 30 years. It takes place during the month of October. It is held to highlight and celebrate the achievements and contributions of the black community in the UK. Throughout history, black people have made huge contributions to society in the fields of art, music, science, literature and many more areas. But in the past these contributions have often been ignored or played down because black people weren’t treated the same way as other people because of the colour of their skin. This year the UK held the first ever ‘WINDRUSH DAY’ to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the arrival of a generation of Caribbean people who contributed to rebuilding the country after World War II. This annual celebration will help highlight the contributions of a generation who left their families and their livelihoods, to help rebuild, contribute and shape the future direction of the United Kingdom.
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
This year will also coincide with the 100 year anniversary of the ending of World War I, an event that brought millions of fighters from around the world to fight in the ’Great War’. By the end of the WWI over 15,500 Caribbean / West Indians had fought in the war. Soon after the start of World War I, soldiers from Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Uganda, Nyasaland (Malawi), Rhodesia (Zimbabwe and Zambia) and Kenya were mobilised to defend the borders of their own lands that adjoined German territories, and they later took the lead in the campaign to remove German troops from Africa.
British West Indian Regiment
During World War II there were over 17,500 male and female volunteers in the RAF and from the West Indies.
Black History Month inspirational figure Lilian Bader Served in the British Armed Forces during WWII. Lillian was popular in school but found it difficult to secure full time work. She was ‘let go’ from the army due to a rule that banned black people from working in some sections of the army before the war. In March 1940, she was allowed into the women’s air force and worked hard to be promoted to the position of ‘acting corporal’. This month many will be reflecting on the contributions of those fighting on behalf of the empire and whose story is not always documented in history. Humanities Department 5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.
Merits The inter-form merit competition is heating up – with more and more merits being given out each week. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet!
7W 7N 7S 7A 7C 7E 7I
235 222 194 176 163 156 119
8N 8I 8E 8C 8E 8A 8S
175 146 136 128 107 105 91
9E 9A 9C 9N 9S 9I 9W
109 93 65 43 39 23 16
Secondary Newsletter
10I 10W 10C 10A 10T 10N 10S
61 30 28 18 16 10 0
11I 11E 11T 11S 11C 11N 11A
49 30 23 22 20 18 15
5 October 2018
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award)
Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Zaina Nakhdur 7I Year 8: George Christodoulou 8C Year 9: Sid Saxena 9A Year 10: Tahseena El-Waily 10W Year 11: Manisha Mahil 11E
Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Jeevan Bhamber and Feizan Kiani were fantastic when helping out in the Maths department during Open Evening! - Mr Dukes Pritom Uddin and Junayed Ahmed, both in 9I, for always holding the door open for students at the end of line up! - Ms Stylianou Iqra Taher and Hafsa Rasool spoke to parents at Open Evening in a very mature manner (so much so that some parents thought they were in Year 10!). They beautifully explained everything about Computer Science and what they were studying. - Mr Rowe Mr Athwal Pastoral Leader for Year 11, i/c of Praise and Recognition
5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.
Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.
Reporting of child’s absence In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carers responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.
Year group and form attendance for last week Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total
% Tutor % Tutor 97.6 8A 93.7 9A 92.2 8C 89.4 9C 96.0 8E 97.8 9E 98.7 8I 91.5 9I 97.4 8N 98.8 9N 98.5 8S 97.6 9S 97.1 8W 99.2 9W 96.8 Total 95.5 Total
% Tutor % Tutor 95.3 10A 96.0 11A 90.3 10C 96.5 11C 95.6 10I 96.9 11E 94.2 10N 99.5 11I 96.9 10S 94.9 11N 98.0 10T 90.0 11S 96.5 10W 97.2 11T 95.3 Total 95.7 Total
% 98.7 96.9 92.7 97.4 96.4 92.3 98.4 96.1
Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader – KS4
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018
5 October 2018
Secondary Newsletter
Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2018 Monday 3rd September – Thursday 20th December Half Term: Monday 22nd - Friday 26th October INSET: Monday 26th November Saturday 6th October Monday 8th October Tuesday 9th October Tuesday 9th October Wednesday 10th October Wednesday 10th October Thursday 18th October Monday 22nd October Friday 26th October Monday 29th October Monday 29th October Friday 2nd November Friday 2nd November Thursday 8th November Friday 23rd November Wednesday 21st November Friday 23rd November Monday 26th November Wednesday 28th November Tuesday 11th December Friday 14th December Monday 17th December Wednesday 18th December Thursday 19th December
Othello Trip Year 12/13 Open Morning Open Morning Sixth Form Open Evening 5.45-8.30pm Late start at 9.25am Open Morning Music Recital 5.30-6.30pm
HALF TERM Year 10 Geography field trip to Stratford Family Week - No after school events Year 10 Geography field trip to Stratford Year 11, 12 & 13 Mock examinations Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day No school for students Year 10 Skills LONDON trip INSET - No school for students GCSE Presentation Evening Community Party Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Lunch Year 7 Awards Assembly Winter Concert Years 8-11 Awards Assemblies
Secondary Newsletter
5 October 2018