9 November 2018 Secondary Newsletter

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9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Pardeep Chaggar Jody Lapish Gareth Marshall-Jones

Mariam Mayet Amreen Patel Jag Singh David Wilson

You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

Dear Parents and Carers, Our mocks exam started on Wednesday for Year 11. We know that this is a very intense period of time for students and we have so far been very impressed with the dedication and focus they have shown. All other year groups will be completing assessments in readiness for the autumn data collection and reports cycle and students should be busy practising and revising in preparation. On Wednesday 21st November INA has its annual Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day. For families new to the school, Ahmed was student in our founding year group who was with us throughout Years 7 to 9 but sadly passed away in July 2014. Ahmed was a great character. His sense of excitement for learning and knowledge was palpable. His sense of curiosity and imagination as a learner was infectious. He was a committed musician who had his own band and loved to play the trombone and piano, he wrote poetry, he was a keen scientist, a debater, a student with strong social, moral and political views. He loved languages and read and wrote in Arabic. He was a fantastic all-rounder! And he was loved by his peers and the staff. Ahmed displayed so many of the BRIDGES dispositions and character traits. In honour of Ahmed and to keep his memory alive in the school, we take a day out of our routine each year to model the behaviours that Ahmed displayed so powerfully. On this day we encourage everyone in the INA community, staff and students, to get engrossed in learning about something that really excites and engages them. For some this will involve a trip to a museum or gallery, for others curling up and reading some books related to a course they are studying or watching documentaries or films related to course material. Some students spend

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


the day making music with friends or practising a sport they are learning. Some staff members visit other schools to learn from best practice or carry out research or further reading. We all learn off-site on this day. For pupils in primary, it would be great if parents could think about what activity they could undertake to promote curiosity, a thirst for learning and a sense of excitement about acquiring new knowledge. Once we return to school following Ahmed Day, every student and every member of staff is invited to complete a card reflecting on what they spent the day doing and learning and display these around the school. And finally, just a reminder that the Secondary phase has two INSET days scheduled for Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th November when school will be closed to students.

With all best wishes,

Jo Spencer Please Note Due to the GCSE Certificate Presentation Evening taking place on Wednesday 28 November 2018 all Enrichments will be cancelled on this day.


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

Isaac Newton Academy – a mental health friendly school Dear Parents

Did you know that 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem? Depression, anxiety, self harm and eating disorders are examples of common mental health problems. Mental health problems can happen to anyone. Recovery is possible and getting help early is the key. • At INA, we are committed to addressing the topic of mental health with our students. • We want to show students that everyone has mental health just as we all have physical health and talking about it ought to be an everyday and ordinary occurrence. • We strive to be a mental health friendly school and want to ensure that everyone feels comfortable to ask for the support that they need. Talking about mental health with your son or daughter might feel like a tricky topic. But conversations about it come in many forms; it can be a simple question – how are you? How are you feeling today? Or it could be more specific, such as a question relating to the pressure of school or growing up. For any young person or adult, the most important thing is knowing that there is a safe place to discuss mental health. If you would like to discuss this issue further please do not hesitate to contact the school. Please ask to speak to Mr Ball, Lead Pastoral Leader.

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Festive Cards

designed by KS3 Students

20 cards for ÂŁ10 Pay on WisePay and collect from Ms Robson in the ADT Department 6

Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

Year 11 visit the

SAATCHI GALLERY Last Thursday the Year 11 GCSE Art class visited the Saatchi Gallery in West London to see the Black Mirror exhibition. The students took part in a tour of the gallery and participated in a question and answer discussion about the artworks. The students are now continuing to work on their drawings completed at the gallery and use photographs they took to continue to inspire their current project. Â

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Black History Month 2018 As part of the school’s recognition of Black History Month – which happens across October every year – last week, the Year 8 projects team and I were fortunate to meet two amazing and inspirational people, one of them being Tony Warner, the founder and director of Black History Walks. They run guided tours, walks and film nights in Central London that highlight influences and contributions by people of African descent to pre-colonial London and Europe. Tony presented a very entertaining and informative assembly to the Year 7s and they thoroughly enjoyed it! In the assembly he talked a lot about amazing African black role models like Saint Maurice from Germany, who was a general and sacrificed himself for his faith, and also some royals like Queen Victoria’s goddaughter Princess Sarah Forbes - who was alive in the 19th century and was black. He also shared a lot about Africa as a continent, telling us a lot about the 54 countries. Some of the facts he told us were that the Bank of England’s gold actually comes from Africa and that Ghana was originally called the gold coast as it was known for its gold. It was amazing to have him visit Isaac Newton Academy and teach us a lot about Africa and Black History as a whole! The Year 8 projects team and I were also able to meet the Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Debbie Kaur-Thiara. She was an amazing, kind and inspirational role model. She also thoroughly enjoyed Tony Warner’s amazing assembly about Black History and Africa. She actually told us that her father had received an African star medal when he fought in Burma


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

and he also received a George 5th medal. Due to this, she said looking at all other countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and countries in Africa and appreciating their help in wars like World War I and II was very important. It was an honour to meet her and we really enjoyed talking to her! By Iraj Khan, 8N (President of the Year 8 Projects Team) A huge THANK YOU to all of the students that helped to greet our guest speakers, show them around the school and interview them, or take photos, for the school newsletter: Quincy 7S, Ashira 7A, Amar 7E, Iraj 8N, J’oriy 8N, Bilkis 8W, Aaminah 8E, Izza 8N, Asma 8A, Pavan 8E, Aiesha 9I, Pritom 9I, Noah 11A and Kaiya 11S. Thank you also to Mrs O’Neale, without whose hard work and efforts the events would not have been possible.

We look forward to celebrating Black History Month again throughout October 2019! Mr Barber – Pastoral Leader Year 8

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition At INA, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages everyone. Awarding merits, informal praise in class and the end of term awards assemblies are all part of this. Please speak to your child/children on a regular basis to see how many merits they have and how they are working towards the different awards at school.

Merits The inter-form merit competition is heating up – with more and more merits being given out each week. Each merit you gain will increase your individual total and also your form’s overall total. So make sure you are keeping up the fantastic work to gain merits! Also if you are owed a merit go and collect it and make sure it gets recorded on your form’s spreadsheet! YEAR 7





7S 7N 7W 7A 7E 7C 7I

573 543 472 401 368 357 125

8N 8W 8C 8S 8A 8E 8I

396 330 328 314 249 204 181

9E 9A 9C 9I 9S 9N 9W



217 196 178 149 117 99 43

Secondary Newsletter

10S 10W 10T 10A 10C 10I 10N

119 61 54 52 47 46 15

11N 11I 11E 11A 11T 11S 11C

142 75 74 73 50 32 20

9 November 2018

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award)

Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Arman Ghashgaei 7C Year 8: Iraj Khan 8N Year 9: Sid Saxena 9A Year 10: Denise Salvaterra 10T Year 11: Arslan Dar 11N

Good Deed Feed Every week we ask teachers to nominate students who have been role models by carrying out good deeds for others and the INA community. A big well done for those who have been nominated this week! Umer Ahmed 11T and Ikram Hussain 11N for being really helpful in Geography recently, handing out resources and returning/collecting text books. - Mr Ball Mr Athwal Pastoral Leader for Year 11, i/c of Praise and Recognition

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter



What is Or

Having a system th nothing is forgotte organised, you are you want to do an

TOP TIPS: Students

Diwali Deepavali, Deepawali or Diwali is the Festival of Lights, symbolising the victory of light over darkness. A joyful celebration that is calculated according to the lunar calendar, it is observed each year by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists. A huge amount of preparation and prioritising is needed in the buildup to such an important festival. This might include completing jobs such as: cleaning the house, decorating the entrance way, shopping for gifts and new outfits, or working on henna designs.

• Organise your sure you know the year, organ resources are n • Check your stu day to see wha equipment, res • Ensure I/L task • Each evening, c school bag rea • Organise your store books, st space to write, • Organise your them in a logic • Check the time morning line u

Students w

Another great example of organisation is completed by the Diwali in London Committee. Every year, the committee puts on the largest Diwali celebration in Europe on Trafalgar Square. The committee is comprised entirely of volunteers who plan for 35,000 people to celebrate through live a light show, live performances, workshops, food and other cultural and educational activities.

Nihaal 7A


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018




hat works, arranging things so en, putting things in order. If you are e clear about what you need, what nd when you are going to do it.

Having all the things you need for the day, being up to date with C/L and I/L, completing all tasks, knowing where things are and returning them after use, being on time, setting goals and deadlines for tasks, using a watch, using a calendar/student organiser or lists to help you.

learning for each subject – make w what will be covered throughout nise your neat book and folders so all neat and in the correct order udent organisers at the end of each at I/L you have and what books, sources you will need to complete it. ks are ticked off when completed. check your timetable and get your ady for the next day. work space at home with a place to tationery, files and equipment and , read and use a computer/laptop. electronic files clearly and label cal way. e so you are on time for school, for up and


• Talk to your son/daughter about how you organise your work/finances/shopping/household chores etc. • Ask your son/daughter to help you organise a family event/celebration by writing lists, prioritising tasks, setting deadlines and costing it out. • Complete a job together around the house which requires organisation, such as tidying and re-ordering some storage space • Discuss with your son/daughter how they are going to organise their revision for the end of term/year assessments.

who have shown great Organisation at INA

Aisha 7I 9 November 2018

Aminah 7W

These students have demonstrated excellent organisation skills since starting Year 7. They have completed all of their ILs and always have the correct equipment. In addition to this, they were successful in their Humanities assessment through organising a really clear revision strategy.

Secondary Newsletter



At INA we have had the privilege to foster a relationship with Barclays Capital, who have generously supported our Year 11Â students with CV writing, interview practice and self-confidence workshops. This year, on the 27th of September, we were once again joined by 50 members of staff from Barclays Capital. Students participated in team building activities, heard from guests who had joined Barclays via different routes and took part in workshops.

This year we have been lucky enough to have an opportunity for 20 Year 11 students to visit the team at 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf. This took place on the 6th of November. The morning visit involved a tour of the building, a 1-to-1 interview and an opportunity to hear more about how Barclays continues to grow and develop as a business.


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

I was delighted to receive the following feedback from one of the organisers: "I just wanted to send a short note to say that I was really impressed at the students today; the feedback so far from the interviewers has been really great and I thought they conducted themselves really well. A credit to the school for sure!" The students really valued the experience of being interviewed for a work experience opportunity (in this context) and we are incredibly grateful to Sohini, Edd and Mo for organising this wonderful opportunity. Ms Alibhai

Years 11, 12 and 13 mock examinations To prepare INA students for their terminal GCSE and A-Level examinations, the mock exams will be held from

Wednesday 7th - Fri 23rd November 2018 • Students must bring their full exam kit • Students must present their ID card and Lanyard on the exam desk • Students must ensure there is no writing on their hands • No calculator lids • No labels on water bottles • No key-rings in pockets (keys are acceptable) • No phones, smart watches or communicable devises • Watches, water and tissues must be presented on exam desks

The Year 11 Mock examination timetable can be found on page 16.

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable November 2018 CHANGES SHOWN IN RED Wed 7th Nov

Times unless stated Morning P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50

Science Biology 1 75 mins combined 105 mins triple Combined students return to P2

P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 12:50 start (varied finish time) LUNCH Afternoon P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Times unless stated Morning P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 LUNCH Afternoon P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00


Maths 1 90 mins Students will return to P6

Thu 8th Nov

Fri 9th Nov

English Literature Paper 1 105 mins

Start 8:30 English Literature Paper 2

Geography Paper 1 Global Geography 60 mins French Paper 3 Reading Higher 60 mins Foundation 45 mins

French Paper 1 Listening Foundation 40 mins French Paper 1 Listening Higher 50 mins

Drama Component 1 Controlled Assessment (Evaluation) 90 mins

Maths 2 90 mins Students will return to P6

Mon 12th Nov

Tue 13th Nov

Wed 14th Nov

Thu 15th Nov

Fri 16th Nov

Science Chemistry 1 75 mins combined 105 mins triple

Religious Studies Paper 1 Christianity 105 mins

Science Physics 1 75 mins combined 105 mins triple

Religious Studies Paper 2 Islam 105 mins

Science Biology 2 75 mins combined 105 mins triple

Combined students return to P2 Spanish Paper 3 Reading Foundation 45 mins Higher 60 mins

History Paper 1 Medicine in Britain 75 mins Return to P6

Combined students return to P2

French Paper 4 Writing Higher 80 mins Foundation 70 mins

Maths 3 90 mins

3pm finish

Secondary Newsletter

Combined students return to P2

Design Technology Core Content 105 mins

History Paper 2 Superpowers 105 mins Return to P6 Printed 11 October 2018

9 November 2018

Year 11 Mock GCSE Exam Timetable November 2018 Times unless stated Morning P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 P4 LUNCH Afternoon P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Mon 19th Nov

Tue 20th Nov

Science Chemistry 2 75 mins combined 105 mins triple Combined students return to P2

Spanish Paper 3 Writing Foundation 80 mins Higher 70 mins

Wed 21st Nov

Thu 22nd Nov

Fri 23rd Nov

PE Paper 1 60 mins

PE Paper 2 60 mins

Spanish Paper1 Listening Foundation 40 mins

Spanish Paper1 Listening Higher 50 mins

Science Physics 2 75 mins combined 105 mins triple

Music Listening 75 mins

Geography Paper 2 UK Geography 90 mins

Late finish 3:10

Return to P6

Return to P6

Combined students return to P2

Drama Component 3 Interpreting Theatre 90 mins Return to P6

Art exams – Thursday 29th November and Friday 30th November. 29 students. S13 and S23 French speaking exams, Paper 2 - 5 days TBC Spanish speaking exams, paper 2 - 5 days TBC

Please note there are changes to the dates of Mathematics and Science exams. The changes are shown in red on the timetable above.

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter

Printed 11 October 2018


Year 10 History Trip

Battlefields in Ypres, Belgium Purpose of the trip: To enrich student understanding of key aspects of Trench warfare. To enable students to see the sight of Hill 60 where a huge battle took place. This is an integral part of their GCSE History Paper 1.

Dates: 14-15th February 2019 Payment schedule (non-refundable): Date of payment

Amount to paid

29th October 2018


29th November 2018


17th December 2018


17th January 2019


Person to contact: Ms. Priestley


Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

Year 11 Next Steps Interviews In order to support students with making informed decisions about their post 16 choices each student will have a 1-to-1 interview with a member of SLT or the Pastoral Team. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 27th November during the INSET day. Each meeting will last approximately 20 minutes. Students will be advised of the time of their interviews by letter and parents will be informed that the letter has been issued by text. The interviews will only involve the student and the member of staff. This is to support the students transition into being fully independent learners. As we are sure you can appreciate, arranging the meetings for all of Year 11 is a large and complex operation. Therefore it will not be possible to amend the meeting times. • The discussion at the interviews will centre on the following questions: • What university courses or equivalent are you considering? Will this impact on your current career aspirations? • What courses have you considered studying at KS5? Why? What research have you completed around other possible choices? • Are you intending to stay at INA? Have you submitted an application? • What is your plan for KS5 if your ideal situation does not occur? What steps have you taken to research your secondary plan? • Are you considering the EPQ? Why? If yes, what would your area of research be? We trust that parents and carers will support students by ensuring that they are fully prepared for these important meetings by discussing the above questions with them in advance of the meeting. To support with research we would recommend the following websites: http://russellgroup.ac.uk/media/5320/informedchoices.pdf https://www.ucas.com/?schemes=Undergraduate&theme=all_stages&tile=tile-276 https://www.unifrog.org/student https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ http://www.plotr.co.uk/ http://www.bestcourse4me.com

We hope that this meeting will be a great opportunity for our Y11 students to feel excited about their future decisions and we look forward to supporting them during this time. 9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


• Also known as the festival of light. • Celebrated by Sikh and Hindu followers. • Represents the idea of light conquering dark and good conquering evil. • Celebrations will include candles, fireworks and sweets. • Wednesday 7th November

What can I do to share in this celebration?

• Light a candle – This can help many people to reflect, remain calm or concentrate. • Tidying up your room or making a fresh start. • Go out and watch a fireworks display. • Help to make a meal for the family to share. 20

Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.

Punctuality All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.

Reporting of child’s absence In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carers responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.

Year group and form attendance for last week Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total

% Tutor % Tutor 92.8 8A 90.3 9A 94.3 8C 94.9 9C 96.6 8E 99.6 9E 99.1 8I 90.4 9I 98.3 8N 95.9 9N 98.1 8S 96.2 9S 97.9 8W 99.6 9W 96.8 Total 95.2 Total

% Tutor % Tutor 96.2 10A 98.2 11A 96.9 10C 90.1 11C 96.5 10I 97.3 11E 95.7 10N 95.2 11I 99.1 10S 94.9 11N 95.3 10T 88.1 11S 92.3 10W 96.4 11T 95.9 Total 94.3 Total

% 97.7 97.8 95.8 91.9 99.1 97.4 98.0 96.8

Ms Lapish Lead Pastoral Leader – KS4 9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter



Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

9 November 2018

Secondary Newsletter


Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2018 Monday 3rd September – Thursday 20th December INSET: Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th November Wednesday 7th November Friday 23rd November Wednesday 21st November Friday 23rd November Monday 26th November Tuesday 27th November Wednesday 28th November Tuesday 11th December Friday 14th December Monday 17th December Wednesday 19th December Thursday 20th December


Year 11, 12 & 13 Mock examinations Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day No school for students Year 10 Skills LONDON trip INSET - No school for students INSET - No school for students GCSE Presentation Evening Community Party Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Lunch Year 7 Awards Assembly Winter Concert Years 8-11 Awards Assemblies

Secondary Newsletter

9 November 2018

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