Bondy symbiosis 2

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New neon sign

New mixed-use building Canal de l’Ourq

New mixed-use building

Phase 2 mixed-use building Phase 1 pedestrian green street

New mixed-use building New neon sign

Phase 1 pedestrian green street

New neon sign

New neon sign

New neon sign

New neon sign Phase 1 green action New neon sign

New green topography, water natural

Existing privates houses

New mixed-use building Darty Green action

Phase 1 mixed-use building

Maison de la Literie and Keria

New mixed-use building

New mixed-use building

New green topography, water natural

Avenue Gallieni

COHABIT TO DEFINE THE CITY In the second step project the aim is focused on the creations of conditions for the development of the city life: the construction of a city environment relies on the increase of the density as well as on the diversity of programs and subjects involved in the transformation. The multiplications of programs definitively breaks the mono-functional character of the site and lead to a real hybridization of functions inside the blocks. The main physical strategy is to drive the creation of two urban fronts, with different aims. One along the Avenue Gallieni, straight and continuous, the other along the canal, more discontinuous and characterized by jagged volumes. Two different facades to respond to two diverse urban contexts. New buildings will be installed in the free areas of the site, today occupied by car parks. Existing retail building are preserved as source of activity in the site. The purpose is to built a process of cohabitation between existing activities and new programs, to find a complementarity of functions that can mutually animate a neighbourhood life. This way to cohabit the site take advantage of symbiotic programmatic solutions, like simultaneous or alternating sharing of spaces, such as car parks, offices, but also energy solutions. The mutual management of spaces, functions and energies is a source of economies of scale that generate leverage for the site development.

ACTIONS Phase 1 residential block with commercial ground floor

New neon sign

Z Existing retail

Existing retail Phase 1 interconnections

New landscape topography

New landscape topography

New urban canal front Phase 1 leisure amenities

New urban front along Avenue Gallieni Canal de l’Ourq

New urban front along Avenue Gallieni




Creation of a urban front along the Avenue Gallieni, keeping her commercial function at the ground floor. Multicoloured signs are integrated in the building’s facades and placed in the public spaces to allow to locate the presence of commercial activities.

Creation of a urban front along the canal through the addition of new buildings located away from the banks in order to generate public spaces close to the canal and install new public and commercial activities reinforcing uses.

Evolution of the green spaces inside the blocks, to create a longitudinal axis of public spaces interconnected, reinforcing pedestrian mobility along the site. Diversify the types of plantations (trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses), and their size, favouring multi- specific plantations to mono-specific ones.

Canal de l’Ourq New residential block with Existing retail commercial

Phase 1 block

Canal de l’Ourq New silos buildings with commercial ground floor

Existing retail

New canal accessibility

Avenue Gallieni

New residential block with commercial

Existing retail Phase 1 block

Mixed use building

Mixed use building

Phase 1 silos buildings

Avenue Gallieni




A band of land of private plots along the canal is transformed into public space, in order to enlarge the canal bank and to allow new buildings to have un access from the canal. The loss of private land is compensated by the densfication of the area through a vertical programmatic stratification.

The urban densificaition removes definitely the parking spaces present on the site. To meet the need in terms of car park, some parking places are integrated in new silos or in the low floors of residential buildings.

New programs are integrated in the site to increase the level of functional mix. The block takes the shape of the “ilot ouvert” by establishing aligned but discontinuous building facades that allow a visual and physical traversability of the block.

Existing building Phase 1 pedestrian green street

Existing retail

Phase 1 pedestrian traversal

New green topography

Green matrix Phase 1 pedestrian traversal

Existing retail

New mixeduse buildings

Phase 1 green shared space

Canal de l’Ourq

Avenue Gallieni

Existing building

New mixeduse buildings

New mixeduse buildings

Canal de l’Ourq

Avenue Gallieni

Commerce Housing Amenities

Canal de l’Ourq

Avenue Gallieni




Planting of a tall row of trees along the Avenue Gallieni. Creation of a green matrix connecting the interior spaces of the blocks, in order to increase ground permeability and water recuperation.

The mobility into the site is increment thanks to new connections established by the green matrix, which also allows the multiplication of access inside the blocks.

Increasing of functions inside the blocks such as amenities and services in order to develop a neighbourhood



life in the site.


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