3 minute read
Early childhood
Additional PrESchool OptionS/Extra carE
By combining Preschool with the programs listed below, 3 and 4 year old children are able to spend all day (7:30am-5:30pm) with us here at the Elk Grove Park District Preschool. Registrations for additional preschool programs must be on a permanent monthly basis. Extra Care payments are billed September through May as these programs bill for actual days of attendance. You may choose your patterned schedule for these classes at the time of registration. Call 847. 690.1138 with any questions.
Early Birds
Do you need early morning care for your preschooler, before their AM class? We are offering supervised playtime starting at 7:30 am Monday-Friday at the Al Hattendorf Center. Children may bring their own nut-free breakfast.
Fee $14 R / $17 NR
Location Al Hattendorf Center Multi-purpose Room
Date Time Code
Mon-Fri 7:30am-Classtime 406322-11
This program enables your morning preschooler in a 3 or 4 year old class to stay for lunch until 1:00 pm, or your afternoon preschooler may come for lunch at 11:45 am and be escorted to their Preschool class. Children should bring a nut-free lunch. Before or after lunch, children have organized large and small motor activities and play.
Fee $8 R / $11 NR
Location Al Hattendorf Center Multi-purpose Room/Gym
Date Time Code
Mon-Fri 11:45am-1pm 406323-11
Extended Enrichment
Extend your child's preschool day by giving them extra experiences in a preschool classroom. This program is designed for those children needing a full school day. Children are escorted to lunch, have a rest time, and are engaged in instruction and discoveries. Children should bring a nut-free lunch. All children in a morning preschool class are eligible for this program. Please note: Rest time is optional for Pre-Kindergarten students only
Fee $28 R / $34 NR
Location Al Hattendorf Center
Date Time Age Code
Mon-Fri 11:45am-3:15pm 3yrs 406325-11 Mon-Fri 11:45am-3:15pm 4yrs 406325-12
Late Pick-up
Continue the fun! Late pickup is available for children in afternoon preschool classes and Extended Enrichment at the Al Hattendorf Center. Children should bring a nut-free snack.
Fee $17 R / $21 NR
Location Al Hattendorf Center Room
Date Time Code Mon-Fri 3:15-5:30pm 406326-12
The Elk Grove Park District Preschool is fully accredited by the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA).

We are part of a national and international group of early childhood care and education programs that have been awarded this honor. This professional achievement acknowledges the high quality care of our children and certifies that we maintain the best practices in the field of early childhood education.
What our parEntS arE Saying…
“My daughter loves school so much that she pretends to play her teachers at home with her dolls and teaches them.”
"We LOVE this program and the teachers/staff at Al Hattendorf Preschool. Our children have always been treated with love and guided with such care. Without a doubt, our children are socially prepared to enter Kindergarten when leaving this program. Most importantly, our children always have fun and exciting things to share when they come home."
“This is my second child at the Elk Grove Park District Preschool and both have had great experiences! They've really started each child off excited to learn and continue growing through school."
"This is the best program for all kids. The care and education that they receive is better than anything! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!"
" We love our son's teachers and the program! We have seen so much growth from him since the beginning of the year! Thank you to his teachers for all their hard work and patience!"
We follow the Get Set for School Pre-K curriculum! Visit getsetforschool.com for more information

For more information regarding Early Childhood Programs or Preschool? Contact Jennifer LoBosco at 847.690.1138 or preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org

Off 2 School
One of the most important aspects of early development is becoming comfortable with separation, encouraging independence and fostering communication skills. Children will learn socialization skills, early cognitive learning skills and enhancement of fine and gross motor skills through circle time, songs, stories, projects, and free play. Diapers and pull-ups are welcomed.
Age 2-3yrs
Look for Tot Classes in the fall brochure or for more information email preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org
Tot claSSES
2’s School
Does your toddler want to go to school too? This class will be perfect for them! Children will learn socialization skills and the joy of play. Stories, crafts and plenty of free play will make this class fun for everyone! Diapers and pull-ups are welcomed.
Age 2-3yrs
Look for Tot Classes in the fall brochure or for more information email preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org

Fox Run iS thE placE to ExpEriEncE SportS and grEat food all yEar long!
Watch your favorite games on our 22 large screen TV’s. Experience our 3 multi-sport and golf simulators which feature over 85 courses. Try your luck at video slots. We are open for your enjoyment seven days a week. Please visit foxrungolflinks.com for hours of operation and offers.
It’s time to book your 2023 Golf Outings. For pricing and availability please email Alex at agelabert@elkgroveparks.org

Full Swing Golf SimulatorS
Our new simulators will feature over 85 courses, including multi-sport and skills challenge modes. Space can be reserved by calling 847.228.3544 or online at foxrungolflinks.com.
Simulator HourS and Pricing
Hours-Off Season
Tue-Thu ● 9am-9pm Fri & Sat ● 9am-10pm Sun ● 9am-7pm
Tue-Thu ● 9am-4pm ● $35 per hour
Tue-Thu ● 4pm-Close ● $40 per hour
Fri ● 9am-Close ● $40 per hour
Sat & Sun ● 9am-Close ● $45 per hour