3 minute read
HiStorical MuSEum
399 Biesterfield Rd 847.439.3994 elkgroveparks.org/museum
What to know bEforE you comE to thE
Elk GrovE HiStorical MuSEum
Orientation Center Open Hours:
Tue, Fri ● 12-5pm | Sat ● 11am-2pm
Farmhouse Tours:
We will begin offering time tickets to explore and hear the Farmhouse’s stories! To book your tour, fill out our Farmhouse Tour Request Form or call us at 847.439.3994
The Elk Grove Historical Museum actively partners with the community to collect and preserve local history that is disseminated through relevant exhibits and education programs.
The Elk Grove Historical Museum will be valued by the community by building lifelong connections through shared experiences.
About thE Elk GrovE HiStorical MuSEum
Our Museum campus includes an orientation center, a mid1800s Farmhouse, 1880s barn, chicken coop, and privy. We offer tours, scout workshops, history programs, exhibits, and research assistance. Call for more information! No live animals onsite.
Support and preserve Elk Grove history! As a member of the Elk Grove Historical Society, you receive benefits including a full-color quarterly newsletter, free black and white copies of historical research, members-only holiday party, and discounts to programs and special events! For more information visit elkgroveparks.org/Museum/HistoricalSociety
We offer a variety of levels:
Museum Lectures
Meet the staff at the Elk Grove Historical Museum and learn about our collections and various cultural events throughout history. Pre-registration required. No walk-ins accepted.
Age 14+yrs
Fee Free
Location Museum Campus Date Theme Time Code Deadline
Fri, Mar 31 Napoleon’s Conquests 6-7:30pm 201618-01 Mar 30
Fri, Apr 28 Unification of Germany 6-7:30pm 201618-02 Apr 27
Fri, May 26 West Side of Chicago 6-7:30pm 201618-03 May 25
Historical Game Night
Come play historical games and enjoy light refreshments. Games will be provided. Feel free to bring your own games if you would like. Pre-registration required. No walk-ins accepted.
Age 12+yrs
Fee Free
Location Farmhouse Museum
Date Time Code Deadline
Fri, Apr 14 5:30-7:30pm 207338-01 Apr 13
Fri, May 5 5:30-7:30pm 207338-02 May 4
Kids Programs
The Kids Programs at the Elk Grove Historical Museum offers children the opportunities for hands-on learning. Our in-person kids programs will give children a chance to take part in various outdoor activities!
Pre-registration required. No walk-ins accepted.
Age 8-12yrs
Fee Free Members / $5 per child non-members (adult attendance is free)
Location Museum Campus
Date Theme Time Code Deadline
Fri, Apr 21 Game Making 5-6:30pm 207606-01 Apr 20
Fri, May 19 Fur Trade 5-6:30pm 207606-02 May 18
Walpurgis Eve Cemetery Tour
Come celebrate Walpurgisnacht with a themed tour of the Elk Grove Cemetery*! Find out about some of the early Yankee and German families that resided in the area long ago. Discover the meaning behind headstone symbols and information about funerary customs. The second half of the program will take place at the museum, and participants will learn more about Walpurgisnacht and Chicagoland cemeteries while enjoying some light refreshments.
Age Adults
Fee $3 Historical Society Members/$5 non-members facebook.com/EGHistoricalMuseum Individual
Location Meet at the Elk Grove Cemetery. The cemetery is positioned on Cemetery lane off of Arlington Heights Rd, south of Algonquin Rd/Rte. 62 and in between the entrance ramps to Tollway 90.
Date Time Code Deadline
Sat, Apr 29 2-4pm 201606-01 Apr 27

LockEr REntal
Need a locker to reduce the weight of your gym bag? We can help. Locker rentals available!
For more information regarding Pavilion Fitness Membership
Contact the Fitness Team at 847.228.3494
MEmbErShip TypES
Individual 14 years and older
Secondary 14 years and older and live in the same household as Primary
Additional 14 - 25 years old and live in the same household as Primary
Additional (4+) 14 - 25 years old and live in the same household as Primary
Student 14 - 25 years of age with a valid school ID.*
Seniors 65+*
Corporate Anyone who works for an Elk Grove Village company that pays Elk Grove Village Park District taxes
*Additional members may not be added
Silver Sneaker Program and Renew Active/One Pass
We are a Silver Sneaker and Renew Active/One Pass facility. Verification will be required for eligibility. Visit silversneakers.com and partner.uhcrenewactive.com for more information.
Track PaSS
Take advantage of the Pavilion Fitness indoor suspended track. Ten laps equal one mile. Individuals 14 years and older can purchase a track pass. Children 10-13 years are able to purchase a track pass if accompanied by a paying adult on the track at all times.
Daily GuESt PaSS
Guest Passes/Daily Fees are available at the Fitness check-in desk. All guests/daily users must be 14 years of age or older. A photo ID is required for all Guest/Daily Fee users.

Group FitnESS ClaSSES
All classes are now included in your membership and daily pass options. We offer a variety of classes that include Cycle, Zumba, Yoga, Cardio, Strength and More! Please visit pavilionfitness.com for a complete schedule. Classes are subject to change."
Age 14+yrs
$4 10 Scan N/A $30
Membership Free $140