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NorthwESt SpEcial
REcrEation ASSociation
The Elk Grove Park District is a member of a 17 park district cooperative which forms the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA). The NWSRA team of full-time Therapeutic Recreation professionals and trained part-time staff offer quality year-round recreation for individuals of all ages with disabilities. NWSRA activities provide opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to have fun, make friends, be included, learn new things, go new places and celebrate their lives. After school, evening and weekend programs feature sports, games, arts and crafts, fitness, cooking, drama and more. Camps, trips and special events are planned throughout the year.
IncluSion ASSiStancE
NWSRA provides assistance to individuals who wish to participate in their local park district programs. Indicate on the registration form if any accommodations are needed to successfully participate in the program. The Park District staff will contact NWSRA for assistance.
LEarn MorE about NWSRA
For more information on NWSRA programs and to register online, visit nwsra.org. Brochures containing information on NWSRA programs are available at the Administration Centeror from NWSRA at Park Central, 3000 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows. Contact NWSRA at 847.392.2848 (voice); 847.392.2855 (TTY); or 847.392.2870 (FAX).
NWSRA is looking for energetic individuals looking to enrich the lives of NWSRA participants. If you are interested in working with NWSRA, please call 847.392.2848 or visit nwsra.org/jobs. To volunteer, visit nwsra.org/volunteer.
For a complEtE liSting of parkS and facilitiES, download our mobilE app
Administration Office 499 Biesterfield Rd. 847.690.1190
Mon-Fri ● 8:30am-5pm
Al Hattendorf Office 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.364.7224
Mon-Fri ● 9am-4pm
Audubon Skate Park 300 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.427.8195
Elk Grove Historical Museum 399 Biesterfield Rd. 847.439.3994
Fox Run Golf Links 333 Plum Grove Rd. 847.228.3544
Garden Terrace 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3524
Pavilion Aquatics Center 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.593.6248
Pavilion Fitness 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3494
*Pavilion Office 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.437.9494
Mon-Fri ● 9am-6pm Sat ● 9am-1pm
Pirates’ Cove Theme Park 901 Leicester Rd. 847.439.2683
Preschool Office 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. 847.690.1138
Rainbow Falls Waterpark 180 Lions Dr. 847.228.2860
Sheila Ray Adult Center 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. 847.228.3842
* Questions regarding registration call 847.437.9494