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tEEn & Youth

Magic Class

Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn fascinating tricks from a professional magician! Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind reading, and much more! All materials are provided and each child receives a magic kit to take home. Children always learn tricks that are appropriate for their age and they can sign up for this class again and again since brand new tricks are taught at each session. Note: This class takes place at Itasca Park District

Age 5-12yrs

Fee $22 R / $28 NR

Location Itasca Rec Center (305 E. Irving Park Rd.)

NEW TwEEn Lock-In

4th and 5th graders grab your sleeping bag and join us for an overnight at the Pavilion. Activities will include swimming, games and a late night movie. Pizza, ice cream and snacks will be served. Sign up with a friend for a night of fun! For any questions please contact the Youth Manager at 847-228-3518.

Fee $50 R / $63 NR

Location Pavilion Multi-purpose Gym Grades 4th & 5th

Safe Sitter Babysitting Class

This class will help you land babysitting jobs and make you feel confident to babysit. This medically accurate babysitting training program is designed for young adolescents to prepare them for the responsibilities of nurturing and protecting children. The class includes Babysitting as a Business, Child Care Essentials, Preventing Problem Behavior, and Care of Choking Child/Infant. You will take a written exam and a test that demonstrates acceptable skills in care of a choking child. Fee includes Safe Sitter student manual with completion card. Participants should bring a sack lunch and drink.

Age 11-15yrs

Fee $70 R / $88 NR Location Pavilion Garden Terrace

For more information regarding Youth or Teen Programs

Contact Irene Faciano at 847.228.3518 or ifaciano@elkgroveparks.org

cuStomEr SErvicE Front DESk HourS


1000 Wellington Ave. 847.437.9494

Mon-Fri ● 9am-6pm | Sat ● 9am-1pm | Sun ● Closed

Al Hattendorf Center

225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.364.7224

Mon-Fri ● 9am-4pm


Ways to Register

1. In person at the Pavilion or Hattendorf

2. Establish a WebTrac account on our website and register online at webtrac.elkgroveparks.org

Payment Options

The Elk Grove Park District accepts cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. A fee will be assessed on returned checks.

For explanation on the following registration policies, check our website at elkgroveparks.org or call the Customer Service Desks.

• Returning Users

• Household Account Definition

• Non-Resident Household Memberships

• Registration Deadlines

• Program Deadline Dates

• Photo & Video Disclaimer

• Customer Satisfaction

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