nu:life Magazine Issue 21

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Issue No.21 2011

FREE to a good home

The Official voice of Northumbria Students’ Union

Your Monthly Student Magazine Filled with News and Gossip from around Northumbria campus.

How to survive... those long winter months!

ARE STUDENTS CONSUMERS? Plus Advice, Gigs, Fresher’s pics and loads more. Your Union, Your University, Your Magazine.

Your link to the legal profession We offer a full range of courses to prepare you for life as a legal practitioner. GDL/LPC/BPTC/LLM/MSC/MBA Flexible full-time, part-time and distance learning routes available

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contents NSU NEWS SU:News 4 Oh! What’s Occurring? 5 Sabb Banter 6-7 Why Let Good Times Go Bad? 8 Hot & Not 9 Battle Of The Sexes 10 RAG - What It’s All For! 11 FEATURES Volunteer Northumbria 12-13 Students As Consumers! Or not...? 15 Discuss - Steve Jobs 16-17 Are The Winter Winds Affecting Your Pocket? 18 Living Large On A Shoe String 19 GET INVOLVED Hot Topic - Snow 20-21 Study Abroad 22 WriSoc Serial - Part 3 23 LIGHT RELIEF Spotted 24 - 25 Academic Advice 26 The Agony Aunt Team 27 Horoscopes 28 How To Overcome Winter Blues & Homesickness 29

editor’s words Hey Everyone! So it’s starting to get very cold out there, and the guys at nu:life have been working hard pulling together the best winter warming advice ever, from eating winter warming food on page 34, to wrapping up to keep out that breeze on page 31. If you’re anything like us you have been starting to feel the pinch on those purse strings, it’s been a while since those loans came in and money blues can get you down, but with our money saving tips on page 18 we’ll get you through this dark November on the tightest budget ever! Even if it does mean reverting back to ice age times! If that isn’t enough we’ve got all the usual stuff : have you been Spotted in the centre fold? And see what our fashion girls spied on campus this month on page 32. If you think there’s a story missing then just email it to me at and you could be featured in next month’s edition, due out early December. Love holly x

STUDENT CULTURE Campus Style 30-31 Accessorise For Winter 32 Enjoy Newcastle On A Budget 33 Don’t Worry - Eat Happy 34-35 Prospects For Employment 36 Exam & Essay Planning 37 Placements - Are They Worth It? 38-39 November Flicks 41 TEAM NORTHUMBRIA Anyone For Tennis? 42 Website Wonders 43 Basketball 44-45 The New Name In Netball 46 Team Northumbria Bid To Bolster Squad 47 Special thank you to; Dan Graham for Photography, Kim Buffery for Academic Advice & Vikki Myerscough for sorting my dreadful spelling! Editor Holly Seabrook Twitter: NSUCommsOfficer Design

PS. If you have seen a load of students out in the freezing cold dressed up and in orange t shirts then they are part of the Students’ Union’s Raise and Give team (RAG). They’re raising money for three amazing charities (Page 11) so when you see them, pop a penny or two in their buckets, or if you can’t afford that just give them a hug, it might warm them up! xxx Contributors SU:News - Laura Heaps . Why Let Good Times Go Bad? - Hannah Horne Hot & Not - Rachel Sturdy . Battle Of The Sexes - Michael Potter . RAG - What It’s All For? - Becky Beaumont & Sarah Fizpatrick . Volunteer Northumbria Heather Whitely. Students As Consumers! Or Not...? - Adam White . Discuss - Steve Jobs - Errin Kerr . Are The Winter Winds Affecting your pocket? Gemma Cail & Josie Middleton . Living Large on a shoe string - Julia Bond . Hot Topic - Kate Taylor & Martyn Armstrong . Study Abroad - Betty (Xiaoying Lv) . The Agony Aunt Team - Anna Scatchard & Amy Terry . Horoscopes - Minela Huremovic . How To Overcome Winter Blues & Homesickness Aurelie Cregut . Campus Style - Carly Brown & Rachel Sturdy. Accessorise For Winter - Catherine Allen . Enjoy Newcastle On A Budget - Stacey McGeorge . Don’t worry - Eat Happy - Carmel Lawless & Minella Huremovic . Prospects For Employment - John Hayton . Exam & Essay Planning - Jacob Turner . Placements - Are They Worth It? - Carmel Lawless & Laura Heaps . November Flicks - Callum Gibson . Anyone For Tennis - Tim Andrews . Team Northumbria - Simon Rushworth . Team Northumbria Bid To Bolster Squad - Jamie Durent.

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NSU News

Newcastle one day

RAG raid

A few of Northumbria’s Raggies managed to rake themselves out of bed at the early hour of 9am on the 15th October to get involved in volunteering for our first local RAG raid of the academic year! It’s good to know that even though some of us may be incapable of making it to lectures at this time, we can be capable of winning the battle with our beds when we need to support those in need. Our Raggies put on the rather ‘flattering’ orange tshirts and hit the streets of Newcastle, and later on, the queues outside the Union before Ed Sheeran. The team of Northumbria volunteers, alongside some of the charities own helpers raised an impressive total of £717.59, with our Raggies contributing £387.53 towards that total! The charity supported was the Ghanaian Children’s Trust (Reg: 1106764), who are a small and locally run charity that aims to relieve poverty and distress among children and young adults who are orphans or are destitute, and to advance their education. The Ghanaian Children’s Trust relies on donations and fundraising events such as this RAG raid, in order to carry out the fantastic work that they do for such people in Ghana. They hugely support an orphanage in Kumasi, Ghana, the King Jesus Charity Home, and help towards costs such as educational fees, building upkeep and payment of the rooms in which the children at the orphanage live in. To send just one child to school for a

year, it can cost around £250! The charity helps to support the educational costs of over 100 children each year at the orphanage. It was exciting to experience the motivation from just a selection of Northumbria’s volunteers who give their all to helping out and raising as much as they can for the chosen charities! RAG week 2011 is going to be HUGE if everyone has the same will power and determination that was seen at this raid! I’m sure everyone is certainly excited to see the array of fantastic fancy dress and entertainment RAG week is sure to provide!

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By Laura Heaps

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped at this event, especially Matt Dinnery, who played a big role in making the day run so smoothly! Our RAG total for the year after this raid is £5,309.46, so well done Northumbria!!

Oh! What’s Occurring?

NSU News Oh! Whats’s Occurring?

VOTE NOW! It is now time for you to cast your votes! Last month we told you that you could run to represent Northumbria nationally at NUS national conference 2012, and now the guys who have nominated themselves need your vote. Make sure you choose who you want to represent you by Voting Now at or on Desktop Anywhere. Vote from 9am on Tuesday 29th November 5pm on Thursday 1st December.

GREEN SCREEN On 22 September the Union’s new range of environmental activities was launched with Green Screen - a free ecofilm fest, held every month in the SU. Students’ gathered in the shiny, new Reds VIP Area for a showing of the Oscar winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth - with popcorn provided...beat that Empire! October’s film saw students re-live their youth with a showing of Fern Gully:The Last Rainforest and from November Green Screen will be entirely student led - if you’re interested in volunteering check out the opportunities with Green Screen on the Volunteer Database - volunteer To keep up to date with all the Union’s envirobanter, keep an eye on BetterWithTheLightsOff

RAG On the 22nd of October 35 volunteers headed up to Edinburgh and helped raise £2603 for Barnardos. A Massive well done to all of our volunteers, and to our very own Sabbatical Officer; Andrew Cheung who was top collector raising over £170. Northumbria’s Edinburgh RAG Squad came second nationally too!

12TH - 19TH NOVEMBER If you’re reading this between these dates, then you have probably seen the orange t-shirt wearing volunteers around campus and taking over town! It’s a great cause and if you forgot to fill out your application form then don’t worry, just check out RAG on the Volunteer Database volunteer and get yourself involved in one of our other great RAG events.

Next Issue out: Monday 12th November Remember to pick up your next issue of nu:life, found stranded around campus, looking for a good home! If you want to have an article printed in nu:life just sign up to the Volunteer Database and find out the dates of the next editorial meetings.

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NSU News Sabb Banter

SABB BANTER Ever wondered what the first thing the Sabbatical Officers did to get involved with the Students’ Union? Well now you can find out! We also asked them their views on whether students are Customers or not. JO RHODES President What is your role? I represent all of you guys to the University and help you out with just about everything! I’m the one that you come to when you’re unsure of whom else to ask! What has been your best moment of this month? Having the nominations for NUS Elections close – it’s going to be a brilliant election and it’s really important so make sure you VOTE! These will be the people making decisions for you at NUS Conference! What differences have you made to the student experience this month? The University have removed the additional £900pa that Law students have to pay for 2012 and a £250 resubmission of a project/dissertation cost! This is great news and we’re continuing to work hard on this! How did you first get involved in Northumbria Students’ Union? My flatmates convinced me to be on the Welcome Team in 2008 - it feels like so long ago now! Student’s as Consumers or not? No way! We are so much more than that! Twitter: NSUPres

Remember to check our fortnightly Sabbatical vlogs at: sabbaticals

HOLLY SEABROOK Vice-President Communications & Involvement What is your role? This month I have been focussing on making Student Council amazing! But I also edit this mint mag, and anything else media related! What has been your best moment of this month? Training Student Council I really feel that the Councillors have been well equipped to really utilize their roles and scrutinise us Sabbs! What differences have you made to the student experience this month? After a long summer the new NU:TV crew have now been recruited, when they start producing fab movies I know that you will all enjoy the brill productions. And the skills those guys have are just amazing! How did you first get involved in Northumbria Students’ Union? RAG week, February 2008 still one of my favourite weeks of the year and I still sleep in the t-shirt! Student’s as Consumers or not? I do think there are elements of consumerism in students but if it was solely based on a customer relationship the university experience would never be the same. Twitter: NSUCommsOfficer

And if you have a question for us or just fancy a chat, shoot us an email or just pop up and say hello on the first floor of the Students’ Union, we always fancy a chat. 06 nu:life

KATE BRADSHAW Vice President Academic Affairs What is your role? My role is to lead on all academic areas of the Students’ Union, including academic policy, our advice and representation service and mentoring our lovely Course, School, Postgraduate Taught and Research Reps. I am also lead officer for Coach Lane which I am very passionate about. What has been your best moment of this month? Definitely Course Rep Conference, it was a great day and I was very proud of all of the ideas that they were bringing forward. I think this is the year that we bring NUS Course Rep of the Year Award back home. What differences have you made to the student experience this month? So this month I have been looking into the guidelines around academic misconduct, in particular the repercussions of using paid proof readers. Students can get into trouble for this but this it isn’t made very clear. I am therefore trying to get more clarification for you so that you don’t get penalised for a mistake. How did you first get involved in Northumbria Students’ Union? I got involved in the SU as a Course Rep in my first year but I became really engaged with the SU when I went on to become a School Rep in my second year, I didn’t realise how much there was to do here until I took on that role. Obviously, the best decision I ever made. Student’s as Consumers or not? Hmm, now this is tricky, I think it is wrong to suggest that students are just customers of the University but at the same time I think that when you are paying the amount you do there is always going to be some level of consumerism through expecting certain services. I think I will leave this one up to you to decide. Twitter: NSUAcademics

ANDREW CHEUNG Vice President Activities & Development What is your role? I’m your Vice-President Activities and Development elected by you, I oversee our Welcome Team, societies, Volunteer Northumbria, and Raise and Give (RAG). I also look at the personal developments of our students. What has been your best moment of this month? I have been to Union and Development Zone Conference, where we discussed the future of Students’ Unions, and student employability, as well as the running of societies etc. It has been very useful, and has given me motivation to make more positive changes to students! What differences have you made to the student experience this month? RAG week is coming up and last year through RAG, we raised £27,000, so hopefully we will raise even more this year. Students who volunteer gain experiences and develop key skills, as well as meeting lots of new people.

How did you first get involved in Northumbria Students’ Union? Initially I was a Course Rep due to no one else wanting to be Course Rep on our course! However I’m glad I got involved, and privileged to now be planning and delivering lots of opportunities for other students to get involved. Student’s as Consumers or not? I don’t believe students are consumers; however, there are levels of consumerism in our services. This is a hot topic for debate! Twitter: NSUActivites1

HANNAH HORNE Vice President Welfare & Equality What is your role? I lead on all things related to equality and diversity as well as making sure that nothing outside of the lecture theatre affects your studies! What has been your best moment of this month? I loved the launch of RAG with the release of all the RAG balloons! A sky of orange! I hope mine gets the furthest this year! What differences have you made to the student experience this month? I’ve ensured that the student voice is heard with regards to some key decisions being made by the City Council. This has included writing a response to the consultation restricting the number of houses of multiple occupancy in the city and fighting for the full removal of To-Let signs on student properties. These signs are an advertisement to burglars and are putting students at a greater risk, so they must go! How did you first get involved in Northumbria Students’ Union? A friend on my course had heard that the Welcome Team was really good fun so we applied and turned up for the team training which involved many games and lots of laughs! It’s fair to say that I’ve been hooked ever since! Student’s as Consumers or not? No, I never felt like a consumer when I was studying. I like to describe it more like a partnership; yes you buy into University, but Northumbria has given me so much more in return. Twitter: NSUWelfare1

For all you Students at Coach Lane, don’t worry about coming to see us over here, we all like to come and visit you at Coach Lane once a week. Monday Afternoons: Holly Seabrook Tuesday Mornings: Andrew Cheung Tuesday Afternoons: Kate Bradshaw Wednesday Afternoons: Hannah Horne Thursday Afternoons: Jo Rhodes Just pop in and see us on your way into Coach Lane Students’ Union.

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NSU News Why Let Good Times Go Bad?

Why Let Good Times

GO BAD? Newcastle is renowned for its excellent nightlife due to having a large range of bars and clubs to visit; many of which offer incredibly low drinks prices, as low as £4.95 for three trebles. Going out drinking and socialising is a fun part of university life for many students, but the fun does not continue when you are feeling sick, dizzy, vulnerable or hung over. Nobody likes the term ‘binge drinker’ but in reality, many students are. The NHS definition of binge drinking for men is drinking more than 8 units of alcohol - or about three pints of strong beer, in a short period of time. For women, it’s drinking more than 6 units of alcohol, equivalent to two large glasses of wine.

The Factsulant,

Keeping the good times good! Here are some top tips on how to have an epic night instead on an epic fail! • Have a decent meal before you start drinking - seems obvious but it’s easy to forget when you are rushing around to get ready and out on time. • Don’t pre-load! It’s thought by some that drinking a lot before you even leave your house makes your night cheaper, but it probably doesn’t as you will still continue to drink at the same pace when you are out anyway so it only makes you spend more, drink more, and feel worse. • Make some of your drinks soft ones - later on in the night nobody will notice that your coke doesn’t have vodka in it and you’ll be the one laughing when it’s not you who is clinging to a toilet bowl and you feel as bright as a button the next day! • Stick with your friends and don’t let anyone walk home alone. It may be that you only live 10 minutes away from town, but saving money on a taxi fare is really not worth the risk to your personal safety when walking home late at night. By Hannah Horne

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NSU News Hot & Not

Magnificent moustaches


For one month, and one month only, it’s hot to have a ‘tache. Men in the UK and all over the world have embraced facial hair in order to raise money and awareness of men’s health, specifically prostate and other cancers. With handlebars, walrus, pencil and goatee styles, we invite you to accept the challenge and support the cause.

Triumphant technology Technology is where it’s at these days, and even with the loss of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs, Apple is still leaping heads and shoulders above the rest with the new iOS 5. Facebook and Twitter are dominating the social media arena, so now it’s never been easier to stay in the loop, get all the goss and keep your friends updated!

Butterfly Cabinet A fabulous find, this relaxed and quirky café offers the most amazing breakfasts, burgers and sandwiches. Located in Heaton, this is one definitely not to be missed. Whether you have empty cupboards, need to cure a hangover or just fancy eating out, be prepared to experience the feast of a lifetime.

Murky mornings It’s hard enough trying to get out of the comfy sanctuary of our duvets and pillows, now with the cold and dark mornings, it’s even more difficult to get up in time for those dreaded 9am lectures. Hats, scarves, gloves and a flask of hot coffee are set to brighten your mood and keep you toasty.

Takeaway temptations Semester one is now in full swing and the enthusiasm to experiment in the kitchen is wearing thin. Also, when it’s cold outside, who really wants to eat salad? It’s oh so tempting to indulge in some warming comfort food delivered to your door, but what we really need are healthier alternatives that won’t bleed the bank balance dry.

Big Brother


Similar to marmite, you either love it or hate it. After 24 series of Big Brother, Celebrity BB and spin offs, it seems that it may be time to say goodbye to the reality TV show that has seen the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Enough is enough, you have been evicted, please leave the house! By Rachel Sturdy

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NSU News Battle Of The Sexes

B ttle Of The Sexes It’s the penultimate month of the year and you may have noticed the emergence of facial fluff appearing many men’s top lips around campus. Yes, Movember is back and this year Northumbria are pushing the boat out with Northumbria RAG pitting boys and girls against each other in a bid to see which gender can raise the most funds. Movember aims to raise funds and awareness of prostate and other male-specific cancers as participants act as “walking billboards” in order to prompt discussion about the serious issue. In 2008, prostate cancer claimed the lives of over ten thousand men in the UK and is often associated with affecting younger generations especially within our age bracket. The concept of Movember is pretty well known now, men will grow tashes and be unable to shave for the duration of the month (but are encouraged to groom them and fashion them into beautiful styles: ie: the handlebar). However there has been no female equivalent, until now. The concept of “One Month, One Dress” is fairly new idea and is pretty simple and is exactly how it sounds: wear one dress for whole month. Women will have the challenge to accessorize the dress to avoid looking like a complete tramp (don’t worry ladies, you are permitted to wash the dress and febreeze may become your best friend) Many people who have attempted this advice to wear a t-shirt underneath to avoid too much bodily contact with the garment, as well as washing the dress then making desperate attempts to

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dry it (I imagine the hairdryer could come in handy). Although, it is not the most glamorous of fundraising campaigns, the awkwardness of the task really shows the dedication these women are showing in order to raise funds for Women’s Aid. The two separate campaigns are both a massive attempt by RAG to bring awareness and gain sponsorships from the participant’s friends and family. If you know anybody who is fundraising, dig deep as both charities are worthwhile causes - and why not get involved yourself? As long as you are able to grow a tashe or own a dress you are eligible to do it, so what’s actually stopping you? Do you have the balls to embarrass yourself in the name of charity? So many people are worse off than us so why not take a month to think about them, raise funds and have fun doing it. Let the battle of the sexes commence. By Michael Potter.

NSU News RAG - What It’s All For!

What it’s all for? RAG Week is upon us! Seen a lot of orange again recently? It’s that time of year and the RAG team is out in force raising money for this year’s chosen charities. RAG isn’t just about raising money though, it’s about team spirit, meeting new people and having an awesome time whilst doing it. Don’t worry if you haven’t had the chance to sign up for RAG week this year you can still do your part by giving your pennies to those lovely people in orange, or get involved with other RAG events later in the year.

RAG Week charities: Becoming Visible: Becoming Visible work for ‘greater inclusion for deaf people in the North of England.’ They promote British sign language and deaf culture to develop self confidence and self-esteem in the deaf community.

Friendship Works: Friendship Works is the oldest children’s mentoring charity in the UK. They believe that all children deserve to have a supportive childhood and the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

What does RAG mean to you? “RAG is like food and water to me. Without it I can’t survive. RAG is like another wonder of the world. RAG is the only thing I wake up for in the morning. If Carlsberg did RAG, it would be Northumbria Students’ Union RAG. Other uni’s do RAG, but we do the kind of RAG that Chuck Norris likes to be involved in. It’s not just RAG, it’s M&S RAG....” - Hayley Murray

Dreams Come True: Dreams Come True is a children’s charity serving the whole of the UK. Their mission is ‘to make dreams come true for seriously and terminally ill children across the country.’

International Rescue Corps: They are a specialist Urban Search and Rescue team responding to natural and manmade disasters all over the world to rescue trapped people. Their mission is ‘United to Save Life’ and they apply this ethos to every action of their volunteer specialists.

During the week the team will also be raising for British Legion for one day and Barnardo’s for two days.

“A RAGGIE is who I am and always shall be. RAG to me is like Christmas, Halloween, Disneyland, New Year and Easter (with all the fun and costumes) rolled in to ten days, literally!!! RAG will be with me forever and never go away. For in my heart RAG will always stay. I feel that RAG has helped me more than I have helped RAG, getting involved has helped me make friends for life that I may never have had. RAG is love and that’s a fact. And I can vouch this for every single RAGGIE” - Mike Dignen By Becky Beaumont & Sarah Fizpatrick

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FEATURES Volunteer Northumbria

ys a s a i r b m u North Better” “It Gets On the 20th to the 25th of November this year, Volunteer Northumbria is beginning a campaign to fight against bullying as part of National Anti-Bullying Week. During the week, our volunteers will be taking photos of students and staff that would like to show their support for the campaign - holding signs with their messages of support. Under the slogan ‘It Gets Better’, these photos will then be uploaded to Facebook in order to publicize and expand the campaign. This technique is similar to the incredibly successful Hidden Fees campaign from last year. Following on from the photobased campaign, next semester volunteers will be going into local schools to run workshops and give speeches promoting the anti-bullying message. They’ll also be looking to bring the online campaign into the real world by creating an ‘It Gets Better’ gallery, showcasing the images. From these events, the project will raise awareness of how extreme bullying can be and what it can lead to.

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The ‘It Gets Better’ project was created by Dan Savage, an American journalist, to ‘inspire hope for young people facing harassment’. It was begun in memory of a number of teenagers who committed suicide because of being bullied about being gay, and since it started in September 2010 the project has gathered many famous supporters including Lady Gaga and Barack Obama. The project began online to act as encouragement for LGBT youths to be confident in their identity and so Volunteer Northumbria will be working in partnership with the LGBT society. Now, ‘It Gets Better’ is coming to Northumbria thanks to Project Leader, Selina Tsang. If you’ve any questions about the project, you can contact Selina on selina.tsang@ If you’re interested in getting involved, just sign up on the fantastic new volunteer database at volunteer. By Heather Whiteley

FEATURES Volunteer Northumbria

Be Fit If you’re a health nut, if you’re making a New Year’s resolution to slim down, or even if you just enjoy the odd kick around, now you can make a difference to yourself and the community in Volunteer Northumbria’s brand new Be Fit project. Created by Project Leader, Arrian Cornwell, Be Fit volunteers will be visiting local primary and secondary schools to encourage and coach children to play in a range of sports, including football and basketball. At the end of term, the project will finish with a sports day, where parents will be invited to watch their children play with a spot of friendly competition, celebrating each child’s success and progress.

The project aims to raise awareness amongst children about the importance of keeping fit, while also providing new opportunities for them to socialise. The NHS recommends that children exercise for at least 60 minutes per day, but surveys have found that more than three quarters of school children are not doing this. Little worries about how they look or being left out can cause big problems like obesity and high blood pressure. So in come Be Fit volunteers, to show that exercise really can be all fun and games! If you’d like to get involved, it’s so simple - just get signed up on the volunteer database at Alternatively, if you’ve any questions or would like to know more, contact Arrian on

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FEATURES Students As Consumers Or not...?

STUDENTS AS CONSUMERS OR NOT...? The last 18 months we have seen student protests up and down the country, lecturers on strike and tuition fees raised but still university applications are up. This period has also seen a record increase in the number of complaints students are making to the Office of The Independent Adjudicator. Last year the office received 1,341 complaints against universities in England and Wales, the highest number ever and an unprecedented rise of one-third on the year before. So what has changed? One explanation could be that students are now viewing themselves as consumers. This article tackles this question head on and debates the topic, are students consumers?



It is obvious why students have such high expectations of the university they study at. Anyone paying £8,500 for a service would expect that service commitment to be met, decent facilities, working IT, a well-stocked library, lecture slides on Blackboard, access to your tutors when you need them and so on. Not to mention, well maintained halls of residence and dare I say it, NO Hidden Fees.

Universities have been around for hundreds of years. Since the Monks of Oxford opened their doors for learning in 1096, those chasing an education far superior to their peers have chased the academic dream, that wealth of knowledge that is found within.

Of course this list is only a small selection of the things which make up a successful university experience but I think it is only fair that a university charging so much reinvests that amount back into the student experience. If they don’t then it’s natural that complaints increase when those expectations are not met. After all do universities not spend a fortune on glossy prospectuses and flash open days to entice you in to part with your (or your parents) well earned money?

A university education is and always has been a partnership between scholar and academic, a partnership of wisdom and learning. Anyone entering into university promises to work hard, absorb as much information on a chosen subject from those far more academically superior than themselves. From monks to modern day lecturers, those principles haven’t changed and should still be embraced. Understand that you “read” for a degree with the aid from academics, nothing else should matter. The fee you pay is for that academic intelligence that support for you to fulfil your potential to succeed. Too many modern students treat university like a cheap hotel with outlandish demands and diva like requests. We should all realise how lucky we are and embrace this opportunity that so many around the world would love to have. By Adam White

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FEATURES Discuss - Steve Jobs


STEVE JOBS On my way to university on the day of Steve’s death, I was asked by a photographer to lay down some flowers outside the Apple store and pose for a photo. Clearly I didn’t mind being stopped and offered modelling opportunities on a Thursday morning (after all Tyra Banks was first recognised for her passport photo!). But it got me thinking about the lack of a real emotional response to the CEO of one of the world’s most successful companies.

As I laid down the flowers I had a peak in at the vast white shiny space that is the Apple Store and wondered why there weren’t any real people laying real flowers outside. Steve Jobs and Apple as a brand have genuinely changed the way we live our lives. Chris Moyles spoke about it on his morning radio show and said that Steve Jobs and his products had changed the world. So why when I laid down my fake flowers in my fake sadness did I not see any signs of respect within the Apple Store? Everything seemed to be business as usual, there wasn’t a trace of evidence that driving force, the CEO and the front man of the company had sadly died on that very day. There has been worldwide speculation since about whether or not the death of Steve jobs will have any effect on Apple’s whirlwind success. Some talk about markets and others about whether the products themselves will change. I asked a few people around the Students’ Union and the overwhelming response was that no, as long as the brand stays solid and whoever takes over from Steve doesn’t try to make too many changes then we will continue to buy into the Apple brand. I’m not about to run out and tell Santa that actually no, I don’t want him to bring me an iPad any more. But I think it’s important that the world of followers that the Apple brand have take a minute off angry birds and recognise that Steve’s death has been a great loss to the world of technology.

By Errin Kerr

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FEATURES Discuss - Steve Jobs


Izzi Surridge “I don’t think Steve’s death will have much effect on the company. The fact is that he worked with a huge team of individuals who were also visionaries to make the brand as famous and respected as it is.”

Robert Dougherty “I think that Apple as a company were well prepared for Steve’s death, I don’t think that his death will have a massive effect because Apple has such a huge following of really loyal fans. Although I do think that the work that Steve Jobs did changed the world.” Harry Vize “I think Apple will be safe so long as Steve’s successor doesn’t mess too much with the brand.”

nu:life 17

FEATURES Are The Winter Winds Affecting Your Pocket?

Are the Winter Winds affecting your pocket? So, we hear you may be running out of your loan? Don’t worry, we know how you feel. However, there are some ways of staying warm, filling up with your favourite food and looking stylish, without breaking the bank. As the winter months loom in, and the weather turns bitter and grim, the heating gets turned up and the granny knits come out. However, did you ever realise how much turning the radiator up that extra notch affects your pocket? So, instead of blasting out the heat and re-living the summer months in halls, be kind to the environment and invest in a nice hot water bottle, microwavable slippers and an extra jumper or comfy dressing gown. I mean you don’t have to look like Cheryl Cole in your bedroom do you? This way you’re reducing your carbon foot print and also keeping the bills down low. We know most of you have showers, but for those lucky enough to be blessed with a bath, try to keep it to a minimum. On average a bath uses 40 gallons of water whereas a shower uses about 20 gallons. Not only are you saving a lot of water, you’re reducing the cost of your water bills and also helping to save the environment AGAIN. Ok, so now the important bit - food. Now none of us like to live on cup-a-soups and the cheap versions of super noodles, so why not suggest chipping in with your flat mates? This way you can buy en mass, save costs and also have a bonding sesh whilst you’re cooking up treats. Another one - freeze your food. Got a bit of that left over pasta bake? Don’t waste it chuck it in the freezer for another time. And, next time you’re in Morrison’s don’t just browse and pick up any old thing, plan ahead, think about what meals you’re actually going to be eating that week? What’s on offer? When does that milk go off? If you’re thinking of going out for meals try looking online - you’d be surprised at how many vouchers are available for restaurants, cafés and even takeaways if you’d prefer to stay in. This will save you a wad of cash to save for one of those many rainy days here in Newcastle, so have fun and enjoy (not) spending. By Gemma Cail & Josie Middleton

18 nu:life

FEATURES Living Large On A Shoe String

Living Large on a shoe string It’s November and the splurges of Fresher’s and October have somewhat dwindled your funds. So what do you do? Live like a recluse until January rocks up? Course not! And this is how….

Going ‘Out Out’ •

Eating out • •


At the end of a night call Blueline Taxi’s or • Budget instead of getting one from outside the clubs - it’ll be half the price. I know it’s almost impossible but wait till you get home to satisfy your munchies - a frozen pizza costs £1 - one from toon costs a minimum of £5!

Get tap water always All you can eats are good value remember to pace yourself, not to eat heavily before and possibly smuggle some food bags in your handbag to snaffle food out of (just don’t get caught)

Medication/Doctors •

Contraception is free from doctor’s surgeries - if you’re really short get your condoms from there your partner may not appreciate this too much though.

Food o Grainger Market is far cheaper than supermarkets and you can get everything there from meat to fish, eggs, chocolate, fruit, veg and flour! o Timings! - When hitting supermarkets get there in the last couple of hours before the store closes - reduced food in clearance section gets reduced more - might steal yourself a bargain! o Value products are fine - get over it you’re a student! Clothes o Milk your NUS card and your student card to your heart’s content o Primark - ‘wonder shop’. o Raid your housemates wardrobes obes - mix and match outfits - just don’t ruin them.


Need to save/earn a few bob? o Make a packed lunch and don’t take your purse/wallet into Uni - removes the temptation to buy. ww w.n use o Check the Uni web sites for xtra .org .uk temporary jobs or become a ‘lab rat’ for one of the many. experiments going on at Uni. o Change your change All those e coppers sitting around in that jar, might buy you’re a treble or two. o Walk or ride your bike - don’t get public transport - or if you do get a monthly/weekly pass - you’ll save a fortune!

‘You disc r won Get ounts ’t be a your on stud en NU offer S ex to YO t fore se ve tra note card U! Fo r, so that from r an mak the optio your extra e sure n to Stud £1.99 you De have tails ents you mak a du corr e ca ’U al NU ect nion n al the m at , or so us ost S ex tim of go tra e e of and onlin it as it. G prin ISIC e an an IS et an t (0 card d st IC ca NU 8/11 is on ard, S ex art ). NU reap rd , o exttra ttrra ly av pinng so car S ex vaailila yo you a ca ard g th ab da bllee tra thee u ca can an an to to th d card be b ne tho hos n fi use it take ose se is £1 ad ts. ar wh w 1 an o pu Can ound vant rcha d va you the age se lid affo wor of al their be rd no ld to l the tw card ee t to o. n 08 onlin o ?’ /11 e.



d 08


Little things to do o Don’t waste left over’s - save them for snack time - thank god for Tupperware! o Get books from the library and don’t buy them o Make a shopping list so you don’t buy needless items. Extreme money saving tips - for the brave, cheeky and really, really desperate o Freeze your credit/debit cards - well if you can’t get to it! o Stock up condiment sachets o Take a few more napkins from McDonalds - loo roll and tissues? o Eat road kill - it’s apparently popular at Brighton Uni - but I think I’ll give that one a miss. By Julia Bond

nu:life 19

GET INVOLVED Hot Topic - Snow


Snow. To some it’s a magical white powder that makes everything better (and unlike other such powders it’s legal and won’t kill you). To others it’s just a four letter word. But if last winters’ snow was anything to go by there’s every chance we’ll be seeing a lot of it this winter. So is snow a magical winter wonderland or a seasonal menace? Our two nu:life writers Kate Taylor and Martyn Armstrong duke it out to decide.

3 FOR SNOW When I was a little kid I loved the snow. How could you not? Not only could you slide on it, build things with it, even throw it at people you didn’t like, but it closed down schools creating impromptu holidays. What kid doesn’t love the sound of ‘snow day’? Snow was Narnia, Hans Christian Anderson and Santa Claus all rolled into one. You’d have to have a heart of pure ice not to have at least one good snow memory from your childhood. And as a massive Narnia fan I did guiltily wonder as a kid what was so bad about perpetual snow: couldn’t Mr Tumnus stop whining, put on some sensible winter clothing (a scarf doesn’t count if it’s all you’re wearing) and take the Pevensie children sledging? As I got older though I realised it wasn’t just C.S. Lewis who disagreed with me. Our teacher was exasperated when

20 nu:life

my class did a ‘snow dance’ (unsuccessfully) in the school playground. My parents grumbled about driving over ice. My grandma complained about the coffee coloured slush left over afterwards. I didn’t care. At the wise and knowing age of seven I swore that I would never, ever stop loving snow, no matter how inconvenient it made things. Who would have guessed I was right? Because I do still love snow. More than love, I adore it. My first reaction to it last year was to put on a hat and gloves and go walking through Heaton Park in a blizzard and return plastered in snow, shivering like a leaf and grinning. As snow days got less and less frequent in my teens I worried the next generation of children might never see a proper snow day in this country. Boy was I wrong: last year wasn’t only ridiculously snowy it was, at twenty years old, my first White Christmas. Who couldn’t get sentimental over that? By Kate Taylor

GET INVOLVED Hot Topic - Snow

Christmas has come right on time!


AGAINST SNOW! Christmas has come Far to Early!

Why against snow you say? True, it can be visually spectacular, memories, of youth, snow[people] (being PC there), days off school, etc. All good reasons, when you were little. Now snow represents everything bah-humbug to me. Firstly, it’s cold. Freezing in-fact, and if you’re anything like me, that means trying to wake up at least half-an-hour earlier just to manage getting up on time. It means dancing over laminate flooring. It means wrapping up to the point of becoming more material than person. It means poor road conditions and traffic jams. It means colds, coughs, sniffles and worse. It means slips and tumbles (and sore bums to match).

It is going to be FREEZING! It is going to wet. It is going to be cold. It will cause chaos and disruption. It will be dark early. It will be impossible to get up on time. At least Sky News will have something to run all day I guess: snow. More snow…just in case you didn’t have your fill of snow that day. Advice? Consider snow as a foregone conclusion, wrap up, buy a lottery ticket and hope for a winner (and a holiday home), think warm thoughts, and hate snow as much as it hates you. ;) By Martyn Armstrong

If I could reserve the license to kill anyone that threw a snowball at me, then maybe I’d be won over. If I had a snowmobile to race over the snow, again, I’d be on board. But none of this is apparent or going to happen.

nu:life 21


STUDY ABROAD It is my first time studying abroad. Although I have been in Newcastle for nearly 100 days, the city still gives me a deep happiness with its wonderful sightseeing and friendly living atmosphere. Walking on the street, you find people talk to you with a smile. Driving on the railway, you might see the sheep and cows on the grass. Looking at the sunrise and sunset in Tynemouth, you would understand the power of nature and the meaning of life. Given different cultural backgrounds, it is difficult for international students to adapt to diversified cultural surroundings. As new students, we often lost our way on the streets because the architecture styles of the buildings are so similar that they are not as easily recognized. However, if you keep the Monument in your mind, you will easily find the way back home. In lectures, we need to acquire and understand what our module tutor is talking about. But in seminars, we should express our ideas and opinions which we have learned from self-learning. In addition to this actively participate in activities within the campus; international students can continue to learn English through a variety of social activities, such as volunteer work and One Planet, hangout with new friends to quickly find a common topic. The reason we choose to study in the UK is so we can not only learn the professional knowledge in each semester but also meet different people who have different backgrounds from different cities. Learning from the life is not just what we have gained but is what we have contributed to the society.

22 nu:life

The most obvious cultural shock is the difference in food culture. People in the UK prefer foods with light dressing, while in China we cook foods with heavy dressing, among which soy source is most commonly used. That’s why Chinese dishes look darker in colour than those in the UK. I understand the difference comes from the idea that people from oriental culture prefer adding flavors to plain foods, while people from western cultures would rather reveal the flavour of foods from within by preserving their original tastes. Studying abroad is an international platform provided to us to explore new adventures and improve communication skills. Living in Newcastle, you might suffer from the changeable weather which you cannot predict. That is the reason why weather is the classic topic in UK. Our studying abroad experience is a short, but it has let me understand other people’s culture, expand my horizons and enrich my mind, as well as prepare me for my future after graduation. By Xiaoying Lv (Betty)

GET INVOLVED WriSoc Serial - Part 3

WriSoc Serial [part 3]

We didn’t see them coming. Natalie was striding ahead so fast I had to practically jog to catch up with her. The sun was low and it shone straight into my eyes. A droplet of rain bounced off my head so I looked up to check for more rain. Then a shadow went over the sun. I looked up and saw a flock of crows flying in a circle. I stopped and pointed to the sky. ‘Natalie! Look up.’ She turned around and looked up. Her arms dropped to her sides and she dropped her satchel. ‘You need to get out of here, now!’ Her face went as hard as concrete and she tore her bag open. She took out a book and riffled through the pages. ‘Go to the sixth floor of the library and hide, now!’ She closed her eyes and began to chant something I couldn’t understand, her voice dropping two octaves and vibrating through my bones. That’s when the first attack came. The crows broke their circle and nose-dived straight down at Natalie. The air around her shimmered and they were blown backwards. They regrouped, formed a new circle, dived down again. Only this time, they dived straight at me. I screamed and covered my head, sure they were going to peck it off. But nothing happened. Almost sobbing with relief I looked up and saw a small student standing a few metres away. He looked at me with grey eyes and smiled.

‘Are you hurt?’ he continued to look at me, turning his head to one side. I shrieked as two wings popped out of his back. ‘Because you will be.’ He closed his eyes and threw his arms forward. There was a blur of red light and then pain as my back hit the wall behind me. He swooped and made to pick me up but Natalie was there. ‘No you don’t,’ she said, making a gesture with her hand. The child screamed. On the floor around us jet black feathers were scattered like autumn leaves. ‘We don’t have time for this. Now shoo!’ The child tried to hover menacingly but it could barely fly. With a wordless snarl he took off and limped up over the roof tops on mutilated wings. ‘Next time I’ll go for the primaries!’ Natalie yelled after it. ‘Try flying then.’ ‘You did it!’ I almost yelled, triumphantly. ‘Natalie, that was amazing.’ ‘Yeah well.’ Now I looked closer, Natalie didn’t look so great. Within a few minutes she’d gone grey and she looked so tired she could barely stand. ‘That was Aesop. We need to get to the library now.’

‘Are you hurt?’ he said. He looked at Natalie with suspicion then back at me again. I didn’t blame him: Natalie was chanting, her eyes unfocussed, her body loose. It was weirding me out too. ‘I’m okay, really, but you should get out of here,’ I wiped a trickle of blood of my forehead.

nu:life 23

24 nu:life

Were you spotted in Reds bar on Halloween this year? Hundreds of you piled into Reds for the freakiest fest of the year!! The haunted house of the Union was filled with the craziest of fancy dress! Here are some of the highlights. With thanks to Dan Graham for Photography

nu:life 25

LIGHT RELIEF Academic Advice


Hi Kim

Hi Kim

A close friend on my course has told me that she’s been suffering from panic attacks. She’s quite private so I don’t think she will tell any of our lecturers in case they think she’s too weak to handle university. I’m worried for her studies and I think her situation should be recognised. If she does badly, will she get a chance to repeat?

I’ve been focusing on an essay for one module and have fallen behind with my work for another; we have to do surveys and interviews with people to gather original data. If I just make up some of the references and questionnaire results, is there any way my lecturers will find out? It’s not actual plagiarism so it won’t come up on Turnitin.



Hi Lauren,

Hi Tom,

I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s situation, but you’re right - her situation should be taken into account in assessments. Unfortunately, it won’t be, unless she tells the University what’s happening. She needs to submit a PEC (Personal Extenuating Circumstances) form along with relevant evidence by the due date (published by your School - look out for posters and/or an e-mail from the School to all students before assignments are due, or check with the School Office). If she doesn’t, she could submit a PEC after results (as part of the informal stage of the appeals process) , but only if she can provide a ‘good and valid reason’ for not submitting a PEC at the time - not an easy thing to prove. Encourage her to get her PEC in on time! Look out for our PEC campaign over the year!

Making things up is still Academic Misconduct- in the Assessment Regulations, it’s called Falsification. So yes, it’s not Plagiarism, but Falsification is just as serious. The markers won’t check every bit of data, but they’ve seen every trick in the book and will investigate if they suspect foul play. Making up references? The markers are subject experts, so if they see texts name-checked that they’ve never heard of, they’ll get suspicious. If you’re caught out, you’ll get a formal written warning and a flat mark of 0 (or at best, a capped Pass mark). We can represent you if you’re called in to explain your work, but we can’t guarantee to get you off. If you’re struggling, speak to your Guidance Tutor – but don’t cut corners. The penalties are just too great. Get in touch with me if you have any questions.



If you have an academic problem...

you would like to discuss with me just shoot an email to and I will be back in touch with you within 48 hours. Alternatively pop to the base information desk on the ground floor and the staff will arrange a good meeting time for us. If you have a problem you wish to see in these pages just email them to and you could win a packet of Chewits.

26 nu:life

LIGHT RELIEF The Agony Aunt Team

The AA Team Amy & Anna To the rescue Dear AA Team, Since starting University in September I have become more and more homesick. Because of this I have been missing lectures and just staying at my flat and in my room because it’s where I feel safest and less homesick. I tried explaining to one of my friends how I feel to see if they felt the same about being away from home but they just told me I was being silly. The way I feel now I just want to leave university and go home for good. Love Terri Hi Terri, We understand that leaving home for the first time can be quite traumatic and you really miss your loved ones but trust us it does get easier. For the time we would suggest getting to your lectures as it will take your mind off being homesick and maybe suggest doing something with the people from your course e.g. a cinema trip or something that will also give you company. We would also say that if you have a few days off uni try to get home, even if you have to do work, home comforts will help you. If you can’t get home ask your family or friends to come and see you, there’s plenty of cheap places for them to stay and they may also need a break from home. Amy and Anna x

If you have a problem you wish to see in these pages just email them to Team, su.problems@northumbria. Dear AA and you could win a packet of Chewits.

In fresher’s week I met a really nice guy, we started dating and everything was going great for the first few weeks, but now I’m sure he keeps avoiding me! He won’t answer my calls or texts and I really don’t know what I have done wrong. Things were going really well and I think I may have started falling for him. What should I do? I’m really upset that he won’t talk to me and give me any answers. Love Jenna Dear Jenna, We know that it is upsetting when you really like someone and you don’t seem to be getting anything back off them but by the sounds of it this guy is an idiot and you are better off without him if he isn’t going to even talk to you. It is very petty and immature and do you really want to be with someone like this anyway? We know that it may be hard to take but you have to move on. Try focusing on your friends, uni work and having a good time and before you know it you will be completely fine again. Best of luck! Love Amy and Anna x

nu:life 27


HOROSCOPES Sagittarius 22 November 21 December The moon is moving into Jupiter meaning big changes are on the horizon. Keep your eyes open for someone that could have a big impact on both your social and work life. Opportunities could come from the most unexpected places so don’t be afraid to grab them. Brad Pitt born December 18th. Capricorn 22 December - 19 January Maybe it’s time to slow down with your partying and concentrate on your work. You’ll reap the benefits both health-wise and financially. Aquarius 20 January - 18 February Stay true to the promises that you made and make sure your friend’s are keeping theirs. There may be arguments this month but you’ll learn who your real friends are. Pisces 19 February - 20 March Keep hold of your finances as they could spiral out of control. Try finding new activities to do which help to keep the cost down. Aries 21 March - 19 April You’ll be feeling creative this month so explore your talents by making someone a gift or joining a new club. You never know where it could take you!

Taurus 20 April - 20 May This month is your month at work. Whether you’re starting a new job or settling into an existing one, you’re going to shine! Gemini 21 May - 20 June You’re feeling moody this month but try not to take it out on your loved ones, they are only trying to help after all. Cancer 21 June - 22 July Try to keep your thoughts to yourself as stepping on anyone’s toes this month could come back to get you in the future. Leo 23 July - 22 August You’ll be lucky in love this month and could meet someone that makes a big difference to your future. Keep your eyes open for someone special. Virgo 23 August - 22 September You’re feeling a bit sluggish this month but try and keep your head down and it’ll pass. Don’t worry; next month looks to be more exciting than this one! Libra 23 September - 22 October Try bonding with your flatmates by making them their favourite dinner or going out. You’ll be surprised how much fun you can have together! Scorpio 23 October - 21 November You’re not on top form this month. Think about what you say before you say it, before it’s too late and you lose some good friends. By Minela Huremovic

28 nu:life

LIGHT RELIEF How To Overcome Winter Blues & Homesickness

How to overcome

winter blues and homesickness Cold (freezing?)… Rain… Wind… No more Sun… No more blue sky… Yes, here we are, in November!!… Nobody likes this month!!

You don’t like your flat mates and you don’t like to go out with other people, don’t worry, there is still hope for you. Go to the gym and do some exercises!! You’ll feel better after a good training session, I promise!! It is physiological…

Most of us have been here for almost two months now. The excitement of new student life or a new year at the university is beginning to fall down, the assignments and readings are getting heavier, we miss some of our friends, our family, our pets, even our country if we are international students…

And by the way, don’t forget to enjoy every minute of Sun!! We probably won’t see him a lot in the next few months…

Whether you are International student or an English student away from home, let’s say it: we miss our home, at least a little!!... And we are all feeling the same thing, so don’t panic!! Here a few tips to overcome winter blues and homesickness…

If nothing of this works, there is one last thing you can try, maybe the best option in these circumstances, something scientifically proved… THINK POSITIVE!! It is only a few months left until the “hot” weather comes back!!... (And Christmas is on the way!) By Aurelie Cregut.

Maybe you’ll think I’m repeating myself, but go out!! There is nothing better to overcome a little blues than to feel the fresh air… And here, we have a lot of FRESH air!!! You can talk to your university friends or your flat mates. They probably are the closest thing to a family right now, and they may feel like you and be afraid to talk to you first. So, take the plunge and talk to them first!!

nu:life 29




1st year urveying S Quantity an

by Americ Inspired right Jimmy’s b , n io e fash al Damag in m ri C green style an m er tt varsity le sual e ideal ca jacket is th It s. re u ct le for ed clothing ith his fad w l el w s work complete to s o in blue ch look all and cool a relaxed in one.


2nd year Fashion Design

Going for a more quirky look, mixing a chunky knit with a feminine and floaty s maxi skirt, Emily top her look off with a stand out headband. All from the recent high street, Emily has managed to create a modern look with a ce. clear vintage influen

30 nu:life

After the fun and frolics at the start of the semester, we’re now getting back into the swing of University life. Even with the increasing workloads and approaching deadlines, Northumbria students are still looking great all over uni! With winter almost upon us it’s time to crack out those cosy essentials that leave us looking stylish all season long. The fashion team at nu:life took to the campus, hunting down the best dressed students who combine practical basics and quirky accessories with amazing results. We were not disappointed…


2nd yea N Fashion r Design A

huge lo ver of Topsho p, Dalee n bought her enti re outfi from th t e place we love. Th e high st all reet store is a clear winner for Dale en. M od ern stylish y et comfo , rtable, she foll ows the fashion of Misc ha Bart on to st on tren ay d.


1st y KY Fash ear With ion Ma r a

ke Mulb to d err y ting ie hand leath for and bag K e see t r boots, urt Geig e hat B it’s c lear r and ecky to q l with uality go oves cla ss ods. a Za r she Mixe ic team a jacket d a s desi nd d high gn re eleg er perfe street a ss, n ant a ctly for a d nd t ailor n ed lo ok.


n ything esig n 1st sport D lover of a lo, he r n iq a e n l U c Tra a eir of

th r is an Milla . A big f hes from l always il ic tc s a w s t a m i l c d irk y wing s an e qu mixe tion, kno ing som nd c e d colle ood. Ad nd on tr nd a g a look n specs simple s Ba ts hi winner. o Ray o rt b is a dese ss look le time




ty Spot Fine ear ted a Art clear t the vint a to se e the ge It’s rock vin influe nce in tage ou likes tfit, inspir Sarahs of F ed Alexa earne Co by the tt casua Chung. Th on and ro l Azte c style wing a over ponc brigh a printed ho tb tcurre lue jeans shirt and nt tre , she m nds f or a m ixes look ode that s tands rn out.

ABBEY 1st year Fashion Marketing Accessorising a stunning simple black blazer with a faux fur collar and a leather handbag with a leopard print trim, Abbey is bang on trend for this season. With a feel of the 1940’s, we love her effortlessly chic style.

CHARLOT TE 1st year Fine Art

Charlotte has embraced the casual un iversity look by layering a simple black top with a ch unky grey kn it and studded leather jacke t. Bringing a lai d back style to campus, with an oversized colour block bag and som e comfy chino style trousers, this student kn ows how to dress!


The fashion team would like to thank all participants we met on our fashion hunt this month and make sure you look out for us on campus as you could be the next style superstar of NU:Life. By Carly Brown & Rachel Sturdy

1st yea-ROSS Pharmar ceutica Tak l

ing us b Chemis ack to try Ross m ixes the old-school in die, c lassics Dunlop b y introd Johnbag an d check u Topma erboard cing a n ward robe. B Vans to knit ca y addin rdi and g a chu his a brigh he mak nky t blue b es cool aseball look ea cap, sy.

nu:life 31

STUDENT CULTURE Accessorise For Winter


for winter As the days are starting to look a bit grey, try adding a splash of colour to your outfit with some autumn/winter accessories!

That pesky autumn wind can play havoc with our hair so keep your head warm and try something a little different than the perennial woolly hat. With a nod to the androgynous trend; trilbies, bowlers and floppy hats are available up and down the high street right now! Carry on the boy/girl flavour with some androgynous accessories – satchel and briefcase bags are smart and practical, while adding braces to your outfit can give it a quirky twist. Both boys and girls can dress dapper with bow ties and brogues - found all over the high street. Alternatively, another big trend for this season is modern retro - harking back to the swinging decade, think glamorous headscarves and costume jewellery. An easy and fun way to work this trend is to go dotty with polka dots! Make a statement with polka dot accessories to add a hint of sixties vibe to your outfit. Alternatively, be brave and go all out with a spotty outfit – guaranteed to make you stand out from the crowd. Tribal is also big this season - taking influence from Aztec, Navajo and Cowboys & Indians - go native and pair colourful ethnic prints with fringing on bags and boots. Add oversized statement necklaces with 70’s style beading and layer up your textures with leather and heavily patterned fabrics. Try a printed woollen poncho wrap to keep warm this season. Whichever trend you choose to follow, brighten up these bleak autumn/winter months and be bold with accessories this season! By Catherine Allen

32 nu:life

STUDENT CULTURE Enjoy Newcastle On A Budget

Enjoy Newcastle on a budget Having lived in the North East all of my life, Newcastle is a city that I have never become bored of. With bars and clubs that would challenge many cities nightlife, great culture, and beautiful architecture to name a few. Now that Semester one is well and truly on its way. We are once again typical skint students, rationing what money we have (still managing a cheeky treble of course) and eagerly awaiting our next loan instalment. However this doesn’t mean that we are to be housebound, we can still enjoy many of the things Newcastle has to offer us on a budget:

ScratchBikes The city has now introduced a new bike rental scheme where you can hire a bike and pay by the hour. With racks all over the city centre you can bike for miles, all you need to do is go online and register for only 1p and the choose the type of membership you want. Prices range from 1p for a casual membership to £25.00 for a yearly membership. Leazes park, Jesmond Dene and the Quayside are all great places to cycle however the walk back up from the quayside is a killer! Go to to sign up.

Skating@Life With winter almost upon us the Centre for Life is bringing back the Newcastle’s favourite outdoor Ice rink, open seven days a week from November 12th to February 19th and costing only £7 why not gather your flatmates and enjoy some festive fun. Go to skating-at-life to check opening time

Tyneside Cinema Tyneside has been lovingly restored to preserve and celebrate the grandeur of its original 1937 art deco design. For a limited time Tyneside are holding student discount days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday charging only £4.30 per ticket (with a valid student card).Go to https://www. for details Discounts, Discounts, Discounts

There are loads of offers out there for students, so don’t forget to check out student discount days and Happy hours to save you some cash! NE1 have been working on a new ‘Alive after Five’ campaign within Newcastle which has made some great offers available in restaurants and bars throughout the city. Offers include: 25% at Frankie and Bennys, Happy hour at Azzuri, and 2-4-1 cocktails at Mimos. Go to to check out the offers available to you. By Stacey McGeorge

nu:life 33

STUDENT CULTURE Don’t Worry - Eat Happy

DON’T WORRY EAT HAPPY! Stepping in puddles up to your knees, chapped lips making you too self-conscious to go on the pull and black ice turning the walk to uni into a death trap – it’s no wonder we can start to feel as blue as our toes this time of year. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is unforunately a very real condition for us Brits with an estimated 20% of women suffering symptoms such as fatigue, depression and overeating (not to be confused with a hangover). Fortunately help is at hand in the form of some super tasty superfoods. Take a tip from Goldilocks Porridge makes a great start to the day – warm, full of slowrelease energy and only 99p for a bag big enough to keep you full all winter.

Comfort drinking Many of us rely on coffee to wake us up and alcohol to perk us up but stimulants like these can lead to mood swings. Instead, take comfort in a low-sugar hot chocolate or herbal tea. They might not seem as fun but with a huge range of flavours to choose from you’re bound to find your new favourite pick-me-up.

Avocados Don’t be put off by their high-fat content; avocados are one of the most effective blues-banishing fruits. Their 30% fat (yikes) is actually ‘good’ fats and they’re also a great source of protein, as well as being packed full of natural anti-depressants.

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Sweet potatoes Unlike those boring regular potatoes that leave us bloated and sluggish, the high levels of something mysteriously named ‘folate’ keeps blood sugar levels steady, meaning you don’t want to pass out 30 minutes after eating. Thou shalt have a fishy on a little dishy Oily fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna and sardines contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain mood function and concentration levels. Munch on these before you hit the library but please don’t come near me. You will stink.

Leafy green vegetables Green veggies like spinach, kale and broccoli make great ingredients for home-cooked comfort food such as soups, stews and casseroles. Rich in iron, they help boost energy levels and improve concentration, with B vitamins for an extra fuel injection.

Bananas To prevent the long nights giving you a long face, eat foods that encourage the production of serotonin – the feel good hormone. Bananas do just this and are a great energy boost too. By Carmel Lawless

STUDENT CULTURE Don’t Worry - Eat Happy

WINTER WARMER RECIPES Sausages with winter mash - serves 2

Apple Pie - serves 6-8

• • • • • 1. 2.

• • • • • 1.

3. 4. 5.

4 sausages 2 parsnips 3 potatoes 175g leeks 4 tbsp milk Grill sausages for 10 mins. Peel and chop parsnips and potatoes. Cook in boiling water for 10 mins. Chop leeks and add to pan for last 3 mins and cook until veg is tender. Drain and mash veg then beat in milk and salt and pepper. Serve with sausages. Comfort Rating: 4/5 Don’t fancy cooking? Try Asda Classics Sausage and Mash. £1.60



Italian Style Beef Stew - serves 4 • • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1 onion, sliced 2 tbsp oil 300g beef, cut into strips 2 carrots, chopped 1 yellow pepper, chopped 400g chopped tomatoes Cook onion for 5 mins until golden. Add beef, pepper, tomatoes and carrots. Bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 mins until meat is cooked. Mix salt and pepper through before serving. Serve with mash potatoes. Comfort Rating: 5/5 For a quick alternative, try Tesco Beef Stew and Dumpling: £1.60


200g sultanas 750g shortcrust pastry 5 Bramley apples, peeled cored and finely sliced 140g caster sugar 1 egg, beaten Heat oven to 200C/Gas 6. Microwave sultanas on high until plump. Set aside. Squish the pastry together, then cut off a third and set aside. Roll out the rest of the pastry into a large circle. Line a 23cm cake tin, making sure it overhangs all the way round. Place in the fridge. Toss apples, sultanas and all but 2 tbsp of sugar in a bowl. Roll out the rest of the pastry, and then cut into a circle. Arrange the apple slices in the cake tin. Cover the apples with the circle of pastry and tuck down sides. Brush the top generously with egg, then pierce slits in the top and scatter on the remaining sugar. Bake for 30 mins. Leave to cool in tin for an hour. Serve with hot custard. Comfort Rating: 5/5 For ready-made comfort, try Aunt Bessie’s Family Apple Pie: Tesco £1.79

By Minela Huremovic.

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STUDENT CULTURE Prospects For Employment

Prospects for employment The Careers and Employment Service has launched a new student and graduate job vacancy system for the new academic year. Jobs on Line is a web-based facility which offers a single point of contact for students and graduates looking for part time jobs, voluntary opportunities and graduate jobs. The new system is hosted by Prospects Net and represents an industry standard system to replace and combine the old Student Jobs Online and Graduate Jobs Online services. Jobs On line offers a comprehensive search facility which allows users to manage and refine their job vacancy searches easily and quickly. In addition, users can also sign up for email alerts when relevant jobs are advertised. Head of Careers & Employment, Ann Smart explained: “As the favoured industry standard, the Prospects Net system offers a service which is already proven to be the most userfriendly in the HE sector. The system offers a single, intuitive point of entry for job searches of all types and in addition, the vacancy email alert facility is an important development for both the students and staff, as it makes for easier access to a whole range of employers who are keen to recruit Northumbria students and graduates. “In the present climate, with intense competition for graduate jobs, and employability of students a top priority, it is vital that students and recent graduates make full use of Jobs On Line to identify part-time and graduate jobs along with opportunities to get involved in voluntary organisations and develop skills essential to the work place. By doing so, they improve awareness of what is available and what is required of them to enhance their chances of getting a rewarding graduate job when they finish their studies.�

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To date Careers & Employment team have advertised vacancies for over 500 graduate and 300 student employers however it is anticipated that these figures will increase with the launch of the new system. Students and graduates will also be able to structure their searches to identify specific firms and companies in the database and not just vacancy positions, thus allowing them to identify and network with employers in their particular sectors of expertise. The system is also open to staff who can log on to search for potential vacancies for their students. Jobs On line will be live for the new academic year. To find out more, go to: central/stud_serv/careers/. By John Hayton

STUDENT CULTURE Exam & Essay Planning

Exam & Essay Planning Exams are looming and essays and assignments are due in but whatever you do, don’t panic! Fresher’s week’s been and gone so it’s time to focus on the work. Some deadlines seem far off while others seem dangerously close. With so many pieces of work been thrown at you it can feel extremely daunting. Where do I start? Which assignment should I do first? How much revision should I do to begin with? As the questions circle around your head the work being given to you becomes juggling balls spinning at a hundred miles per hour. Stress can hit you before you’ve had the chance to sit down and do any actual work. Although the workload may be long it is important that you’re easy on yourself. A long reading list will look scary to anyone so a good way to start is to borrow a few titles from the library and read a couple of pages, or even a couple of paragraphs at a time. Remember, don’t get bogged down sat in front of piles of books. When reading look at contents, index, blurbs on the back cover, preface and introduction. Skim reading in these sections will help you discover quickly whether the book you’ve found is going to be useful to the assignment you’re doing.

make sure you’re free from distractions. The same can be said about your room or home. Take your time to unwind afterwards as the information you’ve just taken in will be floating around in your head. Resist the temptation to switch the TV or radio on straightaway as this could easily erase some of the subject knowledge you’ve just spent so much time trying to learn. One of the most important factors to take into consideration when it comes to University assignments is time. Make a plan of what you’re going to do and when you’re going to do it. Look at the books you need, make notes and set a schedule for study periods when you’ll be working on the introduction, the main body etc. It’s too easy to let it slide until the last minute when you’re rushing around. But remember try not to let it get on top of you. Northumbria University has lots of services available for students including Counselling and Mental Health support. (Located in Northumberland Building). By Jacob Turner.

One of the hardest things to do when it comes to studying can be focusing. In order to concentrate when revising you need to create the right atmosphere in the place you’re working. If the library’s the place you study best in

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STUDENT CULTURE Placements - Are They Worth It?









ARE THEY WORTH IT? WHEN I LOGGED ON TO PROSPECTS THIS MORNING TO SEE LATEST GRAD JOBS AVAILABLE I NOTICED THE TOP 2 POSTS IN THE FORUM WERE “BEEN APPLYING FOR A YEAR NOW AND...NOTHING...” AND “WHY CAN’T I GET A JOB?!”, WHICH DIDN’T EXACTLY FILL ME WITH CONFIDENCE. It seems cruelly unfair that having dedicated all our efforts into getting a good degree we can be knocked back for not having had enough relevant work experience. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get this coveted experience alongside your studies but an increasingly popular option is to spend a full year on placement, working real hours and earning real pay. The stats show that students who’ve been on placement are XX% more employable* and as the case studies here suggest, there can be some pretty good perks to enjoy along the way...

Name: Course: Company: Salary:

Aimee Bambridge Computer Forensics Accenture, Newcastle £12,000

I found out about the placement opportunity through the placements office and had my first interview in Pandon Building. I got asked back for the second round at Accenture’s office in Jesmond and a couple of days later they offered me the role. I work on Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS), which hospitals use to store and view images such as x-rays and scans electronically. Accenture is responsible for 31 trusts; my team monitors the system at these trusts and investigates problems when they occur. I get on well with everyone in my team, which is always a bonus. My advice is don’t give up if you don’t get a placement straight away. I didn’t get offered one until July so it’s true that there are still opportunities later on in the year.

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STUDENT CULTURE Placements - Are They Worth It?

Name: Course: Company: Salary:

Ross Cottam Mechanical Engineering MBDA Missile Systems, Stevenage £16,000 + overtime

After a CV review, online aptitude tests and a telephone Interview, I was invited to an assessment day, which involved group discussions, a product design challenge, a formal presentation and a final interview. My main role was the development of a new defence system that is due to enter service in the next few years. I worked with a broad range of business and technical activities, ensuring that the Support Solution Design was coherent with the product design. I worked with key Ministry of Defence customers and had the opportunity to advise senior military personnel, as well as travelling to company sites in France, Italy and Germany. All employees are issued with their own company credit card and due to the amount of travelling involved with the job, I also had access to company cars, including brand new BMW’s and Alfa Romeo’s. Make sure you have a strong CV that has a wide range of activities; employers don’t just want people with good grades. Walking into an interview room for the first time is scary. Preparation makes it a lot easier so take advantage of practice interviews and CV help offered by the university.

Name: Course: Company: Salary:

Carmel Lawless BSc Communication & PR Xerox, Uxbridge £15,000 + relocation allowance

At Xerox, the current placement student is one of the interviewers at the assessment day, which makes it less intimidating. If you get the job, you’ll have the chance to act as recruiter and hand pick your replacement, which can be very eye-opening! I had a two week handover period to ease me in and weekly one to ones with my manager meant I could ask stupid questions in private. The massive student community (around 50 placement students at HQ in Uxbridge) meant I didn’t have to say goodbye to my social life with nights out in London and the weekly Breakfast Club on a Friday morning... My role changed day to day. I project managed the employee magazine but could also be helping the Directors develop their communication plans, promoting the latest advertising campaign, attending a networking event or organising the employee Christmas party. Working in Berlin was a highlight with gala dinners, networking and team bonding over mojitos in the SkyBar long hours but lots of fun. I’ve learnt so much that you can’t learn from uni alone and made loads of useful contacts for the future. I feel more focused for my final year and the placement has inspired my dissertation topic. Look for companies with established placement schemes and high scores on Be openminded and don’t dismiss a company because you haven’t heard of them or think you’re not interested in the industry - document solutions don’t get me going but I still had an amazing year.


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Ah, November. The month that’s a little like purgatory. It isn’t summer anymore, it isn’t yet Christmas, and it would seem that most of the kids that wander the city streets have been armed with explosives that they’ve somehow managed to figure out how to aim specifically for you. Anyway, when you don’t find yourselves too busy lamenting the loss of the sun, or vibrating with excitement for Santa’s upcoming visit, or, you know, dodging missiles that scream towards you in a blinding flash of colour before exploding mere feet from your head, the head to the flicks. For one it’s warm, for two it fills in a couple of hours, and for three? The only explosions are the ones that happen on screen. Here’s what you should see.

The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn (October 28th, PG) Stephen Spielberg is back, and this time he promises to Listerine the hell out of the bad taste his last movie (Indiana Jones and The Spoiling Of An Awesome Franchise) left in our mouths. He and Kiwi powerhouse Peter Jackson have joined forces to bring us the first cinematic interpretation of Herge’s beloved Tintin. The visuals are truly next gen, the plot comes thick and fast, and Andy Serkis steals the show as Tintin’s often drunk father-figure, Captain Haddock. This is one film that should not be missed. G-Stars: 4.5

Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

Arthur Christmas (November 25th, TBC)

(November 18th,TBC) I’m not a massive fan of the Twilight movies (and even then, that’s a massive overstatement of just how much time I have for Edward and his vampire comings and goings) but it’s worth a mention that the first half of the last book is on its way out. Even if it’s utter dump, people are still going to see it, and even if it’s not, I still aint going to. If you’re that way inclined, then by all means, enjoy. G-Stars: 1 or (unless you like this type of thing) 5

The first of the Christmas flicks is here, and with a stellar British cast that includes James McAvoy and Bill Nighy, not to mention the fact that it’s from the studio that brought us Wallace & Gromit and Flushed Away, it comes on a wave of expectation. Expect laughs for the kids, chuckles for the grownups, and an all-round feeling of peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Also, look out for Hugh Laurie as Arthurs older, militaristic, brother, Steven. G-Stars: 3.5

By Callum Gibson nu:life 41

TN Anyone For Tennis?

ANYONE FOR TENNIS? For most, tennis is a sport played once annually around June/ July, in conjunction with Wimbledon being televised. Then, once those Pimm’s-soaked, Sue Barker-saturated three weeks are up, the rackets are left in cupboards to collect dust until next year. Team Northumbria, as a result of record interest from the Fresher’s Fayre this year, have found that there is a high demand for competitive and social tennis. Harry Peach, captain of the Men’s Firsts was impressed. “On the first day of the Fayre we’d collected over 130 signatures,” he said. “We were due to have one trial for the BUCS first and second teams but we ended up having to have two! “In terms of BUCS, it’s great to have competition for places as it adds strength and depth to our squads. “There are some talented players who have joined this year so it’s looking good for this season.” Sarah Stephenson, club President, noted how important it is to cater for the Social players also. “At present, we are trying to build a relationship between a local club and the university,” she said.

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“The Lawn Tennis Club in Jesmond is currently offering a winter membership, lasting until March, for £30. “For this, students will be able to play with other members whenever they want. “There will be an evening a week for student members to hit some balls, and a couple of players from the men’s and women’s teams, who have LTA accredited qualifications, will come along and give some pointers to those who want them. “There will also be a social element as well, with a couple of nights out planned for the club.” With rumours circulating of a purpose-built tennis facility being developed for the university, and discussions in place to increase the Men’s intake into the BUCS leagues next year, Stephenson says the future is looking bright for tennis at the university. “It’s a fantastic sport and these are exciting times for tennis at Northumbria,” she said. “Anyone and everyone should get in contact, and get involved!” If you are interested in joining Northumbria Tennis club, either socially or competitively, please contact: Club President: Tim Andrews

TN Website Wonders

WEBSITE WONDERS All your latest Team Northumbria news is now available in one bit-sized chunk via the brand spanking new website serving everything sport across the University campus and beyond.

“The TN team has been working tirelessly to get the new website looking and working the way you see it now,” said TN Media Manager Simon Rushworth. “News and features are just part of what the new site has to offer but we want it to be an important part and a reason for clicking on to at every opportunity. “My Media Team are always looking for new stories and one of the best aspects of the new-look website is that it’s easier than ever to make contact with journalists and get your story published.” Newly appointed Head Of Sport Colin Stromsoy has been the driving force behind a radical new design and a user-friendly approach. He added: “I want to be the hub for all things sport at Northumbria University and it’s already made a huge impact. was launched last month with a stunning new look, easier navigation and all the information and news you could possible desire. With news stories and features focusing on BUCS competition and National League action, there’s never been a better time to check out what’s hot and what’s not in University sport. TN’s Media Team is constantly looking for new angles and fresh twists on all of the University’s very best sporting tales. And if you want a direct link to the very best content on www. then like Team Northumbria’s Facebook page and you’ll receive regular updates of the biggest stories.

“Of course it focuses on the very best University sports facility in the country but showcasing our £30m jewel in the crown is just one of the reasons we’ve created this website. “We’re hoping the new website will be the go-to destination for anyone requiring information on sport at Northumbria University and I’m very proud of what my team has achieved.” By Simon Rushworth

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TN Basketball


WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM NORTHUMBRIA’S SIX-MONTH PURSUIT OF STAR IMPORT CAT CARR REAPED INSTANT REWARDS AS THE ALL-ACTION AMERICAN DROVE HER NEW SIDE TO CUP GLORY. TN cruised past Merseyside-based Division Two outfit Sefton to avoid a repeat of the embarrassing cup exits of previous seasons. And it was Carr, who added eight boards, five assists and five steals to her game high points haul, who led the way. “I’ve been tracking Cat since the end of the college season in April,” added Hayes. “She was recommended by a personal contact and I made the approach. Head coach Deirdre Hayes used personal contacts across the Pond to scout and recruit the dynamic NCAA Division Two standout. And after Carr motored to a 31-point debut in the 89-54 defeat of Sefton Starlights TN’s playcaller admitted: “She looks like the real deal.” National Cup rules decree that clubs can use only one US import and it was Carr (pictured, 22, playing for Holy Family) who got the nod over fan favourite Ta’yani Clark at Sport Central. And Hayes added: “It was the perfect opportunity to see Cat in a competitive situation and another chance for her to get used to the rotation and her team-mates. “In my experience the players who come over from the States need a week or two to get used to what the referees expect and the style of play in this country. “Cat’s got that experience early on and before the real business of the league season gets underway. “But she’s a quality player and that’s clear for all to see. She’ll be a real asset for this team.”

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“I’m not a big fan of dealing with agents and like to do these deals myself as much as possible. “As a Division Two player it’s possible Cat fell under the radar of a lot of clubs but she’s an All-American and looked a class act.” A new-look TN welcomed back Laura Calder and handed a competitive debut to Spanish star Bea Rodriguez. The towering duo combined for 24 points and 11 boards while stalwart Zoe Vickers claimed 14 points, six assists and five boards. “Around the league everyone has strengthened and our first league game couldn’t be tougher with Sheffield up next weekend,” added Hayes. “Quite a few of the top division teams have spent a bit of money to bolster their rosters. “But at this stage of the season I’m quite confident with the squad we’ve got and I feel we’re in far better shape than at this point last year.”

MENS BASKETBALL Marc Steutel reinforced his claim that league points are the priority this season after Team Northumbria’s Jekyll and Hyde display against fierce rivals Derbyshire Arrows. The Sport Central club tipped off their EBL Division Two campaign with a thumping 80-43 win against the Arrows. But less than 24 hours later the visitors gained revenge with a 79-76 pool win in the Patrons Cup – ending TN’s involvement in the competition. “The league is our priority,” said Steutel. “The cup would have been a nice addition but it doesn’t influence league promotion.”

“As a young side we sometimes take our eye off the ball,” he added. “We had a good game plan in the first game against Derbyshire and we managed to stick to it. “A day later and we just weren’t as focused in the cup match.” TN went into their final Patrons Cup pool game with a 2-1 record following victories against London United and Birmingham Mets. But a narrow defeat at Steutel’s former club Team Solent meant the Arrows clash was a must-win fixture. TN had chances to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat down the stretch with Emanuely, Stewart and fellow new boy Jack Thomspon finishing strongly. But Steutel added: “We didn’t shoot very well on the Sunday.

TN already look like title challengers with a new-look squad quite capable of firing on all cylinders.

“We did manage to bring down their top scorer, who only managed to score four points.

French import Ivan Emanuely has caught the eye of Newcastle Eagles’ chairman Paul Blake and the club’s coaching staff with his all-action style.

“But by focusing on closing him down we let their secondary players score.”

And summer signing Siman Stewart poured in a total of 28 points against the Arrows to underline his importance to a young roster.

TN are hoping to welcome back TyneMet product and Eagles bench player Ross Wilson this month as the teenage forward struggles to overcome a knee injury.

With last season’s MVP Toby Hutton easing himself back into action following an early-season lay-off Steutel has options ahead of the traditionally busy pre-Christmas programme.

But one of the North East’s most exciting prospects is working around the clock to guarantee he plays a full part in his first full season of full-time basketball.

And the former TN forward feels silverware is possible if TN can retain their focus moving forward.

By Simon Rushworth

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TN The New Name In Netball

THE NEW NAME IN NETBALL Lisa Stanley is the new name at the helm of Team Northumbria netball after the shock departure of predecessor Tracey Neville.

TN chiefs announced the change after Neville revealed she was returning to her native North West to pursue fresh projects. Former England star Stanley has been involved with the TN Superleague squad for several seasons and brings vast experience of local, regional and international netball to the post. The towering shooter was forced to hang up her dress last season after the recurrence of a serious injury. But Stanley threw herself into the TN hotseat within days of her appointment - holding a series of trial throughout October to identify the next generation of North East netball talent.

“I wish everyone all the best.” TN Manager Cathy Rooney added: “Tracey has made a remarkable contribution to netball at Northumbria and we will continue much of the work she has started. “I would like to thank Tracey on behalf of the University and all of the players and staff for everything she has done.” It is understood popular centre Tess Burton will leave Northumbria before Christmas to play basketball back home in her native Australia. But Stanley is confident she can recruit the players required to build on last season’s strong finish to the NSL campaign. By Simon Rushworth

The 2012 Fiat Netball Superleague season kicks off in January and Stanley has until December to finalize her top flight squad. Neville – sister of former England and Manchester United defenders Gary and Phil – looked set to oversee TN’s development for the next three seasons. But the lure of a return home proved too much and the exEngland star said: “I would like to thank all of the players and staff at the University who helped me deliver the very best performance programme possible. Tracey Neville “I leave the North East knowing that the foundations and development of netball has progressed significantly and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so in the future.

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Tessa Burton

TN Team Northumbria Bid To Bolster Squad

TEAM NORTHUMBRIA BID TO BOLSTER SQUAD Paul Johnson knows only too well that having strength in depth in his Team Northumbria side is vital to the Coach Lane side having a good season. And the TN boss is constantly running the rule over new recruits as he looks to get the optimum talent into both his Northern League and BUCS sides. “Adding to our squad depth is going to be key,” said Johnson. “Once you start playing three games a week it is inevitable that you’ll begin to pick up injuries.” Johnson had been eager to get new signing Carl Robinson involved after the midfielder signed from Newton Aycliffe last month. But it has simply been a case of getting him fit for first-team action. “We were hoping to get Carl involved for the first time against Horden a few weeks ago but he got pulled into work last minute,” said Johnson. “It was only about two hours before kick-off when he got the call so it’s a shame.” Jack Palmer has also re-signed after playing for TN last year. And midfielder Jonny Redhead is also set to join Johnson’s charges. “Jack was a scholar with us last year so it’s obviously good to have him back,” said Johnson. “I know Jonny from a few years back and he’s a good midfielder.”

Fellow Northern League Division Two sides Alnwick and Easington had their managers resign recently, with the latter set to be docked three points following their inability to field a side against Gilford Park. “You never want to see a team suffer like that as it’s demoralising” said Johnson. “I’m grateful that we’ve had continuity here and it allows us to embed plans year after year. “I must be one of the longest serving managers in the division so hopefully the league might give me some kind of award!” By Jamie Durent.

Johnson is also grateful that the stable coaching and management setup at the University gives him the best chance to succeed.

Johnson is also grateful that the stable coaching and management setup at the University gives him the best chance to succeed.

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