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In my opinion, a word document comes across half hearted and lifeless to the eye, therefore I felt not many participants would engage with it, if it was to be produced in this format. It was pivotal that interviewees read the questions in advance to ensure amendments could be made prior, and so they had preparation time to think of their responses too.
I put my marketing head into play and thought tactically! I recognised a word document was received as a file when sent on an email, whereas a JPG could be seen straight away, when opening the message. So, I supplemented myself an additional task to devise a marketing background, which was cohesive with our new Studio 204 branding and produced a collage of FCM (the course we are responsible for pushing) students best work. I created two assortments but opted for the one on the left as it was visually stronger and showcased key elements of the course which make it differential from neighbouring universities. I optimised my Photoshop skills in this task as you can discern from the screenshot above.
As stated previously, the smaller details are sometimes the most significant and I strongly believe by integrating this task, it brought the interview questions to life, making participants read them instantly, as well as demonstrating effort had been involved in the production process.