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Securing an interview with Shannon was super difficult as she has a very busy schedule. However, I decided to do some interviews independently from home and this allowed her to complete hers at a later time in the day which


I was ecstatic with! Sisters and Seekers is a trending brand currently and I was determined to get the interview with Shannon so she could share her journey to getting her role with us and prospective students.
Leading the interviews solely was nerve-racking as I had to set up all my ‘just in cases’ with no support or behind the scenes. But I feel I did a great job, nonetheless. I set up a tripod behind me which ascertained I had additional video and sound footage if Teams failed to record, and I ensured all meetings were set up in advance. I did incur some small hiccups, all of which are notified in my self-reflections towards the end of the book. I definitely agree that I enhanced my leadership and management skills further through the direction of these interviews!
I asked Eden Loweth if he would like to participate in the interview on a whim during a 1-1 call within the neighbouring module and I was thrilled to hear he agreed! I loved how in-depth he went in his responses- our interview lasted a good 40 minutes! As a leading industry mentor, Eden has experienced the goods and bad sides of the fashion domain, and it was interesting to hear his perspective of the new course, as well as some strong advice for new and current students. I noted some of these quotes down and devised additional posts for the social media team to use within their schedule.
Eden Loweth

As someone who stresses a lot, I prefer structure! And, if I needed to step in to support my colleague in editing the videography, I would feel a lot more comfortable knowing I had a storyboard to follow than free flowing it. Linking back to the research I completed at the beginning of this book and my appreciation for the ShowSTUDIO film presented to the CEO, I used this as guidance and created the following boards.
I was immensely happy with the number of interviews I attained, but this meant there was a lot of videos to complete for the Multimedia Executive! In conversation with the CEO, she requested for me to make storyboards of what the interviews could look like upon finalisation.