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Learning Premiere Pro proliferated my confidence and I wanted to push this further by making additional content for the social media team to publish as I understood they were struggling for quantities in posts. Since our branding has become very stripped back, I wanted my posts to adhere to this but comprise of digitalised elements which brought them to life. I, therefore, taught myself Adobe After Effects.
Although tough to gravitate around initially, I felt I learned this more comfortably due to it having similar components to Premiere Pro. I ensured the layout and manipulations were cohesive with the implementations the Multimedia Executive integrated into her productions and included inspirational quotes from the edits of industry mentors and alumni visitors. This markets both Studio 204 and FCM, in a way which demonstrates how broad our skill base can grow on our courses as well as pushing one of our USP’s of industry integration.
Upon revisiting my KPI’s I am extremely satisfied in knowing I have achieved them all, and to the best of my ability. It was fulfilling to have successfully completed additional tasks I assigned myself along the journey as well! Partaking in the added targets demonstrated that I could stick within a timeframe for completion, as well as giving myself more responsibility for extra activities. These heightened my co-operation and enhanced my skill base, whilst allowing me to work well under pressure. My KPI’s didn’t alter significantly, apart from the odd tweak, which have been documented throughout this book, and I feel I stuck to these, as well as the brief meticulously. Approaching this role with an open mindset and willingness to challenge myself was hugely beneficial as I have consumed copious skills and knowledge along my journey. My KPI’s have allowed me to receive a thorough understanding of a Journalistic role and supplied me with the expertise to take into industry confidently. I am happy that I have supported my team avidly through the completion of these KPI’s and that my roles and responsibilities have made a considerable difference to shining our 204 community and the new course FCM in a contemporary and narrative lens.

R e s e a r c h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t : ( I n c u s e o f M i c r o s o f t W o r d , E x c e l , P o w e r P o i n t s e r v i c e s ) I n c l u d i n g : R e s e a r c h i n t o o t h e r u n i v e r s i t i e s w e b s i t e s / Y o u T u b e / T i k T o k / I n s t a g r a m R e e l s A l l p r e s e n t e d i n a n a n a l y s i s s t u d y f o r C E O R e s e a r c h i n t o A l u m n i a n d I n d u s t r y b a c k g r o u n d s a n d c u r r e n t e m p l o y m e n t t o c o n d u c t p e r s o n a l i n t e r v i e w q u e s t i o n s R e s e a r c h i n t o F a s h i o n C o m m u n i c a t i o n M a r k e t i n g ( S o c i a l M e d i a ) f o r c o m p r e h e n s i b l e u n d e r s t a n d i n g C r e a t i o n o f p e r s o n a l i s e d i n t e r v i e w q u e s t i o n s d e b r i e f o f n e w c o u r s e p e r s o n a l i s e d c o n s e n t f o r m s t o - b a c k 2 4 / 7 c o n t a c t a n d s u p p o r t f o r A l u m n i a n d I n d u s t r y t o n e g o t i a t e t i m e s , v i s i t s , q u e s t i o n s , c o n s e n t f o r m s , a n d a p p r o v a l s , a l o n g s i d e a d d i t i o n a l q u e s t i o n s , a n d r e s p o n s e s v i a e m a i l a n d / o r m e s s a g i n g s e r v i c e s S e t t i n g u p , d i r e c t i n g a n d f i l m i n g i n t e r v i e w s ( I n c p u r c h a s e s o f n e w e q u i p m e n t ) I n c l u d i n g : S e t t i n g u p o f s t u d i o s , b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s c o n t e n t , n e w e q u i p m e n t p u r c h a s e d i n c t r i p o d s f o r a u d i o a n d f i l m o p t i m i s a t i o n , f i l m i n g c o n t e n t f o r a l l

I have established an invoice as a form of legal documentation for my services and role as Journalist Manager and Communications Executive. As this was something I had never completed before, I grouped all my services under a relatable category and researched the average costs of what this could result to. Along my journey I bought additional equipment out of my expenses, so I ensured such necessities were added to the overall value. I also considered fees for the software platforms I utilised including Microsoft and Adobe suites, as well as labour costs and margins of profit. I found this task valuable as I had never considered how much my work would be worth in a freelance format. Although not an avenue I have wanted to go down either, it was interesting to integrate my finance and mathematical skills to delineate how much such services would be in an industry environment.

The AD6607 Business Module has opened my eyes immeasurably and gifted me an honest experience of the more corporate sides to Fashion Marketing and Communication, as well as working in a team environment. I believe I was very naïve walking into this module as I expected it to be much simpler working in a team setting, however I value how much it has challenged and provided me with a robust awareness of the importance of cohesiveness, professionalism, and maturity. I took this as an opportunity to look at myself inwardly, to delineate my strengths, but to also expand on my weaknesses and present myself with possibilities to better my skillset. I appreciate how it demonstrated both the pros and limitations of working in a team- for me a fantastic representation of an industry setting. This self-reflection will mirror these findings, showing my part as a team player and how I successfully worked within a team structure, whilst engaging an honesty where I address small matters which I proficiently noticed yet effectually resolved in a professional manner, finalising in a positive conclusion and accomplishment for showcasing the outwardly facing narrative of Fashion Communication Marketing in a new light.

Being part of the Communications sector intrigued me, as I perceived myself as a mix between this and marketing! Nonetheless, I was equally as thrilled with the CEO’s decision as it allowed me to extend my knowledge of Journalism. Negotiating my role of Journalist Manager and Communications Executive positively impacted me to investigate a favourable career path of mine, as well as consider a part of the industry I am continuously advancing and devising my own niche in, which is communication! My role was important because it involved a considerable amount of the content needed for professionally showcasing FCM in an organic lens. Therefore, a synthesis of leadership, timekeeping and promotional skills were vital to accomplish this fruitfully and for ensuring I played a robust part in my team.
Having a brief to adhere to provided me with a preliminary plan and timeframe which I stuck to extensively. This is important because industry will require you to follow instructions meticulously. I addressed this role like an outside career position and strived to achieve the best for my agency by continuously building on my KPI’s to maximise my work ethic and skill.
This meant being punctual and attending sessions promptly to ensure I remained on track and in thorough communication with the team and CEO. I learned the importance of being present and remaining respectful when another member failed to do so in initial stages. However, I supported them in getting back on schedule, showing I was a professional team player.
Research and Development advanced my skill set in analytical judgment, research, and observational skills, particularly when looking at competitors and film. Competitor and market analysis are areas you would perform in an industry profession, and I thoroughly believe it presented me with a strong strategy for development stages. Expanding on the latter skills pursued me to communicate ahead of the curve thinking for what we could produce as outcomes. I admire how well I disseminated my findings effectively and incorporated understanding and listening skills to actively voice my opinion, whilst hearing others’ ideas too. Producing weekly presentations proliferated my confidence and organisation, whilst firmly demonstrating my engagement for wanting the team to do well, thus underscoring how strong I was as a team player.
My main responsibility surrounding the management of interviews, was incredibly rewarding, in that I got to familiarise myself with the talent our community possesses. I invested a lot of time in preparation, advancing on this skill to create the breeding ground for success of production. Thinking innovatively and adjusting to other people’s needs resulted to the accomplishment of 8 interviews and exhibited strong negotiation abilities. I believe I resolved challenges professionally by conducting tasks like moodboards for example, so online interviews produced a robust narrative in finalisation. I am thrilled that I got to advance my copywriting skills in tasks like the consent forms too, as this is a prime sector I am keen to venture. Since these were a legal requirement, I found reading up on such matters beneficial for industry exposure and I ensured all individuals who participated in my interviews were fully transparent to the requirements I asked of them. Devising the group statement so that it was a thorough representation of our ambitions and drive intensified my copywriting as well.

I am proud of how I came into this role optimistic and with an open mindset as it allowed me to defy comfort zones and confront challenges. Premiere Pro and After Effects were two examples of these, and I am grateful that I didn’t allow my self-doubt to dictate my creativity, because I can confidently say these are skills I can add to my CV now! There was a slight miscommunication in this circumstance where my colleague felt I was stepping on her toes by learning Premiere Pro, which was unfortunate as I had her best interests at heart and was approached by the CEO to complete this. Although I felt she could have handled this better, I approached the misunderstanding professionally by conversing with my colleague and receiving advice from the CEO who confirmed I managed this correctly. I learned here that everyone works at different paces and under stressful conditions, individuals can react discordantly, but to respond calmly and not allow it to affect my personal role.
I believe I worked highly efficiently in the agency, performing as an excellent team player and supportive colleague as well as working well autonomously. If I was to be proposed with a similar situation in the future, I would be more observant of my team and ensure we are all communicating consistently, as I feel this was our only flaw which altered the experience. Nonetheless, I am very proud of myself and my team. I value how this experience has gained me an array of skills from transferable to knowledge based and shown me a realistic perception to teamwork in a business environment. I believe my personal attributes have expanded positively so that I am going into industry with a wealth of knowledge, and I am thoroughly happy that I have conducted everything that was asked of me by the CEO and brief. Assigning myself additional tasks, which continued to support in promoting the new course of FCM (social media) showed that I have great time management skills and take leadership on my own accord.