September 2011 Ellis County Living Magazine

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March-April September-October 2011/ 2011/

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Natural Foods Café

Matt Munchrath, Owner






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2011 38






Style. New Season. 16 FASHION New Is Professional Makeup on Your Wedding

HOME & GARDEN The Wonders of Paint! 48

No Place Like Home 52 September-October Plants 54

Checklist? 18

WEDDING Feature Weddings 20

This and That 30 Get In Shape for Your Wedding! 34

LIFE & STYLE Marketplace 36

PROFESSIONAL Where to Turn When Life Outpaces the

Our Picks—Books Every Bride Must Read 38 Timeless Toast 40 Beyond the Wedding 42 Celebrating the Past. Encouraging the Future 44 Find a New Friend 46




Body 56 The Mystery of Market Share 58 Form and Function of the Ellis County and District Attorney’s Office 60

MEDICAL Getting Fit for Your Fairytale Wedding 62

Temper Tantrums 64 Gluten Sensitivity vs. Celiac Disease 66 Simple & Effective Breathing Techniques 68 Mother Nature’s Pantry 70



MAGAZINE Volume 7 Issue 5


Jennifer Kemp ART DIRECTOR






Diane Johnson Collard Melinda Kocian Jacob A. Hale Mark Singleton Dr. Katherine Donaldson, Psy. D. Cindy Burch

Ellis County Living Magazine is published bi-monthly by Ellis County Living Publications, Inc. using only environmentally friendly ink. Copyright 2011, Ellis County Living Publications All rights reserved. For advertising information, please contact Ellis County Living Magazine at 972.935.0938 or Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

We are proud members of the Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian and Red Oak Chambers of Commerce. No portion of Ellis County Living Magazine shall be reprinted in any other publication without permission. The views expressed herein should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your physician.




DEAR READERS, Weddings have been in the air since last year’s wedding issue. I knew our daughter would get married, but with nine-days notice? We had planned on a summer wedding with many parties to celebrate with family and friends. An engagement party was planned at the place they met. Simple, family, a celebration during the holidays. Then the phone call. “We would like to get married in nine days!” Of course, we can do anything you would like, was our response. It was the best Christmas ever. We laughed and cried. The spirit of family was all around us. I still carry that joy with me today. Congratulations, Chris and Meagan! Their life is now their own and all it brings. -Cindy Camp, publisher Jennifer is the art director for Ellis County Living Magazine. She has a perfectionist work ethic and works around the clock to make sure the magazine maintains its high design standard. While ad design and page design are two very different worlds, her charming and positive nature keeps the two sides of magazine production working well together. You can send questions or comments to Kate is the editor of Ellis County Living Magazine. She grew up in Waxahachie and graduated from Baylor University as a journalism major and studio art minor. Kate loves all aspects of the writing and editing process and has writing experience for multiple mediums. If you have any ideas, questions or comments, send her an e-mail at Pamela is a new resident of Waxahachie from the Corsicana area. She has an extensive background in sales and advertising and will be focusing on accounts in Waxahachie. Pamela also runs a promotional advertising business, taking special care of each and every detail, and enjoys times spent with the ones she loves. Contact her at Susan is a University of Texas business school graduate with 25 years experience in business management, marketing and accounting. She has recently joined the staff of Living Magazine as the chief financial officer. Susan has three sons and enjoys volunteering, cooking, reading and traveling. Contact her at

Guarantee you’ll receive Ellis County Living Magazine by subscribing today! Go to and click on “subscriptions.”

Staff photos by Marie Q Photography

Cover photo by Holmes Photographic Art •


AROUND TOWN EDITOR’S NOTE We’re so proud to bring you this wedding issue, which is filled with everything a bride-to-be will need for inspiration. We’ve featured many gorgeous weddings, but we wish we could have featured more! We received so many suggestions and photos that we were blown away! Since it’s becoming fall, it’s also becoming festival season. I’m sure everyone’s calendars are starting to fill up with all of the great upcoming events. And, if you’re a runner, you’re in luck. Many of the local festivals also feature a 5K run, and there’s the Legacy Run that starts and ends at the brandnew Lumpkins Stadium. Speaking of the new stadium, I know many of us have watched the progress anxiously, looking forward to the day when we can see it up close. Well, that day happens to be Sept. 9 at the stadium dedication ceremony. All Varsity Indian Football Alumni are invited to come back and take part in the celebration, and everyone in the local communities is invited to attend. For more information about the stadium, visit And don’t miss the first game in the new stadium on Sept. p 23!



DANCE CLASSES Tammy’s Dance Center is now taking registration for fall classes for ages 2 1/2 through adults. Classes offered include tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, lyrical, Zumba and boys-only hip hop. For more information, call 972.938.0020, find Tammy’s Dance Center on Facebook or send an e-mail to

LORD’S ACRE FESTIVAL Come out and enjoy a garage sale, book sale, silent auction and much more at the Lord’s Acre Festival. This year’s festival will take place Oct. 8, beginning at 9 a.m., at the First United Methodist Church. For more information, visit

BRIDAL EXTRAVAGANZA Join us for everything wedding related at the annual bridal extravaganza at the Waxahachie Civic Center on Sept. 18 from noon to 5 p.m. Admission is $3 per person. LIGHTHOUSE FOR LEARNING The fall semester of Waxahachie ISD’s Lighthouse for Learning adult education classes begin Sept. 26. Choose from technical to fun classes and become a life-long learner. To view the course catalog and to register, visit LEGACY RUN Lillian Custom Homes is sponsoring a Legacy Run benefitting the Waxahachie Education Foundation. The 5K race will take place on Oct. 8 at 8 a.m. Register before Sept. 23 for $25. For more information, visit TEXAS COUNTRY REPORTER FESTIVAL Visit downtown Waxahachie on Oct. 29 for the 16th annual Texas Country Reporter Festival. Join Bob Phillips and a diverse group of artists, craftsmen and chefs featured on his show. There will be a parade, food and games for the kids. Visit the chamber’s website for more information.

WHAT I’M LOVING NOW The fun colors and patterns in the new Missoni for Target line coming out Sept. 13. It’s your chance to get designer clothes and accessories at a great price. My favorite are these bobby pins—I love adding an unexpected touch to an ootherwise-boring hairstyle!




FALL FESTIVAL Midlothian’s annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Multi-Purpose Stadium. Come out to enjoy food, games, vendors, a 5K run and much more!


TASTE OF ENNIS The ninth annual Taste of Ennis will be held Thursday, Sept. 22, at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Ennis. This is the only major fundraiser for Helping Hands of Ennis and they need your support. Taste of Ennis will showcase all of the varied cuisine the community has to offer. For more information, visit

RED OAK GRAND OPENING Rock Community Church invites you to celebrate the grand opening of their new building, located

at 211 N. Main St., on Sept. 4 with a service at 9:30 a.m. followed by food, fun and activities for the whole family. For more information, visit www. HOMECOMING AND FOUNDER’S DAY The Red Oak Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 2011 Annual Founder’s Day/Homecoming celebration on Sept. 17 at the Red Oak High School. Come enjoy a day of food, fun and festivities. For more information, contact the Red Oak Area Chamber of Commerce.

For all local events and updates on what is happening in our area, visit and click on BLOG. Do you have an event that you want everyone to know about? Send an e-mail to :


MEMBERS OF THE WAXAHACHIE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION: Gingerbread Antique Mall Gran’s Antiques Klassy Klutter Old Town Village Antiques & Uniques Patrick Home Partnership The Doves Nest Antiques & Restaurant Tina Bohlman Gallery Corners Art Gallery Napa Auto Parts/Marina Pool Supplies Citizens National Bank Martha Nell’s Clothes Tree Buffalo Creek Cowgirls Mosaic Madness Texas Theater The Boyce Feed & Grain Corp. Glenn’s Warehouse Carpets Pearman Oil & LP Gas, Inc. Gifts, Etc. The Gilded Lily Pad H & H Grocery & Deli Check It Out Maxwell Jewelry Living Magazine Waxahachie Now Ellis County Art Association & Museum Ellis County Museum

College Street Printing Co.



Once upon a time, I dreamt of living downtown—anywhere. I wanted to be close to the bakeries, clothing stores and restaurants. One Saturday I took off walking in downtown Waxahachie and here’s what I found. On Saturdays the farmers market is going and people I know are walking around. I bought a Project Graduation coupon card and visited with an artist who makes pottery pieces. Here you’ll find locally grown produce, freshly baked goods, hand-crafted items and members of the Ellis County Master Gardeners on hand to answer any gardening question you may have. I left there to go see what Carole Yeargan has brought in to Buffalo Creek Cowgirls for the fall. It’s inside Gifts, Etc., which is where I get Tyler candles and clever gifts for my friends. BCCG carries the cutest T-shirts and photo frames. She carries ceramic owls, which have become so popular, and festive paper maché trays. The Doves Nest is inspiring with books, clothes, gifts, dinnerware and excellent food at the Tea Room. I walked to Gingerbread Antiques, by Mosaic Madness and on to Grandma’s Antiques. Her store has so many items. I bought a bowl with a lid that is perfect for picnics. And it’s a steal compared to buying one new. There will be more antique shops for me to discover in the upcoming weekends. Come downtown at nighttime, too. The margaritas are good at Plato Loco, which has an authentic Mexican feel. And have you ever had fried avocados? You should—they’re delicious! The Texas Theater, right on Main Street, has concerts every weekend. Enjoy a vintage theater vibe and sip on a drink while watching bands like Walkin’ the Line, a Johnny Cash Tribute band, play in October. No matter what time of day you visit, you’re sure to find lots to enjoy in downtown Waxahachie.

Common Threads

-Cindy Camp

KBEC TLC Event Rentals


Byron’s Texas Philly Plato Loco Mexican Café


Crafty Scrapper


Creative Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic Tire Town

SINCE 1850


FEATURED COLLEGE STREET PUB I recently stopped by to have a meal and visit with Carrie Essleman Maldanado, the chef at The College Street Pub. Normally, I order the delicious Coronation Chicken sandwich. On this occasion I was impressed with the daily special offerings. Such selections as Asian Beef Stir Fry and fresh Pan-Seared Salmon caught my eye. You will notice that Chef Carrie is using fresh ingredients and seasonal produce to enhance the standard fare. “We are striving to build upon our established menu with more unique dining options,” says Carrie. If you want a place to meet or need to host a catered affair, contact the fine folks at the Pub! 210 N. College Street

GIFTS, ETC. Gifts, Etc. is now carrying jelly bracelets, which are destined to be hot this fall. Customize these colorful bracelets for your friends, your crush or yourself! While you are shopping, you are sure to find a huge selection of novelty items for every age. 205 S. College Street


GINGERBREAD ANTIQUE MALL FIESTA DINNERWARE If you love the colorful look of Fiesta Dinnerware, you’re in luck. Choose from a large stock of current and retired colors, first quality and factory seconds, including Marigold, the 75th anniversary limited edition color. As always, “Made in the USA!” 310 S. College Street


DOVES NEST You can always find the latest decor at the Doves Nest, including a ton of cute decorations for school lockers. 300 W. Jefferson Street

If you are looking for gifts, here are some new items that just came in for the fall—ceramic owls and floral votives. BCCG also has a fun set of paper maché trays. Very festive! 205 S. College Street


GINGERBREAD ANTIQUE MALL Here you can find linens, furniture, candles, fine furniture cleaning products, Martha Nell’s clothing and paintings by a local artists’ club. I’ve seen collectibles and gorgeous antiques. You never know what you’ll discover! 310 S. College Street








BLACK FLOWER EARRINGS, Belk, $25 FLORAL DRESS, Briarpatch, $42.95 BLACK CLUTCH, Belk, $21 BLACK HEELS, Maurice’s, $34

SHEER TOP, Turquoise Haven, $32 GOLD BANGLES, Boyce Feed & Grain, $9.95 SHORTS, Buffalo Creek Cowgirls, $76 FRINGE PURSE, Belk, $189 RED WEDGES, Target, $29.99

GOLD CIRCLE EARRINGS, Target, $12.99 ZIG ZAG DRESS, Turquoise Haven, $34 FLOWER RING, Boyce Feed & Grain, $17.95 BROWN BELT, Belk, $52 BOOTS, Turquoise Haven, $78



/01*2.11&!3*4 HAIR FLOWERS, Maurice’s, $8 for six TURQUOISE TOP, Maurice’s, $26 SILVER BRACELETS, Brighton, $42 each GRAY PUMPS, Maurice’s, $34

56*7& 89&:; This fall, pick up a pair of black jeans. They’re so versatile—they can pair with most anything. Here are three of our favorite options!

)*+,&-*,. SILVER FLOWER EARRINGS, Maurice’s, $10 LEOPARD JACKET, Briarpatch, $60 3/4-SLEEVE TEE, Maurice’s, $22 BLACK PEEP-TOE WEDGES, Target, $29.99

!"#$%&'&!"(% GRAY SWEATER, Briarpatch, $89 BEAD BRACELET, Turquoise Haven, $10 BLACK TANK, Briarpatch, $42 BUCKLE BOOTIES, Briarpatch, $37.95

BLACK JEANS, Belk, $48





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The dress of my dreams Perfect ivory and blush color palette Wedding cake with apricot crème


layers The best photographer to capture every moment of my dream wedding (After all, pictures do last forever.) Makeup artist to ensure my makeup will look timeless for all those pictures.

as soon as possible. Like most wedding vendors, makeup artists book months in advance so reserve your bridal portrait and wedding date immediately. Collect pictures of favorite makeup looks to share with your makeup artist at the trial run. Get monthly facials in the six months leading up to the wedding. Wax brows three to four days before bridal portraits and wedding day.

Make sure you plan for one of the most important wedding details: hair and makeup.

“GETTING MY MAKEUP PROFESSIONALLY DONE WAS DEFINITELY ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS I MADE ABOUT THE WEDDING PROCESS!” Bride Danielle says, “You did such an amazing job and my makeup was perfect for the pictures and the wedding day. You know I am not a big makeup person but I am so thankful I did it because it made a huge difference in both my pictures and my confidence.” Having yours and your bridesmaids’ makeup done minimizes pre-wedding stress, allows you to feel like royalty and, most importantly, you will look amazing!





Schedule a makeup trial run

MAKEUP TOUCHUP KIT Makeup artists can stay through the duration of your event to provide touchups for an additional fee. Another option is to enlist a bridesmaid to tote all the necessities for refreshing makeup. Keep shine under control with Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets, $5.79 (Available at most drug stores). Reapply liner and lipstick with the handy dual-sided Lip Pencil Plus, $17.95 (Available at Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios). Add a touch of shine with Clinique Superbalm Moisturizing Lip Gloss, $14 (Available at Belk).

Amber Now booking brides for WINTER 2012 Amber is a local esthetician and makeup artist with more than 10 years experience in the beauty industry, including top Estee Lauder companies and Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas. She now manages the Spa at Equinox, Preston Hollow, and works as a makeup artist in Ellis County and surrounding areas. For an appointment, contact her at amber@

WEDDING !""#$"%&'&"(

!"#$#%&'#()&&#%*&&'+,-./0)+",&1(-/+ At 6 o'clock in the evening of December 30th, 2010 Ariana Meagan Camp and Christopher Frederic Smith were married in front of a small group of family and friends at the bride's parents’ residence in Dallas. The bride is the daughter of Cindy Hobbs Camp and Alec Gerald Camp. She is the granddaughter of James Howard Hobbs Sr. of Waxahachie, the late Roberta Carmon Hobbs, the late James LaPrelle Camp and Ariana Woodbury Camp. The groom is the son of Brigadier General Charles Fred Smith and Virginia Smith of Plano and Pamela Martin Smith and Craig Young of New Zealand. He is the grandson of Frederic Alphonse Smith and Ruby Mae Duke Smith. The intimate ceremony began with remarks by the mother of the bride and father of the groom before the bride made her entrance. The maid of honor began the ceremony by telling the story of the night the couple met. The couple exchanged their own vows before being formally introduced as a married couple by the father of the bride. The couple designed the unique style of ceremony to incorporate family members and recollections into their vows. After the ceremony, friends of the couple attended the reception at Vino 100 wine bar, the site where the couple met three years before. They popped a bottle of champagne as they entered the reception to kick off the celebration. The couple's love of good food and wine was the focus of the event. They designed a Mexico City-style taco bar to indulge guests in their favorite cuisine and planned




a wine program to complement the food. The two cakes were made by La Duni Bakery of Dallas. They chose a Venezuelan chocolate cake and cuatros leches cake. During the reception, the couple was blessed by an Episcopalian priest. The couple celebrated afterwards at the RitzCarlton Dallas. The bride was attended by lifelong best friend, Stephanie Arage. The groom's best man was his brother, Stuart Smith. Christopher and Meagan were engaged in Cambridge, MA in February 2010 while they were completing their studies. Christopher studied History at Southern Methodist University before fighting in the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq from 2006 to 2007. He began his master's in International Relations at The Fletcher School of Tufts University in Medford, MA. This May he accepted an offer to join the Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer. Meagan studied Art History and Archaeology at the University of Missouri and was working as the executive editor of Ellis County Living Magazine when she met Christopher. After the couple moved to Boston, she began studying French Cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu College. She graduated in May. She looks forward to continuing her culinary studies abroad in Africa. The couple are currently settled in Washington D.C. and will begin their first overseas post in Dakar, Senegal next spring. They look forward to living abroad and serving their country as well as speaking fondly of their home state.

Camp + Smith 12.30.10

Our wedding, like some, was a combination of good timing, good connections and generous families. We were living in Boston and Chris was finishing his next-to-last semester of graduate school at Tufts University and I was finishing up my finals at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. We were deep into student mode and hadn’t thought much about planning our wedding since getting engaged that February. To be honest, the small details and event planning were our biggest obstacles and we were frankly overwhelmed. Our parents had planned an engagement party for December 30th when we would be back in Dallas for the holidays. It was on December 20th that we had an epiphany over dinner. What if we just...eloped? But, we couldn’t elope, really, we just wanted to have a good party and throw a ceremony in the middle of it. We chose to turn the engagement party into the wedding. Five days later we flew in to Dallas, had Christmas dinner and started planning. The ceremony was on the sixth-floor terrace of 1900 McKinney Building. Having a large fireplace at dusk was pretty romantic and the view was of the DMA and the Nasher Sculpture Garden on one side and the American Airlines Center on the other. We planned it for 6 p.m. with close friends and immediate family present. The reception afterward was at

Vino 100, a small wine bar on upper McKinney where we met. That was followed by an after-party at the Rattlesnake Bar at the Ritz-Carlton Dallas. We had a Mexico City-inspired taco bar with an assortment of salsas with different flavors and levels of heat to complement the wines we chose. Things I would have done differently: I would have eaten more! I planned this amazing lineup of all the favorite Mexican food Chris and I could never find in Boston and all the queso was gone after my first turn around the room. I should have eaten first! Also, I would have tried to include more people. Since everything was last minute a lot of people couldn’t make it because of bad weather in Boston, or people were out of town for New Year’s Eve, etc. Three of my would-be bridesmaids were all stranded because of weather and it broke my heart. My favorite things: The knowledge that whatever we decided we liked was going to be what we saw a few days later. Everything was in the moment and represented exactly who we were right then and there. No secondguessing and no late nights wondering if it was going to look OK. Also, a lot of things were planned as they were happening. During our photo session after the ceremony we were coming up with ideas during the shoot and they turned out to be some of my favorites. There was a wall in the lobby that I loved and I made sure we shot photos against the wall to add texture to the background. -Meagan

VENDOR LIST CEREMONY VENUE: 1900 McKinney, Dallas RECEPTION VENUE: Vino 100, Dallas FLORIST: Villa Flora PHOTOGRAPHER: Holmes Photographic Art CAKES: La Duni Bakery





Wilson + Bang 4.30.11

Jason and I got engaged on March 10, 2010, on a random Wednesday when I was in no makeup and sweats at my apartment—when I least expected it, of course! I didn’t really start planning for our wedding until June or July of 2010. When I first started planning, I, like most brides, looked to wedding magazines and The Knot for inspiration. To my surprise, I’m not sure I used any of the ideas from magazines or wedding websites for our wedding—I just tried to stick to two things: originality and creative detail. Jason and I chose to get married in Fredericksburg because that’s where we both realized we wanted to marry each other. The earliest days of our relationship were spent at Jason’s parent’s ranch just outside of town. There is something about the Texas Hill Country that is liberating—and the town of Fredericksburg is charming and quaint. It captures everything I wanted the style of our wedding to be. When it came to making decisions about our wedding, I tried to focus on our priorities, what we were willing to give up, and what was most important to us. The most challenging part of the wedding was finding vendors near Fredericksburg; my best options were found in Austin and San Antonio. I could not have survived planning if I hadn’t found a wedding planner to point me in the right direction—a local who knew all the right people. She helped me with the “logistical” side of things, but I wanted to keep all the décor and creativity to myself—the thing that makes your wedding “your own,” those personal touches. Looking back, there is not one thing I would change about our wedding day— it was everything we hoped it would be. All of our favorite people in one place; a special little town where Jason and I fell in love. Our wedding ceremony was thoughtful and personal, and our reception was a great celebration with dinner, drinks and lots of dancing—a perfect “happily ever after!”





VENDOR LIST CEREMONY VENUE: Gillespie County Historical Society, Fredericksburg RECEPTION VENUE: The Admiral Nimitz Museum Ballroom & Courtyard, Fredericksburg FLORIST: Sprout PHOTOGRAPHER: Bend the Light Photography CAKES: Sophie’s Choice Bakery; Yvonne Bowden WEDDING PLANNER: Kathy Tolan


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Loftis + Elmore 6.11.11

For Dr. Brooke Loftis, meeting Kennon Elmore for the first time at Stillwater, her favorite watering hole in Augusta, GA, turned an innocent Tuesday night into a lifechanging event. You might say they went straight to the dogs from there, Jack and Oscar, that is. Their “first” date was a play date for their canine children. After Kennon proposed in April 2010, Brooke, a native Texan, could think of no other spot for their wedding than the Lone Star State. As the planning began, they both knew that they wanted to be married in a church and when you’ve grown up in Texas and your dad is a cattleman, there is no other place for your reception than a ranch. Brooke, a director in the dentistry program at the Georgia Health Sciences University (Kennon is a mechanical engineer), envisioned a rustic vintage theme with antique lace, feathers, vintage pitchers filled with flowers and special touches that represented both their beloved families and home states. The couple’s brand became the signature element that appeared throughout, from their invitations to the moss-covered brand on the chuck wagon at the ranch entrance. On June 11, 400 guests gathered to witness their vows in the stunning sunlit sanctuary of the Central Presbyterian Church. As guests arrived at the ranch, they were welcomed by mason jars of ice cold peach tea and lemonade, then dined on a mouth-watering southwest spread and danced the night away to the sound of a Texas Country band. From the photo “shack” with sepia prints to the favors of hand-picked peaches and packets of bluebonnets seeds, the overall feel was a downhome welcome and thank you to the family and friends that traveled from all over the country to be part of their celebration. -Bev Hennessy




VENDOR LIST CEREMONY VENUE: Central Presbyterian Church, Waxahachie RECEPTION VENUE: Old Bison Ranch, Forreston FLORIST: Blooms and More PHOTOGRAPHER: Marie Q Photography CAKES: New Creations Cakes by Charlesa Sims WEDDING PLANNER: Bev Hennessy

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This year for the feature weddings I would like to place the emphasis on each bride’s details. Every bride is different in her style, taste and vision of her wedding day. It is usually a difficult task for every bride to figure out how to start the planning process. I have kept my words short to display more photos, so hopefully these ideas will be inspiring and you can take away a few ideas that you can adjust to make your own.


The first bride is Danielle Bivens Bryant and her new husband Corey Bryant. They held their ceremony and reception at Loma Linda Events. Danielle had a specific plan for her event for the look and the feel of her ceremony and reception. Danielle is very detailed oriented in her own life, so she was very involved in the planning and design. The concept of her event had a shabby chic feel with special earthy touches and a romantic flair. When I was reviewing the pictures from Danielle’s wedding, one continuous constant ran throughout the pictures. Believe it or not, it wasn’t about the décor, the pictures were filled with smiles. Danielle and Cory were able to stay in the moment and enjoyed their wedding day from beginning to end. Photographer: Erin E. Brown Photography • Florist: DiFiori • Cakes: New Creations, Charlesa Sims


Shannon Fiorenza Henderson married Chad Henderson at the Midlothian Conference Center. They had their ceremony on the stage area and the reception in the adjacent ballroom. With an early spring wedding, Shannon wanted to bring the rustic outdoors in. They chose lots of wooden details and bright flowers. Another concept that flowed throughout the wedding was “Shannon + Chad.” For their first date Chad took Shannon hunting. She slipped in the water but managed to save the gun from getting wet, and he immediately knew this was the girl for him. Thus the design for the groom’s cake! Photographer: Heather Carpenter Photography • Florist: Villa Flora • Cakes: Sylvia Fiorenza


I was very fortunate to be involved with wedding of Stephanie Jennings Singleton and Mark Singleton. They had a private ceremony upstairs at the Midlothian Conference Center. The reception followed downstairs with a ballroom full of family and friends. Stephanie and Mark’s wedding was filled with tradition, elegance and love. Stephanie gave a very touching welcome and thank you to her family and friends that I will always remember. Photographer: Marie Q Photography • Florist: Villa Flora • Cakes: New Creations, Charlesa Sims




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Holly Mitchell and Chris Oliver were married at the First Baptist Church in Waxahachie with their reception to follow at the Waxahachie Civic Center. Their wedding was filled with white and blue hydrangeas with chocolate and ivory accents. I think Holly and Chris’ main concept was the love they share for each other and their families, the décor was second to the love. Photographer: J Belle Photography • Florist: Villa Flora • Cakes: Victorian Rose, Melissa Rose


I had the pleasure of working with Peggy Loftis, grandmother of Brittany Broduer, to plan and execute Brittany and Patrick Husted’s wedding. Brittany lives and works out of town, so Peggy and I spent many fun hours together. One of Brittany and Patrick’s top priorities was for their guests to have a fun-filled evening and night to remember. She selected a black and white damask pattern with bright pink accents for details throughout the ceremony and reception. Brittany is such a creative young lady and she had her mother, Bethany Broduer’s, gown altered. Not to wear at the ceremony, but at the reception. She had the sleeves replaced with spaghetti straps and the length cut off. She wore the newly updated gown for her reception dancing dress. What a fabulous idea! Photographer: A/O Photography • Florist: Villa Flora • Cakes: New Creations, Charlesa Sims


Katherine Ott Johnson married Justin Johnson at Central Presbyterian Church and their reception followed at Waxahachie Civic Center. We had originally planned a fall wedding, but she and Justin moved the date up to accommodate a new career. We were able to keep the harvest concept by making changes to the floral colors by incorporating brighter summer tones. We designed a large, gorgeous updated head table so all of her attendants and dates could enjoy the reception together. Photographer: Marie Q Photography • Florist: Villa Flora • Cakes: New Creations, Charlesa Sims

I am so grateful for all the wonderful families that I have worked with this past year. I wish I could showcase pictures, experiences and details from everyone; they all have a special place in my heart. As always, let me know if you need any assistance. You can send questions to:




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!"#$ %&'()"#*$ +,(*# Add an unexpected pop of color with nail polish that matches your style.




Photobooths are still a popular trend at weddings, but you don’t have to shell out thousands to have one. Instead, make your own!



BACKGROUND use a piece of fabric you love and hang it up somewhere at your reception site. You could also use streamers or linked pieces of paper cut out in fun shapes SET UP put a camera on a tripod in front of the background with the camera remote nearby. Enlist a friend to check on the camera periodically to make sure everything’s working properly and replace the battery or memory card. PROPS get creative! Scour thrift stores and flea markets for fun hats and accessories or make your own. Include moustaches, glasses, noses, superhero masks, bowties, chalkboards and anything else you want!



Essie nail polish can be found at CVS, Walgreens, Target and Wal-Mart.


Add in your own personal touch when showing guests to their seats. Escort cards and are a great, inexpensive way to bring some detail to your reception.

If you don’t want to do it all yourself, check out It’s customizable and easy!

Or choose a polish that matches your color scheme or bridesmaids’ dresses.



• Create simple bi-fold cards with a guest’s name and table number on the front. Inside the card have a question or statement to get conversation going at the tables. • Find a few vintage windows and write table numbers and guests’ names on the panes in wax or grease pencils. • Grab some paint chip samples at hardware stores in your wedding colors. Write guests’ names on the cards and pin them to a bulletin board, clothespin them to string or ribbon, or find another way to display them. • Create fabric flags with names and table numbers on them, then string them together as a decoration. • Tie balloons to each chair with the guests’ names written in marker. Guests will have fun searching for their seat and the balloons will add a bit of height to your décor.

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!"#$%&''())))))) *+#,$ Instead of the traditional book for people to sign, mix it up a bit and try one of these creative “guestbook” ideas.

PHOTO STRIP BOOK If you have a four-photo-strip photobooth at your wedding, place a blank book nearby with a sign directing guests to attach one copy of their strip in the book. and write their well wishes and message to the couple. QUILT Attach squares of fabric to ribbon and hang from a wall at the reception. Invite guests to write on each square then afterward have a quilter sew the squares together into a special sentimental (and useful!) blanket.

Courtney with Villa Flora makes it her priority to give you exactly what you want when it comes to the flowers on your wedding day. Give her a call and work together to make your flowers transform your wedding into something special. VILLA FLORA 209 S. College St. • Waxahachie • 972.523.6570

Villa Flora featured on page 20-21.

!"##$%&' !"()$*") The Internet is a great resource for brides-to-be. Here are some of our favorite sites. FOR INSPIRATION: STYLEMEPRETTY.COM This website features real weddings from around the world each day. They also have a separate Texas page just for weddings in the lone star state. FOR GUEST INFORMATION: WEDDINGWINDOW.COM Customizable site with all the details your guests need to know, complete with planning tools and web apps. FOR COLOR SCHEMES: DESSY.COM/PANTONE Look at specially created Pantone options for weddings and create inspiration boards. Choose swatch colors and order a book to show your wedding vendors.

POSTCARDS Lay out a variety of pre-stamped post cards for guests to use to write their well wishes. Have someone mail them the day after, then you’ll be greeted with special notes when you arrive home from your honeymoon.

FOR EVERYTHING: THEBRIDESGUIDE.MARTHASTEWARTWEDDINGS.COM This site includes everything from etiquette to style and anything else in between. You’ll find ideas for any type of wedding, from a casual day ceremony to a black-tie affair.

WISHING TREE If your wedding has a rustic vibe, add a large branch or two and small pieces of paper with a loop ribbon. Invite guests to write their well wishes and hang them on the branches of the “tree.”

When deciding on a color scheme, keep in mind your season, venue and what mood you want to create. Choose one or two main colors and add a third accent color for a bit of a pop. Usually vibrant colors add depth and drama and lighter, softer colors give a romantic feel.

MAD LIBS Create a custom mad lib and leave a copy at each guest spot. As the reception goes on, guests can fill them out and add their own sentiments. Enlist a friend or bridesmaid to pick them up at the end of the evening and create a book or collage out of the papers.


Blooms & More featured on page 24.

Blooms & More offers a gorgeous selection of bridal bouquets, floral cake decorations, wedding ceremony flowers and centerpieces to fit any budget. Whether your wedding is a spring, summer, fall or winter event, simple or elaborate—we can provide bright, beautiful flowers to make the day unforgettable. BLOOMS & MORE 301 N. Elm Street • Waxahachie 972.937.3111



Color Trends

What we’re seeing: NAVY, GREEN, WHITE – “preppy classic” PINK & GOLD – “glamour” PINK, ORANGE, PEACH – “summer romance” NAVY & FUCHSIA – “modern fun” MINT & CHERRY – “fresh” YELLOW & GRAY – “classy modern” LAVENDER & PALE GREEN – “sweet” PLUM & POWDER BLUE – “fresh”



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WEDDING! BY SHEILA RAY / Reforming U / Certified Personal Fitness Trainer

This is an exciting time in your life! You’ve set the date and plans are under way for your big wedding day. Are you ready to have a healthy and energized glow? Are you ready to get in shape? I’m ready to share my top three tips to get you looking and feeling great for your wedding day. Plus, I’ll share a heart-pumping workout that will tone your muscles and burn plenty of calories at the same time.



Drink tons of water! Most of you are probably dehydrated, which results in many symptoms such as headaches, hunger pains, skin blemishes, fatigue, etc. Drink at least 80 ounces of water every day. If you are working out (see Tip #2!), increase this amount to at least 100 ounces. While you may experience an initial flush of excess fluids and toxins from you body, it will soon balance out and you will not be running to the restroom every five minutes.

TIP #2:

Exercise five days each week for one hour each session! Exercise may not always be fun or easy to fit into your schedule; however, it is worth it. A regular exercise program will boost your energy level, eliminate excess weight, tone your body, and elevate your overall mood and health. It is important to combine all components of fitness in your exercise program: cardiovascular, strength/resistance, flexibility and balance. In order to help structure your program, I’ve included my Wedding-Prep Workout for you.

TIP #3:

Eat healthy foods! It is time to ditch junk food and embrace a healthy diet. Eating whole foods that include produce, lean proteins/meats, low-fat dairy and healthy fats will make you feel and look better. You will project a healthy glow and be a shining star on your wedding day. If you are trying to manage your weight, be sure you understand the magic calorie number you should be eating every day. If you incorporate these three tips into your daily life, you will be on your way to a healthy weight and a fun wedding day!




WEDDING-PREP WORKOUT I’ve prepared a specialized wedding-prep workout that you will find by following the links below. If you perform this workout on two non-consecutive days each week and add three other days of cardiovascular training, you will be well on your way to getting in shape for your wedding. This workout is set up as a super circuit. Perform 15 repetitions of each exercise (unless otherwise noted) without rest. After you have performed every exercise, repeat the entire circuit two more times. If you finish before the end of the hour, add some cardiovascular training to the workout. Remember to warm-up for five minutes with some brisk walking prior to this workout. Also, cool-down after the workout by bringing your heart rate down gradually with five minutes of walking, followed by stretching. You will notice this workout will quickly elevate your heart rate. If you cannot perform the entire minute of the cardiovascular exercises, do what you can, working your way up to one minute. If you are consistent, you will be surprised how quickly your stamina will increase and your muscles will tone. Above all, as you prepare for your wedding day, enjoy the process and remember, “Success Can Be Yours!” Best wishes!

To try the wedding-prep workout and see complete exercise demonstrations, go to:

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My name is Sheila and I am a certified personal fitness trainer, boot camp instructor and indoor cycling instructor. Reforming U provides tools to help you gain success on your journey to a healthful life. I can help you learn effective ways to reform yourself through a lifetime of fitness.


Sheila Ray

972-723-0002 • 4250 FM 663


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Though you can get so many ideas for your wedding on the Internet these days, there’s still something special about flipping through an actual book. Plus, you can’t stick post-it notes to a web page when you find something great. Here are some of our favorite books to help you get ready for your big day, from the initial planning to the last-minute details.


THE KNOT ULTIMATE WEDDING LOOKBOOK: More than 1,000 Cakes, Centerpieces, Bouquets, Dresses, Decorations, and Ideas for the Perfect Day By Carley Roney & Editors of The Knot; Clarkson Potter Flip through the pages and ogle at the more than 1,000 photographs of real, gorgeous weddings for inspiration. You’ll find ideas for themes, color palettes, details and much, much more.


DESTINATION BRIDE: A Compete Guide to Planning Your Wedding Anywhere in the World By Lisa Light; North Light Books If you’re thinking of having a destination wedding, run out and get this book immediately. There’s information on how to pick the perfect spot for your vows, and details about things like customs, currency and marriage license laws in various places.


If you’re a first-time bridesmaid, this book will be instrumental in helping you plan and know all the duties a bridesmaid should have. It’s simple, straightforward and full of ideas.


BRIDAL BARGAINS: Secrets to Throwing a Fantastic Wedding on a Realistic Budget By Denise Alan Fields; Windsor Peak Press This book has been around for 20 years for a reason. In it are tips to save money on basically every aspect of your wedding. It will alert you to possible scams and give you tips on what to look for when making venue and vendor decisions that will save you a ton of money.


GREEN WEDDING: Planning Your Eco-Friendly Celebration By Mireya Navarro; Stewart, Tabori & Chang This beautiful book is a must-have for eco-conscious brides wanting to reduce the carbon footprint of their wedding but still have an amazing celebration. In it, you’ll find advice from environmental experts as well as accounts from real-life “green” brides.





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Old-fashioned or “pre-Prohibition” cocktails are making a huge comeback at restaurants and bars across the metroplex. Why not jump on the trend and add a twist to the original recipe to make it your own signature cocktail for your wedding?

SIDECAR This classic was created during World War I in Paris and is ideally made with a perfect balance of sour and sweet. 1 1/2 ounces Cognac or Armagnac 3/4 ounce Cointreau 1/4 ounce lemon juice Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake well, then strain into a cocktail glass. Make it your own: try substituting bourbon for the Cognac.

PIMM’S CUP Pimm’s was produced by James Pimm in 1823 as an elixir to aid in digestion. It is widely used in England and is the traditional drink served at Wimbledon. 2 ounces Pimm’s No. 1 3 ounces lemonade splash of club soda or Sprite lemon twist and cucumber slice or peel for garnish Pour the Pimm’s into a glass with ice cubes. Add the lemonade and a splash of club soda or Sprite. Garnish with the lemon twist and cucumber. Make it your own: garnish with another fruit (and even add some chopped fruit to the drink) based on your wedding color scheme; substitute champagne for the soda to make a “royal cup.”

OLD-FASHIONED Rumor has it that this is the first drink to be called a cocktail, hence its ageappropriate name. 1 sugar cube 2-3 dashes Angostura bitters 2 orange slices 3 ounces bourbon maraschino cherry for garnish Place the sugar cube at the bottom of an old-fashioned glass and saturate it with the bitters. Add one orange slice and muddle these ingredients. Fill the glass with ice cubes, add the bourbon and stir well. Garnish with the remaining orange and a maraschino cherry.


Make it your own: experiment with different types of bourbon and whiskey to find your favorite; top it with a dash of club soda; try out different garnishes. LIVING-MAGAZINE.COM


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While your wedding festivities may last W for a weekend, my hope and prayer for fo you is that your marriage will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, reality bears out that tough times will come to most if not all marriages, and couples need a plan to weather the storm. More than that, make the everyday stuff of marriage what you want it to be and the hard times may not hit so hard after all. INVEST TIME IN EACH OTHER Regardless of what some well-meaning experts may tell you, quantity time is just as important as quality time. Plan a getaway at least once a quarter to just focus on each other and have fun. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just take the time to get away from all the pressures of life. A date night every other week is essential to keep the romance alive. Be sure to schedule it on both of your calendars to protect it from other obligations or intrusions. Take an interest in each other’s hobbies and dreams or find something new to share as a couple like rock climbing or walking. My husband and I both love to read and when times got too tough to talk, we would go to the bookstore and read magazines together. Try something different for a change of pace. Tour a new home addition, go window shopping at the mall or try bowling or even roller skating. REMINISCE ABOUT THE GOOD (AND BAD) TIMES Lovers who still have fire between them are in the habit of discussing their relationship, talking about how their love was born, reliving times of intimacy, and sharing with each other what they feel. Recalling all those happy memories can have a cathartic affect on any relationship. Gather your childhood photos and yearbooks, talk about how far

PHOTO BY BEND THE LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY you have both come and share a laugh about old fashions and hairstyles. Read old love letters you wrote to each other out loud. Go back to the place you had your first date and try to relive the moment. Pop some popcorn, snuggle up on the couch and watch your wedding video. Recall your favorite holidays or past vacations together. Recreate treasured memories like places you went or things you have done on your anniversary or birthdays. It wouldn’t hurt to discuss hard times you have been through as a couple either. While marriage troubles can put a damper on passion, the fact that you made it through is a testimony to your love and commitment. SHOW YOUR LOVE It’s an easy thing to tell someone you love them, but showing your love is more important to a marriage than simply stating your love. “I love you” may be a phrase of only three words, but there are millions of different romantic ideas and ways to say it to your wife or husband. Never limit yourself to spoken words when expressing your romantic feelings. Even people who have

never tried to be romantic before will be amazed at how much more exciting and fun a relationship can be when just a little bit of romance is added to the mix. Being romantic doesn’t mean spending big bucks; in fact, the less expensive and more original a romantic gesture is, the better it shows how much you love someone. Whether making their favorite meal, writing them a sweet card or even e-mail, giving them an unexpected massage, or taking the day off to be with them, the goal is to make them feel special and loved. UNDERSTAND THAT THINGS WILL CHANGE Don’t think that you will be doing the same thing after you’ve been married five, seven or 10 years. And embrace this as a good thing. As individuals, we grow and change in our thoughts, feelings and actions. It stands to reason that your marriage will change, too. Encourage change and growth in your relationship. Be careful that these changes draw you closer together instead of pull you apart. Communication is key as you talk about your expectations and compromise accordingly.

Melinda Hines is a wife, mom, author, speaker, teacher and proud Waxahachie resident. Her book, “Operation Mom: Winning the Mommy Wars,” is available on her website,, and at Hastings and Amazon. com. To get Melinda’s daily devotional, send her an e-mail at




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Celebrating THE PAST.

Encouraging THE FUTURE.


The Waxahachie class of 1961 will be celebrating a big milestone this year, and so will the Waxahachie Ex-Students’ Association. It’s been 50 years since the class of ’61 graduated and it’s been 50 years since Cecil Burton started the Ex-Students’ Association.

“It says something for an organization to be around for 50 years.” Each year the Ex-Students’ Association plans many of the Homecoming activities by acting as a liaison between the honor classes’ reunion committees and the WISD. The 10-member board also works hard to provide scholarships each spring to graduating Waxahachie High School seniors and encourages honor classes to create their own scholarship awards. Every year the association also hosts a luncheon during the Homecoming weekend. Since this is a big year for the association, the luncheon will be a large celebration. This year, the association will be recognizing the first board members that established the organization back in 1961. “We’re honoring either those board




members that are still living or we track down their descendants, grandchildren and such, to honor those at the luncheon,” Kim Garlitz, a current board member and the upcoming president, said. The Cherokee Charmers were also founded in 1961, so the original Cherokee Charmer core will be recognized. At every Homecoming luncheon, about 250 Waxahachie High School alumni attend. The honor class nominates class members for awards that recognize their accomplishments and accolades in their professional life, personal life and how they give back to the community. Each year there are many ex-students well deserving of those awards.

They’re currently trying to work out all of the details between the organizations, but are aiming for a mid-2012 opening date. During the past 50 years, the members of the Ex-Students’ Association have had opportunities to coordinate reunions, develop plans for the future athletic hall of fame and recognize outstanding alumni of the WISD. “We’re very excited,” Kim said. “It says something for an organization to be around for 50 years.”

Looking past the Homecoming and 50th anniversary celebrations, the Ex-Students’ Association is currently in talks with WISD and the Waxahachie Athletic Department to help establish a Waxahachie High School Athletic Hall of Fame.

The Ex-Students’ Association would like to invite all Waxahachie High School alumni to attend the luncheon on Oct. 8 at 11:30 a.m. at the Waxahachie Ninth Grade Academy. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. All former students are also encouraged to join the Ex-Students’ Association. Membership costs $15 and that money goes toward the scholarship fund.

“It’s long overdue so we’re very excited to be a part of that and bring recognition to WISD sports and honor the athletes,” Kim said. “So stay tuned for more.”

You can find out more about the Waxahachie Ex-Students’ Association on their website,, or on their Facebook page.




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!"#$!%!#&'!!("&#$ BY KATE MCCLENDON

Anatole France once said, "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." If this is true for you, make a quick trip to the Ellis County SPCA and become awakened. The Ellis County SPCA was founded in August 2004 with the purpose to save as many animals as possible, promote animal welfare and awareness and give homes to as many animals as they can. Since the shelter opened, they’ve adopted out more than 2,700 dogs to families. “Every animal that we can take that’s homeless and give it a home is a success for us,” Christian Parker, the Ellis County SPCA director, said. They have contracts with the county, and the cities of Ennis, Palmer, Milford and Garrett, which basically reserve a certain amount of kennels for them. This means that if there are strays or homeless animals in their area, the SPCA has a spot for them. Christian said the biggest surprise he had when he came to work at the SPCA was just how many homeless pets there are in Ellis County. “I thought it was just an area where

they adopted a few dogs out here or there and some came in, but we are overwhelmed sometimes with the amount of dogs that are here and we try to help as many as we possibly can,” he said. “The biggest surprise to me is how many animals actually come through Ellis County and what it makes me think is Ellis County is one small county in a very large state. And if we are overwhelmed in such a way, I don’t know what the other counties are doing to help their populations, too.”

the attention they deserve,” Christian said. “We’d love to get volunteers to work on-site here and spend time with the animals we have here.”

Since the shelter is overrun with a pet population right now, Christian just wants to stress how important it is to spay and neuter your pets. That helps curb the problem our county’s shelters have.

If you’d like to adopt a new pet, all of the SPCA’s animals are listed on petfinder. com and on the SPCA website, www. You’re welcome to come to the shelter and spend time with the animals from noon to 4 p.m. every Tuesday through Friday and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. If you’re interested in volunteering, donating or being a foster family, you can call 972.935.0756 or stop by the shelter.

“Sometimes we get 200 plus animals a month here and a lot of that can be solved just by people being diligent and taking care of their animals,” Christian said. The SPCA survives on donations, fundraisers and anything they can do to raise money. “Our biggest thing is to raise money and raise awareness and those go hand in hand,” Christian said. They also survive on the help that volunteers provide. Volunteers can be off-site and help with things like adoptions at PetSmart and fundraisers in the area. On-site volunteers can help clean, feed, check on and spend time with the animals at the shelter. “We have a lot of dogs here and there’s not enough people here to give them




They also need donations of things like food, blankets, supplies, paper towels, laundry soap, dish soap, bleach and dog bowls. Right now, they’re also looking for foster families to take an animal to their house and give them one-on-one attention until they are able to be adopted.

On Oct. 22 from 9 a.m to 12 p.m., the SPCA is hosting the ninth annual Bow Wow Howl-O-Ween Hustle at Getzendaner Park in Waxahachie. This event will include a doggie fun run, costume contests and a microchip clinic. Also, on Oct. 21 and 22, the proceeds from the Munster Mansion tours will go to the SPCA. Find out more at


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When you are searching for a huge change with a small budget, paint is the answer. You get more bang for your buck with paint than any other investment you can make in your home. One $30 gallon of paint can transform a dated, tired room into a burst of sunshine. Because so many people are deciding to stay in their current homes instead of moving, I have been doing a lot of remodeling and updating for my clients. With the present economic state of our country, most folks are looking for inexpensive ways to make their homes more user-friendly so they can stay put for a while. Budget is always an issue. There are often many things needed, but the truth is, not all of it can be done at once, so we have to prioritize. What you see when you walk in the front door is vitally important. Even if the rest of the house is dated, entering into a fresh, clean area sets the tone for the entire home. Fresh paint and some new tile in the entry are not that much of an investment when you consider the dramatic change you will appreciate. Lots of bang for your buck! It seems that I am on a roll of redoing bathrooms and kitchens. That is not




surprising since those areas are the first to look worn out and dated. There are many ways to update these rooms without major expense. Of course, you can spend as much as you want to, but if budget is an issue, it can be done. Old cabinets that have become dull and faded can be brought back to life with ease. In some cases, cleaning the wood with a wood cleaner and waxing them can bring the wood back to life. New hardware makes a world of difference. A new faucet cleans the sink up and makes the kitchen or bathroom look much more sanitary. Old laminate countertops can be painted with new epoxy paints. There are also companies that spray a textured epoxy paint onto countertops and tiles to totally transform them into a completely different look. The paint stays on and will survive just about anything the original laminate will endure. This product is much less than granite or any other solid-surface countertop product on the market. It is about the same price as new laminate. I love wallpaper and I always

have. I know that the magazines have not shown a lot of paper over the last few years, but I do still enjoy using it when I can get away with it. However, the wallpaper I selected for homes in the ‘80s and ‘90s is not what I would use today. There are homes by the thousands that still have that dated wallpaper with big flower borders. It has got to go. Often, the wallpaper was not installed on walls where a sizing had been used to prepare for the application of the paper. Most builders took a short cut and



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applied the paper right onto the sheetrock. If that is the case, it is generally easy to texture over the paper and paint the walls without removing the paper. If you try to remove the paper it is likely that you will tear up your sheetrock, so it is best to leave it alone. If there is loose paper, of course, it has to be removed and floated over with joint compound so no seams or tears are visible. Having someone come in to texture and paint is a small price to pay for a total face-lift.

white cabinets glazed with raw umber or red cabinets glazed black, the look is dramatically different than straight paint. If the cabinets are painted with flat paint and glazed with oil, the grain will bleed through the paint and create a very textured finish. If oil paint and oil glaze are used, the finish will be smoother with very little grain showing through. I always make samples so my clients are not surprised or disappointed with the outcome.

I have been painting a lot of cabinets recently. It seems that people are tired of dark stained cabinets and paneling. Granted, there are some men who cringe at the thought of painting over perfectly good wood, but most women want to brighten things up with color. Painting oak cabinets that are yellowed and discolored transforms a dingy kitchen into a cheerful, happy place to be. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but your room will look considerably larger, as well.

Even if all cabinets are not painted, you can achieve a remarkable change by painting a piece of furniture, like a buffet or a built-in hutch. Use a fun accent color like red or teal. Creating an accent piece breaks up the monotony of having all stain in the kitchen, so if you have an aversion to painting your cabinets, consider painting something else.

Glazing cabinets achieves a more weathered look. Whether you want




Tone-on-tone colors do wonders for creating a focal point. You might want to paint the back of a hutch or bookcase a contrasting color. Painting ceiling beams and trim a couple of shades darker than the walls gives a warm, rich

look to a room. Who says trim has to be white? Be daring. Paint the walls a light to medium color and the trim two shades darker off the same palette. This works especially well with beiges, tans, grays and taupes. I don’t necessarily recommend doing that with a blue or red chart, but beige, tan and taupe trim look lovely with these more colorful choices. Get out of the beige and white box and dare to experiment with color. Dare to paint those cabinets. Dare to be different. If you have to remain in the same home for a long time, make it a fun, cheerful place to be. Until next time, happy decorating.

DIANE JOHNSON COLLARD has been decorating Ellis County for more than 20 years. Contact Diane Johnson Interiors at 972.935.8899 or




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:::2;0+/<)((!$-=(-#1-+2/(> SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2011





HOME: THE PLACE WHERE YOU WANT TO RETURN I may be working on a Marine’s apartment, who has finished serving his third tour in Afghanistan or a woman who went through Katrina and now lives in a downtown highrise apartment, or helping a retired lady finish decorating her Victorian living room, or a working mom who needed help making her den more functional for the family. It does not matter who you are, we all like to come home to a welcoming environment that suits our own personalities. Each redesign job is different. That is what makes my job so much fun. The Marine had already purchased some great furniture, but admitted he did not know anything about decorating. I purchased


his draperies, accessories, pictures, towels, shower curtains, lamps and so forth. His safari bedroom and bath turned out especially nice. He was very proud of his apartment when we finished. God bless him and God bless America. The woman in the high rise had completely different needs. She had a desire for a relaxing and calm environment so neutrals and whites were just the colors for her. Silky bedding with plush pillows and neutral silk floor-to-ceiling




draperies in the master bedroom turned out lovely. Wall-to-wall draperies were needed in the living area as the hot Texas sun can quickly heat up the room. New lamps were purchased, her artwork was hung, neutral bedding and draperies put in the guest bedroom and, presto, how beautiful it is! The retired lady loves the Victorian furniture that graces her living room, but she didn’t know how to finish decorating it. A beautiful magnolia print over the sofa, some rearranging of furniture, hanging some of her prints, adding roses, birds, greenery and a rug spruced this room to what it should be, a beautiful Victorian sanctuary for her. The working mom has a long living area that makes it difficult to arrange furniture. She has a sectional sofa that lined the wall. This arrangement did not allow for a good traffic pattern and was not conducive to watching TV. We turned the sectional sofa to face the fireplace. This also created a great traffic pattern and watching TV is easy now. I threw some brightly colored pillows on the sofa and the room began to “pop” with color. An abstract print above the fireplace helped to update it. Now this hard-working mom, who is also going to school, enjoys coming home. Redesigning a space may only require some rearranging, a few new pillows, just the right splash of color, a new print and a little greenery. Reorganizing a space can help any home and paint can do wonders.

Ask yourself: Do you really want to sell your property? Do you want to sell in the shortest amount of time (or for an indefinite time with poor results)? Do you want to secure the most amount of equity possible when the sale goes through? If you answered YES to all three questions, then staging is what you need to do. All things count here. Anything you decide not to fix, clean or upgrade could be the reason your property is on the market for a longer period of time or sells at less than you desired. As homeowners desiring to sell, it is important to let go of your emotional connections to the property. Here are a few fast fix-ups to speed the sale of your home: CLEAN, get rid of bad smells, remove inside clutter, organize what is left, fix your floors and brighten your walls. Whether your home needs updating to meet your needs of today or you are needing to sell and need to stage your home, remember, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME. I can help you with all of your redesign and staging needs. Give me a call and we can work together to reach your goals. JOYCE ANNE JACKSON J JACKSON STAGING AND DESIGN 214/794.7514

HOME: THE PLACE SOME MUST LEAVE People must leave their homes for many different reasons. Some are transferred, some are downsizing, some are upsizing, some want a different neighborhood, some want a new home and the list goes on. The selling of a house remains the same whatever the reason for selling. BEFORE





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HOME & GARDEN BY MELINDA KOCIAN of Ellis County Master Gardeners


Rice and Herbs By Jean Wammack 4 cups water 2 beef bouillon cubes 2 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, minced 1 teaspoon basil 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon tarragon 1/2 cup vermicelli 1/2 teaspoon thyme 1 1/2 cup rice 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Bring the water, butter, basil, tarragon, thyme, pepper, bouillon cubes, onion and salt to boil in large kettle. Simmer 15 minutes. Add vermicelli and rice. Cook as directed on rice package. I use brown rice and start checking at 50 minutes. Serves 12.


• Gain fall annual color from bedding plants, such as: Pincushion flower (Scabiosa), petunias, asters, dianthus, ornamental cabbage, kale, snapdragons, calendula and phlox. • Wait until October when the weather is cooler to plant pansies and violas. Dusty miller is a good foliage plant to use with them. • Most spring and fall-blooming perennials like salvias, roses from containers and vines (honeysuckle, trumpet and wisteria) can be planted at this time. • It is time to dig, divide and replant spring-blooming perennials such as iris, daylilies, coneflowers, gaillardia, violets and ajuga. Amend the planting bed with compost and replant. • Plant trees, shrubs and perennials from containers. Fall planting will allow them to establish roots before hot and dry weather arrives next year.


• Dead-head spring and summer blooming perennials and prune their stalks back to basal foliage. • Root-prune trees and shrubs to be transplanted this winter. • Apply a fertilizer on lawns using a complete (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) analysis with 3-1-2 or a 4-1-2 ratio. • Apply a pre-emergent on lawn grasses to prevent germination of winter and spring weeds.


• Spray roses for blackspot and




mildew that can be extremely troublesome in September and October. • Check for spider mites on fall tomatoes and newly planted transplants. Treat with a strong stream of water or insecticidal soap. • Webworms are prevalent on pecan trees. Spray with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) or tear open the webs to expose the worms for the birds.


• Use your garden to attract bees, birds and butterflies. Bees are one of our best pollinators. To attract butterflies, you need a host and a nectar plant. They lay their eggs on the host and feed on the nectar plant. Some of the best butterfly plants are: blue mist flower, butterfly weed, salvia, abelia, lantana, Turk’s cap, dill, parsley, flame acanthus and fennel. Many of these plants are also food for hummingbirds.

TIPS: The use of herbs as a medicine predates written history. Rosemary stimulates the central nervous system and circulation making it beneficial for low blood pressure and sluggishness. Rosemary also contains chemicals called quinones which have been shown in laboratory studies to inhibit cancer. Basil has long been used as an embalming and preserving herb; it has even been found in mummies of ancient Egypt. Basil oil is a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. Fennel was thought to be a cure for obesity in Renaissance Europe. The entire fennel plant is edible, including the roots.

OCTOBER PLANTING • Plant cool-season annuals that were not planted in September, for example: pansies, violas and alyssum. • In well-prepared beds plant leaks (elephant garlic), garlic from cloves and onions from sets or bulbs. • Daffodils can be planted now for spring blooms.

FERTILIZING AND PRUNING • Dead-head fall-blooming annuals and perennials. They will look better and flower longer. • Remove annuals that have completed their life cycle. Leave seed pods of those you want to reseed next year, in illustration: castor bean, larkspur, four o’clocks and cosmos. • Continue to use a watersoluble fertilizer on tropical plants in containers or hanging baskets. Lightly prune vigorous shrubs to maintain their shape and size and leave the clippings on the ground as mulch.

GARDEN WATCH • Watch for signs of brown patch fungus on St. Augustine lawns. Treat with an appropriate fungicide if identified. • To prevent potential insect problems and diseases next year, remove and dispose of

dead vegetable plants. • Insects can be a problem if the weather stays hot. Look for whiteflies, aphids, spider mites and scale. If treatment is necessary, contact a Master Gardener at the Texas AgriLife Extension Service (phone: 972.825.5175) or a certified nursery professional.

ODDS AND ENDS • Break up compacted mulch around plants so water can penetrate the soil. • Save seeds or take cuttings from annuals and perennial that you want to plant next year. • Seeds from hybrid plants may not produce the same plant. It is best to take cuttings of these plants. • Chill tulip and hyacinth bulbs in the bottom of the refrigerator until ready to plant. • Turn the compost pile; add a cup or two of regular lawn fertilizer and keep moist. TIPS: The origin of pumpkin pie is thought to have occurred when the American colonists sliced off the pumpkin top, removed the seeds and then filled it with milk, spices and honey. The pumpkin was then baked in the hot ashes of a dying fire. Pumpkins are a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, riboflavin, potassium, copper and manganese.

Light Pumpkin Pie By Rita M. Hodges • 2 cups canned pumpkin • 3 eggs, or 1/2 cup egg substitute, or 4 egg whites, slightly beaten • 3 tablespoons brown sugar • 12 packets aspartame (Equal) • 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon ginger • 12 ounces evaporated skim milk • 1 10-inch unbaked pie crust

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine first 8 ingredients. Pour mixture into pie shell. Bake 10 minutes; reduce temperature to 325 degrees and continue baking for another 45 minutes or until a knife inserted into center comes out clean. Allow pie to cool. Store leftovers in refrigerator. Serves 10.

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The miracle medical breakthroughs of the 20th century (I limit these breakthroughs to the 20th century since any breakthrough made in the current century is still pending approval by the FDA) have made living longer, healthier lives possible. It has also made living longer, unhealthier lives possible. One-hundred years ago our minds would falter and our bodies were soon to follow. Today, our bodies can go on living long after our minds have wandered away. The more frightening converse is also true—a still vibrant mind can be held interminably captive by an immobile body. What choices do we have when we can no longer care for a loved one whose life has outpaced their health? While there are several long-term care alternatives, the two most prevalent are skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities. For most, the long-term care continuum meanders along a path from home health to assisted living and then finally to skilled nursing. Assisted living facilities gained popularity in the 1980s as an attractive middle ground. These communities generally offer private rooms, meals, housekeeping, help with medications and assistance with basic activities of daily living (ADLs). And because the cost of room and board averages around $1,000 less than similarly situated skilled nursing facilities, many families attempt to keep an aging loved one in assisted living for longer than medically advisable. However, because services above and beyond basic room and board are charged a la carte, residents in declining health may find themselves paying more than they would for more appropriate skilled nursing care.




The history of nursing homes in America is much more complex. The modern day skilled nursing facility arose out of the desire to phase out the traditional “almshouses” and “poor farms” of the late 19th and early 20th century. The conditions of these poorhouses were abhorrent, with the elderly living with other impoverished members of the population, including children and the disturbed. In 1935, the Social Security Act unintentionally sparked the rise of the nursing home industry by providing a fixed, steady income to the elderly. For the chronically ill, this income allowed families to consistently pay for nursing care. However, it wasn’t until the introduction of public financing through Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s that nursing homes became at once both profitable and affordable. As the names imply, today’s skilled nursing facilities offer a level of care substantially higher than assisted living communities. Nursing homes are institutional care settings where all medical and personal needs are met. Residents receive physical, social and psychological care, assistance with prescription drugs, activities of daily living, personal care and hygiene. Length of stay often ranges from temporary rehabilitative therapy to long-term care to hospice care. Although frequently thought of as temporary destinations for the final months of life, many skilled nursing residents thrive in these facilities for a number of years. As such, it is important to understand the public payment options available to both skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. Veterans Affairs Aid and Attendance Pension is a potential payment source for both assisted living and nursing homes. However, while a married veteran can receive up to $1,949 in supplemental income ($1,644 for a single veteran), it does not guarantee that the cost of all services will be met. VA Aid and Attendance is a program best suited for those residents with monthly income greater than $3,000.

For residents with lower income, Medicaid typically provides a much greater monthly benefit. For example, a single veteran receiving $1,000 per month in income could receive a VA Aid and Attendance benefit of $1,644 per month. This allows him only a total of $2,644 to meet a $4,000 obligation to the facility. On the other hand, under Medicaid, the same individual is responsible for a co-pay to the nursing home of no more than $940 per month, while Medicaid pays the entire remaining balance ($3,060). In this instance, the Medicaid program provides a benefit almost double that of the VA. Next to level of care, the question of which public payment option provides the greatest benefit is the most important consideration in choosing between assisted living and skilled nursing facilities. While VA Aid and Attendance is available to both facility types, Medicaid is unavailable in assisted living communities except in rare circumstances. The availability of Medicaid makes all the difference. If your family member would benefit from the higher level of care and therapy options of a skilled nursing facility, it is crucial to inquire about Medicaid eligibility. Once Medicaid eligibility is established, the resident can almost always receive a more complete level of care at a fraction of the cost. In many instances, Medicaid can make skilled nursing free to the resident. And in no instance will the cost of care under Medicaid ever be greater than the resident’s personal income. Moreover, Medicaid eligibility planning can redirect the resident’s accumulated assets in a way that benefits himself and his loved ones.

Jacob A. Hale is an elder law and estate planning attorney at The Hale Law Firm, P.C. in Waxahachie. To learn more about this topic, please visit www.TheHaleLawFirm. com or send an e-mail to the author at

Angie Juenemann, AAMS®

Financial Advisor 212 West Knox Suite B Ennis, TX 75119


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In the world of banking, as in many other businesses, winning market share is vital. Generally speaking, if you have the greatest number of customers, you lead rather than follow. Instead of reacting to marketplace preferences, you set them.

Every week I meet with our marketing, business development and department directors and invariably the conversation evolves into two basic questions about market share: how can we keep our current customers happy and how can we gain more customers in the communities we serve? Although CNB of Texas has done a pretty good job of doing both in the past 143 years, finding a winning formula to dominate market share continues to elude me. Here’s why. First, you must begin with the premise that the great majority of consumers believe that banking is banking, is banking. There is very

Argentina don’t come to us for financial help.

On a day-to-day basis, CNB offers our business and individual consumers the same products and services they could get from any of the “big boy” banks. In fact, in several cases, because smaller banks respond to a much smaller marketplace, we can provide personal customer service that far exceeds the pick-a-number handcuffs that shackle larger financial institutions. If you believe that most banks offer basically the same products and services, then you can jump right into our executive meetings as we try to determine how to win market share in an environment where products and services put you on a somewhat level playing field. Let me take you inside our think tank. It is no trade secret how CNB of Texas differentiates itself from our competition. Our philosophy is that giving back to the communities we serve is what sets us apart. We believe that businesses, families and individuals want to bank with CNB because its commitment to civic programs, churches, education and a better lifestyle directly benefits them. Our values are simple: people want to do business with a bank that cares about them and the community. And, in many cases, it’s not working. We have given tens of thousands of dollars to some school districts and yet they bank elsewhere. The same goes with civic organizations, churches, youth programs and many community programs. It absolutely baffles me that with one hand out to receive donations the other hand stabs you in the back.

little difference between what the mammoth, national banks offer to the general consumer that isn’t provided by smaller, independent banks. Admittedly, colossal institutions like Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo can make massive loans to industry giants and foreign countries (which ironically helped to lead us into a recession and the meltdown we continue to experience), but banks like CNB don’t play in that arena. It is a rare occasion that we are approached for a business loan that exceeds our capabilities simply because General Motors and

So, you are sitting in our think tank session. Do you cut off funds to those who don’t appreciate your benevolence, or do you continue to hold true to philanthropic and altruistic values that giving should never be a “what’s in it for me” arrangement? Certainly, CNB of Texas has maintained its covenant to communities no matter the consequences, but it is a maddening dilemma. What the competition does is that instead of donating hundreds of thousands of dollars back in benevolence like CNB, they use those funds to offer higher interest rates on

money market or savings accounts. And, believe me, people will change banks for a one-quarter percent difference in what they can earn on their deposits. So, what would your vote be in one of our executive meetings? Would you continue to invest in goodwill to citizens and the community that often is taken for granted or would you take the same funds and build market share by getting new customers that will switch to your bank if you offer higher interest on savings and deposits?

Let’s make the decision a little bit more difficult. The attorney generals of Arizona and Nevada are suing Bank of America for engaging in “widespread fraud” by misleading customers with “false promises.” Other banking giants like J.P. Morgan, Citigroup and Wells Fargo are being sued by customers, credit unions, the Department of Justice, retirement funds and other groups for failure of full disclosure. And yet, these banks continue to retain and gain customers. I just don’t understand. You are sitting at our roundtable discussion. It’s your turn to find a solution to retaining CNB customers and gaining more. And, I bet you start to stammer just like I do when confronted with the mystery of market share. It just doesn’t make any sense. Ten big banks own 77 percent of all banking assets in the U.S. In 2002, that percentage was 55 percent. The big boys keep growing and yet they are a prime player in the causes for recession, unemployment and your misery. But many small, community banks are not much better. They pump their money back into their own pockets instead of supporting the communities in which they are located. Their community spirit is just paying lip service if they don’t put their money where their mouth is. Being a responsible community bank also means taking an active part in school and government bond referendums, being a key player in economic development or elected positions, and not being afraid to take a stand even if it may lose you some market share. Yes, market share is important. However, so is integrity.





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!"#$%&%!'()*+"(%",%*-.%/00+1%2"'(*3% &%4+1*#+)*%5**"#(.361%7,!%). BY PATRICK M. WILSON

I am the Ellis County Attorney With Felony Responsibility. But you can call me the County Attorney, or even the District Attorney, if you like. My business card says, “County & District Attorney.” Any of those titles suits me and my position just fine. Let me explain why. The Texas Constitution, adopted in 1876, provides for a county attorney in each of the state’s 254 counties. The constitution also allows the Legislature to create two other types of state’s attorneys in a given area: district attorneys and criminal district attorneys. District attorneys exist in addition to county attorneys. Their offices may encompass two or more counties, as with the 18th Judicial District, which covers both Johnson and Somervell counties. Both of those counties have a county attorney in addition to their shared district attorney. The office of district attorney may also encompass a single county. Hill County, for example, has both a county attorney and a district attorney within its borders. By comparison, criminal district attorneys replace the office of county attorney in a specific county. A county that has the office of criminal district attorney, such as Tarrant County, does not have a separate county attorney. The specific, legal duties of district





attorneys and criminal district attorneys are set forth in the statutes creating each office. Generally speaking, however, district attorneys prosecute felony offenses and county attorneys prosecute misdemeanor offenses. Felony crimes, such as burglary, may be punished with sentences in the Texas prison system. Misdemeanor crimes, such as possession of small amounts of marijuana, may only be punished with sentences in a county jail. Ellis County is one of the few remaining counties with the original constitutional state’s attorney office, the County Attorney, still in place. Because there is no district attorney in Ellis County, my office prosecutes both misdemeanors and felonies; hence the unofficial name, “County Attorney With Felony Responsibility.” That unofficial title has been abbreviated over the years to “County & District Attorney,” because it helps citizens understand the function of the office. To the surprise of many, the Ellis County & District Attorney’s Office does much more than prosecute criminal offenses. Whereas many counties have both a county attorney’s office and a district attorney’s office to handle various legal matters for the state and county, my office performs the duties of both. Some of those additional duties include: pursuing and defending appeals, representing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services in matters involving abused and neglected children and adults, acting as legal counsel for the Commissioners’ Court and all county elected officials and department heads, seeking protective orders for victims of domestic violence,

seeking hospital commitments for families of individuals suffering mental illness, prosecuting juvenile offenders, pursuing bond forfeiture and asset forfeiture litigation, defending the county and its officials against civil law suits, pursuing civil law suits on behalf of the county, collecting restitution for bad checks received by citizens and merchants, investigating public integrity offenses, and many more. These myriad tasks are accomplished with a dedicated team of 34 employees. Fourteen assistant county and district attorneys are dedicated to various legal areas. They are assisted by six investigators and 14 support staff members. Criminal prosecution remains the most visible of our jobs. Accordingly, eight of the 14 attorneys are assigned to the prosecution of adult offenders: four in the misdemeanor division and four in the felony division. In 2010 there were 1,213 felony cases filed with my office, and 1,911 misdemeanors. Any way you divide it, those numbers create a staggering workload for those eight attorneys. The numbers through the first six months of 2011 are even higher. Every attorney in the office has an equivalent workload in their respective areas. That is an unavoidable consequence of the growth of Ellis County. I hope this provides some insight into the functions of my office. The next time you hear about the County Attorney or the District Attorney or the County & District Attorney, maybe you will have a better understanding of the office. Always remember that it is my honor to serve the citizens as the Ellis County Attorney…With Felony Responsibility.




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Forget a two-week crash diet. A well thought-out diet and exercise program is the key to getting down the aisle looking and feeling like a princess. Wedding dress…check. Reception hall… check. Fancy cake…check. Gorgeous flowers…check. A comprehensive diet and exercise program…? After all the time, effort and money most brides spend planning their perfect day, it’s only natural to want to look perfect as well. Usually that means two things: losing weight and toning muscle—particularly the arms, back and waist. How much she can lose and how tone she can expect to be on the Big Day depends on individual goals, how long she has to prepare and her existing activity level, according to Diane Anderson, coordinator for the LEARN weight management program. “A bride can plan on losing a pound to a pound and a half per week safely and healthily,” says Anderson. “But to lose weight, she needs to plan on working out 250 minutes per week. To maintain, she needs to workout 150 minutes per week.” While that may seem like a lot, Anderson recommends thinking about it in terms of 35 minutes per day (22 minutes to maintain), which is much more manageable.


Many brides long have a picture in their head of how they want to look on their wedding day–many have it before even meeting their husband. When it comes to translating that picture into the mirror, though, often they draw a blank. “You’re going to have a plan for your wedding, and maybe even a wedding planner. So you need to have a fitness plan and planner, which is why I recommend meeting with a certified personal trainer,” advised Anderson. With so many costs associated with a wedding, a personal trainer may seem like one




expense too many. However, unlike marriage, it doesn’t have to be a longterm commitment. It may only take one or two sessions. “A trainer can help set a schedule for activity and, perhaps more importantly, a schedule for nutrition in the months and weeks leading up to the wedding. Remember, there is no amount of exercise that can overcome poor eating.” While every bride is different and should follow specific dietary guidelines from either their trainer or a dietitian, Anderson offers some general tips. • Plan out at least five days of healthy meals and five days of healthy snacks. • Take the time to develop a well thoughtout grocery list before going to the store so that you’re not eating whatever happens to be in the refrigerator. • If you’re not already on a planned diet, chances are you will need to increase fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lowfat dairy and healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts.


Brides are busy people, so making it to the gym everyday—or even most days—may not be realistic. But that doesn’t mean brides can’t achieve their weekly workout quotient. In fact, Anderson says it’s important to get your minutes in for reasons beyond meeting fitness and weight loss goals. “There is a lot of stress that goes into putting on a wedding, and when you don’t feel like you’re on track to meet your fitness goals, it only adds to that stress.” What’s more, many people find that working out is a great stress reliever. Here is her advice: • Schedule time in your planner. That may mean getting up earlier or taking a shorter lunch. • Stop by a park and go for a walk in between appointments.

• Even if you’re not a member, many big gyms will let you do a “drop-and-see,” giving you the opportunity to push some weights around. • Record an exercise program that airs on a cable fitness channel and follow it. • Buy some weights, a yoga mat, workout DVD or other inexpensive fitness equipment that you can use anytime at home or the office. • Workout with your fiancé. Not only will it help keep you accountable, but it is a great way to spend time together and get you’re marriage off to a healthy start. “The most important thing in sticking with a program is doing a workout based on what you like,” says Anderson. “For example, if you like to dance, buy a dance-based workout video.”


It may be tempting to go on a crash diet or over do it when it comes to getting in shape for the wedding. Such an approach cannot only be dangerous, but also self-defeating. A crash diet—like not eating—is unhealthy and can slow the metabolism or lead to overeating later. “Working out too hard too soon or too much can lead to injury and pain,” warns Anderson. “If you’re injured or in pain, the last thing you’ll probably want to do is workout again…Besides, the goal of getting fit is so you’re ready to glide down the aisle when all eyes are on you, not limp.”

Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary community or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers, Baylor Medical Center at Waxahachie or Baylor Health Care System.


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• Temper tantrums can be extremely frustrating for any parent. Your most effective response will depend on the cause of the behavior. Temper tantrums are not always a sign of oppositional behavior. Other reasons include fatigue, hunger, mental health issues, trouble managing changes or transitions, grief, frustration, anger, and a child feeling he or she has no say in decisions. Your response can help restore your child’s balance or can intensify the behavior. Responses such as yelling, lecturing or spanking often accelerate the behavior. Let’s look at responses that will be most effective. • When children are tired, they are more likely to lose control. Is your son getting enough sleep? Does he have nightmares or even sleep terrors? Does he suffer with ADHD? Rule out any physical or psychological causes


for his fatigue. Children with anxiety or ADHD often have difficulty falling asleep, while children with depression often wake during the night. Your pediatrician and/or psychologist can help if his fatigue is due to physical or emotional difficulties. If he is having outbursts when hungry, it is easy to fix. Children often get cranky if they do not eat at regular times. Does your child suffer with depression, anxiety, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, or a pervasive developmental disorder? Children with any of these disorders often experience confusing or scary feelings and act out when feeling overwhelmed by their feelings. They don’t know how to express themselves in a healthy manner. A therapist can provide them skills for coping. Some children do not do well with transitions or changes in routine. If this is your son, you can ease him into transitions by letting him know ahead of time what to expect. When an activity is almost over, let him know so he has time to adjust. I have worked with children who lose control when they have lost a loved one. They can be overwhelmed by feelings of loss. Schools, churches and counseling centers sometimes have grief groups for children. When a child feels angry, they often lash out. Helping a child feel heard and encouraging them to talk about their feelings can go a long way in helping them manage their anger. Some children are oppositional and respond to authority in negative ways. Their parents do best to set boundaries, establish rules and make sure their child is aware of the consequences.

You mentioned your son having tantrums in public. Under these circumstances, it can be best to leave the environment. Whatever you do, do not give in to his demands, as this will only reinforce his negative behavior. Some children become frustrated when they feel they cannot live up to a parent’s expectations. Make sure your expectations for your son are age appropriate. Children develop best when they are allowed to make ageappropriate choices. This increases their sense of control. In general, remember to: • Stay calm. Shouting usually intensifies a child’s emotion. • Let the child know you want to hear what they have to say. Give them a chance to talk about their feelings. Encourage them to talk calmly. It doesn’t mean they get what they want, but it allows them to feel heard and understand. • Don’t reward bad behavior by giving in to tantrums. This only encourages them to repeat the behavior in the future. Just because a child has a temper tantrum does not mean they are “bratty.” As you can see there are many causes for outbursts and a parent’s response can go a long way in helping their child to settle down.

DR. DONALDSON is a clinical psychologist practicing in Waxahachie. She can be contacted at or by visiting



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National Celiac Awareness Day is coming up on Sept. 13. There’s been so much talk lately about gluten and choosing gluten-free products or living a gluten-free lifestyle. Is this for you? Should you go gluten free? Are you gluten sensitive or do you have celiac disease? There aren’t any clear road signs to show if you are carrying celiac disease or are gluten sensitive because the symptoms vary with each person. This shows how much more we need to learn about the two issues. So, what is the difference between them? Celiac disease is definitely the more serious of the two. Some symptoms include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain or weight loss. When eating gluten, if you have celiac disease, your intestinal wall ends up damaged. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, “When individuals with CD eat gluten, the villi (tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients from food) are damaged. This is due to an autoimmune reaction to gluten. Damaged villi do not effectively absorb basic nutrients—proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and, in some cases, water and bile salts.” Since your small intestine is injured, you




are more open to other autoimmune disorders, including infertility, osteoporosis and cancer. The National Institutes of Health calculated that more than two million Americans have celiac disease and one in 133 people carry it. This may seem like a small number, but another statistic says that only one in 4,700 are diagnosed. This is quite a concern because the longer you have an untreated celiac disease, the worse it gets. What causes some people to have celiac disease is still unknown. Some suspect that it is carried on by a family’s genes, yet nothing can be proven. When deciding whether you have celiac disease, self-calculation is definitely not an option; you should always be diagnosed for it. Usually, a doctor will give you an antibody blood test that will measure the level of anti-gliadin antibodies in you. If your test comes back with a level of anything higher than 10, you are a possible celiac disease carrier. What happens next varies with each doctor, but what is expected is a biopsy of your small intestine to finalize your doctor’s prediction. The treatment for celiac disease can be considered quite simple. It involves removing all gluten from your diet,

which willl hopefully lower l your antigliadin antibody body level. Phew! So, there isn’t any surgery or major antibiotics to take. But, if you never get yourself checked for celiac disease, then you run the risk of developing more than a damaged intestine. Gluten sensitivity is definitely the lesser evil. If you tested negative for celiac disease, then you could possibly be gluten sensitive (also known as gluten intolerant). Gluten sensitivity certainly doesn’t come with all the baggage that celiac disease carries. It also doesn’t cause any damaged intestines. Gluten intolerance is not synonymous with an allergy. You become gluten sensitive when your body doesn’t recognize the gluten material, and treats it as an unfamiliar substance. There are more than 250 documented gluten sensitivity symptoms, but a few are nausea, mouth sores or vomiting. Gluten intolerance can be fixed the same way that celiac disease is, by removing gluten materials from your diet. So, as Sept. 13 comes, I hope that you will be reminded to stop by your doctor’s office if you have symptoms, to see if you are a possible carrier for Celiac disease or are just gluten intolerant.

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Many people find the active lifestyle they lead causes tension and irritability. Lack of sleep, multitasking and eating fast foods is a contributor to building up stress and toxins in our bodies. When daily activities begin to take a toll, the emotions begin to become affected. Reactions may not be well thought out; people become much less proactive. By taking a few simple breaths, these symptoms and stressors will dissipate. One easy and attainable breathing technique to use is called Three-Part Breath. To access this breath, simply find an easy, seated

position. Sit evenly on both sits bones and lift the spine through first the heart and then the crown of the head. Create space between the vertebrae. Relax the chin so its level with the earth. Sink back into the tailbone while releasing pressure on the lower back. Now, begin to focus on the simple sound of the breath. Soften any areas that are holding tension, feeling any habitual tension drain into the earth. Breathe through the belly, through the chest, to the top of the lungs feeling breath up through the crown of the head. Slowly release, reversing the flow through the nose, through the throat, the chest and begin to squeeze out through the upper abdominals, coming to no breath. Squeeze out any tidal volume of remaining carbon dioxide. If comfortable, pause without breath. Utilizing the pelvic floor muscles, feel the breath again rise, inhaling through the nose, the belly, the chest and pause at the top of the breath. Then slowly release. Continue this pattern as long as is enjoyable, listening to the sound of breath and

letting go. Three-part breath can be practiced during any activity, and brings our awareness to situations or thought patterns that disconnect us from full breathing, even while driving. As few as three breaths can make a measurable difference. As this breath becomes more natural, more awareness will begin to come into view. This will enlighten and call attention to when the breath is retained, and then can be released. We are simply energetic beings down to our very atom. It is stated that within two years almost every cell in our body will be replaced. Through connection to breath we begin to realize that we are mind, body and spirit and it is all interconnected.

Lisa Ware, RYT is a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Therapist and Studio Owner of Dynamic Yoga & Fitness Studios in Red Oak and Waxahachie, Texas. She is originally from Colorado and has been practicing yoga since about 1993.

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As summertime fun has wound down, and the back-to-school season has officially ended, it’s time to re-establish Mother Nature’s Pantry. First, let’s address the stress and horror that is back to school! NO supply list is complete without including a daily nutritional live food, multivitamin supplement for every child, parent and educator. If a child has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, nutritional therapies have proven more effective than most prescription drugs without the sometimesmajor side effects. Brian-boosting programs are available for ages 3 and up. Second, the summertime diet and lifestyle changes usually support an exhausted immune system. With allergy season looming, time is running out if you need an immune overhaul. From immune boosters to specific structure-function remedies, your pantry should not overlook this most important category. I suggest that your pantry have a daily live food nutrient, specific to age and gender, a brain booster specific to age and need, and an all-around immune formula.

In choosing the right supplements for you and your family, it is important to share information about lifestyle, diet and hereditary issues. Your local health food store should have a knowledgeable staff and can provide your family with wellness solutions. The highest-quality supplements are created to address immediate shortterm and long-term needs. When looking for the three items I mentioned earlier, here are some key categories and essential nutrients to look for:

which are needed for healthy brain and memory function Alpha-Lipoic Acid: an antioxidant that provides protective effects on brain and nerve tissue; supports cell health Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE): boosts brain power and supports alertness Ginkgo biloba: can help improve memory and cognitive function Vinpocitine: a botanical that promotes memory and concentration


A stronger immune system can help your body ward off and fight viruses and diseases to which you may be exposed. Many immune protection supplements contain: Vitamins A and C: support cell function and reduce free-radical damage to cells Bioflavanoids: can reduce pain, inflammation and effects of histamines in allergies Olive extract: promotes healthy blood pressure Cat’s claw extract: relieves pain and swelling Bifodobacteria bifidum: reduces population of harmful organisms in large intestine; keeps intestinal tract healthy Zinc, astragalus root, beta-glucan and selenium: provide immune support

Taking a daily live food nutrient can help aid in digestion, boost immune system function, control blood sugar and improve energy and performance. When looking for the right supplement for you, try to find a soft gel. These are absorbed quicker and can hold important oils, like essential fatty acids, which can repair cell membranes. The supplements usually contain the following nutrients, among others. Full-spectrum vitamins: necessary to build and maintain all tissues and organs, keep skin healthy and regulate system functions Minerals: help produce critical enzymes, hormones, bones and tissue Antioxidant blends: assist in defense against free-radicals Amino acid blends: support immune system function and the building of proteins Memory and concentration blends: help balance concentration and reduce fatigue

BRAIN BOOSTER As kids go back to school, memory and focus are crucial aspects to succeeding in their classes. Taking a daily brain booster supplement will aid in your child’s concentration. Many of these contain: Acetyl-L-Carnitine: helps maintain vital brain functions like neurotransmitter production Choline: helps support neurotransmitters,





When it comes to you and your children’s health, it is important to weigh options provided by Mother Nature herself. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.

Matt Munchrath is the owner of Ann’s Health Food Center and Market. Ann’s Health Food Center and Market is located at 2305 North Highway 77 in Waxahachie. You can reach Matt by calling 972.923.1400. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure.





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When I was planning my wedding almost 20 years ago, I didn’t know I would end up in the bridal and catering business. However, in thinking back, maybe there was some writing on the wall. I grew up attending First Baptist Church in Dallas, one of the largest churches in the country—it covers five city blocks in downtown Dallas and has more than 30,000 members. My parents met and married there in 1957. Everything at our church was a major production and I was at the heart of it all. Our 200-member choir had productions as elaborate as any Broadway musical and our orchestra was known to rival the Dallas Symphony. I loved going to the weddings at our church. They were always an affair to remember. Growing up with so much fanfare gave me an appetite for wanting everything I do to be in grand style. When it came time for my wedding, it was no exception.

I didn’t get married until I was 32 years old, so I had years to dream big. If there was ever a time my parents were grateful they only had one child, this was it. I designed our invitations on beautiful cardstock in gold calligraphy and painstakingly wrapped each one with handmade paper and a wax seal. The church’s 100-year-old sanctuary was beautiful with its magnificent stained glass windows and scarlet red carpet.

We had the choir loft filled with more than 200 long taper candles and tied hurricane lanterns with white roses and trails of greenery at the end of each pew. With 800 guests looking on, Dallas Baptist University choir opened the ceremony singing “Standing on Holy Ground.” Four cameras recorded the event from every angle as my dad walked me down the aisle. My wedding dress was made of silk taffeta with hand-sewn pearls and beading that covered the bodice and sleeves. Six bridesmaids wore emerald green taffeta ball gowns and carried cascading nosegays made of solid white flowers. Dr. W. A. Criswell, the famous preacher who had married my parents 35 years earlier, officiated our wedding, and W. T. Greer brought the house down singing his incredible rendition of “The Lord’s Prayer.” It was a night to remember. The celebration continued with a lavish buffet and a five-foot tall wedding cake that looked more like a huge porcelain sculpture than multiple tiers of confection. As we drove away in a white vintage Bentley to the historic Adolphus Hotel, Mrs. H. L. Hunt jumped in the back seat with us. At the end of the evening my face hurt from smiling so long. Although my husband tends to remember our wedding as standing for hours in a rented tux and uncomfortable

shoes while talking to 800 of his closest friends he didn’t know, I am grateful he endured it all for me. In looking back I now know why I set the bar so high in our catering business.

“I WANT THEIR BIG DAY TO BE A DREAM COME TRUE, LIKE MINE WAS.” Over the years I have tried to help my brides have that same feeling when The Doves Nest caters a wedding. From constructing a dance floor over a client’s swimming pool, to covering a backyard with clear tents for a starry night, we have done it all. Whether it’s a small intimate affair with just family, or an elaborate reception where the newlyweds leave the scene by helicopter, I want their big day to be a dream come true, like mine was. We can’t all have a royal wedding like Will and Kate, but a bride can at least feel like a princess for a day.

Cindy Burch

Cindy Burch, and her husband Andrew, own and operate The Doves Nest Restaurant & Gifts in historic downtown Waxahachie. Cindy is a freelance writer, caterer and consultant. Her award-winning cookbook, “The Doves Nest Restaurant: New American Recipes From A Historic Texas Town,” has sold more than 30,000 copies.




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