
Terry Wooten
NMLS 224831
Matt Authier
Adrian Sanchez 469.628.3868

Danny Gildea 972.921.5569
Lance Wallace 903.571.9869


Captured on a gorgeous day, curated floral arrangements for lovers of the unique and memorable by Whimsical Creative! The focal flower is a fave--an elegant Coral Charm Peony. Others include Free Spirit roses, snapdragons, mums, tulips, and lilies...a bright and happy color palette with shades of peach, pink, coral and soft yellows. Blooming with blessings at Nice Winery in Houston!

Garden Tips by Scotty Rigsby of Rigsby Garden Center
Spring Into Floral Trends with Copper Rose Boutique
The Four Pillars of CORE
Women with Julie Sides Farrar
Breath of Fresh Design
Pellet Grills or Offset Thrills?
The Complete Guide to Growing & Arranging Spectacular Blooms with Gracielinda Poulson
A Land Flowing with Milk, Honey... & Healing
Behind the Scenes of Big Daddy Beard Co. LLC with Doug & Melissa Yarbrough
Events are in Full Swing in Ennis!
Waxahachie Blooms with Fun for Everyone!
46 ELLIS COUNTY’S GOT TALENT Brilliance Presented By Navarro College Foundation
48 THE RAILPORT DISTRICT Day to Day at The Railport District
The Joy of St. Croix

If you are suffering from pain, addiction, or both, it can be an overwhelming experience. At Eclipse Pain and Recovery, we understand that everybody experiences pain differently and there is no one-sizefits-all approach. Sir William Osler was credited for saying, “It is more important to know what kind of patient has the disease than what kind of a disease the patient has.” I can think of no better application than for someone with pain or an addiction. Do not put off feeling your best another day. It is time to live more with less pain. Let us take that next step together!
• Back pain
• Neck pain
• Knee pain
• Shoulder pain
• Neuropathy
• Sciatica
• Fibromyalgia
• Migraine

Blooming with Blessings...
Bright blooms are everywhere and in this issue you’ll find some solid recommendations about flowering plants and gardening tips. Order a copy of Garden Roses or plan an excursion to the Dallas Arboretum for a visual color explosion and ideas!.There’s always so much to do right here in Ellis County and we’ve tapped into some fun that you won’t want to miss! It might also be time to build your dream or simply refresh your home, take a road trip far from the city life, or fly to a tropical paradise.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and mentors! Need some gift ideas? Keep reading! My own father is a pretty extraordinary man of integrity and an upstanding leader in our family. We are so very blessed. He recently published a book of life memories and treasured wisdom for our family and friends, proving it’s never too late to bloom! At 86, he put his mind to it and made it happen. Be encouraged in the article on how to broaden interests by focusing and expanding our minds.
Embrace Spring as a season of growth and renewal. Continue to press on even if current circumstances throw a curveball.
Laurie Jean Senott’s quote reminds us: “Every flower must grow through dirt.” Some days you feel like you’re flourishing in rich, healthy soil, and on others it’s like painfully pushing through dry dirt. Stay grateful, content in all things (Phil 4:11-13) and humble, but don’t play small. Get out there, sprout...and bloom!
May your life be overflowing with joy, peace, purpose, and blooming with blessings!
“For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.” Isaiah 61:11
Melissa McBride | Publisher & Curator | Editor@living-magazine.com
Lindsey Keeney | Creative Director | Lindsey@living-magazine.com
Mary Crook | Art Director | Mary@living-magazine.com
Copyright 2023-2024
Ellis County Living Magazine LLC© All rights reserved.
No portion of EllisCountyLivingMagazineshall be reprinted in any other publication without permission. The views expressed herein should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your physician.
EllisCountyLivingMagazine is published bi-monthly by Ellis County Living Magazine LLC© using only environmentally-friendly ink.
We are proud members of the Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian and Red Oak Chambers of Commerce.
A special thanks to all of our contributors!

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Summer at the Arboretum

SUMMER AT THE ARBORETUM: ENDLESS SUMMER is set for June 1st to August 4th featuring 150 free standing hammocks, a Floral Fashion exhibit, live music and performances, cooking and floral demonstrations and Family Fun Fridays. According to U.S. News & World Report, the Dallas Arboretum is one of the “21 Top Things to Do in Texas.” Dallas Arboretum President and CEO Sabina Carr said, “We invite visitors and members to indulge in a tropical paradise right here in the heart of Dallas. Come ‘hang out’ in one of the 150 hammocks nestled amongst the luxuriously shaded Pecan Grove. Explore the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden with your little explorers where there are misters to keep you cool; take off early from work to attend a Family Fun Friday; and explore the Floral in Fashion exhibit inside the historic DeGolyer House.”
SUMMER PLANTINGS highlight the tropical plants in the garden as it blooms with vibrant colorful flora in many areas. The horticulture staff have planted more than 65,000 new plantings including monsteras, papayas, elephant ears, bird of paradise and many other varieties creating the Arboretum’s signature summer look.
FOR YOUNG EXPLORERS, there are dozens of free daily programs in the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden, where there are opportunities to learn about plants, insects, ecosystems and more in an engaging and interactive way. Plus, 8,000 feet of overhead misters, shaded gazebos and the learning rich, air-conditioned Exploration Center provides the perfect relief from the summer sun.
FAMILY FUN FRIDAYS, presented by Kimberly-Clark, also return in the Main Garden with crowd favorite Country Critters petting zoo, story time and bubble picnics in the Pecan Grove.
MEANWHILE, ADULTS CAN INDULGE in daily food and garden programs in A Tasteful Place, combining culinary delights with the beauty of botanical surroundings. On weekends, try out homemade sweet items including ice creams and sorbets, chock full of peak seasonal produce.
LIVE PIANO PERFORMANCES continue all summer at Jeanne’s Pavilion each Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 2 p.m. Dallas’ best party bands hit the Martin Rutchik Concert Stage on certain festival weekends from 2 to 4 p.m. where visitors can relax or get up and dance. Please visit the Dallas Arboretum website for a full list of summer festival concert dates.
About the ArboretumDallas and Botanical Garden:
The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden is located on the southeastern shore of White Rock Lake at 8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218. The garden is also home of the nationally acclaimed Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden. It is open daily from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Parking is $12 and can be purchased online along with advance tickets at dallasarboretum.org or by calling 214.515.6615.

Springtime in Texas!
Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush, and a variety of other native wildflowers have been blooming in yards and all along our Ellis County roads. For blooming plants and perennials (recurring growing season plants), it’s the most wonderful time of year! Spring rains bring consistent moisture that is full of nutritious chemical elements--mostly nitrogen. Nitrogen makes everything “green up” quickly which helps boost plants to show off their colors.
The weather is getting warmer and so is the soil. We are in the Blackland Prairie geographic region of Texas, and our soil is highly alkaline, black clay, and rocky. When it’s wet it doesn’t drain well and it inhibits the transfer of nutrients to the plants. When it’s dry, the soil can be very hard and difficult to work with. Amending your soil is the number one thing you can do to improve your chances of having a beautiful, bountiful, and blooming garden. The higher and more raised you can get your flower beds and vegetable gardens, the more your plants will thrive and boom.
Some of the first things that you will see annually as winter fades to spring are redbud and various fruit trees, quince, forsythia, daffodils, spireas, and as mentioned before, various wildflowers and perennials. Most spring blooming plants, perennials and accent or ornamental trees bloom for just a few weeks. There are a variety that will give you longer blooming periods based on quality of soil, temperature, sunlight exposure and moisture. Annuals (plants that have just one growing season) can bloom for six months or more. Planting different varieties that bloom at different times of the year will give you color almost year-round.
Some of the larger bloomers that I like are most salvias and especially salvia greggii, Gregg’s mistflower, gaura, blackfoot daisy, red yucca, knockout roses, blue plumbago, canna, Mexican petunia, rock rose, Turk’s cap, verbena, zexmenia, ice plant, and especially, lantana (borderline perennial.) There are so many others, but these are a few of my favorites that are proven winners and plants that are readily available in the industry.
Of course there are other ways to get color in the garden and one is by using varying colors of leaf variety. There are some beautiful variegated plants and different shades of green that will give you constant color. Some that I like are hostas, coral bells, yuccas, ferns, ginger, nandina, loropetalum, sunshine ligustrum, zebra grass, lamb’s ear, cotoneaster, Texas sage and kaleidoscope abelia.
Happy gardening with color and “bloom where you’re planted!”

“Amending your soil is the NUMBER ONE thing you can do to improve your chances of having a beautiful, bountiful, and blooming garden.”

Scotty Rigsby is a former board member and 2008 Texas Certified Landscape Professional (TCLP) with the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association (TNLA) and a class of 2008 Ellis County Master Gardener. He started Silverado Lawn & Landscaping LLC in 2005 and Rigsby’s Garden Center LLC in 2016. Both are in an “urban forest” located within the city limits of Midlothian at 3080 Shady Grove Road. They also host events and are very pet and child friendly with hiking trails through the woods and along Waxahachie Creek. There are a lot of great areas for photo ops and they are always ready to answer your gardening and landscaping questions. Visit soon!

SPRING INTO floral trends with copper rose
Spring into the floral trend with us at Copper Rose Boutique! We’re obsessing over these looks! A few ways to rock the latest trends this season:
Floral denim
There are so many fun ways to rock your denim this spring! From zip-up jumpsuits to asymmetrical wide-leg dad jeans - it’s safe to say you’ll find what you’re looking for at Copper Rose Boutique. Our newest embroidered floral jeans or denim jumpsuit will have you blooming with personality. Another denim trend we’re loving is color-blocking. Try cream wide-leg jeans on your next outing...they’ll make your colorful florals pop!
Spring is all about colors in full bloom. We are loving peach, pinks, yellows, blues and creams. Try mixing and matching these colors together and add patterns and stripes into your wardrobe! Denim is a classic way to incorporate blue - so try a pink, yellow, or even flowery top! When you shop at Copper Rose Boutique, we’ll help you incorporate spring colors into casual or dressy looks. If you’re a neutral girl, we’ve got you covered and can also help you find the colorful accessories your wardrobe craves.
Your shoes set the tone of your look! While you’re wearing florals up top, anchor your outfit with a solid heel or boot. We are currently obsessed with our chunky Bedstu heels. These will be the most comfortable heels you own. Another obsession: Old Gringo. These boots are made for western girlies and divas alike. Pair some fun Old Gringos with a flirty dress, skirt, jumpsuit or denim!
The hat bar is one of our favorite areas in our Midlothian store. We’ve partnered with our hat bar girls, Floozy Moose, to provide our clients with a wide variety of hats (including Charlie One Horse!) to be custom decorated. This is a true one-of-a-kind experience we offer.
Are there ever too many accessories? We don’t think so. Some of our current faves include fringe handbags, colorful leather clutches, stylized hats, and chunky layered jewelry. Don’t forget your self-care routine! We now carry an all-natural line of lip scrubs, lip balms and lip tints - perfect for you or as a gift!

BY JULIE SIDES FARRARFOUR PILLARS Thank you for continuing to join me on this journey of (hopefully!) bringing more balance to life. As I shared in the last edition, the mission of CORE Women focuses on four pillars: Mind, Body, Spirit, and Community.
OUR MIND IS THE FIRST PILLAR There are so many different directions we could go when discussing the mind, but for me, I’ve been working on several steps. I’m intentionally staying focused, quieting the busyness to be present wherever I am, devoting time to meditation and prayer, and learning new things by tapping into my interests and learning style so I can fully bloom!
STAYING FOCUSED Growing up, I was a curious, hyper child. I talked too much, couldn’t sit still, and wouldn’t be found reading a book quietly in a corner. I wanted an “S” for “Satisfactory” on the conduct portion of my report card instead of an “N” for “Needs Improvement” so badly, but I didn’t know how to stop talking and pay attention. I spent most of my younger years thinking I wasn’t very smart. It wasn’t until I was working on my MBA when I decided to go to a doctor and was diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. He started me on medication to help me with my ADHD, and within a few days, I learned that I love to read and was suddenly able to pay attention in class. I realized what had been going on was not that I wasn’t smart, but just that I was struggling to stay focused. That’s when I found a love for learning.
& BEING FULLY PRESENT Fast forward to the present time where I am always going several different directions and want to do so many things. It’s still a bit challenging to slow down and be fully present to quiet my mind. I can be in one place while thinking of three other things I need to be doing, or have a conversation and tune out halfway through it. Sometimes it is hard to tame the monkeys in my mind, but I have found meditation to be a huge help.
MEDITATION & PRAYER There is a lot of research to support meditation for several areas of our health. I am a fan of concentrative meditation, where I focus on deep breathing and spending time with God. During that time, I let go of all my thoughts and distractions and shift all my focus to Him. When wandering thoughts pop up, I kindly pat them on their little heads, refocus my thoughts on God, and quietly sit in His presence. When I need a little guidance on a specific topic, I use a meditation app on my phone that walks me through a Bible verse and prayer, all while reminding me to take slow, deep breaths. I have found that when I start my day off with quieting my mind and giving God the first few minutes, I am better suited to take on whatever comes my way.
LEARNING NEW THINGS After my morning quiet time of meditation and prayer, I am fresh and ready to learn something new! Right now, my “something new” is French. Later this year, a group of us will be traveling to France and I cannot wait to practice my “Texas French” with the new Parisian friends I’ll meet! Right now it’s French, but my audiobooks, paperbacks, Youtube, and podcasts all ebb and flow between topics such as gardening tips, the human body, recipes I can’t wait to try, or some kind of self-help. The number of topics I am interested in could keep me busy for several lifetimes. I have such a passion for learning and growing and encourage you to do so also. First, find your own new interests and style of learning.
EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS & LEARNING STYLE What do you like to do? What makes you feel happy? What do you love to dream about doing? Get creative! Learning is fun and there are many avenues you can choose from including audiobooks, reading, one-on-one coaching, spending time with a mentor, or enrolling in a cooking class. Explore by traveling or learning something new…a sport, hobby, art, trade, or a new language. Consider taking a class at the local college. Whatever your style--morning, or night, being indoors or sitting with a cup of coffee outdoors by the pool--consider taking time to be quiet, meditate, and breathe slowly and deeply. Start with 8 minutes. Try paying attention to where you are and what you’re doing without thinking about other things or looking at your phone (I’m totally talking to myself here.)
After you have found that “something” you are passionate or curious about, discover your learning style and challenge yourself to grow. Take that class, read the book, try new foods, learn a new dance, see new things, and watch your mind bloom!

CORE Women will host a brunch on June 29. If you would like to join us, visit our CORE Women Facebook Page for more details.

Lacey Rodgers is an award-winning designer who has a true passion for interior design. Her design firm, Living Right Designs is based in Waxahachie, Texas. Living Right Designs focuses on architectural design for custom homes, residential remodels, and commercial interior design projects. It’s always inspirational to hear about her latest projects! This custom build has refreshing design elements which skillfully combine a clean, modern look with touches of antiquity.
Q: Can you work with any custom home builder?
Yes we work with many builders, and have found it to be a great collaboration that benefits the client. We work as a team with builders and their subs to help our clients achieve the home they are dreaming of.
Q: When designing a custom home, what are the most important factors to consider?
How do you want to use your home? We like to get to know the client and how they live and how they envision their life in their new home. Do you entertain? How many will live here? Then the overall aesthetic.
Q: Love that laundry room! Will you share the color? It's so clever how you built the countertop over the appliances.
What a fun punch of color! Sherwin Williams - Haven #6437. Pairs perfectly with this Thibaut wallpaper... The client has said that her laundry room design has made the mundane laundry chores more cheerful!
Q: This color palette is like a breath of fresh air! Tell us how you & the client arrived at the choices.
A project's color palette needs to be appropriate for the function of the room. Haven is definitely not the color for a media room! Often the color scheme is influenced by the client - what colors speak to them and what brings their individual personality into the design.
Q: For all those who are considering a remodel or building a custom home why hire a professional designer?
A professional designer brings a wealth of expertise to a project! We don't hire anything out - from drafting the space, creating 3D renderings, selecting finishes, regularly scheduled site checks with the builder to help ensure the design is being executed as planned, and all the final touches of furniture planning, window treatments, and decorating.
Q: What are your favorite design elements achieved on this project?
This project is a perfect blend of rustic textures and clean lines. We love the antique pantry door, and the distressed pine beams. We created the perfect finish to match the white oak cabinets. The design for the fireplace was created from slabs of coping stone to highlight the modern farmhouse aesthetic.
This home was featured on the annual Hachie Home Tour and we are looking forward to celebrating our community and the homes that connect us again this coming fall!


y in-laws created a monster. Oh wait, did you think I was talking about my wife? Five years ago, they bought me my first Traeger pellet grill as a gift and it was actually my father-in-law that suggested I start sharing my cooks in a “food blog.” I had no idea what a pellet grill was prior to 2019, I learned about them when the Meat Church BBQ Supply store opened. I’ve always had a little offset smoker and a Weber. In August of 2019 I posted my very first picture on my new Instagram account that I titled Meat Therapy. I had just finished putting my Traeger together and was enjoying a cold one smiling like a giddy school girl leaned up against it. I’m pretty sure I got one “like” on that photo and it was from a family member just trying to appease me.
Just in case you’ve been living in a hole, pellet smokers are outdoor cookers that merge the best of charcoal and gas grills along with kitchen ovens. They are fueled by wood pellets and can grill, sear, braise, and bake. Believe it or not, pellet grills have been around since the mid-80s, but have gained more popularity within the last five years or so. There have been a lot of opinions on whether pellet grills could compete with an offset smoker, but despite the criticisms pellet grills have received, no one can argue that they have changed the game when it comes to convenience. The best feature of a pellet grill is the sheer fact that they are simple to use.
After seasoning it in, my first cook was chicken leg quarters. I figured I’d better go with something relatively cheap for an inaugural cook on a grill that I had no idea how to use. And guess what? They didn’t suck!
My confidence grew quickly in trusting the technology that the Traeger offered and the next thing I knew I was making a brisket…on a Sunday…during church. I remember discretely pulling up my Traeger app and checking my brisket temps while obviously listening to the sermon. When COVID hit, I was an essential worker at our local hospital putting in long hours 6 days a week, but on the 7 th day there was rest and there was meat — lots and lots of meat.
Now don’t get me wrong, I still get thrills with my offset smoker. There is just something special about tending a fire for hours upon hours, honing in on a consistent temp, fighting the elements and all the different variables that come along with an offset smoker. Playing with fire and meat helps to reconnect to the primitive brain and embrace that inner caveman. It’s a true craft that produces incredible results when everything is dialed in just right. I truly love cooking on the offset, but time is a big factor. Between having time for my family, my “real” job, maintaining a 124-year-old historic home and everything else in a busy life, time must be prioritized. Unfortunately, that means I don’t get to burn wood as often as I used to or would like. I am okay with that though. With being introduced to pellet grills, I can put out consistent delicious food while having a busy lifestyle. It’s the joys of both worlds.
There are those “purists” out there that will talk all kinds of mess about pellet grills or as they refer to as “easy bake ovens.” But that’s okay. You do you. I am here to tell you though; they are all ovens just with different fuel sources. Can I bake on my pellet grill? Yep. Can I bake on my offset? Yep. I am of the mindset that you should cook on what fits your lifestyle best. A busy life, use a pellet grill. Less busy, go with an offset. If it’s up and down then why not have both options in your outdoor cooking arsenal?
That is how I’ve found the happy medium in my love for BBQ and outdoor cooking. Remember, whatever you cook on, have fun with it. Enjoy the memories created around sharing good food with family and friends.


STORY BY GRACIELINDA POULSON PHOTOS BY MARCY BLACK SIMPSONGrace Rose Farm is the rose destination, whether you’re a florist looking for that just-so hue of rose for a high-end wedding, a customer who wants to find a one-of-a-kind bouquet to ship to their mom, one of Poulson’s 250,000 newsletter subscribers looking for tips on growing their own roses, or among the nearly 200,000 followers who swoon over her images on Instagram.
In GARDEN ROSES: The Complete Guide to Growing & Arranging Spectacular Blooms (Available now, $30, Artisan), Poulson shares her incredible breadth of wisdom in a comprehensive guide to everything rosy. As Poulson writes, “Whether you harvest blooms for a simple arrangement or plan a rose-centered tablescape for a summer dinner party, there are many ways to transport the rose garden to your daily moments, celebrations, and everything in between.”
This highly giftable volume filled with stunning color photographs of exclusive Grace Rose Farm bouquets, GARDEN ROSES includes detailed information on the best varieties in every possible hue—ones that can thrive in the home garden and bring gardeners magnificent blooms year after year. She also offers instructions for planting, year-round care, and harvesting, whether you’re growing roses in the ground, in raised beds, or in containers, and in every climate zone; plus styling and arranging tips, including bouquets in simple pitchers and urns as well as more elaborate tablescapes and floral arches. Poulson not only provides a beautiful encyclopedia of roses, but also offers readers the tips and tools needed to achieve their own dream rose garden. GARDEN ROSES demystifies rose anatomy, bloom forms, and even the different types of rose fragrances. For anyone from the rose novice to master gardener, Poulson provides expert advice on watering, fertilizing, pest control, when and how to prune your roses for optimal blooms, and the best varieties for various climates.
Rose lovers without a green thumb will find inspiration for modern rose arrangements and color stories, as well. For example, the Thomas à Beckett rose is a fluttery and delicate take on the classic red rose. The vividly striped Marc Chagall fades into a soothing pastel pink as it matures in a vase. Climbing roses are wild, whimsical, and charmingly unfussy in a garden. Poulson’s eye for mixing textures of woven petals and hues in organically shaped bouquets invites the reader to see roses in an entirely fresh light.
About the Author
Gracielinda (Gracie) Poulson founded Grace Rose Farm in 2016 with her husband out of their first home in California. The couple planted 500 rose bushes to honor Gracie’s late grandmother, sharing content of the process across social media along the way. Shortly after, requests began pouring in from florists and flower lovers across the country, and Grace Rose Farm soon evolved into the largest online retailer in the United States for cut garden roses, with over four million shipped annually. While Garden Roses marks Gracie’s official foray into the literary world, over the years she has built a devoted base of rose-loving customers and fans, inspiring and empowering novice gardeners and green thumbs alike to begin their own floral-filled journey. With education at the cornerstone of her business, Gracie looks forward to sharing her wealth of knowledge and expertise with her community and beyond with her very first book. Follow along @GRACEROSEFARM, join the Facebook group Growing Roses with Grace Rose Farm to learn how to grow roses with thousands of rose gardeners, and explore the exquisite variety of roses and products available on the Grace Rose Farm website.
A Handful of Grace Rose Farm Expert Tips from Garden Roses:
• The best roses for every section of your garden. Place fragrant varieties near seating areas for a pleasant scent. Opt for smaller, prolific-blooming roses like shrub roses on slopes or as ground cover for optimal visual impact from a distance. Choose thornless varieties like Clouds of Glory for pathways, especially in childfriendly gardens.
• Roses to plant together to make stunning and modern color palettes, including elegant blushes and creams, spring sherbets, summer pastels, and earthy neutrals to ensure your rose garden, and bouquets, will look harmonious.
• How to ensure your cut stems last for as long as possible at home, such as keeping a freshly cut rose in fresh water for an hour before trimming to your desired length for a vase, keeping them out of direct sunlight, and Gracie’s special flower food recipe using household ingredients.
• The fundamentals of arranging roses in a vase with the “push and pull” system. As you add stems to your vessel, you will want the heights to vary from one bloom to the next. Pull stems out a bit or push them deeper into your vessel to create a dimensional look that mimics how flowers grow in nature.
• To successfully plant roses in containers for a charming patio display, choose compact, diseaseresistant varieties like floribundas or David Austin shrub roses. Select a pot with a minimum of 15 gallons, using a well-draining mix of compost, potting soil, and peat moss. Fertilize in spring and after each flush of blooms with organic fertilizer.
Milk, Honey... and Healing
The ranch is located about an hour from Houston or Austin and a few hours from Dallas. Easy day trips into Burton, Brenham or Round Top take about fifteen minutes. This area of Texas continues to be a fave road trip of mine! I found this to be a perfect getaway from the city...a peaceful yet exciting destination to reimagine what life is all about. The Milk & Honey Ranch strives to not only be an unparalleled fun adventure, but educational in showing guests that it's not just a stay...it's an experience!

An authentic hands-on farm experience while staying in luxury resort-style accommodations and amenities. Milk & Honey Ranch has 54 explorable acres with around 400 animals! It's a sustainable, organic lifestyle. After you book online, you'll receive instructions for a contactless check-in. Upon arrival (watch closely for the ranch entrance...this property is very secluded) follow the signs to your accommodations and you'll be welcomed in your room by an info booklet and a basket containing honey from the ranch and either sourdough bread or a little carton of pastel eggs that are almost too pretty to eat!
This adventure introduced me to something new...staying in a white glamping dome! There are three with various decor to choose from. So fun!! Each dome has its own restroom just a few steps away on the private deck. The luxury showers have partially frosted glass as an outside wall, so the surrounding trees are your POV. Fully-equipped with air conditioning, mini fridge, coffee bar, and plush furnishings including glam lighting and mirrors, flatscreen and a cowhide rug. In the glamping area you'll find a nice laundry room, plenty of lounging chairs, an outdoor grill, and a hot tub. It feels private and secluded as it is nestled beside a heavily wooded area for a luxe yet rustic experience. Just steps away from the beach! There are plenty of golf carts to use for your stay, so park your vehicle and explore in the cart. If you want more of a resort home experience, rent a casita or cabin. All of them have well-appointed kitchens and overlook the lake. If you need more than a couple of rooms...rent the "hotel" with four bedrooms or the lodge. Feeling adventurous? Try staying in the Treehouse! Want to throw an extraordinary event? Rent the whole farm! Whichever accommodations you choose, you'll want to take the time to select some experiences before your arrival.
At least 24 hours before your trip, you'll want to take a look online at milkandhoneyranch.com to peruse the menu of fun experiences, farm-to-table meals, food items from the ranch, and branded gift items that are available! Monica and her husband, Hugo manage the ranch and are both bright lights and full of smiles. Arrange a golf cart tour with Monica! Expect one of their darling kids and possibly a dog or two to jump in with you. Help them be prepared for you in advance and curate your visit by pre-selecting things you want to make sure are available for your stay-and-play excursion. Rentals include jet skis, paddle boards, canoes, fishing gear, e-bikes, etc. The local businesses in the oh-so-quaint surrounding Texas towns have hours that vary from day-to-day and can change at a moment's notice. I recommend that you call ahead before you make the drive into town. Make certain that you plan ahead for meals. Either book your meals, desserts, or specialty drinks online with the ranch, bring your own food and drinks and plan to prepare it yourself, or pay close attention to restaurant hours as they are at least 15-20 minutes away. Bring a cooler and order farmraised organic food online ahead of time to take home. There are additional experiences you can add like private full-body massages, charcuterie workshops, or bath bomb/shower steamer workshops. Check their online calendar for special events, concerts, dinners and weekend themes. You are out in the country and will feel very remote, but there are plenty of activities to keep you busy or just simply relax.

There is a large resort-style pool ("Hey Alexa...turn the fire feature on") with a hot tub, sand volleyball, trampoline, a fully-equipped gym, and a bottomless candy and snack room. Relax in a hammock and enjoy the pretty landscaping and the string lights at night. There are gorgeous flowers all around the property and lots of butterflies. After I returned from my trip, I immediately purchased a Lily of the Nile (Agapanthas) after enjoying their "atomic" blooms in the glamping area. The large blue pond has a Beach Club with cabanas, decks, tables, grills, and fire pits. This summer, the newest building on the property will be complete. The plan is to have a gathering area, cafe, spa, and conference room. Also included at Milk & Honey are plenty of sunsets, incredible views, hiking trails with many areas to explore and...of course...there's the animals!
For me...it was all about the authentic feeling of being at a peaceful faraway farm with all those animals to interact with and photograph! Pulling into the property, I loved being greeted by all the animated goats, peacocks, and the turkeys (The Three Stooges) and they all have a lot of personality. Most of the animals have fitting names and they are characters! Penny, the Highland cow, is a farm favorite and you can arrange a photo session with her. There are cows, a longhorn, donkeys, horses, pigs, guinea fowl, ducks, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats, and more. Oh yes...and bees! You will love the honey. This is a lifestyle waiting to be shared with you!
Brent Phillips found this gem of a property in 2021. The land needed a lot of work as it was undeveloped. At first he envisioned it to be a family getaway from Houston for himself, his wife, Daniela, and their children. But God. He seemed to have other plans. After much preparation, and a year of hard work, the ranch was ready, but the Phillips family felt led to share their blessing with others. They were compelled to stir the love of nature in others and offer a relaxing place to deepen relationships and have fun adventures. I first discovered Milk & Honey Ranch on social media and was immediately taken in by the delightful reels and images of the ranch, the family, and the animals back in December and successfully reached out to them for a Wander Edit visit. Fast forward a month later to January 8th of this year — Daniela was in a tragic car accident. Along with other prayer warriors from all over, we have watched daily, for months, as Daniela has been healing and being restored physically and mentally. It's been nothing short of a miracle! Brent documented each day's progress and never lost hope or humor. As scary as this has been to witness, you can also enjoy how warm, sincere and entertaining he has been with Daniela by his side. I was able to meet him briefly during my recent stay and he's just as friendly in person as he is on his reels. Onlookers in this journey have become even more interactive because when you follow them, they make you feel like family. We have all learned so much about overcoming through their shining and sometimes raw example of bold faith and by watching the love of family and friends at work. It's a land flowing with milk, honey...and healing.
But God!
Rest. Play. Connect. Inspired by Creation. Established for Connection.

The iconic Rogers Hotel building that stands today was rebuilt as a four-story hotel and reopened in early 1913 after being completely destroyed by two previous fires. Although no longer a hotel, this historic gem is home to a variety of businesses, office spaces, and lofts at the corner of College and Main in downtown Waxahachie. Stop by and enjoy the elegant lobby and all that the Rogers Hotel has to offer!

for Yellowstone lol. It’s for their last Yarbrough.

Big Daddy Beard is owned and operated by true Texans who work hard, dream big and never give up! Husband-and-wife team Doug and Melissa Yarbrough share the backstory of some of the past challenges and the success of their men's product line.
Q: How did Big Daddy Beard LLC come to be?
A: In 2019 while coming home from a long weekend of travel baseball with their eldest son, Melissa had been on the internet researching how to make her own laundry soap. Eager to try her hand at making a healthy version, she gathered all the necessary ingredients and went to work. Successful at that, she then perfected a bar soap, sugar scrubs, lotions and even some great smelling wax melts. She started handing out her creations and everyone loved her items including Doug, aka Big Daddy. He was impressed with how good his skin felt after using her bar soaps. He used beard oils and didn't like the ones he had found because they left his beard looking and feeling oily and greasy. Melissa didn't like the way they left his beard smelling and went to work researching. After some trial and error, Big Daddy Beard Oil was born! Big Daddy loved it because it was not too oily, absorbed right into the skin, left the beard looking excellent, and no greasy look. Melissa loved it because it smelled so good and manly! In December of 2019, they signed up to be a vendor at a local bar's Sip & Shop and they quickly sold out of their beard oil.
No...not for Yellowstone lol.

Q: How did the business and product line grow and what were some of the challenges?
A: With a few shows under their belt, they found they had a hit on their hands! Quickly, Big Daddy Beard was starting to take flight. Melissa dropped the women's line of products to further develop the men's line that now included beard oil, beard balm, bar soap, shampoo and conditioner. She gave her two-week notice at her corporate job. Her last day was on a Wednesday. The next day they woke up to the Pandemic. Every show they were scheduled to appear at in 2020 was cancelled. She thought it would be the end of the business, but Big Daddy, in all his positive thinking knew it was not the end for these two big dreamers. They didn't give up, worked hard on new ideas, and Big Daddy Beard survived the Covid shut-down and continued to press forward. Shows slowly started to come back, they opened their website and got the word out on social media.
Q: What makes these products so special?
A: As a proud Go Texan partner, Big Daddy Beard LLC offers the highest quality, most luxurious handcrafted products on the market today. In late 2022, they moved their production studio to Ennis, Texas, where their entire line of products is hand-produced in small batches with the highest standards. They don’t use harsh detergents or cut corners with their topof -the-line ingredients like skin-loving oils. They even make tattoo butters and colognes that are safer on the skin than any over-the-counter version you can find. Last, but certainly not least, their products smell good! Really good! Their products smell not only the way a man wants to smell, but how a woman wants him to smell. Just like their motto says: “Men tested. Women approved.”
Q: Where can our readers find the products locally and online?
A: Today, the dream has become reality as Big Daddy Beard LLC is run full-time not only by Melissa, but also Doug and their oldest son, Cody. In November 2023, Big Daddy Beard opened a beautiful brick and mortar storefront located in the fabulous Dallas Farmers Market District where they also carry top of the line gifts for men including polos, cigars, seasonings, whiskey chilling stones, beer tasting booklets, and many other gift items. Find them at The Arbors 2 building at Canton First Monday Trade Days. Shop online at bigdaddybeardoil.com and also look for other monthly shows and the list of BDB Partners who carry the brand in their boutiques and barber shops. Many are Ellis County small businesses so shop local! Q: Why is there a “Y” in the hat of the Big Daddy Beard logo?

Welcome to Y'all! Ennis
events ARE in FullSwing in ennis!
There is something so special about spring in Ennis! As the sun sets on our 72nd annual bluebonnet season showcasing 40 miles of mapped bluebonnet trails, we take time to reflect on the beauty that Ennis and our surrounding areas have been blessed with and look forward to more spring and summer fun that lies ahead.
Our next big events include the National Polka Festival and Freedom Fest. The 57th Annual National Polka Festival on Memorial Day Weekend celebrates Ennis’ unique Czech heritage with 15 live polka bands, a colorful parade, Czech food, Pivo, shopping and more! Next up on June 28th is Ennis Freedom Fest with a charming Red, White and Bike Parade through downtown and the most beautiful firework display in Texas! Nothing says small town Americana like this Ennis tradition!
In addition to our exciting big events, there is fun to be had every Saturday (April through October) in Ennis as the gorgeous treelined Dallas Street comes to life with the Bluebonnet Market and Saturday Mornings (10am) at Minnie. The Bluebonnet Market features fresh produce, baked goods, hand spun pottery, jewelry, clothing and more. New this year is our littlest entrepreneurs who are selling their goods as part of the Big Dreams Little Tables program which focuses on lighting the spark of entrepreneurial spirit in the next generation. After completing the educational program, graduates will be selling their products at the market later in the season. This year’s entertainment includes cultural dance performances, wildlife experts, interactive S.T.E.M. experiences, magicians and more!
Take a trip back in time and learn about the beginnings of Ennis when you check out our newest attraction, the Historic Downtown Walking Tour. It can be found in the free Ennis Y’all mobile app. You also don’t want to miss Spring into Art, a rotating art exhibit that will take place every April through May in the Welcome Center. This spring display features A Garden Woven, a captivating display of art through gardening and weaving.
For more information about all the fun things to do in Ennis this Spring and Summer download our free visitors guide at visitennistexas.com.
Welcome to Ennis Y’all!
Ashley Colunga City of Ennis Marketing & Communications Director

Deepinthe Hachie

WAXAHACHIE with fun for everyone! Blooms
I might not have been born in Waxahachie, but as the saying goes, I got here as fast as I could! Even though my roots don’t grow generations deep, I was planted in Waxahachie over 20 years ago, and I have been blooming ever since helping create memorable experiences and lots of fun for our residents, businesses and visitors of this place that I now call home – Waxahachie, A Place in Your Heart, Texas.
One of our oldest and most beloved annual events that has been a Waxahachie tradition for 54 years is the Gingerbread Trail Tour of Homes taking place on June 1-2. This year, it is a walkable tour featuring five of the most iconic historic private homes on Main Street. The Trail will also include exclusive access to landmarks, special exhibits and an Antiques & Boutiques Market downtown around the iconic courthouse square.
Waxahachie, which is the official Crape Myrtle Capital of Texas, will be in full-bloom and ready to celebrate Independence Day with the 26th Annual Crape Myrtle Festival. The festival will be featuring musical entertainment by "Endless Summer: America’s Beach Boys Experience" in concert followed by the Spectacular H-E-B Fireworks Show at the Waxahachie Sports Complex on July 3. On July 4, the celebration will continue at 10 a.m. with a hometown parade down Main Street fully lined with crape myrtles in bloom, families gathered on lawns to salute our Veteran’s for their service and American flags waiving courtesy of the Waxahachie Rotary Club. It’s a slice of Americana that not everyone gets to experience.
Not only do we bloom with fun in the Gingerbread City, we also brew up fun and have joined the Brew City, TX initiative to promote our two craft breweries – Railport Brewing Company and Southern Roots Brewing Company. In honor of dad, our breweries, bars and restaurants will join forces with the Waxahachie Downtown Merchants Association to host “Dad’s Day Downtown” on June 15 offering live music and specials throughout the day and evening for the special men in your life.
Last but not least, Railyard Park has a fun line-up over the next few months:
•May 18: King George’s (George Strait Tribute) Bash
•June 1: Barbie Movie Night
•July 6: Summer Soul Affair
•July 20: Neon Disco Night
•Saturday Mornings: Fitness Camp (through September)
Wondering what will bloom next for fun this summer and beyond?! Y'all be sure to check out the Waxahachie Convention & Visitor Bureau’s website — (VisitWaxahachie.com) for information on all of Waxahachie's upcoming events, shopping, dining, lodging and more.

BRILLIANCE Ellis County's Got Talent

The Navarro College Foundation presented Brilliance: Ellis County’s Got Talent on Saturday, April 13th at the Midlothian Conference Center. Community members and business partners gathered to watch the incredible talent of Ellis County while raising funds for both Navarro College student scholarships and faculty teaching innovation awards. Over the last 14 years, Brilliance has provided scholarships for nearly 2,000 Ellis County Dual Credit and General Academic students due to the generous support of Ellis County businesses and individuals.
The talent lineup was comprised of Bonney Ramsey and Kaden Thrower, 75119 (a singing act from Austin Elementary in Ennis, TX), Jeanette Underwood, Sandie’s School of Dance, Jr. Show Group, Melody Fuller, and Brett Hess. Taking home the trophy this year was singing act Melody Fuller. Runner up was 75119. “We are so very appreciative of the generosity displayed by the community and sponsors who came together to support this event, especially our presenting sponsor Baylor Scott & White of Waxahachie,” said Richey Cutrer, Executive Director of the Navarro College Foundation.

Day to Day
The Railport District at
THE RAILPORT DISTRICT IN THE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DISTRICT WAXAHACHIE, TX offers a family-friendly experience that includes dining, shopping, fitness, style, lounging, special events, outdoor activities, and weekly live music.
ANCHORED BY ELLIS COUNTY'S FIRST CRAFT BREWERY, RAILPORT BREWING CO., featuring family and Veteran-owned small businesses, on any given weekday or weekend your family & friends, including the fur babies, can enjoy:
A COLD BEER AT RAILPORT BREWING CO. with a family and pet-friendly atmosphere, beer garden, lounge seating, indoor arcade board games, outdoor games, rotating food trucks, and live music & NO COVER every weekend starting around 6pm! Open Wednesday thru Saturday noon to 8’ish and Sunday afternoons 2pm to 6’ish.
GRAB A FINE CIGAR FROM LATITUDE CIGAR'S walk-in humidor and enjoy it in the lounge or outside deck! “Refresh your Cigar Attitude” is every Wednesday thru Saturday noon to 8’ish.
PLAN A DATE NIGHT AT D RESTAURANT, or a lunch meeting, special occasion, or to just enjoy great food! They offer a full menu of Latin Cuisine and a full bar with one of the best bartenders (mixologist) in Ellis County and are open Monday thru Saturday!
POST & SADDLE BIKE SHOP will get you back on the streets or trail with repair services and bicycles for all ages and is open Tuesday thru Saturday 10pm to 6pm.
LUCKY'S BARBER SHOP is a full service barber shop offering haircuts, hot towel shaves and beard trims. Call or message for appointments and walk-in services Monday thru Saturday.
THE APPAREL & GIFT SELECTION AT THAT GIBSON, LLC is a must-see that brings both men's and women's style, streetwear and gifts all in one place...located inside Railport Brewing Co.!
PAW AVENUE GROOMING SALON offers pet grooming services by appointment. Now your schedule is complete!
HIDDEN TREASURES AWAIT AT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR THRIFT STORE where your donations are accepted Wednesday thru Saturday from 10am to 4pm. The Thrift Store benefits the Ministry of Ellis County Love Your Neighbor Community Projects.

THE JOY OF St. Croix
While St. Thomas and St. John are clustered tightly with the British Virgin Islands, their sister, St. Croix, sits alone forty miles south. It is less touristy, more relaxed and quite a bit bigger than those two islands combined. We have visited the island many times and love the laid-back vibe. There are no high-rise glitzy resorts or the annoying daily cruise ship tourists. The topography is beautiful, full of green rolling acres, blooming mango trees, miles of untouched coastline, and a quiet airport with just two baggage carousels.
After a short connecting flight through Miami and the ease of traveling without the need of a passport, we grabbed a rental car and made our way to the east end of the island. Just shy of the famous Buccaneer Resort entrance is a gated community called Shoy Estates, where we rent a beautiful villa for the week with friends and family. Sitting on more than three oceanfront acres, Kings House Villa is an openair home incorporating old stone walls left from the island’s Danish ruins. With lily ponds, covered breezeways, four large bedrooms, a chef’s kitchen, swimming pool and plenty of space, we settle into island time with ease and enjoy the ocean view while watching boats sailing over to Buck Island, an uninhabited U.S. Reef National Monument just a few miles offshore from the villa. Vacation St Croix is a great booking site for private villas (vacationstcroix.com).
A short distance into the main town of Christiansted is the beautifully preserved Fort Christiansvaern, built by the Danish in 1749 to protect the city from their colonial rivals. Now a National Historical Site, the fortress is open for tours and visitors can climb its battlements for a sweeping view of the harbor. Other colorful historic buildings surround palmshaded courtyards offering some exceptionally good restaurants and shopping. A unique souvenir item in St Croix is called Chaney, handcrafted jewelry made from pieces of china
dating back to the 1750's and found on the beaches and grounds of old Sugar Plantations when the island was thriving with rum production and sugar trade. On the harbor front you will find a charming boardwalk with more popular open-air eateries facing the sea.
By mid-week we meet the local fishers at the pier and buy freshly caught spiny lobsters to grill at the villa for a memorable dining experience in paradise. We also enjoy dining at a seaside restaurant called Duggens Reef on the East End Road at Teague Bay where Bostonian Frank Duggen has been frying up great fish and chips since 1983.
Driving along the North Shore will take you past awesome views of the ocean on one side, the rain forest on the other, and an occasional stop for a herd of goats crossing the road. The best food on the North Shore Road is Rowdy Joe’s, a Caribbean dive that makes a home brewed root beer mixed with ginger infused Cruzan rum for their own twist on a Dark & Stormy.
We never miss the chance to charter a private catamaran during our week’s stay! We highly recommend sailing with the wonderful Sandy Toes Sailing (book at sandytoessailing.com) where Captain Mike and his wife Erin will sail you around the island stopping to snorkel amidst the vibrant coral reefs and give you blissful beach time at small uninhabited islands where you can soak up the sun and feel the soft sand between your toes. Moreover, St. Croix offers excellent options for deep-sea fishing and scuba diving charters. I am sure St. Croix bemoans its position as the Cinderella of the U.S. Virgin Islands, but trust me, this underrated gem is pure magic. Both unpretentious and underdeveloped. From lush rainforests to rugged bluffs, every corner holds a new surprise. Let St. Croix sweep you off your feet and into a Caribbean fairytale!