Summer 2024 Ellis County Living Magazine

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If you are suffering from pain, addiction, or both, it can be an overwhelming experience. At Eclipse Pain and Recovery, we understand that everybody experiences pain differently and there is no one-sizefits-all approach. Sir William Osler was credited for saying, “It is more important to know what kind of patient has the disease than what kind of a disease the patient has.” I can think of no better application than for someone with pain or an addiction. Do not put off feeling your best another day. It is time to live more with less pain. Let us take that next step together!


• Back pain

• Neck pain

• Knee pain

• Shoulder pain

• Neuropathy

• Sciatica

• Fibromyalgia

• Migraine



End of summer fun in Waco! Enjoy open-air dining in the vibrant family food court area at Magnolia Market. I love the bold contrast of container garden cactus against the happy colors of one of the artistically branded food trucks! Peruse all of the creative menus to select from a variety of flavors. Whether you want to soak up the sun or find a shady spot, the iconic Silos are a perfect backdrop for a food truck picnic!


is a Big Picnic in Waxahachie!

Wandering Through Waco with


PICTURE PERFECT PICNIC Luxury Picnics with Rosedale Picnic Company

EXCITEMENT IN ENNIS Picnics, Parks, Pickleball and Plenty of Fun in Ennis!

Sports Care in Midlothian by BSW

DR. SHIV PATEL Pioneering Pain Management with Spinal Cord Stimulators

CINDY BURCH Crawling Through Southern Spain... Tapas Style!

The Art of Summer Living...

Be inspired by the bright, bold colors of summer and add a touch of creativity in all you do! I hope this issue encourages you to artfully navigate through the season with a lot of ideas for summer living.

There’s outdoor fun ahead in Ellis County, so mark your calendars for the upcoming special events in Waxahachie and Ennis. Don’t forget to peruse the websites of all the towns in our county to keep up with what’s happening.

On breezy summer days, I just love the romance of a picnic! Whether your basket is packed to be enjoyed solo (or perhaps accompanied by watercolors and a sketch pad), with a significant other, or as a group gathering...there is an art to open-air dining and an opportunity to be innovative! When I reflect on times that I’ve gathered around a picnic table to “break bread” with others to share food, refreshments, and rich conversation, I feel a sense of carefree ease and relaxation...peaceful gratitude, community, and fellowship. Couldn’t we all use some of that right now?

You’ll find picnic, grilling, and baking ideas in this issue, along with motivating words about staying in shape, healthy habits and focusing on core strength. Summer and transitional fashion trends are bold and beautiful; and take note of our travel tips if you’re wanting to wander through Waco or journey to Spain!

Pack a basket and head out for a day of fun!

Many Blessings,

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

Copyright 2023-2024

Ellis County Living Magazine LLC© All rights reserved.

Melissa McBride | Publisher & Curator |

Lindsey Keeney | Creative Director |

No portion of EllisCountyLivingMagazineshall be reprinted in any other publication without permission. The views expressed herein should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your physician.

Mary Crook | Art Director | -Melissa

EllisCountyLivingMagazine is published bi-monthly by Ellis County Living Magazine LLC© using only environmentally-friendly ink.

We are proud members of the Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian and Red Oak Chambers of Commerce.

A special thanks to all of our contributors!


BOLD & Beautiful!

Late summer fashion unfolds with bright colors, tropical and floral splashes, picnic-checked gingham and bold statement solids! Beautifully transition "Texas-style" into early fall by adding lightweight layers. We are wellstocked with clothing, accessories, and gifty items and our vision is to help you enhance your closet while feeling right at home with our personal stylists. CB & CO wants to inspire, ignite and empower women of all ages to explore their unique and personal style. We're here to help boost overall self-confidence. We are not only a boutique, but we are also a salon! Grab a cup of coffee next door at Vita Coffee House and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine at our pink picnic table on the porch. Treat your closet and yourself to something new for this transitional season. See ya soon at 210 N. Monroe Street in Waxahachie.

Tfittoa dance

Hey ya’ll! My name is T, yep, just the letter T!

I’m the face behind @Fit2aTdance, a play on words-“fit to a tee”. If you have never heard of me, well that’s because I am not a famous fitness instructor. In fact, I don’t spend hours at the gym. I definitely don’t have perfect nutrition; and, certainly I’m not always motivated to workout. I’m 40 years old, a homeschool mama, and a previous educator. I’m a city- turned-country gal and have called Maypearl home for four years. I absolutely love the small town vibes of our local communities in Ellis County. Waxahachie especially has a place in my heart (see what I did there!) I’m blessed to be able to share my story alongside so many inspiring small businesses.

Originally, I started my fitness journey post-college to maintain mycollegiatesoccerfigure. I had grown up with the diet culture of Special K and Slim Fast, low-rise jeans and constantly obsessing over a number on the scale. Oh man, I had terribly unhealthy eating habits; we’re talking less than 1,000 calories per day. No carbs, like...ever! I beat myself up over eating “bad” foods. I was a cardio bunny, 6x a week for over an hour (at least!) and I wore my Fitbit ALL. THE. TIME. Lord knows if I didn’t get to a certain number of steps in a day I was walking circles in my living room. I did little to no strength training for fear of becoming bulky. I was emotionally rebuilding my life from past trials but never really fully letting go. I’d like to say this version of me never existed; because honestly, there’s a bit of shame in treating myself that way.

Sowhythebackstoryonmyunhealthypast? In part, vulnerability is the essence of connection and if someone reading this can relate, then I have made an impact, and that brings me joy! The other part of sharing my story is to give insight for the reason @Fit2aTdance exists. Truly, I wouldn’t be who I am today without that past version of me and my class format wouldn’t be what it is today without “her” either. It wasn’t until my late 20s that I started to take an interest in dance and dance fitness. When I started instructing group dance fitness classes, I was fulfilled but I was still looking for more. Something more authentic, more knowledgeable, more therapeutic. I wanted to make a difference physically AND emotionally. Out of that, @Fit2aTdance was born.

About @Fit2aTdance:

Follow @Fit2aTdance HIIT Dance

Fitness and you’ll see that it is an intense HIIT class that combines dance cardio & strength training choreographed to all genres of music. I put my heart and soul into creating choreography routines that are both challenging and modifiable. The class format combines cardiovascular endurance WITH strength and resistance training. My goal for anyone who takes my class is to find their healthy body image and build muscle that will benefit them as they age. Think strong not skinny. I encourage everyone who takes my class to understand fitness is more than just a calorie burn and identify the mental health benefits of moving their body daily. I also take pride in providing a positive and fun environment, because let’s be real, no one wants a boring workout! I am still evolving. Still learning. Still growing. What an incredible gift to help others do the same thing!

Where to find me?! I would be honored to engage, encourage, and motivate you to reach your goals. I teach classes weekly in Maypearl, Grandview, and surrounding areas! Check out my Instagram page for class schedules and times! I am always available virtually via Zoom, if you’re not local. It’s so convenient to jump in from home...try it! Maybe you’re nervous and a bit uneasy about trying something new. Maybe you are worried about looking silly. All you have to do is show up and the rest will take care of itself; because, after all, everyone has a “day one” and talent is simply a pursued interest. It won’t be easy, but I promise it will be worth it!

xoxo, T

Want to try a class? Mark your calendar now!

Crossfit Ellis

108 S Mulberry Street, Ennis TX

Saturday, September 7, 2024. Cost: $20

easy southern lemonade

Homemade Lemonade

• 1 cup simple syrup

• 1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice

• Pour 6 cups water into a pitcher & stir well.


Ice Cubes

Pour homemade lemonade into ice cube trays and freeze.

You can use traditional ice cube trays or any decorative ice cube tray you choose.

Add a slice of lemon to each cube for a decorative touch. Cut lemon into thin slices and cut each slice in half.

You can also use store bought lemonade if you are short on time or just don’t want to make homemade lemonade.

Of course, the fresh homemade lemonade is the best, but certainly store bought will work.



Just like the cores of our bodies need to be strong to support us, we need to be strong to support our families, friends, and community. How do we do this? Through balancing mind, body, spirit and community. In the last issue, we discussed the importance of spending time on our minds. In this issue, we are talking about our bodies. I mean…why not? It’s summertime and we are out lying by the pool, headed to the beach, or just working in the yard in tank tops and shorts. If you are like me, you may be wishing right about now that you had thought about “body” a little sooner in the year (wink). Our poor they not get picked on so much? Mainly by us! How about we focus on health and being “healthy” rather than having a summer body?

Normal is NOT overrated! What does being healthy even mean? For me, it means going to the doctor and finding out my health results are “normal.” That’s not very exciting, but to me, I am thrilled when my health results just read “normal.” Of course I want to look good in a swimsuit, in shorts and in everyday clothes, but in all seriousness, my biggest goal for my health is to be normal.

Which way do I go? We all have access to so much information at our fingertips. In fact, we have information overload. One site tells us to eat no carbs, another says to eat more protein, another says no dairy while others are saying to eat no legumes, eat legumes, eat whole wheat, run from gluten…like I said...information overload!

For me, I want some balance. I remember my Grandma Robinson always had the most beautiful plates of food at lunch time. Orange, green, yellow…her plate was colorful. The other night, I was eating a plate of food and realized the only color on my plate was the orange from the queso and red from my salsa, with a tad bit of green mixed in where the lettuce held my chicken fajitas. Ugh… I can do better.

How about some whole foods? How about some real foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, and whole grains? How about stopping when we’re no longer hungry. Sounds good, huh? We can do this. Better today than yesterday is the goal.

Do what you love!

Exercise… I personally love to exercise. I love weightlifting, cardio, group fitness classes and most things exercise-related. My goal is to hit all the muscle groups at least once each week, plus three days of cardio, and include stretching each day.

Not everyone enjoys traditional exercise, though. My sister and her husband recently participated in an adventure race. She is not someone who likes being confined to a gym. She wants to be out in nature. To train for this race, they jogged at the park, kayaked at the lake, and rode bicycles around

the neighborhood. They just finished their first adventure race and loved it! To me, that sounded like mosquitoes, turtles in the water nipping at your toes, and spiders somewhere along the way.

Each person should find what they love and do it. Be active! Get out and play basketball, join the pickleball craze, hike, bike, stay indoors with a fan blowing on you...whatever floats your boat…or kayak!

Six-pack, anyone? One thing I have found most people tend to ignore is how important it is to strengthen your core. When we talk about the core, we’re not just referring to the six-pack abs some of you strive for. While the abdominal muscles are indeed a part of the core, this complex system is so much more. The core serves as a stabilizing force for the entire body, providing support and control during movement. Whether you’re lifting a heavy object, bending down to tie your shoes, or simply standing upright, your core muscles are at work, maintaining proper posture and alignment. A strong core helps improve stability and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries, especially as we age. That is super important to me. I am trying to protect myself from falls and injuries as I age.

Fortunately, incorporating core training into your fitness routine isn’t costly and doesn’t take a lot of time. Simple bodyweight exercises such as planks, bridges, and supermans can effectively target the core muscles. Additionally, activities like yoga, Pilates, and martial arts can help improve core strength and stability. I personally love PIYO, which is basically a combination of pilates and yoga.

Finding Balance Look…we are all on the journey trying to be better today than we were yesterday. Any one of these areas are easily searchable and you can get any information you need. I would like to encourage you not to focus more on Body than you do on any other area. Body is important, and we want and need to be healthy, but it’s just as important as the other pillars – Mind, Spirit, and Community. Find physical activity you enjoy, eat colorful foods, drink water, and remember not to neglect your core. Give all these areas your attention and let’s continue striving for balance.

I look forward to continuing this journey with you in the next edition when we talk about “Spirit.”


clothing | accessories | home goods inside the doves nest • downtown waxahachie


When life gives you LEMONS


Do you love lemon flavor? If so, I’m about to change your life with the most amazing homemade lemon curd recipe!

I love anything lemon flavor, and especially if it is made with real lemons or real lemon juice.

When my Meyer lemon tree is filled with lemons, it makes me giddy just thinking about all the things I want to make. In Texas it’s not real easy to grow citrus trees - probably because of extreme heat for months in a row during the summer and then as you know it can get fairly cold here and even ice or snow in the winter... so, I have to grow citrus trees in pots.

My trees aren’t very big, but I usually get 15-20 lemons each year and I love it! There is just no comparison between lemons right off the tree and store bought ones.

This year when so many lemons were ripe all at the same time, I decided to juice some of them and put it in ice cube trays so I always have fresh lemon juice whenever I need it for a recipe.

Recently, I decided to try to make homemade lemon curd to also use in some of my lemon recipes. I researched lots of ways to make lemon curd and came up with my own method, ingredients and proportions.

It turned out so good!

So, let me share how to make the most amazing homemade lemon curd with you.



3 lemons

1 1/4 cup sugar

4 tablespoons butter

4 eggs

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice


Zest 2 lemons.

Cream butter in mixer. Add sugar and lemon zest. Mix together until well blended. Then add 4 eggs, one at a time, and mix until well blended. Add lemon juice, using the 2 lemons you zested, plus 1 more (about 1/2 cup lemon juice) and salt and mix well. Don't be tempted to use bottled lemon juice. The real lemon juice is the key to good lemon curd.

Be sure and scrape the sides of the mixing bowl occasionally to make sure it is all getting incorporated. Using a glass bowl over a saucepan as a double boiler, pour your mixture in and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened (about 10-12 minutes).

Be sure and use a glass bowl and a spoon that isn't metal. The metal can give the lemon curd a strange taste. If your lemon curd isn't thickening, at this point, turn the heat up and add 2 tablespoons butter. Using a whisk, stir constantly until thickened. Just remember, as it cools, it will thicken a bit too.

Remove from heat and let cool. Pour into glass airtight containers.


The lemon curd can be refrigerated for 3-4 weeks. It can also be frozen for 1-2 months. Just thaw in the refrigerator before using. This makes a great gift for friends, family or neighbors. It’s also a great hostess gift or party favor for a summer party!


Unbaked pie crust (homemade or unthawed frozen)

1 stick butter (1/2 cup) melted

1/4 cup all purpose flour

1 1/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup buttermilk

3 large eggs

3 tablespoons lemon curd

1 teaspoon lemon zest juice from lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Melt 1 stick butter.

Stir 1/4 cup flour into butter and mix until well-blended. Add butter mixture, sugar, buttermilk, eggs, and lemon curd into a mixing bowl and mix on low speed until incorporated well.

Add lemon zest and lemon juice and mix just until wellblended into a creamy custard consistency. Pour filling into an unbaked pie shell.

Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes. (The center should have a slight jiggle.)

Remove from the oven and let cool.


At about 30 minutes the top of the pie will begin to brown and you don’t want the top to be overdone.“Tent” a piece of aluminum foil and gently place over the top of the pie until the pie is finished baking. This will prevent the top from getting too done.




Whether you pronounce or spell it Kabob, Kebab, or Kebap, I think we can all agree the shish kabob (said with my very THICK country accent) is one of the most underrated grilled dishes. While most of the year I am in full body by brisket mode, there is something about the heat of the summer that has me craving meat (and veggies) on a stick. “Shish” (in Turkish: “şiş”) means “skewer”, so a “şiş kebap” is made with chunks of meat on a skewer - what could be better?!


The best part about making shish kabobs, besides saying shish kabobs, is that you can skewer and grill anything if you’re brave enough. This type of grilled dish can be very personalized depending on what kind of meat, vegetables, or even fruit (eww!) you prefer. Back in the day we chose and cubed our desired meats and veggies, made marinade, forced our children to skewer the kabobs, and then grilled them. By the time they were ready to eat, your hands and arms were too tired - definitely a first world problem! Now, grocery stores like H-E-B cheat and do all the work for us and let’s be judgment there.

Let’s get back to my clever article title, Kabob the Bod. Summer in Texas means you’ve got to maintain that speedo-ready body for almost half the year; it’s brutal but someone’s got to do it. "Body by barbecue" is for hibernation season where stored fat reserves are a necessity to survive…obviously my favorite time of year, Whether you are calorie counting or low carbing it, shish kabobs can fit into any health plan. Workout tip: cut and skewer your own kabobs for an added calorie burn.

If you do decide to go all out and make your own marinade, here’s a quick easy recipe that can work for chicken, pork, beef or any meat of choice.


• 1/4 cup orange juice

• 1/4 cup soy sauce

• 1/3 cup olive oil

• 1/3 cup cilantro chopped

• 1 ½ tsp cumin

• 1 ½ tsp salt

• 2 limes squeezed

• 4 garlic cloves diced


At Gateway Mortgage, our mission has always been to strengthen the families and communities we serve by providing a better banking experience and to help our customers pursue their vision of happiness — on their terms.

In such a competitive and fluctuating market, the choice of lender becomes crucial. Local lenders, compared to national or online banks, offer several key advantages:

Personalized Service

Tailoring loan products to fit the specific needs and financial situations of homebuyers in the community is our personalized approach that can lead to better loan terms and a smoother application process.

Knowledge of the Local Real Estate Market

We understand regional economic conditions, property values, and market trends which can be invaluable when assessing loan risks and appraising properties accurately. This expertise can facilitate a more accurate and fairer appraisal; often a critical step in the home-buying process.

Fewer Bureaucratic Layers

We offer a more streamlined process and can often approve and process loans more quickly than larger institutions. This speed can be a significant advantage in a competitive housing market where timing can make the difference between securing a home or losing it to another buyer.

Community Investment

Local lenders are members of the community they serve, which often means we are more committed to supporting local economies and spending much of our local budgets to benefit community efforts and non-profits.

Navigating the current home-buying process amidst fluctuating interest rates can be daunting. However, leveraging the advantages offered by local lenders can provide homebuyers with a significant edge. From personalized service and local market expertise to faster processing times and community investment, local lenders offer a robust and supportive pathway to homeownership. In a market where interest rates can swiftly impact affordability, partnering with a local lender can ensure that prospective buyers not only secure the best rates but also enjoy a seamless and informed home-buying experience.

At Gateway Mortgage, we shop at the same grocery stores, our kids go to the same schools, and we drive the same streets as our customers. We are here to help ensure our customers are prepared for the home-buying process from start to finish and have the necessary information... help our customers make the best decision for their family!

Wandering through Waco...


Waco, Texas, "a city to believe in," has been rebranded with a new tagline and is in the midst of celebrating its 175th year! Welcoming to all, it is a city rich in history, traditions and diverse cultural backgrounds. Waco is growing steadily and is intricately woven with innovation, warmth, and friendliness. Everywhere I wandered, I felt a strong sense of community among the local businesses and residents.


Luxury shipping containers? In the heart of Waco? Well...yes! Not only does Hotel Herringbone offer world-class rooms and amenities, but also an upscale dining experience complete with a grand piano, live music events, a wine & charcuterie shop, a coffee and donut shop (opening soon), rooftop bar, a ballroom event center, retail, and more in a four-story shipping container complex! The downtown landscape has been transformed with the overhaul and renovation of what used to be a vacant shipping container development that occupied an entire city block. It desperately needed the design, contracting, branding, managing, restaurant and hospitality expertise of a dynamic group of very talented and ambitious partners with a whole lot of heart and soul. They combined forces to pull this project together and completely reimagined an area which has now become an integral part of the cultural epicenter in downtown Waco. In a pursuit of excellence, the partners, management, and staff have an elevated experience waiting for you at 319 S. 4th Street. They are located just across the street from the Magnolia Market at the Silos and behind the Dr. Pepper Museum. In other words, centrally located within walking distance of so many restaurants, shops, and attractions!


The grounds are artistically landscaped and maintained well with lush green plants, agave gardens, and trees. Healthy shades of green bring life to the industrial metal features of Hotel Herringbone. Checking in under the neon lobby sign is easy and friendly in the first shipping container experience... the streamlined lobby. Art deco and urban modern collide to set the design atmosphere for the property. An ornate chaise covered in bright, plush orchid velvet is just waiting for your best pose!


Hotel Herringbone has 21 thoughtfully appointed guest rooms. With each one being a little bit different, you'll want to go online and look at the details and choices which include large tubs, a balcony, a patio, etc. They are all designed with a hint of simple elegance and artistically unique decor. The bathrooms are meticulously tiled in monochromatic Italian tile. The mint green tile in my bathroom contrasted nicely with the patterns, textures, and mixed shades of plum, mauve and gold in the guest room. It felt very reminiscent of various "Orient Express" images that I've admired - a mix of art deco millwork, art nouveau touches, and "grandma's attic" accessories.


Signature robes, local treats on the refreshment cart, pull down shades (I love a dark room!), mini fridge, and Grown Alchemist personal care products are among the amenities provided by Hotel Herringbone. On the third floor, you'll find daily coffee service, fruit, and simple breakfast treats. Fill your (complimentary) HH signature glass water bottles and your ice bucket for your room. You can even rent an electric Moke by the hour or the day. What a fun way to see Waco...easy-breezy style!

RED HERRING "Coastal Mediterranean" cuisine in a luxe setting with special attention to design details. A grand piano sits elegantly on a zebra-print stage in the center of the dimly lit restaurant. It was entertaining to watch one of the property's talented partners playing original compositions for the dining guests. Lush plants circumvent the seating areas and a giant oyster shell is the backdrop for the raw bar. Fresh oysters paired with Prosecco followed by lamb skewers... delicious! Want a night cap? Reverse Happy Hour is from 8:30pm- to close at the bar.

SONG BIRD A delightful and thoughtfully curated wine & charcuterie shop, Song Bird, is located in the center plaza at Hotel Herringbone. Bistro tables scattered among trees form an open-air dining area in front of a live music stage outside the shop. Don't miss the gazebo and large wooden table around the corner from the courtyard...a perfect place to style a private picnic. Select an array of food and refreshments at Song Bird and enjoy a performance! Happy Hour daily from 4pm-5pm.

LUCKY BUCK'S Buck up to the bar at the coolest rooftop around and enjoy a spectacular birds-eye view of Waco, craft cocktails, a rotating beer menu, and classic American fare. Plenty of leather sofas, German Tables, flatscreens, and a whole lot of railing to perch your elbow. If sunset is your favorite color, this is the place to be!

THE BALLROOM & EVENT SPACES With well over 15,000 sq feet of combined event space between the ballroom and other gathering areas (and so much to discover in Waco), why not book your special event at Hotel Herringbone? The ballroom holds up to 150 guests and has floor-to-ceiling windows with views of downtown. An adjacent Boardroom & Bridal Suite open up to a shared terrace space that overlooks the plaza.

RETAIL IN THE PLAZA Exciting plans are around the corner for the retail spots in the plaza area at Hotel Herringbone. You'll soon be able to shop with some favorite local retailers like Sendero Provisions and Repose.

DINING IN WACO After a fabulous meal at Red Herring and a picture-perfect grazing board picnic at Song Bird, I tried several other restaurants during my stay. Milo's has a fresh urban vibe with so many live plants, photo ops and a clean design. The jalapeño deviled eggs and chicken Caesar salad were delish! I've had several great Tex-Mex meals at Hecho en Waco, and L&L Hawaii and Segovia Wine Bar are also in the same strip. Revival Eastside Eatery has a yummy cheeseburger and sweet potato fries. It is located on the other side of the river from the downtown area where there is a lot of exciting change happening. At Magnolia Market at the Silos, I like to picnic in the food truck area with avocado toast from Magnolia Table paired with a strawberry basil lemonade from Pop's Lemonade! If you have a sweet tooth, try Milk Bottle Cookies, Hey Sugar or Splendid Oaks. I had a super fun experience meeting Chef Sebastian, and his sons, at Huaco Lounge. He is passionate about the art of food from the heart of Mexico fused with contemporary techniques! He presented an ahhhh-mazing spread with a beautiful presentation of three trios: queso blanco, guacamole, and salsa; then three of the best ceviches I've ever had, and a mini flight of margaritas to prove he has nailed some signature flavors that I have not found anywhere else.

SHOPPING IN WACO Obviously you'll want to explore Magnolia Market at the Silos. As a plant and pottery lover, my fave shop there is Ferny's Retro Plant Shop! Check out the website for a complete Magnolia Trail guide. There are many darling shops and businesses in Waco and wish I could have seen them all, but I'll share the ones I personally visited. Don't miss these: Lone Star State of Mind, Urban Bliss Boutique, Mainstream Boutique, Ramble and Company, Paper Crown, Fabled Book Shop, Revision Photo, Moon Rein Bedding, Tecova, Washington Gallery, Grocery, Gather, Wildland, and Spice Village.


The Dr. Pepper Museum, Texas Ranger Hall of Fame & Museum, Mammoth National Monument, Baylor University, Waco Riverwalk, Texas Sports Hall of Fame, Sancho Rancho, Waco Suspension Bridge Cattle Drive Sculptures, Cottonwood Castle, Country Spring Vineyard and Wine Gardens, Hawaiian Falls Water Park, Waco Surf, Cameron Park and Zoo, Cottonwood Creek Golf Course, Balcones Distillery, Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat, Doris Miller Memorial, Valley Mills Vineyard, Homestead Craft Village, Art Center of Waco, Carleen Bright Arboretum, Lake Waco, Martin Museum of Art, Mayborn Museum Complex, and oh so much more! Explore additional adventures and watch for special events @cityofwaco.

Hotel Herringbone is dedicated to ensure that your experience is memorable and personal...and Waco is waiting to welcome you! Happy Wandering!


PICNIC perfect

The purpose of Rosedale Picnic Company is to make every moment memorable. If you want a luxury picnic experience, we are the creative team to make it happen!

Being from three different states, the Rosedale Picnic Company (RPC) girls all met at SMU. We teamed up and bought the company from the previous students who were graduating and ready to pass down the opportunity. There are three of us: Ava Ingram, Isabel Folgmann, and Kate Smith and we are the current and second group of students to buy the company from graduates. Pursuing different majors, between us, we are studying accounting, journalism, advertising, and film. Having this wide variety of interests and knowledge in so many fields is the key to our success. The desire to learn about running a successful business bloomed from each girl's curiosity and eagerness to grow and be a part of something bigger.


What do we love the most about owningRosedale Picnic Company?

Meeting people during their times of celebration! Whether it's an engagement, a birthday, a romantic date night, or a girls night, it's always so special to be a part of our client's celebratory moments!

We also love recommending vendors to add to your special picnic! Need shade or a pop of color? Poof Pavilions, for example, offers a beautiful array of tents in various colors, patterns, and styles to rent or buy. It is a unique Dallasbased company with plenty of options!


is the luxury picnic process?

1) Go to and submit an email or send a message to us @rosedalepicniccompany on social media to confirm availability with date, location, and the number of guests.

2) Choose your preferred picnic package and any add-ons. Have fun customizing! A bouquet is included, but want extra flowers? Want balloons? JD's Chippery? Curate your experience and all you will need to do is bring your own beverage of choice!

3) Refer to our website to complete the booking form along with a deposit.

4) Look forward to your picnic! RPC will take care of everything from set-up to clean-up. We make it beautiful and easy to sit back, relax, and enjoy making memories!


Nothing says Summer in Texas like dining al fresco with a classic picnic, and Ennis has perfect places to enjoy! Stop by the Bluebonnet Market for some fresh produce, artisanal pickles and plenty of other treats to put together a divine spread, or let someone else do the work by picking up something delicious to-go from one of our numerous charming restaurants.

Picturesque Parks

Once your meal is prepared, discover Ennis' picturesque parks for an idyllic outdoor dining experience. Enjoy a serene waterside view at Bluebonnet Park or Lions Park, which also features a StoryWalk. For those seeking more activity, Rotary Park features four brand new pickleball courts, basketball courts, a walking trail, fitness court, splash pad, play equipment and sand volleyball — truly something for everyone!

Family-Friendly Activities

Beyond our beautiful parks, Ennis offers plenty of family-friendly activities throughout the summer. From Saturday mornings at Minnie McDowal Park to the lively Summer in the Park series, there's no shortage of entertainment. Cool off with a live show at Ennis Public Theatre or Theatre Rocks, or catch a movie under the stars at the Galaxy Drive-In Theatre.

Special Events

As summer winds down, anticipate exciting upcoming events like Blues on Main from August 31st to September 1st and Ennis Autumn Daze on October 25th27th.

Ennis Y''all!

For more information about the Bluebonnet Market, our parks, restaurants and upcoming events, download our free mobile App “Ennis Y’all” and visit For a comprehensive guide to all the fun in Ennis, scan the QR code to download our new travel guide, Adventure to Ennis.

Ashley Colunga

City of Ennis Marketing and

Life's a picnic in Waxahachie BIG

One of the highlights of my job at the Waxahachie Convention & Visitors Bureau is planning interesting experiences for our residents and visitors utilizing ALL of Waxahachie as an event space. When looking at the long list of upcoming events that is on the calendar through the end of the year, most of them take place in our great outdoors.

Want to plan a picnic, gathering, or attend an outdoor event? You really get that extra dose of "Waxahachie charm" when you enjoy our beautiful downtown Waxahachie as your backdrop or the picturesque setting of one of our gorgeous parks. It’s that unique specialness that has attracted visitors for nearly 175 years and keeps them coming back for more.


Ready to plan a picnic of your own?!

Check out the Waxahachie Convention & Visitor Bureau’s website at for ideas and information on upcoming events, shopping, dining, lodging and more!

Railyard Park

One of our newest outdoor attractions for your next family picnic or outing is Railyard Park, Waxahachie’s outdoor amphitheater, offering outdoor fun for the family.

Upcoming featured events:

» A Taylor Swift Experience

August 3

» Family Day September 14

» Hispanic Heritage Celebration September 28

» Saturday Morning Fitness now thru the end of September


Park With 20 parks to choose from throughout the city, the one most preferred by classic car and truck enthusiasts is Getzendaner Park. Located along the banks of Waxahachie Creek, this 33-acre park provides areas for picnicking, exercising and playing. The park also serves as an entrance to our trail system. The numerous shade trees and historic Chautauqua Auditorium make this a must-see place for residents and visitors alike. This park offers three playgrounds, two restrooms and three pavilions. Car shows in Getzendaner Park hosted by Midlothian Classic Wheels include:

»Waxahachie Fun Run Car Show – August 10th

»St.Jude Benefit Car Show –September 14th

Last but not least, Waxahachie becomes C10ville USA on September 21 with C10s in the Park, one of the largest Chevrolet C10 truck shows in the United States, taking place at Getzendaner Park. Later that evening, the event continues with a Party on the Square in downtown Waxahachie with select trucks on display and a FREE concert with Detroit Steel playing your favorites from the 80s.

Downtown Waxahachie

If concerts and car shows aren’t your scene, let’s not forget the great open-air shopping experience that can be found in downtown Waxahachie, plus great patio dining at one of our 100+ restaurants in uptown and downtown Waxahachie.

Crossroads of

Texas Country Festival Ahead on the horizon, downtown Waxahachie will host the Crossroads of Texas Country Festival on October 26th. It is one of the largest one-day arts and music festivals in the state of Texas hosted by Kelli and Bob Phillips with 200+ artists & craftspeople, 10+ stages of music, food and a whole lot of fun!


aylor Scott & White Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Institute offers full-service non-operative sports medicine. Our fellowship-trained physician, Christopher Trinh, DO, is here to help the athletes of every level get back to moving again. Dr. Trinh’s goal is to work toward injury prevention while providing quality care to get patients back to the sports and activities they love.

Dr. Trinh treats ages 12 and up for everything from arthritis to tendinitis. He specializes in non-surgical orthopedics and sports medicine. “I love sports medicine because it is a broad field allowing you to see everyone from an elite athlete to someone who just wants to maintain an active lifestyle. The flexibility required to give tailored, individualized care is what makes sports medicine so exciting!” Dr. Trinh provides skilled, non-surgical treatment for all musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. Because sports medicine combines musculoskeletal knowledge with hands-on-treatment, a major component of his practice includes the use of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound. “My focus includes return-to-play protocols, stress fractures, overuse injuries, Visco supplementation injections, steroid injections and various other non-surgical treatments.” He has extensive experience training in regenerative medicine and orthobiologics like platelet-rich plasma which heals the body naturally through the body’s own cells and growth factors.

With this focus and experience, Dr. Trinh can take care of patients of all ages with the main goal of getting them back to their desired level of activity as soon as possible, but also as safely as possible. “I work with my patients on a tailored plan specific to their injury and activity level in order to prevent subsequent injuries or worsening of their condition.” Another area of his expertise is concussion management. “I’m passionate about following up-to-date evidence-based guidelines when it comes to concussion treatment.” During his fellowship training, he was involved in ongoing concussion research and experienced managing concussions and return to play protocols for SEC Division I athletes. He is a nationally certified ImPACT concussion consultant and can manage concussions of all ages and activity levels.

Dr. Christopher Trinh is a fellowship-trained sports medicine physician who specializes in the non-operative management of orthopedic injuries. He takes care of patients who have acute and chronic medical conditions, including concussions, overuse injuries, fractures, arthritis, and tendinopathies. He obtained his medical degree from the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center and did his internship and residency at the University of Oklahoma. Following his residency, he completed his sports medicine fellowship at the University of Arkansas. When you visit our Dr. Trinh in Midlothian, you’ll find that we have an incredible network of specialists. Together we work together to get you back to your active lifestyle.

PhysicianisanemployeesofHealthTexasProviderNetwork,amember of BaylorScott&WhiteHealth.©2024BaylorScott&WhiteHealth.

Crawling Through Southern Spain...

Tapas Style!

When you land in Spain you intuitively want to immerse yourself in the country’s most traditional social ritual, the tapas bar crawl. It’s a way of life for Spaniards. A visitor can get off the plane, go straight to a tapas bar in any Spanish city and sip sangria, inhale some air-dried ham (jamon), and feel like an insider in no time.

After flying into Madrid with friends and family we grabbed a fast train to Seville and made our way to the beautiful Andalucía region where the tapa was born in the 19th century as a free nibble to accompany sherry or wine. The word translates as "a small plate of jamón, olives or almonds that covers one’s glass, protecting it from flies and dust. Though, strictly speaking, tapa still denotes a small morsel to accompany drinks, but the Andalucian mini snack has come a long way. Today’s tapas consist of an enormous variety of delicacies, all of which we intended to consume as we made our way through Southern Spain.

When we arrived in Seville, it was bustling with energy from both tourists and young Spaniards on summer break. We dropped our bags at the hotel and took to the cobblestone streets in search of our first tapas bar. We settled on Casa Robles, a well-known family run taverna with heavy beams and ocher walls lined with original oil paintings of seductive flamenco dancers and famous bull fighters. We drank ice cold cerveza as seasoned waiters covered our table with an array of fascinating nibbles such as Boquerón (fresh white anchovies in vinegar), feather light tempura of baby vegetables, fried sardines, assorted cheeses and freshly made gazpacho. Our next stop was Vineria San Telmo, a tapas bar I had read about in Seville’s Barrio Santa Cruzneighborhood. We dined al fresco while nibbling on foie gras with vanilla sauce, grilled goat cheese with orange marmalade, and slow cooked bulls tail wrapped in a thin crisp pastry. About that time, I realized a tapas bar crawl can also mean you crawl back to your hotel with a combination of jetlag and too much sangria. Thankfully our Seville accommodations were in a perfect location.

Hotel Casa 1800 is a three-story mansion beautifully restored and flooded with light from its central courtyard. We enjoyed a nightcap on the rooftop terrace while looking out over the imposing Cathedral and its famous bell tower, La Giralda, where we would tour the following day. From Seville we hopped back on a train and arrived in Cordoba just a half hour later. The countryside consists of rolling plains, mountain ranges, quaint villages with baroque churches and Moorish citadels. Even our hotel was a restored 16 th century palace called Hospes Palacio del Bailío. One of our traveling companions used to live in Cordoba and showed us the town from a local’s viewpoint. She took us to several of her old hang outs, like Taberna La Cazuela De La Espartería, where we inhaled platters of Iberian jamon, croquettes, blood sausage, and fried calamari. The next morning, we met up

with a tour guide and marveled as she took us through the famous La Mezquita. Although a Christian site for almost nine centuries, its original construction as a mosque is inescapable and mesmerizing. We ended our day dining at El Churrasco, a beautiful restaurant in the Jewish quarter of Cordoba where I lingered over a wonderful pine nut white gazpacho and sea bass carpaccio.

We hired a driver and guide to take us from Cordoba to Granada, stopping along the way to tour a Montilla bodega, famous for their fino and other Sherries. Our second stop was in the quaint town of Baena at the Nunez de Prado Olive Oil mill. We were honored to have owner Don Francisco Nunez give us a personal tour of how the olives are pressed and made into Spain’s award-winning staple. Olive oil is used for everything. Even at breakfast they drizzle olive oil on their toast as they drink their first cup of café con leche. In Granada we repeated a visit to the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to again tour the best preserved medieval Arab palace in the world, the Alhambra. We also made a second visit to Azafran, a restaurant we loved last year that takes its roots of Moorish ancestry and combines them with contemporary Spanish cuisine.

The grand finale of our trip ended in Spain’s capital, Madrid, a city described by Lonely Planet as ‘an ex-convent schoolgirl who pushed the boundaries of hedonism and then grew up and got sophisticated without ever forgetting how to have fun. That’s why it’s a city as at home in their nightclubs and bars as it is in the hallowed halls of high culture ’. We love staying at Only You, a boutique hotel in a 19th-century mansion located in the Salesas neighborhood, one of the most avant-garde areas of Madrid and a short distance to the Puerta del Sol, the Museo del Prado and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Shopping in Madrid’s Salamanca neighborhood is a combination of Highland Park Village, Rodeo Drive and the Upper East Side. My eyes were swimming with fashion, chic pedestrians and food markets. On our last two nights we made it a point to dine at La Barraca, where for 75 years they have been preparing the best paella in the world over a pungent wood fire. The other dish so well known in Madrid is roast suckling pig. We were fortunate to get reservations at the famous Restaurante Botin, founded in 1725 on a street that reminded me of a Harry Potter movie set.

I love the way Spaniards, and most Europeans for that matter, relish a meal. Pressed together at crowded counters and small tables, locals break bread with foreigners every day. Taking time to eat, converse, drink and eat some more is a way of life for them. It seems to me it’s a way they maintain a deep-rooted sense of community and make you feel their whole country is one big village - a village I could spend the rest of my life crawling through.

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