Down Your Street Winter 2011-2

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Dear Friends, A third of our world lives on less than US$2 a day. Over 9.3 million people live in poverty. One billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water. Some babies are aborted because they are girls. How would it feel like to begin 2012 living in one of such countries? As the gap between the rich and poor continues to grow, humanity is in dire need of courageous people to confront that which is too often ignored. It will take only a few willing people to take a risk to promote a change from apathy to empathy. Those in countries with a democratic system have the ability to influence social changes for the betterment of our world. God shows us grace by Christ sacrificing His life that we may gain ours. We in turn can do the least by considering others better than ourselves May it, therefore, be your goal to impact this world in 2012. Peter Oyugi, Pastor of Elmfield Church.

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89 Elmfield Church, HA2 7DX



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