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Elmfield Church Candlelit Carol Service Sunday 23rd December 2012 6pm - hot punch and nibbles 6:30-7.45pm - readings, reflections and carols by candlelight celebrating Jesus coming into the world.! !"#$%&'($'"$)'*+'(,-' ,*.,-/(0'1+)'$+'-1%(,' 2-13-'($'4-+'$+' 5,$4',*/'617$8%' %-/(/9:!;<='>?@A9'
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We, at Elmfield, are delighted to have the privilege to serve our local community in various ways, and remain open to ideas of how best we can do this. We also seek to help people know and understand what the Bible teaches about the Christian faith. The church can be so near and yet so far for some who may have niggling questions. If you find yourself in this category, please drop by to find out more. On the other hand, you may already know much about the Christian faith, but would like to become more committed. Hopefully Elmfield can be that place where you can deepen your faith alongside others in a diverse and multicultural setting. Although we may not have exhaustive answers to all your questions, we believe we have sufficient answers to help you to believe that Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan for the salvation of humanity, is through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God. Peter Oyugi, Pastor of Elmfield Church.
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Dear Friends,
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