Down Your Street Spring 2013

Page 1



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This church operates a Child Protection Policy

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Dear Friends, It is likely that most of us have tried our hands at some sort of investment. The main purpose of this is usually to make profit. I have not come across a single person who delights in making losses. We seem to all be wired in a way that we desire to gain an advantage in all we do. We see this in the way we think about our children for example, and seek the best for them. The Bible has something to say about profit making. Jesus asks the question, ‘What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?’ (Mk 8:36). These are important questions that demand a response. It would be terrible if, in our investment plans, we fail to think about our own lives and especially our eternity. Hopefully, we will further explore the importance of having a relationship with God. Like any other investment, it is a voluntary action. Peter Oyugi, Pastor, Elmfield Church.

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