Issue 25: Summer 2010
Down Your Street Vision We are a community of people growing in Christ, loving and serving each other and sharing God ’s love with others. Mission Seeking to serve the North Harrow community with the love of God. Practice An evangelical church. Elmfield Church 89 Imperial Drive, North Harrow HA2 7DX every Sunday at 10.30 am Come and join us in worshipping God together. A crèche is a available and a full children ’s programme. For more details ring the church office on 020 8866 0813 or email Registered Charity no. 248351
Local Community Update
A Lifeline You Can Provide Monday March 22 was World Water Day. It brought to our attention the stark reality that 4,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable water related illnesses. This global crisis affects 2.5 billion people as more children are killed by lack of clean water than the combined effects of malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS. It has even been suggested that future wars could be water related. Some futurologists
predict we will run out of potable water long before we run out of fuel. Since water is one of many issues affecting our global future, it would be prudent for each person to think carefully how they could be better stewards of this GodǦgiven resource. We must do all we can to ensure that those without access to clean water get it. This is certainly worth our attention.
Harrow Youth Gospel Choir The Harrow Youth Gospel Choir recently sang at Elmfield Church. Comprised of young people from various schools in Harrow and conducted by the gifted Shereece Storrod, a singer from Black Voices, they demonstrated a depth in talent. The choir serves as a powerful vehicle for positively engaging young people ’s energy and raising their selfǦesteem. One wishes that we could hear more of such cases where our young people are engaged in constructive activities rather than the often featured antiǦsocial behaviour. Surely, shouldn ’t good news be news as well?
Dear friends, We were pleased to see all the children who attended this year ’s Holiday Club running under the theme of “Monsters Stink! ” We thank their parents, for sending them. We hope to see the children again soon, either in the followon activities or in our midweek clubs. We also hope you took time over Easter to familiarise yourself with the true meaning of Easter. One shouldn ’t lose sight of the uniqueness of the d e a t h a n d resurrection of Jesus Christ. So much else being tagged onto the Easter season can blur a correct understanding of this most important event in the Christian calendar.
Sunday Mornings At Elmfield
A fantastic time on Sunday morning at 10.30am for those in Reception to Year 5
Phone o20 8866 0813 for more details
English Language Classes In case you or someone you know may want to start learning English, you are welcome to contact Gerry about availability of spaces in our existing classes. We host English Language classes for Beginners and Intermediate levels. They take place on Mondays & Tuesdays from 9.30 —11.15 am. For details call Gerry Bishop on 01895635337.
Prayer At Elmfield Church
As we await Christ ’s return, let us humbly receive G o d ’s glorious gift of salvation offered to humanity through the Easter events. Peter Oyugi, Senior Leader, Elmfield Church.
Seeking for God to come through in power and compassion.
Some MidǦWeek Activities
Elmfield At A Glance Sunday
Services every week from 10.30 am — 12.00 noon. During this service we normally celebrate Communion and the children go out for their separate activities in God ’z Zone.
Evening services on the 2nd, 3rd
An action packed club for First school students on Fridays from 5.15 – 6.30pm.
and 4th Sundays of the month at 6.30 pm. Refreshments are served from 6.00 pm.
House Group Meetings —for a time of Bible Study and prayer in small groups every week at various times. Call Peter on 020 8866 0014 for more details.
An exciting club for Middle school age on Mondays from 6.30 – 8.00pm.
Reloaded @ Elmfield A club for young people in school years 8 — 1 1 Tuesdays 7.30 —9.00 pm £1 a week - bring extra money for tuck
A club for High School age on Tuesdays from 7.30 – 9.00pm.
Mother & Baby Club on Tuesdays from 10.00 — 11.30 am (Just drop in or call Chris Millard 020 8866 6951 for details). Mother & Toddler Club on Wednesdays from 10.00 — 11.30 am and 1.30 —3.00 pm (To book a place please call Chris Millard 020 8866 6951).
Come and Walk with us through
Bluebells at Cassiobury Park, Watford. On Mon 3rd May 2010. Meet at Elmfield Church 89 Imperial Drive, HA2 7DX @ 2.00 pm or at
Cassiobury Car Park
@ 2.45 pm. Call Graham on 020 8866 0813 if in need of more details.
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