PEAK ALERTS Have you signed up for Peak Alerts? El Paso County Public Works wants to help spread the word about Peak Alerts. WHAT ARE PEAK ALERTS? Peak Alerts are notifications sent through software called Everbridge, by public safety agencies in El Paso and Teller Counties. Peak Alerts notify you of emergency situations that threaten life or property and are deemed dangerous by public safety officials. WHAT EMERGENCY SITUATIONS DO PEAK ALERTS NOTIFY YOU ABOUT? Peak Alerts notify you of emergencies near your registered address(es) or current location (if you use the Everbridge app). Emergency situations may include but are not limited to natural or man-made disasters, hazardous materials incidents, missing persons, law enforcement activity impacting the public, evacuation notices, and more. HOW DOES PEAK ALERT SEND YOU A MESSAGE? When you sign up for Peak Alerts, you can choose how you want to receive the message. Peak Alerts can send notifications via text, phone call, email, mobile app, fax, etc. HOW DO I SIGN UP FOR PEAK ALERTS? To learn more about Peak Alerts and sign up for notifications, visit, download the Everbridge app from Google Play, Apple Store, or go to Peak Alerts is one tool to learn about emergencies happening near you. During an emergency, you should stay informed using various forms of communication - monitor news broadcasts, radio stations, social media, websites, weather radios, etc. If you feel you are in danger at any time, you should take whatever steps you feel are necessary to get to safety.