The current practice of green infrastructure
Habitat type: lowland, extensively propagated meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis). The analysis results have shown a tight overlapping of areas. Further analyses then confirmed the tight overlapping of the habitat type of extensive meadows with flood areas. Based on the analyses, we have found that the flood areas near the Vipava river enable the development of the habitat type of lowland extensively propagated meadows, which are a suitable living environment for the target types of butterflies. By appropriately preserving these meadows, both endangered butterfly species may thus be preserved.
Figure 17: Planning GI in order to preserve the habitats of the scarce large blue and the large copper: the establishment of the required corridors (yellow line) between areas on the mezzo level of adequate flood safety (the Interreg - Grevislin project).
Planning measures for the development of GI on the micro level at the Vipava river basin is shown for the area of Selo, in the municipality of Ajdovščina (Figure 18). Based on the recognition on the mezzo level, there is a tendency/possibility of linking areas of extensively propagated lowland meadows at Selo, where there are intensive areas of cultivation. During the determination of the measures that address the establishment of a habitat type of extensively propagated lowland meadows, we have found that occasional floods are present at the area in question, which indirectly enables the development of extensive meadows. The GI planning is based on the joint overview of the environmental legal regimes and their synergistic potentials. This is why we reviewed the measures or restrictions on the mezzo level of the recognised green corridor in this area, which, together with the regulations or legislations, govern the said area, as well as the measures that have been included in the Natura 2000 Management Programme (hereinafter: PUN) and relate to the target habitat type and target species. In line with the regulations concerning waters, it is forbidden to use fertilisers or means for the protection of plants on coastal land. For the target species and target habitat type, the PUN assumes measures without fertilisers, extensive damp meadows that are occasionally flooded, mowing after a certain 38