1 minute read
Financial forecast
from After Five
by Emily Freund
all projected in £
our financial forecast takes into account every cost of creating the line, including when and how long preorders will be taking place. The forecast also estimates how much income the brand will be making through Sales and Company Partnerhips. Sales start after preorders are made and increase towards the end of the selling period due to the brand gaining recognition within this time period. each estimated sale is calculated from the range cost sheet which estimates the amount of units that will be sold and how much each item will cost.

at the end of our first year of manufacturing and sales, we have around £200,000 left over. This will be used in the next year of sales for wages, office/factory rent, to pay off loans, and to source more materials for the next collection drop. while not projected in this forecast, we predict the increase of sales and company partnerships due to our expansion strategy of developing the product to include a larger target market.