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from Evisu for Selfridges
by Emily Freund
Tasked with creating a collaboration campaign using the Adobe suite, I was keen on learning how to render images better for business purposes. I initially researched all the denim brand choices and thought that Evisu’s graphic and original designs would make for a great installation at Selfridges. Becoming a consultant for an omnichannel relationship between Evisu and Selfridges, had its challenges though. Evisu’s branding and advertising campaigns are very graphic and engaging, while Selfridges has a more modern and simplistic approach to campaigns, but elaborate installations. My objective was to find a way to bring this two contrasting aesthetics together to create a visually appealing and mutually beneficial collaboration. To begin my research, I started by dissecting Evisu’s website for inspiration on how to create this omnichannel collaboration and saw that they had a bespoke option to customize jeans, but only for their menswear range. I started to work on this as the answer to my previous question.
Learning outcome two outlines the ability to evaluate contemporary business practice and culture. I believe I successfully integrated that into my work by not only identifying the future practices such as technological advancement in sustainability but also its practical application in my marketing plan. Selfridges is always known for its intriguing and elaborate installations in their London store and Evisu collaborates with a
multitude of brands across industries. I wanted to
produce a creative and innovative marketing plan, which I then thought of using a virtual bespoke experience where you can customize your own denim. In addition, the use of AR/VR technology for the virtual try-on of
your items, seamlessly integrates the current business culture into this collaboration. Using QR codes through social media and physical media which will take customers to an exclusive look at the drop, creates an omnichannel experience even before the launch of this collaboration in store. During my internship this term, I started to understand the market for collaborations
better, as the brand, AlphaOmega London, I was working with had collaborations planned for their bag launch. AO London has planned to collaborate with NFT ambassador, Krista Kim, for a future project of virtual fashion replacing physical fashion for the future of sustainable fashion. I took some inspiration from this project and applied it to my Digital Skills unit with the technology of the Bespoke Lab.
Throughout the unit, I knew how to use Photoshop and InDesign being taught them in my foundation course and also getting certifications in both. The most useful thing I learned was the multi-text frames across multiple pages. I used this technique in my internship when I imported a document of quotes and framed them to have one on each InDesign page. It was really helpful especially because I wanted everything to be the same font and could edit them at the same time.
The certification class for InDesign before this unit had taught me how to be more efficient when I make my reports through InDesign and I will use the knowledge I gained in text and shape framing as well as paragraph and character style skills in future projects. In my Digital Skills classes and working with the Adobe suite as an intern, I really enjoyed learning how to use these applications in a professional sense.
When my tutor mentioned that we should use more Illustrator, I felt a little stressed because it was the application I was least confident in using. At first I didn’t really understand what the purpose was, as I could do most things on Photoshop, however after looking at LinkedIn Learning videos about how you can use illustrator in the fashion industry, I started to experiment with the application. I am proud that I taught myself and
further inquired through LinkedIn Learning how to use Adobe Illustrator. I used it for advanced logo and font making, to create original vectors like the button designs and the tags, and for use of their advanced brush and stamp library. In the end, I actually really enjoyed using Illustrator in my project, gained more confidence in it, and am really proud of the items I made for this unit. This is definitely an area that I can develop my skills in more, as I know that there are so many things to create on Illustrator.
What I have learned throughout the Digital Skills for Business unit, I aim to apply to my future university projects, reports, and job experiences, specifically the knowledge I gained in Adobe Illustrator. I think generating and rendering imagery creates more professional content when using a blend of the Adobe Suite applications. I plan to continue practicing skills in the entire Adobe Suite because there are always new tools and skills to learn when digitally rendering imagery for real-life purposes. In addition, I am really proud of receiving a certificate in InDesign, as this is great for opportunities in the future throughout the rest of my degree and career endeavors. I aim to learn more about the uses of Illustrator in the fashion industry, specifically making fashion flats and vectors for product ranges. I will inquire through more LinkedIn Learning courses and would eventually love to receive a certificate in this application and would take this initiative into my own hands.