Highlights EMI 2017 - 2018 (EN)

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foto: Marina Meeuwisse

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid

SouthRotterdam 2017-2018

Focus area

Kop van Zuid



Heijplaat Oud Charlois

Carnisse Zuidplein

Pendrecht Zuidwijk

Charlois Zuidrand

Noordereiland Feijenoord





Bloemhof Groot-Ijsselmonde Noord


Groot-Ijsselmonde Zuid



The EMI WORKshop: Building up in South Rotterdam Next to its focus on excellent Bachelor education, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences presents itself as an innovation partner for port and city. It does so by involving centres of expertise, such as EMI (the Centre of Expertise Societal Innovation), which is a partner in coming up with solutions to complex issues that face South Rotterdam. Looking back at the previous academic year, we are proud of the results that we have achieved, with the tireless help of many students, researchers, partners and residents of South Rotterdam, and not to forget the important role played by our lecturers. You can read interviews with a few of them in this publication. Together with all partners we have evaluated our nationally and internationally applauded mentor programme, Mentoren op Zuid (Mentors of Rotterdam), in order to embed it even further in our education and that of the participating schools. We have developed an app with which we can monitor the programme and we have found funding through Students4Students to apply an innovation giving studentstaff members a role in its execution, thus assisting the lecturers. With the help of external funding, our programme Thuis in Taal (“comfortable with language”), which aims at reinforcing language stimulation among people with little or no formal education – especially people with low literacy – at home, in primary schools and in childcare institutions, is now in its implementation phase. BRIDGE, a 3-year programme around career orientation aimed at pupils, parents, teachers and companies offering guaranteed starter functions, has been implemented as planned. We are trying to find a way to continue it after 2019 when the European financial support (from the Urban Innovative Actions Fund) ends. De Gereedschapskist, a digital toolbox for professionals, filled with suggestions, tips and videos supporting parents in educational matters, is a wonderful product for which there is a constant flow of new, topical information, thanks to a close collaboration with the lector Parent Involvement. Social entrepreneurship has seen a steep rise of late as a new form of entrepreneurship, whose main aim is the societal return (the positive effect it should have on society) rather than growth of capital. We have actively contributed tot his trend with social cost-benefit analyses and research into ways of supporting citizens who have been unemployed for a long time, in order to help them get an education and a job. Health issues: we have done research into activities that contribute to a change in behaviour that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Tools and creative concepts were developed by students, and passed on to our partners in the work field. The design-oriented education of the multimedia and art departments of the university was instrumental in this. Together with the Albeda College we have taken steps to set up the programme Healthy lifestyle, giving students a central role as ambassadors.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights


Mama’s Garden, a programme for mothers with children between the ages of 0 and 4, has been given an enormous boost thanks to multi-annual funding by the Oranjefonds. This gives us the opportunity to link up with a nationwide network of programmes aimed at social innovation, bringing knowledge and expertise to Rotterdam. There is an ever growing collaboration with students of the departments Obstetrics, Social Work and the centre of expertise Innovation in Care (lector Obstetrics and Childbirth Care). We have made good progress in working on programmes around the international and city-wide theme of Resilience, trying out and fine-tuning measurement tools for resilience: when is an intervention in a building or a neighbourhood resilient and future proof? What activities contribute to preventing exclusion of groups of citizens, and why? How can we make sure neighbourhoods can cope with climate change, and how to make them energy-neutral? The vital coalition we have formed with AIR, the Veldacademie and Museum Rotterdam has enabled a living lab and work ateliers. Using the input of research done by lectors, we have created (digital) publications, which can be found on our website www.emiopzuid.nl, and which can be used in modules of our HR departments, in schools in South Rottterdam, for designing assignments and street classes. Of course, students have again surprised us with creative solutions to societal questions. In the past year they were able to present these in various arenas, and discuss them with experts: during the International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam, the Stadmakerscongres, during the Werkplaats meeting in Theatre Zuidplein, during the Social Innovation Safari and in districts and neighbourhoods. In collaboration with Codarts, Stichting Lokaal and the Willem de Kooning Academy we identify great opportunities to make a firm connection of arts and culture in South Rotterdam with artists, cultural organizations and residents. The first seeds to achieve this have been planted, and the moment that South Rotterdam starts to get more cultural hotspots is imminent. Next to this, the development of Stadionpark and Hart van Zuid opens up enormous possibilities for this part of Rotterdam. Now the challenge is to make sure that citizens and local initiatives benefit as well. In short: it was a year full of adventure and new successes. I hope to meet you all again very soon to energetically further develop South Rotterdam, the place where, together with interesting citizens of Rotterdam, you can pave the way to solving urban issues. Rotterdam, 13 september 2018 Carolien Dieleman director of Centre of Expertise Societal innovation



South-Rotterdam Figures


G4 total



7 focus areas

% households receiving income support (WWB), disability (AO) or unemployment (WW) benefits (2014)

9% (9%)

15% (14%)

17% (16%)

21% (20%)

24% (24%)

Children up to the age of 18 in a household with incomes up to 110% of the social minimum as a % of all children up to the age of 18 years in a household (2014)

11% (11%)

20% (20%)

24% (23%)

31% (30%)

34% (33%)

% of new early school leavers (2014/2015)

1,8% 1.9%)

3.0% (3.5%)

3.1% (3.9%)

3.6% (4.3%)

3.6% (4.7%)


49% (48%)

48% (47%)

% of young people with an entrance qualification ages 18 to 22 (2016) % of pupils in the 3rd and 4th year of HAVO/ VWO secondary education (2016)

46% (46%)

46% (46%)

38% (37%)

29% (27%)

27% (25%)

CITO test1 scores in grade 8 (ages 11-12) (2015)

534.1 (534.8)

534.2 (533.6)

533.4 (532.2)

530.8 (529.4)

529.8 (528.4)

% of children in primary school with poorly educated parents (2015/2016)

9% (11%)





24% (24%)

35% (35%)

51% (51%)

% of vulnerable multi-family housing compared to available housing (2016) % of residents with an immigrant background (2015 figures) Average WOZ value of housing (2016)

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

22% (22%)

45% (48%)

50% (49%)

60% (60%)

75% (75%)

€ 216.000 (211,000)

€204,450 (€194,925)

€149,077 (€148,885)

€113,688 (€112,802)

€90,253 (€89,519)

p 10

2017 > 2018 Programme Schedule In coordination with NPRZ (the National programme South Rotterdam), EMI has selected four main themes: education, work, care & welfare and housing. Each of these themes is the focus of several programmes under development in Communities of Practice. There are also lateral links between the various themes. The programmes are determined each academic year together with the partners in the work field, the institutes and, in most cases, with input from applied research conducted by lectors and doctoral students. All this is influenced by current developments in society and their impact on how professionals carry out their profession. The city dwellers themselves, in particular the residents of South Rotterdam, are an important source of knowledge and expertise and contribute to finding solutions to issues that concern them. The programme schedule for 2017-2018 is as follows:



Children’s zone

Career Orientation

Education Research Workfield

(CoP’s) Communities of Practice

Mentors of Rotterdam Comfortable with Language (‘Thuis in Taal’) Parental involvement and Career Orientation and persuing

Social Entrepeneurship Rotterdam Research on Unused Talents Social cost and benefit analysis

Event Move2Social

BRIDGE *) The Toolbox (‘Gereedschapskist’) Parental involvement and homework assignment

Science & Technique and career orientation in Career orientation and Mentors of Rotterdam Career orientation and Parental involvement

*) The BRIDGE program is a joined collaboration between the City of Rotterdam and several partners in South Rotterdam

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

p 11

Care & Welfare


Social support & health innovation

City Life

Mama’s Garden

Urban Innovation *)

Health & social care

Frontlijn approach *)

Reciprocral Living

Resilient Reyerood Experience Bringing people together in South Rotterdam Studying in South Rotterdam

*) Developed by Social Work studies of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences together with Bureau Frontlijn


*) With CoE RDM and CoE Social Innovation Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is official partner of Resilient Rotterdam and 100 Resilient Cities.

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid

p 12

Education Children’s Zone Mentors of Rotterdam

Parental Involvement

School EAS, IBK, IFM, ISO, IVG, IvL Research Centre KCT

School ISO Research Centre KCT

Over the years, Mentors of Rotterdam has grown to become the largest mentoring programme in the Netherlands. In a period of six months, school children in South Rotterdam, from primary school up to and including havo, get one-on-one guidance by a student of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. These students are in turn coached by lecturers, who join the students to the schools, and afterwards have intervision sessions. The origin of the programme is the notion that children in South Rotterdam benefit from extra attention. At the same time, students, as future professionals hone their coaching skills, and get practical experience in South Rotterdam. This year 989 students were trained, and each was matched with a pupil of primary and secondary schools in South Rotterdam, and given the task to be mentor of this pupil. The focus this year was on quality, sustainability and collaboration with other universities of applied sciences, which last year resulted in a collaboration with Thomas More University of Applied Sciences. So now, also their students participate in the programme, and their Chairman of the Board has a seat in the Student Mentors Foundation. In the implementation and execution of the programme, the focus of the student mentors was more on career orientation and guidance, and working by a fixed plan. The app that was developed by Mentors of Rotterdam has been used as a steering instrument for management, and as assistance for students when they are preparing for - and reflecting on - mentoring activities.

Teachers and pedagogical employees want to know how they can support parents with little or no formal education, and especially those with low literacy, in order to reinforce language stimulation at home. The development of Thuis in Taal (“Comfortable with language”) has been further implemented in the classroom, and is available upon request in the parents’ rooms of 16 primary schools and 70 preschool and childcare institutes. A second tool is being developed, to be used during house visits, for ongoing support to families with low literacy. In order to reinforce the collaboration with parents, learning circles were started per region, and coaching on the work place was introduced. Together with the teams of 3 vmbo schools (schools of the lowest level of secondary education), a coherent package of activities was developed, so that parents will be better able to support their children in pursuing a career. Leading is what the school already does in the area of career orientation and what the school wants to achieve. A few successful examples: talks with parents about school results that were transformed into career-oriented talks with three parties involved (teacher, parents and pupil); home assignments and interactive parents’ evenings. Further elements have been added to the Gereedschapskist (Toolbox), an online collection of tools to inspire professionals in their collaboration with parents in South Rotterdam. These tools are the result of research projects lasting between 2 and 6 years, which yield scientifically proved and practically tested products. These tools can be texts as well as supporting videos. The Toolbox is used by (future) professionals in education and welfare. Watch online the Toolbox www.hr.nl/gereedschapskist

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

Mentors of Rotterdam

989 052 1150




Parental Involvement

046 005 004 3850



applied research professors


“As a result of this new setup of the talk (where the pupil presents his/her progress), you see that the pupil takes charge more; the talk becomes more natural, I can involve the parents more, and I‘m not as exhausted as I used to be after an afternoon of talks”. - Vmbo teacher

Interview “We wanted to offer information and tips to challenge that group to use their creativity and to be alert of what their mentees need.”

Sofie Smeets: Mentors of Rotterdam “In the past years Mentors of Rotterdam has compiled a wealth of tips , tricks and background information for student mentors. Unfortunately, students make very little use of them. Sofie Smeets, lecturer at International Business and Management Studies, has re-written and re-structured the information, and prepared it for a new way of presenting it. “In the past year I joined EMI on a weekly basis to establish the methodology of Mentors of Rotterdam more clearly. Lots of fun activities are offered on N@tschool which the student mentors can do with their mentees, but apparently they can’t see the forest for the trees, which often makes them do the same things over and over. I’m not saying that some of them aren’t creative. For example, the CMV student who told her mentee, “So you want to be a beautician? All right, let’s visit a beauty salon to see what it’s like to work there”. Others find it hard to carry out their role. We wanted to offer information and tips that could be used immediately, to challenge that group to use their creativity and to be aware of what their mentees need. Themes like making someone’s acquaintance, career orientation, study skills, social skills and coaching skills had already been put on paper, but I have structured that information, and re-written it to make it more accessible to students so that it could be used as a theoretical and practical tool. For each theme I have formulated the ten most attractive assignments to inspire the students, and I have written a short bibliography. Now that the information is available, it is possible to make, for example, a website that students can access and use easily.”

p 14

Work Career orientation Social Entrepreneurship School IBK, IFM Research Centre KBI

Students of the Economic Domain have done desk research into impact measurements and studied a few Social Cost-Benefit Analyses. Based on this, they have described the social benefits and indicators, and they have calculated a Social CostBenefit Analysis of two activities of the Afrikaanderwijk Cooperative, using a methodology offered by the Rotterdam municipality. In the spring of 2018 the project “Werkkracht” (“Workforce”) was started. An empowerment course was organized, in which the participants, 25 women with a migration background, learnt to identify their own qualities and skills, and how to use them to contribute to society and shape their own future. The questionnaires filled in by the participants and the observations during the course have been processed, and are being further analysed by ETF (Evangelical Theological Faculty) Louvain. A report is expected in September 2019. Civic crowdfunding is a new and fast-growing instrument to provide funding for local initiatives, but those professionally involved in building social cohesion in neighbourhoods have lots of questions about this phenomenon. In order to help social projects flourish, they need to be able to assess quickly if a project can become successful and if the municipality can play a role in it. EMI, in collaboration with a consortium, aims to gain insight into the success and failure factors of civic crowd funding, and to develop tools for professionals. Students and EMI trainees have designed the course, had questionnaires and observation forms filled in and processed the results. Based on the provided information, ETF Louvain has written a research report.

Apart from this, we worked together with the COM institute (Commercial Management) in the past academic year: In March 2018 the Stadsgarage, together with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and five European partners, organized a unique and informative week for social entrepreneurs of the Spark programme, a four-year EU Interreg 2 Seas programme, which helps social entrepreneurs in Belgium, England and the Netherlands to grow and innovate. Students of the CoMmunity Marketing of Social Business made vlogs of a Social Enterprise safari and met local and international social entrepreneurs.

BRIDGE School CMI, IvL Research Centre n/a

BRIDGE is a three-year programme supported by the European Urban Innovation Actions Fund and developed by the Municipality of Rotterdam and partners in South Rotterdam. EMI focuses on making young people in South Rotterdam more proficient at fact-finding and choosing a career path (lobv). Together with teachers and/or parents, tools are being developed to support the career decisions made by their pupils/children. EMI does this by adding career-orientation components to three of its current programmes: within Mentors of Rotterdam (MoZ) there is specific attention to career orientation and guidance; further research is being done into collaboration with parents with regard to this aspect and practical partners will be given practical tools to achieve this. Primary schools are supported in their efforts to embed Science and Technology more firmly in their curriculum, and to create a link with talent development and career orientation and guidance.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

Sociaal ondernemerschap

037 007 012




Science & Technology

018 014 300




According to Wallis Goelen-Vandebrock (European Commission) the BRIDGE approach in Rotterdam can be seen as “a unique example of collaboration between various knowledge institutes and the municipality.”

Interview “The students help pupils get better school results, growing self-confidence and a better insight into their career choice.” Science & Technology School IVL Research Centre n/a

Watch the video online. The Science & Technology programme in South Rotterdam focuses on professionalization of teachers, and aims at supporting primary schools to embed S&T in their curriculum. Key is the didactic approach of Discovery and Design Learning (DDL), and the link it has with career orientation and guidance. This goes for S&T lessons as well as for the S&T and career orientation content in the school. Schools can count on custom-made support and advisory talks with school leaders and S&T coordinators, and on practical support with the integration of the DDL didactics. 12 primary schools have participated in the individual support offered with the implementation of S&T in the curriculum: in four workshop sessions all participants were introduced to knowledge, and they were able to share experiences with regard to S&T themes. Network sessions offered participating schools the opportunity to discuss and try out didactic, organizational and policy subjects, next to developing methodology and materials for a wide range of usage.


Wout de Folter: BRIDGE (career orientation) Wout de Folter is a lecturer and study career coach in the Accountancy department. A number of his students joined the Mentors of Rotterdam programme. “Our students follow financial education, but later, in their professional life, they will not only deal with numbers, but also with people. It is very important to listen closely to clients to understand what they want, so that an adequate response can be given. By joining the Mentors of Rotterdam programme, our students acquire important skills in that area, and they get to know South Rotterdam. In collaboration with the schools in South Rotterdam we match students of the Accountancy, Business Economics and Financial Services Management departments with havo pupils of the Calvijn Business School and the Vreewijk Lyceum, both in South Rotterdam. The students help the pupils get better school results, and gain more self confidence and a better insight into their career choice. Many of our students at first only join the programme to get study credits, but afterwards they often say it was an unforgettable experience. It gives them satisfaction to help someone else with their knowledge and attention. Friendships have even been known to blossom. Last year, 100% of Calvijn Business School’s pupils passed the final exams. The teachers believed that the Mentors of Rotterdam programme played a major role in this. This makes our collaboration a win-win story.”

Interview “The young mothers find a sympathetic ear with the students. As they are among people their own age, they feel safe.”

Esther de Vries: Mama’s Garden The first two editions of Mama’s Garden at the Frankendaal location of mbo school Zadkine (mbo = intermediate level vocational education) were a success. Study career coach Esther de Vries (Zadkine) would like to expand the collaboration. “In our Entrée plus-class for young mothers, young girls who are pregnant, or who already have given birth, can follow mbo-1 course zorg en dienstverlening (“care and services”). These are girls who are facing many problems, who already get care and guidance in all kinds of areas, and who are flooded with advice. What they need most is a place where they can spend time together with their children and with other girls in the same situation, so that they can exchange experiences. That, and more, is what Mama’s Garden offers. The young mothers find a sympathetic ear with the students. As they are among people of the same age, they feel safe. This leads to informal and spontaneous talks about topics like raising children, sexuality and money, but also about practical matters like first aid for children. Sometimes they make friends with each other. Last year a student offered one of the young mothers to join her when visiting the midwife. Another student, who studied speech therapy, has given a young mother with a non-Dutch background private lessons to improve her Dutch pronunciation. Both these examples are so precious! I would very much like to expand the initiative by starting a Mama’s Garden in our school where ALL young mothers in Vreewijk can come to.”

p 17

Care & Welfare Societal Support for Care Innovation

Mama’s Garden

Health & Social Care

School IVG, RBS, ISO, CMI Research Centre KCZI

School CMI, IVG Research Centre KCC, KCZI

Mama’s Garden this year decided to use student teams for content as well as organization. Mbo and hbo students worked together in these teams. The collaboration with locations as well as the neighbourhood network has been expanded. The mothers of Mama’s Garden contribute ideas and give advice on the content of meetings. The Kiem Creative subsidy that they received made it possible to further develop and expand the original idea, in collaboration with the ones who came up with the idea: the alumni of Willem de Kooning Academy, the Centre of Expertise Ucreate and the lectorate Obstetrics and Childbirth Care.

Young people are positive about their own health and think they have a healthy lifestyle. But records show that as soon as they become a student, they gain 3 kilos on average in their first year of study. Interventions to promote a healthy lifestyle are often initiated by care professionals and do not always lead to a lasting change of behaviour. By first mapping their own lifestyle, students became aware of it, which led to more commitment to the subject. This enabled them to link the assignment with the neighbourhood when it came to health issues, and to take into account culturally sensitive factors of the residents.

Thanks to a constant flow of students, the programme can fulfill its aim to provide information to mothers by offering an attractive range of themes at various locations every month. Simultaneously, these mothers can meet others and share knowledge in an informal atmosphere, which creates a network for them and their children, in which they are seen, heard and supported.

The first trimester they mapped their own lifestyle and environment in a lifestyle diary, after which research was done into the behaviour of students with regard to a healthy lifestyle. For this research they used the BRAVO model*. The insights thus acquired were formulated in the actual assignment: how to improve and support the health of young people in South Rotterdam by means of “nudging”.

The coming three years - starting September 2018 – Mama’s Garden gets a financial contribution from the programme Voluntary Care in the Family of the Oranjefonds. This money will be used to record and share acquired knowledge, and to scale up the programme, all this of course in conjunction with students and mothers.

It was examined which interventions effectively stimulate a healthy lifestyle with young people and what role they can play to stimulate a healthy lifestyle in their own environment. There are various interventions: from reports and recommendations to apps and bootcamps, festivals, and foodtrucks. *See https://bravo.sbcm.nl for an explanation of this model


Mama’s Garden

107 014 145




Health & Social Care

238 014 176




Interviews “I found it very valuable that they were able to tell their stories to an audience of professionals of various fields of expertise.”

Anne Kooiman: Health & Social Care In the minor+ Meedoen op Zuid (“Get involved in South Rotterdam”) students of different institutes and departments work on innovative solutions to tough issues in South Rotterdam. Anne Kooiman, lecturer at the department Social Work and the master Pedagogy, coordinates the programme. “EMI helps us identify difficult questions in South Rottterdam and introduces our students to the right parties. The past academic year, a group of our students studied the theme Healthy Lifestyle in South Rotterdam. EMI matched them with Samen Eén in Feyenoord, an active network in Feyenoord, which in turn led to the students getting in touch with the Centre for Youth and Family, mbo schools, but also with parents and children in South Rotterdam. In their talks with the different groups, the students found out that lots of information is available about the importance of moving and of healthy food, but that information about a healthy sleeping pattern was lacking. As research shows that sufficient sleep has a beneficial effect on health, the students developed an awareness campaign with an interactive app for children and a digital parents’ platform, to point out to professionals, parents and children the importance of enough sleep. The students presented their findings and end products during a network meeting that was organized by Samen Eén in Feyenoord. I found it very valuable for the students that they were able to tell their story in front of an audience of professionals of various fields of expertise, who listened seriously to their findings.”

“All in all it was a very successful project, which acquainted our students with South Rotterdam, and showed them what role they could play there as designers.”

Jaap van Grinsven: Health & Social Care First-year students of the department Communication and Media Design worked on a Design Challenge in South Rotterdam, initiated by EMI. Jaap van Grinsven, who coordinated the project, explains. “How can you stimulate young people in South Rotterdam to adopt a healthy lifestyle? That was the question that Joke Mulder, project leader for the programme Healthy in South Rotterdam, presented our students with. No less than 180 students, divided over 36 teams, started to work on this assignment. They were given 6 months to work on it. The first quarter was devoted to the design of prototypes and to testing them on fellow students. In the second quarter the focus was shifted to South Rotterdam and the problems that were felt there. EMI gave them information and inspired them. They shared statistical data about the composition of neighbourhoods and invited speakers who shared their views of health and multiculturalism. At the end of the process all student teams exhibited their concepts at the final exhibition at the Wijnhaven location. According to Joke Mulder, several presentations were of such a high level that they would have merited graduating on. Per district, a winning team was chosen. Of the seven winning teams, two were selected to present their work at the Future Flux Festival. All in all it was a very successful project that acquainted our students with South Rotterdam, its residents, the problems felt there and the role they could play there as designers. At the same time, it has made young people in South Rotterdam more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.”

“The final event, ‘South Rotterdam Inspires’, has great added value for the students: there they see what they are doing it for.”

Jurgen Jeurissen: Urban Innovation Jurgen Jeurissen is a lecturer Leisure Management and also works for the minor Citybranding. Since the collaboration with EMI he sees his students work on interesting projects in South Rotterdam. “We are always on the lookout for relevant and real-life project assignments for students of the minor Citybranding to sink their teeth in. As Rotterdam is an interesting area, certainly when it comes to area development and citybranding, we started talks with EMI five years ago. Since then you can speak of a semi-structural collaboration. Under the wings of EMI our students work on a wide range of assignments related to South Rotterdam. In the past year, some ten students started to work for Feyenoord City. One group gathered successful and less successful examples from abroad, which Feyenooord City could learn lessons from. Another group conducted so-called “Thermometer research” to find out how young people in South Rotterdam felt about Feyenoord City. Via EMI they had easy access to schools, so that they could interview pupils. The final event, “Sout Rotterdam Inspires”, has great added value for the students: they could see there what they are doing it for. Visitors showed an interest in their work, they had meaningful talks, it is an enormous boost. Sometimes it even leads to an opportunity to do research in an organization for a final thesis, or even a job.”

p 20

Housing City Life Urban Innovation

Sense of the City

School CMI, IGO, ISO, IVG, IvL, RBS, WdK, RBS Research Centre n/a

School CMI, IGO, ISO, WdK Research Centre n/a

In the past year, the programme Urban Innovation & Resilient City has become more professional, and it amply reached its pre-determined targets. With about 40 practical projects, involving more than 20 partners, the programme reached 531 students. Starting this year, Urban Innovation has an intensive collaboration with de Veldacademie, AIR and Museum Rotterdam in the Fieldlab Societal Resilience, established on the first floor of de Veldacademie, and offering atelier space to work on the problems. This work is done together with students of Leyden University, Technical University Delft and Erasmus University. Since this year, Urban Innovation is working in this setting on documentation with regard to the learn-work communities Wederkerig wonen (“reciprocral living”), Resilient Reyeroord Experience, Samenvoegen op Zuid (“bringing people together in South Rotterdam”) and Studying in South Rotterdam. These communities are based on the four convenants with NPRZ (National Programme South Rotterdam), Samen en Anders (“Together and Different”), Resilient Rotterdam and the Veldacademie. Within the learn-work communities the participants work in three phases: They start by working in the atelier in relay form on the relevant issue, together with students from other institutions and universities. Subsequently, the results of these ateliers are bundled and compiled in

dossiers which, phase three, in collaboration with De Vedacademie and Museum Rotterdam, are shared in Atelier-Cafés which are organized frequently. The first Atelier-Cafés took place during the International Architecture Biennial 2018. To sum up, below you find a list of a few milestones, in random order: • Honouring convenant-commitments Resilient Rotterdam • Participation with International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam • Collaboration with De Veldacademie • Honouring commitments S&A and intensive collaboration • Collaboration with Museum Rotterdam • Collaboration with AIR • Plan to realise student dwellings embraced by Board of HR and NPRZ • Realization of 2000 student dwellings officially agreed upon by city council • Implementation of student projects in Reyeroord • National nomination S&A • Interview Pakhuis de Zwijger/Café Weltschmerz • Minor Creating Resilient Cities will be launched twice a year starting September • Presentation “Urban Rotterdam” by Hans Pouwels, student WdKA, in Boston Watch the video online.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

The method of Sense of the City (street classes and adjoining action research) is part of the curriculum of creative courses. Questions taken from practice are found by going out into the street, by experiencing first-hand how the real world and the systemic world are not in synch. We register all experiences with a camera and with audio recordings, gathering our own authentic data, like a human search engine.

Urban Innovation

531 021 6700




Sense of the City

091 005



Atelier- CafĂŠ Reyeroord

Future Flux Festival

p 24

Event highlights Timeline 26 September 2017

8 September 2017

Open House of House of Carnisse Programme staff member Samira Kossir and trainees of the programme were present at the open house of the House of Carnisse, in order to interest mothers for Mama’s Garden. During the information market they gave information to (young) mothers on how to join one of the Mama’s Gardens, where they are organized and what the ulterior goal of the programme is.

Visit UIA (Urban Innovation Action) BRIDGE During an afternoon session, attended by (inter)national UIA experts and representatives of the municipality responsible for this, knowledge was exchanged about BRIDGE and UIA, by means of speakers and pitches. Three interventions were discussed: 1) S&T and career orientation; 2) parents and career orientation and 3) Mentors of Rotterdam and career orientation. The focus was on mutual exchange of information, and those present were given the opportunity to ask questions. This way it was possible to synchronize supply and demand better.


26/27 September 2017

9 October 2017

European Network Resilient Cities

Meeting of the Buddy network

The two-day Resilient Europe Meeting was held in Antwerp. Its goal was to establish the state of affairs of resilient activities in 11 European cities. On the basis of their own resilience programme in a selected area, the cities, together with their stakeholders, are trying to implement a transition process, and to break through existing patterns, in order to improve the competitive position and resilience of the city. The second goal of the meeting was to reflect on achieved results and on the resilience practice – and in a broader sense on the notion resilience itself. And lastly, attention was paid to the setup and content of the next and last meeting of this round, held in Rotterdam at the end of March 2018.

Via the various institutes of the school, EMI brought students together, resulting in a TOP article about Club Feyenoord and area development Stadionpark.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

On Monday 9 October 2017 the buddy network meeting “A Buddy by the cradle” was held in Ghent. During this meeting, representatives of various Belgian and Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences came together with different buddy organizations to think about the problems and/or challenges they were facing. The programme leader of Mama’s Garden was also present at this meeting.

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10 November 2017

24 November 2017

Stadmakerscongres (“City makers Congress”)

Mama’s GarWerkplaats den on location op Zuid

Hackathon Reyeroord

Mama’s Garden is a meeting place for (young) mothers which gives them an informal way to get in touch with other mothers. The meetings are organized on fixed locations, like the library in Feyenoord, the library in Reyeroord and the EMI Werkplaats in South Rotterdam. On Friday 24 November, a Mama’s Garden was organized on the location of the Stichting Nieuw Thuis Rotterdam (“New Home Rotterdam Foundation”). During this meeting, mothers and children got to know each other better by playing the education game and the 9-months game.

On Thursday 1 and Friday 2 November a Hackathon was held in Islemunda, a meeting centre in IJsselmonde. It was organized by the city of Rotterdam, the Hackathon Factory and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. During these two days, students of different institutes, supported by experts to answer any question, worked on complex issues from the district Reyeroord.

The initiative of the Stadmakerscongres came forth from a movement that is felt (inter) nationally and locally: that working on the city is no longer the prerogative of institutional parties. Anyone who felt involved in the city could come to the City Theatre to shed light on how they could use their specific expertise and ambition to contribute to the development of the city. This conviction and - at the same time – task was the central theme set by the Stadmakerscongres for the fourth time this year. EMI, together with De Veldacademie, presented the results they had achieved up to now.

25 January 2018

More than 150 students, lecturers and researchers of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and partners from the work field came together in Theater Zuidplein for the first edition of Werkplaats op Zuid. During this meeting, organized by EMI, they discussed the various societal problems in South Rotterdam. The basis of these talks was formed by the research projects done by the students, and the experiences they had had in that area. EMI matches students with practical partners in South Rotterdam. No less than 100 students of 20 different institutes had worked on these issues in South Rotterdam.They presented the results of their research, concepts and smart solutions to fellow students, lecturers and visitors in six “workshops”, where different themes were looked into and discussed. The organization of the event was supported by a group of five Event Management students. This was the first edition of Werkplaats op Zuid, with which EMI wants to substantiate its efforts, by grouping the presentations of the students by the themes the EMI focuses on, and by keeping the discussion between the various stakeholders open. Watch the video online.


01/02 February 2018

p 26

20 February 2018

06 March 2018

Safari in South Rotterdam, for former staff member of RUAS

Guest lecture Training “Story- Public lecWest Flanders telling via your ture by Karin Univerity of Ap- smartphone.” Neijenhuis plied Sciences The Commercial Management On 15 March lector Karin

This year, EMI gave former staff members of the university (the so-called Silver Guild) an insight into the world of societal innovation in South Rotterdam. This group of former staff members get together twice a year, to meet up, be informed about various topics etc. Some 40 former staffmembers were accompanied to the Art Hotel by Leisure Management students. Johan Sevenhuijsen (former director concern strategy) and Carolien Dieleman kicked off the afternoon. The participants were given a choice of activities, such as a brainstorm session about the funding and research for Mentors of Rotterdam, a street class through the Afrikaanderwijk led by dr Marina Meeuwisse; an interactive workshop about vulnerable pregnant women at Mama’s Garden, a city walk through South Rotterdam and a presentation about the worldwide programme on making cities future proof at Urban Wonen (“Urban Living”). Furthermore they could choose to join a presentation followed by a tour at Gezondheidscentrum Lijn 2, at Gezond op Zuid (“Healthy in South Rotterdam”). During the drinks with snacks (made by the Wijkkeuken – “Neighbourhood Kitchen”) in ‘t Gemaal, Peter de Lange closed the day with an invitation to join the Silver Guild.

On Tuesday 6 March, Social Work students of West Flanders Univerity of Applied Sciences came to visit Mama’s Garden. Programme leader Wietske Willemse gave them a presentation about this informal meeting place for (young) mothers. After that she gave the students creative assignments to work on in a workshop. The students were acquainted with the programme by means of doing a role-play, and by playing the 9-months game.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

08 March 2018

Institue, in collaboration with OPEN Rotterdam, organized a training “Storytelling via your smartphone.” A group of twenty students of the departments Marketing of Social Business and Creative Marketing and Sales followed a workshop to learn to make videos with their smartphone. The students got to work on making and editing images. The result: seven creative videos, recorded at the Kralingse Zoom location of the Rotterdam University Applied Sciences. The students were now ready for the Social Enterprise Safari Rotterdam on 15 and 16 March, during which they filmed the safari visiting social entrepreneurs in Rotterdam. The one who had made the best video won an award on the last day of the safari.

15 March 2018

Neijenhuis treated the visitors to a very varied afternoon during which she gave a multi-faceted view of the role of speech therapy. Programme leader Wietske Willemse presented her programme Mama’s garden and her experiences with future speech therapists.

Watch the video online.

NIFFO Gallery/Recycle Studio: “Thanks to EMI, we had the pleasure of receiving 2 groups of visitors.”

p 27

15/16 March 2018

21/22 March 2018

Social EnterEuropean Netprise Safari Ro- work Resilient trerdam i.c.w. Cities the Commerci- As part of a two-day European al Management event of the municipality of Rotterdam about Resilient Institute Cities, EMI contributed to two In collaboration with the Commercial Management Institute of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Spark Social Enterprise, Seinwezen and Stadsgarage Haarlem, EMI organized a very special city safari: students and lecturers of the Commercial Economics department took dozens of social entrepreneurs from the Netherlands and abroad on a guided tour through the city. They visited various social entrepreneurs in Rotterdam, such as the Wijkatelier, the Wijkcoöperatie, Niffo Gallery, Rotterdamse Confiture, Rotterdamse Munt, Charlois aan het Water, De Veldacademie, Dakakker, Schieblock, Rebelz aan de Rotte, ZOHO, Oblique International, Heilige Boontjes and De Bouwkeet. A game had been developed for the safari, in which participants were challenged to discover the “Secret Six”, city secrets related to the locations that had been visited and their environments. By scanning hidden QR codes, participants got the required information. At each social entrepreneur’s establishment, the participants were asked to brainstorm about certain problems that the social entrepreneurs were facing.

components of the programme. During the Deep Dive round, EMI, in collaboration with the various insitutes, presented the initiatives and their results in South Rotterdam from the Urban Innovation programme. Moreover, during a field trip at Vakcollege De Hef a presentation was given and discussed about the biggest mentoring programme of the Netherlands: Mentors of Rotterdam. The goal of this event was twofold: 1) to put in the limelight international exchange of experiences between participants, (local) initiatives – several of which managed by societal institutions, local authorities etc. – in the field of resilience. 2) to learn from each other’s experiences and knowledge.


12 April 2018

17 May 2018

Mentors of Rotterdam and “Meet en Geniet”

Education Parade

On Thursday 12 April, the event Mentors of Rotterdam, Meet en Geniet (“Meet and Enjoy”) took place at the Museumpark location of RUAS. This event gives lecturers of the university who were involved in the programme the opportunity to meet each other again. Enjoying drinks and snacks the lecturers followed a workshop “Clean Language”, organized by Annette Diender and Sophie Jordens. “Clean Language” is a powerful tool to communicate with each other, without presumptions. The 12 Clean Language questions are: What would you like to happen? 2) And what kind of …. is that? 3) Anything to add about …. ? 4) And where is …. ? And where exactly? 5) Does …. have a shape or size? And that is like what? 6) And if …., what will happen to ….? 7) Is there a relationship between …. and …..? 8) And what happens just before it? 9) And what happens next? 10) What is needed for that? 11) And where could …. come from? 12) And is that possible?

Host of the day, and dean of the Institute Commercial Management, Fred Feuerstake, welcomed staffmembers of RUAS as well as various guests, two of whom were keynote speakers Dick van Wateren and Pedro De Bruyckere. The subject of this year’s Education Parade was “Investigate and Discover”, a theme that dovetails with the vision that practical research plays an essential role in educating students to become competent, inquisitive and strong professionals, as well as in developing the necessary knowledge and skills. In the different work sessions held at the Kralingse Zoom location, the participants could discuss topics like education and research. Per session, wide-ranging topics were discussed, such as “working together on context-rich education”, held by Mariëlle van Dijk, coordinator at the Centre of Expertise RDM. She elaborated on the activities of the Centres of Expertise of RUAS, and invited visitors to contact her for a possible collaboration.

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01 June 2018

05 June 2018

Final exhibition Expert meeting CMI/Healthy in UIA Brussels South RotterOn Tuesday 5 June several dam professionals who work toOn 1 June, 1st-year Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) students presented their research findings related to the programme Healthy in South Rotterdam. Their task was twofold: conducting research about their own (healthy) lifestyle and that of the residents of the seven focus districts. During the exhibition more than 150 students showed which insights they had gained and exhibited their findings with digital and visual support. The best presentations were eligible for participation in the Future Flux Festival, with the theme “Meet the Makers”. Read more under the heading “Future Flux Festival”.

gether with (young) women with children came together as a part of the Community of Practice Mama’s Garden. The purpose of the meeting was to enable networking and to exchange knowledge around this theme.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

07 June 2018

13 June 2018

Resilience Day during the International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam (IABR)

Round Table conference Mentors of Rotterdam

From 1 June, the IABR accommodated workshops, masterclasses and exhibitions. On Resilient Rotterdam Day, policy makers, urban planners, designers, entrepreneurs, experts and other practical professionals from Rotterdam and the rest of the world came together to exchange knowledge and to look together for new avenues to solve problems and explore their feasibility. Students of EMI, RDM Centre of Expertise and De Veldacademie presented their projects. Visitors discussed with these students the findings and main results of their social resilience research – ranging from health to urban development and harbour – which they had conducted in South Rotterdam the previous 6 months. To name a few of these results: an app with which the sleeping behaviour of children can be improved, or an inexpensive and easy way to provide housing to students, while at the same time helping them to create a bond with Rotterdam. In his opening speech of the Resilient Rotterdam Day, Mayor Aboutaleb emphasized that social resilience for equal opportunity deserves the same approach as resilience in the fields of water and climate.

On Wednesday 13 June, a round table conference was held in Verhalenhuis Belvédère (“House of Stories Belvédère”), with deans, coordinators, course directors, representatives of the muncipality and Foundation De Verre Bergen, as well as the programme team. The invitation had been extended by the Executive Board of RUAS and EMI. During this conference, chaired by Ruben Maes, participants discussed the sustainability of the Mentors of Rotterdam programme. The participants, together with the management of participating schools and institutes, aimed at creating a future-proof programme in terms of collaboration, quality and development potential. The conference was opened with “what it all comes down to in the end”: with headphones the participants listened to audio fragments of relaxed, cheerful and sometimes moving talks between student mentors and mentees. After having been given information about and preconditions of Mentors of Rotterdam, the participants, spread over five tables, discussed various sustainability issues. The ideas and ambitions generated in these sessions will be further developed and processed in collaboration with advisor Herman Soppe. A follow-up meeting will be organized in November 2018.

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13 June 2018

15 June 2018

17 June 2018

Atelier-Café Reyeroord

Future Flux Festival

During the masterclass Resilient Thinking of Centre of Expertise RDM, taking place during the International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam, students and other experts, in talks with those interested, talked about Reyeroord. In January last, the municipality organized a Hackathon: for two days, students worked on coming up with innovative solutions for the replacement of the outdoor space in Reyeroord. Students Kimberly Borges Semedo (RUAS) and Marinus Jongeneel (TU Delft) researched the possibilities of how these plans could be executed. On 13 June they elaborated on their results and discussed them with Monique Groeneweg and Luuk van der Burgt of the municipality of Rotterdam. One of the tasks emerging from the talks is actively developing the public space. The audience added: “Let a professional gardener, and not a CEO, make a proposal for the development of public green areas”.

The Future Flex Festival, organized by RDM Rotterdam, this year was titled “Meet the Makers.”. Two booths of firstyear Communication and Multimedia Design students were surrounded by those of drone manufacturers and hypermodern technological gems. They presented the results of the assignment they carried out for EMI, around the theme “healthy lifestyle for the residents in South Rotterdam”. Team “Winx Club” developed an app for young people who are about to take the step of living on their own. In the app, called “From Scratch”, they can fill in the ingredients that they have available, and then get suggestions for healthy recipes. And the ingredients that they don’t have can be bought at the supermarket or picked up at the neighbours’, as people living in the neighbourhood can register in the app what products they have available at home. Team “Johnny Bravo” conceived “Game Circle”, an interactive screen shaped like a large circle, which can be placed in squares, for example in the vicinity of various schools. In this Game Circle young people play active games individually or in teams. A perfect solution for young people who like gaming, but also need to move more.

Newspaper Parents in the Interview: “Stu- spotlights dents are wor- On 20 June, the third graduaking on Feyen- tion symposium Parents in the Spotlights was held. In front of oord City” about 80 visitors, twenty-five

Watch the video online.


Students of the RUAS departments Real Estate & Brokerage, Social Work, Commerical Economics and Leisure Management are working in South Rotterdam on Feyenoord City and the stadium park, to name a few. Upon request of Algemeen Dagblad EMI arranged an interview with these students to discuss their research projects and assignments. Together with the football club Feyenoord, the Social Work department has been working on social-societal projects, involving about 50-60 students per week, from 1st-year to 4th-year students. This way they are prepared for the profession of social worker, which, next to expert knowledge, requires flexibility and adaptability. The department SportMarketing & Management, too, has been collaborating for many years with both the football club and the municipality. For quite a few departments, Feyenoord City has been a rich source of student projects for years. For both the principal and RUAS it offers a unique opportunity to experiment and gain new insights. It is a double-edged sword: the students get practical experience and Feyenoord City can test to what extend theoretical ideas work in actual fact.

20 June 2018

students presented the results of their final research projects about the collaboration with parents, together with researchers of the lectorate Parents in South Rotterdam. Mariëtte Lusse did the kick-off with her introduction “Opvoeden doe je samen” (“Raising Children is a Joint Effort”). Under the guidance of Peter Vanhoof, students gave an interactive session about “De Stijl van Vader” (“Father’s Style” -). Various students who did their placement at Feyenoord working on the theme”The importance of involving parents with their children’s extracurricular activities” were then interviewed by the host of the day, Leonie le Sage. In the intermission visitors could visit the poster presentations, and discuss the research findings with the students. During the workshops Let’s Connect; Samenwerken met ouders van kinderen met een beperking (“working together with parents of children with special needs”); Thuis in Taal (“Comfortable with Language”); and Pleegkinderen in verschillende werelden (“Foster children between different worlds”) there was a more in-depth discussion about the collaboration with parents.

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Together with EMI programme leader Wietske Willemse, Samira El Moubtahij, student in the final stage of her studies, presented the concept application that she had developed to reinforce the contact between young mothers participating in Mama’s garden, even outside the context of that programme.

22 June 2018

22 June 2018

29 June 2018

Atelier-Café Feyenoord City

Visit to Brussels UIA

On the final day of the Masterclass “Design for the Just City”, by Toni Griffin in Kantine Walhalla, four students of the departments Leisure Management and Real Estate & Brokerage joined the table, chaired by Nicole van Dijk (Museum Rotterdam), to discuss their research about the district Feyenoord. Central question was: how can you ensure that people living in surrounding districts can have an active say in the development of Stadionpark? All four gentlemen came to a unanimous conclusion: involve the residents in the development plans, and make sure that they feel heard. Lecturer JanWillem Dijkhuis agreed with this view. First and foremost, people want to be able to be proud of their neighbourhood, and find it important that their environment doesn’t lose its existing identity, especially in a part of town where social control is very high.That is the reason why Ferry Wennekes conceived a sociathon: an online platform where people could register ideas to help the neighbourhood, and to enhance social connection. Berend van Hoek aimed specifically at toddlers in South Rotterdam and created a concept book with guidelines that the outside space should comply with to inspire toddlers to move more.

On 22 June UIA - Urban Innovative Action – organized the meeting “UIA Capitalization” in Ateliers des Tanneurs in Brussels. The theme was “Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy”. The four cities Bilbao, Madrid, Milan and Rotterdam are currently halfway their UIAfinanced, three-year projects with regard to employment, future jobs and skills in the local economy. They discussed the state of affairs and shared with each other, but also with outside interested parties, the first successes, but also lessons learnt. The close collaboration that the municipality of Rotterdam has with (higher) education and the work field was praised at he meeting as a unique approach in this field. Of EMI’s programmes participating in BRIDGE, involving parents with career orientation, Science and Techology in the primary-education curriculum, and Rotterdam Mentors, the last was highlighted in a BRIDGE animation as an inspiring intervention.

Atelier-Café Studying in South Rotterdam

Watch the video online.

Watch the video online.

Just like in other university cities, student housing in Rotterdam is a tricky question. Students of the Engineering department of RUAS conceived a smart way to build student dwellings: BLOX. They discussed the idea during the latest Atelier-Café at the International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam. Martijn Houweling and Lars de Jongh explained that the concept consists of a kind of Lego stones. These blocks can be stacked, which enables expanding a student dwelling to form an apartment, so that the student doesn’t really have to move after graduation. Martijn and Lars discussed their idea with two Spatial development and Planology students, to name a few. They explained that they see students as an opportunity for a district to overcome problems. The discussion was joined by two staff members of Woonstad. Students create cohesion in a neighbourhood with their lifestyle, which is beneficial in any neighbourhood. The Atelier-Cafes were organized by EMI, in collaboration with De Veldacademie, AIR and Museum Rotterdam. OPEN Rotterdam (a local public broadcaster) followed the Atelier-Cafés, and made attractive visual reports of them. Watch the video online.

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

Interview “To enrich the learning experience of our students, we asked them to record their experience in a vlog.”

Steffie Theuns: Social Entrepreneurship Steffie Theuns is course director of the Commercial Economics department. In the context of the Marketing of Social Business course she organized a Social Enterprise Safari, together with EMI. “Marketing of Social Business is a commercial course, paying attention to achieving social return of investment. It is our goal to have an impact on society. That is why we like to work together with EMI. EMI’s idea to organize a city safari visiting social entrepreneurs in Rotterdam was completely consistent with our objectives. So together we gave further shape to the plans. The Social Enterprise Safari became an inspiring tour through Rotterdam, during which our students and lecturers took social entrepreneurs, both form the Netherlands and from abroad, to visit social enterprises in Rotterdam. To enrich the learning experience of our students, we asked them to record their experience in a vlog. To prepare them for this, we first had them follow a course at OPEN Rotterdam, where, among other aspects, they learnt how to build up a story. The students were extremely enthusiastic about this, and produced wonderful videos. Moreover, they gained lots of knowledge and inspiration during the tour. During the Social Enterprise Safari, some of them visited places that appealed to them so much, that they will soon start a placement there.”

p 32

Glossary of abbreviations Schools IBK

School of Management


School of Commercial Management Studie


School of Communication, Media and Information Technology (CMI)


School for Engineering and Applied Science


School of Financial Management


School of Built Environment


School of Health Care Studies


School of Education


School of Social Work


Rotterdam Academy


Rotterdam Business School


RDM Centre of Expertise


Rotterdam Mainport University of Applied Sciences


Willem de Kooning Academy

Services AIC

Administration, Information Provision and Control


Concern Staff


Facilities and Information Technology


Education and Development

Research groups KCC

Research Centre Creating 010


Research Centre for Sustainable Port Cities


Research Centre Business Innovation


Research Centre Urban Talent

EMI | South-Rotterdam Highlights

Credits Editing Final editing Interviews Translation Design Pictures

Floortje van Ree, Marjon Schrama, Julia van Olffen Angèle Diesfeldt Elsbeth Grievink Jan Roel van Zuilen stof rotterdam Marina Meeuwisse (stadspsycholoog), Sunnie van de Werken, Samantha Mekić

Facts & Figures

Who does EMI reach in South Rotterdam?

partners and stakeholders



Effort HR


2034 0092 0010




Hours of study:


9999 0380 0477 3150 1150

other residents









051 Meetings

005 032 021 017 015 065 034


street lectures



guest lectures



EMI reaches

(% of students since 1-10-17)

16 12% 12% %

Knowledge base (in words)



Friends & relatives


09 %


10 10

10 10


10 10 10

576 students






373 students

Reading material

10 10 10

Collaborating schools

10 10

297 students


285 students


221 students


109 students


140 students


44 students

014 Graduating students


063 052 digital

printed matter

005 handbooks

COM 34 students


Partners in networks

8 studenten


*55 students of Thomas More were active



Expertisecentrum Maatschappelijke Innovatie Centre of Expertise Social Innovation EMIopzuid@hr.nl 010 794 5946 Postbus 25035 3001 HA Rotterdam


Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid

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