EMI highlights

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foto: Marina Meewisse

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation South-Rotterdam


foto: Marina Meeuwisse

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid



235 in minors

960 in CoP’s

327 275 Communities of Practice




Studie hours: 158.312

Partners in the field

016 Focus areas

007 Residents


The infographics show some results of the academic year 2014-2015

National Innovation Award of Education

“Amazing, how much is going on in South-Rotterdam, much more than I ever imagined.�

foto: Marina Meeuwisse

3rd year Rotterdam University student, communication

Work in progress The Centre of Expertise Social Innovation (EMI) is a network organization initiated by Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. It focuses its projects on South-Rotterdam, a deprived urban area, where EMI works on solving complex social issues related to housing, work, healthcare and education. Over the last few decades, the population of Rotterdam has gone through some significant changes. There has been a considerable increase in ethnic diversity and a large percentage of the population is socially and economically disadvantaged compared to other major cities in the Netherlands. South-Rotterdam deals with high levels of concentrated disadvantage, where social, economic and physical problems are accumulated. The persistent nature of these problems motivated the Dutch government, the local government of Rotterdam and several educational institutes and businesses to work together for the next 20 years on the National Program for South-Rotterdam (NPRZ). NPRZ is not just an investment program, it is assigned to develop solutions in collaboration with people working in South-Rotterdam on site. EMI focuses on specific social topics, so called ‘wicked problems’ based on the four pillars of NPRZ; Children’s Zone (education), Career Guidance (work), Social Support & Health Innovation (healthcare & welfare) and City Life (housing). Each topic has variable programs that consist of several Communities of Practices (CoPs): collaborative partnerships between education, research and the workforce. EMI operates by means of interaction, contact, innovation, learning by doing and sharing knowledge. The programs link education and research to actual practice. This way new knowledge can be acquired, which offers South-Rotterdam new information and expertise and points the way towards educational innovation in study programs for future professionals. In addition, students from Rotterdam University who are involved in these programs have the opportunity to get acquainted with the workforce.

EMI | South-Rotterdam

“The world has become a complicated place. Problems have arisen that can’t be solved one-dimensionally. Because of EMI, students of Rotterdam University don’t just learn that, they experience it”

foto: Wietske Willemse

Ron Bormans, chairman board Rotterdam University

2015 > 2016 the programs EMI focuses on specific social topics based on the four pillars of NPRZ; Children’s Zone (education), Career Guidance (work), Social Support & Health Innovation (healthcare & welfare) and City Life (housing). Each topic has variable programs that consist of several Communities of Practices (CoPs): collaborative partnerships between education, research and the workforce. Each year the programs and their communities of practice are evaluated and actualized. While the topics stay the same, the programs may vary each academic year. Het program schedule 2015-2016 is as follows:

Education Children’s Zone

Career Career Oriëntation


Research Work field

Mentors of Rotterdam

Social Return

Excellent Education

Enquiry-based & design-based learning

Resumes in South-Rotterdam The students voice

Parental involvement Impuls parental Involvement Parental strenth in upbringing Professionalization of professionals & students

EMI | South-Rotterdam

Technology in primairy schools Digital teaching materials for technological education Mobile technology workspace

“The sooner new professionals get acquainted with the kind of issues you can find in South-Rotterdam, the better. A whole world of solutions is still to be discovered.� Marco Pastors, managing director NPRZ

Care & Welfare Social support & health innovation

Housing City life

Newborn in Rotterdam

Sense of the City

Health & Social care

Urban Innovation

Healthy literacy

New spaces - space value

Smart City - Urban health

New systems - science & the city

Self-suffiency of the elderly

New stones - air space

How to activily address various health issues within a ethnic and cultural divers community Improve quality of life using nudging

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid

Education Children’s Zone Academic achievements are below par in Rotterdam South. Statistics reveal that the grade point average if generally very low and almost 25 % of the children drop out of high school. EMI believes it is possible to improve these statistics and therefore started several programs under the name of Children’s zone; a community approach in which people in both the school and the home environment closely work together. The partners of Children’s Zone work according to a shared pedagogical and didactical vision, which focuses on the child and gives parents a crucial role in improving their child’s learning abilities. The project aims to offer all children in South-Rotterdam the best possible future, higher grades and a bigger chance of participating in higher education Mentors of Rotterdam Most children and young people in South-Rotterdam need extra attention and care. They need positive role models. They need extra help; with homework, with their perspective of future educational possibilities or with discovering where their talents lie. The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences wants to enlist its students to support the youth of South-Rotterdam. Students at universities are effective mentors and tutors for children and young adults. Due to the small age difference they can relate more easily to them. In the past few years, Rotterdam University has partnered with the high schools and primary schools of Rotterdam, through their Centre of Expertise Social Innovation (EMI), and has cofounded Mentors of Rotterdam (MOR).

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Excellent Education Resumes in South-Rotterdam students complete their internships in South-Rotterdam only. They gain work experience, which benefits both the student and South-Rotterdam. This provides students guaranteed internships and job opportunities, and provides SouthRotterdam well-trained interns and teachers. Student’s voice Ambassadors and schools in SouthRotterdam are involved in student participation and school innovation on a small scale. In this program students work on their participation skills within the context of school innovation. In other words, they are challenged to contribute to the constant improvement of the school as a learning and living environment. The program focuses on exploring, comparing and integrating several involved parties’ perspectives on the school; especially the perspectives of their students.

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EMI | South-Rotterdam

teachers at SouthRotterdam

Parental Involvement The lectorship Parents in South-Rotterdam focuses on developing and sharing knowledge to improve the facilitation of (future) professionals in collaboration with the parents. Its purpose is to optimize the contribution of parents to the improvement of the (academic) achievements and the development of their children’s talents. Parental Involvement works together with the Knowledge Centre Talent Development, the School of Education (Teacher Training) and the School of Social Work in three programs: - Impulse parental involvement - Parental strength in upbringing - Professionalization of professionals and students

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applied research proffesor


Work Career Orientation In NPRZ’s committee Career Guidance, schools (from primary schools to university) work together on developing an approach to improve career guidance in South-Rotterdam, with special attention to sectors that have many job opportunities (health care and technology). In primary school and high school the approach will focus on training teachers, mentors and deans involving parents in their children’s career choices and bringing students in touch with specific occupations through miniinternships, company visits and such. In middle-level high school the approach mainly focuses on training career counselors and practical counselors from the industry.

Social Return Employers are requested more and more to create jobs, apprenticeships and internships for people who are distant from the workforce. These are people on welfare, who are poorly educated, have little work experience or work in a sheltered workshop. By including social conditions in acquisitions, companies are forced to create these vacancies. Including these conditions in an acquisition is called a social return. The purpose of collaboration between Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and IZOZ (a South-based company network) is to gather knowledge on social return, and share this knowledge with its partners. The objective is to help the unemployed to find a temporary or, preferably, permanent job.

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applied research proffesor

Inquiry-based and design-based learning Young people in South-Rotterdam are not inclined to choose careers in technology or healthcare, even though these sectors offer the greatest job opportunities. Furthermore, most of them pick a study that doesn’t suit them or one that they can’t keep up with. This is not just a local problem, but also a problem in the rest of Rotterdam and even in the Netherlands as a whole. National organizations and the local government have started several initiatives to promote the choice of technology and healthcare and prevent dropping out. To improve the situation in South-Rotterdam, the program partners team up with national and local initiatives, while keeping NPRZ’s topics in mind. This specific program focuses on the primary school teacher. There is a big demand for technically trained staff, both from the general public and the city of Rotterdam. To answer to this demand children must be motivated from an early age. Inquiry-based and design-based learning has three themes: - Technology in primary schools - Digital teaching material for technological education - A mobile technology workspace

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teachers at SouthRotterdam

EMI | Highlights Rotterdam Zuid

foto: Marina Meeuwisse

p 12

Centre of Expertise Social Innovation Rotterdam Zuid

Coverage EMI


Pictures 863

156 001 Public lessons

0275 0093 0410 2615 0805

partners and stakeholders


other residents





The infographics show some results of the academic year 2014-2015



Healthcare & welfare Social support & Health Sometimes parents need some extra help. And sometimes children need some extra help. For children who request special attention, a solid healthcare system is necessary, that efficiently supports the school and focuses on strengthening the family, which is the child’s base. The ambition is healthcare and support delivered at people’s homes, and not just at the counter. Healthcare and support focused on prevention where possible, and helping where needed. Healthcare and support, that takes place in a time of significant changes and budget cuts within the field of healthcare and welfare.

Newborn in Rotterdam

Health & Social care

Newborn in Rotterdam

042 002 001


South-Rotterdam is a district with a poorly educated, youthful population. So called “focus area’s” face big social issues. These include debts, illegal immigrants and poor housing. This influences pregnant women and the growth of their unborn babies. (Stress, bad nutrition)

The program Healthy Down South focuses on certain issues concerning healthcare, where different parties meet in so called Living Labs, to devise innovating healthcare solutions. Healthy Down South has shown that it has a wide range of use and can be interpreted in many ways.

In this program, students at the School for Obstetrics and Social Work offer basic support to pregnant women in SouthRotterdam.

The metropolitan healthcare challenges are often related to social problems, such as isolation, as well as economic, physical and mental problems. Within these three domains, the following themes play a leading role:

The methodology that is used is called the buddy method. This method has been used for several years in Gent, by the Artevelde University College. Students of Rotterdam University are partnered up with a pregnant woman from South-Rotterdam. This way they get to know SouthRotterdam and several parties involved with the pregnant woman. They are active on site, receive master classes and discuss several cases together, which leads to more insight into other fields of work. They finish with teaching a course on protection and health for pregnant women in South-Rotterdam.

- Healthy Literacy - Smart City – Urban health - Self-sufficiency of the elderly - How to activily address the various health issues within a ethnic and cultral divers community - How to improve quality of life using nudging

EMI | South-Rotterdam


applied research proffesor

Health & Social care

037 004



Housing City Life By creating attractive living environments, South-Rotterdam increases its chances of retaining the population whose social and economic situations improve. This means substantial investments in the housing availability and in the conditions that determine the attractiveness of living circumstances. At the same time, citizens learn to deal with the most significant changes in the public domain of the modern urban environment: the increased ethnic diversity and the disappearance of the limit between personal identity and urban space.

Sense of the city

Urban Innovation

Sense of the city

179 002


Students learn to ‘read’ the city and carry out practice-oriented research into relevant issues in certain neighborhoods and areas. This way they are introduced to issues that they can’t find in the sources they normally consult. (Google, literature and scientific articles). Also, by experiencing that the turbulent reality doesn’t always meet existing knowledge, they learn to deal with insecurity: 21st century skills. Professionals (teachers at Rotterdam University and fellow professionals in the city) learn what method to use to probe knowledge from the field and how to analyze and test this knowledge. The research results are presented in the form of presentations, master classes and articles.

This line of programming is based on applied research related to ongoing themes in South-Rotterdam, in the broadest sense. What insights do we gain when we effectively combine certain data? How can we use data to get a grip on seemingly conflicting, or seemingly obvious, but misleading data? This is known as the change of Research by Data to Data Driven Research. This is not simply collecting data, but uncovering correlations and links between different data. This community of practice focuses on increasing the practical value of real estate and public spaces, en most of all the interaction between these two. There are three focus points that relate to the arrangement of neighborhoods in SouthRotterdam: -

New spaces - Space value New systems Science & the city - New stones - Air Space


Urban Innovation

115 008



Expertisecentrum Maatschappelijke Innovatie Centre of Expertise Social Innovation EMIopzuid@hr.nl 010 794 5946

Bestuurlijke organisatie

Postbus 25035 3001 HA Rotterdam

De organisatie bestaat uit een stuurgroep en een programmaraad waarin onderzoek en onderwijs van HR vertegenwoordigd zijn, alsmede gezaghebbende en toonaangevende experts op het gebied van maatschappelijke innovatie. De stuurgroep is verantwoordelijk en schept de kaders voor de (door)ontwikkeling van EMI, zowel www.emiopzuid.nl inhoudelijk en financieel als bestuurlijk/juridisch. De stuurgroep bestaat uit twee leden die HR onderwijs en onderzoek vertegenwoordigen. 1. Vertegenwoordiger College van Bestuur Hogeschool Rotterdam 2. Directeur NPRZ De stuurgroep kan uitgebreid worden naarmate EMI zich verder ontwikkelt. De taak van de programmaraad is advisering van de directeur vanuit een groter en breder perspectief van maatschappelijke trends. De programmaraad zorgt voor het leggen van verbindingen binnen en buiten de regio, signaleert kansen en ontwikkelingen en treedt op als promotor en ambassadeur van EMI. De programmaraad bestaat uit drie gezaghebbende leden met expertise op de thema’s als integrale duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling, culturele diversiteit, journalistiek en mediawijsheid, sociaal ondernemerschap en social design. Daarnaast uit twee leden die HR onderwijs en onderzoek vertegenwoordigen.

Š stofrotteram

Voor het programma Mentoren op Zuid is een aparte stichting opgericht onder de naam Studentmentoren Rotterdam. In het bestuur van deze stichting hebben zitting lid van CvB HR, SDVB, directeur EMI en vertegenwoordigers van scholen van Zuid.

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