C T Q Q W I L L P C W Z O D A P D P J I F K A C Y E X P E R I E N C E K C W L Z P P E D R H H S K E S S Y I T A K E E P C I P D Q L A E D M R T A G J Y O U ? I R R E D V V W A O F D R P Y X R U
1 - 2
THE IMMINENT FUTURE Consumer Trends Design Social Media Out of Home
3 4 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 18
WHY DO WE DO THE THINGS WE DO? Behaviour & The Brain Colour Research Storytelling The Senses
19 20 21 - 22 23 - 24 25 - 28
THE EXPERIENCE ECONOMY Immersive Technology Retail The Outdoors Travel Food & Drink Sport & Wellness
29 31 35 37 39 41 43
THE BIGGER PICTURE Problems to overcome #OptOutside Personal Development
45 46 47 - 48 49 - 54
55 - 56
57 - 58
30 34 36 38 40 42 44
INTRODUCTION The following body of work is an in depth look into the world of experiential marketing. What is experiential marketing? Let’s set a narrative. Think back to the time you last went to the cinema. (Bonus points if you include 3D glasses) That familiar popcorn smell upon arrival and flashing lights from all of the screens surrounding you. The sound of the rip of your ticket as you walk through the gates. Feeling temporarily blind as you walk into the screen room trying to find your seat. Being blown away in utter amazement by the movie you just watched or mortified that you would even waste your money on it. Excitedly discussing it with your friends, family, partner or children. That’s what counts, the experience. Experiential marketing focuses on your senses from start to finish to give you what could be the most memorable event of your life. We will be exploring consumer trends and the differentiation between generations, brand innovation, design ideas for the future, the experience economy in each of their specific industries and economic problems that could occur for these immersive experiences to continue. The aim of this body of work is to broadly explore and generate initial practical studies as well as deploy acquired literacy, critical and practical skills in a focused manner.
we can use w o h o t d e n r u en t nect w ith ou r pective is oft n s o r c e p d n ’s a r e e t t e a k r munic A ma he to bette r com s d n e r t w e n trends have t y g lo th ese o n h c e t d icate w ith n su m e r a n n u m m o c d n a aud iences. Co live hange how we c o t l ia t n e t po ise. a n o r ot h e r w m u h , r e h t o h e ac 2 s fo r th e last t n e v e r fo d e t ing c hno logy crea s, 20 17) Mean e b r o (F . y g 30% of th e te lo o hn te ractio n tec o n th e rise. is n io t p m u s n o years is live in al c futu re in d ig it t n e in m im e h t
Draw a line to let th e alien experience ea rth
Spot the difference
und th e world a ro a rn bo re a s a 2.5 m illion Alph e are th e most es th ), 17 20 , er id week (BusinessIns after 20 10. rn bo er ev on ti ra ne ing transfo rmative ge er to change com st fa pt a d a on ti Th is gene ra ound w ith head gr ck ba ly on gy lo from a techno phas are so young, Al As s. nt re pa l th e stro ng Millennia l fields su rrounds a ti en ri pe ex of s th e focu o l or th e loca l ho sc in be at th er und playg round, wheth 20 25 th e playg ro by at th t ic ed pr th e park. WGSN mod ern takes on ng ti ou sc , ed lv o ev w ill become 17) areas. (WGSN, 20 e m ti y a pl l na io it trad ls, eco-friend ly ia er at m e bl a in a Expect to see sust touc h play and ft so d ce ur so y ll and ethica as. immersive play are ed nc ha en y ll a it d ig 4
Consumer Trends
Household spending (adj usted fo r inflatio n) grew by 0.5% in Quarter 3 20 17 (GovUK, 20 18) 0.05% of which are expe rience base d pu rc hases. Co nsumer attitudes are sh ifting towards brand loya lty and th e stories th ey have to te ll. Th e fo llow ing trends are to get you th in king abou t new ways of storytelling and tailo r your expe riences acco rd in gly.
Z n o i t atio n and r a e n r e e g l n Ge m i llennia se ines th e ia ls�. Tho
hat com b obe ca lled “Xenn t n io t e a r th e gl atio n, th r f e T h e g e ne o n e s g r e e g h t e teena 0 10 cross ovative wo rld. Th 2 t h e ne w l i t n u ost 1925 w inn nd th e m e p s bo rn from f lead e rs in a ne o t ing w ith re said n o t a io a t n ic a io r n u t e n a m r e g ne com n y fi rst ge wh eth e r that is g o l rage tee o e n v h a c , e te s h e T n . nd h ei r pho e lectro nic atest tre l n o e h y t time o n t a g d pu rc hasin d a ha lf hou rs a arketing m l ia t n pee rs o r n ie a d per bout two e f o r wa r 17) As ex m 0 o 2 c , r Z e s p en d s a n id s io of BusinessIn teac h ing Gene rat , g roups e c n d evices. ( f ie o r e s p y live ex e w wa e r based n h a t s e h e g g v l o u o t o v r e me . Th r d can co l assrooms r l o c o-face fo w e t h e t e h c t a in f r e t v ac om a ll o and inte r s t s e r p e o p le f r e t sim i lar in o n th ei r time. th e fi rst
Acco rd ing to Free man XP Insights, an in-pe rson expe rience is someth ing that is ve ry impo rtant to Gene ration Z as it enables ind ividuals to be present and interact with othe r people and brands in a unique and me mo rable way. Not only is Gene ration Z interested in live, unique expe riences, th ey also love sharing th ei r me mo rable expe riences th rough pictu res, vid eos, and social media postings. (PineappleAgency, 20 17)
n! i e rm
Millennials th e t in th e ind ustry, lead ing ou ab ed lk ta st mo e th e 1981 Mi llennia ls ar th e wo rld. Those bo rn in nd ou ar irs fa af t en rr cu change in most likely to igno re marketing st mo e ar at th on ti ra ne e to 1997 are th e ge rtance of expe riences ar po im e th , um Dr e Th to strategies. Acco rd ing tion is now a co nsumer la pu po e tiv na al git di is at an all-time high. Th y grown of age in a el rg la s ha at th e on – th n and fo rce to be reckoned wi techno logy, globalizatio of e ris pid ra e th by d io n. wo rld dominate ing and wo rldw id e recess rm wa al ob gl r, wa as macro issues such true across th e board, is es nc rie pe ex of ce an “The grow ing impo rt said to be th e first be d ul co ls ia nn lle mi t irres pective of age. Bu allowed th em to do is s ha gy lo no ch te at wh and true digital natives and ility to document, upload ab e Th . es nc rie pe ex e os nces.” commod itize th nces th e va lue of expe rie ha en r he rt fu f’) of ing share (aka ‘show (TheDrum, 20 17) 6
Consumer Trends
Those bo rn b etween 19 61 inte rest. In a and 198 1 ar recent artic e th e gene ra le tio n who los by Brand Qu that are har t arte ly th ese d est to targ a r e t h e et in market d iffe rent set peo ple ing campaign of p rio rities Expe rience E s . Th ey ca lled d u e to a co nom y’ – Th th is ‘Th e Gro ey key wo rd trave l compa w th of th e being expe rie nies are sen nce. “Increa sing o pp o rtu sty le jou rne singly nities and a ys w ith expe r e m r ix ie in n c g es.” (BrandQ trad itio na l w e nt o n to uarte rly, 20 mentio n that 1 7 ) By 20 20 th e creating exp y e riences tail o r e d to th is gene ratio n is mo re li ke ly to w o r k .
e r e h W
u o y d l wou
? o t l e trav
rs e m o o B y b a B
of life, a lot of y t li a u q he t in nt sh ift t in the way if sh The re is a rece a e ic t o n o uc h starting t ence just as m ri e xp markete rs are e d n a ss om ing age le Th is applies to ) 7 1 0 2 , e ld e rly are bec N S G (W . l l gene ratio n written by Minte as the m illennia rt o p re nt e c re o rld in a ia l and retail w sho pping habits, nt e ri e xp e he t ces s that whe re expe rien d rl researc h sug gest o w a g in t a 7) blu r, cre ms. (Minte l, 20 1 e it are starting to le ib g n ta n afte r tha are mo re sought
Consumer Trends
l l e e i t d u o yo t e d r l e u h ? o f l w w se u t o a r y h e f w ung I , w o o y r r r o u o m y o t
Big Ideas & Innovation The future of products and experiences will be not in what they do, but how they make us feel. In this section of the future we will be concentrating on innovation and the relationship it has with human behaviour and emotions.
Wordsearch time!
i n n o v at i o n advanced c o nte m p o ra r y original design tec hno logy netwo rking experience 9
Design an emoji Designing for the future, the future is feeling. WGSN released a report in December 2017 around new innovative design approaches that connect the human to the product.
In the future mental health will be in the spotlight, products will be sold by what experience they have on the consumer. “Tech experiences and consumer electronics are starting to bring emotional awareness and empathic responses into their remit” which then leads on to an action point of “as we all become more mood-aware, emotional intelligence will be an increasingly valuable skill. How can your organisation prioritise it?” (WGSN, 2017) Throughout this design section will be examples of existing and theoretical products and services that use this technique to sell products with mental stability and the sensory vortex in mind. All of which could be used in the future in experiential marketing.
The report touches on the area of buying less, but feeling more.
ESight Ltd Erika Marthins EDU
Aiding the visually imp aire
Taste what you can hear
Th e ESight 3 are e lectro n ic glasses that a llow th e le ga lly blind to see . Using enhan ced co ntrast an d x24 magnif icatio n use rs can id entify image ry.
Déguster l’augmenté by Erika Marthins, represents a desire “to explore the potential of integrating data and storytelling into food.”
ed ia.m
it.ed u
ght u o h t ive t o es m p E a h s ild r to bu ses ou
e le r u ate CAD d o M e motive ghts to cr d into Th e E ne ou na l th n be d esig state. o i t o a em to n a l hat c o t m s e l o r to of you s e p a sh
Designing for a human mind Inspired by rea l w orld d esign case stud ies and Dad a ist chance art, d esign(human)d esig n is a physica l and d ig ita l creati ve prompt too l.
io n Leap Mot
The Tension Experience
s Touch A ce Interfa
Tailored Terror
ity ua l rea l t r i v a io n are ove th e LeapMot at aim to re mv h e th g t start up e motes - Leavin you r f use of r o ntro l o c e k a t o senses t xpe riences. e
The Tension Experience is a guided Illumination designed to prepare you for a new way to see this world. The horror experience is tailored to what you fear.
Smart Sce
Scentee is a tec hno lo gy d esign company t hat p resen ts a ne w communica tio n and c ultu re o rig inating from Japa n w ith a th e me of f rag rance.
is th e fi rst to Sophia th e robot abia citizen. She become a Saud i Ar ts than women in recieves more righ he r AI is he lping th e country - Yet tivist of change. he r become an ac 12
Womens rights VS Bot rights
s t a h W n i g n i d tren ? a i d e social m
n i e m r u o l 13 Co
Th roughout th e du ration th e research has been op en towards social media findings, th e main platfo rm being Ins tagram. Th is has enabled me to co ncentr ate on an out of home to distinguish trends, notic better e a pattern and discover new artists and agencies that I othe rw ise wouldn’t without th e sh aring platfo rm. I have also used seco nd ar y resources to gain insig ht towards trends that could potent ia lly dominate th e way th e digital wo rld wo rks in th e futu re and what gains powe r wh en sharing imagery online, what wo rks and what doesn’t?
London, UK Experiences and outdoor fan Colour, light and everything in between All images sourced from Instagram 2017 - Users below @studiohamongi, @chrisanguyen, @thisisinsider, @kristinfactor and @eventmag
Trends come and go – Yet with social media they evolve every single day, with no end point in site. As these trends come forward there is a certain shift on how they respond to the user of the social websites. In a recent article Forbes (Forbes, 2017) demonstrated the trends that would dominate the social world in 2018 as well as other trends such as: Augmented Reality was once just a Snapchat platform, now developers from Facebook and Google are getting ahead with the trend. 80% of consumers would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog. Cracking down on the amount of Fake News that could potentially harm it’s user base. Twitter have recently followed suit to take a stand in todays world of current affairs. Gamification due to companies gaining significant revenue from microtransactions and immersive gaming experiences. Time can only tell which type of game or app could result in this, but it’s definitely on the table for future consumers to experience.
#TheExperience We are becoming obsessed with sharing experiences, so much so that Instagram are now allowing users to follow hashtags that revolve around their interests for use on not just posts but also on their story. As previously mentioned the “Art Selfie� is increasingly popular on the app, with more than 30% of posts being a personal, immersive or branded experience. (Mintel, 2017) Over 20,000 posts have been made with the hashtag #ExperientialMarketing alone – Leaving nothing but wonder of how the app will take this further years down the line.
Social Media
r What is in you bucket list?
Natio na l Geog raph ic Fast Co Design
Madisson Sq - Glow Erwin Redl run art installation in New York, USA. Hundreds of lights over the Oval Lawn and glow with discreet LED lights, this got 1237 posts on Instagram.
Nat Geo Ocean Odess y Natio na l Geo g raph ic have to o k to expe rientia l fie lds to e ha nce th e human learn ing expe rienc e in Lo nd o n and Los Ange les. Eve ryth ing in th e rooms are inte ract ive.
ign o D es Fast C
est g r a l s World achine m selffiie
Nike VIP Labratory
In competition w it h Ad id as, Nike k l a ha ve w op en u ed VIP Labs aroun h r , y o l l to d th e o M w or w ld u e w he k h re s us t er t s can te ll th e by M a ack of th e e booth. screen what d e d a b es i ign th ey want and M lf 29 g h t h e t o i n a se u f th o o ey r ge l h t 3D printed th ere. t ta ho ou r p room, a to in uniso n y e k ta sma ll pshot ngle. a e n h s t a a In s take o nceivable a r e m c ca eve ry m o r 17 f
ma e n i C X IMA VR Lab
Google Home Mini or donut?
n gy, Od eo o l o n h c n t o te h ed out c n a r M o v in g i b e e te r hav ns can b o i s s e M a n c h es s n i 15/30 m you rse lf . e R s r V e o m t m n i e i e d w h e r r l d o f c i ne m a . s a h c r u p th er wo i nto a n o
Around the world Google opened fully immersive pop up stores where delegates could answer trivia questions. If lucky you would recieve a Home Mini or a donut.
Adidas Speedfactory 20 20 Futu recraft In line w ith th ei r have took to strategy, Ad id as ctory. Th e opening a Speedfa co nsists of Lo nd on based park aking whe re shoes expe rts in shoe m in an hour. can be 3D printed
Colour Fac
Th e Co lou r Facto newest cra ry is Instag rams ze w ith fa expe rientia ns of l rooms. T h e 12 Room of Happy c s o nsist of c o l o u r f ul and fun rooms to explo re .
Out of Home
Co lour Fact ory
WHY DO WE DO THE THINGS WE DO? The Brian. It’s a wonderful thing. Complicated, but wonderful. In this section of this body of work will be an overview approach to the study of psychology, in relation to human behaviour, the senses and the effect storytelling has on the brain.
An example of what feelings can do to your brain, Washington University believe this is what happens to your brain when you laugh. “The physiological study of laughter has its own name: “gelotology.” Research has shown that laughing is more than just a person’s voice and movement. Laughter requires the coordination of many muscles throughout the body. (WashingtonEDU, 2000) 19
The Personality Theory – Who are you? It’s a simple question, but it’s also hard to answer. Personality is an easy concept to grasp for most of us. It’s what makes you “you”. It encompasses all the traits, characteristics, and quirks that set you apart from everyone else. In the world of psychology research, personality is a little more complicated. The definition of personality can be complex, and the way it is defined can influence how it is understood and measured.
1) Introverts – gain energy from the “internal world” or from solitude with the self
2) Extroverts – gain energy from the “external world” or interactions with others. (PositivePsychology, 2017) Research has shown that this is a useful way of differentiating between two distinct types of people. He then moves on to identify our four essential psychological functions: Thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. These traits can be applied in experiential marketing, a strategy that can tap into the human behavioural system to target the exact delegate you would want to consume. 20
Behaviour & The Brain
Psychologist Carl Jung believes people are in personality categories
What ONE word would you use to describe yourself?
Colour Research The research of colour psychology is a study that marketers are continuously looking into to better design for the required audience. Whether that is to make the consumer feel something, create brand loyalty or recognition or to keep the objective easier to understand, marketers know the importance of colour psychology. Visual factors are most important to consumers when purchasing a product, with a 93% visual preference over a 6% touch and 1% smell response. Colour increases brand recognition by over 80%. 85% of consumers feel that colour is the primary factor when choosing a product or service. (CreativeMarket, 2017) Emotion – In marketing, colour is an emotional cue and colour can help brands stand out. It’s what gets your audience to see what you want them to see, feel or do what you want them to do. Poor colour choice can also negatively change the impact the message put across – Eg. a red light in traffic being green.
Colour me in!
Correct me!
e w o d t a h W e t a i c o ? s h s t a i w r u o col Secu rity, trust, tranquillity
ea lth, Am bitio n, h roya lty
appy, B ri g h t , h wa r m
Cou rage, success friend liness,
ss i o n , Love, pa strength
e, cris p, D e p en d a b l flexible
Good ness, pu rit clean
Freshness, environment, mo ney
Wealth, wisd om, va luable
Security, solid, intelligence
, Fe m inine io n, c o m p a ss p la y f u l
Earth, outd oo rs, co nse rvative
High tec h, ek g raceful, sle
, Protectio n e legance, fo rma lity
g, Spiritua l, hea lin p rotectio n
For ove r 27,000 years, since th e first cave paintings we re discovered, te lling sto ries has been one of ou r most fundamenta l communicatio n me thods. Wh en we te ll sto ries to othe rs that have he lped us shape ou r th inking and way of life, we can have th e same eff ect on th em too. Th e brains of th e pe rso n te lli ng a sto ry and listening to it, can synch ro nize, says Uri Hasso n from Princeton: “When th e woman sp oke English, th e vo lunteers unde rstood he r sto ry, and th eir brains syn ch ro nized. Wh en she had activity in he r insula, an emot ional brain reg ion, th e listene rs did too. Wh en he r fro nta l co rtex lit up, so did th eirs. By simply te lling a sto ry, th e woman could plant ideas, thoughts and emotions into th e listene rs’ brains.” (Buffe r, 20 17) A sto ry, if broken down into th e simplest form is a co nnectio n of cause and effec t. And that is exactly how we th ink.We th ink in narratives all day long, no matter if it is about buying groce ries, wh et he r we th ink about wo rk or ou r sp ouse at home. We make up (short) sto ries in ou r heads for eve ry actio n and co nve rsa tio n. In fact, Je rem y Hsu found : “Personal sto ries and gossip ma ke up 65% of ou r co nve rsatio ns.” (Buffe r, 20 17) Wh en we th ink of sto ries, it is often easy to co nvince ou rse lves that th ey have to be complex and detailed to be interesting. Th e truth is however , that th e simple r a sto ry, th e mo re likely it wi ll stick.
What is your ? y r o t s e t i r u favo
The Five Senses
Memory sensory
The key factor of any experientia l marketing strategy is to allow the senses to let the consumer experience the wo rld around the m. Sight, sound, taste, sme ll and touch are essential to learning and memorising our surroundings for future use – Without the m we wouldn’t learn anything.
Consumers experience since the beg inning of brick and mortar sto res have been mapped out specifically to target the senses and manipulate peo ple in sto re to have a positive experience which in turn persuades the customer to buy a product or gain brand loyalty. These experiences are usually vigo rously researched, tested and optimised for lies usability. This same in sto re theory app to the experiences of experientia l marketing strategies.
Scent Marketing Th e science be hind “Scent Marke ting” Research by Nobe l Peace Prize winners Ric hard Axel and Linda Buck rev ea l that ou r sense of smell is wide ly co nside red by sc ho lars to be ou r “most emot ional” sense. Th e reaso n being that rathe r than analyze th e informatio n we receive fro m a particular scent, we immed iat ely get a fee ling wh en we smell someth ing. A fun fact you can quote to othe rs is that human beings can remem be r ab out 10,000 distinct od ou rs that can trigg er imp ortant me mo ries that can take us all th e way back to ou r ch ild hood . (Shopify, 20 17) Th ere are actually entire co nsultancy firms, like ScentA ir, who specialize in noth ing othe r th an he lping brands from a number of ind ust ries leverage scent marketing to th eir advantage.
Colour me in! 26
Vis ual App eal
auty is in the eye Des pite the prevalence of ideals like “be that peo ple find of the behold er,� scientists have found ractive in faces symmetry and ave rageness of features att of different faces and that babies presented with pictures rated as most will gaze longest at those consistently 2017) attractive by panels of adults. (Shopify, associate This is often called the halo effect, we in turn allows attractiveness with loyalty which then and services consumers to believe that the products sold also have this res ponse.
Draw yo u living your bes t life
How do you see yourself?
Whats that sound? me rs do n’t th ink tw ice about nsu co st mo re sto a h ug ro th Wh en wa lking scenes in th eir mind, music is e th d hin be yet re sto a in backg round music speed you up or get you , wn do u yo w slo to n rso pe e taking a ho ld of th to spend mo re mo ney ove ra ll. te mp o on co nsume r be haviour sic mu of t ec eff e th at g kin One study loo s play slow music, custome rs nt ura ta res en wh at th nd fou in a restaurant nt than if th ey place fast ura ta res e th in e tim re mo ly spend a significant re in th e found custome rs also spent mo ey th , gh ou en ly ng sti ere Int . music ll. playing in th e backg round as we s wa sic mu r we slo en wh nt restaura (Shopify, 20 17) y imp ortant, th is would ver is dy stu of pe ty is th g tin In expe riential marke ce rtain involved, ca lm down or fee l a re mo e at leg de a t ge to d be use tivation was taking place. emotion at th e time of th e ac
What is your anthem?
y m o n o c E e c n e i r e
p x E e h T
Experiential marketing (also known as engagement or guerrilla) is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and encourages them to participate in a variation of activities for a brand or brand experience. Consumer engagement is when a consumer and brand connect. This section of the body of work is to identify existing practices within experiential activatio ns in a variation of industries and what this could bring to the table further throughout the course of the project proposal. (Eventeem, 2016) A model to create high impact virtual customer experience has been developed by the management consultancy, A.T. Kearney. The four basic steps are: Develop a compelling customer value proposition. In developing this, it is important to understand how an online experience can satisfy customer needs. Create the digital customer experience framework to address all areas of interaction between customers and the business. Use proven tools, the “7Cs�, to support the framework. The key tools are: content, customisation, customer care, communication, community, connectivity and convenience. Integrate the online and offline customer experience. In fact, companies can enhance the virtual customer experience through consistent links with the offline world (Eventeem, 2016)
Tap the circl es to make a sound !
Get the consum er to the b rand!
Retail Design Blog
Just Decoration by Kissmiklos The installation artwork by Hungarian designer Kissmiklos is assembled from 4000 fake clothing tags, turning Budapest into a visual art experience.
Business Inside r - Dubai
Apple Kinet ic Window Dis play Th e arc h itec tu ra l h igh lig ht of th is Apple Sto re is an automa ted, moto rized sy ste m of w ind ows that h e lp keep th e sto re coo l wh ile m inim izing a ir co nd itio nin g usage.
The Drum
me Of Ho Taste
ive t c a r Inte ad House re b r e g n
Hyper Reality by Lucas Films
In competition w it h Ad id as, Nike ha ve op e en Gi ed v i V IP Labs around th it e n-sens ge red by o w i or ld t w o he re m us er g i s h ca r n te ll th e g screen what d esig Th rou rojectio n t ouse, n h th p ey want and d th e e ctive k n a th u a r ey o ge e m t r t 3D a n pr o i inted th ere. t rs ge senso s are able n a h c u se mer c o n su s i n t h e h o h to o . uc nt e le me move. By to 31 and
Fo rbes
Fash ion Repu blik
COS at mi Mia l e s a B Art
Moving into tec hno logy, Od eo n M anc h este r have b ranc h into VR. 15 ed out /30 m in ses sio ns can b pu rc hased w e h e re imme rs e you rse lf into anoth e r wo rld of cine ma.
Use this space to draw around your hand
Immersive Technology
ntra l e c a f o o nsists s penses c , e c e i at d i Th e p h d t e r u atc h an c n sculpt a c s Viewe r h e bubbles. . s e l b b t bu t w ith inte rac
GUCCI Art Mural New York
The Guardian
Self Healing Glass Glass made from a low weight polymer called “polyether-thioureas� can heal breaks when pressed together by hand without the need for high heat to melt the material.
Th e Drum
Using air po llution to send a me ssage An innovative p roject that co llected ac tua l air p o ll utio n to communicate t h e ris ks of automobile p o llutio n and p romote th e benefits of natu ra l g as.
Time Out
R o ots
E& V I L The ide u G e tiv c a r e d Int tnesse
Proactiv Bubble Wrap Roo m
Proactiv opened a free room d es ig ne d to re lieve stress and i ests w was u fr us g tr at io 0 ns fo r attend ees. Ev 60 wh ic h artists, su rface ery , than y e a l r p w o a s cove red in bubb 0 is M 0 d 2 e v n . le i s wrap tha and speake rs to th e l mod e l mo re d a n m pl y a if y b sound. ians ced ctive p rod u rs, tec hnic live inte ra . e o creat ulted in a b ro w s o t s e e u Th is r y cata log a 33 ho lid
Stand a
Backyard Ci ne ma
ife A real l ouse h O G E L se rvice
lod g ing ith Lego m r e t t Sho r ed up w nce to m a e t has th e c ha , n Ai rb nb a f e lund r on to offe wn out to Bi l ght in th e ni be flo d n e p s k , to D enmar h is creatio n. t
Backyard C ine ma Lo nd o n have o p e ne d a p o p up exper ience fo r Game of Th r o n es fans to expe rience th e te mpe r atu res and enviroments in th e show .
g Adobe Creative Blo Event Mag
Rupert Newman Projections ecia lises in Rupe rt Newman sp around th e light insta llatio ns s brands and globe fo r numerou comm issioned occasions. He was td own in 20 17. fo r th e NYE coun
AUora Fug az immersiv e art Th e
Au ro ra Fug az is an imme rsive inte ractive light and sound insta llatio n created to manipulate th e senses and co ntro l th e move ments in tec hno l ogy.
Immersive Technology
Into the sn ow kingdom
Melissa Galeria
Melissa Galeria London Situated in the heart of Covent Garden, Galeria Melissa is a complete hybrid shop. Customers are greeted with a warm welcome with art displayed everywhere commissioned by fashion brands. Eg. Vivienne Westwood.
Th e Vinyl Fa ctory
OFF-WHITE nightclub Ente r Virg il Abloh and Be n Ke lly’s d eco nstruct e d nightclub insta llatio n Ruin, Th e Vin y l Facto ry Custome rs c ould use th e s pace not j ust to sho p but create c o ntent fo r use o n s ocia l med ia etc.
M arks
e rs S p en c
lter e h S M&S mas t s i r at Ch
Herschel Lemonad e Stand
Situated in a fo rm er bubbletea shop , th d e e a lm l os l t 300-square-foot a c e r sp ace has rs ns been transfo rmed pence e d o natio S in d to n a makesh ift a er le monad e store th M arks n sto re wh e less have at st ocks both ct s i e hom h ristmas/ co ld-p ressed le mon p rod u to h e lp th C juices and t tay a activatio n le mon-ad orned He rsch s w e nt o t el prod ucts. h e re . Th e s. somew th e w inte r ity centre c d u ring atio na l in wa s n 35
Adidas Vogue US
Breakfast At Tiffanys
pped clean Th e store was whi canvas creating a blank s to add th ei r a llow ing customer ign aesth etic own ind ivid ua l d es markers. using KRINK paint
You can no w *lite ra ll y* eat b reakfast at TIffany ’s in New Yo rk. It o r g ina lly bec ame an id ea o n Tw itte r.
Whats your favourite item to splurge on? 36
Adidas SUpercolour
(Own image) Peek.com
Peek Experienc es
Adult Ballpit BallieBallerson ch th is ad ult Based in Sho red it rt of th e ba llpit is th e sta tion. From expe rience revo lu food and fun th emed cocktails, to go w ith it.
Th is is th e website to use fo r seeking ne w life exp e riences. From trave l , fo o d , t h e med, tailo red t o you, rom antic, boats and sightseeing .
The Outdoors
Design your dream store
Source: freepik
What’s On Lo nd on
69th f loor o f The Shard
Tinggly Gift Boxes
Th is expe rien ce is run by Glenfidd ic h w h e re co nsum e rs can enjoy th e vie w and be ma de a tailo red drin k to d iscove r mo re about th e ms e lves using taste tec hno logy.
This is the gift that keeps on giving. The boxes provide 300+ experiences in over 80 countries around the globe. The service also covers weddings, time together and birthdays.
atio n
Med it
Truly Experiences
l Mindf n io t a t i Med
Truly is an online ecommerce site fo r expe riences. You pu rc hase an expe rience, Truly w ill make a ll th e requi red arrangem ents and th en yo u can tu rn up stress free.
a i m in g e r a g ro u p r l d . T h e n o i t ed ita ed wo nd Th is m o re re lax g touc h a m e in to a i n cl u d o a l l o w t h t n e m t e and envi ro i g ne d m s o e h d t a is scent rs to fee l me ed. c o n su re lax
Colour me in! Pu re Pu rsuits
to Black Toma
el t o h p u p Po to a m o T k c a Bl
make you r o t a m o T k g B l ac by creatin y it l a e r s e dream ote ls mad h y r u x u l o ne o f f reve r and e h w h c t a . from scr y o u wa nt wh eneve r
Challenge ba sed holidays Pu re Pu rsuit s are an age ncy wh e re you can pay 2-4 o r 6-8 w trave l packa eek ges that are d esigned to h eighten you r physica l abilities.
Drifter.com Hote l
Return of the roadside motel
mi Transfor Travel
l na l Trave io t a m r o sf Now only seen in Th e Tran a llow movies, Th e Drifte o t s im a r n Ho e te p ls a g en c y o a im to provid e co nsum ly e t e l p m o ers w ith o c a movie li ke expe w humans t e n o ri t en ce d w ith road sid e motels aroun th ei r m in tu res. l u c d d th n e a US A w ith a ies muc h more luxu riou p ossibi lit s feel than befo re .
What’s On London
The Clos 19 Clos 19 are the entertainers of the drinks industry. Based in London, drink experts create immersive experiences for customers including light up bottles and luxury selections.
Cultu re Liver pool
Crazy Pedr os Pizza Party centra l pizze ria in M anc h este r and Live rp oo l offe rs d ine rs an ex pe rience of clubbing m ixed w ith fo od. From su r rea l, sweet and a lcoho lic pizz a.
Time Out
r TV
able n i a t us The s & grill bar
i ll nd g r a r a b based y be lieve in ly n o d Lo n rewe r eco-friend d B e t n d Cra ity an io r, food a l i b a n i r susta s. All inte y sou rced. l ia ic a l l h t e mate r e ar d ri n k s 41
Press For Champagne Dining se rvice has been around fo r a whi le, usua lly from ou r smartphones. Bob Bob Ricard in Lo nd on have take n it back to o ld sc hoo l w ith a button se rvice fo r th e d rink. M ad e po pula r by Instagram.
WGSN Harper’s Ba zaar
Artisan Luxury Dining is fo r th e Sketc h in Lo nd on ness m inds creative and busi is visua lly a li ke. Th e inte rior th e Instagram stri king attracting d. and Youtube crow
Mulberry Secret Gi n Bar
Fo r j ust 1 2 d ays bef o re Ch ristmas, sho ppe rs a t o ne o f M u l b e rr y’s Lo nd o n sho ps wh e re g ive n a d aily cod e g iving th e m access AN D a free cocktail a nd m ince p ie.
Food & Drink
Favourite childhood meal?
Be Fit London
BeFit London Festival Fitness festival in London and now around the USA and AUS is a festival aimed at active women wanting to pursue a new challenging experience for themselves.
Nike Sp orts
Tom Sachs x Nike Space Camp Space Camp is a NIke obs tacle cou rse aimed to be in a s im ilar sty le to tho se training t o go into s pace. Th e c ou rse has liv e feeds of s pace to e ha nce th e expe rience.
Adidas China
ign UK
rb u o y for
Adidas Republic of Spor t
Ad id as China he ld an event whe re e s i c r m or e e th x an 92 m illion have live u se s e ur p o u y st p t re amed th e event d o e p g n o o t ue to a o nd in g Th is l ncy. Mean ave to run � co ntinuous engage ment prio r to th e rn rre u h as cu o r free yo ime to “ea o event. Th e event was a custom t built f ls sp orts activity ce lunc h amount of io ns are a ntre. pt in ce rta thy food o xpe rience. e al it. He ent in th e p res 43
Ad Age Platfo rmal
Wellness Wednesda ys
Asics The Big Chase
Th is is an RSV P even t wh e re you can ge t friends t ogeth e r to join in w e l l ne ss a ctivities to imp rove menta l h ea lth.
noir d etective Asics brought fi lm g case. Using acting to a runnin whe re took apps, th e runners locations on a cases in multiple time lim it - Run! 44
Sport & Wellness
Co th nne e d ct ot s!
R E G G BI e r u t pic
e ries of s a t c u rod a i m to p l l i ith in an w w l e l c a n r e ie v r e ws ct o – An exp t h en a l l o s k y Th e p roje o it o b iv t ” c f lve u rse l inte ra ity to so iv t “Do it yo Th is e le ment of a e r c ur s e. s, use yo k n a th e p oint expe rienc l b r e e b h m t e m in re ll g y o u to f i w y o u to o l l o ryte llin a t s d n d a e s m a e b e a p robl ugh imag o r h t e d being ma king. e initia l h t and th in s a w rk d y of wo oo rs as p ossible, o b e h t y d e r o ne ed wh e re n as man id e v p In se mest o o r p o t s nt stage nd e le me seg ment to a s e researc h l z z a e th e pu ou ring in l o c th e refo r r o h e wo rd find ing t a gap. g in l l e i f t ed w i ll b id rep resen v o r p k g or le of bein od y of w a b n e o i h t t a r o h er tw ented w it tween th e s e r In se mest p , s k be o ry boo fe rences f i th ri lle r d th ree st y e s h a t t n y f a i f t l, a id en nce nove able to a m o r A ns. gene ratio ren’s fai ry ta le. i ld lid and a c h g o ne s o in c u d o r rientia l l be p l e i p w x e I f e o e er th r futu re h d ig ita l g u In se mest wh e re I see th e o r h t ted of l i g h t to d e p resen n b a l l outcome i d n w u so g – Th is s i m i la r t , to u c h , o n s e l c A s . marketin e g c in art. Us expe rien of th e s imme rsive te to th e human n o i t a ic red ibu oo k of p d b a l l c o nt r a , o w t d epth an r in e t s a e g m d in t o se rep o rt. u re inclu t g u f in t g e k in r t ma marke ccu rate a y l l a ic statist
Problems to overcome
“Co nsume rs s p end ing p owe r is being h it by squeeze o n in th e comes as infla tio n co ntinues ave rage wage to outpace rises. In fou r of th e last fi peo ple have b ve mo nths, een mo re li ke ly to fee l wo compared to rse off a year ago th a n to s a y t h a finances have t th eir imp roved. Th is is th e fi rst tim h a s h a p p e ne d e th is since th e star t of 20 15. Howeve r, th e majo rity of pe o ple still fee expect to get l OK, and by in th e yea r to c o m e . M o imp o rtantly fo st r retaile rs, co nsume rs’ appe s pend is h igh e tite to r than at any p oint since w to track plan e started ned s pend ing in June 20 12. are leg itimate Wh ile th e re co nce rns abou t th e ro le of cred it in th is c o n su m e r s pend ing, th is attitud e offe #of sa les o pp rs plenty o rtunities fo r British busines ses. Reflecting th is w illingness to s pend, Minte l p red icted tha has t Ch ristmas s a les w ill be be 1-2% up o n 20 t w e en 16, wh ic h wou ld be a so lid pe rfo rmance, particularly g iven th e b roa eco nom ic unce der rtainty faced by th e UK.” – Ric h Sh eph e rd, Senio r Fina ncia l Se rvices Ana lyst - Mint Researc h el
Draw an X where you think the treasure is
(Go to page 56 to see if you got it right)
#OptOutside “As society continues to crave expe rience over physical things and seeks ways to disco nnect from daily routines, outd oor brands will likely be seen as an exciting outlet for outd oor enthusiasts. REI is not the only brand practicing what it preaches. Patagonia donated its Black Friday sales last year to grassroots organizations working in loca l communities to promote environmental conservation. REI and othe r outd oor brands will need to continuously innovate in orde r to stand out.� - John Poelking Leisu re Analyst - Minte l 47
Younger consumers are the most ‘pro-technology’ with 66% of 16-34-year-olds agreeing that socia l media and the internet makes it easy to find new hobbies, and 44% of this age group use technology to monitor their health and fitness.
Would you -Switch Off-?
76% of 16-44 year-olds agree it is impo rtant to spend time outd oors away from mobi le phones/the internet compared to 85% of over 65-year-o lds.
Consumer Attitudes
othe rs shy “Tec hnology cannot be ignored and while many embrace it, the away. Some 53% of UK consumers feel that socia l media and use internet make it easy for them to find new hobbies and 28% a technology to help monitor their health and fitness. That said, away huge 81% agree that it is impo rtant to spend time outd oors of the from mobi le phones and the internet whic h is at the heart Minte l Trend, ‘Switch Off’. that. “I think everyone needs alone time, and being online prevents have found I have occasiona lly taken a day off from being online, and blan ket, myse lf to be conflicted. That technology is like a security but it was nice just to be by myse lf with no interruptions.” – Fema le, 20-24, DE”
100% YES! Absolutely not
(Mintel, 2017)
age All im
n m y ow s are
Manchester Science Fest iva
Lab Team don n o L e Pac
Septe m be r 2 0 17 I went to se e TA PE, an im me rsive art insta llat io n mad e ou t of ce llotape an d was introd uced to robots and s cientific eng inee ring.
7 y 20 1 ig ita l art r a u r Feb tive d d e. I j ust c a r e t i n s an i sed wo rld w a w s i i is by h a Th r t p ! o n t paper latio et in s l g a w t o e s n t n i a ed m a na g w o r k e d fo r d in g I n e t e r p
Open / h s u R d Re rpool e v i L e y E 17 August 20 nd o ne d a y a k l a w a r h is I w e nt f o ccid ent. T a y p p a h a th is was b ric maze a f e iv s r e m was an im e co lou rs h T . h s e m of . mad e out e nt b l o o d s e r p e r o a nt t wh e re me
Ballie Ballerson London Novem be r 20 17 I was most lookin g fo rward to th is not just fo r th e th emed bar but fo r th e giant ba llpit! I asked th e company if th ey w he re opening more and th ey are in Li ve rp oo l! 49
Lab e r u t The Fu gham Nottin
Crucial FX Ellesmere P ort
TATE Modern London
um e s u nM Desig don Lon
November 2017 The re was lots of immersive installatio ns but this was probably my favourite of the m all. Who doesn’t 7 1 20 love a gaint swing park?! ia m ber e t l i f o rn p a e C S a e t th nd go f f ro m a s l a u f w t Th is in s i g h b e g in n in g o d y r e V y te t. h e ve r a aug men exh ibi t f o s e glimps gy. Th is wa ated fi lm. nim o lo tec hn ity sho rt a rea l 50
Personal development
Septe m be r 20 17 - Ong oing Too k o n a s h 7 a d 1 o w 0 d ay w ith ut imme rsive ber 2 a l ks b s pecia l effe t l Nove m u f t h cts. I am no part of th e t in s i g i ct o r i a w s V o m ir y r b e e b h rand ing tea r ic t t e s s t y t a i t a n w m. Alw was fa ed h e r o n T antly e n o s w i t s lo th ’ve fo l nd we’re co n ! I . n a h a Bulc trends e now l w i e h n w t u fo r a ng abo d ebati
All images are my own
The Bluecoat Liverpool
Rapport Agency Manchester
Octobe r 20 17 e re n’s exh ibit wh e r d il h c a s a Th is w draw o n th e o t le b a e r e h you w ing th e c ha lk h s a m s st r fi y wa lls b write what ld u o c u o Y . r o o n th e flo rump hate! T f o t lo A you wanted
May - July 2017 I took on an experiential business to business placement with this agency. I worked on 3 live briefs all involving fully immersive rooms that delegates got involved with.
Prima rk Ta xi Liver pool
Th is w Nove m be r 2 wh e re as a 2 d ay 0 17 y k in so n ou could im arao ke tax gs. i me Tw itt Th is gained rse you rse er and lf p gave i o pularity o loya lt nst n y fo r th e fu ant b rand n fact o r.
Adobe Made By Yo u Manchester Novem be r 20 17 Th ese ta lks whe re nationw id e and a s a lo ng time fo llow er of Steve Bartlett I had to attend - He sp oke about trans parenc y and grow ing a business giving ze ro f*cks. (I quote) 51
September & December 2017 I went to the Roy Lichenstiein exhibition opening night dressed in full pop art makeup. I interviewed one of the curators there who explained how the work got here from New York.
yle t S h s Briti Liverpool e lectiv
Septe m be r & Nove m be r 20 Afte r resear 17 c h ing into O ceo n Out of Home adv e rtising, I an ticipated view ing th is. Th e new ligh ts are reactive to facia l recog nitio n and human be hav iou r.
Neon Grundy Blackpool
M ay 20 17 Th is wasn’t an imme rsive exh ibit b u t I app reciate Col d th e use of lights and c 7 1 0 2 o lo u y r psyc ho logy s Jul Eac h wo rd w . nt wa f e v e a y s o c a o lo s d u r t cod ed to m a k e t h e Th is 3 ar w ith lo io na l p e r s o l t n react a mo acu ce rtain way s pect n sty le p ro llabo rate . nt i o o co co nve r b rands t ughout. s fo t h ro stand th peo ple wi 52
Personal development
TATE Liverpool
Piccadilly Li ghts London
my own All images are
Lightwave s Manchester
VR Arcade Liverpool
D ece m be r 2 0 17 7 T h is was a o D ece m be r 20 1 ne w e e k fe s tiva l pe rience w ith th roughout S x e e t u in m n e e a l ft f fi o r t r d , Med ia Cit d id n’t I went f A sho y. o r th e outd as exciting. I w y t li a e r l a id o d o I virtu r t l u ights at night, th ese s I’m rubbish b wh e re sync g in play a game a ll e t h ro nised w ith sound reactive sto ry e f f . e watc h a fully s cts. er lled th e answ fi lm. I co ntro
v&A Christmas London
Art t c e j Pro ool p r e v Li
D ecem be r 20 17 17 e r 20 p rojectio n. Acqui re b m e c d by Li ke That age De ncy and t d o o r i a l F X to u o t d ir s ec ted by Es D evlin, uc fi r r C y m th e is was a e d s fully reactive inst Th is i ed a lo ngsi eas fo r th a ll at io k n. Each name d I wo r had it’s own stor w ith i h e Albe rt p u e y about a life. t com as at lay. m t s i r Ch d is p Dock 53
rth The Whitwo Manchester
Coca Cola Ac tivation Liverpool D ece m be r 20 17 Th is was o n the M A d ay trip, I kn ew th is was o n tha t d ay and want ed eve ryo ne to ap p reciate the b ra nd activatio n in pe rso n. The festiv e truck was offe ring out free bottles.
180 The Strand London Novem be r 20 17 I’d been wanting to visit Testing Spaces fo r a lo ng time. In Lo nd on th is is a high ly po pular sp ot fo r immersive art fans and Instagram pictures and vid eo s.
Belvita Radio Liverpool Septem be r 20 17 is a Liverpool Lime Street statio n use prime location for brands to st activations. Th is was a breakfa d expe rience with live singe rs an rs. musicians to ente rtain commute
Personal development
0 17 Septe m be r 2 is e Wh itwo rth h t r e t s e h c n In M a visit fo r it’s a h t r o w s y he a lwa Peo ple use t . e n lo a e r t arc h itecu r Instag ram fo e id s t u o d playg roun rtunities. pictu re o pp o
Conclusion ovid ed th is booklet pr s wa at th rk wo of to In co nclusio n to th e body to a new expe rience and r we vie e th ng gi ga en thus was aimed at to enhance storytelling n ai br e th of e sid e tiv r. process th e crea atement being made easie st e th er mb me re to r allowing th e viewe lour coded using th e co e er wh t le ok bo e th feel a Diffe rent as pects of s to ease th e viewe r to wa is Th . nt ar le gy lo ho r and co lour psyc . Th e message isn’t clea rk wo e th ing ad re ile wh ce rtain way have been seen th is way. d ul co it at th pe ho is e obvious but th er s existing expe rientia l rd wa to ing ink th l ca iti Se mester one was cr existing expe riences ing nd ta rs de Un s. rm fo er fie lds, practices and plat questions but fo r se mest w ne k as to le ab be to is impo rtant co ncentrating on th e d an is th om fr ay aw g two I am movin . enhance human be haviour to ed us is at th gy lo no tech gy and storytelling, lo no ch te on s cu fo ily ar I Se mester two wi ll prim w th ese expe riences wo rk ho on t an rt po im is gy lo wh ile techno rds storytelling using wa to gy er en my s cu fo am wanting to ploring th e mi llennia l ex d an ies og ol od th me cognitive research a. Se mester two wi ll ph Al on ti ra ne ge d an Z ing gene ration, gene ration mentio ned wh ile prog ress ly us io ev pr s ea ar l al g be gras pin d attend ing mo re events an ch ar se re y ar nd co se primary and and expe riences myse lf. g an th e result wh ile deve lo pin on s cu fo ll wi e re th er Se mest th e ling. Th is could be using el yt or st to ch oa pr ap innovative new that I haven’t ly te le mp co ing th me so or lly senses, digital narrative an in depth and statistica de lu inc ll wi rk wo e Th heard of now. co rrect market repo rt. e mo nths s provid ed th rough th re wa rk wo of dy bo ng wi Fash io n Th e fo llo Carney – MA stud ent in e uis Lo ma Em by ch ar se less extensive re d images are my own un an s rd wo l Al n. io ot om and Lifestyle Pr rence or image source. fe re te ra cu ac an th wi stated othe rw ise 55
Did you
get it r
Yes! No :(
. .. m o r f e m a c n o i t All that informa ence Eco nom y. [Online] BrandQuarterly, 2017. Rise of Experi rte rly.com/rise-expe rienceAvailable at: http://www.brandqua eco nom y [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. is the most powerful way to ry sto a g lin tel y Wh 7. 201 , fer Buf activate our brains. [Online] p.com/science-of-sto rytelling Available at: https://blog.buffe rap erful-way-to-activate-our-brains -why-telling-a-story-is-the-most-pow [Accessed Decem ber 2017]. line] BusinessInsider, 2017. Gen Alpha. [On r.com/generationAvailable at: http://uk.businessinside alpha-2014-7-2?r=US&IR=T [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. Z are all about. [Online] on ati ner Ge at Wh 7. 201 , der nsi ssI Busine r.com/generation-z-teensAvailable at: http://uk.businessinside re-waiting-longer-to-getwhat-theyre-all-about-2017-9/#they their-first-job-6 [Accessed Novem ber 2017].
logy in Marketing. [Online] CosPsycho logy, 2017. Co lou r Psycho m/blog/colo r-psyc hologyAvailable at: https://cosc hed ule.co marketing/ [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. logy infograph ics. [Online] CreativeM arket, 2017. Co lou r Psycho et.com/blog/10-bri lliantAvailable at: https://creativemark color-psycho logy-infographics [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. ting 101. [Online] Eventeem, 2016. Experiential Marke /experientia l-marketingAvailable at: http://eventeem.co.uk definition/ [Accessed Decem ber 2017]. l dominate 2018. [Online] wil t tha nds tre dia Me ial Soc 7. 201 Forbes, om/sites/jayso ndeAvailable at: https://www.fo rbes.c nds-that-will-d om inate-2018 me rs/2017/12/27/7-socia l-med ia-tre /#537c84a6 25fb [Accessed Decem ber 2017]. 57
GovUK, 2018. [Online] ataset/family_spending Available at: https://d ata.gov.uk/d [Accessed 3 January 2018]. neration Z. [Online] PineappleAgency, 2017. Teaching Ge y.com/experientia l-marketing/ enc eag ppl nea epi /th p:/ htt at: ble Availa tia l-marketing/ reaching-generatio n-z-w ith-experien [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. sonality Theory. [Online] Per e Fiv Big 7. 201 gy, olo ych ePs itiv Pos ologyp rog ram.com/big-fiveAvailable at: https://p ositivepsych personality-theory/ [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. ulate sight, smell and sound to nip ma ers ail ret How 7. 201 y, pif Sho sumers. [Online] trigge r purchase bevhaviou r in con com/retai l/119926083-how Available at: https://www.shopify. d-sound-to-trig ger-pu rchase-retai lers-manipulate-sight-smell-an behavior-in-consumers [Accessed Decem ber 2017]. Experiences. [Online] TheDrum, 2017. The Imp ortance of .com/bauer/marketingAvailable at: http://www.th edrum millennia ls-imp ortance-expe riences [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. the brain. [Online] WashingtonEDU, 2000. Laughter and ngton.edu/chudler/laugh.html Available at: https://faculty.washi [Accessed Novem ber 2017]. The future is fee ling. WGSN, : ure fut the for ing ign Des 7. 201 , WGSN 1(1), pp. 4-10. [Online] WGSN, 2017. The Playground Alpha. [Accessed October 2017]. Forbes, 2018. 2018 Trends. [Online] om/fo rbes/welcome/?toURAvailable at: https://www.fo rbes.c anholmes/2018/0 1/0 2/2018sL=https://www.fo rbes.com/sites/ry iness/&refURL=https:// big gest-social-media-trends-for-bus //www.google.co.uk/ www.google.co.uk/&referrer=https: [Accessed 3 January 2018].