May/Jun 2013

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May/Jun 2013 |

VOL3, NO 15 | MAY/JUN 2013

Content COVER STORY 17 Breathrough the Abuse

The heartfelt story of a spoken word artist, Missterious Genetics, who has undergone verbal, sexual, and physical abuse but has not let these traumatic events deter her from continuing the work of Christ. Learn how God is helping her in the healing process. Interview By: Tess Rutherford

FEATURES 12 Spiritual Heart Attack

The personal testimony of a military wife whose heart had gone into overtime in an effort to compensate for stress from a lack of love and misguided spiritual thinking. By: Tarah Hutchinson


Pretty Girl An inspiring poem whose aim is to touch the heart of every girl, both young and old, about self-esteem and helps define what true beauty really means. By: Lydia Lozano


If I should Die Tonight An honest poem which says all that a person would want to say as if it was their last opportunity. By: Nathaniel A. Tate


Strength of your Love Nothing or no one can separate us from God’s love. This piece poetically describes just how strong God’s love is. By: Ron Britton


A Spouse’s Betrayal The account of a professional musician, June Wade, whose journey of forgiving her ex-spouse did not come easy but proved to be well worth it in the end. Interview By: Tess Rutherford


We are All Family Learn how our behavior towards one another is indicative of our love for one another. By: Nichole Beaver


IN EVERY ISSUE: 9 Letter from CEO/Publisher 11 Laughter for the Soul 10 Recipe

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Spotlight Book Review Readers’ Voice

May/Jun 2013 |

CEO/Publisher Tess Rutherford

Editor Tina Mason -

Graphic Artist Assistant Imari Rutherford


Tarah Hutchinson Spiritual Heart Attack, p. 12

She is a Children’s Director, social blogger, and soon coming author of I Don’t Do You. Her life’s goal is to nurture and empower children to stand on God’s Word because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5:10). Reach her at tarah_hutchinson@yahoo. com and http://mominchildrensministry.

Lydia Lozano Pretty Girls, p. 15


For 25 years Lydia has been involved in missions & ministry outreach. She has a great love of serving God and people. Lydia currently works for Azusa Pacific University and is a freelance photographer. She is also an avid volunteer in her community and serves as director of Sunday school at a foster children receiving home. ConMay/Jun 2013 | tact her at

Nathaniel Tate

If I should Die Tonight, p. 16 He established a relationship with God at an early age. He is a part of the youth ministerial staff at Grace Covenant Christian Church. He uses poetry as a medium to reach the lost and show how God’s love relates to people’s lives. He receives inspiration from the Harlem Renaissance poets. Email: or facebook: Nate Notagame Tate

Nichole Beaver We are All Family, p. 23

While riding a mountain bike, she was hit by a car, but survived with minor bruises. On many occassions,the Lord has spared her life. Whenever Nichole has an opportunity, she writes and testifies of Jesus. Visit her website at

Ron Britton

Strength of Your Love, p. 25 He is a“Poetic Novelist” which means he writes novels in the form of poetry. He is an author, mentor, and teacher as well. He writes on the topics of boys to men and relationships. Also, he writes children books, songs, and plays. Contact him at 415-7196. 5

May/Jun 2013 |

Readers’ VOICE

We Love To Hear From You! Online

Comments via email: You are INCREDIBLE just read your whole article WOW and Double WOW You are an amazing creature of God and it is obvious you are listening for his voice on a daily basis …and then moving out with Him by your side one day at a time fabulous article! By the way you look so happy and fit , great photos. Love you my friend and so proud of your article xxoo -Floyd Great article. Learned new things about you. Picking it all up on your own with GOD by your side makes you stronger, builds character (definitely see it in Brad). I’m very impressed. You’ve weathered a major storm and have come through with flying colors! Be good to yourself! -C. Pardue My perspective is that if I were reading this without knowing you, I would view this article as a very honest, and compelling story about values and faith. There is not a hint of bitterness! This a revealing testament to your awakening and maturation. Just a statement of fact that your ex-husband left--- without the usual gory “tell all” details---and that you are Emergent and have raised yourself and your consciousness to another level ---both spiritually and intellectually Its positive and heartfelt! -Dave.


May/Jun 2013 |

BreakThrough the Abuse 7

A story of a woman who wasn’t afraid to go head to head and toe to toe with her abusive past. page 17 May/Jun 2013 | 8

May/Jun 2013 |

Letter from CEO/Publisher Tess Rutherford One of my all time favorite things to do is minister to the homeless through food, prayer, and teaching. Why might you ask? For one reason, I believe they are hurting and vulnerable. While ministering to people who are dealing with this blended mix of emotions, their heart seems to be more open to the gospel message. Every time I am in the presence of anyone who is hurting, I am moved with compassion within. There are several references in the Bible where Jesus was moved with compassion (Matthew 9:36,14:14 and Mark 1:41, 6:34). And in all instances, he takes action as a result. He heals, delivers, feeds, and/or teaches. So while I am ministering to the homeless, it is safe to assume that there must be action on my part as well. Although, I truly enjoy serving the food, for me the real motivation comes when praying for them. Upon hearing their prayer requests, my heart melts. I sense the love of God and his concern for their needs. So I begin to pray and while I pray, the Holy Spirit tells me what to pray and how to pray it. And once I am done, I usually witness the eyes of the person I am praying for tear up. I don’t showboat about my ability, instead I am grateful to our Benevolent God for touching the heart of his people.


The Greek definition for compassion means to show mercy – to show kindness. So often, we as Christians are going about reading people every scripture verse that we can think of in the Bible, hoping that this will influence people to receive Christ. Christians already have this stigma tied to their characPhoto by: Ben Geyer Photography ter. Acting as such turns most off. In the most basic sense, if you have a yearning desire to win people over to Christ, ily, our loved ones, or even to then show them that you care. strangers. Before you minister, You care about their souls. You ask the Lord to fill your heart care about their well being. You with compassion, mercy, kindcare about what they are going ness, and love for the person in through. You care about what question. You will be amazed they care about. In my day to at the results. With all of the day interaction with folks, the chaos going on in this world, it one truth that I am reminded of is an opportunity for the believtime and time again is people re- ers to reach and win people over spond to love. When we act with while they are in such a vulnerlove, the responses always prove able state. Amen? I am so proud to be positive. of the content in this issue. We Jesus came not to con- have topics covering a variety demn. People who are sinning of issues such as abuse, marital are already condemned. He challenges, and quite a few poetcame so that the world through ic pieces. Kick back and be prehim might be saved. If Jesus pared to be inspired and encourwere here, he would be where aged!

the homeless are, where the prostitutes are, where the gang bangers are – where the wretched are. These are the exact kind of folks who need his services. So let us be mindful of this as we strive to witness to our famMay/Jun 2013 |



May/Jun 2013 |

Parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, volunteers, facilitators, directors, and pastors have each experienced the amazing, inspiring, surprising and comical conversations with God’s tiny lambs in the kingdom. Here are just a few experiences from one children’s church parent volunteer to you. I stepped out of the shower and was greeted by my little girl. “Mommy, you’re as naked as Al and Eden.” Age 6

Student: “President Barack Obama!”

Mom: “Who died on the cross?” Little Girl: “Jesus!” Mom: “Who has risen from the dead?” Little Girl: “Jesus!” Mom: “Who loves you the most?” Little Girl: “Daddy!”

Teacher: “I was wondering, who can tell me who is the light of the world?”

Mom: “Time to go night-night.” Little Girl: “No, I need to see jonwonthree.” Mom: “What? It’s time to go to bed.” Little Girl: “I need to see John 1:3 Mommy.” (She says confidently, as she’s scrolling through the books of the Bible on the IPad.)

Age 6

Age 7

Age 3

Teacher: “Noah was able to get two of every animal onto the ark.” Student: “How did Noah get two Shamus on the ark?”

Age 5

(Shamu: iconic Killer Whale featured at Sea World San Diego, CA and Orlando, FL and San Antonio, TX)


May/Jun 2013 |

Spiritual Heart Attack By: Tarah Hutchinson

Over the past thirteen years, I’ve watched my daddy suffer the pains of surviving a near fatal heart attack. It is easy for me to recollect the memory of receiving that terrifying phone call from 3,000 miles away; “Your father has had a heart attack, you may want to get home to Texas as quickly as possible.” My pain was a shock, but my pain was miniscule compared to the pain my daddy’s heart was undergoing. A Heart Attack is defined as the sudden blockage or barricade of oxygenrich blood to a section of the heart. If that blood flow into the heart muscle is not suddenly restored, the section of the heart will begin to die. The result of a Heart Attack for many is death. Thank you to God on the Throne for restoring my daddy’s heart and allowing him to live. He is a survivor, and I can now say that I am too. I’ve experienced the pain of a Spiritual heart attack unexpectedly and with great devastating pain risking the life


and breath that God has given me. You see, I can compare my circumstance to that of my daddy’s, because the precursors are the same, and we both made the decision to overlook the warning signs.

off equal to that time at work. So what are these precursors: adding unhealthy elements to a life functioning organ and enduring longtime stress. Therefore, his heart has met its capacity, a limit to its function. The job of the heart muscle is not to compensate for the lungs or ill-living, the result of such improper function is risking premature death.

My daddy’s heart muscle today (and thirteen years ago) is physically too big due to the damage of smoking to his lungs My heart has been workand continual stress to his whole body from laboring for decades ing too hard to compensate for in his career, without relaxation. the improper function of my What has happened: his heart Spiritual mind and prolonged has had to work harder to com- exposure to stress from misguidpensate for his damaged lungs ed love. How did I recognize that which are no longer in proper my heart was overwhelmed and healthy working function. The reaching a limit to its function? lungs are damaged from consis- I made a decision to do whatever tent daily addition of foul chemi- I had to do, to make the pain my cals to the body. In an effort to heart was feeling stop. I contemexhibit his love (by no longer plated suicide. I was willing to residing in a low income house- endanger my life to eliminate hold) and providing for his wife, the immense pain of the loss of children and grandchildren, he love from my husband. The man created work stress for himself. I loved since our early college He worked diligently away from years, father of my children, and home for months at a time, nev- person who pledged before God er including a vacation or time to be my (Continue on page 21) May/Jun 2013 |


Overcome | Heal | Move On Interview By: Tess Rutherford

lives to Christ as well.

husband. The group had recent Prior to getting saved, ly hired a piano player, and one Photo of June Wade June sang country music in day, while the group was travelnight clubs, but after becoming a ing back home, June and the rest Back in the 50’s, when Christian she changed her venue of the band members noticed everyone seemed to be get- to churches and women’s meet- how affectionate the piano playting married young, June Wade ings and started singing gospel er was towards June’s husband. thought she would jump on the music instead. The Lord began It was at this moment that June bandwagon and get hitched as to expand June’s ministry to per- suspected something was going well. June and her husband got forming in concert halls. As the on between the two of them. So married at 15 and 16, respective- interest and support grew, June later in the evening, June conly. For several years, June expe- figured it was the perfect oppor- fronted her husband about what rienced what some would call a tunity to create a music record. she saw and what she thought, happy marriage. Within the first The record was received very and her husband continued to two years of her marriage, she well and that is when her hus- deny anything was going on. So gave birth to two children - a boy band decided to start preaching. June decided to let it die, assumand a girl. June’s husband was a Also, that was when June and ing that the devil was putting great provider for the family and her husband decided to work these thoughts in her mind to everything seemed to be going together in June’s music minis- break up her marriage. Nonewell. try as a team. The couple, along theless, June’s uneasiness and June had heard about with a few other artists, formed suspicions led her to keep ina church event that was going a gospel band and called it The quiring about her husband’s reon in the area, which featured Country Congregation. They lationship with the piano player. the testimony of an evangelist bought a converted Greyhound One day, June was able to get who was a former heroin ad- bus and began to travel all over the piano player alone and ask dict. June thought this was the the US performing at various directly whether the two of them had been sleeping together. The perfect opportunity to invite her places. piano player confessed that the kids out to the event to, number Twenty years into her two had sexual relations. June one, scare them , and number marriage, June started to notwo, help them to discover the tice a change in her husband’s finally had her answer; so she dangers of using drugs. During behavior. Her husband seemed had a heated discussion with the church meeting, both of the very withdrawn, and June knew her husband once again, informkids had accepted Jesus as their in her heart of hearts that some- ing him that she had already personal savior. Two days later, thing was wrong. While travel- received a confession from the June decided she would attend ing on the road, June recalls a piano player. This time her husthe meeting again, and this time situation that helped shed light band became very irate and he she and her husband gave their on what was going on with her continued to refute the accusation. 13 May/Jun 2013 |

June became fed up with the ordeal , and coupled with all of the other issues they were dealing with in their marriage, she decided to file for divorce. Although her husband never confessed to doing anything, June knew it would be in their best interest to part ways; otherwise, they would be likely to deal with this until eternity. One thing about being cheated on is you cannot compete because your spouse has already made the choice. June could not go and get her nails done nor get a makeover to win her mate’s affection. After the marriage was over, June wondered what she did wrong. Was she not good enough for him? Who will want her now? She thought she must not be too much of a woman if her husband chose to be with someone else totally different from her. All of these thoughts

and questions consumed June’s mind. But God had a plan for June that she was completely oblivious of. It never crossed June’s mind that she would remarry or get serious with anyone ever again. But, as the old adage goes, “never say never”. A man who used to handle bookings for The Country Congregation walked into June’s life. He too, was a divorcee and a single parent. He had been single for a good 18 years. So he and June began to date and they quickly fell in love. The couple had gone through similar situations in their marriages, and had been badly hurt. Needless to say, the two decided to get married and it took them well over five years to begin trusting one another fully. June admits that her healing process took lots of time. She says that she could not accom-

plish this with her own strength. It took the power of God to help her forgive her husband. There was a time when she passionately hated him because of the embarrassment, betrayal, and deception. But, June received a true revelation on what it means to forgive. The Lord laid it upon June’s heart to read about how everyone forsook Jesus, including God. He was willing to suffer the betrayal and the abuse just for us. Regardless of what they did to him, Jesus still loved them and he loves this current generation the same. As June pondered on this, she knew that if Jesus who is our model for life did it, then so could she. She forgave her ex-husband and is now enjoying her life with her new husband, kids, and grandkids. If you would like to contact June, you may reach her at

“Jesus, who is our model for life forgave then so should we.”


May/Jun 2013 |

Pretty Girl By: Lydia Lozano That you are not what the world says you are but you are who you say you are and what God declares you are. Pretty Girl, where are you? Don’t you realize that you are not the sum of your thighs or the number of your size? Pretty Girl, can’t you see? That your heart cannot measure the love it can treasure beyond your wildest dreams.


Pretty Girl, can’t you see that there is a pretty girl hidden in there? Understand that you are not the clothes you wear or the heavy cross you bear. Pretty Girl, believe that this thing is true.

Pretty Girl, come out from there.

That no matter what you do or what is done to you that God will love you through and through.

There is no place like a safe place where love remains for the rest of your days.

Pretty Girl, listen to what I have to say.

Pretty Girl, don’t you know that someone cares?

Those years may come and years may go, but you will always and forever be… a Pretty Girl!

May/Jun 2013 |

If I Should Die Tonight

By: Nathaniel A. Tate If I should die tonight I don’t want the last thing I say To be out of spite. I go and face the light Desire to leave on a good note

And not a bad one in which I write. I ain’t perfect And shouldn’t judge people against perfection But treat them with compassion and point them In Christ direction For most things I ain’t scared But should be happy in good company and Happy that they there And that I’m still here Cud be slow to show love because of fear. If I should die tonight, Then I want to leave only loving words in my lady’s ear. Don’t want to fuss and howla’ Bcuz my sistas may want some dollas Argue about feelings when I know just how To deal with them Or tell my parents I love them and place no couple above them. if I should die tonight I want prayer and praise to guide me to the shining light While I still got time on the earth work to save souls, Keep my spirit bright. But if I should die tonight, Then this may be the last poem that I write!


May/Jun 2013 |

Missterious Genetics (aka Janette…ikz)! At first glance at her name, maybe the following come to mind-> eccentric, unique, catchy, and “Say whaaaat?” But there is a story behind how this name came about. Janette...ikz grew up in a family full of gifted and talented individuals. The giftedness is in her “genes”. And there is a “mysterious” part of Janette...ikz that only God gets and understands. Hence, we have Missterious Genetics. Janette...ikz is more than just a spoken word artist. She is also a dancer, singer, rapper and she plays musical instruments as well. She is best known for her “I Will Wait” piece as well as her personal testimony piece. Collectively, these performances have received well over two million hits on Youtube. Despite her popularity and fame, she strives to remain little in her own eyes. Janette...ikz has survived both sexual and physical abuse and through these traumatic events, she takes every opportunity to minister life, peace, and joy to others whose voice have been silenced by life. Her ministry touches the hearts of both men and women alike and she does not fail to give God the glory for using her as an instrument to transform the hurting and the broken. Empowered Magazine had the awesome pleasure of having a two hour conversation with Janette...ikz and we are proud to say that she is just as beautiful spiritually as she is physically.

BreakThrough The Abuse 17

Interview By: Tess Rutherford

May/Jun 2013 |

At the age of five years old, Janette...ikz was quoting scripture verses and at seven, she was fasting and participating in shut-ins (24 hour prayer time). Janette...ikz grew up in a Christian household. She, her mother, and two brothers lived with Janette...ikz’s grandmother most of the time. Janette...ikz’s mother and father’s relationship remained rocky throughout her childhood and teenage years.

the spiritual rock of the family. She made learning about the Bible and God fun. She used visuals to help bring the Bible stories to life. She helped Janette...ikz fully comprehend that God was a holy God and should be revered and respected as such. Janette...ikz enjoyed every waking moment with her granny. Janette...ikz was the eldest grandchild and in her eyes she and her grandmother shared a special

ing her. This was someone who Janette...ikz looked up to a lot. The acts of indecency initiated through the game of hide-andgo-seek. By the slip of the hand, this person began to touch Janette...ikz inappropriately. And shortly after, the acts escalated. Janette...ikz’s safe haven quickly transformed into a cave of confusion. She had no idea what was happening to her. At nine years old, when little girls are primar-

When things were going well bond like no other. Her grand- ily playing with dolls, Janette... between the two of them, the mother instilled a great spiritual ikz was experiencing feelings in family would be living with Ja- foundation inside of Janette... her body that was not suppose nette...ikz’s dad and when things ikz and she took time out to help to occur until puberty. She can were going not so well, Janette... Janette...ikz grasp the fullness recall watching a kissing scene ikz, her mom, and two broth- of God’s Word. In retrospect on television. Her eyes would be ers shared a one bedroom at though, Janette...ikz could see glued to the television waiting her grandmother’s place. Even how she was being prepared for to see just how far it would go. though Janette...ikz’s father’s what was going to transpire. She wondered what on earth she house was nicer and more spa- Janette...ikz’s turning was feeling. Quite naturally, Jacious, Janette...ikz and her sib- moment began at the age of 8. nette...ikz pinned the grossness lings experienced some of their A family member who would on herself thinking that there happiest moments at granny’s. regularly babysit Janette...ikz must be something wrong with Janette...ikz’s grandmother was and her brothers started molest- her. In her young mind, all she 18 May/Jun 2013 |

knew was she and this family member had something special that nobody else did. And she did not view it in a sexual way. But deep in her heart, she knew something was not right especially when asked to hurry up and get dressed before someone catches them. Janette...ikz assumed that she was the one who was responsible for making the molestation happen or made herself available to make it happen. The molestation continued and although this person never threatened Janette...ikz not to tell, she just never did. She was too embarrassed to utter what was happening to her to another and so she remained silent…

aware of what he was doing after witnessing Janette...ikz cry profusely. When it was time to return home, Janette...ikz knew she had to pull it together. Her mom seemed so happy and hopeful and Janette...ikz didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news. Janette...ikz figured since her aunts had their spouses, her mom should have hers too. Little did she knew that moving in with her dad brought forth another magnitude of abuse. Her dad would beat her mom and the kids something terrible. Janette...ikz continued to get molested as well. She knew this was a secret that she would take to her father’s grave.

muster the courage to say just what happened. The beauty of that situation is this family member stopped molesting Janette... ikz. But nobody seemed to ask how Janette...ikz was or better yet nobody seemed to offer support to help her cope through all of this. At the age of 15, Janette... ikz recollects having lunch with her father. Her father took that

It was about that time Janette...ikz’s mother had again where Janette...ikz’s received a call from the school mother and father were trying to regarding something Janette... work things out again. Janette... ikz had done. So while at work, ikz’s father claimed he was free Janette...ikz mom calls seekof alcohol and drug addiction ing for some answers from her and he was ready to take his fam- daughter. She told Janette...ikz ily back. He had gotten a house that she knew everything and on the other side of town and he she commanded Janette...ikz to wanted to take the kids to see tell her. So under the assumpwhere they would be living. So tion that her mom was speaking off Janette...ikz and her young- of the family member who had er brother went to stay with the molested her, Janette...ikz told father for the weekend. Shortly her mom everything about the after arriving at her new place, molestation. And after she finJanette...ikz was seduced once ished, there was utter silence on again but this time by her own fa- the other end of the receiver. So ther. She knew almost immedi- Janette...ikz says, “Are you still ately what was happening when there?” And in what Janette... her father offered her the “brown ikz calls the psycho tone her bag”. Her father asked her to sit mom replies, “I’m on my way!” on his lap and started switching Janette...ikz’s mom asked her her around. Afterward the mo- to tell her grandmother exactlestation occurred, Janette...ikz ly what she told her. Janette... was completely terrified and dis- ikz just couldn’t seem to get the traught to say the least and as a words out. She felt horrible and time to apologize for all that he result she broke down and cried. nasty. She didn’t want to go into had done to her. He said that he All the while, she was thinking, horrific details. She remem- was sick and he wanted to make “No, not you too.” Her father be- bered saying, um um um a num- amends because he did not know came completely conscious and ber of times before she could how much longer he had to live. 19 May/Jun 2013 |

Still angry and bitter over what her father had done, Janette...ikz told her father that she could not accept his apology. She wanted him to suffer as badly as she had. She figured maybe she will forgive him in a year or so but not now. When Janette...ikz turned 16, she had a dream that she was chasing after her father and although he was not moving, she was unable to reach him. It was at the moment, she knew that she had to see her father. But, when she made her way to see him, it was too late – her father had died. Janette...ikz felt absolutely terrible. She was starting a number of Christian organizations at school and serving on the youth group as well, but when it came time to forgiving her father, she couldn’t. And to this day, Janette...ikz carries the guilt of this. This was a monumental moment for Janette...ikz to allow the Lord to perform surgery on her heart. Because of what she went through with her dad, Janette... ikz doesn’t allow the sun to set on her wrath, she doesn’t hold grudges, and she always strives to leave on good terms. She says, “Life is but a vapor, we are here today and gone tomorrow.” She admits that healing has been and still is a process for her. Christian counseling has helped her tremendously. She was skeptical about it initially but the more she shared the abuse the more she began to breakthrough. She recommends that victims of abuse talk to a trusted professional – a person who is able to challenge you with the Word of God. The healing process can be very uncomfortable. There was a time in Janette...ikz’s life where she refused to sleep for 31 days straight because she did not want to remember anymore of what happened to her. She had gotten to a place where she blocked everything out, but certain triggers seem to bring everything back to her remem-

brance. As Janette...ikz began to delve into God’s Word she started to understand that God allowed for her to go through these things. Janette...ikz could not wrap her head around why he had to send her and her family through all of that. Soon, Janette...ikz became angry with God. But a lady at Janette...ikz’s church showed Janette...ikz how God is creating purpose for her pain. After Janette...ikz’s father had passed, she finally had the opportunity to share all that had happened with her mom. Janette...ikz’s mother gave her the encouragement and fuel needed to continue to share her story with the masses touching millions of lives. Today, Janette...ikz performs all over the world faithfully sharing her testimony along with the gospel message in such a powerful, poetic, and engaging manner. To connect with Missterious Genetics, visit her website:, Facebook: Genetics = Janette… ikz, Twitter handler: iamgenetics **Projects: -Teaching an online class on how to craft and hone your spoken word ministry. For more information, visit -Releasing a collaborative album soon alongside of Ezekiel Azonwu, Jose Palos, and Chris Webb. The record will be a mix of theater, poetry, and music. To stay in the know, visit -Performing at Rhetoric 2013 conference, largest Christian poetry event in Southern California held Friday, August 2nd along with many other artists. For more details or to register, visit http://p4cm. com/event/rhetoric-2013

Got a compelling story? Empowered Magazine wants to hear from you. We are constantly looking for inspiring material. Send your story to 20

May/Jun 2013 |

(Continued from page 12) husband over a decade ago had shocked my heart. I had a Spiritual heart attack. For a moment in time, I forgot my divine heritage and just wanted to sleep and rest my mind, but I couldn’t. God had already decided, for me, to restore my heart and allow me to live. I woke up after drinking two bottles of wine and taking two prescription medications. I have survived my heart attack and am now living in a broken marriage, but I know that the God on the Throne has loss no love for me. For, He has seen my grief and has heard me call out for His help. “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from Your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.” (New Living Translation, Psalm 51:10-12)

any other sin and sinner, I had created a legitimate reason as to why those things were ok for me. I’m a military wife; in my marriage there is a strong possibility that my husband will be gone at least half of any year, so as long as I’m not ‘cheating’ on him with another man, I was ok. I loved and still do love my husband there is no desire for me to hurt him, but my mind was not in a healthy state to love him properly. When I was asked to write my life sentence down on paper a few months ago, I completed it with a smile on my face. My life sentence being what people say of me at my funeral: “She gave and loved of herself with the same naiveness as the children she served.” It’s amazing that my mind recollects my life sentence at this time of trauma in my life, because I was so close to a Spiritual death. I gave of myself entirely in marriage, to the point I risked my heart and mind. I have a servant’s heart for God and mankind, so it was easy

was, and wanting more of him. The Word of God commands that our love be in harmony with one another, not unequal or onesided. (Colossians 3:14) I ignored all the warning signs, just as my daddy did. I’m sure he felt a shortness of breath every now and then. I saw when it was difficult for him to speak, because his chest hurt. Perhaps he felt overwhelmed and exhausted at times; I can recall days when my daddy was angry and uncomfortable for reasons no one else could understand. My warning signs for my trauma were present as well. My husband and I shared minimal conversations, lack of intimacy, forgotten birthdays and special occasions, lack of interest in what the other was doing, isolation and comforting distance. I had an unhealthy marriage relationship, out of sync with the commands of God’s Word. My constant servant mentality and effort resulted in repetitive cycles of either my marriage feeling good, or my marriage having

The job of my Spiritual heart was not to compensate for my damaged Spiritual mind and stressful love life. Over fifteen years of marriage, “For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is alI exposed ways work, patience, love, self-sacrifice,” - John Burroughs my mind consistently to foul unhealthy elements to give myself entirely in love to something wrong. I did not reof lust: fantasies and fictions of my husband. For fifteen years, flect on a healthy alternative and love stories and chic flicks, por- my husband and I didn’t share relied on the comfort of having a nography, and misplaced hopes in a proportionate expression husband and family. There was in my husband (man). I am no of our love for one another. We no desire to eliminate compla‘babe in Christ,” in fact, I have had always avoided writing that cency or admitting the need for transitioned from church kid list of each other’s household more from him, sharing in our to pastor’s kid to church mom responsibilities onto paper, be- love equally. to church leader. Therefore, I cause I knew that my list would “For anything worth havknew better than to place my fo- far out-number that of my hus- ing one must pay the price; and cus on such things. I read, study bands, and I didn’t want him to the price is always work, paand meditate on God’s Word hurt or feel stress. All the while, tience, love, self-sacrifice,” was daily; the Heavenly Father and I was ignoring my stress, avoid- stated by John Burroughs, one I have a relationship. But, like ing admitting how exhausted I of America’s greatest writers.


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Where am I today? I am a survivor; I am trusting in the restoration and healing power of the Lord of my life in my marriage. There is no easy path for me. I decided to take the narrow and challenging path less traveled when I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of my life many, many years ago. (Matthew 7:14) I have repented and been long saved from my sinful thoughts. I love my husband and continue to serve him in a manner that is healthy for me. I admit that my marriage is broken. I wake up in the morning and thank God for my new life. I have the authority granted to me by the power of the Holy Spirit to do great things.

(Luke 10:19) I smile, because I have joy and the Lord and a purpose designed specifically for me. “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

Dare To Live: On The Edge of Normal Book 1 by Damaris Martinez “Why can’t I be myself around that person?” “Why do I give my power and voice away to others?” “I don’t even know who I am anymore.” These are the types of questions that haunt those who find themselves in abusive relationships. If these or similar questions resonate with you, this book may help you discover answers that can help you walk into healing and a recovered life. Through the sharing of her own personal journey of healing and freedom from abuse, Damaris encourages you to take a brave and deep look into your own story. You may be surprised, challenged and edified to discover similarities between Damaris’ story and your own. With practical questions presented in workbook format, Damaris helps you to better understand the dynamics of abusive relationships and provides you with practical and insightful steps that can lead you to your own healings, freedom and recovered life in Christ. Contact author at or


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We all have blood relatives, and in the Body of Christ we are tied into Jesus through His blood. For it says in Acts 17:26, “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” It is amazing then that through the blood of Jesus we do dwell on this earth. We have specific habitations that were determined and appointed. In fact, we as relatives need peace and unity, the exercising of goodwill, and proper love for one another to fulfill what God has for us each to do. As blood relatives, we should walk in peace and strive for unity. In maintaining peace, it is important to always lift up the name of Jesus. It is through Him that we are able to thus walk, especially in our own house. Many times those within our own house produce the most friction, and we have to find a way to rise above it all and keep each relationship unsoiled from the pollution of strife and envy. It is through steady and constant prayer that we may rise above. Jesus does hear us –even those ‘silent moments’ when things do not seem to be going our way. He knows the very details of our lives and waits for us to cry out for His everlasting help. In continuing on in peace and unity, it also takes a humble heart in order to allow Jesus, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, to intervene during our time of need. He is the true source of our joy. He is the true source of our peace. He is the true source of keeping it all together, or in other words


– the true source of unity. Although, we do not always know the how or the when, He will help you. Yet, we cannot waiver and doubt but be fully assured and believe that He will make things right. Many times He hears our cries, but will acknowledge you in His own time and plan. Sometimes keeping peace in a family means learning something new and understanding how the other individual feels. You can do away with a lot of discord by taking time to understand where the other party is coming from. Yet, right in the middle of these matters is Jesus. Pray to Him for the answers as He is all powerful and all knowing. He understands and can help you to understand just what needs to be done or not. Lean upon Him because He cares and loves you. We as relatives should also exercise goodwill towards one another. This seems simple enough, but if you are in a situation where there is friction, it can be next to impossible to achieve. One of the very first things that can be done is prayer on behalf of the other individual, because we all need answers from God. We all need to know that He cares for us. It might begin with you today, reading this very article, or acknowledging God in your heart and beginning to pray to Jesus for guidance about how to deal with relationships. (see Romans 10:9). By exercising goodwill, I mean stepping up and doing the right thing. Sometimes the right iiii termined to make a difference and allow our positive actions to count for good. If you are a wife,

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maybe it is making your husband’s favorite meal. If you are a husband maybe it is bringing a nice surprise home for your wife (not necessarily flowers). Whatever the deed, it should be wrapped in kindness! Also in exercising goodwill, we want to make a positive impact on those surrounding us. It is no longer enough to just get by with a handshake. We want to project a smile too. We truly want to care and listen to people. We might be the link to someone else’s joy. We want to make God the centerpiece of our existence and a hope for a troubled world. We all need love in our families. And, it is through the love of God that we can sustain any relationship. Once again, it is prayer that keeps love alive. When we look to Jesus, He is able to help any relationship no matter the degree of difficulty.


We need Him. Love is kind and gentle and does not seek its own. God’s love is not fickle. God’s love is rich in mercy and grace. It is a marvelous thing to seek God’s face! He will move mountains into the sea for you. It takes the love of God to accept one’s self in order to truly love others. When things get really sticky, it is usually because the love of God has not been fully accepted into one’s life, and it therefore causes a lot of problems. By being loved by God, the love for others begins to spring forth. Sometimes the most unlovable family member is the one who needs the most prayer and love. That is when Jesus is really needed on the scene, because we cannot take on problems with relatives on our own. If we are in a Body of Christ, the word of God that we

learn from the minister will help us make a difference in our families. By practicing and showing love, we cannot be stopped, and God will be pleased. Allow Jesus to help you with your relationship with your family. The best time to allow Jesus into your life is now. Give Him full reign of your heart, mind, and soul. He will reward you with peace and love that you have never experienced before. Stay with Jesus and His truth as revealed in the Word of God. He really does love you. He really does care for you and know all about you. If you allow Him into your daily life and find Him both as a Savior of your soul and a very best friend, He will show you, through his word, how to be one of the most loving and caring members of your family.

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Strength of Your L ve The strength of love has profoundly changed my life forever. Blessed by the favor of your divine nature, I could never return to my formal state of being ordinary, contrary to what I felt in times past, your love is everlasting. You reached down through time through prayer to alter my destiny from all darkness that would keep me from finding all the possibilities of being free to be

me. You doused me with truth that enabled me to reach for the stars, turning my scars into beautiful memories of triumphs of the difficulties of life. I’m eternally grateful for the sacrifice and effort you put forth to ensure my success, and for that I’m truly blessed. Through the trials and test you prove to be the best teacher, leader and guide. It was the strength of your love that brought tranquility in my life.

-Ron Britton Handle your Emotions God’s Way! explores 52 negative human emotions and provides real life examples and biblical principles to controlling one’s emotions God’s way. The book is available at Berean’s bookstore, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and many other internet sites!


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Empowered Magazine is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec online and in print. Tess Rutherford, President/CEO. Online subscriptions: Free. Printed subscriptions: $5 - $8. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. It is the mission of Empowered to provide a quality publication to enlighten, educate, and empower our readers to reach beyond themselves and soar by riding on the strength of God’s power. For submissions and orders contact us: Empowered Magazine Address P.O. Box 882416, San Diego, CA 92168 Email Website


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