Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
VOL3, NO 17 | SEP/OCT 2013
Content COVER STORY 17 Moving Forward
Whether you are a single parent, in between jobs, or looking to relocate, this article is for you. Hear from former NFL player, Pastor Terrell Fletcher and wife Lady Sheree Fletcher (Hollywood Exes star). on moving forward. They share invaluable insight to help you get from point A to B. Interview By: Tess Rutherford
FEATURES 13 The Ocean
What does the ocean reveal about the vastness of God? By: Lydia Lozano
Survived Hurricane Katrina Hear the moving testimony of a Hurricane Katrina survivor. By: Dr. Keisha Clark
When Life Throws you a Curveball Helpful tips on how to navigate the vicissitudes of life. By: Melissa Drobnak
What did He go through just for you? A poetic piece on what Jesus underwent for all of humankind. By: Nichole Beaver
IN EVERY ISSUE: 9 11 10 25 6 3
Letter from CEO/Publisher Laughter for the Soul Recipe: Arnice Neff Spotlight Book Review Readers’ Voice
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
CEO/Publisher Tess Rutherford
Editor Tina Mason - http://www.masonandmasonservices.com/
Graphic Artist Assistant Imari Rutherford
Lydia Lozano The Ocean, p. 13
For 25 years Lydia has been involved in missions & ministry outreach. She has a great love of serving God and people. Lydia currently works for Azusa Pacific University and is a freelance photographer. She is also an avid volunteer in her community and serves as director of Sunday school at a foster children receiving home. Contact her at lydia.laugh.live.love@hotmail.com.
Dr. Keisha Clark
Survived Hurricane Katrina p. 15 She is a motivational speaker, life coach, and Presidet of EX.C.E.L. (EXtreme Champions of Excellence and Leadership). She holds a Bachelors in Psychological and Educational Studies, Masters of Administration of Justice and Security and a Doctorate of Management in Organizational Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com Leadership.
Nichole Beaver
What did He go Through Just For You, p. 23 While riding a mountain bike, she was hit by a car, but survived with minor bruises. On many occassions,the Lord has spared her life. Whenever Nichole has an opportunity, she writes and testifies of Jesus. Visit her website at victoriousheartinternational.com.
Melissa Drobnak
When Life Throws You a Curveball, p. 21 She is the full time Addictions Counselor, Axiom Campus Ministry at University of Illinois who has an M.A. in Christian Education and an M.A. in Counseling. Contact her at melissadrobnak@gmail.com or http://forevergratefulone.tumblr.com/
Arnice Neff
Healthy Recipe, p. 10 She is a self-taught cook who desires to create healthier alternatives to unhealthy meals that all families can enjoy, without missing the added fats, calories and health risks. Cooking completes her soul and she hopes the healthy alternatives and time-saving tips can help you enjoy the foods you eat and the time you save -- creating special and lasting moments with loved ones and friends. 5
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Readers’ VOICE
We Love To Hear From You! Online
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Moving Forward
Helpful tips on moving forward by former NFL player, Pastor Terrell Fletcher and wife, Lady Sheree Fletcher (Hollywood Exes Star). page 17 Photos Courtesy of: terrellfletcher.com and thecityonline.org
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Letter from CEO/Publisher Tess Rutherford Not so long ago, I left a good paying job, sold everything I owned and moved from the Midwest to the West Coast. I was so eager and excited about this move. I thought things would start happening for me immediately after making the transition. Sadly, I was mistaken. I was making two mortgage payments. Money was tttttttight! For a year I lived in an apartment without furniture. I was eating store bought burritos or salad day after day, week after week. I had to adjust to a new and more expensive cost of living. Boy was I having a rough time. It reminds me of the story of Moses… God had given him instructions to represent the Israelites before Pharaoh. After Moses’ first attempt to free his people, Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites. He also punished the Israelites to get back at Moses. As a result, the people were infuriated with Moses and Moses was disappointed with the Lord. He mistakenly thought God would deliver his people right away. I brought this story to your attention because I had a Moses moment. After I moved, I thought all of God’s promises would begin to take surface. And since it hadn’t, I complained a little… I mean a whole lot. When
we are caught in a situation that is all but settling for us, there is a proclivity that arises within to amplify the bad. I was so focused on what I did not have that I failed to acknowledge what I did have. Every man and woman desires to be blessed. We want to go to the next level. We want God to make good Photo by: Anthoney Vahidi on his promises. The truth the shoreline. Go with the vicisis God is ALWAYS working. In fact, he is working some situdes of life and be sensitively things out in your life as you aware of what God is trying to read this, but murmuring and teach you. complaining only slows God’s This issue is action productivity. Mary Kay Ash was packed with goodies. The theme quoted for saying, “There are is covering life issues. We have two things people want more Hollywood Exes Star, Sheree than sex and money... recogni- Fletcher, and husband Pastor tion and praise.” You will notice, Fletcher (former NFL player) even on the job, when people are bringing you some helpful tips praised and recognized for their to navigate life and lots of othcontributions, they tend to per- er empowering articles. Read, form better. As it pertains to the be encouraged, and share with Lord, I believe the same is true. friends! Our praise produces uncanny results. Our complaints can produce zero results. When I stopped complaining, I started to see God’s favor take over in various aspects of my life. So then, if you are placed in an uncomfortable situation, simply ride with the waves. Be content and learn what is required of you to abase yourself. God will guide you to
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Cranberry Chicken Salad Ingredients
•2 chicken breast, chopped and shredded* •1 Tbsp mayo (optional) •¼ cup dried cranberries •2 celery stalks, chopped
•Cashews, chopped** (optional) •Cranberry Chipotle Sauce •A few avocados, cut in half •Salt and pepper to taste (optional)
*TIME SAVER TIP: Substitute canned chicken or a store-bought rotisserie chicken. **Omit if you have a nut allergy.
1. In a medium bowl, add chicken, celery, and cranberries. 2. Add mayo and cashews and stir until mixture sticks together. Add salt and pepper to taste. 3. Spoon the mixture onto half of an avocado and top with cranberry chipotle sauce. 4. Enjoy with some whole grain crackers or a toasted baguette. 10
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Courtesy of: http://jokes.christiansunite.com
Taking Test
The First Stall
Two men, Robert and James, applied for an engineering position. Both applicants having the same qualifications were asked to take a test by the department manager.
Leaving Miami for Ft Lauderdale, I decide to stop at one of those rest areas on the side of the road. I go into the bathroom. The first stall is taken, so I go into the second stall. I had just sat down when I hear a voice from the other stall............
Upon completion of the exam both men only missed one of the questions. The manager went to Robert and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we’ve decided to give James the job.” Robert replied, “Why? We both correctly answered nine questions. I believe I should get this job, especially since I’ve grown up in this town and James just moved here.” The manager said, “We made our decision not on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”
“Hi there, how is it going?” Okay, I am not the type to strike up conversations with strangers in washrooms on the side of the road. I didn’t know what to say, so finally I say: “Not bad............” Then the voice says: “So, what are you doing?” I am starting to find this a bit weird, but I say:
“How could one incorrect answer be better than the other?,” asked Robert. “Simple,” said the manager. “James put down on question #5, ‘I don’t know’, and you put down, ‘Neither do I.’”
“Well, I’m going to Ft Lauderdale..........” Then I hear the person, all flustered, say: “Look, I’ll call you back. Every time I ask you a question, this idiot in the next stall keeps answering me!!!”
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
The Ocean By: Lydia Lozano What is it about the Ocean that it calls out to you? It beckons you to come near and play Though it holds many secrets It’s vastness allures many who seek her The waves crash and the roar deafens any surrounding sound The Ocean has its own course and it stops for no one Yet, God Almighty has given the Ocean its limits The strength of the Ocean is immeasurable Though it does have a gentleness about it The Ocean can uphold anything from a surfer riding its waves to a ship carrying cargo It doesn’t break under pressure, but evenly distributes the load The Ocean can be as turbulent as an angry, unforgiving soul Or as gentle as a sweet, summer breeze At times the Ocean bleeds from the careless acts of others More often though it sings with each high and low of its tide The Ocean is a wonder and it’s difficult to comprehend Even in the midst of the unknown
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
I find comfort being near the Ocean and find solace in its waves “The voice of the Lord Echoes over the oceans. The glorious LORD God thunders above the roar of the raging sea.� Psalm 29:3 (Contemporary English Version)
Sundays 10/9C
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Survived Hurricane Katrina By: Dr. Keisha Clark A few days before Hurricane Katrina struck, my family decided to evacuate, all except for my grandparents and me. The day my family decided to evacuate, I stubbornly and adamantly insisted that I would be okay and I would not be riding with them to Texas. As my aunt stood outside of my apartment, she adamantly and highly suggested that I get into the SUV so that we could leave early enough to avoid major traffic. I reminded her that I was an adult and could make my own decisions! After a short stand-off, I packed up and loaded the SUV on my way to Texas. We arrived in Beaumont, Texas and found a hotel to bunker down in until the storm passed over New Orleans. As August 29, 2005 approached and arrived, we all were surprised by the unexpected turn the storm was taking. We worried about my grandparents and urged them to get out on last call
for mandatory evacuation. They insisted, they would “ride it out” as they have done many years before we were even thought of. My family sat in the hotel room all day like stressed out zombies watching the news coverage of what was transpiring, attempting to contact my grandparents. All communication systems were down and the worst case scenario was being considered. I chose not to be inundated by the news and did not watch the coverage. I chose instead to pray and encourage my family that if anyone can make it out, it’s my grandparents; after all they survived the civil rights age. My family could not understand my calm during the storm, but I knew it was God conjuring up something for His glory. New Orleans was long overdue for a makeover; in my opinion.
cluding an internet blog where survivors could list lost family members. GRANDMA CALLS!!! She and grandpa are okay. They were rescued by boat by an old friend. They decided to lodge in a high-rise hotel and they had to evacuate. The Superdome and Convention Center was too chaotic. My grandma simply rationed her tuna fish and crackers and walked through the water until help arrived, trying to find higher ground. She arrived at the Governors’ house where they invited them and our family dog to sleep on the porch. She was able to charge her cellular phone and call us; they were soon on their way to Texas. I TOLD YA’LL MY GRANDMA WAS OKAY! She raised me and I know she’s a warrior. They arrived in Texas to be with us; we began to look for resources. We traveled to Houston, Texas to their Arena/Dome where supplies and assistance were being offered. I was dis-
Two weeks had passed and we had attempted to try to locate my grandparents through all means provided to us; inSep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
gusted, I wanted nothing, I felt like I was in a time warp, I felt like a slave, I felt like nothing, I felt I had nothing, I wanted nothing to do with that; people were degraded. As I stood outside while my family received scarce resources, I decided, I needed to get out of there. I decided, since there was no word on how long we would have to wait to return home, I was ready to spread my wings and make a new life for myself. I flew to California where there was an overflow and abundance of resources. My plane ticket was paid for; I received a vehicle, paid insurance, clothing,
food, job, school, money. Life was great. My family began to resent my choice as they continued to struggle. Little did I know that I had stepped into another storm. I went to live with my mom who I didn’t know was on drugs. For one year I endured living in the “crack house� until I saved enough money to move out. The Lord showed up like never before during this time in my life. I completed my Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate after this ordeal and traveled to several countries. Today, I own my business EX.C.E.L. (EXtreme Champions of Excellence and Leader-
ship); excelextreme.com. I provide life coaching, motivational speaking, and consulting. After this Extreme event in my life, I took Extreme actions and have reaped Extreme results. Hurricane Katrina was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I was delivered from generations of poverty, illiteracy, poor health, extremely high homicide rates, substance abuse, mental health issues, teen pregnancy, tunnel vision, distorted views of race relations, and dependence on government programs. The apple DOES fall far from the tree...
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Terrell Fletcher
(right) is the lead pastor at City of Hope International Church at Faith Chapel in San Diego. He is also the President and Founder of the Wake Up Ur Dream organization. He is in the process of publishing a book based o n the Wake Up Ur Dream principles.
Sheree Fletcher (left) stars in
Moving Forward Talk about the transition you made from playing football professionally to leading a church full-time Terrell: There is no correlation between the two but I got to go into one thing that I love into another thing that I love. I’ve only had two passions and one has been for professional sports and the other is for people, and of course my wife who happens to be a person on most days. [giggles] Aside from that, football is a part of my life that couldn’t last forever. It’s a part of my life that had an expiration date and the speed of transitioning from it was slow…It took me a while. You let some things go, you let some people go, you get new mentorship in your new season and it can work for you; it has been working for us.
the hit reality TV show, Hollywood Exes. She owns a skin care body cream-- whoopash.com. And she has an online boutique, shereeelizabeth. com The couple has attained great success but admits dreams do not happen overnight. Both had to undergo a process. Continue reading to learn more:
Interview By: Tess Rutherford
What do you say to the person out there who has big dreams but do not know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it? Share some invaluable insight that you have learned over the course of your life.
goals and dreams and you’ll ultimately get there.
Terrell: Most of the answers you are looking for you already have the answer. You’ve been walking in it, been doing it most of your life, and from time to time you need someone to help show you those things. Let this be navigation to where you are trying to go. Don’t give up. Don’t cheat yourself by self-sabotaging yourself. Find a circle of influence that can pull out the best in you and not accentuate the worst. These are three tips that everyone can use. It’s already in you. Go get it, dig deep and try to find it and let someone lead you to the Promised Land of your
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
There is more to you than just a pretty face. You are a woman of wisdom. You are a business woman. You are doing your thing. Talk about how you went from a single parent to where you are today? Sheree: When my son [Trey] was three, I tried to start a business. I’ve always had entrepreneurial aspirations, and I knew I would be a business owner one day. What became very clear to me is the business required just as much time and energy and effort in nurturing as he did, so I had to make a choice because I couldn’t really do both and do both to the best of my ability. I could not do them both with a spirit of excellence; something was going to suffer. So I decided that I had plenty of time to pursue the dreams that God put in my heart. I needed to focus on Trey. And I do believe that you The two of you have recently moved your home base from San Diego to Los Angeles. Talk about how our destinies are tied to a physical location.
can have it all; you just can’t have it all at once. It has to be divine timing. You have to be strategic. Put first things first; so he got a little older and then it was my time. On Mother’s Day, I taught on -- Is my nest empty or Is there room? So you start to look at things from a different perspective. I haven’t lost something I gained something.
you need to vent; just don’t do it in front of your kids. You have to protect them from you and your kids are not your friends. Get a friend who you can unload on because as women we do need to get things out by talking. Protect your kids.
What word of advice do you have for the single parents out there? Sheree: I would say put your kids first because they really need you. They need your time and they need your attention. If you have a situation dealing with an ex, don’t ever make him or her bigger than your child. Your child has to be the priority in the situation and get good people around you; people who are willing to hold you accountable. There will be times when essary -- New challenges that will pull new things out of you and, if you have the courage to get to the place, move on it and move on it quickly. One of the messages I spoke about was Bust a Move, and I was telling people it’s time to make that move. Go ahead and make it happen whatever it looks like, move on it and step into it. If the answer is in another location, it’s okay… it’s okay.
too many of us go to sleep with our dream. I think Dr. Myles Monroe brought to life the idea that the graveyard is one of the wealthiest and most intelligent places on the earth because many people die with dreams inside of them, and with resources and ideas inside of them; so the Wake of Ur Dream concept was built around taking peoples’ dreams from the inside -- from a cognitive state and bringing it out into the real world and watching it take place. We talk about some of that and it will be included in the Wake Up Ur Dream book. The idea is to go where you can grow.
Terrell: From a biblical perspective it’s important to identify that God oftentimes tells people to go to a place. He tells the children of Israel to leave and go to a “Promised Land”. Through the Prophet Elisha, God tells Naaman to go down to the river Jordan. There are plac- What’s forthcoming? es that are tied to your destiny Terrell: I have a new book and it is important that you have coming out which is around this the courage to be willing to leave idea that there is a real intense that which is comfortable to get dream inside of each of us. And to the place of your maximum it’s yearning to come on the outeffectiveness. And it’s there; side to make an expression upon there’s a place that is waiting the screen. The challenge is that that has all of the resources nec18 Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Pastor Terrell Fletcher • www.terrellfletcher.com • http://thecityonline.org/ (City of Hope International Church) • Facebook: Terrell-Fletcher • Twitter: TerrellFletcher
Sheree Fletcher: • Shereefletcher.com • Shereeelizabeth.com (online boutique ) • Facebook: sheree.fletcher1 • Twitter:ShereeFletcher
Got a compelling story? Empowered Magazine wants to hear from you. We are constantly looking for inspiring material. Send your story to 19
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Handle your Emotions God’s Way! explores 52 negative human emotions and provides real life examples and biblical principles to controlling one’s emotions God’s way. The book is available at Berean’s bookstore, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, tessrutherford.com and many other internet sites!
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
When Life Throws you a Curveball By: Melissa Drobnak I tend to look at life in seasons. Some seasons are fresh like spring, overflowing with new opportunities, accelerated growth, and a sense of joy and wonder. Other seasons feel more like winter, where the bitter cold and dreary skies match the aching in our hearts over loss and shattered dreams. From joy and wonder to sadness and hopelessness; how quickly life can change. The mountain-top experiences of life will one day be interrupted with the unexpected trial...of loss, of sickness, of broken dreams. Jesus never tells us this world will be without trouble. Ready or not, life will throw us a curveball at some point. The question is, how will we respond? After walking through a few seasons of “winter” in the last decade, I am thankful to currently be enjoying a season of “spring” in my life, one filled with newness and growth and blessings. However, I would not appreciate the delight of spring without experiencing the depth of despair from winter. It was only by persevering through
winter, that I learned what Paul describes as “the secret of being content in any and every situation” and to cultivate true joy, in spite of hardship.
His perspective on trials. It’s amazing how differently we can experience life when we see hardship as a growth opportunity!
While there is no 12-step magic formula for how to handle the pain and disappointments of life, God does give us some helpful guidelines in His Word that when applied, can revolutionize our perspective and attitude toward trials and give us hope to persevere.
Application: Prayer “Father, please help me to not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Forgive me if I have a complaining spirit or a selfish attitude about this trial. Help
“I would not appreciate the delight of spring without experiencing the depth of despair from winter. It was only by persevering through winter, that I learned what Paul describes as “the secret of being content in any and every situation” and to cultivate true joy, in spite of hardship. “ Here are a few areas to consider as you encounter the “curveballs” of life: 1) Examine your Perspective on Trials - Do you see trials as problems or opportunities? Something to avoid or something to learn from?
me to have Your perspective and Your attitude toward the hardships in my life...” (Romans 12:2, Philippians 2:5-11) 2.) Begin a “Joy Journey!” - Learn to live a joyful life, amidst the pain, not in spite of the pain.
- God calls us to: “Be joyful - Ask the Lord to give you always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1618) - Just as learning to pray continually is a growth process, learning to “be joyful always” is also a journey. If you’re a Christian, you already have Jesus in you, so as you abide in Him, His joy will overflow from your life more and more, even in trials.
Consider keeping a daily or weekly record of the blessings in your life and develop a habit of reviewing your gratitude list regularly whenever you need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and provision.
(John 15:5, Galatians 5:22)
4.) Pay it Forward
Application: Scripture Memory (Life Verse for Trials)
- Has God placed someone in your life to love, encourage, and support you through your current/past trials?
James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
- Prayerfully ask God how and when He wants to use you to minister to others as a result of the trial you are facing/have faced and the lessons you are learning. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) Application: Ministry/Service
- Volunteering at your church in Support/Recovery Groups
- Cultivate a grateful heart. Regardless of the number of hardships in life, we can always find something to be thankful for if we search whole-heartedly.
- Serving on the Prayer/ Care Team
3.) Become Seeker”
- Consider a daily mission to find the treasures in life. You might be surprised how intentionally focusing on life’s blessings can change your perspective! - “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2) Application: Gratitude journal
- Mentoring others facing similar life challenges in the church/community I have not forgotten the desperation I felt in the dark, cold winter season of life- when I had lost hope relationally, lost vision for my future, lost confidence in my calling, and even contemplated ending my life. I remember times where there was no list of suggestions (as above), no words of consolation that could ease the pain I was experi-
encing. If you are in that place of despair, I encourage you to hold on, to continue to draw near to God, even if you feel as though you are stuck. Sometimes feeling “stuck” is actually part of the growth process because eventually, that place of pain, misery, or being “stuck” will push us to a decision.
“Cultivate a grateful heart. Regardless of the number of hardships in life, we can always find something to be thankful for if we search whole-heartedly.“ For me, it took nearly two years of being “stuck,” but eventually I began a journey with God to live a joyful life, even in the midst of hardship. As a result of walking through that season of despair, some of the most valuable life lessons were cultivated, lessons of contentment, trust, perseverance, and the realization that we can live a joyful life, regardless of our circumstances. When the next curve ball comes your way, I hope you find the treasure amidst your trial...
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
What Did He Go Through Just For You? By: Nichole Beaver
O, by the crimson that flowed down the tree Screaming: free, free, free Eternally, rich No hitch Receive Jesus, thy Savior The wonder of the Word God’s only Son Relationship in thy heart He was whipped He was mocked For thy repentance to take root Kick the devil out; you’re getting the boot!
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Deal With It by Paula White You cannot conquer what you will not confront and will not confront what you do not identify. From Publishers Weekly: In this misleadingly titled book, televangelist White galvanizes women to confront their setbacks by recounting stories about the Bible’s handful of resilient women, like Leah and Mary Magdalene. Certainly their trials can be a source of inspiration to the JudeoChristian faithful; however, much of their power is buried in the author’s superficial recitation of events and pithy sound bites. In the chapter on Ruth, for example, White aptly highlights the message that one’s past, no matter how ugly, does not determine one’s future happiness, but then she boils the lesson down to the irksome rhyme “leave and cleave.” (“Leave the past…and cleave to today…”) She also provides few personal details of her own past struggles, though she does mention that her father committed suicide and that she was sexually abused as a child. Thoughtfully interpreting these stories and candidly sharing her own might touch a larger swath of women.
Dirt Matters by Jim Powell Dirt Matters explains and illustrates the importance of church culture, connecting it to a simple analogy that anyone can understand. It also shares how it’s possible to cultivate and nurture a healthier church environment that can put you and your church in a better position to bear fruit for God’s glory. Just as soil is a key variable that influences the outcomes of a field, the culture of a congregation establishes the environment that often predetermines the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of God’s Word in that body of believers. More so than issues of style, presentation, or methodology, the culture of a congregation has a direct influence on its health, vibrancy, and effectiveness. Without good soil, the harvest is limited.
Sep/Oct 2013 | http://empoweredmagonline.com
Empowered Magazine is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec online and in print. Tess Rutherford, President/CEO. Online subscriptions: Free. Printed subscriptions: $5 - $8. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. It is the mission of Empowered to provide a quality publication to enlighten, educate, and empower our readers to reach beyond themselves and soar by riding on the strength of God’s power. For submissions and orders contact us: Empowered Magazine Address P.O. Box 882416, San Diego, CA 92168 Email info@empoweredmagonline.com Website http://empoweredmagonline.com
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