2 INTRODUCTION Having a large social media following and sponsors, provides a small business with growth within what they are selling, their sales, and the number of customers attracted to their products. But when narrowing down the sizes offered through your merchandise, this narrows down the customers they are able to sell to. With only having sizes as big as a 32-inch waist, and a size 16, Ben Francis of Birmingham UK has still managed to grow his company Gymshark since 2012 (Forbes, 2018). Being only 19 at the start, he has made it to Forbes’s 30 Under 30 in 2018 (Forbes, 2018). He managed to hit sales of 50 million in 2017 (Mansoor, 2018). Gymshark’s focus is fitness wear. They are aiming for people to perform their best in their merchandise. How can one perform their best if they aren’t completely confident in what they are in, or if they are working on striving to feel confident in their merchandise?
COMPETITORS AND EXPANSION Athletic wear has become a big trend throughout these past years. Brands like Lululemon, and Fabletics are two brands that have become popular, and have expanded throughout the US. Lululemon originally started in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1988 (Statista, 2018). Today, they have managed to expand from being only online, to having over 269 stores in the US since 2017 (Statista, 2018). Lululemon’s merchandise focuses on the fitness of yoga rather than fitness in general. They are known for being a yoga company. Having only up to a size 14, their leggings price point is anywhere from $98.00- &120.00 (Lululemon, 2018).
3 Fabletics was established in 2013 as a US only online store with the help of actress, Kate Hudson (Fabletics, 2018). Like Gymshark, they have many celebrity sponsors with a large following. Their goal is to offer high quality fitness wear, at a lower price point. By February 2015, Fabletics focused on being able to ship internationally, and eventually opened 6 retail stores in the US in 2016 (Fabletics, 2018). Not only is their price point of leggings $20.00- $50.00, but they over a plus size line that is available up to a size 24 (Fabletics, 2018). Their goal of their plus size line is for women to feel confident, and comfortable while reaching a goal and in general. In Figure 1, you can see the comparison of the three brands. Lululemon has a much larger social media presence than Fabletics, but their price point is much high. These are both advantages and disadvantages for the company.
SANTA MONICA At the moment, Gymshark is an online only store. They expanded from shipping to Europe, to the US. They host reoccurring pop up events in Birmingham, Dublin, and Melbourne (Gymshark, 2018). Not only do they sell their merchandise, but they host work out events and even sponsor other fitness brands. They have expanded their name in California through sponsorship and would benefit from opening a retail store there. Santa Monica place, in Santa Monica, California is an ideal location for Gymshark. Santa Monica Place is an outdoor shopping center, as seen in Figure 2. Being placed around other
4 stores with help bring customers in. Within 400 feet of the shopping center is a Lululemon retail store, and three gym centers. This places a competitor next to Gymshark that would benefit their sales, and three different gyms that target their customers. There are also many gyms throughout Santa Monica, near the pier, and various physical activities hosted on the beach. This location would supply the company with key customers. EXPANDING THE MARKET In order to expand the types of customers Gymshark are receiving now, they must expand their merchandise. Gymshark models all their merchandise with women who have ideal figures, are very fit, and reveal a lot of skin. In Figure 4, you can see examples of this. Customers who might not feel that confident yet with their bodies, but are working towards that confidence by working out, might not want to wear such revealing clothes. Some customers might feel this confidence but are redistricted to Gymshark’s merchandise because of sizing. At the moment, Gymshark offers their leggings up to a size 16. In the US, size 14 and above is usually considered plus size. In recent studies, it shows that 68% of women in America wear a size 14 and up (Zarracina, 2018). Gymshark must cater to the new country they will be placed in. In order to solve this issue, this new line will
5 offer less revealing merchandise and sizes 0-3X/XXXL. Not only will this new line offer customer merchandise that will help them feel more comfortable, but it will widen the crowd of customers that Gymsharks merchandise can be available to and bring up sales. The key is to make all customers feel their best.
CUSTOMER PROFILE -Anywhere form 18-35 years old -Confident -Working out is an enjoyable activity -They are determined and aiming for a goal when working out -Enjoys being in comfortable clothing -Works or studies in their everyday routine -Spends a lot of time with family and friends
INSPIRATION The inspiration for this line is based off fit, texture, and movement. The idea is to create active wear clothes that have breathable textures that are not only comfortable, but moveable. The fit is based off of garments that flatter the body. The movement in the line is based off garments that are used in activities that involve the most movement, like dance.
MATERIALS This line consists of three major materials in Figure 7. Cotton Polyester Fleece, which will be used for joggers and hoodies in this line that are more lose, comfortable, and soft. Performance mesh will be used as accents on merchandise and will contain the same amount of polyester and elastane that Gymshark currently uses. About 80% Polyester and 20% elastane. Lastly, performance jersey will be the most used material in this line. It will contain the same amount of polyester, nylon, and elastane as Gymsharks’s Flex Leggings for maximum movement. The Flex Leggings contain 56% Nylon 41% Polyester 3% Elastane. These materials will supply customers with comfortable, moveable, and breathable fitness attire. COLOR PALETTE The color palette in Figure 8 that is used in this line reflects on relaxing, calm, pastille colors. The pinks purple, and grey are the main colors that will be through the merchandise. The orange and desaturated blue-green will be used for contrasting accents. Many people go to working out as an outlet to be calm or to forget stressful things in that moment. The colors in this palette reflect on the ideal mood while participating in any fitness activity. See the appendix for the names of colors.
Three patterns used in this line can be seen in figure 9. A logo patteren, and two abstract patterns that are meant to resemble mesh. The line will be kept simple, with only sports bras having an all over pattern. These patterns will mostly be seen in accents of the merchandise and the lining of hoodies and tops. THE FIRST RETAIL STORE Gymshark has yet to open their first retail store anywhere. They currently only host pop up events in different areas of the UK. So how will they support this business decision, and carry it out to a new country? When it comes to finances, Gymshark has become a successful company. The company went from $500,000 in sales in 2013, to $52,000,000 in 2017 (Millennial, 2018). It was one of the fastest to gain a million-dollar net worth in one year (Millennial, 2018). Gymshark has also greatly made their presence in the US through social media. Many of their Gymshark ambassadors are athletes from the US. Nikki Blackketter and celebrity trainer Meliisa Alcantara are just a couple US sponsors that have a large social media following (Gymshark, 2018). The struggle of international shipping won’t be an issue for Santa Monica.
Mid Length Hooded Sweatshirt 100% Cotton Polyester Fleece
Athletic Body Suit 56% Nylon, 41% Polyester, 3% Elastane, and Mesh detailing.
Workout Joggers 100% Cotton Polyester Fleece
14 PROMOTION In order for Gymshark to open their first retail store, especially in a new country, they must make their name more known leading up to the event in Santa Monica. Creative and engaging advertising will successfully accomplish this for the grand opening. Everything about this new line is to encourage all different types of women to be confident with their bodies. It opens doors for plus size women to feel more comfortable, and confident while working out. To send this message to customers before the launch of this line, the advertising must send this important message. Social media will play a huge role in getting Gymshark’s name out in American and the opening location. Since they already have a large following and many American sponsors, Instagram is there strongest outlet. American sponsors, and new plus sized sponsors will be paid to advertise not only this new line, but also the opening of the Santa Monica store. Having plus sized sponsors will give viewers and customers a chance to preview the fit on someone. It will also influence plus sized women to try the new merchandise. Another form of social media advertising will be through snapchat. Through snapchat, many brands and companies advertise themselves by created a Geofilter. The Gymshark Geofilter will be set in only the Santa Monica area. Only people who live in Santa Monica will be able to see and use the filter. Once these residents use it, send it to others, and post it on their story, other people from other areas will be able to view the ad. The Geofilter will stay on theme and promote confidence, as seen in Figure 10. There will be an influencing phrase “You look Amazing, flaunt it�, to make snapchat users feel great about themselves
15 and encourage them to be confident. It will have the Gymshark logo at the bottom, and information about the opening of the store. The Geofilter will be uploaded 2-3 days before the opening in order to bring in customers the day of. The final form of advertising to promote the grand opening will be located on bus stop benches, and backlit dioramas in various locations. The advertisement will be the same ad made through the Geofilter. It will have the same inspiring phrase, the Gymshark logo, and information about the Santa Monica opening all placed on a mirror. In figure 11 you can see an example of how the ad will appear. This gives customers the ability to see how great they look through the ad and give them confidence all while promoting the new line. The ad will be placed on half of the bus stop ads in Santa Monica. The backlit diorama ad will be placed on every display in Santa Monica Place. This will help inform usual shoppers of the grand opening of the new store. THE GRAND OPENING The Grand Opening of the first Gym Shark retail store will resemble the occasional pop ups held by the company. The latest current Gymshark merchandise will be set up in the back of the store. In the front, is where the new line will be displayed. Images of plus size models wearing the clothing will be hung up in the front. In addition to mannequins modeling the merchandise, the plus size models and sponsors will be invited to the grand opening to physically walk around the store and model the merchandise for customers. This way, Gymshark will be able to influence women of the same size and show them how beautiful and confident they have
16 the ability to feel in their clothes. It will also attract customers to come on the day of the grand opening that are fans and admire the sponsors and models. On every mirror in the store, dressing rooms, and the display window, will be the repeating encouraging ad seen throughout the city. Just like the usual Gymshark pop ups, there will be different fitness and lifting events to keep customers engaged. There will also be a DJ playing music perfect for working out to set the mood for the store.
FINAL WORDS Through these designs, and advertisements, and the opening of the Santa Monica store, it will successfully make an important change to Gymshark’s company. By introducing plus size sizing, there will no long be a certain beauty standard forced on customers through the fitness models currently used at Gymshark. It will also open up the company into the retail world, physically get their name out to customers in other countries and will allow a new target customer to purchase their merchandise to bring up sales. It will bring the company to their best and influence their customers to do so also.
17 References
Gymshark. (2018). About us. https://www.gymshark.com/pages/about-us Fabletics. (2018). Plus Size Sportwear. https://www.fabletics.com/plus-size-sportswear Forbes. (2018). Ben Francis. https://www.forbes.com/profile/ben-francis/#24adeef72429 Lululemon. (2018) Sizing Help. https://info.lululemon.com/help/size-chart Mansoor, Hassan. (2017, June 1). How Fashion Influencer Helps Gymshark Grow From 0 To 1.5 Million in 2 Years. http://customerthink.com/how-fashion-influencer-helps-gymshark-growfrom-0-to-1-5-million-in-2-years/ Statista (2018). Total number of lululemon athletica stores worldwide from 2011 to 2017. https://www.statista.com/statistics/291231/number-of-lululemon-stores-worldwide-by-country/ Thomas, Lauren. (2018, July 10). Kate Hudson’s Fabletics athleisure line plans to open 75 new stores in global push. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/04/fabletics-plans-to-open-75-more-storesgrow-the-brand-globally.html Thomason, Kristine. (2018, September 19). Kate Hudson’s Fabletics Line Looks Like This In Real Life. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/a23120860/kate-hudsons-fableticsreview/ Varga, Clare. (2018, June 28). Active Textiles Forecast S/S 20: Knits & Wovens. https://0www.wgsn.com.library.scad.edu/content/board_viewer/#/79522/page/19 Zarracina, Javier. (2018, June 5). Size, by the Numbers. https://www.racked.com/2018/6/5/17380662/size-numbers-average-woman-plus-market
18 APPENDIX Figure 13: Work Bodysuit- Pink Detailing- Lavender and Mesh Figure 14: Top- Mesh Sports Bra- Lavender Leggings- Grey Leggings Detailing- Lavender, Mesh Figure 15: Sports Bra- Pink, Mauve, Black Printed Pattern Workout Joggers- Pink Workout Joggers Detailing- Mauve, Mesh Figure 16: Top- Mauve, Black Printed Pattern Built in Sports Bra- Lavender Athletic Shorts- Pink Athletic Shorts Detailing: Lavender, Mesh Figure 17: Athletic Bodysuit- Grey, Mauve Embroidered Pattern Athletic Bodysuit Detailing- Mauve, Mesh Figure 18: Mid Length Hooded Sweatshirt- Lavender Mid Length Hooded Sweatshirt- Grey Lining of Hood- Black Printed Pattern