Endeavour Magazine March 2018

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MARCH 2018


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Keeping It In The Family


EDITOR’S NOTE Heads of Departments Managing Editor Alice Instone-Brewer editor@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Director Alex Hilling-Smith alexsmith@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Manager Emlyn Freeman emlynfreeman@littlegatepublishing.com Head of Editorial Research Paul Bradley paulbradley@littlegatepublishing.com Project Manager Steven Weller steveweller@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Researcher James Lapping james@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Researcher Will Girling willgirling@littlegatepublishing.com Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman anthonyl@littlegatepublishing.com Lead Designer Alina Sandu studio@littlegatepublishing.com Publisher Stephen Warman stevewarman@littlegatepublishing.com Any enquiries or subscriptions can be sent to info@littlegatepublishing.com ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number: 116 776007 343 City Road Suite 10, Thorpe House London 79 Thorpe Road EC1 V1LR Norwich, NR1 1UA Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing


arch: for those of us in the

amount of controversy and debate, and we

northern hemisphere, spring has

couldn’t resist throwing in our two cents.

finally begun! (Although, at the

When it comes to our feature companies

time of writing this, I am looking at falling snow and wondering how to get home...) Spring is supposedly a time of rebirth, celebration, and the sudden re-appearance of wildlife. With that in mind, our Amazing World series couldn’t help but turn its attention to a couple of curious creatures – the tree-climbing goats of Morocco, who’ll do anything for their fix of their favourite fruit, and the near-microscopic tardigrade, an alien-looking and almost indestructible

repaired bonds and good overcoming evil.

success stories.


Meanwhile, from fun and games in the name of religion to fun and games in the

publication may be reproduced or stored in a

name of science, we took a look at exactly

retrievable system or transmitted in any form or

why Elon Musk’s Space X programme

Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2018

join us for another series of inspirational

its multicoloured, free-spirited antics, Holi

the information contained within this magazine,

the publisher.

how the weather is treating you, and

which is kicking this month off to a vibrant

is a playful holiday celebrating forgiveness,

by any means without the prior written consent of

up warm or grab a cool drink, depending

we couldn’t stay away from thoughts of Holi,

every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of

published. All rights reserved. No part of this

year anniversary. As for the rest, wrap

the sun (if it ever shows up at our UK office),

communities. Capturing global attention for

publishers for loss arising from use of information

deserve a special shout-out for their 50-

Of course, as we get ready for some fun in

magazine do not necessarily represent those of

no legal responsibility will be accepted by the

but SA Security Group of Companies

for half a billennia!

start in India and other observing Hindu

living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst

few to name from this impressive bunch,

creature that has gone practically unnoticed

writers and/or in advertisements included in this the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons,

this month, it’s hard to just pick out a

recently launched a Tesla Roadster into the void! The launch sparked a surprising

Endeavour Magazine | 3



BARBADOS PORT 4 | Endeavour Magazine

16 Roma Park First Of Its Kind 22 Baitali Group Building Together 30 Royal Castle Trinidadian Culture, Trinidadian Taste 38 Francis – Lau Construction Co. Ltd Keeping It In The Family 46 PT Indodrill Indonesia Professional To The Core 54 SA Security 50 Years Of Safety 60 Banking Association South Africa Bankable Results 70 Barbados Ports Inc Not Just A Bridge Town 76 Guyana Goldfields In Guyana, For Guyana 82 G4S South Africa In Safe Hands 90 BHL The Whole Package

BASA ARTICLES 6 7 8 10 11 12 28 52 96

Business Headlines Africa Americas Asia Europe Middle East

68 88

Travel Stoke Place Hotel Automotives 2018 Audi RS 4 Avant

Focus Space X: Elon Musk & the Starman Amazing World Tardigrades: Nature’s Survivors The Tree Climbing Goats of Morocco Don’t be upset – it’s Holi!

INDODRILL Endeavour Magazine | 5


Gigaba is the last in a series to be issues

Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)

against the government official under the

has condemned the use of this pill says,

new President Cyril Ramaphosa, following a

calling the practise dangerous and issuing

cabinet reshuffle.

a public statement that it has approved no

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has praised

The judgement has only recently been

the work undertaken by his government

revealed to the public, although it was

during his first year in office, claiming it will

actually ruled in December last year.

lead to a strong Ghana independent from

Gigaba claims that he plans to challenge

aid. His programme for economic change

the ruling. Currently, his future in his current

in Ghana is based on restructuring the

position seems unclear.

form of tablets for this purpose. Even so, the practice is growing in popularity throughout Ghana, apparently spread across socio-economic divides. Depite efforts, the pills are currently smuggled into the country in large quantities.

institutions of governance, modernising

The judgment was issued after an

The police are working alongside security

the country’s agriculture, creaing a clear

application by Fireblade Aviation sought to

agencies to try to prevent the importation



convince Gigaba to allow the firm to operate

of the pills and to prosecute those involved.

financial sector so that it supports growth in

an immigration service for wealthy VIPs at

agriculture, manufacturing and industry.

Johannesburg’s main airport.




According to him, they feel that an improved


but since chose to revoke this decision. The court ruling reversed Gigaba’s decision to

needed for the rapid expansion and growth

revoke his approval, saying that the minister

In late February, the 84 people accused

of the Ghanaian economy.

had lied in having “denied ever having

of organising a 2015 coup attempt in Burkina

approved the application”.

Faso, West Africa, went on trial.






requirement for stimulating the investments



He originally chose to allow the service,



celebrated its promising start in his address

“By telling a deliberate untruth on

The charges included assault, murder,

at the National Governors Association 2018

facts central to the decision of this case,

treason and undermining state security in

Winter Meeting, in Washington DC, United

the minister has committed a breach of

the process of staging the attempted coup.

States. He urged America not to ignore

the constitution so serious that I would

The coup, which took place on 16

Africa as a global player, citing Ghana’s own

characterise it as a violation,” the ruling read.

September 2015, saw elements of the old

projected success.

presidential guard tried to overthrow the

During his address, he also praised the

transitional government put in place after

progress Ghana is making on the social

the fall of long-time ruler Blaise Compaore.

front, listing improved schools and free





access to secondary education amongst

described the trial as a “live test for the

the country’s achievements, and naming

credibility” of Burkina Faso’s judiciary.

accessible healthcare as a key goal.

However, the trial was suspended after the

He also mentioned the appointment

accused’s defence lawyers argued that a

of the country’s first Special Prosecutor,

military tribunal was not impartial enough

intended to guard against corruption in the

to cast judgement, and subsequently walked

justice system.

out of the proceedings.



Among the defendants are two high profile generals - General Gilbert Diendere, who was head of the presidential guard and Djibril Bassole, a former foreign minister.

A South African court has found Finance

Women in Ghana have been warned

Hundreds of security forces deployed

Minister Malusi Gigaba guilty of violating

against a growing trend for taking pills

around the court building, for fear of violent

the constitution. The violation occurred in

during pregnancy to lighten the skin of their

backlash from the crowds. The generals

statements he made about his decision to

unborn babies. The Glutathione pills are

ellicites cheers from many as they entered

revoke his approval of a company’s bid to

illegal, and medical experts have linked them

the court house. 13 of the 84 accused did

open a private airport immigration facility.

to birth defects such as damaged limbs and

not attend, ten of whom are apparently on

internal organs.

the run.

The judgment against Minister Malusi 6 | Endeavour Magazine




Canada’s Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan said that the governments of Canada and India are committed to countering all


of a

forms of violence. The affirmation came a few

Shocking hygiene failings have been

government town hall in West Virginia for

hours after Punjab Chief Minister Captain

discovered in some of the US’s biggest meat

reading out the state’s political donations

Amarinder Singh claimed that Canadian

plants, as a new analysis reveals that as many

from oil and gas corporations.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured that

as 15% (one in seven) of the US population


his country did not support any separatist

suffers from foodborne illnesses annually.

a Democratic candidate in this year’s

movement in India or elsewhere, as a part of

primaries, had prepared a testimony on a

his diplomatic visit to the country.






US campaigners are calling once again for the closure of a legal loophole that

bill that would allow gas companies to drill

“We agreed that both governments

allows meat with salmonella to be sold in the

on minority mineral owners’ land without

are committed to countering all forms of

human supply chain, and also warn against


violence,” Sajjan stated. Without naming any

the industry’s push to speed up production

Ms Lucas strongly opposed the move

separatist groups, he also said Canada will

in the country’s meat plants.

which would change the current law that

continue to stand up for human rights and

requires companies to get 100 per cent

peaceful freedom of expression.





expressed their own concerns, warning that

approval from all owners of land before they

In the first statement after the Trudeau-

the UK could be exposed to great quantities

drill. She initially criticised the lack of time

Captain meeting, the Canadian Defence

of ‘dirty meat’ if a US trade deal is signed

given to debate the proposals before she

Minister also spoke about the “strong


went on to list the donations from oil and

contributions” made by Punjabi diaspora in

gas companies to members of West Virginia’s

Canada, adding that the dialogue with the

records highlight numerous specific incidents

Republican-controlled lower house.





Punjab CM was important to strengthen

including diseased poultry that had been


people-to-people ties between both regions.

condemned later appearing in containers

Appalachian Power $2,000. Steptoe and

Sajjan also said the 1984 anti-Sikh

used to hold edible food products; pig

Johnson, that’s a gas and oil law firm, $2,000.

violence should not be forgotten. “Let us not

carcasses piling up on the factory floor after

Consol Energy $1,000, EQT $1,000. And I

forget the loss of life that resulted from anti-

an equipment breakdown; meat destined

could go on,” Ms Lucas said.

Sikh violence in 1984 which was truly tragic

for the human food chain found riddled

and is an issue close to the hearts of many

with faecal matter and abscesses filled with

Sikh Canadians.”

pus; high-power hoses being used to clean





John Shott, the head of the House Judiciary Committee, interrupted her and said that “no personal comments should

dirty floors next to working production lines

be made”.

containing food products; factory floors

When Ms Lucas continued to list the

flooded with dirty water after drains became

donors Mr Shott called for her microphone to

blocked by meat parts and other debris; and

be cut off. She was then removed by security

dirty chicken, soiled with faeces or having

staff. Two security guards approached Ms

been dropped on the floor, being put back

Lucas and told her she needed to leave.

on to the production line after being rinsed




with dilute chlorine.


political visit to India, being described by some as a family vacation, Canada’s Defense Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan has released a statement on Canada’s stance towards the separatist movement gaining momentum amongst Sikh extremists. Endeavour Magazine | 7


season, as coal burning ramps up to keep millions of residents warm. However, the skies over China’s capital have been almost


The Adani Group, a multi-million-dollar

inconceivably clear of late, thanks partly to

family-run company in India, is facing

this crackdown on the use of the fossil fuel.

Kim Jong Nam, the poisoned half-brother

renewed allegations that they fraudulently

Beijing enjoyed a record 226 days of

of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, told a

siphoned money from the company to

“good” air quality last year and endured 23

friend in Malaysia his life was in danger six

members of the family.

heavily polluted days, compared with 58 in

months before he was killed, a police official

2013, state media announced last month.

told a court on Feb 27th.






India’s customs department, challenging an


Two women, Indonesian Siti Aisyah and

order clearing the mining giant last year as

environmental inspectors have fanned out

Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong, have been

“erroneous, illegal and improper”.





across the industrial belt around the capital

charged with murdering Kim by smearing his

The allegations claim that the Adani

as part of an aggressive clampdown on coal

face with VX, a banned chemical poison, at

Group used a shell company in Dubai to

use. Heavily polluting vehicles, factories and

Kuala Lumpur airport on Feb 13 last year.

siphon $600 million from the company’s

construction sites have also been targeted.

books into Adani family tax havens overseas. The Group has been fighting these claims for the past four years. This renewal comes at the same time as the mining giant is looking to establish one

Defence lawyers say the women thought


they were playing a prank for a reality show,

remained 65% above the national standard

as they had been paid to do elsewhere at

and more than five times World Health

airports and shopping malls, and did not

Organization guidelines last year, suggesting

know they were poisoning Kim. They face

the fight is far from over.

the death penalty if convicted.





of the world’s largest coal mines in Australia.

Six months before the incident, Kim

However, it must pass several Australian

Jong Nam is reported to have said he was

state and federal government probity tests

scared for his life, which motived him to hire

to secure licences to mine, and protests

a personal driver.

have already appeared in the country using

Gooi Soon Seng, Siti Aisyah’s lawyer, has

public demonstrations and the hashtag

argued the killing was politically motivated,


with key suspects linked to the North Korean

The Stop Adani group sight concerns that by backing this mine, the Australian

embassy in Kuala Lumpur, suggesting his client was being made a scapegoat.

government is pledging AU$1billion of

Kim had criticised his family’s dynastic

taxpayers’ money to non-renewable energy,

rule of North Korea, some South Korean

rather than supporting more sustainable

officials have said.


CHINA’S CRACKDOWN ON POLLUTION Pledges to clear tackle China’s polution problem seem, for the time being at least, to be paying off. In Beijing, notor for its smog and high polution levels, campaigners have celebrated at seeing clear skies. PM2.5 levels, used to measure pollution, have been at record lows, 20 to 30 times less present in the air than it was before the government crackdown. PM2.5 refers to particle matter in the air, linked with health issues such as lung cancer and other respitory problems. Traditionally, winter is Beijing’s smoggiest 8 | Endeavour Magazine

The trial resumes on Mar 14.

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Düsseldorf to bar diesel cars which did not

Hundreds of KFC branches in the UK

conform to the latest standards on days

were forced to close last month due to,

when pollution is heavy, startling German

shockingly, a lack of chicken.

carmakers because an outright ban could KFC

trigger a fall in vehicle resale prices and a

branches were forced to shut their doors,

Due to delivery failures, 870

rise in the cost of leasing contracts, which

with no chicken to supply to customers.

are priced on assumed residual values.

The crisis followed the company’s

German states where the carmakers

decision to ditch its existing delivery

and their suppliers have a strong influence

company Bidvest Logistics in favour of DHL.

appealed against the decisions. However,

In its first week of the contract, a failure

the fate of the ban still hangs in the balance.

in DHL’s computer system meant that


deliveries out of its vast delivery hub and warehouse in Rugby went into meltdown. Restaurants ran out of chicken and were forced to shut, with some still not open

The Balearic islands’ government has


launched a plan to phase out greenhouse

It has also emerged that DHL failed

gas emissions by 2050, potentially setting

to register the warehouse as a meat cold

itself on a collision course with the Spanish

storage and distribution centre with the


authorities before it took over the delivery

Under the green manifesto, new diesel


cars will be taken off the car market in Ibiza,

There have been long queues of lorries

Majorca, Menorca and Formentera from

outside the Rugby warehouse trying to get

2025 – the same year that all street and

orders out to restaurants across the country.

road lighting is planned to be replaced by LEDs.

KFC has opened nearly 70 per cent of its restaurants as the chicken crisis begins

Solar panels will be installed on all


buildings with roof spans of more than

staff it employs directly in company owned

One of Germany’s top courts will rule

plants will be phased out and, by 2035, all car

restaurants based on an average of normal

whether heavily polluting vehicles can be

working patterns.

banned from the urban centres of Stuttgart

Francina Armengol, the president of

However, problems arise for the more

and Düsseldorf, a landmark ruling which

the Balearics’ socialist-green government,

than 19,000 staff employed in the 780 KFC

could cause traffic chaos and dramatically

said their territorial limits made them “an

outlets in the UK and Ireland that are run by

hit the value of diesel cars on the country’s

ideal space to promote electromobility



and to expand renewable energy so that

to subside - but many members of staff are complaining due to lost wages. KFC says that it will continue to pay

1,000 square metres – car parks, hospitals, supermarkets and sports stadiums – coal hire fleets on the islands will be electrified.

These employees have been asked to

Some 70 German cities have over the last

it eventually becomes our only source of

cover the closure with their own holiday

year suffered from annual levels of nitrogen

entitlement, whilst at the same time being

dioxide emissions above EU thresholds, with

Last month, Spain’s constitutional court

asked to remain on standby in case the

officials holding diesel cars responsible for

froze a similarly ambitious climate change

stores open.

72.5% of the harmful levels of pollution.

act passed by the restive parliament in


The GMB union said KFC and DHL

The environmental group Deutsche

should join forces to make sure affected

Umwelthilfe (DUH) earlier this year sued

The Balearics government says that if

workers are paid fairly for the hours they

nine German cities because it wants to

its climate plan is blocked, it will refuse to

have lost.

allow municipalities to enforce clean air

upgrade its Alcúdia coal plant in Majorca in

regulations by banning diesel cars from city

time to meet a 2020 deadline for new EU

centres. Local courts ordered Stuttgart and

emissions limits.

10 | Endeavour Magazine


MIDDLE EAST OIL FROM SUNKEN IRAN TANKER REACHED JAPANESE SHORES Spilled oil that reached islands in southern Japan earlier last month is suspected to have

“The United States seeks to move toward

The crown prince has promised reforms

a new relationship with Pakistan, based on

to wean Saudi Arabia off oil exports, create

a shared commitment to defeat all terrorist

jobs and open up Saudis’ cloistered lifestyles.

groups that threaten regional stability,” the

Since rising to prominence three years ago,

U.S. embassy said in a statement.

he has also removed a number of apparent

come from the sunken Iranian tanker Sanchi,

This new relationship would also be

according to a statement from the Japan

based on a “shared vision of a peaceful

The latest personnel changes were

Coast Guard.

future for Afghanistan”, the embassy added.

decreed by King Salman and published in

Samples of oily matter that washed up




rivals to the throne.


state media. No reason was given but the

on the shores of the Okinoerabu and Yoron

Pakistan have pushed the latter further into

changes appear to have enabled Prince

islands in the Amami chain were found to

the arms of China, officials and analysts say.

Mohammed to put his personal stamp of

be linked to the Sanchi’s sinking, the Coast

Closer diplomatic and military ties between

authority on key levers of the military.

Guard said.

Beijing and Islamabad have come at a time

The Sanchi sank on Jan. 14 after colliding

when China is helping Pakistan’s economy

with a freighter on Jan. 6 in the world’s

grow by investing billions in infrastructure

worst oil tanker disaster in decades. The oil


washed up on the Japanese islands in early February.


The oily matter and the sunken tanker

proposed property legislation following

have been linked due the similar nature of

protests, including the closure ofthe Church

the oils, and the fact that there are no other

of the Holy Sepulchre (regarded as the site

recorded incidents in the area from that

of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial.)


Church-owned businesses, which for

The Sanchi, which the Coast Guard

the Church of Holy Sepulchre includes a

said was carrying 111,000 tonnes, or

hotel and office space in Jerusalem, have

about 810,000 barrels, of condensate sank

enjoyed a tax exemption. However, as a part

after several explosions weakened the hull

of proposed new legislation, which plans to

following the collision.

tax church-owned commercial properties, Mayor Nir Barkat claimed that the churches

Most of the fuel evaporated after the ship caught fire.



owed the city more than $180 million in property tax. The declared aim of the bill, deemed “abhorrent” in a statement issued by church leaders, is to protect homeowners against

During a visit to Pakistan, a senior

Saudi Arabia has replaced some of its top

the possibility that private companies will

aide to President Donald Trump said that

military officers in a shake-up that elevates a

not extend their leases of land on which

Washington would like a “new relationship”

younger generation, brings a woman into a

their houses or apartments stand.

with Islamabad.

senior government job and tightens Crown

The churches are major landowners

Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s grip on

in Jerusalem. They say such a law would


make it harder for them to find buyers for

The comment came amidst increasing tensions between the two countries. Relations between the allies plummeted,

In this reshuffle, the military chief of

church-owned land - sales that help to cover

once again, afterWashington persuaded

staff, air defence and land forces heads,

operating costs of their religious institutions.

member states of the Financial Action Task

and senior defence and interior ministry

Force (FATF) to put Pakistan back on the

officials were removed. Also surprisingly,

suspending the collection actions it has

watchlist of nations with inadequate terrorist

Tamadur bint Youssef al-Ramah became

taken in recent weeks,” a statement read.

financing or money laundering controls. The

deputy labour minister, a rare position of

Instead, an Israeli committee led by a

U.S. move infuriated Islamabad amid fears it

high authority for a woman in the deeply

cabinet minister will negotiate with church

could hurt the fragile economy of Pakistan.

conservative kingdom.

representatives to try to resolve the dispute.





Endeavour Magazine | 11


“Let all the children use it, let all the children lose it, let all the children boogie.”


ove it or hate it, Elon Musk knows how to put on a show. The





launched on February 6th 2018. The launch was conducted by Space X, the privately owned space exploration company run by Tesla’s Elon Musk. Musk is one of the hottest names in the technology and business worlds – a billionaire innovator whose companies are making dramatic strides in sustainable energy and motoring, and expanding the private sector’s access to space-based progress. The flight aimed to determine whether the Faclon Heavy, Space X’s latest and greatest rocket, could successfully take a payload of its intended volume beyond the Earth’s orbit. As you may well have heard, launch was an incredible success. However, NASA and Space X are both making strides with every launch they undertake, so why has this one grabbed the public’s attention? Partly, because it

and reaching a maximum distance from the

Bowie, who passed away in 2016, is often

introduced the Falcon Heavy as the most

Sun of 1.67 AU.

linked with ideas of space thanks to his

powerful rocket in operation,producing five

Officially the first commerical car to be

alien alter-ego Ziggy Stardust, his role in

million pounds-force (22 MN) of thrust and

launched into space, the Roadster’s voyage

The Man Who Fell To Earth (1976), and his

having more than twice the lift capacity of

had people tuning in. A spacesuit-wearing

interest in space, technology and science

the NASA Space Shuttle launch system.



shown through his songs and interviews. A

Another part of the reason, though, might

casually in the driver’s seat, resting his left

constellation of stars were even named after

have something to do with the fact that this

elbow out of the open window as he cruises

the singer as a special honour after his death.

powerul rocket demonstrated its strength

through the void. During the early hours of

However, the Tesla Roadster’s references

by launching a sportscar into space. Not just

his journey, the Roadster streamed video

didn’t stop with Bowie. Reluctant to pass up

any sportscase – a rather fetching, cherry-

footage back to Earth, creating some truly

the opportunity of a few nods, the Space X

red Tesla Roadster.

surreal and memorable images.

team also placed the words “Don’t Panic!”




This dummy payload was supposedly

It’s clear that the team put love into

Musk’s own car, chosen in order to create

this launch: as well as this relaxed ‘driver’

apt shout-out to Douglas Adams’ popular

the type of weight and mass that the Falcon

fulfilling David Bowie’s promise that there’s

The Hitchhiker’s Guides to the Galaxy, and

Heavy should eventually deliver to space

a Starman waiting in the sky, the car’s sound

the car also contains a crystal disk of Isaac

stations and other space missions. It was

system was put to good use, looping the

Asimov’s Foundation book series, compiled

launched with enough velocity to escape

artist’s iconic songs Space Oddity and Life

by Arch Mission Foundation - a non-profit

the Earth’s pull and enter an elliptic orbit

on Mars? (though oddly, not Starman itself!)

organization who aim to spread redundant

around the Sun, crossing the orbit of Mars 12 | Endeavour Magazine

over the vehicle’s dashboard

screen, an

repositories of human knowledge around

the atmosphere, such as mining resources,

- a free-flying spacecraft designed to

the Solar System. Lastly, hidden away

tourism and, of course, improved research,

deliver both cargo and people to orbiting

and engraved on a circuit board reads the

increasing the payload size that is possible

destinations. It is the only spacecraft

message “Made on Earth by humans” – just

per launch greatly reduces issues such as

currently flying that is capable of returning

in case anyone out there needs to know!

cost and pollution. Space X’s dreams are

significant amounts of cargo to Earth, and its

So what’s so great about this Falcon

even greater: ““Falcon Heavy was designed

first manned test flight is expected to take

Heavy rocket? Space X describe it as: “the

from the outset to carry humans into space

place later this year.

most powerful operational rocket in the

and restores the possibility of flying missions

world by a factor of two. With the ability to

with crew to the Moon or Mars.”

lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb) -

Whilst images of a red sportscar cruising past the Earth have had people excited,

The Falcon Heavy’s first stage is

Musk and his companies have received some

a mass greater than a 737 jetliner

composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine

criticism and backlash for the launch, with

loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and

cores, whose 27 Merlin engines combine

opinion columnists in papers and newsites

fuel - Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice

to generate more than 5 million pounds

such as the UK’s Guardian suggesting that

the payload of the next closest operational

of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately

it was the work of a “wasteful billionaire

vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the

eighteen 747 aircraft. According to Space X,

playboy” who should be spending his money

cost.” These sorts of achievements could

only the Saturn V moon rocket, last flown in

on crises such as Syria, instead of indulging

mean big change for space-based industry;

1973, delivered more payload to orbit.

in sending his car to space “for the fun of

with many start-ups looking into space-tech

As well as delivering large payloads, it

it”. Any stunt that attracts media attention is

and the possibilities waiting for us beyond

can also carry Space X’s Dragon spacecraft

bound to provoke some outrage, and for the Endeavour Magazine | 13

most part, it seemed that critics has either missed the point of the launch (that it was testing innovative tech, rather than having fun for fun’s sake), or purposefully didn’t look into the story before writing about it. However, any press is good press, and this backlash showed something crucial: Musk has found a way to excite people. Rocket launches, whilst technically a dramatic event, have lost their tarnish somewhat since the days of the space race – only the truly space-obsessed are still deriving that same thrill from the broadcasts, despite the levels of expense, risk, scientific expertise and the crowd-pleasing explosions involved. We know what to expect, and keeping the general public interesting in space can be surprisingly challenging. Whether you like it or not, Musk’s Roadster has definitely made a space launch sexy and relevent again! The launch-bashing bandwagon has largely calmed down by now, as writers looking to make a quick buck by stirring controversy have mostly been replaced by writers going “Actually…perhaps this was useful?”. At Endeavour, we’re saying “Well, duh.” To critics asking why Musk isn’t investing in crises, we find ourselves

others voicing worries that it is possiblethat

the launch as a focal point for demanding

turning out attention back to September

the Tesla Roadster could eventually impact

tighter legislation.

and October last year, when hurricane-

Mars, and thus expose Mars to a host of

However, whatever your opinion, the



Earth’s bacteria. It is unclear where the

Falcon Heavy test launch was undertaken in

from Tesla in the form of emergency

car will end up, with theories including a

the spirit of science, industrial advancement

power and wifi connection, aiding facilities

collision with Earth, Mars or the Sun itself.

and honest good fun. The technology it

including a children’s hospital. To look a

Wherever it goes, this wont happen for

has tested and the results that its voyage

little deeper, we could talk about the great

millions of years, but the interferring and

will gather have exciting implications for

advantages for the planet being developed

contaminating effect this could have on any

the future of science and business, and

in terms of sustainable energy and efficient

developing life on another planet could be

it has people talking about space. At the

battery storage for said energy, which will


end of the day, we think it’s an impressive

benefit developing countries and Earth’s






feat, a memorable bullet point in history,

suggesting that the launch demonstrates

and the playfulness has to make you smile!

However, there are some scientific

the risks created from private companies

Elon Musk is still one of the Good Guys of

concerns emerging that hold more weight:

operating outside of the stringent red tape

progress in our book, and we can’t wait to

Researchers at Purdue University are joining

that the agency is subject to. They are using

see what he does next.

environment alike.

14 | Endeavour Magazine




Endeavour Magazine | 15

ROMA PARK ROMAPARK.CO.ZM // 260 969 291 791

FIRST OF ITS KIND The first mixed-use development of its kind in Zambia, Roma Park offers a modern and unique design that combines urban living, retail and commercial properties, and light industrial opportunities to investors and expanding businesses. With such openings on the horizon, Endeavour spoke with Muzingo Banda, Marketing and Sales Manager for the project, to investigate. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Located in the heart of Lusaka, just 2.5 km off the

Great East Road, the Roma Park project is turning 120 hectares of land into a mixed-use residential and commercial development that will provide living, shopping, leisure and business properties in a fashionable new urban hub for Zambia.


lose to a railway line and key road networks, and situated

infrastructure rollout, preparing their new plot for urban life with

only 3km from Mandahill Shopping Centre and Mass Media,

the provision of water and sewage reticulation, electrification of the

6km from Lusaka town centre and 20km from Kenneth

entire development, construction of over 10 km of roads and the

Kaunda International Airport, the development’s residential and

facilitation of fibre optic connectivity throughout the development.

commercial plots are in a strong position to create a buzzing and

Building on this foundation, Roma Park has since transformed into

well connected hot-spot for Zambia. These plots are now standing

one of Zambia’s first mixed-use developments, and in partnership

ready for individuals and businesses to take advantage of this

with the Zambian Development Agency and backed by the Zambia

promise-filled new destination - in fact, the plots are already

government, one of Zambia’s first official industrial parks.

selling fast!

When complete, Roma Park will encompass mixed-income

The exciting development is the first of its kind in Zambia,

residential and commercial properties, including a retail mall,

expected to draw together retailers, industrial companies and

box retail, restaurant and conferencing facilities, warehousing,

home owners alike. It is co-owned by the CPD Investments Group,

industrial, and office space. The process was designed to occur

of whom CPD Properties are acting as project managers for the

in two phases, over a total of five to seven years. Beginning in

development, and Rendeavour, the latter being Africa’s largest

earnest in 2011, the project is now half-way to completion, and the

urban land developer, and the former specialising in commercial

finished plots are already selling well. This is good news for CPD;

properties. Between the two, this project is in good hands;

on top of holding the responsibility for the acquisition, masterplan

Rendeavour’s portfolio includes previous city-scale developments

design and infrastructure rollout on this land, the company are also

in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia and Democratic Republic of

handling the essential aspect of sales. We spoke with Muzingo

Congo, whilst CPD’s services include land acquisitions, property

Banda Marketing and Sales Manager, about CPD’s target market to

development, investments, disposals, renting, leasing and property

get involved in this project: “Our residential customers are middle

management service, putting them in a strong position to operate

to high income working class/business people, as well as property

as the key developer on this project.

development companies. Meanwhile, our commercial customers

In fact, CPD Properties is currently entirely focused on seeing Roma Park come to fruition. The company set Roma Park’s wheels

range from light industrial, warehousing, retail and business commercial companies.”

in motion in 2009, the same year as CPD Investment Group

For investors, Roma Park offers an ideal placement for

was incorporated, purchasing what was a bare agricultural plot

anyone in the residential, retail and commercial, warehousing

labelled Farm 609. From there, they embarked on an impressive

and manufacturing sectors, with this well-positioned build still

18 | Endeavour Magazine

ROMA PARK evolving and taking shape, with exactly what it will be still to be

Whilst Roma Park was a first, a good idea soon catches on, and

decided by those who get in early. It seems that Muzingo’s target

as the project has evolved, CPD have found a few copycats on their

audience share that view – whilst plots are still being developed,

horizons. Muzingo elaborated: “The real estate industry in Lusaka

over 250 completed plots have already sold, including over 70%

is growing steadily. Roma Park was Lusaka’s first mixed-use gated

of the residential plots currently on offer! In 2016, Roma Park also

estate, but there have been several competing projects that have

branched out into building its own residential houses for sale, with

mushroomed around the city. Competition is present, though we

two different modern designs available. Roma Park even already

only have a few competitors with high end residential offerings.

boasts its out restaurant, The Retreat, turning the finest Zambian

However, the commercial sector is highly competitive, with a lot

ingredients into a memorable fine dining experience – the first

of office space within the area where Roma Park operates, coupled

of many such locations to add spice and colour to this budding

with people’s preference to operate in the central business district

urban build.

as opposed to moving away.”

With a product and development this hot, CPD and Rendeavour

Could these commercial competitors be beating Roma Park

have not only had interest in terms of sales. Companies are keen

to the finish line? Given their healthy sales thus far, it doesn’t

to get involved: Afritec Investments have come on board at Roma

look like CPD should be too worried. However, Muzingo is

Park’s asset manager, and Renaissance Capital even acquired

conscious of the challenges they must face, listing slow economic

equity in CPD Properties, with “with the vision of ensuring that

growth within the country and region, high interest rates on

the project exceeds its clients’ expectations.” The project has also

mortgages, and for CPD itself, the excessive cost of infrastructure

been supported by a small army of loyal suppliers and consultants,

development. That said, she is confident: for one, the costs for

including DLC Townplanners, Electronic Survey Automation,

infrastructure construction may have been high, but the result

Rankin Engineering, Unik Construction, Lusaka Water & Sewerage

is infrastructure of the highest quality standards. For another,

Company, Zesco and KVA Power Solutions.

whilst there is rivalry from builds closer to the city, they do

Give your business an unfair advantage Hai Business offers internet and interoffice connectivity and leading-edge solutions to some of the biggest corporations at home and abroad. www.hai-alive.co.zm 20 |Hai Endeavour Magazine Zambia Cheetah Business Launch 188x138 Endeavour Magazine.indd


30/01/2018 14:17

not share Roma Park’s access to the airport and other nearby shopping centres. However, her confidence also comes from the CPD team, and the entire team working on Roma Park: “We are an experienced and innovative development team who have successfully executed our plan and met customers satisfaction.” CPD Properties currently has 90 employees in total working on the Roma Park project, whilst those working on Roma Park in various capacities from outside of CPD average at about 1000 people per year. For Muzingo, this cooperative, collaborative approach is key: “We are working together, one body with different body parts, striving towards one goal.” Finally, CPD are confident in their knowledge of their market, and most importantly, believe in the quality and importance of what they are selling: “We have a specific target on who we want to sell our product to and we have given ourselves realistic time frame in which to sell Roma Park plots. We try to differentiate ourselves from the upcoming gated communities and industrial parks. We provide quality and deliver as promised. We believe that what we have to provide is more than just a house or a home - it is a lifestyle.”


Rankin House, Chozi Road, Northmead, Lusaka, P.O. Box 50566, Zambia Tel/Fax: + 260 (211) 290085 / 290562 / 291195, info@rankinengineering.com, www.rankinengineering.com

Rankin Engineering Consultants Ltd is an independent, Zambian-owned company of consulting engineers. Based in Lusaka, we provide technical services within Zambia and Southern Africa in all the major engineering disciplines


Endeavour Magazine | 21


BUILDING TOGETHER Construction and agriculture – these industries evoke opposing images of urban and country development, hard to imagine working in harmony, and yet these are the two pillars of Suriname’s Baitali Group. In reality, both industries are cornerstones of civilisation, and one cannot exist without the other. For the Baitali Group, this is especially true: we spoke with Farsi Khudabux, company CEO, to talk about the two faces of the company, and what it is that pulls the Baitali Group together. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The Baitali Group run a regional operation, working in

Suriname and its neighbouring Guyana as well as throughout the Caribbean. Like any group, it is the umbrella for a range of companies, some of which were founded almost 40 years ago whilst others have only stood for four. This range of experience and services is the product of a long and evolving tale, including venture in construction, manufacture, agriculture and even mining. With these many strings to their bow, Baitali Group are a jack of many trades – but that hasn’t stopped them mastering some, too.


reaking the Group down, the umbrella covers the following companies: General contractors Aannemingsmaatschappij Baitali (AMB), manufacturers Baitali Pavement Products (BPP),

testing company Baitali Pavement Testing & Technologies (BPTT), Batali Mining and the agricultural Machinale Landbouw Nanni (MLN). Their customers range from rice exporters to government bodies, their contracting work covering everyone from local groups to multi nationals. Their collection of services first began to take form in 1960, with the construction company Surinaamse Constructie Maatschappij N.V. (SCM). SCM stood as the sole

Proud to support Baitali Group

company in the Baitali Group for 20 years, until AMB succeeded it in 1980. The second company would serve as a replacement to the first, rebranding the efforts and experience of the last two decades into a new and smoother machine. AMB’s core operations revolved, and still revolve, around infrastructure, performing engineering, construction and project management on major projects within road construction, dewatering, dike construction and irrigation works. It is a field

IMRAAN SHAFFEEULLAH PRESIDENT � Lot 53 Grant 1806, Crabwood Creek Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana

� shafsaw@yahoo.com � � Tel: +592-339-2356 Fax: Mobile:

+592-335-0300 +592-610-9171

24 | Endeavour Magazine

that comes laden with wide-spread implications for Suriname, and that’s a responsibility that AMB take seriously. In their own words; “Purposeful, smart and sustainably designed infrastructure is key to well-being, economic growth and prosperity.” AMB have delivered some of the largest and most complex civil infrastructure projects in Suriname, ranging from major irrigation projects to work on heavy duty pavements for the country’s ports and harbours. Not stopping at construction, AMB are also involved

in the design and operation of the infrastructure they help to create, including services in traffic planning, utility relocation and sustainable infrastructure design: “AMB combines smart planning, resilient design, technical know-how and an integrated approach to make visions become a reality. We have helped customers bring ambitious concepts to life, like large-scale urban development projects.” AMB’s extensive works represented the entirety of Baitali’s activities for six years, but as is often the pattern after six years of success, it became time diversify. Mr Baitali did so in a drastic direction, not complimenting his contractors with a manufacturer or expanded construction services, but instead branching into agriculture. To forgive the pun, the founder didn’t want to put all of his eggs in one basket – however, the agricultural company’s main output was in fact rice. MLN took on rice production head-on, launching into this new field by tackling every aspect of the industry, all the way from sowing through to processing and sale. Today, the company’s annual production is approximately 5000 tons, most of which is exported to Europe, whilst the remainder is sold on the local market. This two-pronged company continued in its approach, growing

Chisu Investment and Development N.V.

We would like to congratulate Baitali Group on their continued success.

Neumanpad No. 46 Paramaribo Suriname

Tel. (597) 478272/ (597) 8868834 Fax: (597) 478273 Email:chisupmp@gmail.com Endeavour Magazine | 25

BAITALI GROUP in expertise and experience, until 2012, when the diversification

able to support, monitor and cover its own operations essentially

bug struck again. This time, three new companies were founded

head to toe – a position that results in consistency, reliability, and

in the space of two years, more than doubling the number of

significant savings along the way.

companies under the umbrella in a sudden burst of activity:

At the cusp of this game-changing expansion for the Group,

Baitali Pavement Testing & Technologies, Baitali Mining and Baitali

Farsi Khudabux took over the role of CEO. He has held the position

Pavement Products were all founded consecutively. These three

for the past five years, part of a total 12 with the Group. As an

companies worked in co-operation to streamline a new range of

overseer of this change, we asked Farsi what he felt Baitali’s key

operations that all built upon AMB’s origins: road laying, asphalt

to success has been. For him, it is always the people. “I started in

and concrete.

2005 as a Junior Engineer and worked my way through different

Founding three new companies hot on each other’s tails is a

positions and departments to the position that I have now. I think

costly and ambitious move, but in doing so, Baitali set themselves up

this is a good example of how the company facilitates personal

with a smooth, well-integrated series of operations. BPP specialise


in asphalt, soil cement and subbase production, whilst Baitali

An inevitable part of any expansion, and particularly the

Mining produce aggregates perfect for this process. Their mines,

founding of new companies, is a growing body of staff. Farsi sees

currently operational in Apoera and Upper Corentyne (Kabalebo),

the protection of these assets as top priority, and what enables

also produce different sizes of dike stones that are essential for

Baitali to achieve the range of quality services they offer: “We

the Baitali Group’s infrastructure works, with enough left over

employ 400 people and we consider each one of them as the most

for profitable trade with the Apoera and Wakay port. Meanwhile,

important asset of our company. Our vision is to give employees all

BPTT is a certified research laboratory, providing geotechnical

the possibilities and opportunities (especially training) to develop

engineering and testing on all types of materials needed for road

themselves in a professional way. Ultimately, they shape the

construction. Between these triplets and AMB, the Baitali Group is


LEE’S TRADING � lee_trading@sr.net � +597 402-115 home Van t Hogerhuysstraat 138 - 142 Paramaribo, Suriname Lee’s Trading +597 8754783

Safely building your needs. Your accessorized Construction Shop for various hardware, safety supplies and construction materials.

Electrical Supplies (Cables, Breakers, Switches, Lamps, Etc) • Paint Supplies • Tools (Drills, Polishers, Multi-function Tools, Sanding Machines, Grinders etc) • Hoses (Water hoses, Air Hoses, Gas Hoses etc) • Gas Supplies (Couplings, Valves etc) • Galvanized Couplings • Bolts and Nuts • Safety Supplies • Pipes (Construction, Galvanized, Carbon Steel etc) • Plywood • PVC Accessories • Ladders 26 | Endeavour Magazine

Despite this dedicated workforce and a wide and well-

goal, with so many of its branches supporting each other, whilst still

connected series of operations, Baitali’s market has thrown the

operating in their own rights. However, they aren’t stopping there

company several challenges. Farsi explained:

– with local funds an issue, the Group’s companies are starting to

“The industry Baitali Group operates in is currently experiencing

look abroad: “Baitali Group is attempting to spread its wings beyond

difficulties due to the economic recession in Suriname. Due to price

Suriname. We are aware that at some point, the small society and

drops of the country’s leading commodities (gold and oil), there has

scale of Suriname might become an obstacle in the expansion that

been a drastic cut in government earnings. Since the Government

we aspire towards.”

and government related institutions have been the prime market

Yet despite local strains, Baitali’s success in Suriname is far

of Baitali Group, this development also had its influence on our

from over. Quite the contrary – they have a slate of plans at home


as well as for abroad, including designing, building & financing a

When keeping afloat in difficult waters, attention can end up

project for reconstructing the East-West connection road into

turned on the competition. However, Farsi is more concerned in

Suriname, launching their own rice brand, and investing in ocean-

seeing Baitali being the very best that it can be, rather than focusing

going vessels for the export of their aggregates. Most notably, they

on undercutting its rivals. “As a large-scale company, we certainly

have recently won a contract for rehabilitating one of Suriname’s

face competition in Suriname, but our approach to competition is

busiest shopping streets. Suriname has been the home of Baitali’s

positive. In our industry, and certainly in an economy as small as

success since the 1960s, and the Group are far from flying the

Suriname’s, we don’t consider competitors as rivals. We believe

nest – more, their home is a country they will continue to benefit

that competition is a positive impulse to raise your bar. We just try

and improve through their infrastructural expertise, and from that

to do everything with an extra touch of our core values and always

foundation, can reach out to the wider world and see just how far

try to be one step ahead.”

their ambition takes them.

The Group has already positioned itself well to achieve this

BAITALI GROUP OF COMPANIES Duisburglaan 29 Paramaribo, Suriname

Tel: +597 530-654 Email: info@baitaligroup.com Website: Baitaligroup.com



f you thought the cockroach was the

at only 0.05 - 1.2mm, these tiny animals

changed or developed. There are currently

Earth’s hardiest creature, think again!

can survive almost anything, including being

1,018 individual species of tardigrade, each

There is an animal even tougher, far

boiled, frozen, crushed, dried out and even

with slightly different approaches to feeding

smaller and, if you believe it’s possible, even

exposed to the vacuum of space! In fact,

and reproduction. That said, these amazing

stranger looking: the tardigrade, am eight-

fossils of these stubborn tardigrades have

critters have a list of incredible features in

legged micro-animal most commonly found

been found from over 500 million years ago,


in watery environments – however, beyond

suggesting that the species has survived

Tardigrades were first discovered in 1773

that, they show up just about everywhere!

through the planet’s exposure to five mass

by German zoologist and pastor Johann


August Ephraim Goeze. They acquired their

Better known as “moss piglets” and “water bears”, tardigrades are minute but

Of course, surviving for half a billion years

name Tardigrada (“slow stepper”) three

near-indestructible creatures; measuring in

does not mean that tardigrades have never

years later, from Italian biologist Lazzaro

28 | Endeavour Magazine

even in the polar regions. In fact, tardigrades

of the ocean! In other words, pressure that

have been found to survive extreme cold

would kill almost all creatures. As for extreme

as low as –272.8 C (-459 F) and extreme

cold. their key to withstanding these low

heat as high as 148 C (300 F). This isn’t all:

temperatures is found in a chemical they

they can also survive, extreme desiccation –

produce dubbed ‘ice nucleating agents’.

drying out. Despite living in and consuming

Essentially, these agents allow crystals

liquids (tardigrades suck juice from algae,

to form outside of their cells rather than

lichens and moss, although some also prey

inside when they freeze, again protecting

on other tardigrades), ‘water bears’ are able

important molecules from damage. Crazier

to survive far dryer conditions than most

still, a 2007 a space mission found that they

creatures. After all, a large percentage of all

could survive vacuum of space!

living things is made of water! Despite this,

However, the most exciting of these

drying to a near-dead state doesn’t stop

creatures’ abilities is one that has already

a tardigrade – instead, they go into a ‘tun’


state, dropping their metabolic rate down to

research. Thanks to yet another unique

as low as 0.01% of its usual levels.

protein, called Dsup, tardigrades are even





Surviving this state is made possible by

protected from the damage of x-rays. In

anti-dehydration proteins that are exclusively

test conditions, this same resilience was

unique to the tardigrade, found in no other

applied to human cells using the protein,

creature. Scientists have dubbed these

allowing said cells to suppress 40% of x-ray



damage. If this study continues, it could one

Disordered Proteins (TDPs). When water is

day protect patients undergoing radiation

Spallanzani. The ‘water bear’s’ mouth can

present, the proteins exist in a jelly-like form,

therapy, turning these marvels of nature

telescope outward to reveal sharp teeth

but in its extreme absence, they transform,

into a potential miracle-cure. Of course,

that are used to grab onto food. As water

taking on a glass-like structure that protects

as study and testing continues, scientists






material in the cells from harm. In 1995,

must strive to treat these creatures with

preferring to live in sediment at the bottom

dried tardigrades were brought back to their

respect; imagine the irony if, after surviving

of lakes, on moist pieces of moss or in other

usual state after eight full years in this state.

so much, the tardigrade ran into peril from

This isn’t the only usually-cell-damaging

our own laboratories! However, as it stands,

However, these little commandoes can

experience a tardigrade can survive. Whilst

those who work with tardigrades do so out

survive anywhere. Sightings of tardigrades

in a tun state, they can withstand up to 600

of fascination and seem to hold a genuine

have been reported in hot springs, on top

megapascals of pressure, a vast amount that

love for the little anomalies – and who could

of the Himalayas, deep below the sea, and

is six times greater than the deepest part

blame them?

wet environments.

Endeavour Magazine | 29


TRINIDADIAN CULTURE, TRINIDADIAN TASTE Since 1968, Royal Castle Ltd have been tempting Trinidadian tastebuds with their pioneering fastfood chain. We spoke with Sandy Roopchand, Managing Director, to learn more about the brand’s history and what it is that keeps them thriving in a market of growing competition. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Trinidad and Tobago are bustling hubs of industry, but

they are also booming with colour, culture and good food. The beautiful Caribbean islands are home to music, flavours and festivals, combining celebrations and cultures from their broad mix of heritages, including African, Arabic, Indian, Spanish Jewish and European backgrounds.


erhaps the most famous of these festivals is Carnival, brought

42 restaurants in total. Of this figure, 32 restaurants are owned by

over by French settlers and celebrated across the islands

the company itself, whilst the remaining ten are franchises, four

last month, but spirits are also high for Christmas, Eid, and a

within Trinidad & Tobago and the other six overseas in Guyana.

colourful slate of Indian celebrations including Diwali, Phagwah

With business busy on the small islands, friendly competition is

and Shivaratri. This global melting-pot has developed a reputation

full-on, but RCL were fortunate to get their foot in the door early

for inclusive culture, flavoursome food and a strong local pride:

and they seem to be here to stay. Sandy explained that the last

therefore, to thrive as a local restaurant chain, a company needs to

ten years, in particular, have seen many rival chains rise up, but

represent all three.

few have had the sticking power to survive the test of time. So,

Royal Castle Ltd (RCL) was founded in 1968, making it the

what is the appeal of Royal Castle Ltd - beyond the tempting menu?

first locally owned fast food chain operating in Trinidad & Tobago.

Sandy told us: “Our aim has always been to provide products of

Now there’s some local pride! The company’s family-friendly,

impeccable taste and great quality at an affordable price while

quick-service restaurants offer a mouth-watering menu, focusing

embodying a warm customer centric environment.”

on delicious Trinidadian chicken but also celebrating fish and

For Sandy, the most pressing challenges are competition from

vegetarian options. We spoke with Sandy Roopchand, RCL’s

overseas and a fluctuating economy. The chain has weathered

Managing Director, and it soon made us hungry: “Our primary

both through its tight links to the islands, creating beneficial and

product is our succulent fried chicken and crinkle cut fries. We offer

essential relationships with local farmers and suppliers, therefore

other savory options such as rotisserie chicken, fried chicken breast

supporting Trinidad & Tobago’s economy as well as making

sandwiches, fish fillet sandwiches, veggie burgers and fish fillet

themselves securely tethered in it. “We pride ourselves in being

meals, along with an array of sides including potato salad, coleslaw,

able to support our local economy by sourcing approximately 95%

fresh green salad and newly added corn nuggets. We also have our

of our products locally. We have built relationships with numerous

famous pepper sauce, along with other sauces such as barbeque

farmers, chicken producers and other local bodies for a supply of

sauce, honey mustard sauce and tartar sauce to complement our

quality products for our operation.”


“All our suppliers have been key supporters of our success,

Yum! Whilst other locally owned fast food chains have since

as they understand our commitment towards quality products

come into being, RCL began life competing purely against large

and ingredients for our customers.” As well as supporting local

chains from overseas. In both contexts, it has thrived, now operating

suppliers, especially in terms of farm produce, the brand also works

32 | Endeavour Magazine

ROYAL CASTLE closely with popular international sellers such as Nutrina, Fine

recognising the potential of their employees and not putting a cap

Choice, Kiss, Cavendish and the ever-popular Coca-Cola. However,

on how far their ambition and dedication can take them. “Without

it is this local support that is so important, both for the quality of

such an investment in our employees, we understand that we

RCL’s food and their position as an important cog in Trinidad and

would not be able to uphold our value proposition, nor ensure that

Tobago’s economic machine.

our customers receive a good service experience.”

As well as this fresh local produce, local representation and

For Sandy, responsibility for the success, quality and happiness of

a genuine passion between themselves and their customers are

her employees lies with her. “I strongly believe that an organization’s

key for RCL: “Our culture and our taste are represented in our

relationship with its staff must be mutually beneficial. I understand

brand. Our selection of quality ingredients, combined with our

my responsibility in building and maintaining conditions that make

well-trained, multi-racial, cultured staff make our customers’

service excellence possible and worthwhile. Knowing that is a

experience a unique, tasty and unforgettable one. There is an

culture change, and one that will create long term success. I also

emotional connection between our brand, our products and overall

hold myself accountable to my staff as I build trust, earning their

customer experience which represents a true sense of our rich Trini

respect whilst being authentic and aware of what’s happening at

culture.” RCL offer all of this with enthusiasm, and at an accessible

the various levels.”

price. “Our ability to live our value proposition has really been a resounding factor.”

Sandy Roopchand has been with the company for just under 13 years. In that time, she advanced from a managerial position in the

RCL currently employ over 500 members of staff, and the

finance department to Managing Director of the chain: “I have been

company has invested heavily in their training and well-being, from

privileged to lead such a dynamic business with supportive, diverse

floor workers to those in managerial positions. “We continue to

staff.” Over the years, she has seen Royal Castle’s market begin

recognise and reward our employees - they are our greatest asset.”

to shift, or more accurately, broaden: “Our mass market generally

The company also puts a heavy emphasis on internal promotion,

consists of customers aged 30 and older, due mainly to tradition.

Cavendish Farms is a family food company that puts pride, dedication and a whole lot of know-how into everything we grow and everything we make. We are committed to Growing our Best™, and are very pleased to continue to grow our partnership with Royal Castle; a partnership that spans over 30 years. Royal Castle is a valued partner who shares our core values of being customer-focused and consistently delivering great-tasting, high-quality products and services. Congratulations to Royal Castle on your fifty years in business. We look forward to our continued successful partnership, offering delicious French fries that distinguish Royal Castle for their loyal patrons for years to come.

34 | Endeavour Magazine

Congratulations on celebrating 50 years in business!


ROYAL CASTLE However, we have seen a steady growth of younger customers in

international wholesale market. The latter is no small feat, requiring

the last five years.” In part, this could be due to the high levels of

RCL to first invest in new a bottling plant to produce the product in

customer service that Royal Castle pride themselves in providing. It

enough quantity – and they’re expecting demand!

could also be a bonus of their other focus: expansion.

“Our Culture, Our Taste” - RCL’s slogan says it all. It is fitting

Within the last two years, RCL have conducted major renovation

that Trinidad and Tobago’s first locally owned and run fast food

works on several of their outlets, in order to provide a more up-to-

brand has remained so locally minded; even as they begin to scope

date, welcoming and on-brand appearance. They have also opened

out distant shores, the value of home-sourced ingredients and a

five new restaurants: “Our company is expanding rapidly as we

representative workforce has not been forgotten. As they expand,

continue to invest in opening new restaurants at various locations

it seems that Sandy and the RCL team plan to remember what has

to make our products accessible to all. Our aim is to enhance and

always been important to this chain, offering the world a fast but

continue to give our customers greater access to our products

authentic taste of Trinidad.

by convenience of locations and an appealing ambiance. We also continue to review our product offerings and do our best to excite our customers with additional delicious product options.” As well as increasing their reach and keeping their menus and atmosphere fresh, RCL are eyeing up greater changes. Firstly, they are increasing their appeal to young families by adding playparks to a selection of their restaurants, making Royal Castle a trip out instead of a ‘drop in’. They are also eyeing more international goals, hoping to grow their chain’s presence overseas, and even more ambitiously, to provide their iconic pepper sauce on the local and

36 | Endeavour Magazine


KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Founded by Clifford Francis-Lau in 1963, Francis-Lau Construction Co Ltd has stayed in the family, owned and operated by Clifford’s many decedents to increasing success. We spoke with Christopher Francis-Lau, company Managing Director, about his father’s legacy and the family’s plans for the company’s future. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Francis-Lau Construction Co. Ltd is a specialist

construction firm that designs, fabricates and erects structural and secondary steelwork for just about every field in the industrial sectors, both at home in Trinidad and Tobago and throughout the Caribbean. “Put simply,” explains Christopher Francis-Law, Managing Director, “we provide the skeleton for buildings, bridges and similar infrastructure, with finishing capabilities recently added to our services.”


rom small beginnings as a family business, the Francis-Laus have taken their company on to greatness; over their 55 years in business, this once-small operation has not only developed

a wide and impressive scope of capabilities, providing steel works for a wide scope of industrial builds including hospitals, schools, hotels, high rises, power plants and oil and gas plants, but they have spread reach through all of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Not only that, they have evolved into the Caribbean’s leading specialist construction firm! With over 45 years’ worth of experience between them, brothers Wayne and Christopher run the company as Chairman and Managing Director, carrying on what their father founded with the skills-base and competencies to meet the most challenging requirements. When it first began, Clifford’s business operated out of the Industrial Development Corporation industrial estate in Sea Lots, Port-of-Spain, where they specialised in wrought iron work, burglar proofing and gates. This evolved eventually into steelwork, taking their product from a small, bespoke scale to a vast, industrial one. Following this shift, the steelworks company made their name working on stand-out projects from St Maarten to Guyana. When recession struck, however, the company found itself struggling. Unwilling to be easily deterred, at the height of the recession,

40 | Endeavour Magazine

FRANCIS – LAU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD in 1984, Clifford looked outside of Trinidad, to neighbours St

of Francis-Lau Construction’s operations, and the company is still

Vincent as an alternative market, using the recession (and lack of

doing it today.

competitors) to mine opportunities there. It was a strategic gamble

Following their successes, the company is now strategically

that paid off, with the company expanding throughout the English-

positioned among the most prominent Caribbean contractors in

speaking Caribbean in the decades that followed. This alternative

the industry. After almost 55 years in business, some companies

market was so successful that it became a main part of Francis-

would go lax, but with the second and third generations in

Lau Construction’s operations, which the company is still operates

leadership positions, its Francis-Lau Construction’s integrity has

in today.

been safeguarded. As the company state; “We remain committed

However, this wasn’t the only moment of inspiration to strike

to meeting and exceeding customer expectations when it comes

in 1984. Also that year, the company had a sudden idea for a

to structural steel fabrication and erection, whether we work in

second profit-stream: on many of their jobs, Francis-Lau provided

the capacity of tier-one or sub-contractors. As such, we continue

and assembled CKD (‘Completely Knocked Down’) steel structures

to uphold our reputation for delivery of projects that are on time,

– structures that arrived in pieces and needed full assembly

within budget and to scope.”

on site. Such structures are easy for transportation, including

However, Christopher and his brother Andre feel the key is

transportation oversees. As well as using this resource on their

something more than that: “What sets us apart? I shall quote my

own contracts, Francis-Lau Construction began exporting them

brother Andre, our Export Director, because I believe his sentiment

across the Caribbean, to St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, St. Lucia,

continues to ring true in 2018. ‘We’ve remained human. We can

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, U.S. Virgin Islands, Barbados and

claim unbridled integrity, exceptional quality and fair pricing, but

Grenada. CKD structures are popular for the logistical ease and the

what truly sets us apart from others in our field is our commitment

reduced risk of damage occurring between the factory and the build

to safety, to our partners and to our clients.’ He is right! Unlike those

site; this new side-line was so successful that it became a main part

who place obstacles between their clients and senior management,

Family-owned and operated specialist construction firm Over 50 years of experience in the design, fabrication and erection of structural steel in the Caribbean. St Vincent • Grenada • St Lucia • Saint Martin • Dominica • St Kitts • Tortola, BVI Lot 48-49 Frederick Settlement Industrial Estate, Caroni, Caroni, Trinidad And Tobago, +1 868-662-3260 42 | Endeavour Magazine

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Endeavour Magazine | 43

FRANCIS – LAU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD that their transition into the energy field was done correctly, and

as their shared commitment to him and his vision is their support

that their training and preparation was at the highest standard. This

and commitment to each other:

quality-assurance measure cost the family business TTD $250,000.

“I started working with the company as a management trainee.

This commitment to quality paid off: Francis-Lau quickly began

My older brothers, Wayne and Andre, helped to train and groom

to secure tenders for work with an electrical component: their

me to sit in my present position. As a project manager I became

first was a contract for Schlumberger in La Romaine, working on

excited about the job, acknowledging that every project is different

the expansion of their existing facilities. The main contractor on

and that each teaches lessons that help to better understand and

the project, which required a total cost of $2.5 million, was Hook

execute the next. The excitement of the unknown awakened my

Mally Ali, with Francis-Lau providing their steelwork expertise.

desire for more responsibility. Now I thrive on two aspects of the

The company also soon began attracting attention from BP TT and

job: winning clients and completing projects.”

energy companies, including working on an offshore BP TT project, under Trinidad and Tobago giants Massy Wood.

With investments such as the STOW, Chris has been able to continue chasing this passion, expanding on what his father

Christopher, Wayne and Rhou are only some of the many family

and entire family has created, allowing the company’s skills and

members keeping Francis-Lau construction moving forwards. Until

operations to reach ever further afield. “In Q4, 2017 we commenced

recently, Royce Francis-Lau, brother to Christopher and Wayne,

operation at our new facility in La Brea, with enhanced offerings

served as the General Manager to related company Francis-Lau

that also include sandblasting and specialist finishes, allowing us to

Machining Technologies – an offshoot that has since merged

more effectively serve the energy sector - a strategic aim that first

into the central company. Meanwhile, yet another brother, Andre

took form in 2014. Our decision has already begun to pay off, as

Francis-Lau, manages exports for the region. Clifford had many

this year we landed a contract with TGU, one of the largest power

sons, and whilst he passed away in 2005, his children thankfully all

plants in the region.

share the same passion for keeping his legacy alive. Just as touching

44 | Endeavour Magazine

“What’s more, we recently forayed into Sint Maarten and

expect this to be the start of expansion into the Dutch Caribbean, with future projects expected in Curacao and Aruba, along with the British Overseas Territories of Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands. Given the unique position in which we find ourselves during this economic downturn, and the success of our expanding operations to La Brea, we are also exploring further opportunities to diversify within the sector.” It is a unique position indeed, and one well earnt by family commitment and hard work. With this as a starting point, Endeavour looks forward to seeing how far Francis-Lau continue to grow!

A Structural Engineering Consultancy Company

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PROFESSIONAL TO THE CORE Determined to operate with integrity and efficiency at every opportunity, Indodrill Drilling Services is tapping into new reserves of professionalism and showing the competitive drilling industry exactly why it’s a market leader. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Start researching into Indodrill Drilling Services

(Indodrill) and what you’ll quickly discover is that this is an operation with a difference. It’s not simply specialist, it’s exceptional, and actively seeks out opportunities to prove itself as the best drilling contractor in Southeast Asia.


ounded back in 1993, Indodrill was the answer to a longstanding question; which company can be relied upon to complete complex drilling projects for a wide variety of clients? So much

so, in fact, that in a few short years, operations were expanded to include Australia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. A new operational office was opened in Scotland and suddenly, Indodrill was a global force to be reckoned with, enjoying a world-class HQ office in Singapore. So, what is it about Indodrill that makes it successful? In the company’s words; “Our track record exhibits a proud history of completing a variety of projects, ranging in complexity and difficulty, exemplifying our ability to operate in any conditions or terrain.” That certainly does go a long way to explaining things, but there must be more to it than that. After all, practice can make anybody perfect, and Indodrill is more than just well-polished: “Our management and staff are both vastly experienced and committed to the highest standards of performance, integrity and social responsibility. Our team consists of expatriate and national individuals who have substantial knowledge of coal and mineral drilling, mineral exploration drilling, on-shore and off-shore geotechnical drilling, site investigation, stratigraphic drilling and sonic drilling techniques.” THAT’S the secret! Indodrill is able to offer clients the very best services because it happens to nurture the most talented team

48 | Endeavour Magazine

PT INDODRILL INDONESIA members. When you embrace the best, you are able to enjoy the

“With a fleet of over 90 rigs, Indodrill continues to expand its

spoils that come with it, such as innovations that help to maintain

selection through the designing and manufacturing of a range of

a firm grip on an industry-leading position. Enthusiastic, energised

man-portable and track-mounted rigs featuring ground-breaking

staff are the key to development and diversity, but it takes a lot to

technology and designs, employing the most modern hydraulics

make a team of professionals feel adequately supported, so as to

technology available. All of our operations are implemented under

give them the confidence to suggest new approaches and ideas.

controlled conditions and are subjected to continuous regulation

However, it seems that isn’t something that Indodrill has ever

and improvement, as exhibited by the granting and renewal of the

struggled with:

ISO 9001:2015 certification for our Philippines operations. This

“From the top-down, our employees undertake every aspect of their roles with great pride and an undeterred commitment

certification reaffirms Indodrill’s commitment to providing the most professional, efficient and safe services to our clients.”

to professionalism. We recognise that our people are our most

Safety is a concern at every level of the Indodrill business model

important asset and offer our employees the opportunity to work

and runs through the mission statement of the company, as well

alongside some of the most accomplished, experienced and capable

as their comprehensive values. Considering the variety of complex

individuals in the drilling industry, whilst simultaneously providing

drilling operations on offer, safety has to be a primary concern. As

opportunities for them to develop their professional skills.

the company states, Indodrill have a desire to “…be recognised and

“We continually provide training programmes to our field crews,

respected for providing the safest, highest quality, most innovative

adopt the latest drilling technology and constantly adhere to the

and competitive drilling service to every company we collaborate

strictest safety and environmental standards.”

with, in every industry and country we work in.”

As you might expect, hiring the best team members guarantees

Given that, to date, the company operates in at least nine

a certain level of professionalism and perfection, and given the

countries, this is no trite buzz phrase that has been spouted to simply

extent of Indodrill’s reach, this is particularly vital:

placate a network of current and potential clients. It is a genuine,

50 | Endeavour Magazine

heartfelt and provable mission that reaffirms Indodrill’s exemplar

So, with a fantastic reputation in place, and a team of rightfully

reputation within the drilling industry. In fact, it’s something of a

celebrated professionals and offices throughout the world, it seems

self-perpetuating success cycle. The reputation that the company

as though nothing can stop Indodrill. A full-to-bursting portfolio

enjoys leads to new contracts, which in turn offer opportunities

of ongoing projects, including six high-profile contracts throughout

to exceed expectations, which bolster the company’s already

Indonesia, is a telling sign that the last 12 months have been

enviable reputation, and so the cycle continues, potentially

exceptionally prosperous, even despite global financial turbulence.

indefinitely, as Indodrill looks set to become a company with

Should we be surprised? Whilst other companies may struggle

real heritage.

to stay afloat, Indodrill digs that little bit deeper into its reserves

Understanding that the way a company conducts itself within

of utmost professionalism and naturally emerges as the victor.

regional localities is an honest demonstration of the core values

Endeavour Magazine can’t wait to discover what the team will think

at play, the management team at Indodrill has made a public

of next to set itself apart from the competition, as we’re sure it’ll

announcement of commitment - not to shareholders, as so

have innovative business at its core.

many other professional operations do, but to real people and communities: “Our commitment to our mission statement and values ensure that we always enable our clients to successfully achieve their ambitions. Our approach is to be inclusive, innovative, and pragmatic in fulfilling our responsibilities to our clients and the communities in which we operate. We fully understand the risks involved in our industry and take proactive steps to make sure these do not manifest in our services.”

Endeavour Magazine | 51




n the ancient Roman calendar, March was the first month of the year. Named after Mars, the god of war - who inexplicably

beat his sword into a ploughshare as the dual patron of agriculture – it was a season that represented a return to nature and the Spring revival of life in the fields. North of the equator, after what George Harrison would have called a “long, cold, lonely winter”, we can all start looking forward to the natural wonders that reveal themselves as the seasons get warmer. For most people, there’s probably nothing particularly amazing about goats, especially when we mostly just glimpse them grazing in a field or trotting around a farm. However, to catch a glimpse of a goat atop a spindly tree might just capture your interest; to see a herd of them nestled in the branches and be told this is a regular occurrence…that might just capture your attention. For this strange and confusing sight, you need only head to one place: Morocco. Grown almost exclusively in the Sous valley of southwestern Morocco, the rare and endangered Argania tree (Argania spinosa) plays host to the mischievous goats. An aesthetically unattractive tree, with thorny branches and a gnarled trunk that reflects the harshness of its desert-like environment, it is nonetheless prized for the argan oil that can be extracted from its fruit. Such popular demand for this resource has led to the species becoming a protected entity to prevent its extinction from overfarming. It is this fruit, too, that allures the

movie The Birds. Yet, however odd it may

get access to a rich food-source for which

goats to the tree. At first simply happy to

appear to a non-native, this behaviour is not

there is practically no competition (it is not

devour any fruits that fall to the ground or

only tolerated by the farmers who cultivate

cultivated for human consumption), whilst

are within easy reach, the goats eventually

the Argania tree, it is positively encouraged!

the farmers can collect the passed seeds

engage in more precarious acts of caprine

Whilst the fruit of the tree matures, the

from the goat’s excrement to then press into

gymnastics to obtain their desired fix.

goats are kept away, and when the time is

argan oil.

What results is a surreal image that

right, are set loose to devour to their heart’s

could be fairly compared to a combination of

content. The result is a mutually beneficial


Salvador Dali and Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963

arrangement for both parties: the goats

exploitation of both the goats and the

52 | Endeavour Magazine

The lucrative nature of this symbiotic has,




branches, unable to move in the intense

a trick: if the goats have nothing to eat in

heat, in order to provide a spectacle for

the branches, they are unlikely to climb up

curious tourists. The more responsible local

for the fun of it. Also, be very careful about

farmers who depend on the goats for their

pilfering any of the fruit itself, as stringent

livelihood encourage people to avoid be

cultivation laws entitle only the farmers to

charged for these cruel imitations of nature.

do so.

To see an authentic example of this weird

Now that winter is finally over and the

and wonderful event, it is recommended to

season of new life begins, we can all start to

Argania trees themselves. For the purposes

avoid the majority of those seen near major

see examples of the amazing world around

of obtaining a greater short-term yield of

roads (very likely to be cruel tourist-traps)

us if we look closely. Although not all of us

argan oil, more disreputable individuals

and instead take the less-travelled routes in

will be fortunate enough to see anything

have elected to release great swarms of

the mountainous regions of the Sous valley.

larger than birds and squirrels nestling in the

goats onto the trees, which invariably leave

The Argania’s fruit is at its most ripe in June,

trees, the tree climbing goats of Morocco

the already threatened species severely

making the beginning of summer your most

show us that in the modern world, where

weakened. Outside of the commercial value

likely opportunity for a genuine experience.

spectacles increasingly cease to surprise us,

of the tree and its fruit, the goats themselves

Any sighting

the mysteries of nature still hold the power

are often cruelly bound with rope to the

before or after this time is also likely to be




to elicit a double-take from all of us. Endeavour Magazine | 53


50 YEARS OF SAFETY Since 1968, v has protected South Africa’s assets. In fact, this group take support and after-hours services to another level, not only keeping your offices and facilities safe, but keeping them clean into the bargain! To celebrate their 50year anniversary, we took a look at this Group’s comprehensive range of services to explore just what they can offer a South African business. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


For 50 years, SA Security Group of Companies has

worked tirelessly to keep its clients and their property safe. From digital security systems to on-site guards to industrial and medical-level cleaning, these passionate experts work to protect against every kind of threat.


s the company claims about their security branch, SA Security

prepared for any situation. As well as the Training Centre itself, all

Serves: “When they are on site, our clients can rest assured

of SA Security’s officers are registered with the Private Security

that all of their security needs are being met and surpassed.

Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) to guarantee their level of

They not only deter crimes like vandalism, but also secure entrances


and exits, verify ID and patrol the premises.” Their efficiency is

This covers the training, but what about the organisation? For

reflected in their results: with thousands of arrests and well over

every well-prepared unit of personnel, there is the safety-net of

R700 million worth of recovered goods, these guards aren’t taking

an excellent back-up service, always ready to offer information

any naps!

and support should there ever be an event or crisis: “Our back-up

So, what exactly does SA Security Group offer, and how do they

service ensures that all of our security officers are supervised by

ensure that the security they provide is of an airtight standard?

our experienced reaction staff and area managers, who are linked

Starting with S.A Security Services, responsible for guards, alarms

to our 24-hour computerized control centre via telephone, cell

and even dogs, their results are achieved through a carefully

phone or two-way radio. Our skilled personnel are always on hand

planned combination of organisation and thorough training. The

to provide support should the need arise.” For further peace of

latter is issued at their very own Training Centre, which they have

mind, guard monitoring systems can be installed on-site, allowing

owned and operated for the past 20 years: “Through a highly

business owners to keep an eye on the officers assigned to their

sophisticated PSIRA/SASSETA registered Training Centre and on-


site training, our security officers are trained for any environment

Skilled, prepared staff, back-up systems and transparency:

and can handle any security challenge your organization may be

these are just some of the many ways SA Security makes sure that

confronted with. To improve the quality of service even further, a

its clients are comfortable with the service they receive. After all,

detailed site-specific job description will be compiled, ensuring that

the company knows that when it comes to a client’s security, they

all aspects of patrolling and regular duties are identified. This allows

need to feel secure! For this reason, it also places a high importance

us to deliver a tailor-made service to suit your exact needs.” The

on communication, making sure that there is a smooth channel

Centre’s training covers everything from every-day essentials like

back and forth between clients and staff.

First Aid and leadership skills to preparation for difficult emergency

Finally, as well as taking care of its clients, the Group promises

situations such as armed response, firefighting, handling victims

quality by taking care of its employees. Security guards face long,

and the power of arrest. With all of this, your guards really are

monotonous nights, difficult encounters and the risk of danger: no

56 | Endeavour Magazine

SA SECURITY matter how well trained an employee is, they must be fairly treated

well, it will remain loyal, making them the only weapon that cannot

in order to remain passionate and rise to the call of duty. SA Security

be turned against their handler.

protect against corruption and bribery through incentive schemes

SA Security Services supply dogs to both industrial and

that recognise and reward dedication, performance and honesty,

commercial jobs, but in both cases, reserve them for clients who

and also make sure that all staff are paid in full and on time.

may experience a greater level of risk. Highly trained, these dogs

Of course, SA Security’s teams do not consist of humans alone

are constantly under the control of their handler, serving to alert

- they are backed up by an array of technology, but even more

the handler of intruders and protect them where needed. However,

excitingly, they are sometimes joined by four-legged comrades. SA

they are largely a deterrent – due to their acute senses, and our

Security is proud of its dog division, stating that a canine element

instilled primal fear of anything with sharp teeth, the addition of

has many practical and psychological benefits when protecting

dogs to a security force are a powerful tool in making intruders

what is yours. As they colourfully put, “Dogs are man’s best friend,

think twice before breaking in.

but at SA Security Services, they become man’s best weapon against

For those who do not require the above services, as well as

intruders.” Man’s best weapon – it’s as punchy as it is true! There

those who wish to supplement them with up-to-date systems,

is a reason that humans have developed such a close bond with

SA Security Group also install and support easy-to-use CCTV and

canines; in part, it is our shared ability to emote and communicate

alarms. These superior alarm systems activate immediately if an

through eye contact, giving us a connection that we lack with many

intruder is detected and are supported by the Group’s 24-hour

other animals. However, it was also the mutual benefit we gained

Control Centre and response unit, ready to react instantly to any

from this – humans provided intelligence and apposable thumbs

incident. However, this one-stop shop isn’t done there: during the

to create safety and consistency, whilst dogs delivered superior

day, but particularly after hours, companies need two groups on-

eyesight, hearing and speed, as well as being deadly in an attack.

site - their security team, and their cleaning staff. SA Security Group

Yet, man’s best friend is still just that – as long as a dog is treated

of Companies provide both. From gardeners to forklift drivers to

58 | Endeavour Magazine

contract cleaners, SA Cleaning are dedicated to keeping your site

assistance of Vlakfontein Road resident Steven Baloyi, who they

as hygienic and clutter-free as their security sibling keeps it safe.

were able to employ full-time for the initiative.

Like the flexible security teams, SA Cleaning are able to tailor their

Overall, SA Security Group of Companies are offering all they

services to your business’ needs, whether you own offices or deal in

can to provide companies with the hygiene and security services

heavy-duty industrial or biological waste. In their own words, they

they need. As they state, “Our principal role is to ensure our

boast their ability to cater to any organization from casinos to care

clients are free to concentrate on their core activities, safe in the

homes, with everything from factories to bakeries in between!

knowledge their working environments are secure and protected.”

50 years in the community has seen SA Security Group time

With extensive in-house and on-site training, tailor-made service

become a recognised fixture in the area, and with this has come

packages and clear communication between the client and the

their involvement in several community initiatives. For example,

team, both at the start and throughout employment, this Group

SA Cleaning regularly support various care centres and children’s

really is doing all it can to help business owners focus during the

homes through the donation of cleaning products, relieving an

day, and just as importantly, sleep well at night!

otherwise heavy expense for these organizations and thus freeing up more funds to spend on their patients! Groups that SA Cleaning have supported include Chance Children’s Home and Nurturing Centre, Children of the Light Care Centre, The Good Samaritan Children’s Home, Graceland Care Centre and the Dawie Kabouter Creche. The Group has also taken part in the Caxton “Step Up Initiative”, a campaign that looks to beautify the Caxton area by assigning strips to local companies. SA Security Group maintain Vlakfontein Road, between Fulcrum and KwaThema, through the

globe WWW.CARMIN.CO.ZA � + 27 (0) 11 485 4390

Image is vital in business. Not only does it impact on the way people perceive your company, it affects the way your staff feel about themselves. A professionally dressed individual inspires confidence, enhances corporate identity, boosts morale, which in turn fosters team spirit. Since 1988 we have specialised in the supply of corporate clothing. Our range covers just about every aspect of workwear. Our personal approach, experience and excellent service has provided peace of mind, fostering long term relationships with many of South Africa’ s foremost companies. Endeavour Magazine | 59


BANKABLE RESULTS Headed by Managing Director Cas Coovadia, the Banking Association South Africa seeks to maintain stability by embracing change. As the mandated representative of the banking sector, theirs are the shoulders upon which the country’s banking stands – an industry that, in turn, supports the country as a whole. Whilst a small group in terms of staff, the Banking Association South Africa’s reach and influence is vast, as is the responsibility of their role: Endeavour caught up with the association to take a closer look at how they handle their calling. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The Banking Association South Africa (BASA) exists as a

go-between for South Africa’s government and its banks. However, in reality, there is also a third essential voice that they bring to the conversation: South Africa itself. Between politicians and stakeholders, one might expect BASA to advise these two power-groups without much thought to the impact on the South African people, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s more than just business to you.


ith a focus on accessibility, inclusiveness and change, MD Cas Coovadia has taken BASA against the grain of what we expect from the banking world. The result? Amazingly,

more stable business for their members. That’s right – it seems that good banking pays. In its own words, BASA is “an industry body that aims to build a positive banking environment for consumers and banks. It addresses industry issues through advocacy; guiding transformation in the sector; acting as a catalyst for constructive and sustainable change;

That’s why we help.

and engaging with critical stakeholders.” It works closely with its

As a bank built by entrepreneurs, we understand that it’s more than just business to you. It’s more than just banking to us. That’s why we help.

government to make them aware of the bank’s needs. It also stays

members to advise on issues facing the sector, and to lobby the aware of how banking can impact the country in a positive way, as Cas elaborated: “BASA manages various committees that advise our executive on issues pertinent to the sector. For instance, we have affordable housing, agriculture, SMME, debtor financing and

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property finance committees among many more.” BASA is aware of the demands on its position and holds itself to the highest standards in order to meet them. This includes monitoring the quality of its staff, the efficiency of its communication systems and the way in which BASA represents itself and its members to South Africa as a whole. As it states on its website: “We are an organisation that exists to contribute to the enablement of a conducive banking environment. Part of this responsibility is to ensure that we participate at the highest-

a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20).

62 | Endeavour Magazine

level of decision making in the country. To this end, The Banking

Association South Africa has structured and organised itself to ensure effective participation in cabinet and its executive through the calibre of people and leadership that interact with Government at various levels.” When it was initially established in 1992, BASA was a different animal. In fact, it was four animals: The Association of Mortgage Lenders, The Merchant Bankers Association, The Clearing Bankers Association and The Association of General Banks. These four separate associations worked cooperatively under the name ‘the Council of South African Banks’ (COSAB), but they did not become one official entity until 1998. When merged, the new association was named The Banking Council South Africa, until 2005 brought a complete re-structuring, re-naming and new leadership. That new MD was Cas Coovadia, and the entity was the beginning of BASA as it stands today.


With a pressing need for professionalism, BASA needed quality in every member of staff, and a clear head at the helm. Coovadia was a natural choice – having previously worked closely with his

predecessor, he was able to bring a fresh approach to leadership whilst building organically from the foundation of BASA’s past. He

seized the opportunity to re-invent how the association worked: as a sector, banking has a reputation for being resistant to change,




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Endeavour Magazine | 63

BANKING ASSOCIATION SOUTH AFRICA but in order to keep up with South Africa’s evolving needs and best

within state-owned enterprises. We look forward to working with

support its members in responding to them, the new MD ruled that

government in helping to shape an exciting period of clear, growth-

stagnancy and complacency were not an option. Going further still,

friendly policies that boosts confidence in South Africa even further

he made sure that BASA’s focus was not simply on its members, but

and helps drive development in the interests of all South Africans,

on their customers, helping one by protecting the other:

particularly the poorest of the poor. We see inclusive growth as

“We work with government and other stakeholders to ensure

the key to overcoming poverty, inequality and unemployment and

inclusion in banking, so that as many people as possible in our

we see a new political environment taking shape where that can

country have access to some form of banking service.”


It seems a simple aim, but it is one that banks can, in honesty,

Globally, banking hit a crisis in 2008 and 2009. However, thanks

overlook, but Coovadia is on a mission to prove that fair and

in part to the support and advice of the association, a proactive

successful banking can work hand in hand. He was no stranger to

and efficient regulator and relatively conservative banking practice,

working towards change before his position as MD, either; “I have

South Africa’s banks faired surprisingly well: “SA boasts the second

a lifelong commitment to civic issues, including as an activist within

most sound banking sector in the world. Our banks are well

the United Democratic Front during the anti-apartheid struggle

capitalised and amongst the best in the world. This is borne out by

and as a founder member of the SA National Civics Organisation.”

the fact that our banks weathered the 2008/9 financial crisis and

It is an attitude that has seen him through 12 successful years as

not a single bank experienced any liquidity or capital problems.”

BASA’s MD, and they have been successful for South Africa, too.

This statement in itself suggests a link between inclusive

“With banks being so closely integrated into the economy, the

banking and stability. Whatever the cause, it’s inarguably an

interests of our members are aligned to the economic fortunes of the

impressive boast! “The South African banking sector, despite

country,” Cas explains. “Following recent political developments, we

being a concentrated sector, is still competitive and continues

are extremely positive about policy indications and appointments

to diversify its products and broaden its services according to

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Endeavour Magazine | 65

BANKING ASSOCIATION SOUTH AFRICA international best practice. Currently the South African banking

their staff learning and promotion opportunities is essential to

sector is comprised of 17 registered banks, two mutual banks, 14

the MD; to encourage an attitude of offering inclusiveness and

local branches of foreign banks, two co-operative banks and 43

opportunity to the bankers of South Africa, he must offer the

foreign banks with approved local representative offices.” This isn’t

same to his staff. “BASA strives to be a caring organisation. We

to say that economics in South Africa are problem free. Like most

encourage staff development and, as far as our budget permits, we

of the world, the truth is far from it, and this is bound to have an

contribute towards training and studies of staff, provided this is of

impact on banks, however stable: “The current economic issues

relevance to the position. Staff get a maximum of 10 days’ study

we have in South Africa don’t provide a conducive environment

leave per annum for graduate qualifications and 13 days for post-

for banks, because the volumes of bank business are limited by the

graduate qualifications. “

pedestrian economic growth and lack of investment, which in turn

Coovadia is no fool – by valuing the idea of brand and corporate

is constrained by a poor environment for investment. However,

vision, mingled with a personal and genuine investment in his

even in this difficult environment, our banks remain sound, stable

staff, he has created an entity where employees can be proud to

and solid, and ensure the safety of depositor funds.”

work, and will pass that positivity and zeal on to their members.

Instigating change in an industry must happen on many fronts

When asked his philosophy regarding leadership, he responded

– as well as influencing his 35 - member banks and lobbying the

with “Humility, morality, ethics and servant leadership” - it isn’t a

government, Coovadia needed to create change at home. He knew

common answer, but it one that has served him and South Africa

that to keep ideas fresh, he could not ignore the potential of young

well. As always, he has a slate of plans moving forwards to improve

employees: “Always try to encourage young talent and develop

awareness and communication between the groups BASA interact

it. We take in interns every year and expose young people to the

with, and with every step, to continue the mission he began 12

industry. We also try to promote from within wherever possible,

years ago. It’s a breath of fresh air to see, and an attitude that we

bearing in mind that we have a relatively flat structure.” Offering

hope will catch on!



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66 | Endeavour Magazine

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2018/01/19 2:07 PM




ucked away in the picturesque English county of Berkshire, also home to the Royal Family’s Windsor Castle, sits the

Stoke Place Hotel. This stunning 4-star hotel is no ordinary destination; the vast red-brick building is a perfectly restored Queen Anne Mansion, built in the late 17th century by the royal chef Patrick Lamb. The history behind this hotel is impressive – to stay here is to walk in the footsteps of British royalty. Lamb was an esteemed chef and favourite of the courts: in 1677, during the reign of Mary II and her husband William III, he was appointed Master Cook to the Queen’s Consort as well as Sergeant of His Majesty’s Pastry in Ordinary. He held this duel appointment to the royal couple until 1683, when he instead rose to Master Cook to the Monarch – a post he held until the early 1700s. The grandeur of Lamb’s work often passed through his doors, his home having hosted esteemed banquets for 50 years, with guests including Charles II, James II, Queen Anne and, of course, William and Mary. This glittering history is easy to imagine in Stoke Place’s luscious setting: the mansion hotel is surrounded by acres of greenery, designed by the famous Lancelot “Capability” Brown – a 1700s landscape artist commonly regarded as ‘England’s greatest gardener’, whose work is featured in many of Britain’s surviving stately homes. In fact, the hotel’s land is almost of beautiful as its interior. Stoke Place Hotel has recently been renovated, and the results are amazing: guests have 39 unique bedrooms to choose 68 | Endeavour Magazine

from, each decorated with taste and a

Place’s kitchens are still delighting taste

touch of luxury. Chesterfield chairs, wood-

buds today – and you don’t need to be a

panelled walls and four-poster beds are all at

hotel guest to enjoy them! The aptly named

home in the available rooms and suites, each

King & Lamb restaurant is as attractive as

of which host their own blend of traditional

the rest of the hotel: rustic details combine

and modern to create a grand yet cosy

with metallics and a sense of indulgence to


create a soft, on-trend vintage-chic look.

Having begun life as the home as an

Just as the décor is a modern nod to the

esteemed chef, it is no surprise that Stoke

past, the King & Lamb describe their menu

onion tart, with delicious deserts such as

three courses costing £25. This is excellent

sherry trifle and Baileys & banana crème

quality for the fresh, varied ingredients and

brûlée. This creative but undoubtedly British

stunning presentation, not to mention the

menu (with a few elements borrowed from

atmosphere. On top of delicious food and a

our neighbours) changes with the seasons,

beautiful restaurant, this cost also includes

taking many of its ingredients from the

access to the bar and the ability to wander

property’s own quaintly kept walled kitchen

the house grounds with the freedom of a

garden. If you want an even heartier option

hotel guest. Of course, if one wants to spend

than this winter selection, the restaurant

the night at Stoke Place, this is brilliant value

also offers bottomless roast dinners every

too, with rooms at this time of year (coming

Sunday, again using their own home-grown

into spring) costing as little as £95 for a two-

vegetables. You don’t get much more

person room. Whether you’re a UK resident

traditional than that!

or visiting from overseas, this hotel offers a

So how much does it cost to enjoy

luxurious British experience in a stunning

this experience? The prices are extremely

part of the country – we recommend that

reasonable: two courses in the King & Lamb

you visit or, if you can’t stay, book yourself a

will only set you back £19 a head, with

table at the King & Lamb!

as a “modern tribute” to Patrick Lamb’s work. Our reviewers visited the restaurant for an evening meal during their winter stay, and they’ve been raving about it ever since. To start, they enjoyed a walnut salad and the cullen skink (a hearty, creamy Scottish fish soup). For mains, diners had the choice between Atlantic cod, sea bream, braised lamb shoulder, turkey roast or the Lyonnaise Endeavour Magazine | 69


NOT JUST A BRIDGE TOWN The Port of Bridgetown juggles many responsibilities, from import and export to being the first impression for many Barbadosbound tourists. These needs are catered to by Barbados Port Inc., a company that not only successfully manage this bustling world unto itself, but also continually invest in expanding what this varied port can do. We returned to the deepsea port to see how those plans are panning out. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The Port of Bridgetown carries a vast weight of

responsibility; through these doors and over these decks pass 90% of the country’s imports and exports. This includes not only goods but also the arrival of tourists, who feed so much of the country’s economy; not only is Bridgetown a trading hub, but it is the only port in Barbados capable of accommodating large cruise liners.


his much reliance on one facility may seem like a gamble, but

of the harbour, weighing up to 20 tonnes each. The blocks were so

Barbados Port Inc. – the company responsible for maintaining

heavy, railway lines were laid specifically to transport them from

and operating this vital site – do not fail to deliver. Staying in

where a batching machine created them to the shore. However,

stride with technology and dodging curveballs such as hurricanes

the biggest and most notable piece of equipment used for the

and the 2008 crash, the Port of Bridgetown has proven that it has

build was a cutter suction dredger, needed for the for cutting and

resolute sticking power, no matter how the tide turns.

fragmenting of hard soils below water. Named ‘The Barbados’, it

The Deep Water Harbour was opened in May 1961, in a ceremony conducted by contemporary West Indies Prime Minister

was the largest and most expensive piece of equipment that had ever entered the island, valued at a duty-free cost of $1,920,000.

Sir Grantley Adams. The construction project was the fruit of

In his speech at the harbour’s opening ceremony, Sir Grantley

combined efforts between Barbados and the UK, with British

said, “We are living in a world that is shrinking”, a comment that

technical experts and consultants working alongside the Barbadian

has seemed only increasingly true since. He continued, throwing

workforce, and much of the funds for the project coming from

a little judgement at some of the 1960s’ other areas of progress;

London or the British government. The result was an uncannily

“While others are playing about in searching out new planets, we

smooth operation, with construction completed without incident

are ensuring that export to and from this island is made far easier

– a surprising achievement for the time, for a project of this size

for all.” He was, of course, referring to the Space Race - whilst the

and complexity.

construction of the Deep Water Harbour didn’t compare to this

As a part of the Deep Water Harbour’s creation, land was

race in terms of cost, and wouldn’t quite make the history books, it

artificially built to join what was then known as Pelican Island

was a game changer for transport cargo in the area. The build saw

to Barbados’ mainland. The joining of this island, which used to

around 600 workers re-gain their jobs – a vast boon to the area –

serve as a quarantine station for passengers and cargo reaching

and in its first year of operation, the port handled approximately

Barbados, added some 90 acres to the mainland in total, the island

175,000 tonnes of cargo.

having originally laid 600 yards out to sea. Amongst the other

In its sector and region, the Harbour has continued to make

challenges faced by the construction team was the sheer scale of

history. Today, its employees handle more than one million tonnes

the project: some 30,000 blocks were used to build the structure

of cargo every year, on top of receiving over 700,000 cruise

72 | Endeavour Magazine

passengers. With the space to accommodate five mega cruise ships

Shed 2, Deep Water Harbour Bridgetown, ST Michael, Barbados

at a time, and luxurious facilities for visitors to enjoy (including all-important elements such as duty-free shopping and air conditioning, as well as popular extras such as live bands and free rum samples!), the port is a comfortable and colourful welcome to the island and all it has to offer. After all, a travel terminal may be a hub of logistics, but it is also, for many, that crucial first impression of a new city or country, the importance of which can never be underestimated. True to its name, Bridgetown Port is often just that – a connector. Many of the holiday-makers treading the port’s boards are in the area purely as a means from A to B. For example, many European travellers fly to Barbados in order to take a cruise, rather than to experience the island itself. Barbados Port Inc. Hope that by encouraging some of these holiday-makers to slow down and enjoy their time in the port, potentially arranging to stay there before or after their cruise as an extension to their holiday, Barbados can attract some extra cash-flow into the economy. As well as improving their visitor facilities, Barbados Port Inc. are working to improve their technology across the board, modernising as well as making bold efforts to go green. The main focus of these green advances is the move from diesel power to electrical. They


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Endeavour Magazine | 73

BARBADOS PORTS INC also involve a co-operative effort with RightShip, which will in turn

Panamax gantry crane, amongst other pieces. They are also digging

invite the vessels docking in the port to participate in the drive by

and building to expand their capacity yet further, to accommodate

monitoring their emissions and rewarding efficient energy ratings

bigger cargo vessels alongside their impressive cruise capabilities.

with bonuses such as lowered docking fees.

Lastly, the port has made the decision to remove tariffs on exports,

Efforts to modernise have also included updated computer systems such as KleinPort, the company’s latest Port Management

to encourage greater trade out of the country – a move that will benefit Barbados as a whole, and in doing so, the port.

Information System, created by Saab Technologies. The software

From optimistic beginnings, backed up by hard work and strong

allows the port to streamline their operations electronically,

investment, the Port of Bridgetown is living up to the dreams of

removing miscommunication between departments and assisting

its founders. Staying ahead means constant transformation, and

in the smooth delivery of cargo processing such as managing

Barbados Port Inc. have spared no effort or expense. The port’s

cargo manifestos, dangerous goods handling, errors and omission

ambitions are far reaching and all-encompassing, but they have

processing and commodity code mapping, as well as allowing

the pieces in place to continue to make them into realities. As

customers to track their cargo shipments from their own offices.

always, Endeavour look forward to seeing what lays in store for

The system also allows the smooth processing of other port logistics

Bridgetown. If their progress is anything to go by, it sounds like

such as vessel scheduling, berth planning, conflict resolution,

we’d better start booking our tickets!

waypoint and route management, the allocation of staff or ships such as the assigning of pilots and tugs, and even processes such as billing. Finally, the port is modernising in terms of equipment, having recently spent a massive $100 million on the restoration of the facility, as well as acquiring five straddle carriers and a new

74 | Endeavour Magazine


IN GUYANA, FOR GUYANA On the Northern coast of South America, sunny Guyana enjoys a comfortable position; luscious rainforests, easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, and earth that is rich with treasures. Two years ago, Canadian junior Guyana Goldfields finally began full production with their first Guyanese mine, and they are still striking gold. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Culturally, the South American Republic of Guyana is

often grouped with the Caribbean, with the local lifestyle so close to brothers and sisters in the West Indies. Visually, it is a paradise: from rainforests to savannahs, coastal fishing to inland agriculture, its land supports its people both through its resources and a successful eco-tourism trade.


he landscape is difficult to tame, but it certainly draws in the visitors, and for those who can battle the elements, there are treasures other than harvests to be found. The country’s

twin leading exports are agriculture and mining, with 60% of the country’s GDP represented by the export of sugar, gold, bauxite, shrimp, timber, and rice; for this Canadian mining junior, the prize that glittered brightest was gold. Guyana has a long history of alluvial gold production, and yet is still remains one of the most highly prospective, yet under-explored, gold regions in the world. Canadian Guyana Goldfields was founded in 1996, and in 2009 acquired assets along the greenstone belt of the Guiana Shield, a region that reaches between Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and Brazil, and contains various multi-millionounce gold deposits. Here, Guyana Goldfields opened the Aurora Gold Mine. Constructed on budget at US$250 million, commercial production at Aurora Gold Mine was announced in 2016, and for its first two years, it has yielded healthy results, averaging at 150koz of gold per year, with no lost-time incidents to slow down work. The mine quickly earnt itself a reputation as a top-tier asset, and yet it is yet to begin realising its full potential. With estimated reserves in excess of 3.2 million ounces to be mined over an initial 15-year lifespan, all high-grade at approximately three grams, the most exciting period in Aurora’s life is yet to come. Guyana Goldfields are determined to see this potential come to life. In late 2017 coming into 2018, the mine has undergone a push:

78 | Endeavour Magazine

GUYANA GOLDFIELDS the company aim to stretch this 150koz a year yield to 220koz, and

is not at odds with these other industries. In the past, the gold

to achieve this incredible increase, Guyana Goldfields have no held

mining sector has held a poor reputation, due to issues such as

back. A mill expansion ringing in at $42 million was set into motion,

malpractice, a disinterest in the state of the environment after their

and this ambitious investment is finally reaching completion in Q1

mining activities in the area were complete, and poor treatment of

this year. Not stopping here, the company have also committed

indigenous peoples. Guyana, which is home to many indigenous

an annual $6-8 million for exploration and drill work, not only at

tribal settlements, is not a country that can tolerate or survive

Aurora, but also in grassroots work exploring other targets within

such malpractice (especially following the Omai disaster in 1995,

the company’s potentially gold-rich assets along the Guiana Shield.

which saw cyanide from mining enter the Guyanese water supply).

The hope is that this exploration work will allow further growth,

Whilst people are still wary of the mining sector, companies

organically taking the mine’s targeted 220koz output to a greater

like Guyana Goldfields are striving to make the difference,


both through sustainable practices and valuable contributions

In terms of capabilities, there is little doubt that the Guyana Goldfields team have the means and resources to achieve these

to not only the Guyanese economy, but the community and quality of life.

goals. However, what is one of the most fascinating and reassuring

An open and supportive country to do business in, the Canadian

attributes of the company is their commitment to getting to the

junior found they had no problem in working closely with both the

top the right way. Whilst the proposal sounds challenging, they

government and the local people to not only do profitable business,

are determined to become one of the sector’s premiere mining

but contribute financially and through CSR initiatives in Guyana.



These initiatives target local communities, working with schools

integrity. As a country of such natural beauty, and one that relies

and indigenous groups to support education through investments

so heavily on farming and eco-tourism for its economy, Guyana

in schools and subsidised transportation to help children reach

Goldfields want to prove that the country’s reliance on mining

them, by bus or by boat.



80 | Endeavour Magazine


As well as supporting children’s futures, the company’s

not only has it been naturalised in Guyana for 25 years, it is known

workforce consists of 96% Guyanese nationals, providing a clear

to encourage the growth of other native plants once it has taken

flow of funds back into Guyana’s economy.


As for environmental sustainability, Guyana Goldfields have

With efforts such as these already in place, Guyana Goldfields

taken a multi-pronged approached. First of all, they have developed

are safeguarding the sustainability of their operations in the years

a Biodiversity Monitoring Program for the Aurora Mine, allowing

to come, promising that the wellbeing of their surroundings is as

them to monitor a 5000-hectare area near their operations, using

important to them as their business itself. With so much potential

guidance from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to observe

waiting to be tapped, we look forward to seeing how their junior

any effects that their mining works are having on the area. In

expands in the years to come, and how this commitment to

particular, they are watching for any changes to the sample area’s

Guyana grows into larger-scale sustainability projects alongside

biodiversity, such as the number of species present as the building

this success.

works continue and expand. Since 2013, the company has also been working to address any impact their operations have had on vegetation. The primary focus of this effort has been along the 27 km Tapir to the Aurora mine’s access road. When the project was launched, soil samples were collected and analysed by the Guyana Sugar Company’s soils laboratory. As is to be expected in tropical soils, the samples were low on nutrients, so the team began looking at fertilizers to encourage growth. Research was also done into the best plants and techniques for revegetating the area. Bermuda grass was selected;

Endeavour Magazine | 81

G4S SOUTH AFRICA WWW.G4S.CO.ZA // 0027 10 001 4500

IN SAFE HANDS The name of G4S is something of a byword for security across the globe, but in South Africa, it means a lot more than that. Having gotten to know G4S’ Guam branch a few months ago, we took a closer look at the South African arm to see what this company is capable of when presented with a meatier scale of operations. WRITTEN BY CLAIRE HAMILTON RUSSELL


As one of South Africa’s largest private sector

employers, G4S is currently reaping the benefits of years of investment in the country, having recently been named a Top Employer for the country whilst its parent company, G4S Global, has been awarded the same honour for the entire African continent for 2018.

4S South Africa employs more than 120,000 people


Through Cash Solutions, G4S South Africa manages and runs

across a broad variety of sectors, from cash and securities

regional and shared cash distribution centres for nine South African

management to the day-to-day management and running

commercial banks, allowing them to minimise risk and maximise

of private correctional facilities. The company is separated into

compliance to regulatory standards, and operates one of the

three broad divisions, each representing one of the core sectors of

country’s most sought-after cash processing services, with a wide

their business within the country: G4S Care and Justice, G4S Cash

and secure network that allow businesses of all sizes to manage

Solutions, and G4S Secure Solutions.

and process their cash with maximum efficiency and safety. The

G4S Cash Solutions is a broad umbrella covering the practical

high level of business and consumer confidence in G4S’ services

and secure management of almost every kind of everyday financial

- particularly their locally-developed software package, which

transaction across much of South Africa. Under this umbrella,

allows customers to realise the same-day value of their cash -

G4S ATM Solutions and Engineering not only handles the supply

is demonstrated by the fact that this network now handles a

and installation of up-to-date machines, but refurbishes older

substantial fraction of South Africa’s day-to-day cash supplies.

models for sustainable use, as well as providing maintenance and

Much of the confidence in G4S South Africa comes from

upkeep contracts supporting a wide range of major cash access

their robust reputation in cash-in-transit and the transport of

and dispensing device brands. G4S South Africa have more than

other valuables. Using a fleet of sophisticated armoured vehicles

100 fully-trained dedicated technicians on-call across the country,

equipped with electro-mechanical interlocking and e-Viper

so that rapid maintenance needs can be dealt with swiftly and

surveillance software to track the individual secured carriers,

efficiently. In addition, using the services of more than 60 highly-

each vehicle is constantly monitored by the company’s centralised

trained technical specialists, G4S installs, runs and maintains

National Control Centre. The carriers themselves each bear an

individualised electronic specialised systems for a large number of

individual barcode to aid in tracking, and ink-and-dye technology

companies and institutions from small businesses to schools and

to stain banknotes if a container is forced open, marking them as

high-security government facilities, managing not only security but

stolen property and therefore useless to criminals. Each vehicle

CCTV, attendance and timekeeping management, PA systems, fire

is manned by security personnel trained to international industry

suppression and even evacuation systems.


84 | Endeavour Magazine

G4S SOUTH AFRICA Similarly, their High Value Logistics Service offers protection for

organisations. This division deploys more than 9,000 trained and

valuable cargoes from diamonds to objets d’art, pharmaceuticals

screened security guards, alongside local management teams to

to high value electronics. Their private charter service arranges

provide services ranging from security patrols to reception services

for such goods to be picked up from a specified location via an

in a wide variety of locations across South Africa. For customers

armoured vehicle and transported to their destination on a G4S

with needs of a larger scale but shorter duration, this division also

aircraft, accompanied by a custodian; alternatively, their airline

uses more than a quarter of a century of experience in events

freight service allows for the transport of valuable goods to a secure

management to provide event stewards and security personnel for

facility at an airport, followed by transport aboard a specified flight.

large scale sporting events, conferences, concerts, exhibitions and

heir ground haulage service arranges for bulk haulage of valuable


goods via truck accompanied by G4S armoured vehicles, with

G4S Africa Risk Solutions is described by the company itself as

additional security provided by air surveillance and air support if

“a trusted provider of risk management services, secure mobility

the customer desires. Alternatively, customers can choose G4S’

and close protection to governments, international agencies and

Tactical Support Escort Services, where highly-trained G4S Tactical

multinational corporations throughout the African continent.”

Support Unit personnel escort a shipment personally from pickup

South Africa is one of the countries in which the Risk Solutions

to destination, overseen by the South Africa National Control

division operates, with specific local management units who are


able to give South African knowledge and insight to operations

At this point, the services on offer are beginning to move out

taking place within the country, all from the regional management

from the Cash Solutions umbrella under that of G4S Security

base in Praetoria. This division specialises in Close Protection of

Solutions. Alongside it can be found the G4S Manned Security

VIPs, with agents trained to a world class standard in bodyguarding

Services, where G4S provides a wide range of specialist security

techniques from first aid provision to tactical management in

personnel to meet the needs of a broad variety of businesses and

situations of threat; Secure Mobility services, including the

G4S has proven to embrace technology and innovation within the Cash In Transit Industry, and by doing so always remained at the forefront of the latest trends. Once again they have taken the lead in the industry, and set a whole new trend by adopting the next generation Cross Pavement products supplied by Amplus CiT Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Amplus CiT Solutions (Pty) Ltd has been providing quality Cash In Transit Device solutions and services to businesses in the CiT Sector, both nationally and internationally. We provide our standard range of Cross Pavement Devices, or we can provide custom made products, in accordance with the vision of your company and its goals. 86 | Endeavour Magazine

provision of armoured vehicles and vetted drivers, airport meet-

organisations use to supplement their own security, particularly

and-greets and tracking of VIPs; and Risk Consultancy, where

outside of working hours.

G4S consultants are able to put their holistic knowledge of the

It takes several ingredients to create a reliable and effective

political, social and economic landscape across more than 30

security provider: you need highly trained, passionate and

African countries to assist the clients from civil authorities, NGOs

committed personnel; state-of-the-art equipment; streamlined

and corporations to effectively plan risk management for their

communication and an effective control centre; and a broad range

personnel and operations in South Africa.

of services that can plan and prepare for any eventuality. G4S has

The National Control Centre in Centurion is the hub where

all of these, showing there’s no wonder why this company has

all of G4S South Africa’s services meet. This is where personnel

become synonymous with security across the continent, and for

use G4S’ innovative software to monitor the company’s concerns

South Africa in particular. Whatever the threat, G4S are a strong

in real time; tracking the transport of cash and the movement

contender for South African’s security needs, offering peace of

of teams protecting VIP clients, monitoring CCTV surveillance

mind to anyone who to be in safe hands.

feeds, centralising logistics for event management, and sharing and analysing intelligence and information. This is also where the Secure Monitoring and Response team are based, with a network of regional response teams throughout the country ready to dispatch professional reaction officers, who are highly trained in providing tactical support and emergency response, to customers as well as other G4S staff. If the NCC is the eyes and the brain, these teams function as the hands, providing not only reactive responses to incidents and alarms, but backup patrol services that many client

Endeavour Magazine | 87



years ago, the first Audi RS 4 Avant was launched. Now, following its first reveal at the 2017 Frankfurt

motor show, the fourth generation of this fantastic model is almost ready for its release in Q2 this year. The new RS4 Avant builds upon previous Audi RS designs, taking inspiration from numerous motorsport details used on the Audi 90 quattro IMSA GTO, as well as expanding on design developments made for the RS5 Coupe. The new model features a turbocharged 2.9-litre V6 petrol engine developed in a joint venture between Audi and Porsche. With 444bhp and 443lb ft, this 2.9 TFSI engine delivers the same amount of power but a significant 125lb ft more torque than the third-generation RS4 Avant. As before, the RS’s standard quattro allwheel drive ensures the best traction and acceleration, whilst the RS sports suspension combined with Dynamic Ride Control (DRC), intelligent driver assistance systems and innovative infotainment solutions make this new model ideal for sporting driving and every-day use. It can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h (0 to 60 mph) in 4.1 seconds, topping out at 155.3 mph. However, with the optional RS dynamics package, the top speed increases to 174 mph. The Audi RS 4 Avant combines impressive performance with excellent sustainability. As Stephan Winkelmann, Managing Director at Audi Sport GmbH explains: “The Audi RS 4 Avant is our RS icon with an incomparable history. As with all our RS models, it combines excellent driving performance with maximum everyday usability.” As we’ve said, the new design makes several references to the Audi 90 quattro IMSA GTO: these include solid air intakes with a honeycomb structure and the wide, flat single-frame grille and optional Matrix LED headlamps have shaded trims. Compared to the Audi A4 Avant, the wheel housings have been widened by 30mm

88 | Endeavour Magazine

each, and are also emphasized by the

with Dynamic Ride Control (DRC), the

quattro blisters. At the back, the RS-specific

ceramic brakes and the RS-specific dynamic

diffuser inserts, the oval tailpipes of the RS

steering are available as optional extras.

exhaust system and the RS roof spoiler make

Drivers can create their own personal

a bold statement. The model comes with 19-

driving experience using the Audi drive

inch aluminium alloy wheels as standard, and

select dynamic handling system, which is

20-inch wheels are available as an optional

fitted as standard.


The black interior underlines the sporty

The standard RS sports suspension

character of the Audi RS 4 Avant. The RS

makes the Audi RS 4 Avant seven mm

sports seats with optional honeycomb

lower than the S4 basic model with sports

stitching, the flat-bottomed RS multifunction

suspension. The RS sports suspension plus

sports steering wheel, the shift gate and

the illuminated sill panel strips bear the RS

compartment of the new Audi RS 4 Avant

It is also 80 kilograms, weighing in at 1,790

emblem. In the Audi virtual cockpit and in

offers 505 litres of storage space, while 1,510


the head-up display, RS-specific displays

litres of space is available with the seats

provide information about G-forces, tire

folded down. Sensor technology for opening


pressure and temperature, as well as power

and closing the luggage compartment lid is

that never the less offers the space and

and torque. The optic packages Gloss Black,

available as an option, and for the first time,

sustainability of a car suited for every-day

Carbon with Aluminium attachments, and

the Audi RS 4 Avant is available with a trailer

use. This all-rounder improves on what the

Carbon with Black attachments enhance the

hitch on request, which electrically unlocks

Audi RS models have gone well.

range of options for the exterior. The Audi

at the push of a button.

exclusive range fulfils practically all other customization wishes. In its basic configuration, the luggage

The average fuel consumption for the

All in all, the Audi RS4 Avant is a sporty with



Retail: ÂŁ61,625 in the UK (Approximately US$85,590)

Audi RS4 Avant is 8.8 litre per 100 kilometres – 17% more efficient than previous models. Endeavour Magazine | 89

BHL WWW.BHLGROUPINT.COM // 260 968 888 000

THE WHOLE PACKAGE If you thought logistics and transportation didn’t require a human touch, then get ready to think again. Endeavour spoke with Zambia’s BHL Group, a committed logistics provider who know that above all else, when clients are trusting you with their goods, success relies on relationships. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Founded in Zambia back in 2004, BHL Group (BHL) had a

vision to offer tailored transportation and logistics, alongside other ‘value-added services and facilities’ - but these services were no ordinary operation. You won’t find surly drivers, uninterested office staff and poor customer service here - BHL have a deep-seated commitment to not only providing the most innovative logistics solutions, but also to building genuine and long-lasting relationships.


on’t confuse personable interactions with a lack of professionalism, however, as BHL works to a fiercely polished mission statement:

“BHL is a dynamic entity currently offering total logistical

solutions within Zambia and sub-Saharan Africa with the norm of business currently conducted in but not limited to Zambia, DRC and Namibia. We are renowned for our ability to bring logistical management methodologies to greater heights through our experience. Our mission is clear; to provide you with optimal transport and logistical solutions throughout Zambia and subSaharan Africa, by combining loads when possible, ensuring that the vehicles for your product are optimally utilised and maintaining all stock levels on a weekly, monthly basis.” Claiming such levels of expertise and actually living up to them are two different things and whereas some lesser operations might make lofty claims as to the success and knowledge of their enterprise, in order to win new clients, BHL has no need to make false statements. Its reputation speaks for itself, as do the relationships the team has solidified: “The relationships that have been established over the last couple of years between BHL and various local and cross-border companies are an example of many successful and reliable relationships developed between supplier and client. We are committed to honouring our agreements with our clients on time, and at all levels, while remaining professional at all times.” There’s the crux of the matter. Professional and personable can go hand in hand, and actually should, if you want your business to 92 | Endeavour Magazine

BHL succeed. Offering cost-effective transport and logistics solutions

Naturally, a transport and logistics company ill have an

might not, on the face of it, sound like an opportunity to develop

impressive fleet of large vehicles, but we weren’t quite prepared

close bonds and valuable friendships, but when you consider that

for BHL’s collection. 100 side-tipper lorries, 60 flatbed trailers,

logistics is all about reliability, trust and fulfilling promises, suddenly,

countless log and woodchip carriers and a host of front-end loaders

there is a far more personal element at play. BHL recognised this

mean that BHL are quite literally, ready for anything. Add to this the

from its inception and strived to inject more amiable working

rebuilding division that looks after older vehicles and carries out

practices from day one:

accident repair work and you’ll see that BHL is beholden to nobody

“Honesty, transparency and objectivity in dealing with

or nothing for its success, which could be the key!

clients are non-negotiable founding principles at BHL. We have

While smaller, or less equipped transport companies might

also developed a powerful contractor base, which is both an

have to send vehicles out for repair, impacting on client promises

empowerment initiative and beneficial to clients’ organisations.

and delivery schedules, BHL manages everything in-house. If the

Each client is treated as an individual and offered real time

team says they will be somewhere and ready to transport goods,

management solutions pertinent to their organisation. We give

you can sleep soundly knowing that they will and if a vehicle breaks

peace of mind and time to focus on core business, while we manage

down unexpectedly, an alternative will be sourced from the fleet

clients’ transport and logistics needs.”

quickly and with minimal disruption to schedules. What’s more,

By taking the time to really get to know and understand its

with three fully equipped depots in Ndola, Solwezi and Walvis Bay

clients, BHL is able to offer tailored solutions, as apposed to trite

and a central office in Katima Mulilo, there will always be a location

promises and gives them cause to sit back and relax, knowing their

that is convenient for clients.

products are in the best and most competent hands, but what

So what can the future hold for a company that already seems

exactly are the fantastic services that BHL offers on a day-to-day

to have it all? In terms of a sterling reputation, an enviable fleet

basis? What vehicles are they sending out to make clients’ lives that

of vehicles and relationships that will last forever, BHL have really

bit easier?

cornered the market, but we don’t think you’ll be surprised to learn

94 | Endeavour Magazine

that this isn’t a company that simply sits back and waits for new developments to come to it. 160 vehicles might sound like a lot, but as demand for services grows, so too must the fleet, which is why a programme of expansion is already at the planning stage and also, why new depots are being built. The success of any transport and logistics company is predicated on being able to get quickly from A to B , safely and in a cost-effective manner, which is why farms are being converted into pivot operation centres, to offer even more bases. The beauty of a company such as BHL is that relationships have been built along the way, not after the fact. Recognising that a personable approach and genuinely invested interest in the successful continuation of clients’ companies was key to securing valuable contracts and trusted contacts has meant that BHL has grown organically and in line with real time demand for its unique services. By investing in itself, always looking for ways to work smarter and never breaking promises to clients, BHL has secured itself a place in the logistics hall of fame and we look forward to seeing what new innovations they come up with in the coming years.

Endeavour Magazine | 95



onfires crackle, water balloons catapult

start of spring, saying goodbye to hostile

of-fools-esque reversal of power, women



weather with bright and joyful parties, not

‘beat’ men with sticks for their colouring

coloured powders tie-dye the world.




too unlike Carnival or Easter in that respect.

attempts. The men take this pseudo-

It’s time for Holi! Despite recently being

Like Carnival, foolishness is king: as you’ve

punishment with good humour, and in many

adopted by the Western festival scenes

probably rightly pictured, it is a day where

cases, hiding behind shields! In particular,

as a ‘trendy way to paint your mates’, Holi

Hindus will dress in bright colours (or white,

women from Barsana, the birth place of

is an ancient Hindu festival, celebrated

for added effect) and stain each other

Hindu Goddess Radha, will beat the men

throughout India as well as in Suriname,

with coloured powders, pastes and paints.

from Nandagaon, the hometown of Hindu

Guyana, Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago

Friends and loved ones paint each other,

God Krishna. (Radha was Krishna’s consort,

and Pakistan. The stunning nature of the

either with consent or after a playful chase!

but never his wife – perhaps that’s the cause

celebrations, not to mention the holiday’s

Men, in particular, will chase women in an

of the beatings?)

playful and mischievous side, has made it

attempt to colour their faces, but all in the

a popular subject in Bollywood, providing

spirit of good fun.

Like we said, foolishness rules at Holi, and colours are only part of the fun. Water

a vibrant context for many a memorable

That said, in some states, the women

is also a key element, both over Holi itself

scene. But what is Holi exactly? How is it

aren’t taking the chase lying down – in

and in the days running up to it, with

celebrated and, more importantly, what is it

Barsana and Nandagaon, people celebrate a

water pistols and balloons the weapons


variation of the holiday called ‘Lathmar Holi’,

of choice. Between this and the colour-

Known as the “festival of colours”, the

which means ‘Holi in which people hit with

bombs, the common greeting/catch-phrase

two-day celebration of Holi welcomes in the

sticks’. Did that give you a clue? In a festival-

for the festival is “Bura na mano, Holi hai!”,

96 | Endeavour Magazine

the beginning of spring, and in keeping with that theme, celebrates the triumph of good over evil, but it symbolises more than that. The name Holi comes from “Holika”, the sister of demon King Hiranyakashyap in Hindu mythology. In one version of the tale, the demon king forbade his son from worshipping the Hindu god, Lord Vishnu, but his son disobeyed. As punishment, he was told to sit on a burning pyre. His aunt, Holika, was to sit with him to make sure he burnt, as she herself was immune to fire. However, the son’s faith was rewarded, as Lord Vishnu protected him from harm, and instead, the evil Holika burned. Whilst the story varies, the idea is the same – faith and goodness triumph in the end. The night before Holi is a more reflective occasion, where worshipers perform rituals around bonfires and pray that their evil impulses will be destroyed as Holika was. The following day’s festivities, then, are a celebration that good still prevails! Another Holi story involves Lord Krishna being poisoned as a child, which resulted in his odd blue skin. Afraid that the lightskinned Radha would not find him attractive because of his blue hue, he painted her face with colours, hence the chasing and painting still played today! Whilst Holi is a Hindu festival, it has also become a well-loved cultural staple, and thus can be celebrated by natives of any faith. More than anything, it is treated as a day to enjoy friendship, repair damaged which means “Don’t mind/don’t be upset –

Bhang is popularly consumed over the two

bonds, and kicked off the weight of winter

it’s Holi!”

days. Essentially, Bhang is an edible form of

with the merriment of spring. Whilst India


cannabis, made into a puree paste and used

occasionally struggles with the divides

outside, because of their messy nature,

in food and drink as early as 1000 B.C. A

between its faiths, this is a day that most



longstanding and legal tradition, on Holi,

people can get involved with, to whatever

technicolour crowds, dust-poppers making

Bhang is typically mixed with milk in the

degree they’re comfortable with, to forget

colour explosions and musicians somehow

form of a lassi, served by families and Hindu

serious matters for a moment and have fun

managing to perform through the manic

temples alike.

together. Bura na mano, Holi hai!

Festivities Holi

will pictures




haze. To add to this delirium, or arguably to

So apart from being a great way to spend

aid a sense of spiritual peace and freedom,

a day, what is Holi for? As we said, it marks Endeavour Magazine | 97

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