Endeavour Magazine February 2019

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UGE International Solar-Coaster Ride

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EDITOR’S NOTE Heads of Departments Managing Editor Alice Instone-Brewer editor@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Director Alex Hilling-Smith alexsmith@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Manager Emlyn Freeman emlynfreeman@littlegatepublishing.com Head of Editorial Research Paul Bradley paulbradley@littlegatepublishing.com Project Manager Steven Weller steveweller@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Researcher James Lapping james@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Researcher Will Girling willgirling@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Researcher Alex Hayes alexhayes@littlegatepublishing.com


eeping our fingers on the pulse

a genuine passion for Saint Lucian nature



and heritage: we took a look at how its

exciting, whether we’re learning

founders take care to be environmentally




about developments on the frontier of

conscientious in everything they do, as well

Editorial Researcher Dennis Morales dennismorales@littlegatepublishing.com

a technology or seeing a new surge in

as at some of the unexpected challenges

an industry that has experienced a lull.

that befell them when hurricane season hit.

Editorial Researcher David Kimberley david@littlegatepublishing.com

However, the highlight of our jobs is

Finally, we spoke with SRS Life Sciences,

undoubtedly learning about companies

whose purchase of Unistraw has taken

Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman anthonyl@littlegatepublishing.com

that are making a positive difference in the

the food colouring company into the field

world, whether that’s environmentally or

of food supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Lead Designer Alina Sandu studio@littlegatepublishing.com

directly in people’s lives.

We also took a look at the latest models

We were fortunate enough to speak

of the Nissan LEAF, the top-selling Electric

Publisher Stephen Warman stevewarman@littlegatepublishing.com

to several such companies this month.

Vehicle in Europe, both of which go on sale

Firstly, we spoke with UGE International,

this year. Don’t miss out on your chance

For enquiries or subscriptions contact info@littlegatepublishing.com +44 1603 296 100

a Canadian mid-range solar company who

to pre-order the LEAF 3.ZERO e+ Limited

are making it incredibly easy for businesses

Edition for some of the best of the best in

to convert all of their power needs to clean

electric vehicle technology – only 5,000 will

energy. UGE are optimistic about the future

be released in Europe!

ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number: 116 776007 343 City Road Suite 10, Thorpe House London 79 Thorpe Road EC1 V1LR Norwich, NR1 1UA

of solar, telling us that the technology is finally at a tipping point of making financial sense, even without the aid of government incentives. This is incredibly good news, as environmental fears increase every year; in the next five to ten years, UGE CEO

Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept

Nick Blitterswyk is confident that the solar

responsibility for omissions or errors. The points

energy market will have exploded into a

of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this

true contender as a leading source of fuel.

magazine do not necessarily represent those of

Another company with the environment

the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst

close to their hearts are Fond Doux Resorts,

every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of

the owners and carers of Saint Lucia’s

the information contained within this magazine,

Fond Doux Estate. This stunning holiday

no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information

destination is a truly impressive example of

published. All rights reserved. No part of this

environmentally responsible tourism, with

publication may be reproduced or stored in a

visually stunning results flourishing from

retrievable system or transmitted in any form or

the company’s dedication and care. The

by any means without the prior written consent of


the publisher.

resort’s 19th Century colonial buildings and

Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2019

lush plantation have been preserved out of Endeavour Magazine | 3



12 FOND DOUX RESORTS 4 | Endeavour Magazine

12 Fond Doux Resorts One With The Land 20 UGE International Solar-Coaster Ride 30 Unistraw/SRS Life Sciences A Flavourful Future 36 Surya Utama Nuansa Here Comes The Sun 44 C&I Leasing Driving Forwards 50 BAPCO Font Of Wealth 56 Eni North Africa The Six-Legged Dog 66 Swisslion Takovo Eurocrem 72 Metroselskabet Keeping connected 78 Banking Association SA The People’s Voice 84 UAE Contractors Association Strength In Numbers 92 National Energy Powering Up 96 National Petroleum Marketing Company Fuel For Thought 102 Nomad Adventure Africa Tours The Call Of The Wild 110 Ambatovy Mines Digging In 116 Pepsi Jamaica Bottling Company Ltd Sweet, Refreshing, Local 122 Pipework Services Protecting Productivity

30 UNISTRAW/SRS LIFE SCIENCES ARTICLES Business Headlines 6 Americas 7 Europe 8 Middle East 10 Asia 11 Africa Amazing World 42 Earth’s Limited Resources 62 Zaanse Schans Windmills 108 Under the Sea: The Wickedest City on Earth 64

Book Review Bob and the River of Time


Automotives Nissan LEAF 3.ZERO

78 METROSELSKABET Endeavour Magazine | 5


Paulo, when he realized the sky was covered

plastics, but a team of experts is now

with black dots.

working on a possible fix.



The marine apparatus known as System

According to a new report, half of

Martinelli, told another local paper: “There

001, or ‘Wilson’, was towed out to the area

Canada’s chinook salmon populations are

were many more webs and spiders than you

known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in

endangered, with nearly all other groups in

can see in the video. We’ve seen this before,

September, after Slat’s team of 70 scientists

precarious decline.

always at dusk on days when it’s been

and engineers spent five years testing 273

really hot.”

models and six prototypes.

The report, by the Committee on the



Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada,

In 2013, the same phenomenon made

A crew of engineers will work for the

concluded that eight of the country’s

international headlines. While it looks like

next few weeks to widen the span of the

16 populations are endangered, four are

the spiders are falling from the sky, they

floating barrier so that it catches more wind

threatened, one is of special concern and

are actually hanging in a giant web to catch

and waves to help it go faster

the health of two remain unknown.

prey, said Adalberto dos Santos, a biology

Only one population, which spawns on the Thompson river in British Columbia, is believed to be stable.

professor specializing in arachnology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.


The species parawixia bistriata, is a rare

Watershed Watch has renewed calls for

“social” spider and the community web they

Amid the longest government shutdown

chinook to be listed under federal legislation,

build is so fine that it is nearly impossible for

in US history, a majority say Donald Trump

which would grant the ailing populations

the human eye to see, giving the illusion that

bears more responsibility for it than the

more robust government protection. Similar

the spiders are floating on air.

Democrats in Congress, and the President’s

calls were made last year, when scientists

disapproval rating has climbed.

found that one-third of sockeye salmon are

Negotiations between the President and

endangered, but the federal government is

congressional leaders have stalled as neither

yet to take action.

side seems willing to budge on funding for

Chinook salmon have long been a critical

a wall along the border with Mexico. That

part of the ecosystem in British Columbia, as

proposal remains deeply unpopular with the

they providing a critical source of food for

public. According to a CNN poll, 56% oppose

eagles, bears, seals and sea lions, as well as

a wall and only 39% favor it. Additionally,

the endangered south resident killer whale.

under half of Americans see the situation at

No single cause for the decline has been identified for the decline, though theories range from a surge in sea lions to a rise in ocean temperatures.

SPIDERS ‘RAIN’ OVER SOUTH-EAST BRAZIL Residents in a rural area of southern Minas Gerais state have reported skies “raining spiders”.

the border as a crisis: 45% say it is, whilst


52% say that it is not. All of these results are sharply divided along party lines. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats oppose a wall along the border while 8 in

A giant floating barrier launched off the

10 Republicans favor one. Seven in 10

coast of San Francisco as part of a $20m

Republicans say the situation at the border

project to cleanup a swirling island of

is a crisis and two-thirds believe a wall

rubbish between California and Hawaii, is

would fix it, while about three-quarters of

failing to collect plastic.

Democrats say there is no crisis, and just 4%

The mastermind behind the Ocean

feel that there is one that a wall would help

Photos and videos shared on social

Cleanup, an ambitious plan to clear a

media show hundreds of spiders hanging in

swathe of the Pacific twice the size of Texas

Overall, the President’s approval rating

the sky.

of floating debris, reported four weeks into

in the poll stands at 37% approve to 57%

testing that while the U-shaped device was

disapprove – even less favourable statistics

scooping up plastic, it was then losing it.

than opinions regarding the wall. This

João Pedro Martinelli Fonseca, who filmed one of the most widely shared


clips, was traveling with his family to his

Inventor Boyan Slat, 24, said that the

suggests that some supports of the wall still

grandparents’ farm in Espírito Santo do

slow speed of the solar-powered 600m-long

condemn the government shutdown and

Dourado, about 250km north-east of São

barrier means it is unable to hold on to

view the president as responsible.

6 | Endeavour Magazine


of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU)

false claims, as readers take the label as


proof of a partisan effort at censorship.




monitoring of fishing at sea and “robust” The




livestock farms have received millions of

inspections at port. Thailand,

In the UK, Full Fact will initially be the sole fact-checking partner. Will Moy, the

the world’s third largest

charity’s director, welcomed Facebook’s

pounds of public funds in the last two

seafood exporter, risked an EU-wide import

decision, saying: “Fact-checking can take


despite concerns over the spread

ban had it failed to take action to meet

hours, days or weeks, so nobody has time to

of US-style factory farming across the

minimum requirements imposed by the

properly check everything they see online.

British countryside.

European commission.

But it’s important that somebody’s doing

Data analysis found that recipients of

it because online misinformation, at its

almost £70 million in subsidies in 2016 and

worst, can seriously damage people’s safety

2017 include individuals and companies

or health.

running feedlot-style beef units, rearing


thousands of cattle in outdoor yards, megadairies, with herds of up to 1,800 cows, intensive egg producers using cage housing systems, poultry mega-farms and pig units that keep thousands of animals permanently

Activists in Russia say there has been

indoors, and livestock units that have

a new crackdown against LGBT people

been found guilty of pollution and animal

in Chechnya.

health breaches.

The Russian LGBT Network believes

Opponents claim that smaller farms

about 40 people have been imprisoned

and traditional family-run units could be

since December - two of whom they say

pushed out of business by the trend, leading to the takeover of the countryside by large




have died under torture. The group has been monitoring alleged abuses in the mainly Muslim Russian republic

An independent charity in the UK plans to tackle the spread of misinformation on the social media platform Facebook.

since 2017 when dozens of gay people were reportedly detained. A government spokesman has dismissed

The proposal is that posts, links and

their latest report as “complete lies”.

The EU has been accused of sending out

videos that have been flagged as false will

Chechnya, and its authoritarian leader

the wrong message after removing Thailand

be marked as such to users, and people will

Ramzan Kadyrov, has consistently denied

from a list of countries failing to tackle

be warned if a post they are about to share

allegations of illegal detentions and human

illegal fishing.

has been found to be false, but no one will

rights abuses.

Campaigners claim that the European commission’s decision to lift Thailand’s “yellow card”, in place since April 2015, gives

be stopped from sharing or reading any content, false or not. However,

Homophobia is widespread in the highly conservative and predominantly Muslim



Russian republic.

consumers an “illusion that violations of

algorithm does intervene to demote false

Mr Kadyrov and other government

fishers’ rights are not still occurring”.

content, ensuring that it reaches fewer

figures have repeatedly claimed Chechnya

people than it would otherwise.

has no gay population at all.

“It’s not clear what data the European commission is using to base its decision to lift

Since its launch in the US, Facebook’s programme



Despite official denials, dozens have

the yellow card,” said Johnny Hansen, chair


of fisheries at the International Transport

mixed reviews. Concerns have been raised

come forward and alleged they were detained

Workers’ Federation.

about the effectiveness of the programme:

because of their sexual orientation.





The EU lifted the yellow card after finding

incorrect claims can move faster than fact-

Activists believe dozens have been taken

that Thailand had “successfully addressed”

checkers can keep up, and evidence suggests

in recent weeks to a detention centre near

significant shortcomings in its billion-dollar

that the labelling aspect of the fact-checking

Argun - a town 20km (13 miles) from the city

fisheries sector through stricter regulation

can serve to promote, rather than suppress,

of Grozny. Endeavour Magazine | 7


scheduled for ahead of Dubai’s Expo 2020

He had relocated to Africa’s most

world fair, which kicks off in October that

populous nation after serving time in an


Israeli prison for a 2006 drug smuggling

At 3,045ft (928m), The Tower aims to

conviction. Segev had been found guilty of

A stand-up comedian and women’s

take the title of world’s tallest tower, which

attempting to bring 25,000 Ecstasy pills into

right-to-drive activist, Fahad al-Butairi and

the 2,723ft-tall (830m) Burj Khalifa, also in

Israel from the Netherlands.

Loujain al-Hathloul, were once seen as a

Dubai, has held since 2010.

According to the ISA, Segev met twice

groundbreaking Saudi power couple in a

However, the Jeddah Tower, in Saudi

with Iranian operatives, knowing they were

country that was rapidly relaxing its strict

Arabia, is also slated to finish in 2020. When

from Iranian intelligence. A gag order remains

social rules.

completed, this tower will be 236ft (72m)

in place on other details of the investigation

taller than Dubai’s creation.

and the plea agreement.

Since then, both have been arrested, and a Twitter thread detailing their disappearance

Designed by Swiss-Spanish architect

Segev served in the Israeli parliament,

has gone viral, keeping alive a debate about

Santiago Calatrava Valls, it will feature

the Knesset, from 1992 to 1996 in the

the Kingdom’s crackdown on dissidents.

The Pinnacle Room - an observation point

Tzomet and Yi-ud political parties. He served

Hathloul, 29, was arrested in March of

offering 360-degree views of the emirate

as Minister of Energy and Infrastructure

last year as she was driving down a highway

- and public vertical gardens, while 18 to

under prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and

in the United Arab Emirates, where she had

20 floors have been reserved for homes,

Shimon Peres between 1995 and 1996.

been living. She was then sent to Saudi

restaurants, shops and a boutique hotel.


Arabia and detained. The ban on women driving was eventually lifted, but only

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al

months after her arrest.

Thani was one of hundreds of targets of a

Around the same time, Butairi, 33, was

sophisticated intelligence operation by the

detained in Jordan and put on a flight to

United Arab Emirates to spy on perceived

Saudi Arabia where he was held for days


before being released, according to four

The cybertool allowed the Emirati state

people close to the couple. It’s unclear why

to monitor hundreds of targets beginning

he was detained.

in 2016, from Qatar’s emir and a senior

Hathloul was released after some days,

Turkish official to a Nobel Peace laureate

only to be arrested again a few weeks later

human-rights activist in Yemen, according

in a sweep that targeted at least 11 women’s

to five former operatives and programme

right-to-drive activists. She remains in jail.


She and other women’s rights defenders

Karma was used by an offensive

have allegedly been subjected to torture by

cyberoperations unit in the capital, Abu

electrocution and flogging, as well as sexual

Dhabi, comprised of Emirati security officials

harassment. The other detainees include prominent women’s rights activists Aziza


and former US intelligence operatives working as contractors for the UAE’s

al-Yousef, Eman al-Nafjan, Nouf Abdelaziz, Samar Badawi and Hatoon al-Fassi.


intelligence services. Former Israeli Minister of Energy Gonen

The Karma and Raven revelations come

Segev will serve 11 years in prison as part of

amid a major regional crisis and an escalating

a plea deal over spying for Iran, the country’s

cyber arms race, with rivals such as Qatar,

Ministry of Justice announced.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE competing for

The sentence comes as Segev pleaded The race to the top has gotten tighter, with two rising mega-towers in the Middle East battling to become the world’s tallest.

guilty to charges of serious espionage and passing information to an enemy. disgraced



personnel. The UAE, along with Saudi Arabia,


Bahrain and Egypt severed all political,

Construction has now begun on The

recruited in 2012 by Iran’s embassy in

diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar and

Tower at Dubai Creek Harbor, a vast

Nigeria, the Israel Security Agency (ISA) said

imposed a land, air and sea blockade on the

waterfront development, with completion

at the time of Segev’s arrest last summer.

Gulf nation in June 2017.

8 | Endeavour Magazine


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Hebei, published last week, is designed to improve consumption for 2019 and 2020. It discussed breaking the barriers that

Seeds taken up to the Moon by China’s Chang’e-4 mission have sprouted, says China National Space Administration. It marks the first time any biological

limit consumption, as well as looking for new ways to spur consumption growth. Other



Huawei has since sacked the employee and denied any illegal behaviour was being carried out on its behalf. One of the concerns frequently cited about Huawei is that Mr Ren joined China’s



experimented with similar ideas.

Communist Party in 1978 and was also a member of the People’s Liberation Army.

matter has grown on the Moon, and is being

In 2015, China’s cabinet suggested

But the 74-year-old told the journalists:

seen as a significant step towards long-term

adding Friday afternoon to the weekend.

“I love my country. I support the Communist

space exploration.

Since then, more than 10 provincial

Party. But I will not do anything to harm the

governments have reportedly announced


The Chang’e 4 is the first mission to land on and explore the Moon’s far side, facing

plans to “explore” extending the weekend.

away from Earth. Plants have been grown on

Hebei’s plan comes as fresh signs of

the International Space Station before but

economic strain in China emerge. Recent

never on the Moon.

data has showed manufacturing activity has

The ability to grow plants on the Moon

contracted and new orders have fallen.

MALAYSIAN BANKS IN FINANCIAL SCANDAL Huge sums of public money were

will be integral for long-term space missions,

China’s troubles have been compounded

purportedly stolen from 1MDB and used

like a trip to Mars which would take about

by a trade war with the US, which has seen

to buy everything from yachts to artwork

two-and-a-half years. It would mean that

about half of Chinese exports to the country

in a scheme that allegedly involved Najib

astronauts could potentially harvest their

become subject to tariffs.

and contributed to his government’s shock

own food in space, reducing the need to

election defeat in May 2018.

come back down to Earth to resupply.

Goldman Sach’s role is under scrutiny for

The plants are in a sealed container

reportedly helping arrange US$6.5 billion

on board the lander. The crops will try to

in three bond sales for 1MDB, with Kuala

form a mini biosphere - an artificial, self-

Lumpur accusing the bank and its former

sustaining environment. The lunar mini

employees of misappropriating billions of

biosphere experiment on the Chang’e-4


lander is designed to test photosynthesis

Ng Chong Hwa, a Malaysian former

and respiration. The whole experiment

managing director at the bank, was indicted

is contained within an 18cm tall, 3kg canister that was designed by 28 Chinese universities.


over the controversy in November in the


United States - investigators believe stolen cash was laundered through the US financial system – and US authorities are seeking to

Huawei’s founder has denied that Chinese authorities have ever asked his company to help spy on its clients.

extradite him. Ng has claimed trial. In addition to the total value of the bonds, Goldman Sachs should also return

A province in China may give workers

Ren Zhengfei was speaking to foreign

US$1 billion to cover US$600 million in

Friday afternoon off as part of wider efforts

media in a rare interview, following claims

fees and commissions for the deal and bond

to boost consumption in the country’s

Huawei posed a security risk.

coupons that were “higher than the market

slowing economy.







rate”, said the Malaysian government.

Hebei province is considering extending

company’s chief financial officer, has been

The bank has only set aside US$1.8

the weekend “in areas where conditions

ordered to stay in Canada, where she is

billion to cover potential losses related to

allow,” according to a government proposal.

under arrest after being accused of breaking

1MDB legal proceedings.

Other provincial governments in the

sanctions on Iran.

Goldman Sachs has consistently denied

country have experimented with similar

She now faces extradition to the US.

wrongdoing and said certain members of the

schemes. The move comes as China’s

Last week, one of Huawei’s sales

former Malaysian government and 1MDB

executives was arrested in Poland, where

lied to the bank about the proceeds of the

the authorities have accused him of spying.

bond sales.

economic slowdown continues to deepen. The plan to extend the weekend in 10 | Endeavour Magazine





Gbagbo refused to accept that he had lost

Rezgui, a Tunisian student who trained

a disputed election run-off to Mr Ouattara

with Libyan militants, was killed about 15

in 2010.

minutes later by police, the judge said. The


The five months of violence that followed

opposition party, MDC, has been torched

were described as some of the most brutal

following protests sparked by the more than

clashes the country had ever seen.

doubling of the fuel price.

Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack. Rezgui’s autopsy showed he was under

Prosecutors had failed to demonstrate

the effect of an illegal drug as well as

Several people have been killed and

“the existence of a ‘common plan’ to keep

hundreds arrested following protests in the

Mr Gbagbo in power” which included crimes

The trial has been postponed several

capital, Harare, and Bulawayo.

against civilians, or a “policy to attack a

times at the lawyers’ request. It reopened

civilian population”, the ICC said.

more than three and half years after the

Social media platforms have been blocked

medications, according to the judge.

and businesses have closed as police patrol

Presiding Judge Cuno Tarfusser said the

attack. All the defendants deny any direct

the streets. Access to WhatsApp, Facebook

prosecution had also “failed to demonstrate

role in the attack. Some of the defendants

and Twitter are restricted but some people

that public speeches by Gbagbo constituted


are using Virtual Private Network to bypass

ordering or inducing the alleged crimes”.

charges of premeditated murder, threatening

the block. Security Minister Owen Ncube confirmed there had been deaths but did

Prosecutors can appeal after the court files its decision in writing.





state security and belonging to a terroristlinked group.

not give an exact death toll.


He blamed opposition figures and political rights groups for the violence and said an investigation was under way Zimbabwe’s governing Zanu-PF party

More than 130 migrants were thought

says its property has also been damaged.

to be missing after two boats capsized off

President Emmerson Mnangagwa - who

the tiny East African nation of Djibouti, the

is trying to revive Zimbabwe’s struggling

U.N. migration agency said.

economy - said the fuel price rise was aimed

Local police had found five bodies and

at tackling shortages caused by an increase

search efforts were underway, the U.N.

in fuel use and “rampant” illegal trading.

statement said. Witnesses said the boats

Protesters accuse the president of not

were overloaded and large waves caused

understanding their situation.

them to tip over about a half-hour after departing. The migration agency said its


team at the site found an 18-year-old survivor who reportedly boarded a boat with another 130 people. There were no

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has acquitted Ivory Coast exPresident Laurent Gbagbo.


He had been charged with crimes against humanity



immediate details on the second boat. Seventeen people are on trial over



following a disputed 2010 election that left 3,000 dead and 500,000 displaced.




Thousands of migrants from the Horn of


Africa region set off every year from Djibouti

massacre at a Mediterranean resort in 2015

to cross the Bab al-Mandab Strait for the

that killed 38 people, most of them British

Arabian Peninsula with hopes of finding


work in rich Gulf countries.

The judge read out a report detailing what






Mr Gbagbo was captured in 2011 in

happened on June 26, 2015, in the coastal

smugglers in some cases forcing migrants

a presidential palace bunker by UN and

city of Sousse: How attacker Aymen Rezgui

overboard before reaching their destination.

French-backed forces supporting his rival,

walked onto the beach of the Imperial Hotel

Other boats have been fired on as they

Alassane Ouattara. He was the first former

and used an assault rifle to shoot at tourists

approach the coast of Yemen, where

head of state to go on trial at the ICC.

in lounge chairs, then continued onto the

fighting continues between pro-government

hotel pool before throwing a grenade into

forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition and

the hotel.

Houthi rebels.

The violence in Ivory Coast, the world’s biggest cocoa producer, came after Mr

Endeavour Magazine | 11


ONE WITH THE LAND Saint Lucia is an island renowned for its natural beauty, even amongst its Caribbean sisters. The crisp beaches and ranging Piton mountains are famous features that attract visitors from the world over, but tucked away within the rainforests of the lush island, there is another striking spot of beauty: the restored, historic authenticity of Fond Doux Resorts. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


We find it hard to stop talking about Fond Doux Resorts: the striking French colonial estate and the working planation that surrounds it are like a scene from another century. 250-years old, the central building has been restored with love and situated amongst a blend of naturally occurring and carefully tended vegetation, its gardens and crops working hand in hand with the surrounding trees to create an oasis of ‘eco-luxury’.


co-luxury’ is an experience that balances the immersive

season over, there is no reason to stay away, and Fond Doux is

relaxation and enjoyment of the resort’s guests with a

ready to receive guests. Refusing to take a set-back as a defeat,

genuine love and care for the land around them, and for the

they have even altered their construction plans: “In the middle of

team behind the resort, it is a source of pride. This striking location was a labour of love for owners and founders Lynton and Eroline Lamontagne: the last time we spoke

this year, we will begin the construction, and have redirected our plans to construct more upscale cottages to reflect the eco–luxury aspect of the resort.”

with Eroline, the resort was on the cusp of some major construction

This isn’t to say that no construction work has taken place yet:

work, and we caught up with her to hear how the developments

Fond Doux has made several improvements to both the resort

had gone. However, she revealed to us that since the last time we

and the planation, such as an extension to its main kitchen, a new

spoke, the resort had come up against a challenge.

entrance to the main office and reception, and additional plants

Hiccups are common when it comes to construction projects,

and fruit trees in the resort’s gardens. However, the most ambitious

but Fond Doux had more than a small complication to contend

plans lie in the future: the construction of new, upscale cottages

with: last storm season, hurricanes heavily struck the Caribbean,

with features such as solar heaters, as well as plans to further

and their impact was widely reported. As a result, construction in

expand the gardens and planation to enhance the natural luxury

the resort slowed; one would think the hold-up would be due to

that attracts visitors.

damage caused, but Eroline explained to us that it was actually

The history of the Fond Doux estate follows a similar path

down to a secondary impact of the disaster – a drop in tourism, and

to much of Saint Lucia’s industry: the estate started out as an

therefore, in funds. “The Caribbean islands were heavily impacted

agricultural plantation, growing a range of crops including coffee,

by the hurricanes, and so visitors were skeptical of traveling to

sugarcane, cocoa, cotton, nutmeg and bananas. These crops are

the Caribbean, which greatly affected occupancies across the

all highly desirable, especially bananas, dubbed ‘green gold’ at the

Caribbean in the summer and autumn months. We were forced to

time and were a cash crop exported to Britain. However, when

scale back our construction plans.”

Britain became part of the European Union, the Windward Islands

Whilst the hurricanes left damage in their wake and received a

lost their preferential treatment in exporting to the UK, and had to

lot of media attention, Eroline argues that the level of concern they

instead compete with Latin America. The islands couldn’t keep up

caused in holiday-makers went further than it needed to: “Natural

with the competition, due largely to acreage and terrain, and Saint

disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, winter storms and

Lucian banana farms were forced to adapt. Many diversified into

tornadoes occur in all parts of the world, yet persons still travel.

other crops, and some branched out into the tourism trade.

We are very fortunate in the Caribbean, as we only experience

Fond Doux took the latter option. In 1999, the estate became

these storms over a limited two-month period.” With the hurricane

a Heritage Tourism site, “offering tours and lunches to cruise ship

14 | Endeavour Magazine

FOND DOUX RESORTS passengers and tour operators.” At first, the estate only offered

communities were employed and trained to serve as tour guides to

tours and food, but since then, it has expanded. In 2006 the

the estate.

plantation erected its first cottage, The Angelina Villa (named after

Today, the resort has gone far beyond a plantation offering tours:

Eroline’s eldest sister Irene Angelina Charlemagne), in the gardens

it now offers fifteen cottages for guests, a triple-tier swimming pool,

at Fond Doux. “The Angelina Villa originally stood on Waterworks

a gym and organic spa, a gift shop, two on-site restaurants and

Road in Castries, where it had been neglected for many years, a

a wedding gazebo. It even recently opened an on-site chocolate

mere shadow of its former self and due for demolition.” The 160-

shop, Plas Cacao, which sells organic chocolate bars that the resort

year old colonial villa was purchased, dismantled and transported

produces from its plantation’s own cacao. The gardens have also

to Fond Doux, where it was rebuilt and restored by artisans who

expanded, with the team making conscious effort to boost the

specialize in old building techniques. The African Tulip and the

number of endangered fruit trees in the grounds.

Bamboo cottage were also purchased from Monier in Castries and transported to the plantation.

Eroline began her career in tourism as an accountant for a neighbouring hotel. After four years in that position, learning the ins

Restoring the estate was no simple task, as Eroline explained:

and outs of the tourism business via its costs and takings, she opened

“The estate had been abandoned and deserted by the previous

a small restaurant and boutique along with Lord Glenconner Colin

owners, so there was a need to bring in water and electricity.

Tennant at the former Jalousie Plantation. It was some time before

The existing infrastructure of the cocoa production and old

she came back to tourism: after the plantation was sold, Eroline

estate houses had to be treated by pest exterminators and

and her husband Lynton opened a frozen food outlet called Eroline

then refurbished back to their former glory. A variety of fruit

Foods, which expanded into a supermarket that went on to great

trees, flowers and plants had to be replanted, and the grounds

success. This supermarket is still in operation, and in fact receives

had to be developed organically.” Once the site was restored, a

produce from the Fond Doux plantation. However, her heart lay in

restaurant and gift shop were added, and people from the local

St Lucian culture and heritage. The resort’s spokespersons describe

16 | Endeavour Magazine

Eroline and her husband’s journey and their shared relationship with the island in these fond terms: “Sharing a deep-rooted passion for the national heritage of their native country, they undertook to carve out a slice of their patrimony that would reflect the love they felt for their roots and Saint Lucian culture.” The couple’s plans were met with doubt by many. For one, the tourism sector at that time was dominated by expatriates, and people questioned whether native Saint Lucians could compete. Additionally, the site, far from the beach and lacking a view of the Pitons, had neither of the key sources of appeal for staying in Soufriere. However, these doubts didn’t account for the Lamontagnes’ passion, nor for the beauty that would be created by their vision and love of the land they were working with. Between their respectful preservation of the plantation and the nature around them, their development of the gardens and their painstaking restoration of the main building, the couple created a pocket of paradise. As the resort describes, they “began to transform the land into a place that would not only preserve the integrity of the natural environment that they held so dear, but would also make it a Mecca for those who appreciate the wonders of nature as they were meant to be seen and protected.”

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La Pansee Road P.O. Box 732 Castries, St.Lucia West Indies

Endeavour Magazine | 17

FOND DOUX RESORTS The resort is Green Globe certified, meaning it is audited by the organization every year. This ensures that the resort maintains its

donations to organisations such as the Piton Lions Club and neighbouring schools.

high standard of green practices year after year, making the Green

However, one of the resort’s biggest expressions of dedication

Globe certification one that you can trust. In keeping with their

to Saint Lucia continues to be its mission to purchase and preserve

love of nature and their aim to provide an eco-luxury experience,

pieces of the island’s architectural heritage. Development of the

the resort makes careful efforts to conserve energy and water, as

resort has continued as it began, with the purchase of colonial

well as to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. These efforts range

buildings which are moved, rebuilt and restored in Fond Doux’s

from policies such as solar heating and a ban on chemical fertilizers

gardens, saving them from disrepair and turning them into beloved

to finer details such as motion sensors, energy-saving light bulbs,

holiday accommodation. Whilst they are positioned and restored,

and water dispensers to give guests’ plastic bottles reuse value. The

care is taken to make sure that the buildings and nature work in

resort has also banned the use of single-use plastics, replacing the

harmony. Considerations, including lining windows and balconies

plastic bags in their gift shop with paper, their disposable plastic

up with the rising and setting of the sun, and the direction of the

cups and cutlery with biodegradable options, and getting rid of

wind, not only optimize guest enjoyment but also reduce their need

plastic straws. These are but some of a multitude of interventions

for lighting and air conditioning.

throughout the resort, big and small, and staff are regularly trained to keep them up to speed with the latest standards.

Due to this care and dedication, and in recognition of its restoration work and remarkable commitment to the environment,

As well as looking out for Saint Lucia’s land, Fond Doux also

Fond Doux was visited by Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess

cares about Saint Lucia’s people: the locally-owned company

of Cornwall. This prestigious acknowledgement was but one of

looks after its own, employing a native staff and working with

many such moments of well-earned recognition for Fond Doux

local suppliers, including artists, entertainers and craftspeople.

Resorts: in 2017, the company received the World Luxury Award

The resort also supports its community through charitable

as a Luxury Hideaway Resort, and in 2018 it received the World

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Luxury Award for the North America Luxury Hideaway Resort. It was also listed in the TripAdvisor Hall of Fame, which was created to honour businesses that have received the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for five years running. However, by far the most prestigious recognition has been Eroline’s receipt of an MBE from Prince William of Wales, Prince Charles’s son, for her outstanding achievement and service to the business community. Moving forwards, the resort aims to increase its sustainability efforts even further, including working closely with suppliers for the complete ban of plastic bottles. However, Lamontagne’s biggest plans lie in the resort’s continuing expansion. Whatever they go on to achieve, they will do so with the same values, attention to detail and love of the land that has defined the resort thus far. As their team lovingly described: “Fond Doux has remained remarkably in step with the economic development of Saint Lucia, including making the harrowing leap from the agricultural pillar to the agri-tourism post. Fond Doux has come a long way, but it has always been true to its humble beginnings, and stands as a fine example of the resilience, creativity and resolve.”

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SOLARCOASTER RIDE The last ten years have been, in the words of UGE International CEO Nick Blitterswyk, a “solarcoaster” for the renewable energy industry. We spoke with Nick about the current turning-point for commercial solar and his predictions for the future of the energy industry. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The past decade has seen solar go from an exciting concept that relied heavily on government subsidies and incentives to be feasible, to something that now makes economic sense all on its own. This shift marks an exciting turning point that could have massive implications for the future of energy. We spoke with Nick Blitterswyk, CEO of UGE International, about his company and how this shift is already affecting the way they do business.


GE International was founded by Nick in 2008. They are

to reduce the financial sting of installation, but as technology has

a commercial solar company, working on projects larger

developed, this cost has been reduced to the point where incentives

than residential installations, but smaller than utility-scale

are low and, in some countries, aren’t required at all in order to

operations (solar farms that feed energy directly into the grid).

make solar economically appealing. “The first time we bought solar

Instead, their niche lies in providing a cheaper energy alternative to

panels, the cost was about $3.50 per watt. We’re paying about 10%

businesses. Nick explained: “We go to our clients and say, ‘For 100-

of that cost now.” The past few years have been an unprecedented

plus years, companies have been buying energy from the grid, but

success for UGE, both in terms of revenue and project reach: Nick

now, with the way solar costs have come down, there’s a cheaper

credits this both to the shift in solar’s affordability, which should be

way to get your energy. Let us put solar on your rooftop, and

a tipping point for the industry to explode into the future, but he

we’ll sell you the energy that it produces. You won’t pay anything

also credits UGE itself. The company’s expertise from ten years in

upfront - you’ll just buy cheaper energy over time.’” The proposition

the industry has allowed it to be in a position to best take advantage

is a win-win, allowing UGE to expand the reach of clean energy

of this new wave for solar: “We’ve pulled pieces together to make

whilst saving companies vast amounts of money. On top of this,

ourselves a real leader in this sector.”

UGE delivers a complete, turnkey solution to its clients, working

As an example of the scale UGE operates at, and the ways in

to problem-solve all logistics behind the conversation and making

which it is able to apply its experience to go above and beyond

it so all their client needs to do is sit back and pay less money for

for a client, we spoke to Nick about three key projects - one for

cleaner energy.

each of the three countries they operate in (the USA, Canada and t

“We’re very experienced, we have a great name in the industry.

he Philippines):

We’re coming up on 400 megawatts of experience; that is a

“In the US, we won a portfolio of 17 New York sites that was

commonly used energy term, but in essence, that’s a lot of solar.

actually funded after Hurricane Sandy hit. It is a solar plus battery

That’s close to 700 projects completed.” With solar becoming

storage project helping a number of small businesses throughout

increasingly cost-effective, the industry is expanding rapidly, and

the greater New York city region. We have designed it so that when

there’s no shortage of work: UGE is currently involved in a further

a hurricane hits New York again, these businesses will have the

45 projects, with hundreds more already in their pipeline.

necessary resiliency to operate even after a storm hits. We’ll start

Solar power used to rely heavily on government support in

constructing those projects this year, and it’s one we’re very excited

order to be a viable option for its clients: incentives were offered

about. Battery storage is perhaps five years behind solar, but it’s

22 | Endeavour Magazine

Hoymiles is a world-leading microinverter company specializing in MLPE (Module-Level Power Electronics) solutions for global solar investors & end users. The largest microinverter supplier in the Chinese market, and one of the world’s fastest growing inverter brands, Hoymiles provides a safer and smarter module-level MPPT and monitoring microinverter in over 50 countries, including the U.S., Europe, Australia, Latin America, India, Japan, Korea, South East Asia, the Middle East and South Africa. Their market-leading products are: Safer – 100% safe up to 60V DC input voltage Smarter – more intelligent monitoring for remote module-level troubleshooting & maintenance More powerful – a module-level MPPT & unique parallel design ensures 10-30% higher yield than series-wound PV systems More reliable – 6000V surge protection; mean time between failure > 550 years; yearly failure rate < 0.18% You can’t argue with those statistics! Hoymiles was founded in 2008 by three doctors from Zhejiang University. At the time, all three were working on an R&D team for China’s National Power Electronics Laboratory, based at the university – one of the top three universities in the country.

In 2015, Hoymiles’ microinverter achieved the world’s highest CEC peak efficiency, 96.7%, which ranked it as the most efficient microinverter in the world. Today, Hoymiles microinverters are used in 10,000+ commercial and residential rooftop installations every year! These include single panel units (MI250/300), 2 in 1 units (MI-500/600/700) and 4 in 1 units (MI-1000/1200), which certificated by CEC for weighted efficiency, and ranked it as the World’s No.1 for 4 in 1 microinverter, all offering top of the range efficiency. Localization is the key to the company’s ongoing success - the combination of local warehouses, service centers and local training of their 500+ staff keeps Hoymiles in close contact with its customers 24/7, 365 days a year. That’s guaranteed customer service! Working with UGE Hoymiles is working with UGE on a solar project in New York, in response to damage from Hurricane Sandy. The project has been government funded and is an extremely important project for the businesses it seeks to protect against future hurricanes. We’re proud to be working with UGE on such a significant project for the city and its residents.

MI-1500/1200 (for 4 solar panels)

World’s No.1 CEC weighted efficiency for 4 in 1 microinverter - 96.5%

Hoymiles MLPE

(Module-Level Power Electronics)

Safer 100% safe with up to 60V DC input voltage (natural rapid shutdown); IP67


More Powerful

Smarter monitoring for remote Module-level MPPT & unique parallel Module-level troubleshooting design ensuring 10-30% higher yield & maintenance than series-wound PV system

More Reliable 6000V surge protection, MTBF (mean time between failure) > 550 years, yearly failure rate < 0.18%

UGE INTERNATIONAL starting to make economic sense now as well, and is something

built for itself, and the level of input and guidance it can offer its

that’s going to be increasingly common.”

clients. Meanwhile, their work in New York shows that this same

“In the Philippines, we’re working with the nation’s largest

expertise can be applied to engineering solutions to problem-solve

bottled water company. There, we completed an initial project

businesses’ needs even in the face of natural disasters. Finally,

for them the year before last, where we put solar on one of their

in the Philippines, the project shows the sheer scale of impact

large bottling facilities. They saved so much money that they

that is possible when UGE gets involved with a company: “That’s

wanted to do three more; we’re just wrapping those up now, and

something we’re excited about too – seeing how within a country,

we’re deep into conversations about how we can expand and be

we can provide such a critical advantage to a large company like

their primary source of energy throughout their entire footprint.

that by providing cheaper, cleaner energy.”

Meanwhile, in Canada, right now we’re wrapping up a project with

Before UGE, Nick worked as an actuary, but he felt passionately

a utility company in Ontario where we used all of our experience

about sustainability and the environment. In part, that passion

homed in that province to be their project development partner.

can be credited to his childhood: “My parents were caretakers of

We’re finishing the construction of 15 sites for them, and we’re

a provincial park in western Canada, so I really grew up around

about 80% done – we should be wrapping it up in the next couple

nature, and that was something engrained in me.” Around the

of months.”

time that Nick founded UGE, there was a buzz around the idea

Each of these projects highlights a different exciting element in

of renewable energy, and he found himself swept up in the

UGE’s operations and what they offer: the Canadian project is one

enthusiasm. A budding industry is ripe with opportunity; however,

example of many where, as Nick explained, “the utility companies

founding a new company in a new line of business is also filled

are relying on us to come and show them how it’s done in the

with complications: “There was a lot of hype going on around the

distributed energy side of things, and to be their partner in this

renewable energy industry, but it was very early days. Everybody

fast-growing industry.” That, in itself, speaks for the name UGE has

was figuring it out, so challenges were all over the map. We were

26 | Endeavour Magazine

re-inventing the wheel in many cases, compared with what was already known in other industries; in everything from marketing and lead generation to engineering and construction, import and export, logistics, financing and so on. You were constantly on the frontier.” Whilst it was finding its feet, UGE didn’t focus solely on solar; for the first half of its life, the company also worked in distributed wind, and for a time was the world’s leading vertical access wind turbine company. However, solar began to emerge as the clear horse to back, and so the company’s efforts in wind technology were sold and Nick and his team homed in on perfecting their operations in preparation for the coming boom. Although Nick is confident in solar’s future, its current positioning is still small in comparison to the fossil fuel energy market. In the US commercial space, for example, market penetration for distributed solar is still below 1% of what is currently considered the addressable market. However, solar has also grown far quicker than anyone predicted ten or even five years ago, and whilst Nick is aware of its relatively small size now, his faith in the future is vast: “Solar is going to be the most important source of energy for mankind throughout this entire century and probably beyond. As of

RB MILESTONE GROUP, LLC (“RBMG”​) is a US-based consulting firm with offices in Stamford, Connecticut and New York City. RBMG specializes in assisting small and venture-stage companies with enhancing: corporate strategy, business development, market intelligence and research. These services can be designed to help companies communicate their corporate characteristics to applicable investment and media communities. RBMG partners with clients internationally and across a wide range of industry segments, including: energy, cleantech, mining, oil & gas, cannabis, agriculture, healthcare, technology, media, telecommunications, professional services and consumer goods. Staff specialists have diverse sector knowledge centered on capital markets. For more information, please visit RBMG’s website (www.rbmilestone.com) or contact RBMG’s Managing Director, Trevor Brucato, tbrucato@rbmilestone.com.

Endeavour Magazine | 27

UGE INTERNATIONAL this moment, you would say that fossil fuels are the most important

out sets in. At the end of the day, it comes down to the underlying

source of energy, but that is quickly changing, and over the next

economics – if the underlying economics favour solar, people will

ten years will have completely changed. There’re some interesting

follow their wallets to that.”

other technologies out there, but I’m confident in saying that they

As for the more immediate future, UGE plans to focus

won’t be able to compete with solar in terms of the ubiquitous

primarily on its existing markets, reaching out beyond its current

nature of its future. In five to ten years, distributed solar is going to

footprint within its countries of operation to make the most of

be a massive industry – never mind a billion-dollar market, it’s going

the opportunities still waiting for them. That said, they have

to be a hundreds of billions of dollars market. That’s the wave that

begun to look further afield from the security of these countries:

we’re thankfully riding right now.”

the company’s internal engineering team has begun to take

There are many existing hurdles still ahead of UGE and solar

on mandates for local companies that are developing overseas

as a whole, the greatest of which is the sheer scale of the current

projects. For example, they are currently the engineering partner

status quo. From existing infrastructure to retirement investments,

for a Canada and UK based company to use in Africa, allowing them

the world has invested trillions in fossil fuel energy, and this is not

to study the African market from a secure position. By the end of

easily overcome. That said, UGE recently launched their first Green

2020, the company aims to apply this learning by putting its feet

Bond, allowing people to put their retirement investment towards

on the ground in at least one new market. Moving forwards from

renewable energy instead – a scheme that has been giving its

there, it is simply a question of growing, watching and waiting and

investors good returns, and that UGE plans to grow in the coming

the industry continues to take off:

year. Change does not happen suddenly, but as the economics

“In the 200+ countries around the world, solar either makes

continue to get stronger, Nick believes that it will happen, and that

economic sense now, or will in the coming five years or so. The

it is already starting to take off: “Bit by bit, we’re seeing it – some

world really is our oyster in terms of the opportunities that are

companies get it before others, but eventually the fear of missing

out there.”

28 | Endeavour Magazine


A FLAVOURFUL FUTURE Bringing a unique and forwardthinking product to market, Unistraw, along with its parent company, SRS Life Sciences, is changing the landscape of the food supplements and pharmaceuticals market forever, so Endeavour Magazine decided to find out how. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Looking after ourselves has become huge news in recent years, with everyone looking for that one-stop easy way to take steps to maintain good health, but something always seems to get in the way: taste. Think about when you last enjoyed taking your multivitamins and you’ll more than likely draw a blank, but that’s where Unistraw saw a niche market that was ready to be mastered.


imply put, Unistraw focuses on improving the compliance

“Commercial offices are located in Singapore, Philippines,

and experience of consuming medicines, probiotics and

Vietnam, India, Russia, Chile, Tanzania, Colombia, Costa Rica and

other supplements whilst also capitalising on our taste

USA. Research, operations, production and manufacturing happen

formulating expertise to deliver new tastes to a range of beverages.”

in Australia, China, India and soon in the US and our major markets

Originally a food flavouring operation, Unistraw was acquired

for straw products are Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India,

by SRS Life Sciences, which propelled it into the competitive

Japan, Taiwan, US and Vietnam.”

world of food supplements and pharmaceuticals. By combining

While it makes fantastic commercial sense to be present in

the expertise of both companies into one mega-operation, a

more than one industry, it does leave a business open to potentially

new industry leader was born and with it, came one of the most

multiple fluctuations in market stability. For Unistraw, the food

ingenious products in pharmaceuticals history:

flavouring, straw, food supplements and pharmaceuticals industries

“We offer standard SKUs in food flavouring and provide unique products such as collagen, probiotic and energy straws. On the

are all to be considered and though each is enjoying a different level of buoyancy right now, the company is flourishing:

pharma side we look for partners with excellent formulations or

“With respect to food flavouring, it is a huge market globally,

ingredients and work with them to open up new markets and

especially as it relates to milk consumption and flavoured milk. There

product lines or to improve the compliance of existing products.

are many competitors, but we are able to distinguish ourselves in

Think paracetamol in a straw, for kids!”

that we are not limited to milk and have the technology to expand

This meeting of minds is easy to understand when you consider

into carbonated drinks, shakes and even water. Whilst we have

that SRS works in line with a strategy to offer innovative solutions

been working with Costco regularly in Japan, Australia and Taiwan

to the world’s biggest issues, by looking at both micro and macro

we recently embarked on an extremely exciting collaboration with

options. By making medicine more palatable, through the use

Costco in Canada. They are selling our food flavouring straws and

of Unistraw, real-world improvements can be made for not only

after successful trials they fully expect us to hit 800m of sales

patients and individuals, but also caregivers and health services.

within 3 years. We expect to be in over 35 stores in the next 6

Given the importance of what Unistraw is trying to do, global thinking is key, to make the biggest difference possible. Present in over 22 countries, with Singapore as the HQ base, the world will soon not be enough for this innovative company: 32 | Endeavour Magazine

months and this is opening up the US market with potential to expand into Mexico, Spain and France too.” In addition, the aim is to have 99%, if not 100% of the straws offered as both sugar and allergen-free. Many already are, but a

push to increase the number is already happening, much to the

view things and introducing new opportunities. We believe that

delight of the key consumer audience: vigilant parents. In fact, even

the opportunities are twofold with respect to the straw. Firstly,

the straws that do still contain sugar, only contribute 2g per glass

in solving the micro problem of compliance especially as it relates

of mil or water, but there are 100% natural, sugar-free varieties

to paediatrics and geriatrics. Secondly, in being able to leverage

already being offered.

our technology to complement other interventions to provide a

Straws are a little more contentious, as there is a global focus

holistic diagnostic and treatment pathway.” They say that the mark

on banning single-use plastic. The good news is that Unistraw,

of a good business is being able to identify opportunity in times

as ever, have remained one step ahead and already invested into

of difficulty and if that’s true, then Unistraw is set to be a world-

innovative new developments that have led to new straws being


made from Polylactic Acid, which is fully compostable and can degrade naturally without assistance.

Standing out in one competitive marketplace is difficult, but doing so in four would seem like an impossible task for many

In terms of the food supplements industry, things are looking

companies. Unistraw has approached things a little differently and

very positive indeed: “The supplements market is huge and valued

relishes the opportunity to rise above the masses, bringing in a

in hundreds of billions of dollars. It is expected to grow to over

number of initiatives to set itself apart from competitors:

USD 200 billion by 2022. Our formulation experience and unique

“The versatility of our delivery device, our belief that all things

delivery system position us very well to carve out a niche and

can be connected to improve our products and the fact that we

capitalise on the huge growth that is expected.”

put our customers/patients at the heart of everything we do,

Similarly, to the straw industry, the pharmaceutical element is

especially product design sets us apart. Also, the fact that we are

a little less stable, but thanks to SRS’s dominance and experience,

able to leverage lessons learned in the relative safety of the food

Unistraw will more than weather the storm: “The pharma industry

market to build better products for the pharma industry, but also

is in a state of flux. Trends in technology are changing the medical,

vice versa, our search for health and healthier products, has lead

pharmaceutical, manufacturing and health landscape. These

us to discoveries in how to formulate products without allergens

trends are bringing into question old practices and the way we

or sugar and still be good is a unique standpoint. As a broader

Endeavour Magazine | 33

UNISTRAW/SRS LIFE SCIENCES company, we are working on ways to combine drug formulation,

“We do not operate a yearly reward process but recently

drug delivery and medtech to radically change or improve the end-

implemented our check-in process, inspired by Adobe and other

to-end treatment of a patient.”

tech firms. Every week, managers spend a little time with their

Naturally, a well-developed, reliable and committed staffing

employees on their weekly performance. Feedback is real-time and

body is also a huge advantage and Unistraw is looking to expand.

the conversations are two-way. Scorecards ensure that employees

With 71 staff members, positioned globally and already doing

are aligned all the way from the CEO to a Driver in Manila or Las

amazing work, there is scope to add an extra 20-30 people and

Vegas. Bonuses, salary increments and promotions can happen

management have allowed themselves between 6 and twelve

at any point in the year with a Head of Department nominating a

months to find the right individuals:

person for their outperformance. If they can sustain for a further

“Our recruitment philosophy is flexibility; we will follow

3-6 months, we give them a reward.”

the talent and remain adaptable should an excellent candidate

What does Unistraw expect in return? It’s quite simple. Staff

appear, even if we are not looking for their profile. In fact, it is not

members are required to be collaborators, owners of their own

uncommon for us to create roles for excellent candidates who

performance, self-starters and rock stars, committed to the

want to work with us because they believe in what we do. We

development and values of the company.

have a mixed approach to filling roles. We want to promote from

Having confirmed a number of contracts to move into larger

within and in the last three months promoted two individuals to

markets, Unistraw is striding into the future with a confidence that

critical senior positions. However, certain areas of expertise are

wouldn’t be unheard of in terms of a much larger company, but

sometimes lacking internally and as we grow, there is a need to

don’t let size fool you. Having won a prize for Excellence in Client

bring in external candidates.”

Centricity, in 2018, attention has been turned to aims and targets

With an employee equity programme being finalised, tailored

for the future:

perks and benefits, flexible working, excellent healthcare and

“Over the coming years we are hoping to grow our Unistraw

an exemplar maternity policy all contribute to fantastic working

business and achieve its full potential. Unistraw was founded in

conditions and inspiration is drawn from a surprising source:

2004 and acquired in 2012 with a vision to improve compliance


The Unistraw Delivery System (UDS)

The Unistraw Delivery System is a patented straw-delivery device created in 1996, and released commercially in 2005. The UDS can add flavor, energy, vitamins nutrition, and even pharmaceuticals to liquid sipped through it.







Flavor Probiotics Energy Vitamins Pharmaceuticals


How does it work? The UniBeads® Housed within straws will dissolve when liquid passes through them, giving you a delightful dose of flavored bevarage until the last drop.

34 | Endeavour Magazine

in healthcare. Our aim is to establish a strong presence in North America, leveraging existing relationships in the food flavouring business, whilst building a few new partnerships. Globally, we will place an extra effort on the countries that have been producing good returns in order to grow these. We are also currently working with a number of high-profile pharma companies to put their products into our straws.” In an attempt to remain current, new innovations look set to include CBD offerings and improved machining practices, to streamline supply and distribution in certain locations. The concept of Unistraw itself is one that will remain crucially important, so that needs no attention, but honing new product lines and aligning with environmental policies will absolutely be priorities. What a recipe for success.

Unistraw has announced its cooperation with Tianjin Global Organic Internation Trading Crop in establishing the joint

venture known as Unistraw China. The new company will specialize in making Sipahh products and products ordered

by Chinese dairy companies with a potential billion dollars market. Its factory is expected to start operation in June 2019.

Tianjin Global Organic Internation Trading Crop is an ideal partner as it stands out with its strong sales network, rich knowledge in consumption and e-commerce and an extensive distribution system across China. Outstanding Tianjin Global Organic Internation Trading Crop The company joined hands with Unistraw in 2015. As the general agency of Sipahh in China, Tianjin Global Organic Internation Trading Crop was in charge of introducing Sipahh products to China to great acclaim by large stores & supermarkets, as well as convenience stores. Sipahh entered e-commerce

platforms such as Taobao, JD, Xiaohongshu.com and Netease Yanxuan. The brand coverage was completed efficiently in a short time. The new factory is designed to start mass production in the middle of 2019 and hit its production target straight away. The factory will greatly save the time needed for transportation and provide more fresh products to Chinese consumers and improve their consumption

experience. The Tianjin factory will strictly follow the original factories’ purchasing policy “High quality raw material”, manufacture approach, and top techniques. After the factory is build, we aim to offer customized upgrade solutions to companies in sectors such as Chinese major dairy, food supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Endeavour Magazine | 35


HERE COMES THE SUN Solar power started as a big dream with small results, but continued faith and investment has seen the technology accelerate at an incredible rate. With this pick up in momentum comes new companies and opportunities; we spoke with Ryan Putera Pratama Manafe, Cofounder and CEO of Surya Utama Nuansa (aptly abbreviated to SUN), about their recent arrival on the solar scene. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Operating in Indonesia since 2016, SUN is an extremely new company, but they are already throwing themselves at their industry. The company arose to meet a need, and as well as pursuing successful business within this emerging sector, it is SUN’s goal to fill this need for the betterment of Indonesia. Ryan Putera Pratama Manafe, company co-founder and CEO, shared his personal motivations for developing the solar company.


here is an electrification issue in Indonesia. 5.2 million

renting allows our clients to not worry about a large upfront

people still have no access to electricity, some of whom

investment, which is one of the biggest obstacles to solar adoption.

are from my hometown in East Nusa Tenggara. This

They can enjoy savings of 10 - 20% on their utility rate from day one.

prompted me to think about how I could improve the electrification

In addition, they do not have to fret about a long payback period,

situation in both my hometown and across Indonesia. Fortunately,

or that something unfortunate may happen to the system. With

I met an investor who was also interested in improving the quality

performance-based renting, our clients can be assured that SUN

of people’s lives, especially in the area of electrification. It was a

handles the system maintenance to ensure peak performance.

fortuitous encounter that led to the establishment of SUN.”

This scheme has become a breakthrough in this particular energy

This sort of passion and personal interest can inspire innovation, and this is evident in SUN. One of the key elements that

market, where we saw approximately 20 MWp of solar projects secured in 2018.

distinguishes the company from its rivals is its business model. Most

Applying this model, SUN leases solar panel systems to the

solar providers in the country offer EPC turnkey services, but this

commercial and industrial sectors, servicing companies primarily

requires the client to foot the high upfront costs that still exist for

in manufacturing, FMCG, real estate, mining and plantation. The

solar in Indonesia. As we have seen globally, during this transition

company then appoints the best international and local EPC

period within the evolving renewable energy sector, it is important

vendors and partners to handle the system installations.

for companies investing in solar to be supported, both from the

In the past year, the use of solar energy has grown rapidly due

government and their solar providers, in order for the technology

to several factors, such as the falling price of solar panels, which

to become established. SUN understands this:

in turn is largely thanks to the rapid development in solar panel

“We saw these obstacles and came up with a creative business

technology. In 2011, the price of solar panels dropped by 40%, and

model that will revolutionise the solar energy market in Indonesia.”

fell a further 31% the following year. The trend is continuing but

SUN now offers a performance-based leasing model, which has

tapering out, with prices falling 10.8% since 2017. These trends and

made a vast difference to their customers: “Performance-based

developments have been supported in part by momentum created

38 | Endeavour Magazine

by major companies: “The private sector has been increasingly

electrification program back in 2015, it has repeatedly come under

prioritising renewable energy, as evidenced by the 162 companies

scrutiny for failing to hit its targets. In the meantime, many villages

who have joined the RE100 global initiative. They represent a

have been waiting for electricity for over 70 years, since Indonesia

growing enthusiasm to support the green agenda, and are looking

declared its independence. This situation has left these families

for partners to help them achieve their target.”

relying on diesel generators, which are not only financially and

Whilst this growth is taking place, however, there is still a long way to go. As we’ve explored, solar is not

environmentally unsustainable, but also only run for about five hours a night.

a viable investment without support, either from the

These villages are spread throughout the regions of Sumatra, an

government or from a model such as SUN’s. Initiatives to support

island in western Indonesia. Ryan explained some of the challenges

solar have been made available by the Indonesian government in

that have slowed down the development of energy in this area:

the past, such as the Feed-In-Tariff scheme implemented by many

“The villages located in Sumatra are scattered among different

countries, but regrettably these did not last. Encouragingly, the

regencies, each possessing unique challenges for building a power

current government has committed to implementing the Paris

plant. In one of the regencies, all the villages are located across a

Agreement, and has a target of achieving 23% renewable energy for

river. Thus, transportation between these villages and the main city

the country by 2025 – however, for many parts of the country, the

involves small wooden boats and unpaved roads that make it nearly

energy situation currently remains dire.

impossible to transport large machinery, and make the project

As Ryan told us, there are currently 5 million people in Indonesia

vulnerable to environmental conditions. Building a conventional

who do not have access to electricity. Government-owned

power plant to reach this area presents extraordinary logistical

corporation PLN is officially tasked with electricity distribution,

challenges, and surmounting them would require tremendous

but since the government launched its ambitious 35,000 MW

amounts of infrastructural investment.”

SURYA UTAMA NUANSA Even if the great expense of bringing power to this area was

areas in Indonesia,” Ryan explains. “With solar energy solutions from

spent, the residents themselves could not necessarily afford the

SUN, local residents will get stable, affordable and environmentally

service. On average, PLN has increased their utility rate by 6%

friendly electricity facilities for decades to come. Residents who

per annum over the last five years. “There is no guarantee that

currently use diesel generators can look forward to savings of

the utility rate will remain the same. Meanwhile, solar energy can

between 30-50% by using renewable energy (solar PV).” There

supply electricity at affordable and stable rates over 20 – 25 years.”

are nineteen such villages that SUN will be involved in serving. To

SUN doesn’t plan to sit by and let this need continue. The

address these challenges, SUN is currently building a centralised

company has taken it upon itself to provide much-needed electricity

solar PV system for each village. This will provide the villagers with

to these remote areas without relying on government support.

a clean, reliable and sustainable source of energy.

In September 2018, the company partnered up with a regional

This undertaking is a pilot project for SUN, and should it be

government-owned company, PT. Bungo Dani Mandiri Utama

successful, they plan to take it to other regions to continue to

(PT. BDMU), and the pair signed a 25-year cooperation contract

tackle the vast need for electricity in their country. However, their

to supply a maximum of 5,000 customers in the Sumatra region

ambition doesn’t stop here: whilst taking on this issue, SUN also

with solar power. As the first step of this mission, SUN is currently

plans to expand its reach further throughout South East Asia in the

working on a project to provide 100% clean energy to 1,000 of

near future. They are hoping to wrap up their flagship project in

these in-need households:

Singapore soon, with an aim to expand into Malaysia, Thailand and

“This project will be operational in 2019 and will distribute

the Philippines in the coming years. However, even greater than

electricity in remote areas. With a capacity of 7.35 MWp, this

their ambitions regarding their reach are their ambitions regarding

project will be one of the largest off-grid system projects in remote

their capabilities; currently, their projects rely on assistance

CLEAN AND POWERFUL PT. Surya Energi Indotama is a pioneer of solar power EPC provider in Indonesia. SEI has both 10 years nation-wide and overseas experiences supported by world-class technology and international certified engineers and installers which have successfully installed more than 25MWp plants.

40 | Endeavour Magazine

from external funding, but they aim to bring this element of their

industries and got an insider perspective on how to develop

operations in-house by establishing themselves as an energy

potential and achieve success.” It was through his history with

financing company on top of their current operations.

McKinsey that Ryan met the investor who proposed the founding

It is not surprising to learn that SUN’s team is young and firmly

of SUN: “The opportunity to develop a renewable energy company

believe in what they do. The team is currently around 40 people

was offered to me, and I accepted the challenge without hesitation.

strong, with an average age of 28. This not only means passion, but

I am proud that I can become one of the agents of change in the

potential, and SUN is as focused on developing its team as it is its

world of renewable energy in Indonesia.”

operations. These members of staff are still discovering what they

A cleaner future is a goal to be passionate about, and it seems

could become and how far they could take SUN with them, and

as though this young company is ready to run towards that future

Ryan is dedicated to helping these possibilities become a reality:

with enthusiasm. For Ryan, in particular, the mission is not over:

“With a team of vibrant young people, building and developing the

“Whilst we currently reach many parts of Indonesia, it remains my

capability of each team member has been a priority for SUN since

dream that we can one day also impact my hometown.” We look

the very beginning.”

forward to coming back to SUN later down the line, and hope to see

Ryan has been SUN’s CEO since it was founded in 2016, but

that they have kept rising to the challenges as they are now, helping

his career prior to its formation helped to prepare him for the

the underprivileged of Indonesia as well as the environment as this

position. “After graduating from the University of Indonesia, I got

technology finally gets its spot in the sun.

a scholarship for my post grad in Prasetiya Mulya Business School. Following that, I joined McKinsey for several years, where I was provided the opportunity to develop my skillsets across various

Endeavour Magazine | 41








rhenium, copper, chromium, bismuth and boron: these are just some of

Earth’s scarcest minerals, and there are worrying indications that they may be exhausted within the next century. A focus on the potential extinction of our planet’s fauna and flora sometimes means that the disappearance of our mineral resources can be overlooked. As with the extinction of our animal population, the ramifications of such a disappearance would be life changing, except that instead of rocking the balance of the world’s ecosystems, the impact would largely be focused in on us. On the west coast of Greenland, there was once one of the largest reserves of cryolite, a mineral used in aluminium extraction, insecticide, pesticide and even giving fireworks a distinct yellow colour. In 1987, that reserve ran out for good, and yet you would have been hard pushed to find any reports of this at the time, even within the geological and mining community. The loss of such a vast deposit of the naturally-forming mineral acts as a stark reminder of how quickly supplies can

from laptops to missile guidance systems, it

mineral would not only change the planet,

dwindle as global demand increases.

would mean finding a suitable replacement

but would alter the way many companies

moving forward for the high demand of such

operate, spelling potential disaster for


certain industries unless they are far-sighted

In China, recent reports have stated that metals such as dysprosium, neodymium and lanthanum could be exhausted within just

Molybdenum resources may well run

20 years. Currently, when major deposits

out before we reach 2100, which would

It may sound like a crisis of apocalyptic

run dry, we search for new, harder to find

affect the production of high-grade stainless

proportions, at least for our way of life, but

deposits, but eventually, this option will run

steel, of which it is an essential component.

there are many out there with optimistic

out. With these materials used in everything

The knock-on effects of running out of this

views on a potential solution to the Earth’s

42 | Endeavour Magazine

or quick enough to react.

to have little value may suddenly find itself

worlds and, whilst a difficult proposition, it

at the top of the most-wanted list.

would ensure there was no further need to

A solution once thought to be pure

exhaust Earth’s limited resources. There are

science-fiction is now also tantalisingly

already several companies developing such

within our grasp: as the human race begins

technologies, such as Planetary Resources,

to send probes to other planets, as well as

Blue Origin and the aptly named Asteroid

disappearing resources. When you consider

moons and asteroids, this exploration opens

Mining Corporation.

that flint used to be a sought-after material

up new possibilities. After all, the elements

for making arrow heads, or that salt was

on our periodic table are not found solely on

operations year on year, finding more

once considered to be one of the most in-

Earth. A number of science-fiction authors

efficient ways to locate and extract the

demand substances known to man, history

have written about the mining companies


has shown that there will always be change.

of Earth expanding their operations into

planet’s surface, it is fair to say that there will

As technology continues to evolve at an

not only our solar system, but out into the

be a time when the global powers will meet

alarming rate, a mineral may fall out of use,

cosmos itself. It is an inevitable outcome

to discuss the dwindling resources of planet

whilst another that was previously thought

that the human race will begin to mine other

Earth. Perhaps the solution lies in the stars‌










Endeavour Magazine | 43

C&I LEASING WWW.C-ILEASING.COM/ // 00234 903 886 9179 – 89

DRIVING FORWARDS Whether by land or sea, a fleet forms the limbs of a company, allowing its staff and services to reach wherever they are needed. We spoke with Andrew OtikeOdibi, Managing Director and CEO of C&I Leasing, a Nigerian company that provides everything from vehicles to the personnel to staff them, about its planned expansion across West Africa. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


C&I Leasing Plc (C&I) is a diversified operating lease and business service conglomerate. To break down its services, the company provides a variety of marine vessels for lease, including patrol boats, crew boats, pilot boats, tug boats and platform support vessels, as well as standard land-based fleet vehicles for companies and even car hire for individuals.


f course, alongside these services is everything one would

in the right of our customers to receive excellent service, and we

expect to support it; fleet management services, a supplier

continuously apply our resources to ensure that we deliver on this

network ready to assist with repairs, maintenance and fuel,

expectation. We are a warm and friendly group of people and at

as well as telematics services such as tracking, fuel monitoring

the heart of all our actions is a resilient belief in our core values of

and driver behaviour monitoring, to allow companies to better

fairness, integrity, responsibility, excellence and safety.”

manage the efficiency and actions of their fleet. These services are

Andrew joined the C&I team in 1999, two years after the

available for cars as well as marine fleets. The company even offers

company listed itself on the Nigerian stock exchange, and he

staff sourcing and training, because why stop at supplying a vehicle

assumed the roles of MD and CEO in 2016. He believes that the key

when you can also provide the driver? C&I provides these services

to leadership is to encourage teamwork, allowing the company to

to local and multinational companies alike, with its operations

“leverage on our collective strengths”. This ability to work and grow

currently based in Nigeria but aiming to spread throughout West

together is, Andrew told us, another key to the company’s success:

Africa. In fact, the company aims to become the leasing and ancillary

“We are a growing and learning organization, never discouraged by

service provider of choice throughout the West African region.

mistakes – rather, we take the lessons and continue improving for

Currently, C&I is run out of its head office in Lagos, Nigeria,

best results.”

whilst is also has offices throughout the country in Benin, Port-

In 1997, C & I Leasing became the first leasing company on the

Harcourt, Calabar and Abuja. The company is also achieving a wider

Nigerian stock exchange list, and it remains the only one to this

presence and reach via its two subsidiary companies, Leasafric

day. As well as its unique position as a public company, C&I is the

Ghana Limited – a vehicle leasing and car rental company based in

only company in Nigeria to focus on fleet management, personnel

Ghana - and Epic International FZE Dubai. In 2018, the company

outsourcing and marine services all under one roof. The company

also took ownership of C&I Petrotech Marine Limited. To get to

claims to be the only one in West Africa with this exact structure,

know this company properly, we spoke with Andrew Otike-Odibi,

and yet this does not mean that they are without competition.

company Managing Director CEO, and asked him what he feels sets

Nigeria’s leasing sector is growing, and there are many companies

C&I apart:

who offer one of C&I’s services as their sole focus, or who combine

“C & I Leasing has been in operations for over a decade, serving

a different selection of services under their roof, and thus C&I has

several blue-chip multinational and indigenous companies, because

plenty of competitors to contend with. Yet, the team still see their

we understand and practise service excellence. We believe strongly

unique set-up as providing them with a great advantage.

46 | Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine | 47

C&I LEASING Competitors are just one of many challenges that a company

C&I currently employs a staff of about 5,000 people across

faces: “With respect to challenges, we have our fair share of them,

Nigeria. 90% of this figure represents staff who are outsourced

looking from the macro economic factors such as fluctuations in oil

to other companies for whom C&I manages recruitment, payroll,

prices and exchange rates, which impact our marine business and

training and other HR processes. However, whether they are in-

fleet management operations respectively, to low entry barriers

house or further afield, the company takes great care to look after

for competitors in the outsourcing space. We also face regular

every member of its team: “As stated earlier, we are a learning

business challenges such as the constant need to increase value

organization with a commitment to continuous training, growth

whilst keeping expenses steady and efficient.”

and development. We schedule an annual training calendar that

C&I was incorporated in 1990 by the Central Bank of Nigeria to

addresses the organizational and functional training needs of our

offer operating leases, finance leases and other ancillary services.

employees, and every week, we also have 30 minutes of sharing

It went into full operation the next year, and gradually expanded its

sessions on general issues ranging from health to finance to

operations into outsourcing and fleet management, including the

relationships and self-development.”

commission to own and manage the HERTZ franchise in Nigeria.

C&I also protect their staff through the provision of health

At the time, C&I was set up as a limited liabilities company, and it

insurance and welfare benefits, as well as discounts on products

remained this way until 1997, when C&I made the move to list itself

from C&I’s suppliers such as insurance packages, fuel, car rental and

as a Public company. This change required major restructuring and

vehicle accessories. “These are all in addition to a warm, friendly,

diversification within the company. After this upheaval, the final

semi-formal work environment which encourages creativity and

major milestone in the company’s history came almost a decade


later, in 2010, when it began to invest in the marine sector – a step

Last year was a busy time of expansion and innovation for C&I.

that led to great success: “Today, we are the leading marine team

For starters, they commenced several new contracts, including one

to beat.”

with Huawei Technologies to manage over 200 vehicles across

48 | Endeavour Magazine

Nigeria for a four-year project. However, a key focus-area for the

security and escort services. With all of these initiatives taking

company has been investment into its services for international

place and more expansion plans on the horizon, how is C&I Leasing

oil companies. In seeking to improve the efficiency of the services

and its subsidiaries funding these pushes into new directions?

and resources on offer, the company hopes to expand its reach in

In part, the funds are being produced through an arrangement

this market and continue to spread its appeal to more international

that the company have recently worked out with the Nigerian

clients from this industry. One such investment has been the

Stock Exchange. In essence, the company has received approval

acquisition of two new 2018 ASD 2913 tugboats. “On the 1st

for a share reconstruction, meaning that for every four ordinary

October, in a joint venture with SIFAX Marine Limited, C&I Leasing

shares that a shareholder possesses, they will now instead hold

commenced a ten-year marine contract with the Nigerian Liquified

one share of equivalent value. This has allowed C&I to open up

Natural Gas Company (NLNG), for which we deployed two brand-

more unassigned shares, which, in turn, means that there is a ripe

new 2018 ASD 2913 Tugboats named ‘MV Chidiebube’ and ‘MV

opportunity to invest in this growing company.

Folashade’. Earlier, in July, we concluded the buyout of a 27.5%

2018 was a year of change for C&I, and this change is just

minority stake in C&I Petrotech Marine Ltd, and in the process took

getting started. Each development is but a stepping stone in a

full ownership of six vessels presently deployed to a long-term

larger plan to expand their reach, and turn their unique position

contract with Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria

within Nigeria into a reputation region-wide, making now the time


to watch them.

C&I itself wasn’t the only innovative company in its family last year. Leasfric Ghana unveiled the SWITCH Car Rental Brand, which Andrew described as a “fresh face for its car rental service”, offering airport transfers, exclusive meet and greet services, VIP airport drops and pick-ups, in addition to cross-border travel services with

PILLAR OF THE CATERING INDUSTRY Catering Housekeeping Laundry (industrial capacity – Primavera Clean)

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BAPCO WWW.BAPCO.NET // 00973 1770 4040

FONT OF WEALTH In terms of its economy, oil is one of Bahrain’s most essential resources, and has been since the 1930s. We spoke with BAPCO (Bahrain Petroleum Company), the wholly Government-owned entity of Bahrain, about its role in this defining industry for the country. WRITTEN BY JACK SLATER & ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Oil was discovered in Bahrain in 1932 - the first such find on the Arabian side of the Gulf. In many ways, this discovery went on to define Bahrain to the international community. Since the late 20th century, there have been attempts from Bahrain to diversify their economy and become less dependent on oil – for example, the country has invested heavily in banking and tourism. However, it was - and is - an oil-rich nation.


APCO is engaged not only in Bahrain’s oil exploration, but

The oil process begins with the exploration and development

also oil drilling, production, refining, distribution and sales. It

departments: BAPCO carries out extensive studies on a continuous

is a major operation, owning a 250,000 barrel-a-day refinery,

basis, always making use of the latest technology, techniques and

storage facilities for more than 14 million barrels, a marketing

methods to look for new oil and gas prospects, as well as to obtain

terminal and a marine terminal for its petroleum products.

more accurate data on its existing reserves.

With a catalogue of customers for both their crude oil and

Once exploration and development, a lengthy process in itself,

refined products, throughout the Middle East, India, the Far East,

is complete, BAPCO of course tackles drilling and production.

South East Asia and Africa, about 95% of BAPCO’s refined products

To maintain production at optimum levels, advanced drilling

are exported beyond their borders. In this regard, BAPCO’s main

techniques are applied to new and existing wells. Due to the

push is to collaborate and engage in all aspects of the petroleum

increased demand coming from Bahrain’s growing industrial base,

and related industries, with the aim of maximising its contribution

BAPCO has also expanded its gas facilities to increase the natural

to the national economy.

gas production capacity.

Handling such a vital resource for the country, BAPCO has

The Bahrain Refinery, which is one of the largest in the Middle

pledged itself to be the pinnacle example of a business by creating

East and the oldest in the GCC, refines over 250,000 barrels of

value for their shareholders, customers and employees whilst

crude oil every day. About one-sixth of this crude originates from

constantly striving for excellence - a key watchwords of the

Bahrain Field, and the remainder is pumped from Saudi Arabia


in pipelines extending 27 kilometres over land and a further 27

Today the oil industry is one of the most competitive sectors

kilometres under the sea before reaching the northwest of Bahrain.

in the world, and it does not forgive errors. To promote excellence,

BAPCO exports crude oil to world markets and sells the refined

BAPCO has taken the stance of separating the focusses of the

petroleum products both locally and internationally. It also supplies

company into different segments, to offer a strong hands-on

and sells aviation fuel at the Bahrain International Airport through

approach to all divisions.

its affiliate, The Bahrain Aviation Fueling Company (BAFCO),

52 | Endeavour Magazine

BAPCO in which BAPCO is a 60% shareholder. It also provides the full

Mr. Kyung-Tae Kim, Vice President of Samsung Engineering

requirements of natural gas to the power generating plants and

was quoted as saying that the Lube Base Oil Plant was one of the

other industries in the country.

largest of its type in the world, and that the opening of the Lube

The organisation also works on training and development, both

Base Oil Plant provided a fresh impetus to business investments

within their own walls and further afield, for the wider support

in the Kingdom of Bahrain, setting a new benchmark for the use

of the industry. The company is delivering an ambitious human

of technology in the oil and gas industry. It also boosted local

resource development programme to ensure that the skills of its

employment, hiring 3000 new workers for the development phase,

workforce match the technological and business demands of

including 200 Bahraini nationals.

the ever-evolving sector, and it also supports over 150 students

The production capacity of the Lube Base Oil Plant is 400,000

in higher education across Bahrain and abroad. The training and

tonnes a year of Very High Viscosity Index (VHVI), Group III

development department ensures that Bahrain’s present and

Lubricant Base Oils, which are products that are in increasing

future oil and gas workers are at the level required to support the

demand in Europe and North America, as they are needed to meet

country’s needs and its high reputation within this sector. Given

the requirements of the next generation of lubricant performance

that their reputation is so high, and oil and gas in many ways define

and environmental standards. The plant has therefore proven

Bahrain in the eyes of the world, BAPCO takes quality management

highly profitable, with the production of Group III lubricant base

extremely seriously.

continuing to seem a financially attractive endeavour for the

One of the many areas of operational excellence within BAPCO


is the million BAPCO Lube Base Oil Plant. The $314 million

An integrated oil company, BAPCO is committed to the

development received the Bahrain MEED Quality Awards for

protection of the environment and to the health and safety

Projects after it went into operation in 2012, and is an area of focus

of its employees, contractors, customers and the surrounding

and pride for the company.

community, believing that these are integral parts of its business

54 | Endeavour Magazine

and culture. As a country, Bahrain is rich in its natural heritage; the archipelago is home to more than 300 species of birds, mammals and sealife, all of which BAPCO is heavily involved in protecting and relocating where necessary. Whilst oil and gas may be said to define Bahrain to the world market, BAPCO knows that it is the country’s stunning nature, natural heritage and its cultural history that truly represents what is precious and valuable about their home; whilst they work to both further the industry and add to their economy, they also know that they cannot lose sight of the importance of protecting these treasures.

Endeavour Magazine | 55

ENI NORTH AFRICA WWW.ENI.COM // 00218 21 3335010

THE SIXLEGGED DOG Italian company Eni is a wellknown name in the global oil and gas industry, making serious waves wherever it operates. To get to know this company better, we focused in on Eni Africa, to explore an area of operations that accounts for half of Eni’s total production. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Before we get to the specifics of the African branch of Eni, it would be prudent to get a feel for the company as a whole, to lend some context to what is happening on the continent.


et’s start with a look at the guiding principles of the operation,

step in, which is why a growth initiative is being put into practice

in its own words:

and not simply for the benefit of Eni’s bottom line, as Claudio

“We are an energy company. We are working to build a

Descalzi revealed:

future where everyone can access energy resources efficiently

“Energy and diversification are the key elements for Africa’s

and sustainably. Our work is based on passion and innovation, on

long-term development. Lack of access to energy in Africa

our unique strengths and skills, on the quality of our people and in

entrenches poverty and encourages migration, depriving countries

recognising that diversity across all aspects of our operations and

of some of their best people. The private sector can make a huge

organisation is something to be cherished. We believe in the value

contribution to the use of resources for local development through

of long-term partnerships with the countries and communities

investment, skills and technology.”

where we operate.”

We challenge you to recall the last time you heard of an energy

Given that Eni is an Italian company, it was only natural that

company seeking to develop its offerings, purely for the good of

there would be some artistry involved, but who knew that oil and

the community, but that’s exactly what the Eni ‘Africa for Africa’

gas could sound so poetic? Well, with a presence in 71 countries

model is all about:

and a staffing contingent of 33,000-strong, there’s a little room for

“We want to develop Africa’s resources for the benefit of

lyricism, but let’s find out what makes the African branch of Eni so

the continent and have invested in domestic capital to promote


local development from the very start. The key to this is access to

Eni likes to add a little humour to things and describes how the

energy, which leads to development and stability, allowing Africa

“six-legged dog first left its paw prints in the Egyptian desert in

to fully harness its growth potential. Almost two-thirds of Sub-

1954.” The quote, of course, refers to the charming multi-limbed

Saharan Africa’s population lives without electricity and in unsafe

logo of Eni and while it made its first tentative steps into Egypt

environmental conditions. We were the first energy company to

a long time ago, today, the African arm of Eni accounts for more

produce gas not only for export, but also local consumption.”

than half of the total crude oil and natural gas collected by the

Far from simply seeking to strip Africa of the resources that

entire company. Yes, all 71 countries. This staggering fact alone has

make it so promising, Eni wants to locate them and distribute

ensured that Eni is now the primary producer in Africa.

them fairly, for the good of everybody; we don’t know about you,

While impressive production rates are great, Eni is not about to

but that sounds refreshing to us. Moreover, as part of the same

sit back and wait for new opportunities or simple good fortune to

initiative, there is an inherent commitment to improving the future:

58 | Endeavour Magazine

ENI NORTH AFRICA “We want to replace 50 per cent of the traditional biomass used

“By Local Content we mean the added value that Eni brings

in the continent – wood and coal – with renewable energy and

to the socio-economic context of the host country through the

gas. We’re creating a low-carbon future based on an economically,

participation of local people and businesses in Eni’s industrial

socially and environmentally sustainable model.”

activities, the transfer of skills and knowledge and the reinforcement

Oil and gas production are, in terms of the logistics, fairly

of communities’ skills assets.”

standard, but the way local communities benefit from the activities

In short, Eni is looking to give back to Africa and its people. Yes,

and the relationships garnered between producers and residents

the continent has been generous in terms of oil and gas produced,

is what sets certain companies apart. For Eni, this is definitely the

all of which has lifted Eni into a prominent position within the

case, as it has carefully developed and maintained a relationship

energy sector, but the relationship is entirely reciprocal. As Eni

with Africa over the last 60 years and includes certain surprising

continues to grow and succeed, so too do the local people who are

elements such as art exhibits. This really ties into Claudio’s vision:

given jobs, and who then feed into the economy. It’s a truly cyclical

“We need to create a North-South corridor between Europe and Africa – a channel not only for energy, but also partnership, social development and stability.”

and supportive relationship and that seems to be the secret to Eni’s success, given that this model is replicated on every continent! As Eni implies, energy is life and everyone has the right to a

Eni, in this global vision, will act as the conduit for more than

safe, happy and comfortable existence. While the oil and gas keep

just oil and gas, bringing about opportunities and development

flowing in Africa, so too will the socio-economic growth and the

initiatives as well. The company already recognises that by

potential for great change. That’s the kind of debt that’s hard to

having a presence in countries that are less industrial than most,

repay, but all Eni is asking for is to keep working together. Now that

it can provide amazing routes into a more progressive future. Eni

really is the future of big business.

discusses the theory of ‘Local Content’ for development:

60 | Endeavour Magazine

Medserv has been providing Logistics and associated services to ENI in North Africa for over 40 years. These services have been provided from Medserv’s shore bases in Malta, Libya and more recently in Egypt. Medserv would like to congratulate ENI on its progressive strategy in providing sustainable business and we would welcome being part of this continuous success story that is ENI.


Oil / Gas



Experienced Reliable Committed Partner Endeavour Magazine | 61




aanse Schans is a region of Zaandam, a

600 windmills in the region, making it the

architectural style, and were originally built

town situated just north of Amsterdam

oldest industrial area in Western Europe.

on stilts due to a great portion of the country

in the Netherlands. It is home to tulips,

The windmills served a variety of

clogs and historic windmills, embodying all

industries and include a saw mill, a dye mill,

The paint mill was integral to Dutch

the most popular notions of Dutch culture.

an oil mill, paint mill, and a spice mill. The

cultural movements, producing the coloured


production of wood in the region made

pigments for paint that would have been

recognition in the last 50 years for the

Zaanse Schans the centre of ship building

used by the artists of the Dutch Golden

successful preservation of a cultural heritage

in Western Europe, and throughout the

Age such as Remembrandt, whose work can

site that has defined the Netherlands for the

18th and 19th century approximately 26

we viewed in a museum named for him in

past four centuries. The windmills of Zaanse

shipyards launched over 100 ships a year,


Schans are without a doubt beautiful, but

all thanks to these picturesque windmills.

The oil mill would have used seeds from

they have also played an integral part in the

Wood from the sawmills was used for the

local fields, such as linseed and rapeseed,

industrial and cultural history of Holland.

wooden clogs worn by all Dutch citizens for

and pressed these into oils. The spice mill

Construction of the windmills begun in

work and leisure across the country, and it

is a reminder of the Netherlands colonial

1574, and at the manufacturing peak in the

was also used for the famous Dutch houses,

dominance in the 17th and 18th century,

17th century, there would have been up to

which are constructed in a quaint wooden

and would have ground various spices, as




62 | Endeavour Magazine


being below sea-level.

demolish the buildings, the conservationist team, along with assistance from other locals, managed to transport the windmills and other heritage buildings by road and river to the site they stand on today. Thanks






conservationists, visitors to the site are now able to take a walk through history and witness firsthand the inner workings of these mills. Most are still in working condition, just as they were hundreds of years ago, and are still producing various items. Each has dedicated museums and workshops with demonstrations available for the public, and alongside them are other museums dedicated various aspects of Dutch culture, including one that is solely dedicated to Dutch wooden clogs, and a cheese and dairy factory too. The region still plays an important role in Dutch industry; there is still a shipyard adjacent to the windmills, and across the river there is a chocolate factory, causing a well as grinding tobacco into snuff. These

bed, they weren’t originally built in these

wonderful scent to linger in the air as you

spices and tobacco were acquired from the

exact locations. From 1961-74, and with

walk amongst the mills.

various Dutch trade routes across Africa,

tremendous effort, an architect by the name

These windmills serve as a reminder

the Americas, and Asia. The spice mill is now

of Jaap Schipper led a project with other

of the past and the early beginnings of

used to create a delicious mustard that is

local conservationists to save the culturally

industrialisation, and regardless of the

available for visitors to purchase.

significant mills in their region. As these sites

nearby modern industrial units, the idyllic

Ten of the remaining windmills are

where they were originally situated were

setting of Zaanse Schans boasts all the

now dotted along the river Zaan. Though

already planned to be rebuilt on, Schipper

fineries of Dutch culture. Nowhere else

they look natural here, and are rather

had no choice but to move the windmills!

captures the romantic aesthetic of the past

charming amongst the reeds of the river

After persuading locals authorities not to

in the same way. Endeavour Magazine | 63




delightfully British journey through the seasons, Bob and the River of Time is a beautifully illustrated book that

demonstrates the rich plant and wildlife of the UK, and encourages its readers to learn more about the critters and wildlife around them. Suitable for younger readers, the story

Bob and the River of Time has excellent

behind Bob, drew on his own childhood

follows Bob, who unknowingly boards a

interaction and re-read value – as well

for inspiration. It’s no surprise, after seeing

boat on a time-traveling river: his voyage

as following Bob’s journey, readers are

the level of detail in every page, that James

sends him through all of the seasons in a

encouraged to study the vibrant and

has a love of the British countryside, but

matter of days, with the world around him

eventful scenes that he travels through and

he drew even more direct inspiration from

changing and allowing readers to see just

to identify the many plants and animals that

his upbringing: he was raised in Maidstone,

how different every season can be. Every

appear, giving them a deeper appreciation of

Kent, in a watermill that his father converted

page of the story is fully illustrated, cram-

both the British countryside and the way the

– possibly one not dissimilar to the watermill

packed with animals and plants to find, yet

seasons change the world around us.

that Bob sails past on his own river-based

pleasing and never too busy to look at. 64 | Endeavour Magazine

James Garner, the author and illustrator

adventure! This idyllic setting can be seen

influencing every page of illustrations.

out of every image, Bob contains more

entertained long after the story is finished.

On top of this, James’ mother was also

than just a story – it also includes a “Cast

You might want to take a sneaky peak at

something of an author, writing a book

and Crew” section, with an image and

some of the guides at the back, in case

about the weather that featured him and his

introduction to every plant and animal that

you’re called on to spot some of the more

sister as main characters.

can be discovered on Bob’s journey, and

evasive characters!

This book, James’ first, has taken him

at the very back, there’s even has a helpful

Bob and the River of Time is available

five years to complete, due largely to the

guide to where each character is hiding, to

online at Amazon and Waterstones and will

painstaking care that has been put into

help any readers (or parents!) who get stuck.

be coming soon to Beccles Books. It is also

Garner’s book is as charming to read as

due to be translated into Greek this summer.

every illustration. To make sure that readers get the most

it is to look at, and could keep its readers

www.bobandtheriveroftime.com Endeavour Magazine | 65


EUROCREM Made by companies with decades of experience, Swisslion-Takovo’s products are tastier and more popular than ever. The Serbian company produce delicious foods and snacks for children and adults, from luxurious chocolate treats to healthy drinks. We took a closer look at this scrummy company to see how they’ve been putting a smile on South-East Europe’s faces since they opened, almost a dozen factories ago. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


In the valleys of Trebinje, Bosnia, golden light seems to flow slowly over the slopes, like a light treacle or a fine dusting of sugar over a sleepy-looking town. Rolling hills of green, dotted with picturesque, toytown trees and buildings, make the area look destined for a biscuit tin picture. The white stone and warm terracotta-coloured rooftops of the town are bright, warm and welcoming in the sunlight; this calm, quiet city is one of the many idyllic homes of SwisslionTakovo’s chocolate and confectionary factories.


ounded in 1997, the company has gradually expanded their

(chocolate spread), Eurodessert (chocolates), Viljamovka (pear

product range, branching out from biscuits to include sweets,

brandy) and even Juvitana (baby food).

ice cream and even baby foods. Starting out in Serbia, the

Each factory is fully automated, producing the company’s

company now also has facilities in Macedonia, Croatia and, of

beloved products on the most high-end and up-to-date machines.

course, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their single factory has become

The company describe themselves as “an empire in the field of

eleven, with ten built in Serbia and one in Macedonia, and their

quality and healthy food production”, claiming that “the application

personnel now total the thousands.

of modern technology and advanced knowledge, as well as

Swisslion-Takovo’s Trebinje factory, whilst an industrial facility

continuous training processes, set high standards of business,

by nature, mimics the colours of the town with its white walls

living and working in Swisslion-Takovo.” Their fully automated line

and warm reds. The structure, which cost the company over €20

creates biscuits in a manner that will have the Willy Wonka and

million, has an appearance that evokes the excitable, childish joys

the Chocolate Factory opening credits playing in your mind, or

stirred by what’s inside: chocolate, biscuits, even ice cream. It is a

perhaps Edward Scissorhands’ cookie machine. The facilities each

clean, welcoming factory fit for a whimsical industry. This look and

house numerous machines, everyone as fun to watch in action as

feel is shared by all of the company’s locations.

the rest. White and red labels whizz past like ribbons on spools,

The sheer number of locations explains not only the

vast sheets of biscuit squares run under pouring chocolate, and

confectioner’s vast output, but also their broad range of products.

confectionaries of all kinds zoom around the room in various stages

Their two main factories are located in Vršac, North-Eastern Serbia,

of their separate dances. It’s enough to make your mouth water

and Gornji Milanovac, Central Serbia. The North-Eastern factory is

for the goodies being produced, and your inner child to clap in

dedicated to confectionary production, including biscuits, chocolate

excitement at the mechanical circus in motion.

bars, wafers, sweets and Turkish Delight, whilst the central facility

Whilst production is automated by top-end machines,

manufactures food products such as pasta, soups and fruit juices.

personnel oversee the entire process. Dressed in sanitary white,

Overall, the company’s best-known products are their Eurocrem

they monitor, package and transport the treats, as well as making

68 | Endeavour Magazine

SWISSLION TAKOVO sure that quality standards never slip. Don’t let the production line

the Takovo company, founded in 1962 in Gornji Milanovac, whilst

fool you – every product in these factories is made with love!

Swisslion itself was founded in 1991. Takovo was state-owned

Of course, Swisslion don’t just produce confectionaries – they

during the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and was one of

own many facilities, creating everything from healthy drinks to

the country’s biggest industrial companies. Swisslion and Takovo

baby foods. Perhaps the most glee-inducing of these is their ice

merged in 2004 under name Swisslion-Takovo, following Swisslion’s

cream factory, added to their arsenal in 2011 and quickly becoming

acquisition of Takovo by public tender. Whilst Swisslion’s focus

a major part of their operations. It’s hard to say, ‘ice cream factory’

has always been on the sweet side of things, Takovo brought their

without a swell of childish excitement, and this factory has plenty

savoury foods and healthy drinks into the mix. If this double threat

on the production slate to be excited about: promising “perfection

wasn’t enough, the company also incorporated Juvitana, producers

of flavour, high quality and natural ingredients”, Swisslion claim

of children’s food, and Sisak, a Croatian biscuit factory involved in

that their ice cream will “delight you once more with its richness”,

the production of the Euro Jaffa biscuit brand, secured in part to

with high levels of cocoa butter in their chocolate flavourings

expand the company’s hold on their Croatian market.

and carefully selected natural fruits for many of their 54 flavours.

As one unit with many parts, Swisslion-Takovo was the

Combining these natural ingredients with modern methods, the

brainchild of Rodoljub Drašković, whose clear vision and contagious

factory’s totally automated production line is able to produce

energy fuelled the merger and inspired the resulting company with

30 million litres of ice cream a year – try to imagine that without

this message: “Business can be done here, done well, and new


values can be created.” The mission included the desire to become

Like any sizable and successful company, Swisslion-Takovo’s

the most powerful player in South-East Europe’s food industry,

origin story isn’t simple. The Swisslion Group traces its origins from

as well as playing a significant role in Serbia’s overall economic

70 | Endeavour Magazine

development. As well as these lofty aims, they intend to price competitively, distribute promptly, and offer a wider and more mouth-watering assortment of treats to choose from. Swisslion and Takovo’s now symbiotic relationship is perhaps best illustrated with their most iconic product: Eurocrem, the brand’s popular hazelnut and vanilla flavoured sweet milk chocolate spread. Half white, half brown, the two products are sold together in one tub as a yin-yang of flavours. Often marketed with the image of a slice of toast, half covered in one spread and half in the other, the product’s most recent slogan is “We grow together”. It is a perfect metaphor for Swisslion-Takovo’s journey together: two elements, one sweet, one savoury, a combination that is unarguably delicious. We couldn’t imagine one without the other.

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www.vfi.co.at Endeavour Magazine | 71

METROSELSKABET WWW.M.DK // 0045 3311 1700

KEEPING CONNECTED Whilst Christmas is over, winter is starting to truly set down roots in the Northern Hemisphere: whilst that might be unwelcome news on the day to day, as workers defrost their cars for their daily commute, it is appealing news when it comes to enjoying many beautiful locations in Europe. Certain cities lend themselves to a frosty citybreak, and one of those is certainly Copenhagen. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The Danish capital’s architecture and culture suits a chilly visits, and as the hub of Denmark and a popular tourist destination, it is essential that travel around the city is as fast and accessible as possible - even if it snows! Metroselskabet, Metro Copenhagen, have been working to stay ahead of the game, with the extension to their line six years into construction and almost ready for use.

andering through Copenhagen in the winter is a cold but


The new stations will be constructed in keeping with the

cozy experience. Strolling down the frost-bitten cobbled

metro’s existing values and design features; like their predecessors,

streets, colourful market stalls combat the grey skies. If the

the stations will be spacious and open, with easy access from

wind is starting to chill you, you can always nibble some æbleskiver

street level both for travelers and for the sun. Natural daylight

– a traditional Danish pancake-ball eaten at this time of year. These

is a hallmark of the Copenhagen Metro, with their subterranean

small bites of light, warming comfort food come powdered with

stations carefully designed to make sure that underground travel

sugar and drizzled in anything you could think to put on them. If

remains a well-lit, spacious and soothing experience.

it’s a drink you need, you might be able to find a cup of mulled

However, the new stations will not rest here: they plan to

wine or cider, or as the locals call it, a cup of gløgg. There are gaudy

continue where the previous stations left off, taking these design

and intricate treasures alike waiting to be discovered in Rosenborg

values and elevating them to the next level. Being safe, light,

Castle, and multiple formal parks and gardens to explore.

airy and well-organised spaces are fundamental qualities of the

With all of this to see around the city and more, it’s essential that

present Metro’s aesthetic, and designers are working to develop

Copenhagen’s public transport remains efficient. For this reason,

these further in the latest additions. The new stations will all have

in collaboration with the municipal authorities of Copenhagen

a unique feeling; the existing stations all share the same design,

and Frederiksberg, the Danish government is expanding the city’s

but their youngest siblings will explore new shapes, colours and

existing metro with a new circle line, aptly called Cityringen.

materials to give each location its own look and feel. Additionally,

This entirely new line will add 17 new underground stations to

where skylights need to be added to keep the Metro’s natural

Copenhagen. Running 15.5 km underground, the line will improve

lighting present throughout, these constructions will also be

travel access to downtown Copenhagen, the ‘bridge quarters’ and

incorporated stylistically into the cityscape above ground.

Frederiksberg. It is set to open in July this year.

Despite high levels of design going into the finished product,

However, the slated work will not stop there. In early 2020, the

extensive construction work snaking through this picturesque city

two stations on the metro’s Nordhavn extension will also be linked

will, of course, have the unattractive side-effect of snaking building

to Cityringen, and in 2023 the Sydhavn extension will also join the

sites. Usually a quintessentially European blend of modernity and

Copenhagen metro network, adding yet another five stations. In

biscuit-tin-worthy historic whimsy, scaffolding and view-obscuring

total, the planned work will add 24 new stations to Copenhagen’s

construction site hoardings are an unfortunate addition – especially

metro system network.

at a time of year when so many holiday-makers are visiting the city.

74 | Endeavour Magazine

METROSELSKABET Fortunately for tourists and locals alike, Cool Construction has

them or the structures supporting them. To further avoid damage to

made it a mission, in conjunction with Copenhagen Metro, to keep

the surrounding buildings, pumping from the water-bearing layers

the city beautiful.

in the subsoil were taken to identify where these layers lay and

Launched in 2011, Cool Construction turn construction site

how deep into the subsoil the effects of surrounding construction

hoardings into public art displays. They complete over 100 projects

could be traced. Once this was completed, the area’s stability

around inner Copenhagen every year, financed by advertising on

was increased through filling subterranean pockets with a stable

certain sections of the hoardings, whilst they turn the rest into a

material. Lastly, obligatory archeological excavations took place to

visual celebration. Some of the sites pose challenges – for example,

ensure that no history was lost to the construction.

the 365 metres of wall at the Sønder Boulevard construction

Once the soil had been studied and prepared, the next stage

site can only be reached and worked on when traffic is halted.

was to redirect utility lines. Cities are bustling entities, and what

The solution has become an annual spectator event; with artists

we see above ground literally does only scratch the service. As well

applying for the privilege of getting involved every year, 30-40

as the Metro’s complex operations, infrastructure networks link

selected artists have one weekend to turn their sections of the wall

every building to the essentials of electricity, gas, heating, water

into a colourful art installation. Thousands turn out over the course

and telecommunications – all of which needed to be re-routed. The

of the weekend to watch the artists in action.

work costed around DKK one billion.

Subterranean construction is no simple beast. Before work on

Construction of the new Cityringen lines began in earnest

the Cityringen could begin, geotechnical drilling was needed to test

in 2011. Two years later, four machines began boring the 31-

the safety perimeters required, such as determining much earth the

km tunnel, completing earlier this year. Meanwhile, the core

network’s pressure tunnels, stations and shafts could withstand.

construction of the stations has taken place, and the final phase

Vulnerable existing structures also needed to be measured to

– refurbishment of the areas around the new stations – is now

calculate whether the underground works would risk damage to

underway. This includes the aesthetic touches, as well as more

76 | Endeavour Magazine

Industriholmen 71 DK-2650 Hvidovre ¡ Denmark Phone: +45 4494 9048 bms.dk practical details such as signs and lighting. This step is expected to

complete in 2017, and the finished metro will undertake test runs between then and its official opening, scheduled for July 2019. (he extension to Nordhavn will open in the winter of 2019/2020, and the extension to Sydhavn will open in 2023. Originally a Viking fishing village, Copenhagen has been through many evolutions in its lifetime. We still need to wait a couple of years before we can enjoy the benefits of the new Cityringen, but for Metro Copenhagen, the bulk of the work is finally drawing to a close. It has been a painstaking and expensive process, but one that will make a marked difference to locals and visitors alike. It is these sorts of investments and long-term projects that allow a city to stay ahead, and culture-filled Copenhagen has no plans to lose its reputation as a smooth-running European hub.

BMS is the market leader in Scandinavia for operation of mobile cranes, crawler cranes, mobile tower cranes and truck-mounted cranes up to 1350 ton capacity and specialises in machinery moving and rigging, jacking bridges and skidding tunnels up to 6000 ton The BMS company was chosen as the preferred supplier of crane and lifting activities at both the two major Metro construction projects in Copenhagen. BMS also owns and operates the largest fleet of truck-mount man-lifts from 45 to 103m working height in Europe.


Industriholmen 71 DK-2650 Hvidovre ¡ Denmark Phone: +45 4494 9048 bms.dk

Endeavour Magazine | 77


THE PEOPLE’S VOICE For 25 years, the Banking Association South Africa (BASA) has overseen the country’s banking sector and sought to safeguard the industry against issues for customers and stakeholders alike. They support the banks that, in turn, support the country as a whole – it is a great responsibility, and one they have risen to for the last quarter of a century. We reached out to BASA again to celebrate their silver anniversary. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The Banking Association South Africa exists as a go-between for South Africa’s government and its banks. Whilst this is the extent of their mandated role, in practice, they take this representation a step further, by communicating with the people of South Africa themselves. BASA strives to make sure that the needs of the people are heard by banks and politicians alike.


hilst a small group in terms of staff, the Banking Association

of a conducive banking environment. Part of this responsibility is to

South Africa’s reach and influence is vast, and after 25

ensure that we participate at the highest-level of decision making

years of operation, they understand what is needed

in the country. To this end, The Banking Association South Africa

for banking to be truly successful: fair business. With a focus on

has structured and organised itself to ensure effective participation

accessibility, inclusiveness and change, MD Cas Coovadia has taken

in cabinet and its executive through the calibre of people and

BASA against the grain of what we expect from the banking world.

leadership that interact with Government at various levels.”

The result? Amazingly, more stable business for their members.

Established in 1992, BASA was a very different organisation

In its own words, BASA is “an industry body that aims to build

when it began. In fact, it was four: the Association of Mortgage

a positive banking environment for both consumers and banks. It

Lenders, the Merchant Bankers Association, the Clearing Bankers

addresses industry issues through advocacy; guiding transformation

Association and the Association of General Banks. These four

in the sector; acting as a catalyst for constructive and sustainable

separate associations worked cooperatively under the name ‘the

change; and engaging with critical stakeholders.” It works closely

Council of South African Banks’ (COSAB), but they did not become

with its members to advise on issues facing the sector, and to lobby

one official entity until 1998. When merged, the new association

the government to make them aware of the bank’s needs. It also

was named The Banking Council South Africa, until 2005 brought

stays aware of how banking can impact the country in a positive

a complete re-structuring, re-naming and new leadership. That new

way, managing various committees that advise their executives on

MD was Cas Coovadia, who still serves today, and the entity was the

important issues such as affordable housing, agriculture, SMME,

beginning of BASA as it now stands.

debtor financing and property finance. This keeps them in step with

As a sector, banking has a reputation for being resistant to

the country’s needs, and they serve as advocates of these to the

change, but in order to keep up with South Africa’s evolving needs

people that make the decisions.

and to best support its members in responding to them, the new

BASA is aware of the demands on its position and holds

MD ruled that stagnancy and complacency were not an option.

itself to the highest standards in order to meet them. This

He shifted BASA’s focus from being exclusively on its members to

includes monitoring the quality of its staff, the efficiency of its

looking at the customers of those members, understanding that to

communication systems and the way in which BASA represents

help one, they must help the other. It seems simple, but it is a thought

itself and its members to South Africa as a whole. As its team states:

that banks can, in honesty, overlook, but Coovadia is on a mission to

“We are an organisation that exists to contribute to the enablement

prove that it was possible for banking to be both fair and successful.

80 | Endeavour Magazine

BANKING ASSOCIATION SA He has a passion for justice, and is no stranger to fighting for it:

annum for graduate qualifications and 13 days for post-graduate

previous to his position at BASA, Cas had been an activist within the


United Democratic Front during the anti-apartheid struggle, and

By valuing the idea of brand and corporate vision, mingled with

was a founder member of the SA National Civics Organisation, so

a personal and genuine investment in his staff, Cas has created an

he was well equipped to lobby for what he believed was right.

entity where employees can be proud to work, and will pass that

Instigating change in an industry must happen on many fronts

positivity and zeal on to their members. When asked his philosophy

– as well as influencing his 35 member banks and lobbying the

regarding leadership, he responded with, “Humility, morality,

government, Coovadia needed to create change at home. He knew

ethics and servant leadership” – it isn’t a common answer, but it is

that to keep ideas fresh, he could not ignore the potential of young

one that has served him and South Africa well. With 25 years of

employees. He explained: “Always try to encourage young talent and

experience behind BASA as a whole, and almost half of that time

develop it. We take in interns every year and expose young people to

under Coovadia’s leadership, this silver anniversary is a mark of

the industry. We also try to promote from within wherever possible,

the achievements that should only continue in the years to come.

bearing in mind that we have a relatively flat structure.” Offering

As BASA’s team persist in listening and adapting, the country’s

their staff learning and promotion opportunities is essential to

banking sector will have a force within and pushing on behalf of

the MD; to encourage an attitude of offering inclusiveness and

the people.

opportunity to the bankers of South Africa, he must offer the same to his staff. “BASA strives to be a caring organisation. We encourage staff development and, as far as our budget permits, we contribute towards training and studies of staff, provided this is of relevance to the position. Staff get a maximum of 10 days’ study leave per

82 | Endeavour Magazine





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For over 200 years, we have made it our job to ensure our clients’ financial ambitions always have a place at Citi. The closer we are to you, the greater the progress we can help you make.

Endeavour Magazine | 83


STRENGTH IN NUMBERS When people work together, the results are always better, but it takes a firm and experienced hand to keep a collective of professionals collaborating as opposed to competing. That is exactly what the United Arab Emirates Contractors Association offers, and the construction industry landscape has never looked better. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


The UAE Contractors’ Association (UCA) has been paving the way for improved professional relationships and exemplary safety standards in the construction industry since September 1985. By embracing cooperative working practices with municipalities and accepting support from professional bodies, the progress made in terms of industry-relevant innovations have been key.


ssentially, any reputable organisation or individual that is a part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) construction industry is eligible to join the UCA, and given that the positive reasons to

do are extensive, it’s little wonder that there are so many respected members already, with the list growing all the time. There is a diverse range of benefits to being a UCA member: First of all, members receive prestigious certificate that entitles them to mention their membership on company stationery, which in turn lends confidence to the company in the UAE marketplace. They also receive a free subscription to the bilingual Contractor’s News magazine, from which they can source technical information about a variety of relevant subjects, and a free copy of the annual contractors’ directory - a rich source of business contacts in the UAE construction industry. But let’s not overlook perhaps the most valuable benefit of all; access to a world of fantastic networking opportunities with similarly minded fellow contractors that are not only looking to improve their portfolio of clients, but are also keen to work with other local professionals. It’s no secret that the cornerstone of any successful trade association is a rigorous vetting process that ensures every member is committed to upholding the same standards, but there’s something else to think about as well: supplier relationships. You might be thinking that a professional association has little to no

86 | Endeavour Magazine

UAE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION need for a reliable supply chain, but UCA has joined forces with

deadlines, as many in the UAE are, having fast access to a network

a wealth of fantastic organisations to guarantee the continued

of ready-to-work professionals is a valuable asset. UCA identified

success of the construction sector. Most pertinently, recruitment

this early on and have been enjoying a fantastic partnership with

links have proven to be critical, as provided by Overseas Labour

OLS ever since, whilst passing the benefits of the relationship on

Supply (OLS).

to its members.

OLS is a veritable pioneer in terms of construction industry

It’s fairly obvious why any construction industry needs to be

specific recruitment and has been making a fantastic name for

properly regulated and bolstered by open communication, but

itself since its inception in 1979. So much so, in fact, it has placed

the association’s Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Saif Belhasa, offers a more

in excess of 130,000 workers, which adequately demonstrates

location-specific insight:

exactly why it is considered to be one of the best in the game. It is

“The UAE construction boom has made it imperative to create

thanks to this remarkable reputation that UCA has formed a close

channels to develop and improve building standards and increase

bond with the company, so as to be able to seamlessly offer UAE

efficiency. The state has therefore endorsed the establishment of

construction companies access to guaranteed professionals, as and

specialised construction organisations to undertake this function.

when the need arises. OLS states that:

State officials are trying to support local potential as a cornerstone

“The greatest asset of any organisation is its people. That’s

of the country’s development. The unlimited support provided by

why professional recruitment is of utmost importance. Recruiting

the state to the parties concerned is proof of this plan of action,

the right people demands trained professionals with rich

which aims at achieving development in every field. This confirms

experience to analyse a resume and ‘read’ a candidate during

the importance of construction organisations and public welfare

an interview.”

departments in contributing to building and development, side

This is a service that not everybody can provide, and when

by side with all the state’s institutions and official departments.

time is tight and construction companies are facing stringent

Naturally, the aim is not to achieve some momentary gain and quick

88 | Endeavour Magazine

profit. The ultimate goal is to create a sound national economy as a basis for various development projects.”

With a huge number of respected members signed up, a board of industry experts guiding the association and professional

Given that the stakes are so high, it’s little wonder that UCA is

relationships in place that benefit absolutely everyone, perhaps

manned by a board of top construction executives, each of whom

UCA is showing the rest of the world exactly how it is done.

brings experience and a host of unique perspectives to the table.

If nothing else, that’s a great foundation for the rest of us to

With a number of events hosted every year, it is essential that

build upon.

everyone in attendance can offer some insights and suggestions as to the best course of action for progressing construction projects, legislation and safety standards. Offering a number of training events, conferences and expos, the UCA has a jam-packed calendar of exciting networking opportunities lined up for 2019, all of which are guaranteed to keep things moving in the right direction. The association works with a strict mandate of “building for sustainable development”, and has made a pledge to oversee the “development of professional contracting in the UAE, through the upgrading of the construction industry, coordination and integration between the members and their effective representation before the relevant authorities, locally and internationally, and to achieve excellence in customer service management techniques and advanced technology to contribute to sustainable development.”


We support the manpower needs of our clients by sourcing, taking assessment test, and accommodating specialist teams of personnel to meet our client’s needs.

We specialise in recruiting all types of construction workers and have provided over 130,000 placements in the past 39 years.

WWW.OLSUAE.COM P.O. Box 2702, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Street, Al Butina, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 6 565 7163, +971 6 5651817 Fax: +971 6 565 4913, E-Mail: ols@eim.ae Mobile: +971 50 6462691 Endeavour Magazine | 89



urope’s highest selling electric vehicle for 2018 is set to release new models. Thanks to the record-breaking year

of success of the new Nissan LEAF, Nissan has announced a new take on the LEAF 3.ZERO, as well as the new Nissan LEAF e+ 3.ZERO Limited Edition. This new offer seeks to broaden the appeal of EVs to more customers. 2018 was a strong year for Nissan in general, but the Nissan LEAF performed particularly well, with over 40,000 cars delivered across Europe. As well as being Europe’s highest selling EV for the year, the LEAF has also managed to maintain the title of the world’s best-selling electric vehicle in total, with more than 380,000 units sold globally since its original launched in 2010. So, what is there to get excited for in the latest model? The new LEAF 3.ZERO features many of the elements that made it so popular last year, including its 40 kWh

to manage features like charging their

longer-range drives, with an expected driving

battery. It has gained many accessories and

battery, adjusting their climate controls and

range of up to 385 km from a single charge.

cosmetic features, such as new body colours

checking the battery status, all from their

and two-tone colour combinations, and it has

mobile device.

At the centre of the new LEAF e+ 3.ZERO Limited Edition is an Intelligent Power-

also gained useful features such an 8-inch

As for the LEAF e+ 3.ZERO Limited

enhanced battery. On the road, this 62 kWh

infotainment screen that enables additional

Edition, only 5,000 of this vehicle will be

battery will deliver a 40% range increase over

connectivity services such as door-to-

released in Europe, so if you want one, you’ll

the new LEAF 3.ZERO’s 40 kWh battery. This

door navigation. An all-new and improved

have to act fast! This exclusive evolution of

battery has been designed with 25% more

NissanConnect EV app will also become

the LEAF will feature a higher output than

density and a 55% increase in energy storage

available when the new LEAF 3.ZERO goes

the regular 3.ZERO, capable of delivering

capacity, containing 288 cells compared to

on sale in Europe, which allows LEAF owners

160 kW (217 PS). It will also be capable of

the 192 found in the 40 kWh equivalent.

90 | Endeavour Magazine

a seamless, smooth drive and maximum

2018 is a testament to the strength of the

control to the driver through enhanced

product. We hope the LEAF 3.ZERO models

pedal feedback. Meanwhile, ProPILOT is an

will help continuing this extraordinary growth

advanced driving assistance technology that

in 2019.”

works on single-lane highways: a ‘hands-on,

The new LEAF 3.ZERO price starts at

eyes-on’ system, it allows the car to stop,

39.900€, while the new LEAF e+ 3.ZERO

restart and stay centred in its lane in higher-

Limited Edition will be available for sale from

speed cruising and lower-speed congested

45.500€. First deliveries of the new LEAF

traffic scenarios. The technology reduces

3.ZERO are expected to start from May

driving stress and fatigue, enhancing driver

2019, while initial customer deliveries of the

confidence behind the wheel. Additionally,

new LEAF e+ 3.ZERO Limited Edition will

Whilst this Limited Edition improvement

both models’ batteries come with the same

commence from summer 2019. European

on the LEAF naturally has several appealing

eight-year/160,000 km Nissan warranty

customers wanting to order either model

aspects that put it in the lead, both models

enjoyed by all other versions of the LEAF.

can register their interest online from the 9

have many new features in common to offer.

Gareth Dunsmore, Director of Electric

For example, both models will feature e-Pedal

Vehicles and Connected Services for Nissan

and ProPILOT, critically acclaimed Intelligent

Europe, had this to say about the new

Driving technologies that are transforming

release: “Since we launched the new Nissan

driving experiences. The e-Pedal is a new

LEAF last year, the customer response has

driving sensation for many, allowing the

been outstanding. In an EV market that is

driver to start, accelerate, decelerate and stop

constantly growing, sustaining the LEAF’s

using only the accelerator pedal. This delivers

status as the most popular EV in Europe in

January 2019 or visit one of Nissan’s 2,000 retailers in Europe.

Endeavour Magazine | 91


POWERING UP A wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, National Energy is committed to supporting the infrastructure and development of the nation’s gas-based energy industry and monetising the country’s extensive natural gas resources to the benefit of this industrial hub. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


As we all know, Trinidad & Tobago is an oil & gas reliant industrial hub with key ports in LNG shipping. In fact, as the third richest country in the Americas by GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) after the United States and Canada, Trinidad and Tobago moved up six places in The World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report in 2017. As such, the management of the islands’ energy is a demanding task, as is the management and utilisation of their hydrocarbon resources.


ince we last spoke with National Energy (then the National

In its primary role as overseer to the nation’s gas-based

Energy Corporation or NEC), the company has been engaging

industrial infrastructure, National Energy is responsible for the

in all enterprises within the hydrocarbon-based and energy-

development and identification of new industrial estates, as well

intensive industries, with a view to further promoting, developing

as the deep-water ports that service them, with such projects


providing a crucial contribution to the national economy through






businesses on the islands.

the creation of strategic national assets in the marine, energy

National Energy was incorporated in 1979 as National Energy

and infrastructure sectors. This covers work in procurement,

Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago to continue the work first

design, project implementation and supervision of publicly funded

started by the Coordinating Task Force in monetising the country’s

projects, and involves working closely with and going between

natural gas resources, as well as developing and managing industrial

the Government, local and international investors, consultants

and marine infrastructure. National Energy was also involved in the

and contractors.

construction and operation of the early petrochemical plants and

On top of this, National Energy is also responsible for the

the port and marine infrastructure which service all plants at the

maintenance and management of Trinidad and Tobago’s two

Point Lisas Industrial Estate.

existing industrial estates and port facilities, which are essential in

Today National Energy (nee National Energy Corporation) is well

servicing the nation’s energy and industrial sectors and overseeing

positioned as the force that will drive the expansion of the energy

the import and export requirements of petrochemical and

sector into the future. The company is taking a proactive approach

metal plants.

to promoting Trinidad and Tobago’s energy brand regionally and

Although National Energy continues to focus on the above

internationally, including the company’s recent re-naming and

areas, its current mandate also includes identifying and developing

re-branding, as well as continuing to execute the development

new industrial estates and deep-water ports, as well as the

of energy projects and infrastructure under the guidance of the

development and management of the existing La Brea and Union

Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs.

Industrial Estates. However, whilst the company is most focused on

94 | Endeavour Magazine

in-region projects, it is also turning its eye overseas, investigating

When asked what exciting developments they had on the

ways to ship its knowledge and expertise to the energy sections in

horizon, National Energy were keen to mention their integrated

Guyana and Suriname.

Melamine/Formaldehyde cluster project at Union Industrial

Similar to this overseas outreach, National Energy also hosts

Estate. This project aims to utilise locally produced melamine

supplier forums that seek to promote and introduce suppliers from

and methanol to create higher valued products, such as Oriented

the oil and gas industries, and well as raising awareness about

Strand Board and Veneer Products. A first for Trinidad and Tobago,

their internal processes. At these forums, suppliers are able to

the project also seeks to bridge the gap between the energy and

network and meet each other, as well as forming stronger bonds

manufacturing sectors of the economy.

with National Energy’s staff themselves. This somewhat unique

National Energy currently employ around 130 people, not

approach is National Energy’s preferred way to of build relationships

including their many highly skilled subcontractors. The development

with existing and potential suppliers. Even after these summits,

of their employees is a serious matter to the company, with Personal

communication and direct interaction between themselves and

Development Plans developed for every individual on the National

their suppliers is key to National Energy; they believe in keeping

Energy payroll. Great attention is paid not only to staff’s training,

lines of communication open at all times, allowing in-house staff

but their ongoing competency and ever-improving abilities. Within

and supplier companies to interact easily as one team. Similarly,

this, there is also a strong focus on career development and

this focus on bonds means National Energy prefer forming long-

promotion from within. As National Energy see it, in an industry

term relationships over flitting between loyalties to chase the

that is always evolving and growing, the development of each

lowest price; instead, their approach builds trust between steady

employee is crucial for standards to remain high and employees’

relationships, allowing for credit on larger purchases and more

training to stay relevant. In doing so, they keep ensuring that

secure business for both parties. That said, they dissuade nepotism

Trinidad and Tobago are not only benefiting from high standards

by reminding their suppliers to stay competitive!

themselves, but can continue their trend-setting global rise.

SURINAME DRYDOCK AND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY S.A. Saramaccastraat 33-35 • P.O. Box 1846 • Paramaribo, Suriname • South America Email: drydock@sr.net • Phone: (597) 475100 – 425757 – 424252 • Fax: (597) 420750 • Website: www.surinamedrydock.com

Facilities Floating drydock of 50.00 x 22.00 x 1.60 meters with breadth of 18.00 meters between the wing walls and a lifting capacity of 1100 tons Floating drydock of 30.00 x 13.40 x 1.22 meters with breadth of 10.05 meters between the wing walls and a lifting capacity of 150 tons

Slipway with a capacity of 100 tons and one for new buildings and repairs of vessels up to 600 tons with a length of 70.00 meters Machine shop for repairing and machining of shafts, bearings and parts

Representative of: Damen Shipyards Gorinchem

Propeller shop for repairing several kinds of propellers such as manganese bronze, bronial, aluminum and stainless steel Endeavour Magazine | 95


FUEL FOR THOUGHT Determined to continually improve the petroleum industry, the Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company is proud to be the most diverse industry set-up in the Caribbean, and is instigating standards that competitors continually struggle to meet. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Incorporated back in 1972, the Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company (NP) was formed by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, which is also the sole owner. Created using assets bought from what was BP Caribbean Ltd, the incorporation was the beginning of a programme of serious investment and development, and after buying 50% of the inland assets of ESSO and enveloping them into NP in 1973, growth really started to happen.


n 1976, NP became the sole distributor of petroleum

in the knowledge that no standards were being negated in the

fuels in T&T, having acquired the marketing assets of

pursuit of commercial success. This leads us neatly onto exactly

Trinidad and Tobago Oil Company (formerly Shell Trinidad

what NP offers consumers, on a day-to-day basis. Before we look

Ltd) and the following year the local marketing assets of Texaco

at the array of products on offer from NP, we need to reiterate

Trinidad Ltd.”

the fact that it is the most diversified petroleum company within

Can anyone say monopoly? If this was simply a commercial

the English-speaking Caribbean, as it is such a key USP. After all,

operation seeking to swallow up all the interests in the Caribbean,

any company with enough investment could look to sell petroleum

you’d be forgiven for calling out uncompetitive practices, but

fuels, but it takes a deeper level of industry expertise to expand

knowing that the Government owns NP means something

into other arenas:

else altogether. Having a directive to always do more for the

“NP markets petroleum fuels, lubricating oils and greases,

consumers, NP cites that “by land, sea and air, our passion is to get

liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas and automotive

better every day in every way.” NP was and is snapping up as many

specialty products. NP possesses the largest service station

assets as possible, but in a display of respect for the brands being

network in Trinidad and Tobago. From our blending plants come

incorporated, blanket marketing hasn’t been adopted. Instead,

lubricating oils, greases, brake fluid and radiator coolants. We also

under licence, NP continued to produce a range of lubricants after

deliver marine bunkering and aviation re-fuelling at our facilities in

acquiring Shell Trinidad Ltd, right up to the point where the National

both Trinidad and Tobago and in Dominica.”

Petroleum Brand of lubricants was launched in 1981.

NP really is a one-stop consumer satisfaction shop. Not only are

The question is, how have all of these asset acquisitions

the products developed and created to a staggering standard, there

impacted on the range of products available to consumers? “NP

is also an extensive distribution network in place, ready to fulfill the

continues to improve its product rating, keeping abreast of every

needs of local people and businesses. This ties in beautifully with

significant technological advancement in the lubricants industry.

the company mission and vision statements:

Today, thanks to our rigorous pursuit of quality standards such as

“Our mission is to provide a safe and reliable supply of quality

the service classification of American Petroleum Institute (API), the

petroleum products to customers in domestic and regional markets.

Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean markets are among the most

Our vision is to be the preferred petroleum marketing company,

advanced regions of the world.”

leading in customer service, innovation, efficiency and profitability;

So, monopoly of the market was never the driving force; it was a case of learning, improving and being able to diversify, safe 98 | Endeavour Magazine

emerging from domestic leader to competitive regional player.” Note the continual lack of global aspirations here. This is a

NATIONAL PETROLEUM MARKETING COMPANY local operation, run with the region, residents and quality in mind.

Programme, the goal of which is to provide an avenue where the

Yes, if an opportunity to diversify into more international interests

youth in the Port of Spain area could focus on music literacy and

presented itself, NP would be ready and able to rise to the challenge,

personal development. We have been able to achieve these goals

but there is no sense that the team is looking past the people that

through the introduction of Level 1 music exams and formal life

have made the company what it is today. It feels like a very natural

skills training by an external facilitator for these students.”

and symbiotic arrangement; people need petroleum products, NP

Investing in the community is a great way to ensure continued

provides them, and everyone enjoys the relationship - but there’s

economic stability for the whole region, and given the fact that the

more to NP than simple supply and demand.

future looks exciting for NP, it’s a savvy move.

Even the most simplistic of operations can identify what

With solid industry expertise and product understanding

consumers want and need, but it takes a more innovative company

forming the foundation of the whole company, coupled with

to look for ways to meet commercial demand, whilst never

the extensive distribution channels in place, NP will certainly

compromising on the original core values. After all, trust, integrity

never be forced to search for profitable opportunities. Yes, new

and passion will never go out of style and can be the values that set

developments will always be investigated and assessed in terms

companies apart, making the difference between a disappointment

of commercial viability, but never to the detriment of the core

or a successful tender. Something else that certainly helps NP

activities that have helped to raise NP to the industry-leading

to stand out from competitors is the commitment to social

position that it now enjoys.


The Caribbean will always need fuel and petroleum products,

“Over the years, NP has had an on-going commitment to the

and NP will be ready and waiting to serve, having done so for

development of the people and culture of this country. However,

over 40 years already. We think we’ll keep a watchful eye on NP,

among the many endeavours in which the company has been

as we have the feeling that some new innovations are just around

involved, we are particularly proud of the NP Music Literacy

the corner.

100 | Endeavour Magazine

RENKERT OIL, LLC has partnered with NPMC for many years and is proud to be associated with their highperforming organization. Renkert provides the base oils that are components of every quality lubricant NPMC manufactures. The relationship has been a highlight for Renkert employees, customers and suppliers, and they congratulate NPMC on many years of success.

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Endeavour Magazine | 101


THE CALL OF THE WILD Overwhelmingly vast and breathtakingly beautiful, Africa has long enchanted visitors and tourists. The region is a sublime melting pot of culture and history, but the biggest draw for tourists remains the safari tours that show off the country’s world-famous wildlife in all its glory. WRITTEN BY DJAMIL BENMEHIDI

NOMAD ADVENTURE AFRICA TOURS Nomad Adventure Tours, one of the oldest and bestregarded safari tour operators in the Southern and East African region, is a name that may be familiar to Endeavour readers. Through its knack for innovation and ability to bend with the winds of change, Nomad has shown thousands of satisfied customers all that is best about this remarkable continent for 20 years. We turned out attention to the company once again to investigate their exciting new partnership with Toyota, which is set to see the company become the envy of the sector.


n a world where the hand of humanity can be seen and felt at

and winding journey across up to 14 countries to see some of the

every turn, magnificent African landscapes like that of Serengeti

most spectacular sights they will ever gaze upon. Each year, the

National Park and the Okavango Delta stand as bastions of the

Nomad team travels an average of two million kilometres over more

natural world. Certainly, they are valuable and accessible reminders

than 1000 tours a year, offering packages that take their customers

that life doesn’t begin and end in the sprawling cities and urban

across the length and breadth of sub-Saharan Africa.

centres where so many of us spend our lives.

From serene journeys across the landscape of the ‘Garden

For a tourist who has never seen the early-morning sun rise

Route’ in South Africa to epic treks into the mountains of Rwanda

over the horizon of the Maasai Mara or the sight of giant herds of

or Uganda, homes of the critically endangered Mountain Gorilla,

wildebeest, thousands-strong, stretching almost as far as the eye

Nomad’s varied and expansive itinerary options mean that there

can see, the experience of leaving the hustle and bustle of urban

is something for everybody, whatever their tastes and whatever

life behind to follow the call of safari can see them return home a

their budget. As of this year, this expansive array now includes

different person.

the option to fly down to the South African coastline and take to

This ability to inspire such change is, in Alex Rutherford’s view, part of what makes the rigours of running one of Africa’s leading safari tour operators worth it: “If you’re running safari tours for 15,000-20,000 vs. 500 people that are paying ten times more, I’ve found that the wealthy guys

the waters. “Most people don’t know this, but South Africa is one of the diving hotspots of the world, specifically for apex predators – the sharks, the whales, the dolphins and the seals that are abundant in South African waters.

tend to be a little jaded with the majesty of the world. We’re talking

“This year we’ve launched the ‘Big 5 & Dive’, on a scheduled tour

about people who can afford to travel anywhere, and who’ve seen

basis. Customers taking this combined package see it all: starting

and done most of it.

at the Krueger National Park, they go game driving and all of that

I’m more into the guys who’ve never been into the wilderness,

before flying down to the coast and diving into South Africa’s

for example, who come from South Korea and who’ve never been

pristine waters. This tour package is unique – there’s nobody else

out of the city and end up in the middle of the Namib Desert. They

doing it like we’re doing it. It’s a new package, so it’ll take a bit of

start crying because they’ve never been alone or exposed to that

time to bed in, like all new products, but it’s a valuable addition to

level of openness and silence – they go home changed completely.”

our portfolio of tours.”

Since he first established Nomad Adventure Tours in 1997, Alex

It is this ability to meet the needs of an incredibly broad clientele

has utilised his passion for adventure and love of Africa to show

and deliver customised tour options that has acted as one of the

travellers what makes this land unique, and to take them on a long

key drivers of Nomad Tours’ success over the past two decades.

104 | Endeavour Magazine

NOMAD ADVENTURE AFRICA TOURS Travellers who choose to see the sights of Africa with Nomad Tours

maintaining a healthy group dynamic. It is a delicate mix, and the

come in all shapes and sizes, so to speak; in any one tour, a group

tour guide must take control of everything with professionalism,

can be made of people aged from 18 to 80, be any of a dozen

decorum, and a friendly and engaging manner.

different nationalities, and hail from all walks of life.

For this reason, Alex has been careful to choose tour guides

“We really accommodate a huge and varied cross-section of the

based on their temperament and capacity for lateral thought, as

market. The campers are often younger, they’re on a budget and

opposed to qualifications – people can be taught to drive and

they’re not afraid to rough it a little. The mid-range guys tend to be

cook, but good character is something that people come with. This

a little older and prefer a little more in the way of creature comforts,

approach to recruitment extends to the wider Nomad Tours team,

such as a roof to sleep under, but are looking for something that

as Alex was keen to highlight, and judging by the company’s track-

isn’t overly expensive. Then there’s the older, wealthier clientele

record of success, it is an approach that has been vindicated:

who don’t want to camp anymore and expect a degree of comfort.”

“Pound-for-pound, my team, the office team, the people who

Catering to clients’ needs in this regard is essential, and so too

train and run the ops team are top-drawer people – exceptionally

is ensuring that Nomad’s team delivers a superior experience that

good staff. The hours can be long and workloads can be huge, but

will see customers fall in love with Africa and catch the safari bug

that’s the nature of tourism. It can be a high-stress environment.

to the extent that they come back again. Much of this responsibility

If you have the right people, you get staff retention, and then you

falls onto the shoulders of the company’s tour guides – individuals

have the meat and bones of your company in place.”

who, in Alex’s words, are “the priest, the doctor, the lawyer, the

Innovation has played an integral part in Nomad Tour’s

friend, and the commander” of each and every safari tour. On a

continued presence at the front of the industry. Whether the

multi-country tour, there are a thousand different variables to

company is mapping out the most exciting, visually striking safari

consider and a thousand different dilemmas and challenges that

tour routes or designing overland-diving hybrid tour packages,

could be faced, relating to the climate, the food, the vehicles, and

Nomad Tours has achieved longevity and a formidable reputation

106 | Endeavour Magazine

amongst its peers because of its ability to stay ahead of the curve.

we’ve been busy designing the vehicles and they will look a million

Indeed, the most exciting development to emerge from Nomad

dollars –something that everybody will look at and think “Wow, I

Tours since we caught up with the company last year surrounds an

want one!”

ambitious partnership with Toyota that is on the cusp of coming to

This new concept of 4x4 luxury overland travel will allow

fruition – one which will further cement the company’s status as an

Nomad Tours to reach out into a more luxury market, centred

industry trendsetter.

around fewer people and more comfort. The technical innovations

“As of January next year, we’ll be launching five Toyota

of the new Toyota Highnote, including seats that will be able to

Highnote 4x4 custom-built trucks that will be the first of their

swing from forward-facing to side-facing (perfect for game driving,

kind in the tourism industry worldwide. The vehicles we’re building

where customers will want to have their own private window that

are exceptional – they will provide true 5-star travelling for our

faces outwards), are as-of-yet unheard of in the industry, and will

customers. They have individual aircon, onboard toilets, individual

help to make the customer experience of seeing Africa that little bit

electronic safes, reclining leather seats – endless luxury for a safari

more special.

tour. They are top, top of the range.

Even for a company so accustomed to change and excitement,

“They will be a more expensive option for our customers, but

these are heady times for the company. As Alex himself admitted,

not exorbitantly so – we’ve capped the number of vehicles we’ll

Nomad Tours has reached the zenith of what can be achieved

be acquiring at 12 because they cost a small fortune. They will be

through what it was doing before. However, through his ability

for people who want a bit more space and a bit more privacy –

to adapt to a changing marketplace, not to mention an ever more

generally people who are a little bit older, and perhaps not that

demanding clientele, new horizons have opened up for man and

keen on the camping thing anymore. It’s a new product, and it

company – a testament, certainly, to what can be achieved when

stands alone against what’s currently in the market. I think from a

you go about business with great passion and love for what

Toyota perspective it’s going to be absolutely phenomenal, because

you do.

Awake to the birdcalls of the Kalahari and prepare yourself for a day in the bushveld.

(267) 721 207 91 / 75121955 ghanzitrailblazers@gmail.com www.ghanzitrailblazers.co.bw Endeavour Magazine | 107




t’s tempting to think that the busiest,

immortal. Yet, as each of them succumbed to

Taino Indians, Port Royal, as it was later

most vital cities and trades will be around

war, natural disaster, or simply insignificance,

known, was an island that provided a great

forever. Places like New York, London

they left behind a trace of their former

natural harbour to Jamaica. In the early 16th

and Shanghai hold a secure place in the

greatness; a testament to a bygone era.

Century it was brought to the attention

21st Century collective consciousness as

One such city in the Caribbean commanded


‘the centre of the action’ – ‘the places’ for

a huge regional significance in the 17th

discovered it in their voyages to the New

culture, adventure and business.

Century, only to vanish beneath the waves

World. However, seeing little use for the

One can easily forget that, like Shelley’s

in mere moments. But this wasn’t the fabled

land, it was not utilized in any significant

Ozymandias, past civilisations probably

Atlantis; this was Port Royal, once reckoned

way. That changed in 1654 when, whilst

supposed that their cities of renown, like

to be ‘the wickedest city on earth’.

returning from a defeated military venture

Babylon, Troy, and Pompeii, were just as 108 | Endeavour Magazine

Originally occupied by the indigenous





in Spanish Haiti, an English expedition under

perhaps inevitably, the port also began to

dubbed it an ‘act of divine retribution’ for

become a hive of illegal trade and piracy.

man’s wickedness.

The busy trade opened up an abundance of

When divers began to re-explore the

fresh opportunities for the pirates, some of

ruins of Port Royal in the 1950s, they found

whom actually traded in their Jolly Rogers to

a treasure trove of historical artefacts and

become legitimate privateers instead. Flush

insights into everyday life during the 17th

with extraordinary wealth, the inhabitants

Century. Although some segments of land

of the port garnered a reputation for

had crumbled to total ruin during the disaster,

ostentatious displays of drinking, gambling,

others had simply broken off and settled on

brawling, and general iniquity. If ever there

the sea floor completely intact. Remnants

was place like the Tortuga, the pirate-

left behind included pottery, household

infested island portrayed in the Pirates of

implements and tools, and clothes. Most

the Caribbean film series, it was here – even

remarkable, however, was a pocket watch

though Elizabeth’s wealthy port town home

found among the dead that had stopped at

was actually named after this lost city.

the exact time of the earthquake: 11:43am

Like all ‘good’ things, the party was soon

on the 7th of June 1692.

to end. In 1692, less than four decades

The exploration of Port Royal was a

since the English made it Jamaica’s sin city,

superlative archaeological find; one can’t

the command of Oliver Cromwell seized the

an enormous earthquake struck the West

help but be reminded of Pompeii, another

island as a consolation prize. On the newly

Indies, creating a tsunami that decimated

influential city that was wiped off the face

taken territory, they established a settlement

Port Royal. In the ensuing carnage about

of the Earth, only to be preserved for

named ‘Fort Cromwell’, later changed to

two thirds of the settlement was claimed

posterity. Indeed, that these terrible events

‘Port Royal’ at the re-instatement of Charles

by the sea, sinking over 40 feet down to

are able to furnish us with an authentic

II to the throne.

the sea floor. The initial death count stood

glimpse of the past may be their only silver

Since the area’s geography was easily

at 1,600 with 3,000 injured. In the days

lining: to transport us back to a time when

defensible, Port Royal quickly became one

following, a further 3,000 perished from

life appeared to be at its peak. We must be

of the wealthiest ports in the Caribbean,

the rampant disease left in the tsunami’s

grateful that in our major cities, for now at

providing vital trade links from Europe to

wake. Pious Jamaican officials, wary of the

least, the party goes on.

the New World. Unfortunately, although

reputation that the city had accumulated, Endeavour Magazine | 109


DIGGING IN Ambatovy has many claims to fame – the mining venture is one of the most ambitious industrial operations not only in Madagascar, but all of Africa and the Indian Ocean Region. It is also the largest foreign investment ever made in the country, totalling a striking US$8 billion. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Ambatovy’s founders weren’t holding back, and with good reason; the operation is in a strong position to become the world’s biggest lateritic nickel mine, with tonnes of refined cobalt and agricultural fertilizer thrown in as a profitable bonus.

he companies positioned to benefit, and the three that made this


As well as a hefty output, Ambatovy is a notable undertaking for

all possible, are Sherritt International Corporation, Sumitomo

Madagascar in terms of physical size. As well as the mine site itself,

Corporation, and Korea Resources Corporation (KRC), from

an ore preparation plant needed to be constructed and staffed, as

Canada, Japan and Korea, respectively. As well as turning an

well as a new pipeline, the wider plant site, a tailings facility and

extremely healthy profit, the founding companies hope Ambatovy

additions to the Port of Toamasina. Not stopping here, Ambatovy

will contribute to sustainable development in Madagascar, which

also invested in better tying its new commodities together,

they hope to achieve largely through the huge boost the project

including the laying and upgrading of numerous roadworks across

has and will continue to be to the country’s economy. Explorations

Madagascar. Some of these roads had been closed since 1969, but

and the construction of infrastructure came to a head in 2012,

thanks to Ambatovy, now allowed eleven remote rural communities

with production testing being completed in 2014 and financial

to have - finally - easy access to markets and essential services.

completion achieved in 2015. The mine is now fully operational,

The company even invested in the creation of an entirely new 12

and is predicted to soon yield 60,000 tonnes of refined nickel,

km railway line, now operated and maintained by Madarail. Even

5,600 tonnes of refined cobalt and 210,000 tonnes of ammonium

though the new line ran completely parallel to an existing one

sulphate fertiliser every year – a bounty which is predicted to last

between the port and the plant site, the new one was needed in

for the next three decades.

order to create the capacity that would be needed for the mine’s

With figures like this, it’s no wonder that Sherritt, Sumitomo

tremendous forecasted output.

and KRC invested so heavily in the venture, and it is also no surprise

So, what lies behind this predicted profit? The mine site itself

that Ambatovy predict prosperity for Madagascar off the back of

is located 80 km east of Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital. Two

it. The output will make nickel Madagascar’s new top export, which

large lateritic nickel, about 3km apart from each other, combine

will have a dramatic ripple effect on its economy. As well as taxes

to represent one of the world’s largest lateritic nickel reserves,

on these profitable exports, the construction and now operation of

covering an area of about 1,600 ha with depths ranging from 20-

this mine has naturally led to vast amounts of job creation, as well

100 m. Operations are made simpler by the soft nature of the

as investment in the country’s wider infrastructure, education and

ore, meaning that blasting does not need to be used. Instead, the

health-related programmes to assist and aid Ambatovy’s employees.

resource is surface-mined by hydraulic excavators and delivered

112 | Endeavour Magazine

AMBATOVY MINES to the Ore Preparation Plant (OPP) for processing. Here, the soft

the soil’s waste materials are the source of the mine’s bonus third

lateritic soil is separated from rock and waste material, and then

resource – the ammonium sulphate fertiliser.

mixed with water so that it can be transported via Ambatovy’s

Even the materials Ambatovy can’t use aren’t left behind;

pipelines in the form of a slurry. The pipes are able to shoot 826

anything left over that holds no sale or industrial value is known

tonnes of this slurried ore to the plant site per hour. ‘Shoot’ may be

as ‘tailings’. These materials are mixed with limestone to neutralise

the wrong word, as this sluggish material travels 220 km downhill

them, and shipped to the company’s purpose-built tailings facility.

to the site at just over walking pace, making the total journey time

This is a secure area where treated residue is discharged for

approximately 30 hours!

permanent safe-keeping according to the highest international

This precious pipeline is, like pipelines the world over, at risk

standards and requirements. In essence, the materials are buried

from vandals if not protected – this is why it was constructed

and covered by shallow lakes which, over time, inevitably fill as

using a standard ‘cut and cover’ method to an average depth of

more rocks and similar materials are added. As this happens, the

1.5 m. In certain areas, Ambatovy drilled horizontally beneath the

excess water is sent to the ocean. Due to the materials below its

surface, leaving stretches of Madagascar’s scenic rivers and forests

surface, this water has a high mineral content, but it is both similar

untouched. Where this wasn’t possible, extensive work has already

to that of seawater, and any difference is quickly absorbed by the

been done to restore the landscape to its original state.

vastness of the ocean. When a Tailing site is completely filled by

Once at the plant site, the ore undergoes the hydrometallurgical process, a series of steps involving water and chemical compounds

rocks in this manner, it is reclaimed, and work will begin to restore it as a seamless part of the natural landscape once more.

on the soil to eventually yield refined nickel and cobalt. However,

Before Ambatovy, Madagascar had limited infrastructure, not

ingeniously, as a part of the company’s dedication to sustainable

only in terms of systems that could support the mine’s operations,

business and returns, this ore is not the only product used from the

but in terms of the residents’ lives as a whole. From three

mine. Ambatovy doesn’t even let the waste go to waste – instead,

foreign investors, the country has been boosted industrially and

114 | Endeavour Magazine

economically, as well as gaining other life-changing benefits such as a new water treatment plant, plants to produce oxygen, hydrogen, sulphuric acid, and hydrogen sulphide, a power plant and a fully equipped, professionally staffed medical clinic. The jobs, roads and tax money the company brought with them would be boost enough, but across the board, Ambatovy have gone out of their way to help their community at the same time as themselves. The mines they operate have a phenomenal output that will continue to do good for Madagascar for the three decades they yield, and the domino-effects of this will carry on far longer. Who knows what other operations and developments will become possible in the country off the back of the opportunities and resources Ambatovy can create?

Endeavour Magazine | 115


SWEET, REFRESHING, LOCAL As one of the largest, oldest and most prestigious beverages brands in the world, PepsiCo is a company that needs no introduction. The company enjoys annual sales above US$65 billion and a portfolio of leading global brands such as Pepsi, Gatorade, 7up, Lipton, Frito Lay and Quaker. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


In terms of strength and brand recognition, Pepsi is a genuine global A-lister, standing shoulder-toshoulder with the likes of McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Google. In terms of taste… well, it’s for good reason that Pepsi’s carbonated soft drinks are enjoyed by millions, if not billions of people in every corner of the world.

ince the Pepsi-Cola name first appeared on the shelves of


Take the Caribbean island of Jamaica, for example: here, Pepsi’s

stores and restaurants on August 28, 1898, the company has

regional bottling subsidiary, Pepsi Jamaica, boasts a 61% share of

gone from strength to strength, providing consumers with

the country’s bottled soft drinks market. Following three years of

refreshing beverages for any occasion. However, as industry global

successive growth, it would be no exaggeration to say that Pepsi

giants like PepsiCo have found, the matter of producing, bottling

Jamaica, owned by the Latin American beverages giant Continental

and distributing its products in sufficient quantity is a tall order.

Beverage Corporation (CBC) of Guatemala, has hit a purple patch

After all, it has to reach customers in over 200 countries. Bearing

which shows no sign of fading.

in mind that PepsiCo sells an estimated 1,000,000 cans and bottles

It is no coincidence that the company’s recent growth spurt

of its signature drinks each day in the US alone, even a world-

has come about following a period of heavy investment in its

class company of their calibre cannot operate successfully using a

production facilities. In-line with the company’s intention to boost

centralised production and distribution model. At best, it would be

growth by a further 25% over the coming three to four years, Pepsi

inefficient, and at worst, a disaster.

Bottling Company Jamaica has invested US$10 million on a new

To ensure that customer demand for Pepsi products is satisfied,

bottling line, alongside a further $1.5 million spend to increase

responsibility for the bottling and distribution of the products

the number of Pepsi drink dispensers, soda fountains and coolers

falls to specialist regional bottling companies, whose commercial

deployed throughout shops, wholesalers and other retail outlets

purpose is centred specifically around achieving the production

and channels across the island.

and output needed to meet demand within its sphere of influence,

The successful roll-out of an ambitious and aggressive growth

and expand market share where possible – a franchise operation,

strategy designed to consolidate Pepsi Jamaica’s positioning as

in other words, that puts Pepsi out at the front, wherever they are

the island’s market leader has quite literally borne fruit, following

in the world. Make no mistake about it – whatever the country and

its acquisition of all grapefruit supplies in Jamaica and Belize – a

whatever the state of the marketplace, Pepsi’s regional bottling

move that provided the company with the ingredients needed to

operators lead the field.

drastically boost output and sales of Ting, and achieve a threefold

118 | Endeavour Magazine

PEPSI JAMAICA BOTTLING COMPANY LTD growth in sales since 2013 as a result. Pepsi Jamaica has also

a list of countries that will continue to grow as the PepsiCo-CBC

introduced 17 new products, including a flavoured water called

partnership expands into new territories. In recognition of CBC’s

Splash and a grape-flavoured Tropicana that is outperforming

operative excellence, PepsiCo has named CBC and Pepsi Jamaica

expectations. Since Splash’s market entry in 2012, the drink has

Bottling Company as “Latin American Bottler of the Year” several

scored 20% of the flavoured water market.

times and “Worldwide Bottler of the Year” in 2012 – an accolade

With a surge of upstart new entrants into the market such as

that understandably generates much pride in the business.

iCool and CranWata, along with the threat posed by Pepsi’s long-

Understandably, there is a lot of optimism at Pepsi Jamaica,

time arch-rival, Coca-Cola, such ruthlessness has been a necessary

and looking ahead, there is a huge amount for the company to

measure taken with long-term self-preservation in mind. When

be optimistic about. Following the signing of a strategic alliance

you’ve been at the top as long as Pepsi Jamaica Bottling Company-

between Pepsi Jamaica and global beer brand Red Stripe in 2013 –

CBC has, you learn how to stay there.

one of the world’s best-loved beer brands, now part of Diageo - the

PepsiCo’s operations in Jamaica and Central America are

two companies have gone on to vastly improve their distribution

representative of the company’s long and prestigious heritage in

infrastructure in unison and develop synergies that have allowed

the region. In 1942, PepsiCo issued CBC its first production and

them to develop their product portfolio even further. All in all,

commercialisation franchise for Guatemala, marking the beginning

it is clear that Pepsi Jamaica Bottling Company is only going one

of a 70-year strategic alliance. It is telling that CBC are the oldest

way – up. Production capacity is up, as are sales, and with new

bottlers of PepsiCo outside the United States of America, and this

partnerships on the horizon it is clear that the Jamaican sun

close relationship has continued to grow and evolve over the years.

will continue to shine on this exciting company for many years

Today, CBC is now the anchor bottler for nine markets within Latin America and The Caribbean: Jamaica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Ecuador and Peru –

120 | Endeavour Magazine

to come.

Endeavour Magazine | 121


PROTECTING PRODUCTIVITY While some are destined to be innovators, others have a more intrinsically vital role to play in that their skills are desperately needed to ensure the continuation of a nation’s productivity and success. Pipework Services Botswana has, inexplicably, been able to combine both elements into one cohesive company and Endeavour Magazine took a closer look, to discover how. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


Founded in 1986, Pipework Services Botswana (PSB) identified a gap in the market for a niche set of skills that would allow other regional businesses to flourish and operate with full peace of mind that every mechanical installation will be maintained to the highest standards. Because that’s what PSB is; a facilitator of perfect performance.


longside extensive engineering expertise, there is a contingent

control systems, cold and freezer rooms, laundry equipment,

of cutting-edge designers and manufacturing premises

kitchens, fire protection and ventilation.”

that allow PSB to not only maintain existing commercial

installations, but also produce vital componentry:

To call this a diverse portfolio of industries would be a little simplistic, as the roster is undeniably impressive. What’s more,

“We operate a stocked warehouse and duct manufacturing

PSB seeks to serve a huge range of clients as well, with local

plant and workshop where we produce all types of galvanised and

government, private employers, property and mine developers all

stainless steel ducting as well fabrication of different metal works.

on the ever-growing list.

With our present equipment and labour force, we are able to

Given the enormous variation in both project types and clients,

produce in excess of 2000 m² per month, which can be increased,

PSB needs a management team in place that can maintain a firm

depending on the demand.”

grip on how the company is developing and that’s exactly what it

Put that into context and suddenly, it becomes clear that there


is unlikely to ever be a client problem that can’t be addressed

Mpulubusi, as a prime example, has been the director for two

efficiently, thanks to in-house manufacturing processes that can

years and has sought to bring a lot to his role in that time. Having

complete custom work in a flash. Understanding which industries

worked his way up through the ranks, he is in a unique position to

PSB actually operates within will bring the impressiveness of this

understand every facet of the operation, identifying potential areas

feat into clear focus and company director, Aljah Mpulubusi, was

and people that need development:

only too happy to oblige:

“Leaders should invite their team on a visionary journey and now

“We are engaged in installation, maintenance, testing and

and then, provide the necessary impetus but in general, allow the

commissioning of all mechanical disciplines which include air

team to operate on their own initiative and abilities. Organisational

conditioning, steam heating, chilled water systems, medical gases,

excellence is refined out of each individual’s confidence that

124 | Endeavour Magazine

PIPEWORK SERVICES acknowledging failure is a springboard to better solutions and system improvement.”

“We are an excellence-oriented company with overall competency in both design and construction, which is a valued

It’s certainly unusual to find a leader that seeks to encourage

addition to the consulting industry. Our engineers are internally

employees to work from a base point of their own skills and to

trained in all aspects of company operations and then continuously

not only take ownership of their failures, but to also see them as

developed through CPD programmes in building automation and

positive opportunities for growth and education. Such a forward-

contract management. Also, younger staff are allowed to study for

thinking ethos does give insight into how PSB is consistently able to

post graduate programmes.”

step up and tackle new and challenging projects and highlights an

This approach is reaping both rewards and success. Having

integral optimism that hasn’t been dulled by unfavourable market

been recognised as one of the top 10 dealerships for Samsung Air


in the whole of South Africa, previously completed projects also

“We currently only operate locally and the market has shrunk

go a long way towards illustrating how vital PSB has become in

considerably due to reduced work volume and profit margins.

the region. From the University of Botswana through to high-yield

Local competition has also reduced considerably, however, due to

diamond mines and even the Attorney General’s chambers, each

closure of some companies.”

have experienced the expertise and premium services on offer

Weathering a period of financial turbulence isn’t something that every company is able to do, but thanks to the unique set of skills

from PSB and now, it’s time to think about how to grow in the coming years.

possessed by the PSB team, as well as the inspired decision to bring

Having survived industry difficulties with aplomb, Mpulubusi

duct and metalwork manufacturing in-house, the organisation has

and his team are using the optimism that permeates every facet

remained buoyant. More than that, in fact, it has provided PSB with

of the organisation to look ahead and design new initiatives that

the opportunity to showcase what really makes it stand out in a

will drive real diversification and growth, not to mention the next

competitive market,

generation of talented engineers,

126 | Endeavour Magazine

“We are currently building capacity by training young staff in our company culture, in preparation for expansion into other Southern African markets like Namibia and Zambia. We are also hoping to be involved in a Debswana Aquarium improvement project, currently under adjudication and the North South Carrier pipeline, currently on tender.” Having secured an immaculate reputation, thanks to 30 years of innovative operation, PSB is now building for an even better future. Exciting new projects look set to complement existing portfolio work and by branching out into new locations, should there be more industry upset, it’s unlikely to impact on the successful business model being put into practice. With fresh young talent always being nurtured as well, PSB is doing more than just protecting the productivity of its clients; it’s guaranteeing the future of the whole region.

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