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COLLABORATION -THE SECRET OF HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL WORKPLACES A fun-filled one-day workshop for learning practical solution-focused communication skills with Dr. Ben Furman, internationally acclaimed teacher of solution-focused coaching and training.


Topics covered: • What is solution-focused communication. • From focusing on failures to appreciating success. • From demanding commitment to sparking internal motivation. • From solving problems to building solutions. • From giving feedback to building constructing dialogues.


Ben Furman is a Finnish psychiatrist and manager of Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute. As an internationally renowned and highly acclaimed author and trainer of solution-focused psychology and counselling, Ben has written two books on Kids’Skills, one of which has been translated into Icelandic (Börn eru klár). For a more detailed information, visit Ben’s website at

What you will learn: You will learn, through practical exercises, a number of deceptively simple solution-focused collaboration skills that will improve your relationships not only with your colleagues at work but also at home with your family members. Who should enroll: Managers, coaches, consultants, HR staff, health and safety employees, team leaders, project managers and anyone interested in positive psychology in general, and solution-focused coaching/communication in particular.

Mið. 4. okt. 2017 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 13. september Verð snemmskráning: 99.900 kr. Almennt verð: 119.900 kr.



Who should enroll: Teachers, pedagogues, therapists, psychologist, headteachers, nurses, child psychiatrists, youth workers, and anyone who in their work helps children and teens to overcome behavioural and emotional problems.

Kids’Skills is a practical, step-by-step solution-focused method for helping children of all ages to overcome emotional and behavioural problems. The method was originally developed 20 years ago in Finland by a group of therapists and special education teachers led by Ben Furman. Topics covered: • Background – what is solution-focused psychology. • How to turn problems into skills that children can learn. • How to make learning skills fun for children. • How to use Kids’Skills with groups of children. • How to engage friends and other members of the child’s social network. • How to build collaboration with the parents.

Fim. 5. okt. og fös. 6. okt. 2017 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 13. september Verð snemmskráning: 59.900 kr. Almennt verð: 71.900 kr.


LEADING DIGITAL -STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT IN AN ERA OF DIGITAL DISRUPTION A two-day Executive Masterclass providing participants with highly practical tools and frameworks for developing, implementing and proactively managing an effective Digital Transformation Strategy for their own organization.


We live in an era of digital disruption.


The convergence of mobile connectivity, social media, enterprise social, the Cloud, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, automation and the block chain, combined with the rapid emergence of a new generation of constantly connected customers and constantly connected employees (Gen C), is threatening to reshape markets faster than at any time in history.

Jim Hamill has 35 years International Management experience and is widely recognized as a leading expert on International Business/Marketing, Digital Disruption, Social Media and Digital Business Strategy. He has successfully delivered on a broad range of consultancy assignments around the World, with clients ranging from SMEs to multinational organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, the European Union and Economist Intelligence Unit and many others.

With reports suggesting that four out of ten industry incumbents, across a broad spectrum of sectors, could be displaced by digital disruption over the next five years, many organizations are on the verge of becoming ‘digital dinosaurs’ due to their inability to adapt. No industry, no organization is immune from the threat of being disrupted. With 40 per cent of jobs being replaced by digital technology over the next two decades – no individual is immune.

Jim has held Visiting Professorships or delivered Senior Executive Programs around the world. Author of several books and numerous papers and Owner and Director of Energise 2-0, a leading digital business and social media consultancy, based in Glasgow.

Transforming digitally has become the most important challenge facing organizations today. A new breed of senior executive is required – Digital Business Leaders; leaders who can combine high level business knowledge, experience and understanding with the ability to develop digital transformation strategies fully aligned with and supportive of agreed business goals and objectives. Leaders who possess both the confidence and personal skills to drive digital-led organizational change

In 2010, Jim was voted as the ‘Most Innovative Lecturer of the Year’ by students at the University of Strathclyde.

• Business Owners wishing to exploit the full potential of digital technology and social media for achieving sustained growth and competitiveness. • Middle Managers responsible for developing and implementing Digital Strategies for their own are of responsibility. • Junior Managers and recent graduates wishing to develop careers as Digital Leaders. • Those already working in digital requiring to update their skills and knowledge.

Topics covered: Content is structured around the WHY, WHAT, HOW and WHO of successful digital transformation focusing on six key themes: • The Digital and Social Media Revolutions • ‘External Digital’ • ‘Internal Digital’ • Digital Strategy Development • Digital Strategy Implementation • Measuring Digital Performance and Organizational Impact

Mið. 8. og fim. 9. nóvember 2017 9:00–16:30 Snemmskráning til og með 11. október Verð snemmskráning: 195.000 kr. Almennt verð: 234.000 kr.

Who should enroll: • CEOs and Senior Executives, from both the private and public sectors, tasked with the responsibility of creating responsive organizations in an era of turbulent digital change. 3

SOFTWARE TESTING FOUNDATIONS WITH ISTQB CERTIFICATION Software is getting increasingly important in our lives. This means that we more and more need software quality. Testing is a central aspect of assuring quality. It must improve and be systematic.


Topics covered: • Basic facts about software testing. • Testing in a software life cycle and the test process. • Static methods: review and automated static analysis. • Test design methods: black box and white box testing. • Test management and control. • Automated testing tools.

Hans Schaefer is a civil engineer in computer science. He works in consulting and training topics like Assessing and Improving Software Testing, Software Quality Assurance, Software Metrics and Software Test. Schaefer is the chairman of ISTQB Norway. Schaefer has comprehensive experience in conducting public and in-house courses in Software Testing in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, UK, USA, Canada, India and China.

Who should enroll: Testers in IT-organizations who want a fundamental knowledge about testing principles and methods. Developers and programmers, if they test or participate in reviews. Leaders who want to organize or follow up testing. Customers who need to organize acceptance testing. This seminar prepares for the exam for the internationally renowned ISTQB. Þri. 19. sept. til fös. 22. sept. 2017 8:30–16:00 Snemmskráning til og með 1. september Verð snemmskráning: 179.900 kr. Almennt verð: 215.900 kr.


SOFTWARE TESTING - ISTQB FOUNDATION LEVEL EXAM ISTQB® exams are organized in a consistent way worldwide and are based on a precisely defined number of questions, varying depending on the certification level; questions are distributed in accordance to the syllabi topics and to K-Levels.

Mán. 25. september 2017 9:00–10:00 (native English speakers) 9:00–10:15 (non native English speakers) Snemmskráning til og með 18. september Verð snemmskráning: 47.900 kr. Almennt verð: 52.700 kr.


MOBILE TESTER FOUNDATION This course provides testers and test managers with an understanding of test fundamentals for mobile applications. Attendees will get a brief introduction to mobile testing, including how mobile app testing differs from testing PC, web-based, and client/server apps. Topics covered: By the end of this course, an attendee should be able to: • Identify and mitigate the challenges that face a mobile application tester. • Plan, design and implement appropriate test cases for mobile applications. • Work with other team members to identify and assess risks and to implement a testing solution to help mitigate those risks. • Identify the applicable quality characteristics for a mobile application and identify an appropriate testing approach to address those characteristics. • Participate in tool analysis and selection to select the most appropriate tools for conducting mobile application testing. • Identify areas for non-functional testing and prepare appropriate tests for those areas. • Understand the differences between the various mobile application types and select appropriate tools, techniques and approaches to test those applications. • Effectively employ simulators, emulators, the cloud, and real devices for testing. • Participate in planning for the future, including proper tool selection and building for maintainability.


Rex Black is the President of RBCS, Inc., past President of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board, past President of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board, Chair of the ISTQB Agile Tester Working Group, and a reviewer of the ASTQB Mobile Tester Syllabus.

......................................... ............. Those who register both for Mobile Tester Foundation and Black-box Bug-a-thon get a 20% discount of the registration price on the one-day Black-box Bug-a-thon course.

BLACK–BOX BUG-A-THON If you are a test analyst or a test manager looking to spend one day learning powerful test techniques in a hands-on way using real apps, and having fun while doing so in a friendly yet competitive setting, this black-box bug-a-thon is for you.

Participants can take the ASTQB Mobile Tester exam on the 11th of November. Please notice the exam is excluded. Who should enroll: Testers experienced with the development of web-based, PC, and client-server applications, entry-level testers with an interest in mobile testing, and experienced developers with a lot to a little knowledge of testing who work in mobile app development. This course is also ideal for testers and test teams preparing for certification.

You’ll learn and apply the following techniques: • Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. • Decision tables and flow charts. • State-based diagrams and tables. • Use cases and user stories. • Pairwise combinatorial testing.

Þri. 31. okt. og mið. 1. nóvember 2017

Fim. 2. nóvember 2017



Snemmskráning til og með 3. október Verð snemmskráning: 179.900 kr. Almennt verð: 215.900 kr.

Snemmskráning til og með 3. október Verð snemmskráning: 79.900 kr. Almennt verð: 95.900 kr.


VIBRATIONS FROM TRAFFIC AND CONSTRUCTION WORK This training course is aimed at those who work with noise and vibration and want to learn more about traffic and construction vibrations, and the Norwegian Standards in these fields.


Topics covered: • Background and introduction to vibrations. • Norwegian standard NS 8141 about limit values for vibrations from construction work to prevent building damage. • Norwegian standard NS8176 about vibration from land based transport (including transport from construction sites) and effects on human beings. • Measurement, storage and treatment of measurement data – practical guidelines and examples.

Karin Norén-Cosgriff is the head of Section at Computational Geomechanics at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) in Oslo. Norén-Cosgriff has been working with noise and vibrations since graduating from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in 1989. Prior to joining NGI in 2006 she has been working with hand-arm vibrations at Atlas Copco Tools in Sweden, and as a noise and vibration consultant at Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS, and Sweco Grøner AS in Oslo.

Who should enroll: Consultants, engineers and designers working with noise and vibrations, representatives from construction companies and authorities. Background knowledge in engineering at MSc level is necessary to follow the course.

Þri. 17. október 2017 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 19. september Verð snemmskráning: 99.900 kr. Almennt verð: 119.900 kr.

Væntanleg námskeið á vormisseri 2018 • Search Inside Yourself – tveggja daga vinnustofa • Leading others með Margaret Andrews • Advanced Team Skills með Margaret Andrews



Negotiations are an integral component of work life. In this one day negotiation training program, professionals of all levels gain negotiation skills for use in any career. You practice tactics with fellow participants in a variety of situations. We explore how real-world challenges can be solved through enhanced negotiation abilities.


Topics covered: • Personal negotiation styles. • Understanding alternatives and when to walk away from a deal. • The importance of relationships in negotiations. • The challenge of transforming competition into cooperation. • Dealing with emotional and irrational situations. • Building coalitions and getting around opposing parties. • Hidden biases and other psychological factors in negotiations.

Diana Buttu is a lawyer specializing in negotiations, international law and international human rights law. Buttu is an instructor at Harvard Extension School. Early in her career, Ms Buttu worked as a negotiator on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, serving as the only female negotiator during her five year tenure. Ms Buttu was a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and at Harvard Law School. She also held a fellowship at the Stanford Center for Conflict Resolution and Negotiation.

Who should enroll: Anyone who negotiates with other employees or external parties and wants to learn how to work better with others. Professionals at all levels benefit from this program.

Buttu holds a BA from the University of Toronto, a JD from Queen’s University in Canada, an LLM from the University of Toronto, a JSM from Stanford University and an executive MBA from Kellogg Northwestern School of Management.

Þri. 6. febrúar 2018 9:00–16:30 Snemmskráning til og með 10. janúar Verð snemmskráning: 99.900 kr. Almennt verð: 119.900 kr.


DO’S AND DON’TS IN NEGOTIATION SKILLS In this three hour negotiation lecture, professionals of all levels get insight into negotiation skills for use in any career.

Who should enroll: Anyone interested in negotiations. Professionals at all levels benefit from this lecture.

Topics covered: • Negotiation styles • Understanding alternatives and when to walk away from a deal • Examples of emotional and irrational situations • Hidden biases in negotiations

Mið. 7. febrúar 2018 9:00–12:00 Snemmskráning til og með 28. janúar Verð snemmskráning: 25.900 kr. Almennt verð: 29.900 kr.


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STYRKIR TENGSLANETIÐ Námskeið með erlendum sérfræðingum hafa fengið afburða dóma - að meðaltali 9,3 stig af 10 mögulegum

Opnunartími Endurmenntunar er mán - fim kl. 8.00–22.00, fös kl. 8.00–17.00 og lau kl. 9.00–12.00 Nánari upplýsingar og skráning á eða í síma 525 4444

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Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands, Dunhaga 7, 107 Reykjavík,

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